The Pursuit of Righteousness - Part 3

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[Music] all right so today we're going to go into part three of this teaching it's part three of the teaching on the pursuit of righteousness and this will be the final part and so we're going to go ahead and wrap this up so let's kind of just recap real quickly that what we've been trying to do with this teaching is we're trying to make sure that we understand very clearly what righteousness is why you should want to have it and how do you get that's really the most important thing that we understand and so what we've already covered in part one and part two is that righteousness is something that you do we get a good sense of that when we talk about in first John chapters two and three we have in Chapter two we had a quote from chapter two which says if you know that he is righteous you know that everyone doing righteousness has been born of him and first John three there was a quote the ones doing righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous and by the way this is not a deep theological concept if we take the word righteous and simply switch it to doing what is right well the one who is doing what is right is right and if you just don't think if you're the one doing what is wrong you're wrong so it's really not some new deep heavy theological concept it's very straightforward very simple and very logical if you are doing what is right you're called righteous if you're doing what is wrong you're actually called the sinner you're not called you know wrongness but we would be called a sinner at that point or those that are lawless and so that was what we talked about now in all throughout part two we talked a lot about why you would want it why do we need it we're told that blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness so there's a blessing in it we're told the blessed are those who are pursue persecuted for righteousness sake there's a Matthew five we also are told in Matthew six that we are to seek first the kingdom Elohim and His righteousness seeking be embracing and walking in that same type of righteousness and that's what we're seeking was seeking to be like him that all these other things that were worried about in what would be added on to us okay we're also talked about how in the book of Acts and other places that he's going to judge the world when he does the judgment and righteousness so the judgment that he's going to use it of your righteous judgment what does that mean he's going to be judging people according to what he's taught us is right and what is wrong and so he's going to be looking at how you've done what you've done has it been doing mostly right you can do mostly wrong it's all going to be judged in righteousness and it's also going to be not only judging whether or not you did right or wrong but it's going to be judging according to what he's told us is the righteous way to judge though there's a right way to judge we're taught that throughout the Scriptures as well so now let's continue and go to Matthew chapter 21 Matthew 12 chapter 21 and read a little bit there well begin in verse 23 let's eat Yahoo Matthew 21 and verse 23 and he and when he had come into the set of our place the chief priests and elders of the people came to him this is Yeshua and he was teaching and said by what authority are you doing these and who gave you this authority okay we're not going to talk about the name that much right now but just realize that the issue was always about authority in other words they could have just really said by what name are you doing these things and who get and what name gave you this you know this authority I mean what name are you doing this under and so there's still a lot of people out there sending me all kinds of nasty emails and bashing people all over the internet because if you don't get that name pronunciation just the way they think it's supposed to be you're going straight to who knows where you going okay and that's not what it's all about it all has to do with authority and that's what they want to know is by what authority are you doing all these things because they thought people needed to be under their authority and he was not under their authority we said hegeman's Authority the temple's authority said what authority you're doing this and you are answering in verse 24 said to them I shall ask you one question also which if you answer I shall say to you by what authority I do these things so you said okay I'm not just going to answer your question I only asked you one first and if I like your answer if you answer my question then I'll answer your question he says the immersion of Jochen on where did it come from from heaven or from men so the reason among themselves saying if we say from heaven he shall say to us and why did you not believe him but if we say for men we feared that the crowd you know is going to you know maybe the crowd is going to go a little crazy because they all hold Jochen under the Prophet and the answer to she once said we do not know and he says to them neither do I say to you by what authority I do these well that's a good way to see how he always he always catches them and traps them up he says this however he goes and continuing in the next verse he says but what do you think and I'm going to ask you another question a man had two sons and he came to the first and said son go work today in my vineyard and he answering said I do not wish to but afterwards he repented anyway and having come to the second he said similarly and he answering said oh I go master but he did not go which of the two did the desire of the father but they said to him the first issue was said to them truly I say to you that that the tax collectors and are entering into the reign of the kingdom of heaven before you or into the reign of Elohim before you for the oken on came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him but tax collectors and believed him and when you saw it you did not repent afterwards to believe in another one you said you're in the second group you're not in that first group you're in that second group but notice what he says you this interesting phrasing says Yochanan came to you in the way of righteousness that's the authority right there they were known as children or followers of the way fpou schewe was resurrected there was a lot of references being the people or the children or the followers of the way well what way is that the way of righteousness well where do you find that well it's called a Toma it's called the commandments the instructions of Yahweh tell you what is right what is wrong that's the way of righteousness and so it says here y'all can I came to you in Toro Biddy ins and Torah observance he says and you did not believe him you did not believe him because they were not looking for the correct fruit as evidence of his Authority they were looking for Authority being handed down from another Authority from another Authority so for example the high priests the current high priests at that time was an appointee of Rome and so they were looking like well what authority do you have well we have the authority of harridan of Rome hmm well how about if I have the authority of that I'm of doing what the father said how about that authority how would that have being obedient to the instructions of the creator of the universe how would that authority look at the fruit to know the authority let's go to chapter 23 stay here in Matthew chapter 23 in verse 27 Matthew 23 and verse 27 woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because you are like whitewashed tombs which outwardly