Developing the Character of Yeshua - Part 2

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[Music] okay so today we're going to continue in a teaching we started last week on the state of the body and really we're focusing on the other part of the teaching which is developing the character of Yeshua developing the character issue is this is part two of that teaching but since it is part two and for some people you may not have heard part one I'm just going to review real quickly some of the things we talked about not so much the state of the body stuff but just what we started talking about in terms of these phases as I called them you know we are going through a process of conforming and transforming into the image of the Sun and in that process I feel like we've gone through three phases and are kind of working our way into this fourth phase the first phase being coming to the realization that is a vertical relationship and so you started to focus that way and realize that maybe something you need to be doing with your life that matters to something or someone up there whatever that was about cuz it was maybe something you didn't understand too much we first started and in phase 1 and phase 2 you came to realize that the law was not done away with that it still is in place and matters and we started to study the Torah in phase 3 we come to the realization that it's about being Israel and citizenship in Israel the body of Israel that's Yahweh's Israel not necessarily the corporate one formed in 1948 but the body that was in Scripture since Jacob had his name changed and then we come to phase 4 phase 4 is coming to the realization that is time to grow up and we begin at that point to develop the character excuse me to the develop the character and not just the mechanics of the type of person Yahweh wants to live with forever so phase 4 is about developing character mechanics are much more about phase 2 learning and studying the Torah okay and doing it in the context of being an Israelite and so that's the mechanics of this but now we're starting to look at how we can develop the character then we talked about last week the idea of weightier matters and we talked about those weightier matters as be in addition to an out a replacement for the mechanical observances which would be the less weighty when you shoe is focal weightier matters it was in the context of being in addition to the mechanical observances not instead of or replacement for essentially weightier matters are matters of character specifically they're the elements of his character and phase four we develop his character traits the character traits that we that will make it possible for us now this is the key that'll make it possible for us to keep the torah with the strictest adherence and fullest integrity possible while at the same time causing the least amount of harm or stumbling to other people to walk in a way that treats all those around us with the greatest possible level of consideration and concern you know because once and we talked about this last week once you've transformed and have to meet a transformational change in a particular area that area is no longer an issue if you've gotten your diet right because you're no longer eating pork and shellfish and all that other stuff once you've gotten it done for a year or so you never even think about it anymore I mean you still think about when you go someplace to ask whether or not it's got pork in it but you're not tempted you're not messed up by it anymore you've made the change the areas that you still struggle with though our areas that I will label as character flaws okay these are usually the areas where we have the information we need but we lack the heart or the mindset or the faith to change our character because the mechanical stuff is not that tough to do now some of it is a challenge because other people will make it hard on you like keeping the Sabbath you may have employers that cause problems for that or the feast days you may have problems not you having the problem you want to keep it it's others that may try to cause the problem for you but there's still stuff that you have problems with these are the character flaw areas this is what we're going to talk about a lot more today and what I talked about last week and we start in the first John and we're going to go back there today to start today I said that in first John had talked about that we will be like him and then we will because when he's revealed we'll see him as he is because we'll be like him and what was my point last week was that in my opinion we are not going to be physically changed or transformed to be like him if we have not already transformed and changed in our character to being like him I don't think it's a real tough concept I mean we've talked for for a whole year or more about this idea of becoming the type of person Yahweh wants to live with forever actually it's been at least two years now we've been talking about that and it's all about he wants to live with the ones who are like him in mechanics as well as in other words in action but also in character okay and I believe that those that will be physically transformed that the first resurrection will be those that have already transformed and conformed themselves to the works mindset and heart in other words the actions and what drives the actions of Yeshua because remember we talked about in the heart of the matter series that the actions are simply a physical out outward manifestation of where a heart is it also is a physical outward manifestation of our beliefs this is what James says when he talks about I will show you my beliefs by my actions and so we talked about that quite a bit so we are responsible though this is the key we we you me every one of us are responsible for our part in this transformation process you can resist you can kick against it you can you can actually completely shut it down Abba is not going to make you change now he may put you through some trials and tribulations to try to wake you up but you still have to choose to change now there's nothing harder in this world than changing we resist it we fight against it we struggle it's the change look some of your friends and some people out there have heard the same word you have heard they understood it they got it to whatever degree you got it when you heard it and rejected it because they realized they counted the cost they said the change is gonna cost me too much and I didn't count the cost properly because if they counted the cost in terms of eternal life and everything they would have made a better decision but they were counting the immediate cost of I may lose my friends that may lose family members I may have to change jobs I may see all of that cost is what was scaring them we have to wonder where what cost is causing us because it's a character flaw it's fear fear is a character flaw yeshua had no fear he counted in no big deal to suffer what he suffered for the crown that was awaiting him so if you can have his mind said his heart you would feel the same way to count it nothing to go through anything to receive what he's received and he's offered you he says he says children it's the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom he wants to give it to you that's some prize eternal life that's an incredible prize