DGR vs. RYUKAHR | Blind Race | Super Mallow World (SMW ROM/Hack)

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] that's what we're looking for that's what we're looking for right there oh crap I forgot to keep my tweets set up hold on one second guys I'm so sorry welcome to the stream everyone how is everyone doing today welcome welcome welcome give me one second guys hold up hold up hold up I'm unprepared I'm unprepared it all just happened so fast happy Tuesday guys how's everyone doing tonight welcome aboard I hope you're all doing well me one second here think we're good yeah we're good what's going on guys welcome to the stream how the heck is everyone doing today welcome welcome welcome aboard I'm going to be calling Ryu here in a second to get things started up so hopefully you'll be able to hear his voice that's the goal anyways what's going on guys welcome welcome welcome so if you don't know have any idea what's going on me and Ryu car who's over on Twitch you guys can check out his his stream is in the description so if you guys want to check him him out on Twitch we're gonna be racing at the same time more than likely he'll be winning so if you want to see what future levels look like make sure you go check out reused stream on Twitch but yeah we're gonna be racing this game called super mallet world it is a romhack of super mario world neither of us have played it we don't have any idea what is coming so it's a blind race we don't know anything about the hack just that we've heard it's very very good so I'm going to be calling Ryu here in one second so let's get it started Ram RAM RAM be tae-yong thank you so much for the $2 donation Randy I appreciate it thank you like you what's going on 80 like stay Aki what's going on everybody all right guys I'm gonna call Ryu up and we're gonna get the race started and then I'll be able to look at chat a little bit more so it could be one second Randy thank you so much again man I appreciate it all right let me call him up Oh hopefully you guys can hear him when he answers turn up this a little bit it's going on Joseph Travis hello I saw his speech bubble yo D gr can you hear me I can hear you can you hear me I can't what's up buddy how you doing I'm doing very well I'm excited for this I'm really excited for this this is I've been looking forward to playing this hack for a couple weeks now so I'm pretty pumped I've heard good things I think we'll have a good time I think so I didn't explain about the 2-hour thing that we're doing I'll do that I guess when we start but all right we can uh so I guess if you check in hear me I guess I'll tell mine now everybody yeah go right ahead we're gonna race for we're gonna go for two hours and see who can get the most exits so it's not gonna be about beating the game it's gonna be about who can complete the most levels and we can go it ever way we want so peace which palaces or extra exits whatever the heck we want to do so in two hours pass we'll go back to the title screen and Steve has the highest number on our save file and that'll be our winner you guys get all that heck yeah they did heck yeah I am so ready for this I'm so ready so do you want to like get it started and then we'll call each other at what seven oh five or eight oh wait nine oh five my time yes sounds good to me I'm gonna be running a timer someone say it's two okay that's perfect hours that sounds good let's do it all right buddy all right look ya'll kind of down I'm on the one player game screen I'm ready okay let me get actually let me get there all right I'm ready do it three two one go see you on the flipside good luck all right guys so here we go Randy thank you so much for that donation man I really appreciate it dude welcome welcome thank you so much for that dude I really appreciate it you're gonna check back in two hours are you gonna miss the you're gonna miss the stream then yeah we got the echo echo is all good though that goes all good though now oh gosh dude this is uh dude this is the music from Sonic Heroes we got Sonic Heroes music boys this hack just got insanely it got so much better just because of the Sonic Heroes music dude are you kidding me right now this is amazing so again me and Ryu have never played this hack we have no idea what is in store for us we'll take that checkpoint it's a completely blind race not neither of us have played this yet so it should be pretty fun you don't hear any music alright give me one second oh I'll get that fixed for you guys give me one second I'll get the volume fixed for you here in a second give me one second guys sorry but yeah so the blind race is we're it's not who can beat the game first but I was lucky there hopefully you guys can hear that a little bit better now let me know if you guys can hear that better now Yello what's going on cam you guys should be able to hear it a little bit better now thank you all so much for being here and hanging out I appreciate it so much guys welcome welcome welcome phew subbed and didn't show up I appreciate it you retweet it on Twitter my retweet sounds aren't working so I apologize for that but if you retweeted thank you so much for that I appreciate it so so much still can hear still can't hear okay we might have to yo RAM be my dude thank you so much can you guys hear game sound at all can you hear game sound at all or is it like just really low but can you hear game sound I'm wondering if you're hearing it through my microphone that's my that's my I wonder if you guys can hear that alright guys I got to stop recording for one second I'll be right back I will be right back what's up here whoa alright awesome alright guys I got a let me reset the stream so you guys can hear the game sound because you don't want to miss this music the music so good so I'll beep I think we're back I think we're back hopefully I know the the game's not up yet but the game should game should come up here in a second what's going on Duran what's going on Lindsey I know the game game is not up yet guys but it should come up here in a second give me one second I'm just gonna fly to this level really quick just gonna fly through this level what's going on guys welcome to the stream everyone thank you guys so much for being here I really appreciate it don't you just love technical difficulties don't you just love technical difficulties they just make everything so much so much better yo dang it alright hold on one second guys thank you guys for the retweets and the follows on Twitter I appreciate it so much I apologize for all the technical difficulties guys we're gonna we're gonna get there art is male yeah what's going on average Andrew welcome to the stream hopefully that'll pop up here in a second there we go yes let me know if you guys can hear that too let me know if there is some volume now too dude we got we got mariokart maple treeway music going on right now I'm a happy happy man right now yo Keith with a $5 donation ram be my bro what are you doing what are you doing what's going on neo how you do they do neo it's or anything down here okay nice thank you so much Randy and Keith you guys still can't hear it's a little bit better for sure yes still can't hear all right let me turn it up more all right I legit have it raised to the max now I legit have the music cranked all the way to the max here again guys if you want to check out reuse do and make sure you check him out the link to his Twitter page is in is in the description of the video so make sure you check out Ryu nice we in there but it's very quiet that's really weird I don't know I don't know why it's so quiet guys I apologize for being so quiet wait hold on reuse pause hold on reuse pause we're trying to get it fixed guys trying to get it fixed what's going on burrito brothers everything's low mmm can you one second guys let me see if I can get this figured out see the worst thing is audio issues like I can never figure out audio issues sounds a bit low but it's bearable hmm what's going on wrasse welcome to the stream you can hear it's fine oh my gosh Randy thank you so much thank you so so much man I appreciate it uh I don't know guys everything is cranked to the top ISO and it looks like volume should be coming through it wait a second let me try let me try something yo Randy thank you so much again man let me try one more thing guys all right let me know this is now you guys hear anything what's going on super Rand Master Tyler Devlin gentie whoa a Elsie's in the chat what what's going on al see it's the same it's the same same same okay whatever we're just gonna go with it guys we're gonna go with it I apologize apologize for the technical difficulties but at least you can see it right