indeed look well but inside are filled with dead men's bones and all uncleanness so you too outwardly indeed appear righteous to men but inside you are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness they see how that plays right back to Matthew chapter 5 when Yeshua first starts teaching them and he says I you've heard of old it says not to murder but if you wanted to in your heart you broke it anyway so these guys are walking around going well I'm righteous because I've never murdered yeah but you wanted to or I'm righteous because I never committed adultery yeah but you wanted to or I'm righteous because but you wanted to you see what he's saying here you're walking in hypocrisy so that outwardly you appear righteous but inwardly there's a big problem inwardly there's a big problem and so and we see this all the time many of us know people that we know very well personally and really closely that we know stuff about them that else seems to realize because outwardly they put on a really good show and you can't convince their friends and people that they hang out with any differently than what they think they know because they don't know him well enough but you know because you've seen the truth and you're like wow you've got the wool pulled over everybody dies well that's what he's saying here about these people here he's saying look you've got the wool pulled over their eyes describe to the Pharisees you said you've got the wool pulled over everybody's eyes you look and appear righteous which by the way meant they were doing things right at a certain level they had some things right mechanically that people his people were recognizing that their behaviors to a large degree was in line with Scripture like we said you know you tithe on the mint and the cumin right these little leaves you Eventide vitamin C that's righteous that's correct that's doing what is right he said however you've left the way you know left out the weightier matters of mercy compassion etc understand what I'm saying so that there were certain appearances of righteousness what we all have that problem at times too we have a lot of the mechanics down so two others who look at us it may appear righteous but yet our behavior does not manifest that this you see a lot today and I hate to keep going back to this over and over again people don't think I have a problem an obsession with this but when I see people discussing stuff on Facebook on the internet there's not a fruit of the Ruach being demonstrated even if they may actually be right because I may actually agree with the point the person is making but there's no love there or gentleness or meekness or kindness well then it's still rule it has to do with weightier matters right mercy and compassion and all those other things and then wait here because they're heavier they're harder to do it really is not that tough to you know change the way you eat or to change what days you keep what's tough is to change how you treat people change your personality change your attitude change their behavioral styles that's not easy to do that's weightier that's much weightier so let's continue so he's saying is going to look don't be a hypocrite so that should be a strong admonishment to us be careful lest we be walking in apocrypha you know we did a teaching calls get out the leaven and you can listen to that as we get closer real wrapping around here towards Passover and in one of the chapters it says beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees which is hypocrisy so leaven I make an argument for least to sin but leaven itself is not sin but leaven will lead to sin hypocrisy leads to sin when you lie to yourself you're going to start taking the actions eventually that manifest out of those lies so while you may be able to maintain an outward appearance appearance for a period of time it won't last forever at some point it starts to come out and so this is the hypocrisy issue Asylum Isis loader you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites and so in Matthew 23 we get all these woes and each time he calls them a hypocrite so you may want to read that to say Abba is there any of this happening in my life so I'm not a hypocrite and so because I don't want to look only outwardly righteous to men I want to actually be righteous what actually be righteous Luke chapter 18 Luke chapter 18 and verse 9 Luke 18 and verse 9 and he also spoke this parable to some who relied on themselves that they were righteous and looking down on others now by the way this is the key problem and Paul talks about this quite a bit we're not talking about salvation by works or works this and works that in an idio it's the idea that somehow relying on yourself your self-righteousness listen to what it says here says there were some to me there was some will relied on themselves that they were righteous in other words their own definition of righteousness it's not just saying they were relying on their own efforts for righteousness if that's what Christianity teaches you oh they relied on themselves righteous they weren't taking the righteousness of Yeshua that is not what this verses say this saying they relied on themselves to decide what is ripeness and then looked out on others and they decided I'm all righteous in you because by the way all those name people out there that's exactly what they're doing I'm more righteous than you because I know how to say you're hot AHA so lucha wasa or whatever it is they're saying now I'm not trying to make fun of them it just gets to be very frustrating to deal with all that there's not a single verse that says you have to figure out how to say the name correctly and you never see anybody get in trouble for saying it wrong it just doesn't say that anywhere in your scripture but yet that's one of those ways that people use as being self righteous by the way there are those that will use it because they raise their hands when they pray and if you don't want a lot more righteous in you because I raised my hands or there are some let's do this or some that do that and they decide what because I do that it makes me more righteous than you and so they're deciding for themselves what the criteria is for this righteousness that's what this verse is talking about let's get back to the verse he said there was some who relied on themselves that they were righteous and looking down at others two men I was going to give you examples you can see this two men went up to the set-apart place to pray the one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector and the Pharisee stood and began a frame with himself this way so he wasn't really caring about whether or not he was directing it forward or directing it above towards the Creator he was just going through the mechanics of the requirements to pray he's an Elohim I thank you that I'm not like the rest of men swindlers unrighteous adulterers and even as a tax collector I fast twice a week I give tithes of all that I possess in other words you're saying although you have to look out of what a wonderful guy and look at all these great things that I'm doing there's this verse that comes to come to mind about thinking you stand less you fall beware don't you think you stand less you fall the verse is in Deuteronomy issue which says that he's going to Humble us to test us to prove us whether it's in our heart to keep the commandments there's obviously a humility issue here with this Pharisee of course if you was trying to particularly and specifically attack Pharisee and the group of Pharisees there were leadership and she wanted to compare them to a tax collector who was considered the lowest