peace on earth while you're living that eternal life no more stress no more strife no more War no more fighting what a prize there's no greater prize ever been offered anybody any time so we should really count the cost of losing out on that prize not count the cost of this other nonsense that's all it is it's a distraction I'm not saying that if you're you know losing family members it's nonsense allowing it to distract you from the prize is whether we have the trouble it's just the enemy's favorite tool to distract you and to get you to maybe quit he'd love for you to give up and to quit and to say I can't do this see but what you shew his character he suffered even to the suffering of the death on the stake because he had no fear and he completely trusted in the father to do what he promised to do so now we're going to continue here in the study if I want to mention before we continue I also mentioned some things about the basic concepts of the creator and the creation and the two trees I encourage you to go back and listen to that a few from the previous teaching let's understand in developing issuer's character we're developing the character of the ultimate giver okay we were designed initially to be receptacles or receivers of what the father wanted to give it's his good pleasure to give us all these good things we read that however ultimately we are to grow and to transform into being like him which means we become the givers also because it's for us to bless others it's for us to be the conduit of the blessing and as we talked about the two trees the Tree of Life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and how the Tree of Life exemplified his character unconditional love joy peace seeking restoration obedience submission patience kindness compassionate merciful good decent moral full of integrity etcetera etc and then we talked about the other treehouse of times nature the tree of the knowledge of good and evil conditional love unhappiness depression misery being agitated combative argumentative angry causing strife dissension disobedience impatient unkind mean merciless uncompassionate wicked untrustworthy bla bla bla it's terrible list and so if you have any of the things in that list and that's not the complete list I'm sure that's the quick one I put together you're feeding off of in some level the wrong nature and so you have to be concerned out of which for which tree are you are you getting your nourishment and whether they're literal trees or not they're a perfect metaphor for the nature of elohim versus a nature of hasta time and so we talked about that quite a bit so now i want to go and look at first john because first john is going to spend some time in chapter 3 here comparing the two natures well let's understand as we are looking at the comparison of the two natures that every time we act in self-interest putting our own interests above the interests of others we are buying into eating from the raw free if we eat of the Tree of Life we develop a selfless nature and this is how I ended last time a selfless person cannot be offended I'll say it again a selfless person cannot be offended I'm not there yet I still have my moments a truly selfless person cannot be offended truly truly selfless person takes nothing personally because if someone's doing something to you it's really about them not you it really isn't personal it's a lack of growth in their area it feels personal though oh can it feel personal they truly selfless person does not need yes the key word need to be right or convince others that he is right the key word is need is nothing wrong with wanting others to agree with you everybody would love if everybody agreed with them but when it's a need we have a problem because needs must be met we will teach about this more we've taught about this in other teachings the difference between needs and wants is the biggest problem in the body the lack of ability to separate what it need is and what a want is then when you take a watch and turn it into a need we have problems there are only a few needs like breathing eating okay there's only certain things that you need shelter you don't need everybody to agree with you on the calendar although it'd be nice you don't need everybody to say the name the way you do although you'd like it it'd be nice you don't need everybody to whatever fill in the blank it doesn't matter to dress the way you think they should dress to wear a head covering or not wear a head covering to wear this or to not wear that the reason congregations are blowing up and blowing up and blowing up is because there are too many people in there that need everybody to do it their way now again there's nothing wrong with wanting it hey I want everybody to do it my way it would make my life so much easier but it's just a wand if it turns into a need we will absolutely start to buy heads against other people who have different needs if your knee to my knee don't match we are gonna bang up we're gonna clash violently but if you're watching my one don't match that could be okay we can work with that once it needs a very different level of things if I take a pillow and put it over your face you will probably do everything that you possibly can kick bite scratch to get out from under it so you can breathe there's not a thing you wouldn't try to do there would be no holds barred no rules count there would be no area you wouldn't try to hit me in or whatever you would need to breathe people act that way about their issues too though they act like that about the name the calendar that this does that it doesn't matter and they blow up whole congregations because something that should only be a want became a need and so we have to be careful of what our roles are what our jobs are is it really your job to impose your wants on everybody even if you're right it doesn't matter if you're right by the way never said anywhere in this whole need want discussion that it even mattered if you're right because it doesn't in that discussion you still need to respect each other that's a need you need to respect boundaries you need to know what your job is and what your job is and what his job is the creators and what his job is and what your job isn't it's not your job to straighten everybody out it's his job to straighten everybody out if you think everybody should be doing something they're not doing then you do it and you set the example and let them see you doing it for a while then maybe they'll want to do it too and maybe they won't but you don't need to go over and impose it on everybody okay so now that I got on that soapbox a little bit let's read first John first you off and on first John chapter 3 and in verse 1 and I could see already this is gonna go to at least the third part first John chapter 3 and verse 1 see what love the father has given us I want to stop right there do do you see what love the father has given you I wasn't even planning to stop there but the rock just hit me with that he wants you to see here that do you see what love the father is giving you is that exemplified by your behavior by your character by your actions how you're treating each other how you treat him do you see what love the father has given you that we should be called the children of the living Elohim what a powerfully unbelievable gift that is for this