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[Music] [Music] so here's what happened guys I'm walking through Home Depot just like you were or shopping online and I saw a beautiful set of DeWalt tools and we all kind of do the rubberneck you know the double take and I was like oh that's cool well yeah we need a couple of those we're already gonna buy him anyway oh look at that was a couple of the tools I probably wouldn't buy but if they were in a kit I'd buy him and it was on sale got me on that one again and it's in a tool box he got me again and I'm like now let's do it six months ago that happened and it wasn't until I got the kit home and I started looking at it more carefully and I realized this kit isn't at all what I thought I was gonna take it back but I thought you know what let's open it instead [Music] yeah I don't think I need to go into detail about Dewalt we all know what we're looking at but the wall is sneaky so let me first confess how they got me not particularly Goa bull but you and I we kind of know tool branding and we kind of know how the different companies market themselves right so the first thing I looked at on this package was the drill and I saw a very very tiny little emblem or insignia on this drill this says X R and it just happened to be because I was looking for a drill at the time and I saw X R and if you know anything about Dewalt you know that that's their brushless product things that don't have X are are not brushless and I happen to also be at the same time looking for the oscillating tool and I saw on the oscillating tool the insignia XR which told me it's brushless and if you look really carefully on this battery it says X R and on this battery X R and on these batteries X R so you can kind of understand why I thought this kid was a kit full of brushless tools in fact online this kit is referred to as a XR toolkit I'm not the only one who thought this was a brushless tool kit online this is actually marketed as an X our tool combo which would lead any savvy consumer to believe that it's a brushless tool combo kit but the reviews and feedback on many of the major websites like Home Depot and Amazon Lowe's there are reviews that all say gosh I swear when I got this that it was full of brushless tools and when I got home I realized that's not true let's back up for just a second in case you're not super tool savvy and talk about the difference between a brushed tool and a brushless tool so a brushed tool is kind of yesterday's technology a lot of advancement has been made in power tools in the last say 20 years and a lot of that technology is actually in the battery but a lot of it also is in the tool itself so brushed tools tend to consume more bad power therefore for the same amount of work you're going to have to charge your batteries more often even a better battery isn't going to make up for an inferior tool brushed tools also have a shorter lifespan just because of how the motor works so a brushed tool is gonna last less time than a brushless tool a brush tool is actually going to require more effort from the operator therefore over time a brush tool is actually going to fatigue the operator more than a brushless tool so in contrast a brushless tool is very much new technology and because of the technology in the controller that runs the motor they actually are more efficient and they're able to do more work with less battery so that means less work for the operator and less charging the battery because of the technology and the motor there's less wear parts and therefore they actually last longer too so why does all that stuff matter if you're a weekend warrior and you're kind of just doing little DIY projects around the house or in the backyard a brushed tool in the modern era is gonna be a fantastic tool it's not going to be a big deal but if you're in the trades and you're using these tools all day every day which are a lot of people who buy Dewalt brushless is the only way to go the last thing to mention and I think it's really important because this may be one of the most important driving decisions behind a purchase like this is cost because the brushless technologies kind of old technology a lot of the tools that you'll find that are brushless are kind of old designs and therefore they're available at a lower cost the brushless technology is both in higher demand and it's newer technology so you'd expect to pay more I want to make it clear that this video is not saying that one or the other is what a person should or shouldn't buy we all have different budgets and I think that brushed tools can be a good purchase for the right person this video is more about spending money thinking you're getting something specific and that's not at all what you got so as it turns out I thought I was buying a 2 get full of brushless tools and that's not at all what's included in this kit and that in and of itself would be enough to return the kit like a lot of people have said they've done and said you know what I feel deceived I'm taking this back I'm just gonna buy the tool that I thought I was gonna buy in the first place and I don't need all this other stuff but the more I researched the more I realized that there's actually more going on here than just the brushless Deception and I think the only way to convey that is to go tool by tool and kind of show you how unique each one of these tools is and how it's not quite what you think it is even if you thought it was the brush tool so I think one of the tools that a lot of people would probably buy this kit for is the drill so let's pick on the drill first so at first I thought hammer drill we need that tool it's two speeds that's perfect what it didn't realize is that this is not the same brushless hammer drill that you would buy if you bought the tool separately a couple of key differences one the power rating of this tool is approximately half the output of the other brushless tool that you would buy if you bought it standalone now Dewalt has several standalone tools but the stand alone equivalent to this tool which is included in the kit is definitely more powerful as a tool overall the other major feature that's missing on this