DEVIL FRUIT NOTIFIER But EATING Every Fruit I Find In Blox Fruits (Roblox)

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this way yeah oh there it is oh no oh no don't do this to me game don't make me eat this come on I've don't think I've ever gone around the back to get a fruit and it is oh no no today I've got the devil fruit notifier on three accounts but there is a problem my accounts are hungry which means no matter what I find I'll be eating every devil fruit in today's video let's begin the most painful 24 hours of my life so it's down in that direction still down in mega down in that direction do we go haunted castle no what come on it's got to be easy when you're using this devil fruit cuz it's only going to get worse from here watch me get some really real good stuff today first fruit is the first fruit I'll be eating oh is the dark fruit okay not too bad oh good I also have my ghastly step this is where things get a little bit worrisome guys oh no it's all it's already there I think if I lose my diamond fruit there is a very good chance that I won't be able to access fruits in the upper Sky it's not really going down in that direction I think we might be heading to the magma Village I would like to say that I could work on our Mythic collection today but that will not be happening if anything I'll probably finally get a Mythic and I'll have to eat it watch out for that guy right there and our devil fruit is the ice fruit okay that's not bad at least I can walk on a little bit of water and the same goes for this Noob account if I lose Diamond I won't be able to go into the upper sky where are we going down in this direction fairly quickly could be snow but probably more likely col see him I don't see a oh no no I do see a devil fruit is it okay it's bouncing so it's probably it's pink it's the Rubber fruit good that's not too much value loss that is like 700k and it's going to be a Mythic one day but I can live with it I can get more rubber fruits oh no there okay I can punch with it there's no way I can get to the upper Sky now ah man and so the slow run begins at least this account has portals here we go to the middle uh 1,50 not too oh 150 yes all right so good we're going this way oh yeah I know where we're going we're over here right up this Hillside right here our next devil fruit will be oh the chop fruit okay I don't mind eating it five hundo for the first Noob account I got the ice fruit now let's grab our boat oh that's right the ice fruit can mess with boats I'm going to guess it's either pirate Village or or Marine Ford only 500 away it's not too bad all right we're still gone down pretty quickly and it's definitely not Marine Ford it doesn't feel like oh no maybe it is pirate Village that's going down pretty quickly it could be oh yeah yeah I see a devil oh no come on bro don't be good please be barrier I I can accept eating a barrier fruit yes okay that's 800k but it's kind of actually worthless cuz the fruit's Garbo I don't mind eating a barrier fruit I can live with that and it and then it's like wao it's oh wait a minute oh it might be Marine starter I think my home is set to no it's Skylands okay where my boat there it is this could easily be oh no it's going down that way it could be Marine starter it could be no it might even go down faster this way okay this could be pirate starter all right pirate Village and it looks like it's under this tree right here oh the light fruit a no I kind of feel bad about eating this a light fruit would have been a nice bit of value for my inventory and unfortunately I'm not lucky enough to be able to fly 10 Mastery man come on time for our third devil fruit I honestly think 1,300 going down in this direction it's probably Candy Land but I'm going to check the portals come on yeah 1,100 it won't be Turtle no we're even further away okay let's go from the castle in the sea we're in the sea of treats we got just under 300 it could be on the far side yeah it's on the far side of chocolate surely and luckily for us I can jump straight out of this boat and just we'll fly we'll just fly over the danger we're in safety now and I think is it outside the wall oh yeah there all right I'll take another common this is a good thing for me man I don't have to eat anything too valuable 350 M for the newb account the main Noob account you can tell from his full body hockey easy jungle devil fruit it could be right here it could be at the front of jungle not the back where the gorillas are yeah yeah yeah we're definitely right here man all right didn't even need to be able to use barrier oh did I just block the devil fruit can I get to oh can I get to that Spike fruit surely cool that didn't cost me too much value to eat that one yo 60 M lucky for the light fruit account feels pretty good we're definitely behind this tree back here right Could It Be I'm not seeing any effects or anything like that so we're probably safe with rocket yes okay here we go boys 1,000 away heading down in that direction it looks like in the sea of treats but a th000 doesn't feel far enough away it could be big tree let's grab a boat 250 it could be under that tree right there but it could also be on this n there's no way it's on