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what's up everybody my name is Vince welcome to the channel and if this is your first time here you might not know when it comes to driver bits and drill bits the warp pools makes some of my favorites absolutely favorites for years and years and years I have been using kits like these kids like these that include the magnetic sleeve but there's been some new information some new developments that have changed my mind on these kits and that's why I'll never be buying these ever again I'll never use these ever again and quite frankly you shouldn't either now I don't have a whole lot of time today in this video we're gonna make this one brief okay we're gonna jam pack it full of information so keep your ears open and your eyes open because we're gonna be moving quick and you're not going on a miss any of it here's the deal I've been using these kits for years and years and years so much so but I have a whole bunch that looked like this kit right here in this box why do have I use them because I like the contents I've liked the contents I've liked the drives I've liked this especially the magnetic sleeves I like the way the number two bits fit into number two screws you know people all the time oh I mean that's a ridiculous statement no it's not not every manufacturer makes a quality number to bed that fits in a number to screw the way it should the reality is is that when they don't work together you're talking about stripped screws broken bits all types of stuff that's been my measure for years how the bits actually fit the screws there's no other allegiance to the wall these kids have worked that's the reason I liked them so much until now I've changed my mind about these boxes I've changed my mind about these cats and this is why you should probably change your mind as well here's the deal you don't know what's in these boxes it could be anything look this is a max fit kit how do I know it's a max fit kit because I opened it up now I could see the bits I know what you're thinking ah he has multiple the same kid well that's what you were saying cuz you can't see inside this thing but I don't this is a flex torque cat these are good bits I quite frankly I like the max fits better I surely do now we have this kit this is titanium drill bits with the pilot point this is an old kit now if you had these together you know that your titanium bits are in this box but if we grab this kit boom we got a combination this is a combination of drill bits and driver pets but you wouldn't know unless you marked it up like driver drill bits you'd have to write on these things which would be you know it's here's a little half-wit get a sharpie driver and drill there you go you want to mock up all your boxes use permanent marker get a Sharpie you could do all that or you could do what I've decided to do as I finish these off blow through these bits or need to buy new ones I've decided to go with this style kit or this style kit and why do I want to go with one of these style kits because the wall is now featuring and you're not gonna be able to sit and time open it up a clear lid you can see what's inside the kit now here's the deal these two cats are not the same price there is one of these two kits that I prefer when you go into the big box you're picking up one of these kits you're gonna want to have the knowledge to make a choice that's going to make you money and save you money okay so looking at these you might think you know the answer but you might not we have two kits here this is the DW am i 30 it's the Diwani 30 now this is the Walt's new to me maybe it's not new to you this is their max impact there's a 30 piece kit okay it has dual torsion zones dual torsion zones now what does that mean it means that as you're driving we have a torsion zone here and a torsion zone here it allows doing twisting I mean that's what dual portion right it says optimal torque 50 times longer life longer life it says its impact rated it's pretty funny this kit shows the impact driver as the stand out of what you would use this kit with now it does have a lot of bits that I would use quite frankly these max impact bits I've never tried them I don't know how their number 2 bit fits in the number 2 screw I want to test that out I've not used this drive I don't know if I really like the contents the one thing that I do like is the clear lid why do I like the clear day because I can see inside the box here's the deal if I don't like this kit right I have a clear lid I'd know all I gotta do is pick the box up and go outside that's the that's the dual torsion zone cat I don't even I put this back on my bag save this for emergencies only right but that clear lid is a huge selling point now you're going to say time instead of fumbling around with these boxes you're going to save time when you're getting your your tools together your kit together you're going into a job and everybody knows if you're a professional you'll know that time is money let's look at the second kit this is the max fit kits okay this also has been upgraded with a clear lid you can see in it time is money another good feature of these kits is that they clip together now pretty cool I dig that connectible cases so these old kits you threw them in the bag they went flying all over right the new kits would clip together that's a time saver as well time is money now this one has a single torsion zone you'll see that it is impact rated though and this includes some of my favorite the wall bits and drives ever this is the wah to slow 30 or DWA to SL s30 on the back of the boxes it does list the exact contents of the case so all the the style bits number ones twos and threes their contents the number of them slotted I don't know quite frankly I'd like I'd like one kit that that totally has no slotted screwdrivers I'm only joking I guess you need to have at least one they have two in this kit pretty funny and then we have T 20 and T 25 in torques you have a number of those not many though t 20s you have one