that's that's the thing that matters most right we're just gonna roll with it we'll do it live exactly we'll do it live we'll do it live what's going on Declan alc it's so good to have you in the chat awesome Randy thank you so much for generosity I really appreciate it so we're gonna get it started back up here guys we're gonna get started back up lower my mic I can do that flabber thank you so much for the $5 donation thank you so much flappers my dude I appreciate it what's going on help make whoa music now I did not know you made this do that's incredible thank you so much man all right I don't know if we use good to go or not I sent him a message so I'm just kind of waiting to hear back from Ryu just sing along to the music I need to turn it up a little bit for me Charles thank you so much for the sub I appreciate it it's gone fat draft baby star Carson crab music and gaming Connor super R and Master J M gaming loop g13 I don't know if we use good to go or not ALC it's really good to go over on that end it's good on burrito brothers wait did restart yo what's going on Tedric did restart back up he started back up it's all good it's all good it's all good it's all good we'll get going here now it's all good tell her you I was down for like five minutes actually tell him like ten minutes oh that sucks rookie mistake right there rookie mistake is his timer yeah he's fine he's fine it wouldn't really matter anyways I mean it would really matter anyways I'm gonna write a message we're good we're good we're all good what's going on Kurt what's going on chill Grand volcano Vega cyst what's going on Vega Sisk I hate Monty moles man I hate them I hate them oh gosh yo frt and Lexi Lian what is going on there's so much thank you so much guys oh my gosh you guys are killing it thank you so much Lexi oh my goodness guys I can't even handle you guys I can't even handle you guys at all thank you guys so much for your generosity you guys did not have to do that but it is greatly appreciated and thank you guys so so much what do I do with this oh nice starting channel soon Randi I will definitely check it out man make sure you put it in the promote yourself section in the discord so I can definitely check you out my dude your Katy cats twin sister what hey you awesome that is awesome thank you so much so much y'all Jacob what's going on man what's going on my life is a lie Charlie Lisa Carlos my amazing channel taped Seth gaming thank you for the sub I appreciate it give you a shot out what's this what do we got here my friends wait what is this whoa okay alright so if you if you let go you fall through these little nubs so you need to be constantly pressing over to land on the nubs that was lucky can I swim in that water I don't want to find out if you are a new sub thank you guys so much for joining it's greatly appreciated really appreciate all the love guys yo Fedora Friday in the chat whats going on guys Fedora Friday is one of the creators of this hack as well guys make she give some love to fedora Friday my friend oh my gosh Tedric in RAM B thank you guys so much what's gone truly delirious Eggs Benedict thank you guys so much revi it's Hedren yo what's going on Lily blue what's up here what's up here is that a shortcut or is that the way we had to go thank you guys so much this is incredible I've just been looking forward to playing this game for so long man I've had it downloaded since the day it came out but I was hoping to race someone and then Ryu was like I'm gonna race something I'm like yeah so it worked out hopefully we don't need that show guys I highly recommend if you're into Super Mario World ROM hacks I mean I've played what like three levels so far and I can already tell you it's one of my favorite rom hacks already it's gone Renaissance walk Gabe T Y gamer Wookiee uh declan robot mania miguel dancing diaper gaming it's good on chose a row Rex Rex with Tex Jacob have you played it have you played the whole thing yet I'm excited man this is the first time I've played it I'm really excited about this I just noticed wait did Mario like grapple across the ceiling there what what just happened what's going on exotic force slayer gaming b-17 victor colin videos the floor is lava on the witch kingdom in the cap kingdom that's awesome look at this guys you can if you hold jump in you can go back oh my gosh Rafi oh my gosh dude this is last donation oh my gosh dude Rambi my dude guys can we get some love for Randy please oh my gosh man you did not have to do that Randy thank you so much okay you can jump I wasn't sure if you could jump on these I was taking a leap of faith there hoping we could [Music] dang it so a checkpoint anywhere checkpoint would be great right about now thank you so much again rambi yes checkpoint checkpoint hi what's going on Nico welcome to the stream I'm racing Ryu car who's over on twitch right now again if you guys want to check out how trees doing here whoa what just happened there I got me oh my gosh Randy what the heck are you doing man oh gosh we did we did thank you so much dude yeah this ROM acts fairly new it was released a couple weeks ago I think it's gone Hendricks Katy pain welcome to the stream and we dead it's gonna Mason thank you guys guys we're almost at 300 likes that's insane that's ridiculous come on thank you guys so much for all the likes and everything I appreciate it so so much there we go yo click what's going on dude good to see you it's gonna Matthew are we in there what's going on Thiago I am playing on an actual Super Nintendo console believe it or not Super Nintendo console lookey vlogs nots not a dead man what's going on mr. Jimmy Steele welcome to the stream it's gonna mine eater dubis fluffy Vulpix llama vlogger Klondike bar read cars winning by a lot he's also Ryu car man let's go on Kyle welcome to the stream no nipple cactus yeah there's none as far as I know there's no nipple cactus in here it's gone Jonah Tucker welcome to the stream oh my gosh for him vite what are you doing me sorry why are you sorry man I'm I'm sorry I can't like properly thank you my dude thank you so much I wanted that cape on you saw thank you so much new sup welcome to the stream oh I want that cape so bad I want the cape dang it nice checkpoint boys checkpoints are oh nice are always a welcome sight okay there's a pipe down there how do we get into that pipe though I want that K if I keep missing all the caves dang it I have a I have a everdrive which lets me play rom hacks on my actual console game rush thanks for the sub man I appreciate it alright let's try this again we built joke city yeah this romhack is very traditional guys it's not um it's not a kaizo hack or anything like that so it's very traditional anyone can pick up and play this so if you're interested in playing a phenomenal Wow I don't know what just happened there phenomenal romhack this is definitely one you wanted to try out it's gone nimble galaxy we're gonna we'll just beat it it's got a Matthew Glover do a no controller run what's going on spooky bass that's awesome Carson very cool what's going on Ben Jake each streets what is a romhack basically a rom AK you guys don't know what a rom AK his people take Super Mario World well not just super mario world but this is a romhack of super mario world so people took oh you can swim in that basically people designed this game using the assets from super mario world and they made their own levels and custom sprites and things like that to make it a whole new gaming experience is essentially what rom hacking is in a in a very basic sense of the word are you kidding me I mean to do that thanks Jonah I appreciate it all right let's go boys it's going on Williams walnut welcome to the stream I have no idea where I'm going I'm hoping this is the right way hoping this is the way all right have fun doing the homework man if you need any help with the homework hit us up in chat we'll help you get a hundred percent on that homework emerald miner the homie thanks so much for the subdued I appreciate it thank you so much my friend it's greatly appreciated yes checkpoint checkpoint what's going on Zack man oh gosh oh my gosh oh that's gonna Kenny Gro welcome to the stream oh [Music] gosh I thought we could jump on that 7 ^ 36 anything but math homework I'm terrible at math oh gosh no no no not the big puffer fish anything with this dude gamer thanks so much for the sub man I appreciate it we live we're alive somehow yo potato baked how the heck are you it's been a while it's been a hot minute how you been potato baked good to see here oh you're too kind waffles thank you so much ma'am yeah Trevor all the new subs thank you guys so much for being here it's greatly