reason the world does not know us because it did not know him when we talked about that word knowing I'm gonna do a separate teaching on that has to do with an intimate relationship with he said beloved ones now we are children of Elohim and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be and he's talking about physically but we know that when he is revealed we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is do you think that yo Quran was getting the same kind of hard questions at every pastor rabbi gets which is you know trying to understand the nature of Elohim and simply John saying look I don't get it any more than you do and I lived with you uh but folks if John is going to admit here in first John 3 that he didn't fully understand it why do you think you're smarter than John oh that you have better discernment and understanding than John the Beloved Disciple I mean that's kind of prideful and arrogant I think because John is simply saying look we don't really know it he has not yet revealed it to us but we do know that when we are changed into what he is we'll be able to see him as he is and then will no one understand it it be like taking an amoeba changing it into a human being and then it would understand what we are but right now there's no way an amoeba can understand what a human is because we're talking about a one-celled creatures as us well guess what there's no difference in jump and leap from an amoeba to a human being I'm guessing that from a human being to Elohim it's the same size jump and so John is saying look all I know is that when we are changed physically to be like him then we'll understand it and he says it everyone who has this expectation in him cleanses himself as he is clean as he is shoe is clean now I understand what he's saying here he's saying exactly what I said in my opinion you're not gonna be changed to be like him unless you've cleansed yourself and already changed to be like him that's where I got it from I got it from John from yoga Don because I think that's what y'all Quran is saying here he's saying look you're not gonna get verse two until you do verse three you've got to cleanse yourself if you have an expectation of being changed in verse two you have to have that expectation that motivates you to change so that you can be changed if that makes any sense because let's say this again and we've said this many times I'm gonna do a teaching on it we don't believe in magic and we also don't believe that there's any benefit to the father and just changing you without you doing anything because then you would no longer be here if he would just take out your stony heart and put in a whole new one when a whole new personality and just change all that other stuff out of your nature you would no longer be you what would be the point in putting you as you in the first place because he wants you to change you because you want to be like him but then you still maintain your uniqueness of being you when you bring all that beauty to the mix continuing a verse for everyone doing sin also does lawlessness and sin is lawlessness so we have that definition which by the way should help everybody out with that whole phase - when we realize the law wasn't done away with but the Torah was valid okay sin is lawlessness or Torah lessness and you know that he Yeshua was manifested to take away our sins and in him there is no sin now let's get to our fullness of that definition we gave it again last week we said that Yeshua is the truth John 14 we said that the word is the truth psalm 119 and then we said that the word put on flesh john 1 so let's replace those words here and i think that you are free to do that without messing up anything from what the father meant the word to say but let's read it this way and you know that he yeshua the taurah the word was manifested to take away your sins that toro was manifested to take away your sins because how can you get rid of sin unless you know what is righteous and what is sin so it was manifested the torah was manifested the word was manifested you was manifested to take away your sins and in the torah in Yeshua in the word there is no sin so why in the world is Christianity telling you that somehow it's wrong when you try to keep the law because they're not any longer just saying it was done away with they are now gonna tell you you are walking in sin you are wrong when you try to obey you are wrong when you try to obey that is what they will tell you that you are basically gonna go burn in hell for that and they are all saying that I'm not making this stuff up but yet here if we replace the words correctly it says and you know that he the law the Torah issue was manifested to take away our sins and in him the Torah the law is Chua there is no sin everyone staying in him in the truth in the Torah in Yeshua does not sin of course that makes sense when you fill up the whole definition there doesn't it if you stay in the truth if you stay in the Torah if you stay in your schooi you got you're not going to sin in order to sin you must have stepped off the covered path and we talked about that picture of a path covered by a blood canopy when you sin in order to sin you had to have stepped off if you're walking on the path you cannot sin you have to step off the path come out from under the covering to sin so it says everyone staying in the Torah in Yeshua in the truth in the word does not sin everyone sinning has neither seen him nor known him now what is trying to say here is that you have not really seen what he's all about and you have not had an intimate close abiding relationship with him or you would never have done it you would never have broken his heart who would never have sinned so this uh there's a a disconnect or a flaw in your relationship with him when you sin it's not perfected yet it's not gotten to where it needs to be yet there's still some weak links in that relationship let's continue he says little children verse 7 little children let no one lead you astray now bear in mind we always need to read verses like this to realize there would be no reason to say this unless there were those that were going to try to do it so when we read a verse like let no one lead you astray realize there are those that want to lead you astray the one doing ooh what a word there huh righteousness is something you do I know people say well yeah abraham believed so it was accounted to him for righteousness no abraham believed so he did certain actions and because of those actions it manifested that there was evidence of his belief and then he was considered righteous it's my belief he took his son up and went to slaughter him because he trusted and abba had a plan there but he had to go and take his son up the mountain and bring the wood and everything ready to do the offering except to have the lamb he had to do the doing so it says here the one doing righteousness is righteous i don't know how christianity gets past that verse they just don't read first john very much okay the one doing righteousness is righteous even as he xiu'er the word that tore the truth is righteous so when I tell people there's only one path to righteousness and that's through the fullness of what Yeshua is which is a word the truth the Torah and the Messiah they look at me like I'm crazy oh you're talking about earning righteousness