one inch and 1/2 inch t25 you have to one inch and two two inch but it's a nice assortment on the dual torsion zone very similar contents they do give you a t15 in this one you have at least one one inch let's get these things open I'm gonna start with the wammy I'm gonna start with the dough whammy yeah let's start with the dough a me it just it sounds like the whammy sounds like a disco move yo then we got on the floor we did that the rammy we did the whammy no yeah baby no got out we got out on the floor and we did the whammy the problem is is that we didn't do doable a me we only we did the wat that the wat and the de whammy walk with me walk with me walk with me yo then we went did shots and then we got out there we were doing the delenn all night long we think have you ever done to do an e leave it down in the comment section below I know a whole bunch of you after shots at the bar at a nightclub then you were doing the de la me now I will say this this kit it feels pretty substantial but immediately the most awesome feature in my opinion is that clear lid I know exactly what this kid is now because it is black I guess even if the lid wasn't clear I would know that this was different I would know that this is the dual torsion zone the problem is is that once you start moving into multiples of these dual torsion style kits they're all black then you don't know what exactly is in there this is a plus I'm only seeing one issue with this case presently and I don't know if it's a big issue but the clip the clip that would put two cases together kind of sticks up high so if it went into your bag it could accidentally pop open but if you want cases that clip together I don't you know I think this is probably the the easiest way for the wall to do it I don't know it's a big issue but I could see that being an issue I want to take a look at this sleeve now I will say this I like that they've included a magnetic sleeve if you're using the 1-inch bits with this sleeve you have your torsion zone here and you have a torsion zone here so it makes for a dual torsion zone I will say this this sleeve is kind of long well I haven't used it yet in my opinion it seems long it's but it's just not what I'm used to yet we're gonna give it a try but before we do that the other issue I'm seeing with this kit and maybe it's a non-issue I'm not certain yet but these 2-inch bits they look really nice I mean I I'm not saying I don't like them the only issue I'm seeing with them is there's no way to magnetize these potentially except put them into the magnetic sleeve now we have like a really ridiculously long bit solution doesn't make sense to me and I like all of my bits to be magnetized now you could use a Cline magnetizer or something of the same thing to to magnetize that but it that that just doesn't seem like a reasonable solution to me you know I like a direct magnetizer a permanent style magnet solution on my bets because even if you magnetize these bits these are impact bits under impact under impacting they will be magnetized if you've magnetized them with a magnetizer that's why a permanent magnet solution is preferable to make now the wall does have a magnetizer solution here it is okay this does generally work on their max fitbit's will it work on their max impact bits yes problem solved look at that awesome now we have a solution for our two inch long bits my only question at that point would be you have what looks to be in the makings of an almost perfect driver solution here the case is awesome we haven't tested fit of the number 2 screws or the school or the bits yet we have the makings of I mean we have a magnetic guide here we have the makings we even have a number 3 Drive awesome there's only one of them I would prefer more compared to the Robertsons I would rather have more number 3s but that's what I use we have the makings of a which seems to be almost perfect driver kit but no way to magnetize these number 2 bits within the kit come on the wall why didn't you put one of these magnetized errs in the kit that would have made this kit probably awesome prop I mean literally the kits still awesome but it would have made it like mag Magnifico is that what they say now if you have some of these hanging around and you probably do if you haven't been following along you might not know what this thing is for maybe you do but if you wanted to find out fully what this is for go to this video here go check that video out but you can buy these in packs of three or more at the yellow big-box or maybe the blue big box I don't know this kit I'm loving it so far but I don't know I've always loved the max fits and this is a 30 piece kit let's get this open I mean this pretty much has all the pluses of the dual torsion zone okay I do like that the max fit number one okay I mean this is impact rated it has the more traditional style sleeve in length that I really like really like this I also like that it does have these are not the best nut drivers these are not the worst nut drivers there are two of them included in this kit popular sizes 5/16 and a quarter inch okay they also have the magnetic solution to magnetize all these two-inch bits in here okay both kits are thirty pieces pretty awesome you're getting more of those adapters though in this kit I do love the box still like I said previously I mean these are identical except for color okay I find it a little I'm not gonna say I mean this is the solution to lock them together okay but it could pop open you know in your bag or your box maybe is it a huge problem no I don't think so but it could be a problem let's see if these will lock together and they do pretty awesome this is pretty pretty awesome now you could put these in your bag if you have them locked together you're going to get your driver bits drill bits now because of the tough case you could pull them all out of the bag own at the same time there they haven't been scattered around I think this is an awesome case solution I gotta tell you I'm liking both kits but barring fitment of the