of the low in that society he says verse 13 but the tax collector standing at a distance would not even raise his eyes to the heaven but was beating and press saying Elohim show favor unto me a sinner show favor unto me a sinner so here's a man who recognized who he was and what he was he had an honest and open opinion of himself and by the way this doesn't meaning with a horrible sinner all of us about how righteous we think we are could say that same thing elohim be merciful upon me because it says all have fallen short and by the way we do that on almost everyday basis in verse 14 he says i say to you this man went down to his house declared right rather than the other in other words he was declared to be righteous not the other because being declared right means being declared righteous and so it was a righteous behavior to go before the father and say I'm a sinner and deserve nothing have mercy upon me I deserve death the other stroke before the Father and said I'm a great guy I do everything wonderfully you owe me well that's not the right attitude and right approach and so that's when we start talking about how works fit into all of this works in no way obligates the father to anything in other words you can't go before the father saying hey you need to let me in because see here I got my checklist and I checked it all off and I got 100 on the test because part of the test has to do with your personality your attitude when you treat people and so that is a big part of this mix and so here's a humble man and we're told the meek and the humble shall inherit the earth and here's the humble man and he's declared right while the other is not he said I say to you but this man went down without to play it right rather than the other for everyone who was exhausting him sell shall be humbled and he was humbling himself shall be exalted if you're trying to keep the Sabbath you are not exalting yourself because that's what Christianity will tell you oh you're just exalting yourself that's categorizing it in the same categories this stuff you're trying to work your way into righteousness well works is part of what defines righteousness doing what right is what defines righteousness however there's also self-righteousness there's also humility and is also out of control ego and pride and so if you're doing the works for the wrong reason in the wrong approach with the wrong attitude it avails you nothing that's all he's saying however if you do the work and you do it with the right attitude and the right approach it avails you much because remember this tax collector did a work he went before the Father humbly and repented and said I'm sorry I'm a sinner have mercy on me well Abba tells us to do that so that was a work it was the beginning of the process of repentance and tissue vah the turning back onto the correct path so he didn't go in there and say hey I do all these things that I want to do and I don't really care what you have to say about me I know I'm fine look how many times you had this conversation I have this many times with people that are coming out of mainstream Christianity he'll say oh I'm fine don't worry you know Hapag knows my heart and I he approves of what I'm doing and I'm sure he's okay and my answer is always the same you better be I hope you're right because if you're not you're in big trouble so if you are doing something that may be a slight deviation from what the word says and you think I was approving it well if you're wrong you're in trouble so I'd be a little nervous about this confidently saying oh I'm sure he's okay with this little situation or my by doing this even though I know what's wrong I've had people say to me over and over again over time saying I know it's wrong but anybody have that conversation with anybody oh I know wrong I know I'm not supposed to do this then why are you doing it any sense since it starts off with I know it's wrong should end with and that's why I'm no longer doing it and that's why I'm going to stop doing it now you can't go with I know it's wrong into some justification of doing it then because now you're really in trouble you already admitted you know that it's wrong which means that you cannot be righteous at that moment because right just means you're doing what's right and you've already know you're doing what's wrong well then you certainly can't be declared righteous at that moment don't be telling me oh but I've got the imputed righteousness of Yeshua really that mocks the righteousness of Yeshua if you're going to claim that you can have that while you're doing something you know is wrong now you're making fun of him they accuse us of making fun of him because we want to do works how many of you have heard that oh we try to do work she just mocking what Yeshua did you're saying it wasn't good enough you're saying what he did wasn't enough anybody heard that way too many times right no what's mocking him is when people say well I know it's wrong well I know christmas comes from pagans well I know Easter really is well I know I shouldn't need for line up anytime they start off with I know it's wrong and they still do it anyway that's not news that's rule that's evil that's sin fill in the blanks whatever it is it's not doing what's right it's not righteous let's continue going to John chapter five so in Luke we saw the idea is you should not be relying on yourself good part of this section that we're reading right now is how do you get righteousness well one of the pieces that you need to make sure you embrace fully is do not rely on your self now that doesn't mean that you shouldn't make any effort by looking for the righteous of Yeshua but it means that don't rely yourself to decide what's right and what's wrong do not rely on yourself or that rely on him for that and the word to tell you what that is see we are very blessed to have it very simple before us he wrote it down for us well he had Moses write it down for us and then he had isaiah in ezekiel and jeremiah and all these others writing down for us then he had the Gospels written down for us so we have it written before us so you don't have to rely on yourself to make those decisions to decide whether you're right matter fact I would do all and having done all stand and yet at the same time still realize alva i still look to you to say i know ultimately i'm still a sinner i've done it the best i can i hope that's enough i pray that's enough I hope my heart's right because it's not about being perfect it's about wanting to be perfect it's not about being perfect it's about wanting to be perfect if that word tom or tom beam which means perfect in the translations most of us better translated in my opinion fills with integrity which means that your desire was to be perfect even if you failed and so that meant that every time you failed you got upset about it and got yourself back up brush yourself off and try to be perfect again instead of saying well I guess if I can't be perfect I will just go around not being perfect he doesn't expect you to do that he doesn't want you to quit expect you till want to be perfect because you desire it your desires to be like his son who was perfect and so every time you fall short it should frustrate you a little bit so that she gives you some motivation to try harder next time to be perfect and it doesn't matter for you to say well but I know I'm going to fail so so give up if you did that you'd never be walking every child start stands up walks doesn't work does that hundreds of time still doesn't work so what did he do is just as I lob viously it doesn't work I should just give up to stay on my hands and knees and cross the