tool is the Chuck where the clutches cannot mount a handle or it doesn't seem like you can and if you can there's not a handle included so a lot of hammer drills include a side handle to give you additional leverage or to resist torquing and the brushless tool that Dewalt sells stand alone has a little bit narrower collar around the chuck and that's where their handle actually mounts so as it turns out what is included in the kit is not what you and I might think of when we think of a hammer drill this is actually dEWALT's Packt hammer drill and though it is brushless it's probably not going to have the power output that you might expect so the first time you try to drill a really difficult hole I'm not sure this tool would be up to the task I'm not saying it's a bad tool it's just not what I expected and this will kind of irritate you the cost difference between this tool and the tool you think you're getting is about 20 bucks so this isn't a major disappointment on the drill it's just not it's not what I thought it was and I think that's the point of this whole video maybe the second most likely tool that someone would buy a kit like this for is the impact driver the difference between the brushed impact driver from Dewalt and brushless is a pretty big difference let's talk a little bit about kind of power first or work because one of the comparisons we made between brushless and brushed tools is the amount of fatigue on the operator so the brushed tool has a rating of 117 pound-feet of torque which is respectable I think we should do a test later and compare the two because we happen to own the brushless version of this tool whereas the brushless version is actually rated at 152 pounds of torque same tool about 30 percent more power and that doesn't take into consideration the extended battery runtime Dewalt says on their website that their brushless tools will get as much as 57% more run time by being brushless so if you add 30% more power and 57% more run time you can kind of understand why this tool a little bit of a disappointment as far as features there's not a really big difference between features the only major one is that this is a single speed impact driver and the brushless model is a three speed model do we use all three speeds on the brushless model all the time no but it's kind of nice to have them of course the trigger is a variable trigger but the speeds are definitely handy to have so what would it cause due to upgrade from this brushed model to this brushless model are you ready $10 that's it that was pretty close that was so close I think we should do a fair test I actually switched the batteries because I realized that the battery that was in the brushless might be a little bit off of full let's try that one more time that's funny that wasn't even close at all which is kind of what I was expecting originally so I guess I can't be completely fair because this battery is completely full this one's just a little off a full guess make your own judgment call all right the two big fish are kind of out of the way which one of these should we pick on next let's go reciprocating saw it's gonna take a while to talk about this tool I can't believe the number of ways that this tool has been not cheapened but the number of features that have been removed from a pretty critical tool I mean this is probably the most basic reciprocating saw you could even make let's kind of take a look at some of things that are either different or missing from this tool that you would get if you had purchased the brushless or the other version this little feature here is called a shoe and it's what rides on the surface that you're cutting a more premium model whatever you want to call it actually has an adjustable shoe which allows you to change the depth of the blade that you're cutting with maybe you want to cut a more shallow cut but your blade is this long you can extend the shoe out which changes the depth of the blade in the cut this shoe is a fixed depth another feature about the shoe that kind of stands out to me is that it's kind of just stamped steel that's not a criticism I think it just kind of exhibits how this tool is a cheaper tool overall another feature that's missing from this saw is what's called a four-way blade clamp so this small slot right here is where you would slide the blade in and clamp it down the more premium reciprocating saws allow you to insert the blade in four different orientations so that you can cut this direction this direction this direction and this direction this model however limits you to only two directions this way or that way it's not a big deal but I will say from having worked with other tools that this blade clamp seems lower quality I can't tell you exactly why I feel that way a lot of the ones that I've used are actually spring-loaded so you simply need to pull this back slide the blade in let go and the clamp actuates this one actually requires you to push down I've not used it so that's a prejudicial statement with no experience but it doesn't feel as good the ones that are spring-loaded take a little bit of pressure to pull them back but once the blade is inserted you let go and you know it's gonna stay closed I feel like maybe this one could actually wiggle loose maybe that's just speculation another small feature is that there's no LED light in the modern era of cordless tools it's pretty rare to find tools that don't have an LED light because they get used in dark spaces a lot another small thing it's we're picking on little stuff here the stroke on this saw is actually an eighth of an inch shorter than its brother and ironically something that might trick you is the model number this little guy has a model number 3/8 one you would think that would be a newer model than three a zero right it turns out that three eight zero is actually a more feature-rich reciprocating saw than three eight one so again the question comes down to what would you have paid if you had have purchased the tool you thought you were buying the cost difference between this guy and the tool I thought I was buying it's about $20 for the brushless compact reciprocating saw interestingly the 3/8 zero which is