this island it's got to be like under here or under the tree at the back can we helicopter let's go let's go we're going to fly up over here wait is it not there is it over it's over here drop down oh yeah it's under this tree right here oh that's the spin fruit yo lucky lucky for this account all right let's go back this way I've don't think I've ever gone around the back to get a fruit and it is oh no oh man that's a rumble fruit how many of those have I got I've only got two I could have stored it I have to eat it no our first bad one oh that hurts the rumble no and 500 for this account oh wait are we going to the sky no we're not all right we're definitely on pirate Village run through this little Gap here oh oh that's the ice fruit yes okay that's not bad at all I don't mind eating that one 313 M we're lucky boys that feels pretty good because this devil fruit is not designed for travel I don't have actually know where this devil fruit is it must be oh it's got to be just there no I pointed at a chest but it is like just here somewhere bomb grab explosive jump oh dude bomb underrated a I mean yay this is weird cuz I celebrate the bad devil fruits but yes the flame fruit it can fly and it's not expensive 430 for Noob number one this guy I got a boat here but let's see if maybe I wonder if I'll get at least a legendary today guys I would I could eat a legendary and I wouldn't feel too bad but I think if I have to eat a Mythic I'll be very angry definitely going to the desert oh I see a devil oh no is that a Buddha oh is that a butter fruit I'm going to be angry dude oh no okay wait never mind it is oh okay that actually kind of sucks I don't want to eat a magma that's worth like a million a man all right we're going to eat the magma fruit that is a big waste that's the biggest waste so far oh it's unawakened right and 350 oh going down in what that dire oh stuck going oh no going in this direction probably Marine forward let's go get ourselves a boat yeah that feels like it's definitely on Marine Ford 230 away guys here we go looks like okay going up in that direction so it's under this tree and it is hey the barrier again different account I think but barrier again that's not too bad it doesn't have any use or trade value bro that says 23 M away can I see it from here no oh wait I can it is another amazing fruit for us to get the rocket all right let's eat that that didn't cost me anything and I actually kind of like this fruit it's uh very cool okay let's lucky for the first SE oh there's no luxury boat here all right we got to teleport grab ourselves this free Miracle boat and it looks like we're probably going like maybe Marine oh that's G up a lot I was going to say Marine forward but oh maybe oh yeah I was 100% right yeah Marine Ford it is probably under this tree right here although if I a went back up so it's yet right here all right oh I saw a little flame is that the rocket oh it's the bomb hoay and the next account five ooh it's probably not this sky but just in case I'll teleport so far our worst devil fruit we've had to eat has been the magma which has been really good yes that wasn't the sky but I'm glad I checked yep 100% in the same spot of jungle as before let's see what we get oh oh that's the bomb fruit as well yo we are dodging all of the expensive stuff that was a successful three devil fruit ooh 900 I am under attack guy I cannot deal with you right now you know what you deserve it you deserve to die for this be dead and gone son there we go 900 away I think that means it's oh that's Port Town no I be faster to go here I think it's actually castle in the sea ah that number's not uh not really going down anymore okay I guess oh it's going to be on this side of turtle that's what it is and oh oh I know where it is it's up here we're going up this way it's up on this rock right here wait or oh that could be the love or oh the rubber fruit it would have been sad if it was love that would have been a wasted legendary and then 400 for our big boy account which is oh maybe magma let just reverse out of marine forward here and then I think if I go in this direction yeah all right magma Village easy here we go boys under the tree that hasn't really given us much as of yet but the rocket fruit so it continues not to give us much and finally 400 for this account and it's ah it's going in that direction we need to get a boat looks like we're just going round Middletown 360 I think that means it has to be pirate Village maybe not that number is not going down fast enough perhaps it'll go down fast enough towards the desert oh yeah I see a devil fruit there is that another barrier fruit man I never get barrier fruits they felt rare but is this like my third or fourth one today why is the barri of fruits so common all of a sudden it's garbage so I don't mind eating it it doesn't feel like a waste a bro why is it so far away all right if it's 1,700 going down in that direction I'm going to teleport to Port Town this might be too big of a Teleport let's see let's see let's see 1,000 that's not bad man let's head in this oh this direction oh haunted castle all right let's go this place usually has pretty good devil fruit wait that's a bad thing though I