appreciated it's good on Andrew Derek brown Zandro green flamer baba it's been a hot potato it has been a hot potato make a nipple cactus romhack yeah I'll get right on that yo switch stuff good to see you man how the heck are you so what's this say wow all jeez this is a kids cave is pretty windy up drafts will carry you upwards alright that's pretty cool it's got a purple warrior homie sea otter nice alright that's that's huge that's huge we got a cave that's nice oh gosh so apparently we got to get a key here apparently we got to get a key our are you kidding me Oh what's going on star blazer all their spikes up there there are spikes up there noted noted that there are spikes up there we will take that checkpoint we will take the checkpoint my dudes there's the key key to my heart right there boys key to my heart what's going on Trevor yo it's gonna be zerk good to see you oh no no no no are we dude are we doomed are we dead is there a way to get up there's no way to get up once you fall in there you're dead Thank You Maddie moose I appreciate a man welcome to the stream I didn't Bacon Channel Cooper welcome to the stream lit in the Khitan all right so now we know that if you fall in there you are screwed so keys don't fall in there uh Scotty I think we're using the lead we had some technical difficulties not that that would change anything but we got all discombobulated oh you can press down okay all right that changes things oh dang it there we go don't choke this out now oh oh how did I know what's going on Kauai Akko welcome happy birthday man it's gone see mango thank you for the sub how did I know what did I say don't choke this why do I open my mouth sometimes yo what's going on Cory how the heck are you tonight my friend dang it we built choke City what's going on - King good to see you what's going on in bar good to see you my friend thanks for being here I hate those guys so much I hate chargin chucks but I kind of like them too kind of like him - in a weird sort of way I kind of like them this is on the Super Nintendo my friend yo zai zai Fox Master how the heck are you my friend jump jump there we go there we go no it's going on crazy boy brown boy welcome to the stream yeah Carl I do man that's rough that's rough boys that's a rough patch right there yo Trent how you and man so we need to stay big there if at all possible we need to stay big I do in Ryan good to see man there we go that's what we need to do that's what we need to do now we can play tell me whoa oh okay wait I lied now we're screwed well just do that I should have just done that oh my gosh we were right at the end oh my gosh we were right at the end what's going on Pizza pal welcome to the stream yeah I just noticed that I do Matthew I just haven't had a chance to do it yet ma'am so aasaiya saying Shahzad welcome to the stream Kyle T Keith Jenn posed in the chat what's going on Jen Poe how was your night Jen cool how was work today you should be watching more dark is all I'm saying okay so I was wondering if those were spikes it's all I'm saying Jen poo is that you should be watching dark right now [Music] oh gosh wait what's going on whoa I did not see that coming holy cow I did I did not see that coming oh my gosh man give me that give me that oh dude there's a there's a like a crosshair on you that's so cool fudge nut brownie what's going on JP it's got a soggy boy welcome to the stream and zero welcome to the stream yeah the butt clench was real and I failed and we didn't hit a checkpoint that's unfortunate you card did this like 20 minutes ago well this is turned into a let's play then just look at it that way EWN network with a $1 donation what hashtag joy some boys dude thank you so much guys let's get some love for EWN Network thank you so much man I appreciate it crap no I wasn't paying attention I wasn't paying attention already Anderson later oh my gosh man alright I got a really pay attention here yo spectryx how are you dude we're gonna get rid of the the spring I don't think we need it [Music] will you just get rid of the spring there we in there what's going on James Tim - John Oh John yo did I say that right there we go we were all that's the thing that sucks dude we were almost to the end of two levels and I choked Rob Reider thank you so much for the kind words I appreciate it I doing tonight Vinny good to see you welcome to the stream you know what's going on pill box nerdy wizard my budget in the chat thank you for the donation well what is this whoa we got a fat Yoshi my boys we got a fat Yoshi what's going on MJ its guns jumbo Jambo this is awesome this is so cool hey Dave love your vids and do you like the we thank you so much do I like the we I love the weed I love the we my friend thank you so much for the generosity dude crap now oh this is so cool this is so cool this is so cool Wesley oh my gosh thank you so much for the donation Wesley this is so cool man this is so neat what do you think what's going on here hehehe hi and also this is thank you so much again Wesley appreciate it and it's gonna Ames I hope I'm doing this right I hope I'm this seems right we got a checkpoint so we must be doing something right okay so now we gotta climb up here oh my gosh dude this level was insane are you guys seeing this we got the disco show ah there we go what's going on k9d welcome to the stream what's going on Nathan welcome in thanks for being here dude it's gone Timothy Nintendo lover welcome to the stream my friend at least we hit that checkpoint let's go on call and middle Dorf if you could have any at any game added to Nintendo's switch probably a Mario maker with like a Mario maker DX will call or Mari make it to as a bunch of new features added to it I think that would be pretty sweet no Yoshi come back Yoshi come back you know what's going on wolf frost you had this dream before I'm holy dragon welcome to the stream I'm definitely not man but thank you so much for the kind words Mario Kart maker yo what's going on news lady tonight Bruce No oh my gosh no flippin hey MJ I'm doing good man how are you hey what's going on G matrix cool creeper how are you hey what's going on link I'm sad that it's only Tuesday but other than that you know it is what it is is what it is all right later switch stop thanks for stopping in man I appreciate it hopefully I can get through this level here there we go thank you new subs - by the way guys I appreciate it so so much no no I wasn't quick enough man I wasn't quick enough hi C&D do i like mario sunshine I do like mario sunshine thank you for the generosity man and nerdy wizard thank you so much for the donation what is going on guys thank y'all so much for the love you welcome next slide we got it this time I just got to be quicker this time he's gonna be quicker this time boys yeah Yoshi's just chilling out in the lava get there kid no dude what am I supposed to do there what am I supposed to do there oh wait I can grab that other shell I can grab the other shell oh my gosh it's gone innocently on gaming mushroom MJ that's it yeah Thank You Fedora as I told you man I am a I'm a filthy casual when it comes to this game I love it but I'm a filthy casual wasn't even thinking about redoing it man wasn't even thinking about redoing the shell there I was just trying to like go for it man there we go gosh hang in there boys yes we in there finally what's going on print site City on every Logan BIM per David Martin welcome everyone thank you all so much for being here as a bonus game in the pipe and I skipped it and I skipped it fedora thank you guys for all the support I I know we're getting destroyed guys that's okay it's just for fun it's just for fun now Jaret art we're getting destroyed but that's okay it's gonna bake potato fireman I think Cedric I appreciate it man I love mega man so I'm mr. gamer tip-toe ninja tiptoe ninja you know what we can do that we can do that though [Music] so if you guys don't know this game was actually made for glitch cat 7 he is a streamer over on Twitch we are actually from the same hometown and we went to high school together he was a couple he was about 3 or 4 grades ahead of me in school but he is a crazy good Mario maker player and kaizo romhack player so it's really cool like that we we live in the same hometown I think that's just kind of neat [Music] well how do I get up there oh I got a spin on that okay we gotta time this yeah hello world I have discord there we go [Music] [Music] all right let's go oh gosh we almost died how are we alive oh thank goodness thank goodness for a checkpoint thank goodness for the checkpoint it's gonna Mario diamond master I should have read what that said I should have read what that said because now I