there's only one path to righteousness it's something you do you cannot get declared righteous just because you claimed you believe something you have to show and demonstrate you believe something that's what John's telling you right here I don't know how you can get around it the one doing righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous even as he is right so I would say even as he's righteous because we are to transform and do what he did I did a teaching called what did you would do not this whole you know old school thing back on what 20 years ago you know what would Jesus do and I'll put it into our terms what would you shoot would do but Christianity put out the bracelet because they wanted you to think about what Jesus would do I don't know what Jesus would do I know what his schewe did that I've taught you that they're not exactly the same person so it's not about what would Jesus do I don't really care what Jesus was do I don't know what that I Yeshua the son of the Father I know what he did and I'm supposed to do what he did let's continue he says the one doing sin verse 8 is of the devil because the devil has sinned from the beginning what do we talk about the two trees hasta time The Devil's nature so when you start being merciless lacking of compassion when you start judging and criticizing and causing strife and being angry and bitter and all these other things in depressed you are of the of your father the devil at that time you not that you're like we are born we have one father physically in the flesh okay you can't have more than one who actually gave birth to you who created you that way so when we say you're up your father the devil we vacillate between the father in heaven and our Father - devil be our behavior it's a little bit different than our physical concept so there are moments when you're of your father the devil there's moments when your other of your father the Creator what he's saying here is the one doing sin at that moment you've basically been adopted over to the other father you've decided to choose a different Kingdom to walk in because the devil has sinned from the beginning and what was that sin by the way that sin was that self sovereign ego pride of choosing for himself what's right and wrong having a relationship with both right and wrong because you know the devil system the enemy system does have a lot of truth in it and a lot of quota folks good looking things come out of it only to trap you in a lie only to trap you in a lie it says here for this purpose verse 8 the son of Elohim was manifested to destroy the beliefs of the devil doesn't say that it says the works of the devil so I guess works matter will work save you know but they are the manifestation of your belief that does save you because if you don't believe you're not going to do the works anyway that's why the teaching are you saved the relationship between faith salvation or salvation faith and works is such a critical teaching five parts listen to it there's a relationship between salvation faith and works it is not faith versus works it's faith and works that's what James teaches us as what John's telling us right here so he says here this is the purpose of issue of being manifested he was to destroy the works of the devil so what kind of works is the devil doing getting you to sin getting you to do works that are not the father's works let's see like I don't know keeping Sunday Christmas and Easter eating pork these are all works and you do those works based on what you believe Christians are told to believe that nothing wrong with eating these things they're told to believe that Christmas and Easter are wonderful that Sunday's now the Sabbath or it's the Lord's Day or whatever they want to call it they are manifesting works and if they want to tell me that they don't believe in works then why do they go on Sunday why do they keep Christmas and Easter why do they do all this stuff that they do because they believe in works they just don't want to say so continuing verse 9 everyone having been born everyone having been born of Elohim does not sin because his seed stays in him and he is powerless to sin because of because he has been born of Elohim now here's where we get a little confused this whole born-again thing so maybe I'll step on a few more toes and get myself in more trouble haven't done that yet today so here we go well I'm sure actually some of the things I have said have already gotten me in trouble it doesn't matter you're not born again yet okay you're just not born again yet because it says here everyone having been born about the leave does not sin anybody out here does not sin every one of you sins maybe not very often hopefully but we all sin cuz you're not born of elohim yet those who have changed in verse 2 into what elohim is and we shall see him as he is those people don't sin he says here everyone that was been born of elam doesn't sin because his seed stays in him because at that point the seed is staying in him but guess what it's almost like we take the seed out and put it down on the table when we want to sin for a few seconds and then we go pick that seed back up and put it back in you know it's like the person who wants to go cheat on his wife and let's take the ring off and leave it home and then comes home puts it back on it just doesn't work like that it's just as no good as what that man would be doing is if you do it it's like you take off the ring of being the seed of elohim you go off and do your little sin whatever it is and then you come back and think you just stick it right back on it just know that's just as no good as a man or the woman that takes the ring off goes and sleeps with someone not their spouse and then comes home with the ring back there's no difference he says here everyone have you been born about me does not sit because seat stays in him and he is powerless to sin or any of you powerless to sin sometimes I feel powerless not to sin I feel like when Paul said that what they don't want to do I do and that what you want to do I don't know and we all go yeah I feel you Paul I feel you brother it says the person he's talking about in verse nine is powerless to sin because he has been born of Elohim you're not there yet verse 10 in this the children of Elohim and the children of the devil are manifest every one not doing righteousness there's that doing again every one not doing righteous is not of Elohim neither the one not loving his brother because this is the message that you heard from the beginning that we should love one another not as Cain who was with the was up the wicked one and killed his brother and why did he kill him because his works oh there it is again his works or wicked but those of his brother wait wait wait his brother had works yes and they were righteous works do not marvel my brothers if the world hates you we know that we have passed out of death into life because we love the brothers the one not loving his brother stays in death now let me clarify this this is another verse that Christians will misuse you have not passed from death into life permanently you actually pass in and out of it regularly when you're walking this out you're on the path you covered by the canopy you are walking in life when you step off the path you're no longer covered you're now walking in death he