not a brushless tool but actually has a lot of the features that you would think you would get in this tool like the adjustable shoe the 4 way blade clamp etc 10 bucks that's the cost difference but you can't add those features after the fact one more teeny tiny little complaint in the kit they include a blade for the circular saw the grinder and the multi-tool the oscillating tool but nothing for the reciprocating saw you're on your own there's not a lot that's missing from this tool that I thought would have been included although there are definitely some features that I wish it had so I guess this isn't really a deceptive thing on dEWALT's part it's more a misunderstanding on my part a lot of grinders like this actually have a break mechanism so that when you let go of the trigger the wheel stops very quickly and it doesn't appear that this tool has that feature it seems like it spins down it doesn't spin down slow but it definitely doesn't stop really quickly which can be a nice feature [Applause] another small feature that I think is just I'll call it a knit or a gripe is that this tool is a single speed a lot of tools like this are variable speed sometimes you want a slower motion and sometimes you want to extremely high speed depending on what you're doing the tool that is brushless in this kit again I wasn't expecting that but this tool unlike the brushless one has a single speed the variable speed of the brushless tool I'm sure would be very nice depending on the type of work that you're doing so that's just one little little thing about this tool that I think if I were to own it for a long period of time I'd probably get annoyed remember the conversation we had earlier about battery and run time this is one of those tools where that is gonna be a big problem in fact the number one complaint about this tool and I guess in the defense of all cordless tools grinders are a stretch in any direction but the fact that this tool is not brushless is really a negative it's gonna run through batteries lightning fast and I think probably the worst problem there is that it's going to heat the batteries up quite a bit because of the amount of load and therefore you can't just do the hot swap battery thing that you might be used to because these modern batteries will not charge if they're too hot back in the day you could try to charge a hot battery which wasn't good for them and now the battery will just shut down so this is death one of those tools where brushless is going to make or break the tool completely I will say that we've all been there where you have just this tiny little grinding task that you want to do and versus having to get your core to grinder out head out to the trailer or whatever you're trying to work on this tool will definitely get the job done so is it superior to a corded tool for tiny projects absolutely and of course the big question how much to go from this guy up to the brushless tool it's about twenty dollars all right we're almost done picking on the wallet guys let's tackle the circular saw I want to iterate that this is not a comparison video but really goes to what I thought I was buying and probably the first thing that jumps out to me about this saw is that it has a steel shoe is that a bad thing no but for some reason when I looked at the DeWalt tools every single one I could find actually had a magnesium shoe which is lighter a little bit stronger and I would say ultimately more desirable it's not going to rust you're not going to get any corrosion this guy not so the other thing that really stood out to me about this saw is this plastic lower guard I don't know why but there's something about a plastic lower guard on a circular saw that just doesn't scream I feel safe and on top of being plastic it doesn't really have that kind of like high quality strong gonna keep me from cutting my leg feel this was really just poor research on my part but had this been the brushless tool it would have actually been a 7 and 1/4 inch blade and instead the non brushless or the brushed tool is a 6 and a half inch so why does six and a half versus seven and a quarter matter well the total depth of cut on this saw is two and a quarter inches which isn't terrible the seven and a quarter saws will cut a little over a quarter of an inch deeper than this will why does the depth of cut and matter tuna quarter inches that's plenty right it matters when you bevel the saw to an angle like 45 degrees then your depth of cut actually goes way down this guy will cut an inch and five-eighths at 45 degrees which means you're pretty much limited to two by material which if you're just doing DIY projects is just fine but if you want to start doing bigger timber for biomaterial etc you're gonna find yourself struggling with this tool which is why I wanted the 7 and the quarter which is the tool I thought I was buying one feature on these saws that I feel like is a deal breaker if it's missing is an electric break when you let go of the trigger if the saw is still spinning down it presents a major safety hazard if it touches your leg or bites a piece of wood or something like that and I was a little worried because this saw I found on the DeWalt website actually didn't appear to have a break and they actually include this little warning tag which is kind of clearly an afterthought you know it's got the little white tag on it that basically says the exact same thing during the spin down of the blade is extremely dangerous so make sure that the plastic guard is in place but I'm happy to report I think Dewalt came to their senses and realized this little tag wasn't gonna do it good move to Walt this is another one of those tools where run time is gonna be a problem we actually own a couple of brushless circular saws and even with big batteries it's amazing how much juice they require and a common complaint about this particular saw is that the run time isn't that great and that's really where the brushless shines I didn't even realize but you can't even buy this saw alone as a bear tool from the wall it seems to be kind of like a black sheep it's almost like a tool that they built just to fit in these multi tool kits it has features