rest of our lives see all of you have gone through lots of parts of this process where there are parts of your life now that you no longer struggle with but it was a big struggle up to a point right you struggled up to a point that you don't struggle with it anymore why because you finally got to that point where after you brush yourself off enough time you got it under control okay so now there's other things that you struggle with well good you have new toys to play with so there's different aspects of your life sex you're now ready to now move on to focusing on into getting right John chapter 5 Jochen on chapter 5 Jochen on chapter 5 and we're going to go to verse 17 John chapter 5 and verse 17 but if you answer them saying my father works until now that I work the father works don't tell anybody and so does your shoe up and we're supposed to be like him he says because of this said that you who deem were seeking all the more to kill him because not only was he breaking the Sabbath but he also called Elohim his own father making himself equal with Elohim now of course he wasn't breaking the Sabbath they were thinking and accusing that he was breaking the Sabbath verse 16 says because of this you who deemed persecuted issuer and we're seeking to kill him because he was doing healings on the Sabbath so they felt he was breaking the Sabbath they felt he was sitting by making himself equal with Elohim verse 19 says therefore you should responded and said to them truly truly I say to you the son is able to do none at all by himself but only that which he sees the father doing because whatever he does the son also likewise does for the Father loves the Son and shows him all that himself does and greater works than these he is going to show him in order that you marvel for as the father raises the dead and makes alive even so the son makes a life whom he wishes for the father judges no one but he has given all judgment to the son that all should value the son even as they value the father he does not value the son does not value the father who sent him truly truly I say to you he who hears my word and believes in Him who sent me possesses everlasting life and does not come into judgment but has passed from death into life truly truly I say to you the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the son of Elohim and those having heard shall live for as the father possessed his life in himself he gave also to the sons of business life in himself and he has given him authority also to do judgment because he is the son of Adam do not marvel at this because the hour is coming in which all those in the tomb shall hear his voice and shall come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who practice evil matter so a resurrection of judgment of myself I mean unable to do any matter as I hear I judge and my judgment is righteous because I do not seek my own desire but the desire and the father who sent me with a lot fare let's break it down so first we have in the beginning of this section of verse 17 he says my father works until now and I work and we are to follow in his footsteps so we are to work but what kind of work we're going to see all of this here he says the kind of work he does is I do everything my fathertold tells me to do what shows me to do so that's the kind of work he does that's the kind of work that we're supposed to follow him in his footsteps so what works are we supposed to be doing the ones you sure did the ones the father has put in place and so what does the Sun do we have a whole teaching called what did you sure would do he kept the Sabbath he kept the pc8 right he did everything according to Torah he says here he says for the Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself does he says I do not at all by myself but I do that which is of the father so that's that's kind of fits into what we've been reading right you're not going to decide for yourself what's right you're going to allow him to lead and to demonstrate the show if your father your heavenly Father has given you this word with the instruction and all of that stuff issue literally could see it we have written down for us makes it a little easier for us so we have it there written down for us then he talks about this judgment thing he said the father judges no one but has given all judgment to the son that all should value the son even as they value the province and always trying to say look you need to value me as you value the father he says now listen if I was truly I say to you he who hears my word and believes in Him who says me now he says here he's talking about Shema I promise you the underlined word here with Shema Shema means to hear and to take action upon to hear and to do he says everyone who Shabazz my word years and does my word and believe that him who sent me possesses everlasting life possesses effort so you possess it by the way possessing it doesn't mean that you're actually going to end up with it means that you have potential you possess the thing that gives you and potentially can give you everlasting life he says now he says those people that possess everyone's names does not come into judgment but his tastin destined to life but it takes that wasn't clear enough it makes it even more clear when he says this he says those in verse 29 who have done good are going to come forth to the resurrection of life and those who practice evil matters or sin to a resurrection of judgment I don't see how this is complicated it's very simple stuff it's consistent by the way with Romans chapter 2 Paul says the exact same thing it's not in my notes that we'll go there real quickly in Romans 2 he says beginning in verse 5 but according to your hardness and your unrepentant heart you are treasuring up for yourself rap in the day of wrath a revelation of the righteous judgment of Elohim who shall render to each one according to his works listen to verse 7 everlasting life to those who persist in good work seek first theme and respect and incorruptibility for rapping this legend of those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth and but obey unrighteousness is that not the same thing as you would just said by the way it's everywhere you reap what you sow you're going to be judged according to your works and so your works matter your works letter so what does he tell you he says look because people say well in verse 24 here in matthew 5 john 5 and verse 24 if the people say oh well we already possessed everlasting life we have it that's it we've got it there's no losing it and so he says look if you should mine my word if you're doing what is right if you're listening and doing then you possess it guess what happens when you don't Shema you lose it if I give you my a car you know they say is that possessions like nine cents of the Lots every thing you possess my car means that you own it you have it you have it in your possession guess what you can do with my cars you could sell it to somebody else you can lose it you could throw it away you can do anything with that car use any analogy that you want to hopefully this is making some sense possessing it doesn't mean that you actually get to enjoy it it simply means that you now have the means to have it it's within your grasp if you've laid hold of it but laying hold of it doesn't means you can't let it go and drop it so if that's why it clarifies it by when we get to verse verse 29 it says those who have done good to the resurrection of life when these are the people that have done good up and to the point of death because he's talking about people that have died at this point he says there will be those who are dead that are