simply kept trying to get this message across to you this is not a permanent thing we have not passed out of death permanently into light you can still blow this that's why the are you safe teaching is so important you can still choose at any moment to throw all of this away you can know he says none have I lost out of my hand right because he it's not his fault you stepped out it's your fault you stepped out he's not gonna lose anybody but you could choose to leave and that's something we need to understand that's why he says something about seed staying in that's why in John 14 or John 15 it says top 15 says every branch in me that stays in me which means that you can leave you have free will he says that everyone that leaves it doesn't stay in him has gathered up and thrown in the fire it's John 15 the first six or seven verses eight verses but let's continue he says here that the one not loving his brother stays in death we move out of death into life into death into life all the time the father wants you to choose to stay in life everyone hating his brother is a murderer and you know that no murderer has ever effing law everlasting life staying in him notice the words he's using the idea of everlasting life staying in you which means it can be in you and it can leave and it can be in you and it can leave now it only chooses to do that based on you it won't stay in you when you're murdering they won't stay in you when you're committing adultery they won't stay in you when you're breaking any of the commandments but when you restore yourself or justified by doing repentance by doing teshuva returning and turning around and going back and reconnecting and saying Abba restore me guess what happens the seed of everlasting life gets put back in you he says everyone hating his brothers a murderer and you know that no murderer has everlasting life so if you hate your brother and I'll tell you what every one of us has had that problem you don't have everlasting life staying in you you guys think I preach sometimes I won't do its reading these guys I'm not the one preaching John is the okinawan preaching at you he says verse 16 by this we have known love because laid down his life for us and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers but whoever has this world's goods and sees his brother in need and shuts up his tender affections from them how does the love of Elohim stay in him my little children let us not love in Word or in tongue but in deed and in truth see this is what it's all about again don't just talk the good talk you need to walk the good walk he says look you got to show your love for your brother just not heating them isn't enough if your brother has needs you need to be there to supply it if you have the means by the way if you don't have a relationship with your brother you'll never know he has a need so you need to develop the relationships with each other than in the intimacy of relationship that brother may just be willing to share with you a need that he was not really comfortable to share otherwise believe it or not we still have pride and pride will prevent us from letting someone know we need help because we have a pride issue to ask for help but if we're ever going to ask for help is going to be from people that we've developed a relationship with and we trust them and we're comfortable that they love us and then we'd be willing to share with them our need for help so he says look do not just do these things in just word alone and tongue says but do it in deed and in truth and integrity he says verse 19 and by this we know that we are that we are of the truth and shall set our hearts at rest before him and by this we know that we are of the Torah by this we know that we are of word by this we know that we are of this schewe that set our hearts at rest before him you can't claim you are of your shoe of Messiah and not be doing these things he says like this we know that we are of the issuer of Messiah because the word truth and the word Yahshua the naming of the person of your shoe are interchangeable and by this we know that we are of the truth and shall set our hearts at rest before him that if our heart condemns us Elohim is greater than our heart and knows all beloved one if our heart does not condemn us we have boldness towards Elohim and whatever we ask we receive from him because we guard his commands and do what is pleasing in his sight listen to that verse again whatever we ask we receive because we made an altar call in a confession does it say that no because we guard and keep and do his commands which are what is pleasing in his sight he is not impressed with the words coming out of your mouth he's impressed with the actions that you produce because of the beliefs in your heart if those actions are of the truth of the Torah of Yeshua of the word you know he said previously in verse 16 he says by this we know love because he laid down his life for us lay down his life for us he says we ought to do as he has done you guys can't even lay down any pet doctrine or some other belief thing without you can't lay down anything I'm not putting down anything for anybody forget about laying down your life can you lay down your need for everybody to agree with you your need to everybody to be like your your need for what a fill-in-the-blank that doesn't matter how ridiculous it is to other people it's serious to you you need people to whatever I don't care what it is and you're not going to be happy to you badger people and push people and pressure people and judge people into doing it but here it says in verse 16 going back to our second set and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers I don't know that people are even able to lay down other anything for each other let alone their lives I think some of you would actually be easier if you to lay down your life than your pet doctrines in your beliefs the easier for you to just you know fall on a blade for somebody than to do that said I'm not talking about compromise I'm talking about you I'll give you an example let's say you wear a head covering well let's say you don't worry a head covering doesn't matter whichever way it is and you're in a congregation where some people wear it and some people don't you keep doing what you do that's your integrity what you don't do is need them to do it the way you're doing it do you understand what I'm saying here just giving it's kind of a simple example you keep a certain calendar let's say you keep the crescent or the conjunction or whatever and not everybody in your congregation does that while you do what you do but you come and be with the congregation anyway and don't badger and give grief to everybody it's not doing what you're doing I don't want you to compromise your integrity of what you feel strongly about and believe you just don't need to impose that on anybody else all the rabbi what are you doing up there at the microphone I do have a job to do my job is from the microphone to preach this as strong as I know it however once I walk away from the microphone I'm not going to pressure any of you to do anything and if you ever counsel with me you will know that's true I will give you what I think the word says and I'll encourage you to go study what the word says that I'm not going to try to make you do anything I'm going to encourage you