want to eat bad devil fruit don't give me good devil fruit game is this right 300 still feels really far away although it's going down very very quickly I guess in the back corner of the island let's get our slingshot ready let's transform there we go all right I don't know if our movement is faster but our slingshots definitely better oh we're going to shoot off that Branch right there 100% Branch Branch slingshot let's go yes oh so good and I think that was the flame fruit not bad 400 m for the next account I could teleport home but I have a feeling this is Marine Ford or even if it's pirate Village it's still fast enough just to go from this direction yeah okay easy game we are 100% on Marine Ford flash step let's go oh six from here oh I can't get up there no I can't get up there at all wait jump oh for the spring uh the spin fruit as well good that doesn't cost me much value at all and our final account 600 in that I doubt it is Sky but there's no fast boat here so oh I'm actually further away I didn't think it would get further all right game where we going possibly like Snow Village or something based on those numbers okay back to back Marine Ford can this be better than the spin fruit I don't mind eating you know okay fruits as long as they're not legendaries under the tree oh no same spot as the last one all right let's see we've got no way dude all right that's fine because it's not a bad one to eat so far we have dodged every possible bullet oh boy one th wait a minute very fast that way 1,500 this could be it Port Town teleport might finally pay off come on what all right it's over on Hydra I guess I could just fly over there it's fine 200 away from here I'm going to use my race ability and jump cuz that's actually faster where could it spawn up here oh no it it's actually outside the map still it is isn't it yeah it's just on the other side here on like a hill there we go that looks like the spin fruit to me again another devil fruit where I don't feel pain when I eat this one it's irrelevant next up is the big boy account who I've just jumped into the water with cuz I have a tiny teeny tiny brain uh I'm actually going to tell with this one yeah 300 M that feels good man I think we're probably like desert could be where it's at and it's going to be under this Cactus right here I don't see any exploding devil fruit effects so oh that is the rubber fruit that one feels wasteful man this is a future Mythic fruit I don't like wasting these and finally oh six oh I don't know if it was going down I'm going to do it I'm just going to teport the Skylands who knows felt like maybe it was like oh oh what all right well that doesn't feel good I've made that mistake a couple of times now okay we're still 200 M away which makes me think oh it's not that Island oh pirate starter okay it's right oh I can see it already what is that that could be the barrier fruit again could definitely be barrier again it could be the eyes of a rocket fruit which would be fine no that's is that barrier again what is happening barrier fruit why are you so common I don't mind eating barrier fruits that does not bother me at all yo we're lucky boys 390 M away let's go in this direction oh let's fly a little actually yeah let's fly up over to the middle it's definitely I know it's definitely down this way could be down under that tree could be under a tree around here somewhere oh there it is okay please tell me that's the yes that's the light frood all right not bad not bad I was always worried that I'm going to have to eat a budha for no reason I'll happily eat that it makes the next fruit so easy to get 500 could be the back of Marine starter could be Marine Ford maybe yeah all right definitely Marine starter this is fine I've gotten gravity fruits here recently wait that would be a bad thing I don't want to eat a Mythic game all right come on what do we got we have got all the bomb fruit perfect and our last account 600o oh okay we're going to like prison or something we have not been down there yet 100 m and we're already on the island man that's got to be right on the other side can I flash step up here yes amazing here we go down in this oh there it is the spring fruit yes we dodged another one with a common no loss oh boy 2,100 M good thing I got this light fruit but also we're going to use the portals since we're right here still 1,000 as expected yo 179 light fruit you're garbage useless fruit I should have been rolling this whole time I'm not going to eat these but uh okay I was going to say sometimes I get lucky when I roll on videos it feels unnatural and I need to do it more often back up in uh this direction to the other side of the mountain here I know where it's at it's right down under this tree yes yeah what do we got something the chop fruit yes I don't eating one of those if they ever make it that I can get Mastery in this game without gaining combat XP a dude it'd be so sick oh we're going to the sky I've also been thinking I might be able to do the dark blade version 2 Quest without gaining any combat XP but I got to double check that'd be cool because then thousand slices would be a movement skill oh yo a devil fruit on the ground level this doesn't happen very