have no idea what I'm doing I don't think I can hurt this guy can I yeah I'm just gonna I'm just gonna kill myself there what's going to end up what's going on Olivia wait how am i winning there's no way I'm winning right now there's no way I'm winning it's gone it yeah Duran right MLG let's see what this text block has to say this I meant to read it so the blarg are a mysterious species aren't they this one can even shoot fire they the only way to defeat it is to spin on its nose hi guys we got a spin on his nose we use overrated oh my gosh I don't think that counted I don't think that count is I don't think we're hitting them in the nose is that is that hitting him in the nose am i hitting him in the nose their text box can save your life kids tutorials can save your life okay there I got him we got him once got him twice boys got him twice no thank you Jeff Jones I appreciate it welcome to the stream my friend thank you for being here we had a boys we had it we had it we'll get it this time now that I got know what's going on here oops now I'm J you're the best man you're the best alright let's go guys let's go let's get it it's gone Collin I need to get like more comfortable or something there we go all right the blog kind of like took a nap there's that for a second son-of-a-gun yes yes we clutched it out we clutched it out for once in my life I was clutch I'm playing on an actual Super Nintendo in duck and I want the Eagles to win it's been on Schrodinger finally was clutch for once in my life Skyler thank you so much for the sub I appreciate it yes I am a major football fan my team is the Steelers though and they're out of it yeah we'll save it Nathan yeah has anyone taken the Mario Odyssey Community Challenge quiz yet I can tell you this we have we have had over a thousand participants and I think 17 I've gotten a perfect score 17 out of over a thousand wait did ryu game over guys it's Ryu it's Ryu and remember anything can happen here absolutely anything could happen it's Ryu guys the run is young my friends [Music] dang it dang it you know thank you so much new subs guys I really sincerely do appreciate it this level is awesome look at that look at that that's so cool okay you can't jump on those can I give you a hint uh no I cannot that wouldn't be fair I'm not gonna lie guys I can't hear the music I have my volume really low so it's not coming through the TV and coming through the mic then I'm thinking about gaming game over in here to get some new lives what are your guys thoughts on that I'll try it SuperMario Logan with a $1 donation hello do you like super my Logan or smg4 you know what I could ask this question all the time I do in Cat welcome to the stream I've never watched either of them I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I've never watched either of them XP game em do good man how are you what's going on Linda Copeland yeah that was a good death there because we had to save we had the save point there so that was if we were gonna die somewhere that would definitely be it the first level after the save point [Music] oh yes give me that what's down here let's check was down here David Martin with a one dollar donation thank you so much I didn't Tory welcome to the stream yes we'll take that all day David thank you so much for the donation my friend I really appreciate it I want the Eagles one yummy I'm not a Patriots fan in the slightest gosh we almost ruined that checkpoint checkpoint again guys if you want to check out Ryu make sure you go check out his stream as well he's over on Twitch but you should definitely go give him some love if you're not following him on Twitch should definitely go and do that for sure [Music] oh I can hear the dkc music oh yeah oh [Music] okay we'll take that we'll take that what's going on Sara Stevens and f4 industries welcome I'm new this channel so can you tell me your name Callie player my name is Dave and welcome aboard my friend thanks for being here it's got spooky shadows or spooky burger and little shadows Robert orbán Jack Stein unfunny meme Linda Copeland okay I can definitely hear what this music is this is uh maple treeway my friends one of my favorite musical pieces in any video game I love it so much [Music] whoa that was a quick checkpoint I'll take that checkpoint I'll take that quick checkpoint take that all day long in so that's it I guess I should kind of explain the background behind these sprites so as you can see we're not playing with Mario but we are in fact playing with a cat named mallow and as I was talking about glitch cat earlier this is we're playing as glitch cats cat mallow so that's where this uh where this all comes from is there anything back take that Jarrod's been good man how's your day been it's in a pop Pocket Gamer dad no I'm actually playing on an actual Super Nintendo Pocket Gamer great question normally to play ROM acts most people play them on a PC I would say about 90% of people I would play on a PC but we are playing well that is a fast Goomba that is a fast fast Goomba we are playing on a never drive which essentially lets you play rom hacks on your actual console so there's no input lag I'm playing on a little 13-inch boob-tube TV it's pretty nice I like it I like it in my opinion it's the only way to play okay we got to get up there boys there we go there we go we'll take that let's take that let's get on golden fire foxy gaming again guys it's not to see who can beat the game first but who has the most exits at the end of two hours so even if I would you are already dead what was that [Music] what was that what just happened there oh my gosh what just happened there bro that was crazy that was crazy I was not expecting that I was not expecting at all all right cat no problem thanks for stopping in I cheated death indeed Sophie bugged with a $10 donation or Stephie I'm so sorry Stephie thank you so much guys let's get some love for Stephie in the chat thank you so much defi oh my gosh that is so cool I have never seen that mechanic before in Super Mario World that is crazy dude [Music] that is insane what in the world what in the world that is insane this is so cool this is so cool man I love this I love this so much okay wait where am I supposed to go here I'm guessing we have to go down here mr. potato with a $2 donation I do mr. potato love your Eckstein thank you so much mr. potato my dude oh gosh that is amazing Fedora Friday yo we getting ready to buy KC right now what's going on KC thank you so much for the Ray was going Isacc animates its got on Cory plays welcome to the stream Jameson thank you guys so much for the Ray what's going on Jessie coming in that radio what's going on burrito welcome Raiders thank you guys so much for being here that's so awesome thank you guys so much one of my mods could please grab KC's link make sure you guys go check out KC another awesome streamer here on YouTube gaming go give him some love thank you so much man how was uh dang it how was mario odyssey going you're doing your 100% viewers choices kingdoms I was lurking in there all right we can't we need to not choke this out here thank you new sub by the way I appreciate it so so much [Music] thank you so much again Casey 100% the luncheon Kingdom that's awesome the luncheon game there's actually one of my least favorite kingdoms believe it or not okay oh dang it dang it oh my gosh who me and yeah I mean where you are we've been friends for a while I can't afford to take all this time on this level man so I play Smash Brothers a little bit I'm not very good at Smash Brothers so if the door Friday this is custom programming this is so cool man I want to keep dying so I can play this level over and over what's going on Pig good to see you man welcome to the stream let's try this one more time it's going on a polar welcome to the stream this is craziness craziness your son says I will Pocket Gamer that's awesome in tell your son I said hello as well what's your what's your son's name if you don't mind me asking I'd like to personally say hello to him all right if I fail this part one more time come on all I gotta do is jump on this dude fudge nut brownies bro oh my gosh oh my gosh what's going on Alexander Oh green flame kills the cloud thank you so much thank you so much neither green flame noted very helpful because I would have just tried I would have kept trying to jump on him until I died and that would have been bad watch my language I don't think I said anything I think I said fudge nut brownies is that round upon what's going on pro-gamer Nick welcome to the stream waise jump you out here no Jen Phu have a great night thank you so much for being here it's gonna wonk a wizard one more try here