going to hear my voice and come out of the tombs those who had done good to resurrection of life those who had done evil or lawlessness or whatever it says here it's an evil matters to a resurrection of judgment hopefully that makes some sense and it's clear it's very simple and it's consistent all throughout Scripture let's go and by the way when he says one of the verses as I hear I judge and my judgment is righteous and so what he's talking about here is the Hebrew there could also be decide as as I here I decided my decisions are righteous why because I do not seek my own desire but the desire of my father who sent me so how do you want to have righteous judgment in your life see what the father said about the circumstance you're going through what did the father to say about the thing you're dealing with seek his judgment his information his righteousness and then the decision will be easy and clear issue assess as I hear I judge and make judgment or decide and make decision that are righteous because because this is why they're righteous in other words this is why they are right that make good and right decisions because I don't seek my own desire I don't seek my own desire you want to know what trips you have won anything else your own desire oh but I don't like oh I don't think I want to do that well I don't think that's going to work for me no I don't know that doesn't sound right I don't know I'm not like that oh that's not fair why do I have to do that now doesn't sound like that why should he get that why does well see all that stuff starts out with your desire you know when they did this story about the 11th hour you know the workers that came in in the morning and said yeah we'll work for X number of whatever and then the ones who came into the last hour will offer the same exact wages well the person who came in the first hour was happy with what he was offered but see his own desire was that well I worked more I should get paid more well it's not fair he's getting paid the same thing well why does that have anything to do with you see if you just happy and be accepting what obligates to you don't worry about everybody else from that point of view don't get jealous and envious and Echenique it's your desire that gets you in trouble so what did you suicide he said he says I do not seek my own desire by the way that's what makes us all terrible judges because we have a bias always well I like that person I don't like this person well I agree with that person I think because of your own personal biases it makes you a lousy judge that's why even in our court systems today we try to make sure to have a judge that has no connection or relationship to anybody involved in the case because they may actually be dealing with a bias whether they are aware of it or not and so to prevent that the Jews the judges or people involved have to recuse themselves from the trial so that they cannot be a part of it well guess what you are a human being as a human being it's very hard to separate you from your desires and the filters that that makes so the way that we do that is we don't seek our own but we seek Him we seek the desire the Father who has called you instead of thing diverse the way he does but the desire of my father who has sent me so you want to take the desire of the father what it's called you none comes with the father draws so you seek to desire the father who has drawn you James Yaakov chapter 1 verse 12 James Yakov chapter 1 and in verse 12 let's read here Yakov James chapter 1 verse 12 blessed is the man who does endure trial for when he has been approved he shall receive the crown of life which the master has promised to those who love him for when he has been proved when he's been proved we'd have to do something I got to prove myself that verses in everybody Bible he says blessed is the man whose indoors his trials why is the trial there to prove you to test you whom Deuteronomy 8 2 again he's going to prove you and test you to see whether it's in your heart to keep the commandments or not he says but when he's endured and been proven he's going to receive the fount of life at the master has promised to those who love him he says let no one say when he's enticed I'm his - oh he no he was not in title matters and he faces no one but each one is enticed when he has drawn away by his own desires and trap see that desire is the problem he says then when desire has conceived it gives birth to sin and sin when it has been accomplished brings forth death so look what happens you get a thought that somehow doesn't get taken into captivity it goes down into the heart where desire attaches to it desire then when it has conceived it gives birth to sin and sin is going to bring forth death he says do not go astray my beloved brothers every good gift and every perfect gift and some buttons from above coming down from the heaven assuming from the Father of lights with whom there is no change nor shadow of turning now that's what those verses you need to have for that whole debate you have the people about the father changing his mind and everything else that the father of lights with whom there is no change or shadow of turning I am Yahweh I change not we have that verse from the Old Testament from the Tanakh he doesn't change so you can't have people telling you that keeping the Sabbath or keeping the kashrut laws the kosher laws do all these things on long if he said it was right it can never be wrong you know that's your sort of little game you can play with your friends you know if God changed well no of course not okay so if you said something's right it can't be wrong of course if you says it's wrong it can't be right of course well then why are you eating that fork they're trapped there's nothing they can said oh well that was done away with no you just told me he doesn't change you just told me something is wrong can't be right eating block was wrong it can't be right ever you can't tell me that something that was wrong is now right otherwise you're saying he's changed first 18 having purposed it he brought brought us walked by the word of truth for us to be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures now let's again I want us to go back to our definition of things like light and truth and word Yeshua's life because you shoe is the light of the world you have your shoe with the truth I am the truth right I am the way the truth and the light so we have the definition we don't think eschew as the word made flesh I want you to amplify your Bible yourself don't get an amplified one but use your own amplification so like he says here he says look having purpose it he brought us forth by the word of truth by Yeshua who is the word of truth the Spirit of Truth the word of truth for us to be kind of firstfruits of his creatures he says so then my beloved brothers let every man be swift to hear slow to speak and slow to wrath for the wrath of man does not work the righteousness of Elohim the wrath of man does not do what work the righteousness of Elohim see righteousness is something you do it was like the subtitle really to this teaching it's not just the pursuit of righteousness but to understand that righteousness is something you do of course if I titled is that all those people that think this has nothing to do would never listen to the teacher well that's the whole point of his teachings that righteousness is something you do for the wrath of min does not work the rights of Elohim he says therefore put away all filthiness and over of evil and receive with meekness the implanted word the implanted yeshua the imprinted truth the implanted torah which is able to save