often so it's very exciting even if it's Garbo wait no no no we want it to be Garo I'm not getting used to this at all garbage is good for today's video our final account probably couldn't be further away I don't think it's the sky but this might get us closer please please yes all right worth it oh yeah that's G down fast now it's jungle okay should be spawned next to this big tree right here I don't oh I see a chop fruit yes not bad not bad at all 1,200 but it's going down in this Direction man I would really like to teleport to port and it just be there but I think we're probably going a big turtle just under 400 and we're already at the oh no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah before it was like 300 when I got to the turtle yeah this is probably the right place oh I could be wrong it's gone down awfully fast in this direction I really thought it was going to be up over there but I'm wrong it's up over this way oh dude I have 100% I've gone the wrong way about this there's a faster way to get to this devil fruit this way yeah oh there it is oh no oh no no no no I have to eat a it's a spirit fruit a don't do this to me game don't make me eat this come on oh that's painful how many of those do I even have I had one Spirit fruit it would have been my second Spirit fruit oh that's painful that makes me sad boys oh the second account's extra lucky please please don't be a triple like three mythics or three legendaries oh good I don't think my my soul could take another one good old spin fruit thank you and finally in oh no oh no no no no no no wait a minute I don't no no it's not upper Sky cuz yeah no it's not we're fine we're fine guys hey looks like it's probably on the desert very nice I don't see a devil fruit off to this side I'm really hoping just be another common be more garbage man do not make me eat another good fruit in this set oh oh I saw the wh to the eyes I thought it was another Spirit fruit you know the saddest part about this isn't eating the spirit fruit it's eating the next fruit that will replace the spirit fruit which I believe is a spring fruit this is one of the most wasteful things I've ever done in a video and oh it is physically painful how about the second account oh that could be the sky if oh that could be upper Sky which I can't get to anymore okay maybe not maybe we're okay let's head down in this direction hopefully this just means that we're going to Coliseum oh I see a devil fruit okay that could be it looks like it's maybe white so maybe the ghost fruit or the smoke either oh yeah yeah is that smoke that would be a good thing for us yeah yes yes the smoke fruit I'll happily take one of those and eat it the world doesn't need any more smoke fruits in it so it's a good thing if we get rid of them oh and finally oh this direction no could be prison oh there's no fast boats no I hope this is on an island that has boats please don't be prison no I think it's fastest this way maybe okay we're still looking at 300 away but I refuse if there's a better boat right here I'm going to get it this is not the time for my favorite tree to prove its worth please don't be a good fruit favorite tree like do your best here man do not give me the good stuff hello oh yes it's just the flame feels good all right in that case it is the best tree it gave me exactly what I needed 2,000 for us now boys hopefully the portals are going to speed this up we got the spring fruit so it's not like I can do any flying let's roll a devil fruit I don't have to eat this one I just am cuz I am oh a let's go all right glad I didn't have to eat that one 1,50 this could get us there yes one oh yeah yeah yeah this way all right leap again I'm going the wrong way still going the wrong way oh it's over there I see a devil fruit oh it's the bomb lame all right bomb fruit let's eat that so glad I rolled the butter and didn't find it what a Pog oh 82 m i see it over there oh and it's doing something is that just smoke or is that yeah yeah yeah that might just be the smoke fruit yep let's eat that bad boy and last but definitely not least let's go in this oh wait a minute where are we going right now reverse so I don't hit the island back in this direction five hundo okay probably the prison here we go easy devil fruit this one let's go over here this way yep all right anything what is that what makes that effect could that be magma I don't know what it's doing that oh it is yeah it's the little magma Splats man that kind of feels a little bit bad that's like a million trade value there
Channel: Magicbus
Views: 206,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magicbus, roblox, blox fruits, blox, fruit, devil, one, piece, roblox one piece, best anime games, best one piece games, free devilfruit, noob to pro, starting over, funny video, roblox noob to pro, anime, anime noob to pro, funny moments, simulator, dragon fruit, demon fruit, blox piece, leopard fruit, latest update, storage, race v4, race awakening, roblox blox fruits, new fruit, rubber gear 4, update 20, update 20 part 1, update 22, dragon rework, dragon rework blox fruits
Id: cNkdZ5C9KYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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