boys one more try fudge exactly fudge nut brownies are quite delicious my wife will tell you that she came up with that phrase but she's lying I came up with it I came up with fudge nut brownies one there we go Xander your life is complete that's awesome his name is Jordan well Jordan hello you have an awesome dad and thanks for supporting the channel Dave or Jordan I appreciate it very offensive to people with nut allergies Oh Chris where would I be without you my dude where would I be without you what's going on Luigi all right use the green flame use the green flame all right yes yes yes okay all right we in there yeah I'm using a Super Nintendo I'm using I'm on the actual Super Nintendo console what did that do what am I supposed to do oh my gosh there's one hidden down here there's one hidden down here what a rapscallion yo what am I supposed to do go back through the pipe I did go back through the pipe oh my gosh what okay we got to make this jump here yes yes yes oh gosh oh my gosh what's going on rocker chick in high law Spanish dude what's going on trace Wow dude I was like I forgot about like I totally forgot about that whole death thing I totally forgot about the whole death thing I was just talking about how much I loved the death mechanic then I did that I'm kidding me Thank You pancake yo thank you so much Casey for the raid really appreciate dude you have a great night dad is the great Garcia welcome to the stream I know I got a little bit suicidal on that level I'm like why did I was like you guys just told me to kill myself and then I realized oh yeah you're supposed to kill yourself hey take care of Linda thanks for stopping in my back we can go through here and go through here I was trying to shell jump didn't work out she'll jump did not work out what's going on Brian welcome to the stream we go hey later sniper boy have a great night man thanks for stopping in appreciate it dude all right there we go we don't we can just beat this level normally now maybe maybe we can do it normally what is going on with that Goomba dude look at that Goomba that goombas having none of it dude he's like what what's going on bro rooster how you doing man good to see you again I love this game it's amazing I just don't wanna mess up here you still want to mess up here we'll take that we'll take that what's going on Arthur bein fortnight and more Ugandan David Smith panda Panda there we go iron Pikachu Asch woods we'll take it yeah great question Nathan's asking how you guys liked the on dude it's all bloody this is crazy how did you guys like the community challenge I thought we had a meeting Nathan had a lot of fun coming up with pictures for the challenge I'm hoping to do more challenges like that in the future so hopefully you guys enjoyed it dank we did thank you tres what's going on Elijah in a def fly eagles fly yeah thank you guys so much for participating the partition participation in that [Music] contest has been phenomenal like in the first couple hours we've already had over a thousand people participate which has been absolutely insane guys we are very appreciative of it those are cool little pumpkin sprays I like that I like that a lot [Music] we're gonna go back here guys now Anthony you are the best man you are the best I don't know why I was worried about troll blocks there I was freaking out about troll blocks maybe an eight in sushi king I just have like a bad taste in my mouth from playing so much Mario maker I'm like there's gonna be troll blocks somewhere [Music] [Music] yo where's the keyhole yo where's the keyhole where's the keyhole what's gonna oversee your samurai secret is in the sub area we're going back my friends we're going back we're playing a Super Mario World romhack called Super mallow world and I can honestly say we've not completed it yet but this is definitely one of my favorite rom hacks I've played it's up there with Banzai Mario World as one of my favorites already how are we alive right now how are we alive right now [Music] let's try that again let's try that again my friends Jane's dude isn't an amazing man oh I know we got to do we got to ride this baby we got to ride this sucker I bet oversee your samurai but you are too kind man thank you for the kind words bro appreciate it I knew it I knew it I knew it Katie that's hilarious I love that Katie that's so cool honestly it's you know how it is when you're married when you're married it's all about the little things right all about the little things and thank you so much nisab if your new Saab thank you guys so much for joining the channel I really appreciate it means the absolute world to me thank you guys so much we're almost to 500 likes which is crazy I know it's not I know it's not Mario world or Mario Odyssey guys but the support that you guys have given me tonight has been unreal and I really appreciate it let's go on Manuel Hernandez welcome to the stream [Music] wanna go in there it's good on trace wait frost in here yo is frost one of the other Creators that name is sounding familiar is that the frost that was also one of the creators of this hack if it is that is awesome thank you guys so much for stopping in I appreciate it that's so cool see if we can get the yump here never mind nope didn't get the Yelp it's gonna freeze in mine JZ boy thanks for the sob man I appreciate it any-any good indie rock songs off the top of my head I can't think of any Thank You potato yo he did some stuff that's so cool guys make sure you give some love defrost him Fedora fry there to the creators of this hack Fedora Friday again has made some other amazing rom hacks like fedora world so much good stuff in yo what oh those are munchers those are monsters I didn't see those munches hanging out there the last hope what's going on man shout out to Franz Ferdinand whoa Fedor Friday my bad I can't read my reading comprehension skills have just steadily declined since I've stopped reading books but yeah guys this this is an amazing amazing ROM Mac if you like I said I've said it like four or five times now but if you like playing rom hacks this is a must must must play definitely one of my favorites [Music] yo we got that 500 like hive thank you all so much that's so cool man that is so cool and so much appreciated guys thank you all so much let's get on Cameron Keffer welcome to the stream it's a it's a cat it's a cat yo there's a checkpoint we in there have I ever speedran yeah I've seen gran i speedrun mario odyssey mario 64 Mario Brothers won in Super Mario World very very casually mind you I'm not very good so I don't know if speedrunning is the correct term to use but I try I do my best I think my best this music though oh my gosh right in the fields bro right in the fields while dedicated streams someone's bday I'm not sure what you mean it's just Jared I'm sorry man I'm trying to keep up Thank You orange I appreciate him in do I like potatoes I love potatoes so Kayden I've tried that a bunch of times I don't think it's possible at this point in time unless unless someone finds a new glitch or something I don't think it's what is this level this is insane this is insane look at this this is amazing yo what's going on mr. J mine how are you dude this game would be really fun to speedrun one once you learn the levels and stuff this game would be so fun to speed run you know if anyone's Fedora Friday has anyone speedran oh gosh oh gosh mistakes were made mistakes were made take it mistakes were made yeah Dylan we're playing I'm playing against her you reused streaming over on Twitch so if you guys want to check out our youth how he's doing make sure you go check out his twitch channel I don't know if I finished my question - Fedora Friday has anyone started to be running this game yet crap I wasn't paying attention YouTube man what's going on dude we are playing a super mario world rom hat called super mallet world highly highly highly recommend it [Music] um I've played a lot of mario world rom hacks and this is definitely up there with the best in them I'm by no means a like reviewer or anything of that matter but it's got the dgr seal of approval that's for sure dang it it's got the dgr seal of approval oh gosh [Music] oh gosh all right so wait what do we got to do here what do we got to do here boys it's gone over see here so we got it there's a white light somewhere dang it alright oh gosh I hate these fishing ghosts oh gosh these things are such a pain in the butt these things are such a pain in the butt Ria's definitely got a advantage with this fight he's done so many of these types of boss fights dang it dude [Music] we got this [Music] spread the words for the love I appreciated orange and thank you so much YouTube