to walk in integrity with what you believe but to keep what you believe and always in question always be testing and retesting and reproving what you believe so that you can always know because you know what we talked about this before we should talk about it again well do the little exercise have you ever been wrong every hand goes up any chance you'll ever be wrong again every hand goes up now when you were wrong were you ever wrong about something that you knew that you knew that you knew but you still were wrong any chance that will happen again every hand goes up so if it's possible that you can again be wrong about something you were so dead sure about ready to fight about and everything else then you ought to be you know pretty confident that you need to be rechecking and be testing everything because it's possible you're wrong again this is important that we get that you sure when he returns I promise you is going to say something that you're gonna go really you're kidding right because you were so sure was the other way Yeshua is gonna do that now bear in mind when Jesus shows up he's gonna do a lot of that and you gotta just realize it's the wrong guy if you have no idea what I just said listen to beware of false prophets but I couldn't resist saying it but realize when Yeshua shows up and he's here there's gonna be some things he's gonna teach and when the word goes forth from Zion and the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem that you're gonna go man I thought I had it right the other way and it's not going to be about Sunday and Saturday either it's gonna be about something much more minor like I hate covering or not or some other thing because I promise you those big things we've all got that clear Sunday ain't it now let's continue so he's saying here in verse 22 again whatever we ask we received from him because we guard his commands notice the word because in there we receive it because because what because we do what he said and we do was pleasing in his sight there was the reciprocal of that is true also if you're not going to do what he said you're not going to receive what you asked for so just now this is where it gets challenging some of you asked for things when you weren't doing what was pleasing the site and you got it anyway well guess where that came from there's another King out there sitting on a different throne don't feel bad about that just be glad you're not there anymore I know people get real mad at me I lose people all the time because I even hint that the other side may have given them the healing wealth what seemed like a blessing or help them financially or save their house or two healed a child or whatever it was the father of all creation allowed the healing and the blessing to come but it was the enemy that did it to try to engrave you in his system let's understand that reality because here it says if you're not doing what was pleasing in the father's sight it wasn't the father that was blessing you he allowed it though he had mercy on you though now if the father did heal you and bless you in the context of drawing you out of the system because the people that you were with were coming out of the system that's different but if you were totally immersed in the system and all it did was give you more confidence that you in the right place when you're in the wrong place that was the wrong source signs and wonders are meant to build the strength of your belief and if the sign and wonder made you more and more convinced you in the right Sunday Pentecostal debt whatever you know Methodist Baptist Church whatever Church you're in if it convinced you more that you in the right place it was the wrong source that's it it's simple don't get mad at me I'm just reading it to you I'm not the one you should be mad at somebody Jimmy mad at anybody be happy you're not eating anymore a be happy the father allowed the healing the healing is not tainted because of where it came from it still was a healing the blessing was still a blessing no matter where it came from the intensive it was to trap you the u.s. escaped so that's the tainted part was the trapping you escaped the traffic be glad you escaped to taint thee there's no taste we have to feel but I was healed by don't worry about that the father allowed that to happen the healing was genuine the blessing was genuine it just had an insidious purpose that you escaped from which was to trap you in the false system does that make sense hopefully it makes sense because we can't ignore first John 3:22 whenever we ask we receive from him because because we guard his commands and we do what is pleasing in his sight reciprocal we will not receive from him if we don't guard your commands and don't what's pleasing in his sight but you're still gonna receive there's two trees there's two sources you can receive from either one verse 23 and this is his command that we should believe in the name of his son Yeshua Messiah and love one another as he gave us command hold on one second now we haven't done the teaching yet like he promised you all kinds of teachings it's hard to get them all done this was one of the ones that the promising you we're gonna get these things done the name when you see the name just like when you see Yu Shu or truth or or word we say Yeshua the word the truth the Torah all interchangeably when you see the idea of the name of his son the name of Elohim anything about the name I want you to interchange that with authority we do not believe in magic this is not about if you say his name something magical happens if you just know how to say it right all man do we have enough ministries out there that will beat you in the head because they need you to get the name the way they got the name it says here let's read this verse correctly and this is his command that we should believe in the authority of his son Yeshua Messiah Messiah does that make more sense than just some idea believing in his name was I mean believing on that just believing in that in a name I mean it's always a theory Alesso time what is that but look at the power of that we should believe in the authority of his son the authority of the Torah the authority of the word the authority of the commandments the authority of the word made flesh the authority of Messiah this is the difference the power in that it says and this is his command that we should believe in the authority of his son Yeshua seiyya and love one another as he gave us command and the one guarding his command stays in him and he in him and by this we know that he stays in us by the spirit which he gave us we're gonna get a lot more into that about the spirit but what it's talking about is the attitude the spirit II gave us is the advance where we talked about this idea of advanced and basic we're going to get into that more in a little bit here what spirit did he give us the spirit of obedience the spirit of compassion all the things that are in the nature of the job the Tree of Life that's the spirit the other spirit condemns judges is angry as bitter as jealous is lustful as see that's the spirit we're not talking about something manifested by Bible and tongues are falling on the floor or whatever it's not that we GUI touchy-feely you know fluffy things it's not a feeling he says this he gave we know that he stays in us by the spirit the nature