your lives all of that in its fullness is able to save your lives and become doers of the word of yeshua of the truth of the torah and not hearers only deceiving yourselves this is back - whoa - you hypocrite he says because if anyone is a hearer of the word of the truth of Yeshua of the Torah and not as doer he's like a man who looks in the net is natural face in a mirror for he looks at himself and goes away and immediately forgets what he was like but he that looking to the perfect Torah the perfect truth the perfect word the perfect yeshua that of freedom the perfect light that of freedom and continues in it not becoming a hearer that forgets but a doer of work this one shall be blessed in his doing of the Torah and that versed in everybody Bible I mean I don't know how they reach I mean I understand not why you opened on I mean it give me the book of Jacob James Yaakov was one of the hardest one to get canonized he expected people to do stuff and not just any stuff Toller stuff because look what he says here he that looked into the perfect Torah which by the way if you want to put it into that timing thing the Torah that fills with integrity that of freedom oh you're not doing that burdensome bondage lossing are you the uncle thought it was a total freedom freedom from what sin it frees you from the bondage of sin that's the Virgin sin that you carry around all kinds of burden when you sin anybody will feel felt burdened when they were in sin there's a knife to let it all go and get that burden off of you when you realize how to get out of sin now you can start doing what's right he says and continues in it hmm not only looking at it but you've got to continue in it not being a hero that forgets but a doer of the works a taker of the actions as expressed in the commandment and the instructions of its vote the law the Torah this one shall be blessed in his doing and his efforts in his works I don't know how we get to any more simple and straightforward than that let's go to chapter 3 we'll stay here in James and Yaakov chapter 3 and go to verse 13 who is wise and understanding among you let him show by his good behavior his works and meekness of wisdom hmm but if you have bitter jealousy self-seeking in your hearts do not boast against and lie against the truth the tower you shew it that's all of that means the truth this is not the wisdom coming down from above but it is earthly unspiritual demonic for where jealousy and sell seeking are there's confusion in every foul deed but wisdom from above is first clean then peaceable gentle ready to obey filled with compassion and good fruits without partiality or without Apocrypha okay everybody needs to take that verse print it out somewhere and make sure you read that before you type anything into Facebook because it needs to be clean peaceable gentle and ready to obey filled with compassion and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy if you don't qualify all that stuff you want to probably keep your mouth closed and the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace the fruit of righteousness the fruit of doing right is sown in peace by those who make peace you know somebody I saw on their Facebook page said something to the effect of how excited and proud they were because they didn't say it that way but they were like hey I know it could be a little bit rough I'm like a hurricane and afterwards is healing after I go by and everything but you know you guys just have to deal with it because I just tell them like it is not a bullet he punches how does that fit into the verse we just read by the way I used to be that guy so whoever you are if you are watching I'm not attacking you I was you you can ask people that know me from 15 60 and 18 years ago I was that guy I would blast through like look I know I'm strong from here from the microphone not the same person when we're face to face I'm allowed to cry aloud spare not hear from the microphone I must be gentle and ready to obey filled with compassion and good fruit all this stuff when I'm dealing with people one on one does that make sense there's a difference when I'm just declaring a message that's general for the public to consume as a whole I can be as strong as need be according to the way the word readings I'm just reading the strength of the word I'm not trying to get any stronger than it does however you know I had a person tell me what I'm that listening to me teach was like drinking out of a fire hose I thought that was great how cool is that until I realized if you tried to do that it would blow your face off that's not good you can't drink out of a firehose it would kill you and so let's not be excited and proud well you know I just tried to tell it like it is and let the chips fall where they may and it's not my fault people can't handle it but you are responsible you're responsible to be gentle and peaceable to the fruit of righteousness own in peace not in attacking people and fighting with people you will see me on Facebook only answer questions gently by giving information or offering teachings you will not find me correcting people you will not find me writing listen you dummy what's wrong with you don't you understand this blah blah blah we don't do that that's not loving gentle meek it's not the fruit of the Spirit kindly gentle good self-control all those things that are in Galatians 5:23 blessed are the peacemakers right we need to be peacemakers we know all of the stuff is being discussed right here in the section says the fruit of righteous are sown in peace by those who make peace a lot of people want to make more not peace they want to thought fights not peace I would discourage you from doing that first Peter first kifo because I know if you really fill your ego especially for the men oh I just come in there and I'm blasting with both guns blazing and boy I'm just let them have it but what did you leave you left wreckage and carnage all over the place is that really good you're proud of yourself oh I said everybody straight well did you really did you really set anybody straight or you just show people an ugly side of you that makes them say I don't want to be like that guy and quite frankly I was probably right a lot of the time with those people that I blasted but I was still wrong because I blasted to the matter that I was right as soon as you leave the fruit of the Spirit in the way you're dealing with it you're now wrong anyway let's really embrace that I don't care how right you really work technically literally it's irrelevant if you're not meek and gentle and loving and joyful and everything else when you do it because now you're wrong anyway if you want to be strong make a teaching put it out there for everybody as a teaching then it's not personal it's Republican sumption and people can take it however they want to take it because I love these guys when they attack and then I see this all the time and they don't always attack me to media exactly when somebody else mentions of me and they'll say things and I'm like you know what next time don't argue with the guy ask him where his teaching is that could be scrutinized under a microscope where's your teaching sir because we'd like to examine it under the same microscope you're examining my teacher oh you don't have any well then leave mine alone thank you okay because you're holding yourself up as being smarter and better and more well educated and understanding things better than I do well then put it in a teaching write it down or get in front of a microphone everybody has the ability to do that but otherwise you know what be gentle about it come to me privately and personally first