man leaf when can I buy you a switch I wish I could man I wish I could Gavin if you there's a link to this hack in the description as well so if you are interested in this hack definitely check out that link fudge fudge oh gosh okay we're still alive we're still alive let's just walk through here casually casually dang it dang it we got a kink raid wait what let's get on Darien we got awesome Jessie Carlos one tapped what is going on guys welcome readers thank you guys so much it's gone Owen we got my Kristen we got this ain't no fooling around we got cherish Haven we got dart dart kyoutei Megan Gregory angel bro thank you so much King my dude thank you so much where's the man himself it's gone on Lisa B WWV welcome to the stream that's so cool man thank you so much for the raid welcome Raiders if one of my mods could please grab Kinks stream I appreciate it tink I was watching your stream today you were playing Majora's Mask what were you playing tonight man I like apple juice a lot what's going on sexy wah thank you for the retweet I appreciate it I hate these guys I can never figure out their patterns I can never figure out their patterns it's gonna Angel em I can never figure out their dang patterns man sucks I don't want to have to restart here eight he is streaming over on Twitch let's get on the crafter welcome to the stream what's going on Roger frame welcome oh gosh dude no I don't wanna I don't want to choke here I don't want to choke here we're gonna try it we'll try it you can control their movements for a bit Fedora Friday tell me more man tell me more what are the secrets here yo there's kings areas dude thank you so much for the raid my friend I really really appreciate it so cool we may what are you playing that I you just keep swimming swimming swimming I know we can't build choke City Stephie I hope we got it I hope we got it I need to figure this out you know Joseph alright now there's a lot of levels in this romhack believe it or not yo that's huge that's huge that's huge that's huge getting through there no way no way no way hey what's going on Arrieta what's going on in Tendo fan oh gosh no uh what's going on Mike welcome to the stream Mike hey dude man gosh no did we really clutch that out again did we really clutch it out again oh my gosh oh my gosh I did not expect to do that I did not expect that at all what's going on Trenton yeah man how are you King I really appreciate you spreading the love dude that that means the world to me thank you so much man again guys makes you check out King keep you haven't already done so in Geoffrey Oh see what what would have happened guys if we would have game over there we would have had to start back like three levels or something like that so that's that's huge that's huge huge do good cherish how are you I can't live this is called supermodel world it's a super mario world romhack a fantastic one at that [Music] whoa what is this man this is awesome this is freaking awesome dude [Music] I'm just running now dude I'm just like let's get through here although I probably should die yeah weird you know what I'm actually gonna kill myself here I'm gonna kill myself here because now we'll start with five lives great question King I'm not sure I'm not sure I would imagine reuse probably beating me several times over he's probably gone through the level two or three times Thomas clade with the $2 donation so I have a story I wanted to donate but apparently 13 isn't old enough for a credit card who woulda guessed so I bought a prepaid Visa told my mom it was for a good cause oh my gosh you didn't have to do that dude thank you so much oh my goodness my friend you did not have to do that you beat the ghost Stephie with a $10 donation thank you both so much dude go buy yourself I don't know something dude don't spend it on me man don't spend that on me spend that on yourself my friend thank you so much for your generosity what's going on Sam I want to get some peace begone here there we go I appreciate it so much Thomas but that enemy was really hard to see what's down here oh we want that we want that we want that yes game changer game changer my friends no [Music] cheese and we're just choosing a little bit cuz I'm just imagining that reused pretty far ahead so I want to catch up a little bit yeah you can play this on PC I'm actually playing on an actual Super Nintendo console though yo Nicky what's going on man I'm sorry just called you man Nikki how are you tonight Nikki it's gonna skylander Ryu is ahead right now yeah I figured he was it's gonna mister Bosna ropes ropes everywhere thank you so much new sub as well I appreciate it each rope seems to do different things depending on the color everything seems normal so far oh gosh [Music] winking face dude thank you so much man I really appreciate it my friend but you don't have to do that no one has to donate you guys are here donating your time and spending time with me oh gosh there we go that means more than you guys will ever know honestly all right so watch out pink rope is bad it will damage you if you touch it perhaps the Koopas lathered it with anti feline spray good to know [Music] so we want to avoid pink ropes this is so cool man dang it how do I get out wait how do I get out of here my stock did I wait am I stuck was I stuck hi Jake you don't have to do that man that's a soft flog it looked like a soft lock I thought it was but I was like I don't know maybe maybe there's some goodies Hut hidden up there maybe there's some goodies up there thank you so much new sub I'm so sorry I missed too it was but it's greatly appreciated I did not want to lose our Cape there but that's okay [Music] oh I had a brain fart I had a brain fart oh my gosh I totally forgot what what the ropes did oh my gosh Finn I have no idea man it wasn't me but if the mods banned you for something they don't just ban for no reason my dude so I don't know what's going on but you're in here now so just have some fun sit back relax man and yeah don't worry about it just have some fun what it's all about dude alright so we can jump there [Music] crap Oh No grab it grab it grab it I wanted him to grab it I wanted to grab it what's going on Brooks Thank You Gavin I appreciate it the kind words my friend dang it's not all David I trust me I am far from a pro Pro dude as you just saw that Thomas thank you again my friend yes please do spend the rest of my favorite color the alphabet my favorite would be radish I don't know the meme I'm sure that's a meme and I have no idea what it is guys I'm I'm a 28 year old dude I don't know these these uh that move was so pro that it doesn't you don't even know how Pro it was what's going on silent cartographer how are you my friend Thank You al alter I appreciate it later trace orange that's really kind of you man thank you so much all right we want to keep our this time around let's keep our feather as long as we can our cape I mean we got it this time boys we got it this time [Music] [Music] dang it those things I don't know what kind of enemies those are but they are they are nasty dude mr. J mine we have about whoa whoa there's just a dolphin hanging out back there that's so cool we have about half hour left I think Jose mama no no one hates you not the friend Lisa fish not at all I love what you do I got a switch in Odyssey because of your videos pew pew that's so cool man thank you for sharing that with me it's comments like those that really they mean so much man thank you so much for the kind words really appreciate it dude we're actually gonna use the cape ting tang walla walla bing bang oh gosh yo thank you so much new sub welcome aboard I miss - it was but thank you so much [Music] Dave 37 Dave this is your future self this is the only safe way oh who is that oh my gosh that's so weird reminds me I've been what I watched this show dark and this no I watch the show dark and this reminds me of it wow that's so funny oh my gosh it's gonna xyq good to see you man who did that I'm so curious who that was it's freaking awesome maybe so much new sub I miss - it was Ross I would say Ryu is beating me to bits do I like soup I love soup do you like oh my gosh how many times have I died in that spot right there I would say I've died at least five or six times in that one spot it's not like that is not the spot you're supposed to die in I just keep falling off the the Rope there we go I don't want to have to restart there I don't want to have to restart this I don't have a game over here oh my gosh Thomas well you said no more donations my gosh thank you so much well guys we know who it was now Thomas you are a rapscallion my friend you are a wrap Scalia and I mean that in the nicest way all right