which he gave us call it nature his nature that he gave us see the Spirit that he gave us is supposed to bring to remembrance the commandments and the instructions about his nature to help nurture us as we develop the nature to nurture us as we're developing the nature I hope that makes sense so here would cease being telling us his look in the one guarding his command stays in him and he in him and by this we know that he stays in us by the spirit which he gave us now let's go back to chapter two and first John just for a second in chapter two he says right verse one says my little children I write this to you so that you do not sin and if anyone sins we have an intercessor with the father Yeshua Messiah righteous one right there it's really saying is that he is the one righteous one there will be more righteous ones but right now he is the righteous one and he himself is an atoning offering for our sins and not for ours only but also for the world so when people ask you when you were saved your answer is at the same time as everybody else 2,000 years ago when you Shifu died on the on the stake and was resurrected Yeshua himself says these same words he says I give my life for the world so John isn't making anything up here he walked with you Shu what he remembers is she was saying that okay he gave his life for the world now not everybody that he gave his life for which is everybody in the world gets to be in the kingdom because of their decisions not his the father says it's his desire that all men be saved and come to repentance but they're not all gonna do it verse 3 he says and by this we know that we know him by this we have intimate relationship we have understanding that we know that we have relationship with him if we guard his Commandments the one who says I have a relationship with him that I know him that I'm intimate with him and does not guard his commands as a liar and the truth Vittorio's Shu is not in him see how powerful these verses are when you filled it up with all of the depth of meaning it's almost like the Messianic version of the amplified this is my amplifying okay let's amplify these verses that don't use the amplified bible let's use the way the scriptures talks about but let's amplify this let's understand what this is talking about it says the one who says I know him and let me tell you what boy I'll tell ya there are Christians that will come up to me and tell me oh they have such a relationship with Messiah they know him and they have their intimate they're so close and you know what some of you felt that way some of you were there and what it's telling you here is unfortunately unintentionally you were lying you were in a delusion though you didn't know was a lie you had been sold and been delivered to a lie you were fed a lie our fathers have inherited lies the verse it says and so did you but yet he says if you do not guard his you're a liar and the truth to tour the law the commandments the word is not in you so what does that say to everybody out there on Sunday teaching the law was done away with I'm sorry but the Messiah is not in them and that's what it says and they'll get so mad at me how dare you tell me that I do not have a relationship with Messiah I'm not telling you John is don't get mad at me I'm just reading it okay I'm not the one preaching at you I'm just reading it to you he's the one saying you're a liar that matches up with what we just read in these other sections this is about developing the character of Yeshua this is taking it to phase four this is the next level we have to first come to the truth in the reality of where we are that we've lot had lies that have been fed to us lies that we bought into without even knowing it but yet in our innocence we were just you know I hate use the word rapture but we were enraptured with this idea and this relationship and this feeling that we got in the church this sort of emotionalism let me tell you your true relationship with Messiah is very emotional but it's under control and it's genuine but yet we had these emotional things that were kind of brought out of us because they did things to try to evoke emotion the music was meant to do that the preaching was meant to do that everything was manipulative emotionally we don't do that here we want you to have genuine feelings of emotion that are evoked by the Ruach by the spirit because you're convicted of something because you're excited about something because you're in the truth finally because you're finally there let's go to John okay let's finish here so we're say and we said verse 5 says but whoever guards his word truly the love of elohim has been perfected in him by this we know that we are in him the one who says he stays in him on also himself also to walk any way you want once you make an altar call doesn't say that does it now he ought to walk himself walk even as yeshuaa walked go listen to that teaching called what did you shouid do walk as he walked and so this is a key that we ought to be walking as he walked that's in developing the character of Yeshua the character of Yeshua go to John chapter 15 we're still dealing with John but now we're gonna go to the Gospel of John and I let's see if I get a little bit more in WoW I really expected to get a lot further than this today we really were in just the one section John chapter 15 and verse 11 in John 15 now we can actually start further up we'll start at the beginning and verse 1 says I am The True Vine and my father is the gardener every branch in me certainly sounds like a saved person does it you know the way all the old term you know I you know I don't use that phrase because salvation is a process but this certainly sounds like a saved person or a person that you'd think is in the kingdom whatever he says every branch in me that bears no fruit he takes away and every branch that bears fruit he prunes so that it bears more fruit you are ready you are already clean because of the word which I spoken to you if you are staying in that word you're not clean if you get off the path stay in me and I stay in you as the branch is unable to bear fruit of itself unless it stays in the vine so neither you unless you stay in me what is it talking about Galatians 5 the fruit of being connected in the vine is joy and love joy and peace and patience and kindness and meekness and goodness and long-suffering and all that self-control okay sure but you're feeding off of the tree of life you're suckling at the Tree of Life he says I am the vine you are the branches he who stays in me and I in him he bears much fruit because without me you are able to do nothing if anyone does not stay in me is thrown away as a branch and dries up and they gather them and throw them into the fire and they are burned this is the and of once saved always saved just read John 15 for crying out loud okay if anyone does not say in me well you can't leave when he says you see if anyone doesn't stay unless you actually were in him in the first place so Simon somebody that was in him and doesn't say it's impossible for them to leave it says they're gonna be thrown in the fire if they don't stay in me he says if you stay in me and my words the Torah the truth the word stays in you you shall ask whatever you wish in the shell be done for you with nobody said in first John if you guard his commands he'll do