Dewalts NewTools of 2020. First time seen in public at Stafda

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[Music] something we're very proud of this is actually the move power for the drill the vaulters I've made [Music] I so what are we looking at here guys [Music] time 60 volt threader by Dewalt threading pipe the cordless solution this is the die arm reason in the past you to push your hand against this we don't want your hand anywhere near to the star on the protects your hand a couple threads started I can move this out of the way nice there's a great big picture of a bone [Music] is this out yet Todd launch next week about 30 and forward and 60 in Reverse all right you guys today is definitely going to be an interesting day but not just because of the cool tools that you're going to see from Dewalt coming up down the pipeline but because of what I had to go through to get the the footage for you guys staff toe is actually closed to media to cameras period they weren't allowed in and so for us to get footage we had to follow a strict set of guidelines for one we had to walk up and ask if we could film first which i think is just common courtesy but number two then we weren't allowed any cameras not even a GoPro and so to actually film everything had to be done on an iPhone so everything you're gonna see today was done on an iPhone 11 which thankfully the new iPhone 11s kind of kicked but you tell me what you think of the footage down below and then the staff to Yvette some of you guys may be wondering why would staff to ban cameras and ban media and ban all these people Van Van Van Van Van it mean making it almost impossible to get good footage well here's what I heard I heard that somebody was going around last year and just throwing a camera in people's faces and being inconsiderate and rude and so they implemented all these rules rules to protect the venue vendors but I think they went way overboard because I think they're actually harming the vendors now by not allowing them to get publicity on their new tools so we did we did a little pirating we went undercover and we would walk from one venue get permission to film pull the iPhone out film so we've got the best of Dewalt coming today but then we got the best of the entire event coming in another video and this event was mind-blowing some of the tools gear and equipment in this event were I was i way better than I ever expected so you'll see that one in an upcoming video so make sure you guys subscribe and stick around without wasting more time let's go check out what's happening at the DeWalt booth yeah it was right under 16 you're good yep all right I'm filming Dan filming Dan at the wall tool man what do we got so what we have here is a brand new 20 volt blower which is an axial design part of our 20 volt system biggest thing that we've done now is with a new brushless motor that we have is 450 CFM blowing at 125 you'll see a different looking nozzle on the front which is more of a concentrator nozzle but we have a small scraper on the front end so as if you're into heavier debris and then by far best thing obviously working off in the 20 volt flatteries platform which hours more than chores it is cool when's it available coming to one of 20 standard two year one yes sir okay in every phase is that grade just prototype or is it gonna be great that's a good question I believe that this is the finish thank you guys thanks to Dan's alright so I'm gonna jump in here on that leaf blower because you know Dewalt says they made this leaf floor designed to scrape but one of the things i noticed that that guy was doing was he was really bending down to actually get it the right angle to scrape I would think if they're gonna design a leaf blower and put a special tip on the end just to scrape they could extend it out enough so that a guy and he's working he can just scrape with it kind of naturally and not be in an awkward angle so you guys tell me what you're thinking that scraper function and then why would you put a special tip on it just to scrape I mean if you're gonna scrape with a leaf blower you can scrape with just about any tip that's out there you're just not really doing it any good that's all I don't know you guys tell me what you think of that one I so what are we looking at here guys this is our 20 volt atomic impact driver this one and this one is our 12 volt Xtreme in total driver there to do two-year lines as we've launched in the DeWalt brand the atomic 20 volt unit focuses on economics but is still part of our 20 volt platform which is compatible with over 240 tools this is our 12 volt Xtreme again focuses on economics ultimate ergonomics as you can see it's one of the smallest impact drivers that we make so relatively small you've lighting them up shrunk them down but I haven't compromised on power out of I agree all right so this next one is one that really makes me go hmm and what I'm talking about is we're going to see a demonstration in the DeWalt booth of a Dewalt cutting blade a cutting blade of de Waal versus Diablo and then when we're done looking at this demonstration we're gonna go into Diablos booth where they took their blade versus the de Waal and got entirely different results and I don't know how so you guys watch this whole series and tell me what's going on cuz I don't know so dEWALT's taking on Diablo in this demonstration Matt you got it yeah we've got our new Dewalt circular saw blade here we've got the Diablo framings blade which is very popular in the market we're gonna cut a 2 inch by 12 peaceful number with stainless steel nails inserted all along the edge we're just going to we'll start with the DeWalt we'll go all the way down and then we'll do the same with the Diablo and the battery power will be the same on both of them we're actually using the same all right well let's see how this goes this is where I'll add dramatic music in dunt dunt on [Music] you teeth are all intact still that's what you're trying to show right now right okay he wants me to make sure I see that okay cool and this is a brand-new Diablo and do the same car yeah [Music] the difference in the teeth so all of the teeth are missing if you bring a little closer Matt I can't reach there we go all of your teeth are missing all the teeth are missing and as we were cutting you notice it cut really well all the way through here you guys are saying not to worry that's when you started losing the teeth and then it struggled for the rest of the legs so huge difference so here's that new blade out by Dewalt yeah so it just came out it's doing well it's been out for a few months now okay you can see an example pretty clear same song thanks man appreciate buddy let's buy the wallet so now let's go to the Diablo event and see how their version of this same test goes right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] as you can hear mine was pretty rough cut a lot of the teams around it over we lost I think a