so this part is craziness oh my gosh what did I just do I need to be clutch here I need to be clutch I need to be clutch here I don't really know the reading of the word clutch but I need to do it let's go that jump freaks me out cuz you have to do a little baby hop there baby hop scare me baby hop scare me [Music] whatever whatever we're running or runnin that sucks we were right at the end man we were right at the end ah hey what's going on retro Kraken big butts at least we got it done and now we just can't die we can't die the rest of the way what's going are each no pressure now we just can't die the rest of the way dude it's from Super Mario Kart oh my gosh Super Mario Kart has one of my favorite soundtracks ever oh this has hit me right in the fields all the fields oh that's the fields yep yep they're hit oh my gosh get up there all that for a stinkin coin isn't that what you feel when you have the feels nathan is not the emotions you make oh gosh yeah I just write in the fields your beauty is distracted oh no I just want to beat this level yes yes yes what's going on dr. Mouse 14 Diamond gamer yes we are in fact live yellow later cat thinks you're stopping and I appreciate it thank you for all the GG's kink appreciate the support ma'am oh there's a secret exit here we need to get a one up we need a one up right here what's the man gotta do to get a 1-up around here upon entering this pipe you will enter blurt beeps you need your trusty Marine pop how to control use the d-pad to move up down yo this is gonna be awesome it's gonna be awesome you guys want to know the secret to my grill it was tinfoil how to show my foggy side whoa dude this is so cool are you seeing this yo game domain hijack I found out that DG R stands for darn good repairs you are correct DG I'll go from that to what it is today there's a funny story behind anyway do you remember me from Bath Street I do go game domain first of all thank you you dunk city floor is lava game domain yes I do remember you thank you for the donation so the channel originally started when my father-in-law sold his he owned a video game store a local video game store it was rad it was really cool and I worked there when I was in college as a part-time job and anyway so he sold the store but he had all this knowledge of like how to do video game repairs and stuff like on consoles yeah so anyways we just decided to start up a YouTube channel to make videos on how to do repairs and things like that so that's what we were gonna be doing and like right after we started the channel he got a new job everyone died oh well that wasn't he got a new job though what does that have to do with him not making videos really anyways he got busy so we had this channel sitting here so I was like I've always wanted to try live-streaming like I've just I've always watched so many live streamers and I was like I'd like to give that a try sometime so I randomly started started one time and the rest as they say is history I've been very very blessed and fortunate to have such such an awesome community such dang it such great support very thankful for it yo wait so you didn't tell me this was the plan that you guys never mind never mind yo what's gonna sharpen a t' Firelord jeremy welcome thank you so much Jerry I appreciate it ocean palace all right we've been doing this all in one life I need to get another life here look at all those chargin chucks uh-oh time is running out gotta go fast now looks like we got a run at sonic speed [Music] I'm sure he's like destroying me [Music] no no we can't die here boys we can't die here King you're the king thank you so much - King it was fun yo we need to get some coins here we need to get some coins here yo we got another donation or is that the King Messiah man to some Taco Bell Taco Bell whoa he just multiplied [Music] yes yes we got a 1-up that is HUGE taffey yet all right I didn't want what I did not want to die there that sucks that sucks that sucks to take a death there take a dump there son-of-a-gun yeah that'd be yeah you can say no stay stay no I want you to stay why won't you stay here's the face stay [Music] please we want you to stay everyone wants you to stay excuses are for the weak [Music] there we go oh let's go now this is true love hey Thank You Ryan I think you were the sub me I appreciate it yo give me a save give me a save point boys yeah make music gaming I do oh look at the eyepatch on those guys and oh this is so cool we stick around for a couple minutes know everyone loves you stick around [Music] my shirt see oh gosh I thought we were dead there I know I need to get a safe point somewhere that's not good this is not good oh gosh I didn't do anything no dude no look how far back we have to start pink oh my gosh cheer up buttercup we built joke city [Music] nope now you gotta stay you gotta stay now we clutched out so many levels there no you gotta stay now yes you do you have to stay now get over here get over here you're helping out you're helping the cause you trying to say no stop get over here people want you here well that changed I'm still salty that weapon Lee it was all you Oh get up there stick around for a sec nerdy wizard see they love de amundo we love see they want you they want shoutouts from you say shoutouts oh my gosh dude that sucks so bad could fly our way through here thing is possible is it possible is it possible why are you pinching me know if for you takes a ten minute if for you stops playing now I will eat a banana on stream yes I don't even know if ten minutes would be enough oh because we're done here and that was a very untimely death I had honesty all right no oh gosh Chris he does have Chris was hanging out over and restream with the champ dude I don't deserve it it won't matter anyways he's so far ahead I bet he's so far ahead man it's not even alc it's no big deal this was just so fun to do what's your dream a 14-inch banana he can he can handle he can handle a big banana small bananas even I can't even handle a small banana I'm so sad I couldn't clutch this yeah so did I have game over twice now you've known an accident oh yeah ALC big old banana to need for twitch that word is so funny just cry slows editing he might make some of the best video Chris I can't tell you I've ever seen I don't know how many views that video has but I can guarantee you at least half of those are Amanda I can guarantee it there's no doubt in my mind we eat a banana does that mean I gotta eat it no I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't do it I can't I can't do it oh my gosh he's in the Chop get a bag I'm gonna throw up get a bag I'm gonna throw up son of a gun oh my gosh I didn't think he would go for it he's a he's a competitive man he wants to win that's too lewd that's too late oh my god my leg is like we have twitching I'm not allergic to ban bananas I just hate I've hated him since I've been a wee lad guys like him I didn't think he'd go for it I was just joking oh my gosh talk oh my gosh quick today like I'm gonna have to stop playing do you realize that I'm gonna eat and stop playing because I'm gonna be throwing up here let me get through this level and I promise you I will take a bite I'm gonna pass I'm gonna throw up I'm gonna throw up hey what's going on - buck yo nerdy and Thomas thank you guys so much oh my gosh I don't want to die here you you said it I was joking Dave Lake is seriously twitching so this is not a joke I hate bananas Thank You Nathan I think Kurt I T in your mouth day put IT in my mouth she said I t Piper she is crazy crazy crazy in love all right let me get through the pipe here okay the last time Dave tried to eat a banana he literally like I'm gonna get out of the wakes he's gonna go off camera and like throw up what is the smell it's everything the color the smell the taste the texture I just want to swear I would this is a baby you must like grow them outside his oh fudge oh fudge Robert thank you so much I can't do it I can't freakin do it close my eyes do you guys want like a side profile picture this is for you well I gotta have the bag ready yeah mind over matter mind over matter well the more I take a kid I can't I can't I'm gonna take as much as I can boys I think as much as I can I'm taking as much as I can boys and one bite get it over with get it over with here we go I'm going for it I'm going deep boys Oh [Music] oh well dingo the cube with the $1 donation [Music] hello oh my gosh I was laughing so hard I cried I seriously he did that to himself totally did that to himself uh Rio was it worth it was it worth it Rio I hope so I watching them play back oh my gosh Oh reow let's go man I don't even know what I'm doing I'm ready where do I go I