what he said if you do what's pleasing in his sight right in this the father is this team that you bear much food you shall be my top ones as the father has loved me I have also loved you stay in my love the Torah the truth the word is a word of love the tour of the truth in the word are there to bless you protect you and transform you from what you are and what he is why wouldn't you want that it says if you guard my commands you shall stay in my love that's how you do it remember he says those who say me you know how you do it you guard his commands then you stay in his love even as I've guarded my father's command to stay in his love and so he says if you love me guard my commands oh we love him so much he's gay you should see how much we love and come to our church on Sunday that you'll feel all the love and all that disobedience is going on he says these words I have spoken to you so that my joy might be in you and that your joy might be complete by the way by the same token if his love is if the commandments are fulfilled or complete same word here means they were done away with them is your joy is done away with - so you could just forget about being joyful anymore at least the way Christianity interprets the idea of you know I I do this sumino John Attila would be done until all is completed fulfilled that issue as the completion of the fulfillment of the law doesn't do away with it that means that he's the fullness of it he is the law he shows you what it looks like imperfection he also shows you what doing it brings you what is the fruit of it what is the end result of it eternal life he says no he says I've spoken all this - because it's supposed to bring you joy and more complete joy he says this is my command that you love one another as I have loved you no one is greater love than this that one should lay down his life for his friends you are my friends if you do whatever I can and you are my friends if you do if you do if you do whatever I command and it doesn't mean just the red lettered words in your Bible we're gonna have that teaching coming out also where you show Z is Shu Allah is Yahweh that doesn't mean the shoe is the father I know I just messed up a lot of people have no idea what I'm talking about but the the people of this planet and throughout the history of this planet have only ever dealt with the Sun the Lord give her Mount Sinai was the Sun so he says if you love me keep my Commandments he says you're my friends if you do whatever I command you he commanded the Torah the father's not been here Yeshua himself says no one has seen the father except me no but who was Abraham having lunch with wasn't the father it was the son who did Moses hang out with was the son who'd interacted with everybody the son the son the son the father shows up in Revelation 21 when there's a new heaven and a new earth is no more sin there's no more death that was thrown in the lake of fire at the end of chapter 20 the Sun is the only one that's ever dealt with the physical creation and interacted with it so when he says if you love me you'll keep my commands he says you are my friends if you keep my commands he's not just talking about the few things you read in the red letter books he's talking about everything that was as I said Yahweh the main so let's continue here verse 14 no longer do I call you servants for a servant does not know what his master is doing but I have called you friends for all teachings which I have heard from My Father I have made known to you so the teachings ultimately are from the father remember ultimately Yeshua is the voice the spokesman the mouthpiece for the father so sure he was the lawgiver on Sinai but it still was the father's commands that he gave he is the word the voice the spokesman for the father via the Ambassador the authority the representative the one true High Priest etc whatever role you want to give him for the father and ultimately when this is all we've done he will be king over the earth and the father will rule over all creation I mean okay so I was hoping to get a whole lot further let me just read one more thing in John 10 I got two verses there and then we'll have to end here today John 10 and the verse 14 you know come on 10 verse 4 he says I am The Good Shepherd and I know mine and mine know me I have a right relationship with mine in my mind have a relationship with me I am intimate with mine and mine are intimate with me and then we go to first John those who say they have a relationship and don't keep the commandments or liars and the truth is not in them he says I am my sheep they know me and in verse 15 says even as the father knows me and I know the father and I lay down my life for the Sheep and so he's willing to lay down his life for the Sheep are you willing to lay down your life for him and for anything that's what need to really think about that's what need to think about so we're gonna end it here today and we'll go before the father father we come to you and father we've covered a lot of things here today and father you are digging so deep into our hearts into our beings the word is just separating marrow bone and from flesh and it's just digging and dividing into our character into our hearts and it's separating truth from lie father help us to truly embrace the differences that be willing to allow you to surgically remove and separate out all those lies father we want to have a knowing relationship with you want to know you and not be liars we want to change in our character - givers from receivers we want to be selfless as Yeshua gave everything and poured out his whole being so that we might have life father we want to develop the nature of the tree of life and not the nature of huset on father we don't know what we're doing we only can know from what you share with us we are we are lost sheep seeking the Good Shepherd wanting to only follow the Good Shepherd but we've been lied to so much father it's so hard we need you to show us the way father show us the way lead us on the path we will walk it out we're not expecting you to pick us up and carry us so that we do nothing we're a walk it out but show us the path we do not wish to step off the path and get out from under the covering we do not wish to be the ones that don't stay in him we want to stay in him at all times father we come to you because without your strength without your mercy without your compassion none of this is possible but we know through Yeshua Messiah all things are possible but father we also know that he will not do it for us he only does what we can't do so father we come to you in our humility in our need in our brokenness and we ask you to pour out your mercy pour out your spirit pour out your compassion and your love upon all your children who are just crying out to you in our dire need for Messiah and for you father we love you we thank you when we praise you and we ask all in the name of in the authority and the authority of your son Yeshua Messiah man me [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 9,669
Rating: 4.9277978 out of 5
Keywords: mtoi, messianic torah observant israel, steve berkson, developing the character of yeshua
Id: LlNzRqHuN5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 4sec (3904 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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