best themselves they're still one of these kits I prefer for a specific reason I'm gonna share it with you but before we move on that ad let's let's see how these bits drive some screws my favorite magnetic sleeve versus my extended magnetic sleeve which why I should start with let's just try some number two and use as usual I gotta tell you the wool Stanley Black & Decker fits these these are these are grip right screws and I gotta tell you not every manufacturer gets the number two bit right they just don't and the wall is one of those that does and what's your experience with driver bits have you ever bought a kit from a company like the wall and just you said wow these these driver bits just don't fit the fasteners this is horrible I got to tell you years ago it happened to me I kind of wrote that company off for a long time at least for their driver bits until probably two years ago they've really upgraded their lines the wall has been my go true though for decades I'm liking I'm liking you can see that the bit fits so well in the fastener yanked it out of the magnetic sleeve I got to tell you I'm liking that Drive nope no complaints so far on this one well this is the standby this is what I've been using for years and years and years and I really like the way the max fit it's fit number two screws especially it was operator error solid looks solid I think that what we should do is swap out the number two for another size that I use very frequently and that would be the t20 then both kids have that t20 available let's see how the t20 fits and this is this is one another this is literally another one that a lot of tool companies they just don't get it right and I will say that I do prefer to use the bit that comes with the boxes packs fasteners they you know if you buy a pounder or more they'll include a bit or multiple bits depending on the size that you buy because spats just does it so well but sometimes you know there's there's not enough of those bits to go around you have no choice to use a different companies bit now there is a little wobble there is a little wobble which I don't know if it could be helped this is the thing with a truss head style screw a lot of times you cannot pull the sleeve up over the fastener to hold it kind of in place or steady while you drive the screw but this this DeWolf sleeve you're able to do it pretty cool whereas with the max fit kit you're not able to do it okay so you'll see that this kit it doesn't allow for it okay but the dual torsion kit does allow for it now when is that beneficial it's beneficial if you need to reach out and drive screws maybe single-handed tell you if the reach out reach up something like this fastener or even maybe self tappers things of that nature you're able to you're able to use this drive to assist you so we're not saying both driver ket's are awesome okay I do like that this sleeve will fit over the larger truss head fasteners now it might not fit over every truss head fastener but you do have the ability to do fasteners with that larger style truss head I do like that now here's the deal the tool not in me makes me really love this kit you know it just is it's a nice kit I like the black case I like this sleeve I like that the tool not in me also really likes the max fit kit because it has what I've been using for years and years and years I like this sleeve it also has the ability for me to magnetize these two-inch bits which is very important I just do not like running my driver bits without a magnets and people that say things like oh you are if you're a bit fits correctly you don't need a magnet hogwash hogwash not Hogwarts we're not talking about Harry Potter we're talking about which is a fictional story kind of like when I have commenters down below that go you don't need a magnet you don't need magnetism yeah yeah okay when you're running hundreds and thousands of screws okay magnets are necessary thank you very much for your for your feedback but I digress I like this kit because it has the ability for us to magnetize these number two bits very important to me okay I like that there's nut drivers in here very important to me and here's here's the small business owner here's the small business owner side of me okay that makes me like this kit more this kit right now at a home depot okay and I could maybe put some links down below they may be there they might not be there but I could put them there possibly if I could find them this kit 30 pieces for the max fit is 10 bucks this is ten dollars crazy crazy great deal in my opinion okay this kit without the ability in the kit there's no magnetism solution in this kit for these two-inch bits within the kit this kit okay was part of the red white and blue cell it's it's retailing in store at 20 bucks is it a good kit sure it is you know would I buy this is worth 20 bucks sure it is I'm not saying it's not worth 20 bucks what I'm saying is when you have this kit 30 pieces in the store with this kit this one's 10 this one's 20 I'm going this kit all day long and if you like tool reviewers and youtubers that give you the real deal on dollars and cents when they're trying to make sense about the wall tool accessories then smash the like button also let us know down below which one of these kits oh you want to spend your hard-earned money on twenty dollars ten dollars max fit or max impact let us know down below with that I want to say I appreciate every single one of you being here thanks a lot everybody well all on the next one videos over but I know you want more so this is how you're going to get it first thing you need to do is pretend you're this guy and you're here at the birthplace of freedom now ring that Bell like it's 1776 and let all notifications thromes you're not subscribed yet watch this 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Channel: VCG Construction
Views: 946,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wbQO48mkR1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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