that are not on other models in fact the model you can buy standalone from Dewalt has all the features that we just mentioned and why they didn't include that in the kit is beyond me so the question is to go from this tool to the tool I thought I was buying what's the cost difference twenty dollars do you guys see a pattern so this is not a fair comparison but I do have experience with it so it gives me some clue about what we should be able to expect from the DeWalt this is makita's rear handle brushless circular saw seven and a quarter inch I know from working on the house that we could cut for 36 straight feet at full depth with two five amp hour batteries that's about 10 amp hours right this saw has a little bit smaller blade and it doesn't cut quite as deep but I think it's only fair that we put this against the Milwaukee with the same sized battery the Milwaukee though is brushless this piece of wood is four feet I think we'll get five cuts let's see what happens with five [Music] for I don't think we're gonna get five I think it's gonna quit before five take credit for oh the battery is too hot that's a first oh yeah she's warm it's saying No Mas okay four so that's 16 straight feet full depth continuous with the Milwaukee brushless can the DeWalt brushed beat the Milwaukee moves flying through it there's five six having a hard time finding wood to cut [Music] six and a half not too shabby okay in the name of not fair comparisons this blade on the Milwaukee is far from new and this one brand new in that battery yeah that's not new either no one even sure it was completely charged I anyway but overall not bad Dewalt not bad brand new battery brand new saw six and a half inch seven and a quarter inch used blade used battery still did about what 50% more cuts so truth be told we just realized or just discovered that really what stopped both of these saws is the batteries are overheating and that could be in the case of the DeWalt a function of the brushed motor even though it in this terrible case study it outperformed the Milwaukee so even if you try to put these batteries on the charger they're actually not dead but they won't charge anyway and this is definitely a struggle with this tool as we mentioned earlier and the grinder so I think whether you go with brushless or brushed you're still going to be up against the battery gremlins cuz this is just a power-hungry tool and of course I don't know if you guys are like us but who just cuts for 2030 straight feet at full depth I mean besides us so if you're not going to be doing that this may not be a fair comparison to your use case maybe you're just gonna be cross cutting to buy lumber or something like that so this saw it's not what I was expecting but after this test I'm actually impressed not too shabby so what makes me wonder if this tool is pretty good how good is the brushless one the oscillating multi-tool that's included in the kit it's exactly what I expected it's their brushless tool and after holding and looking at the other companies that make a similar tool I was really impressed by dEWALT's tool so much that we actually bought this tool standalone and have used it a ton if you haven't given a look the ergonomics and the overall design are spot-on and this this is what we call a consolation gift from Dewalt it's like alright we want to sell a six piece kit but six pieces sets terrible so let's just give them this little LED flashlight you guys want an LED flashlight let me show you a great cordless LED flashlight this I keep this little guy in my pocket and whenever I don't have it I always seem to be grabbing for it it runs off of one tiny little battery and it kind of makes this Dewalt seem kind of a wussy tool I guess if you needed something to aim on the ground and had a big battery and you wanted to recharge it I could see the value in it but if you're looking for a really compact flashlight I love this thing so I would say that looking at these tools touching them and going to the features was enlightening but I think the message of this video is not that these tools are junk it's really easy to misunderstand I think the message here is I guess I wish to Walt would just be honest with us and I suppose there's an element of personal responsibility here was this an impulse buy okay maybe a little bit but I think that Walt you have such a good product and people are already drawn to you anyway you have a great reputation if we want something cheap we're not looking to do wall anyway so I think if we could ask for anything I think just be honest with us if you have a maybe lower end line or a more budget line of products be clear about that so that when we buy it we we feel good about what we bought but using these kind of sneaky little marketing tactics whether it's intentional or not kind of leaves people with a bad tastehh and that's certainly not something that we would expect from a company like Dewalt it starts to make us think about the colors red and kind of teal blue if you know what I mean this toolkit can be had for between 400 and 600 dollars depending on when you buy it if you buy during the holiday season a lot of times you'll find this kit on sale at its lowest possible price the good news is Dewalt does have this kit in brushless you're just not going to find it on an end cap probably at your favorite hardware store you're gonna have to go looking for it so if you're looking for a brushless kit the wallet does have one we'll try to link to that below this video if you're looking for a tool kit like that but do keep in mind if you're kind of a DIY ER or a weekend warrior these tool kits are also awesome guys I just I have to do a fair comparison I've chopped up both of these batteries and I just I just want to know is the brushless really better I mean don't you want to know [Music] I think it's pretty obvious [Music] you
Channel: Pure Living for Life
Views: 1,483,901
Rating: 4.1850576 out of 5
Keywords: power tools, tools, dewalt, diy, do it yourself, home improvement, construction, house build, house buildling, home build, home buildling, milwaukee, makita
Id: oMW4RIRanC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
Reddit Comments