nobody ever does that there's ways to do things I'm trying to encourage you that this is the character we're supposed to be developing and when I look out at the body I don't get to see the ones who are walking this way because the other ones not posting so I'm hoping there's a lot more of them than the ones who are posting well granted is a small percentage of people posting who are behaving correctly they're meek and they're loving the gentle that are asking questions innocently enough think hey I'm struggling with this hey does anybody have an answer for this or hey I heard somebody keeps this and it wasn't really working for me does anybody understand this a little different is that it going well you're not listening to that bozo are you what's wrong with you don't you know he's a false teacher are you sure what if he's not you got to be careful you got to be gentle okay continuing let's go to first Peter chapter two first Peter chapter two hey we're going to get this done today and that's great first key for first Peter chapter 2 in verse 21 first Peter 2:21 for to this you were called that's a good way to start so now he's going to sit there okay this is why it was called let me pay attention to this you were called because the thigh also suffered for us leaving us an example that you should follow in his steps who committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth who being reviled did not revile in return suffering did not threaten but committed themselves to committed himself to him who judges righteously okay lets that go into what we were just talking about if people are reviling do not revile back don't revile back he says let's go ahead and suffer don't threaten you commit yourself to the one who judges righteously who himself for our sins in his body on the timber so that we haven't died to sin might live unto righteousness by His stripes you were healed for you are like sheep going astray but you have now returned to the Shepherd and overseer of your lives now look what it says in verse 24 who bore our sins in his body on the timber so that we this is frost nail having died to sin might live on to doing what's right he didn't die to sin so that you can go on sinning - now make what you do not sin boy that would be nice and easy right I know died because you send and then take all that stuff away that makes what you're doing sensei you can just do whatever you want says therefore you're not sitting anymore see how crazy that sounds but that's what people that's what every Sunday isn't it that he died to do away with all that stuff so that you can do whatever you want basically of course you better tithe though then show up on Sunday put something in the box he died so that so having died to sin we die to sin he put sin to death that will was nailed with our sins the ordinances in hand right he's written against us you know what that was in those days they literally would take what would be considered today like in the police report a rap sheet your rap sheet or the list of your charges against you literally was nailed on the on the crucifixion stake next to you so that people walking by could know while you're up there the charges against you when did you see will wipe out all the charges against you he didn't wipe out the things that caused you to have charges against you which would be the law he wiped out the charges in other words he's given you an amnesty against all those previous charges he said I've wiped those charges out but now you know that as you go forward if you make another mistake if you sin again if you trespass again you're going to have to come back onto that blood you're going to have to repent it's not automatic you have to do a process you've got to repent but if you do repent what you repent of can come under the blood and therefore also be wiped away as a charge that's wiped away hopefully that makes some sense but you need to have some historical context to understand all that let's go to 2nd key for a second Peter chapter 2 from first Peter to to second Peter 2 and verse 22nd keep of verse chapter 2 verse 24 F after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of the master Savior Yeshua Messiah there again entangled in them overcome the latter end is worse for them in the first four if after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of the master issue what they're talking about in other words you were living light and you were doing things you did not know where defilements you had no idea he says but now he says look you've escaped the defilements because of this knowledge of the master Yahshua hmm so just knowing that there was a man named Yeshua who died or there was a savior or knowing about him does this actually do anything for you no let's add that amplification back in he says for after they have escaped the defilements were through the knowledge of yeshua the taurah the word the light the truth that's what gets you what does John tell you he says you shall know the truth have a relationship with the truth with Yeshua with the word and the Torah and that shall make you free does that consistent what we're talking about here okay free from what free from sin not free from the law free from sin he says continually says if you have done all of this and then are again entangled in what in sin in the world's behaviors he says the Lateran is going to be worse than the first four it would have been better for them verse 21 for would have been better for them not to have known the way of right Acts right behavior righteousness so you notice how that plays in completely in other words at verse 20 says look you didn't know any different you came to learn what was the way of righteousness and then you chose to go back into the defilements like a dog going air packs which owns vomit because that's going to be terrible he says look it would have been better if you had never known the way of righteousness in the first place then having known it to turn from the set of our commands delivered on to them oh there's a verse right there when I was talking about the vomit is for them the proverb has improved true a dog returns to his own vomit at a wash now returns to a rolling in the mud so here is an admonishment hey just because you know about yeshua now is no reason feuds and veterans americans are very strong reason not to go back to eating for keeping prisoners doing paganism worshipping the Sun all these other things otherwise you're just like this dog or this Sal wallowing in the mud but you've learned how to wash the mud off with the washing of the word the truth the Washington totora issue all of that together the light this is it admonishment that you can't be then going let's go back to what we said earlier in the beginning of this saying you can't be trying to decide for yourself what's right because that's you're trying to justify basically doing this returning back to the defiled it because now you're trying to take one of those defilement and justify doing it because you want to because you like it because you don't think it's fair that you had to give it up or that you shouldn't be allowed to do it or whatever it is let's go to chapter three we'll stay here in second key for chapter three now in verse 10 there's going to be the last verses here as we wrap up 2nd Peter 3 verse 10 but the day of Yahweh shall come as a thief in the night in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with intense heat and the earth and the works that are in it shall be burned up so what are we talking about the very very end time events here seeing all these are to be destroyed in this way what kind of people ought you to