couple here about entirely sure but there was a hard cut I mean you can see me pushing it through especially with this web pressure-treated lumber and hitting those tyre wall streeters they spark their case-hardened they're hard and when you have something going through that and blowers working so hard that these tools are designed to turn off and the batteries are doing yeah Blair cranking point cut consistently effortlessly drywall screws or extra hard especially when you initially impact them but you guys tell me in the comments down below what you think of those two tests because I don't know what to think it's tough when they come up with the same test with two different results so I want to hear from you guys what do you think happened with that one let's go check out some more cool tools from the wall you guys do it dude perfect your phone through the hall dude perfect a new iPhone you do it all right I'm doing it he's gonna dude perfect it ready do not worry I do just my brand new iPhone all right guys this is how you get the perfect shot iPhone time there's only like 1500 bucks whatever and do not record I'm doing this for family you just freaking just pounded your phone into a piece of what you need even throw it you didn't even throw it you literally just you get hard [Laughter] alright let's find out what this piece of wood is so holy for all right what do we got here what's this mess for 70 it is our studded toy screw wow that thing is huge it is but it is sort of powerful punch you know something we're very proud of this is actually the most power for the drill the vaulters I made ok great thanks Dave now how do you get that V electronics via gearing or how does that compliment it's really a combination of things one it's our flexible system okay this is a 60 volt starting voice through and we're able to leverage the flexible technology to drive driving it through better modules gearing and ultimately a bigger motor right to be able to power through some really tough school if it on the market yet it is ok let's see it go please sorry right here safety Google's alright that destroyed that would wholly cool so we're gonna actually take a look at this hole saw working the right way it doesn't destroy the wood it just got enough power to if you're not careful so guys this is Patrick find no building fine home building and you were saying off-camera that this is awesome light cuz it's tiny it's so impossible small everybody wants a smaller impact driver and I don't know how I could get any smaller than that what do you think of it the hand feel this I mean like you know what nobody's paying you to say any of this I didn't really think of this it's very comfortable and the guy I said well how many inch pounds is I don't know he's like we have some screws lag screws to drive so I did you want to see yeah you're using the 12-volt yeah all right there's a couple of three things going on Dewalt watching they don't officially call it a 2.0 but it's got 30% more power so this is a new battery side to wall scheduled to come out in June of 2020 and it's a 9 amp hour so it's supposed to provide more power better runtime to the Flex volt line of tools alright we are with Don from Dewalt what are we looking at very easy everything is backwards compatible one Comeau the last great film sighs organizer you can click it on the top of the very you said to go all right so Don is gonna show us the radio speakers all flexible okay we have the DRC mode dynamic range control for indoor use and all of the new tough system is backward compatible with the existing 1.0 this is the 2.0 system right awesome all right guys we got lot more cool tools coming at you from Dewalt let's move on to the next one bead on your time is up get more reach and make it easier is this no is this out yes this is just came out it's actually shipping a couple as of a couple weeks ago so this just came out by de Waal yes and so this will be hitting store shelves now then right perfect thank you all right brand-new by Dewalt this is a roofing nail ermine closer cordless roofing it so tell me we run me through the specs of it real quickly there's part of our 20 volt system okay it is going to accept between 3/4 and inch and 3/4 15 degree coral roofing nails I think the key thing to keep in mind with it is that it's a fantastic complement to the pneumatic tools that a lot of the crews are going to be running so for pickup punch out or service type work this is going to be an absolutely perfect solution for those guys when is this coming out April 2040 so these guys can't get it yeah correct but they'll be able to pretty quick absolutely yep we believe it on retail approximately $399 for the kit and about 319 as a barrier to it alright from the wall not oh yeah and that's it for today you guys I hope you enjoyed this video I hope the quality was up to snuff since I was filming on an iPhone and the next video series that were coming out from staffed which would be coming down the pipeline in a bit it's got some phenomenal content just some of the best tools I could find and stuff that just wow it just was very impressive I hope you and you'll will enjoy that video help you stick around that's all I got for you today guys god bless you guys go get them you know sometimes i say that god bless and go get them a little too fast and I feel like I lose the sincerity to it but I really want you guys to have the absolute best of everything and I hope these videos help you out so I'm going to ask you guys to a question you know I'm trying to do educational videos trying to do tool related videos and then job site videos is that a good combo I mean I try to rotate them try to keep it fresh and interesting and I know a lot of you guys aren't watching the educational stuff as much but I'm hoping that if I still include it in there because it does actually hurt my channel when you guys don't watch a video it actually crashes my channel but I'm hoping that the deeper content improves your guys's processes enough to make it valuable that's it so that's all I got for you today guys this was the tool related one will probably have a job site one and maybe an educational an interview coming down the pipeline god bless you guys go get them we'll see on the next one
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 1,826,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dewalt, new tools, new dewalt tools 2020, new dewalt tools youtube, new power tools youtube, new tools youtube, new tools for construction, dewalt tools review youtube, dewalt tools, dewalt power tools, best tools of 2020, stafda, best new tools for 2019, best new tools for 2020, power tools youtube, best new dewalt tools youtube, best tools for woodworking youtube, best power tools, Dewalt saw, dewalt impact driver, dewalt leaf blower, new outdoor power tools youtube, tools
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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