Hey Jesse, you have a baby coming. Stop fucking around.

Edit, Jesse thought he saved money (always about money with him) but he failed doing the 'research' on what he was buying. Further: the guy who doesn't know the difference between a screw and a nail is lecturing people about power tools. Great video Jesse.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Alias4reddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Patrick_Spens πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


Sean Barra 26 minutes ago

XR stands for β€œextreme runtime” not an indicator whether or not the motor is brushless. My regular dewalt impact driver is brushless but it’s not xr. Took a quick google search to find that.ο»Ώ

"XR" refers to battery capacity -- and has nothing whatever to do with brush or brushless.

Many others are pointing this out as well. Were I DeWalt, I would ask this video be taken down

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Patrick_Spens πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hitting on all Piffle cylinders now.

"Minimalists" impulse buying a kit to get one drill. Number four or so with even more impact drivers. Made up story anyway.

No work. What does he need tools for? The tool box will see most use as the latest piece of piffle furniture to match the nightstands.

Jerky splaining complete with whiteboard presentation. No value. Anybody listening to him at this point is a fool. Should have done a piffle test to see if it survives a winter left outside.

Affliate product sales video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Roosterbld πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

LOL....says he bought the tools 6 months ago! Hasn't even opened the package....OMG

Manages to eff around with a bunch of tools and still does ZERO WORK ON THE HOUSE!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Siphater πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They must have a ton of negative comments. It says there are 397 comments, but only 14 viewable

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dave113567 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The fact they haven't worked on the house with the baby on the way sort of proves they have something else in the way of living arrangements.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pineconedance πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The only thing that's going to make me more sick of this shit is when he actually attempts to make a nightstand. Boy that'll be the day

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kiltrout πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

At 19:45 he talks about the crappy blade guard that may not help him cut his legs. Made me think of the clip of him crosscutting 2x's on his thigh. This guy has a shit load of cordless stuff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1960jollymon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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