figured he played that one hey guys all right we ready three two Oh metria we're racing oh honey you have eight minutes left Dave's back all right Ryu you and Dave my body instantly I don't want anything but my body instantly rejects it like as soon as it I don't know if when I when it touch the back of my throat I know I I know it I gagged like no-one said oh my gosh [Music] I didn't kill enough of the skin back thank you [Music] thank you l feel like I need to pay you you can you take the banana Kappa [Music] banana had a great bag less teeth next time boo mkay [Music] Thomas I'm officially Thomas's hero you are officially my hero I it was instant it was instant like I I don't care if people think that was made up that was 100% real gags well I wanted to give it a good old college try I wanted to give it a college try like I wanted you guys to know this is the best month ever first mustard and now you got to love the banana gag crispy mustard hate bananas to myself there Thanks Dave's gag reflex it's real my friends I can't even I can't I'm dead Gavin takes it out of you like when you gag your whole body just like convulses wha what is this dude as King K rool yeah is this we were at a save point if I would have beat him this would be a save point but I'm saying last time thank you I have to pay you after watching you take that banana GG Dave Dean technique technique [Music] this is insane this is so cool [Music] I just got a he shoots out of shale here [Music] that's so cool this is an insane boss fight this is so cool man you always a ghost he's a ghost going on stackers whatever we'll take it yo Thomas oMG Pirates of the Caribbean theme HHH HHH we playin back you like that you like that you have a bakery wait what oh my gosh i want to buy i want i love pastries i love bring cheese danishes we love Dean I love cinnamon buns we in there boys Alec it means we've never played this before that's all it means [Music] your color came back were you just finished playing till nine you beat the game of course he did he's were you well if I hadn't choked there we would have made up a lot of ground not saying we would have won oh there's like trucks there's trucks Yoshi can eat trucks it's so cool Yoshi can eat trucks you learn something new every day oh gosh I can only I can only imagine whoa oh gosh yeah yo she eats everything now see how funny would it be you know this little the bead work she does Dave with a banana work a magnet for the fridge that's one for the memory books kids sugar sure snap peas yo wait there's a baby oh wait we got more pastry chef what is going this is awesome what's me I gotta do to get some pastries around here you can't bake Oh I mean you can bake these she's not I bake I just I'm more of a cook Carmen's in bed still here switched off I'm still here man yes I love stranger things I love stranger things come on Austin welcome to the stream how many worlds are there if hey I made you that really good King was good that was good this is awesome I love snow levels MJ you should have loved snow levels MJ is such a man of many talents he plays the horror he speaks on Jeff can I solve a Rubik's Cube no I cannot Thank You cat I'm glad you got to stay - it's at work it's good on super dude GG dude GG - you see when you play with a head start know what are those points you golf handicap handicap what all right I can't even handle this I can't even handle this that's awesome bite it's awesome what the cheese sauce is this Jim horn this is super mallalieu ryu has a timer going he didn't call me but gosh what the heck I gotta be honest all I can think about it's that banana in my mouth and what it did to me it changed me it changed me that was a fun jump oh my gosh I'm trying I just get a checkpoint I must yellow swag oh gosh nervous wreck now why don't you look on that your OBS screen is there lag yes [Music] bad happy I'm Isaac I have been watching your videos for a long to thank for that donation man I appreciate do you have a nice lot man thank you so much I cannot play any instruments I can't unfortunately I switched off I hate bananas and I told Ryu that if he gave me a he stopped playing out eat a banana Adie advil advil Abby I just know is my maybe this isn't add V ad me thank you so much again add V Ryu is dinkleberg confirmed well he's that too Ryu is Jimmy woods from The Wizard you guys ever seen the movie The Wizard Ryu is Jimmy woods I've confirmed it on my Twitter account on several different occasions I was going to make a documentary on how he is Jimmy woods just grown up yo its Hedrick thanks for stopping in man have a great night dude appreciate you being here as always my friend it was meant to be can i whistle I can't whistle whistle better than you better than you does she like the wizard because if she does that is a keeper my friend that is a keeper so Michelle there is in the movie The Wizard there's this videogame prodigy called his name's Jimmy woods and Ryu is just so good at video games I ended up calling him Jimmy woods I haven't called him that in a while but I think he needs sub but I just jokingly call him Jimmy woods oh my gosh I am Don dude I'm done the wizard was so good I can't find my VHS tape of it I need to get it on like DVD or something yeah thank you fedora I appreciate it man no he is the older brother of Jimmy woods but Christian Slater's in it remember Christian Slater he was like the 90s hunk the name like Christian Slater how can you not be a hunk right AC Slater Christian Slater if you have the word Slater is in your name you are a stud so I'm so sorry for door Fridays you probably you probably told me how close am I to the like regular ending I know I've missed a lot of levels but I'm just curious how close I am to the regular end it's gone wrecks enjoying what Oh Mason yeah Mason I didn't get a chance to see Mason play this but like from his Twitter he was like really moved by it like you don't know how much time goes into this making this Spanish dude dude yeah man it's all about fun like I know I'm racing you racing use that term lately but it's all about fun we use a great sport I never go into it expecting to win it's just for fun man I'm just thankful that he's a good sport when you know let's me uh dang it plays along with me I still want to do a Glover race with him we've never played Glover I don't know I've never played it he's never played it I've heard that's a good game to like race appreciate you so much Spanish - what's going on yellow kazoo are you tonight I am my insides are messed up right now my insides are just gone where you buy my merch I have a teespring account set up for t-shirts 100 100 % of the profit goes to wounded warriors no I'm just kidding I don't care Rees done GG to Ryu [Music] I'm pretty sure were you it will yeah we're good Ryu thank you so much for racing with me dude I appreciate it [Music] shout outs please everyone say if please say big Gigi's to Ryu for open up on me big Gigi's to Ryu I don't even know where I'm at I don't even know where I'm at right now where am I I'm so confused right now yeah time is up I do want to finish this I might finish this another day something that I do want to finish though it's so good time is up yeah guys I'm gonna I'm gonna call it a night for me don't feel good I don't feel good at all but let's go and you guys wanna go on an awesome raid here let's go on a raid guys again huge thanks to Ryu for hanging out I appreciate it so much I appreciate it so much so guys we're gonna go raid my good friend Darby from DGR Darby from dgr I can't even I can't even thank you guys so much for everything all the donations all the new subs everyone thank you guys so so much guys have a great rest of your night we're gonna go with that hashtag DG our raid go read my du Darby guys go rape I do Darby take care everyone have a great rest of your evening I'll see you can tomorrow with some more Mario Odyssey take care guys thank you so much later everyone are you hit stop streaming oh now we are
Channel: DGR
Views: 35,936
Rating: 4.9324183 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Odyssey, Mario Odyssey Ending, Super Mario Odyssey live, Super Mario Odyssey Livestream, ryu, ryukahr, ryu stream, ryukahr stream, super mario odyssey speedrun, mario odyssey speedrun, super mario odyssey speed run, mario odyssey speed run, mario odyssey speedrun world record, super mario odyssey speedrun world record, mario odyssey captureless, super mario odyssey captureless, minimal captures, mario odyssey minimal captures
Id: 4jVS2VJx-_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 55sec (7975 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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