be in set-apart behavior and reverence hmm again that word behavior is in there behavior is something what that you do when you're doing things it's behavior you know I had a pastor years ago there used to come up to me all the times they are you behaving I'd say of course I am and it looked at me funny I said well good or bad is still behaving behavior whether it's good or bad it's still behavior it's something you do so we're told here that you ought to have set apart behavior kadosh behavior holy behavior whatever word work to be better in Holi behavior and reverence looking for and hastening the coming of the day of Elohim through which the heavens shall be destroyed being set on fire the elements melt with intense heat now by the way that where it says there in verse 12 is looking for and hastening the coming you want to hasten the coming get your life better in line with this behavior problem we've talked about this in the past a little bit this idea of like unless the master shall tarry well and I've said often that the reason he might carry it is coming instead of hastening is coming is because our behavior stinks our behavior is not cut out so now he's giving us a history says look of you if you are in in set apart behavior in reverence then you may just hasten the coming of the day and we all want that day to come verse 13 he says but according to his promise we wait for renewed heavens and renewed earth in which righteousness dwells did you hear that this renewed heaven and renewed earth that's Revelation chapter one we're talked about and I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the old herb is that right I've gone have gone away they've given burned up like we read here in this fiery burning and everything else you have a new one righteousness is going to dwell there oh ok so we have to do with then but we don't have to do it now does that make any sense to anybody how could we say something that absurd it's always been required it's still required and it will be required because Yahweh doesn't change so that should be no surprise that it was required it is required and it will be required who was who is it is to come it all fits in very very beautifully verse 14 says so then beloved was looking forward to this listen out do your utmost to be found by him in peace spotless and blameless so we are expected to be doing it now we are expected to be doing it now so let's go ahead to wrap this up what have we been talking about here in this pursuit of rights so hopefully we've been getting the idea that we need to pursue righteousness we pursue all kinds of foolish things let's pursue something that's not fluid pursue righteousness let's pursue doing what is right and guess what we should all know at this point that we don't get to decide what that is the word decides what that is it's laid out for you in black and white very clear terms this is right this is wrong it says things like do this and don't do that it's very simple I want you to observe and keep these things I want you to cease and desist and not do those things that's righteous behavior then issue up and just so clarity and depth he's not adding new Commandments is that in clarity and depth is something that we may have missed in the simplicity of the functional doing like how we observe these things mechanically he added the depth of understanding that we have to do it with the right attitude and a right approach and a right heart so he's not adding to the Torah he's bringing to light and understanding that was always there that we just may not have seen as a teacher does those things a teacher is going to take something and helpfully illuminate it or bring it to light and more clarity so that we can understand it a little better and so you see what you show it tells us hey if you lusted in your heart okay so you didn't sleep with her but you still broke the commandment by the way that applies to what Paul is talking about when he gives you things like the fruit of the Spirit you need to be loving joyful peaceful patient long-suffering gentle kind with you know with trusting with self-control there's nine aspects of the fruit but not nine different fruit is one fruit has nine aspects to it okay the fruit of the Spirit is all of that stuff if you have the spirit you bear that fruit the fruit has nine aspects to it so hopefully we can embrace that righteousness is something we do and that we're expected to do but like we talked about in part one when I described open the door your righteousness is only good enough to get you to the door you will still need his righteousness after having done all you've done all because your righteousness is still filthy rags but your filthy rags will still get you to the door of the kingdom so as you're expected to do your part you're not expected to be perfect expected to try to be perfect and then the one that is perfect his righteousness can be imputed to you when you need it to enter the kingdom does that make sense hopefully that does if you didn't hear this maybe the first part you're listening to you might have to go to Part 1 where I did explain that in much more detail let's go before the father IV no monkey no our Father and King father we come before you wanting to be righteous we all desire to be studied to be a thug geek a righteous one father we know that your son Yeshua is the righteous one he's the only truly righteous one that ever lived on this earth and it's him that we want to be like we want to be transformed and conformed into his image and we know that is the image of one who is completely submissive and obedient to you his father and so father we come to you and desire the same thing we want to be completely obedient to and submissive to the desires that you have for us and we are so thankful that you gave it to us in the written word so that we can have it available and easily easily accessible at our fingertips father have us to look in that mirror and not forget what we looked at help us to truly look and see the blemishes that still need to be worked on help us to want to be perfect father help us the desire to be perfect so that we can be righteous not in our own eyes but in your eyes so father we come to you now humbly submitting ourselves knowing that our righteousness is filthy rags knowing how much we need the righteousness of the schewe knowing that our goal is a lofty goal and a high set goal but it's not our goal it's the one that you gave us you gave us the goal of the kingdom you gave us the goal of being like your shoe up you gave us the goal of eternal life and you told us that it is through our righteousness and our belief in Yeshua and our embracing issue and his fullness that we can have the reward of eternal life and so father we thank you and we praise you when we bless your name for giving us all this knowledge and information for giving us your mercy and your grace and your compassion and all these things for holding our hand as we walk through these things for helping us to walk through all these things so that we can be declared righteous by you and be welcomed in to the kingdom father we thank you and we praise you in the name of authority of your son Yeshua our Messiah as we come before your throne asking and pleading our case father we thank you in his name man [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 3,996
Rating: 4.9729729 out of 5
Keywords: mtoi, messianic torah observant israel, steve berkson, The Pursuit of Righteousness
Id: mxVjHDZHq5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 34sec (3934 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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