Deuteronomy ~ 18:13 to 19:13

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Dharana me moses giving the law it's a repeat of the law but moses is putting it in lay terms where anyone can understand it kind of country language right down where the rubber meets the road where anybody can understand the law we're in the 18th chapter and it has to do with the ecclesiastical law that is to say concerning preachers so I'll always be careful what preacher you're listening to if he's not teaching the Word of God then he's really not preaching God's Word you don't have to be too intelligent to grasp that you know it's um it's just the way the and he said if you listen to one of these charmers or a consult or with familiar spirits and so forth that that's an abomination you don't want to go there so it's it's really how can I tell then if they're truly teaching God's Word well here it is chapter by chapter verse by verse that's how you tell so having said that chapter 18 let's pick it up with verse 13 as he continues in the instruction thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God that means sincere or mature or you you will replay pay strict attention to his word not some man's not some ratchet JA but the Word of God verse 14 for these nations which which thou shalt possess hearkened unto observers of times and into diviners but as for thee the LORD thy God have not suffered thee so to do and you don't listen to people that say it's time now to go out in the grove and practice a little leg rolling that's what they did a t-star which later would be translated Easter instead of Passover you want to be real careful they can divine you even you know what else they did in the Groves it was quick like a bunny bunny rabbit son not in God's Word but in Grove worship in diviners and familiar spirits if it isn't in God's Word you want to be real careful it's probably not according to his plan verse 15 here we come to the promise of God that he would give us a savior I mean man and had tried to put man over him his king now he promises that he will give us the Savior and listen let's just let him explain it verse 15 the Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of these gonna be like you are of thy brethren like unto me now underline that unto him you shall hearken now when God says he's like unto me means he's just like me this is what Christ would say in st. John chapter 14 if you've seen me you've seen the father and this is why God would say in Genesis the great book of Genesis let us create men in our image including himself so Christ was indeed in the image of Almighty God like unto Him and that is why God would say in Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 a virgin shall conceive she will bear a male child and you will name him Emmanuel which is what being interpreted God with us so therefore you can understand liken to me meaning liken to God himself Emmanuel God with us in other words teach God's Word he was going to send us the Living Word the Living Word as it is written in st. John chapter one became flesh and walked among us verse 16 according to all that thou desirest of the LORD thy God in Horeb in the day of the Assembly saying let me not hear again voice of the Lord my God neither let me see this great fire any more that I die not in other words when God Himself spoke from Mount Sinai down to the people down below even though he had opened the Red Sea he had freedom from Pharaoh and giving him instructions but when they saw and heard the voice that when they observed the voice of God hearing it it frightened him to death so he's going to send someone that's like them that they can listen to in their dimension which is to say none other than a babe ORN to marry jesus christ him they could listen to him they could learn from he would not frighten them he would be Emmanuel he would be God with us verse 17 and the Lord said unto me they have well spoken that which they have spoken they had a right to be frightened because well you know they're not exactly a perfect lot when they designed the golden calf before Moses came down off the mountain in 40 days he that had fed them and so forth delivered them 18 I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee and will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him in other words he was the Living Word and again I'll repeat it as it is written in the first chapter of st. John the word became flesh and walked among us he was the Living Word Christ was that word that's why you want to stay in him by him and with him he's the Living Word the word that if you listen and if you believe upon it you will live forever you will have eternal life heaven bound verse 19 and it shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name I will require it of him that word is powerful and that word is awesome and you know I'm gonna turn over you're not going to have it but I'm going to turn to Hebrews chapter 4 I want to tell you about the word even in the New Testament verse 12 of chapter 4 which declares that Christ is our Sabbath he became our Sabbath verse 12 reads Hebrews chapter 4 for the word of God is quick that means it lives and powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit and of the joints and marled and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart in other words the God's Word looks into the very heart of man for God is a heart knower you don't even have to say it out loud he knows what you're thinking and and how powerful that word of God is that it can cut asunder that it it gives us that example that's the Word of God that's the word that came to us this is why you know it isn't it isn't a real complicated thing to determine whether someone is right or wrong or somewhere in between don't ever let someone give you something that isn't written in God's Word because God will never expect you to believe something that isn't in the word documentation as Christ would say in in the great book of Mark chapter 13 behold I have foretold you all things all means exactly that all all you have to do in the word is absorb it understand it and understand as we the languages if you ever find that there's something missing is because you haven't read the manuscripts you'll find it if you're a seeker and one that seeks truth will always find it we're in the Word of God next verse returning to verse 20 of this eighteenth chapter of Deuteronomy but the Prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him to speak or that shall speak in the name of other gods even that prophet shall die and so it is I mean it's that's a pretty severe sentence but you know you have these people that will say well I talked to God today now you want to be real careful did you talk to him or where you pray and especially when you come return back and say and God said to me oh did ye not to to falsely make a statement that God spoke to you when he didn't is a death sentence as far as God is concerned because you're misleading God's children most people that say this are playing one-upmanship with people at some preacher that wants the congregation to think he has a really close walk with God I talked to God were to park my car and which ice-cream flavour I should have today if you're not intelligent enough to know where to park your car or what ice-cream you want God's not going to help you so you want to beware of people that play one-upmanship to try to have a layperson believe boy that brother and now God doesn't talk to me I pray and I feel his presence but he doesn't answer me he must really have a close walk with preacher so-and-so and a preacher that would say that is a so-and-so God does give unction through the Holy Spirit but be careful you see you might say well are you being a little hard on the pastor's not no I'm not it really upsets me to see someone mislead God's children when they're very eternal souls depend on it and it's just not right and you know something it doesn't matter whether or not it would displease me God hates it for somebody to say God sent me to say this and God didn't send him how do I know the difference I told you before if it isn't written in God's Word the man's a liar verse 21 and if thou say in thine heart that's what you're thinking how shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken how can we really tell he's going to tell you okay verse 22 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord when he claims God talked to him if the thing follow not nor come to pass this is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken not spoken but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously thou shalt not be afraid of him he's harmless worthless not good for anything I mean a waste of time to even listen to him and he could he can turn on you and say I'll be a prophet of God and I'm going to call something down on your head just say bring it on because he's a liar he this is why the word says you don't have to be afraid of him he has no power with God you do when you patiently wait on the Lord when you take his word whether whatever category you're in in US as a student of God's Word for we are all students of God's Word I don't care if you're a professor if you're a critic or what you are you're still a student because nobody knows at all we all learn and and so it is you don't have to be afraid of a liar God's going to take care of business you can count on it now in this nineteenth chapter we come to just plain old civil law such as landmarks and murder God demands capital punishment for someone that lies in wait with hate and and naturally again I must say you've got to understand God's law before you start mouthing God's law you must know both sides you must know the difference between the crime of passion or a crime that is just outright evil and you have to know both sides from beginning to end and the history thereof before a decree can be made from God's Word but God does to men but listen that the word itself explained chapter 19 verse 1 when the lord thy god hath cut off the nation's whose land the LORD thy God giveth thee and thou succeeded them and dwellest in their cities and in their houses now God never does anything to anyone that isn't they don't deserve it was God gave this to this people but he rooted out the others because they deserve to be rooted out if there is a change and if they believe and if they follow they'll be treated accordingly but even I have to believe that God even from the first Earth Age gave everybody everything they had come into them period good bad or ugly verse 2 thou shalt separate three cities for thee in the midst in the midst of thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it now bear in mind where they are they haven't crossed the Jordan yet they're the of the Dead Sea they have three cities already on the east side of the Jordan and they'll be forming three more on the other called cities of refuge which is to say where if someone accidentally hurt someone they complete of that city so that a an Avenger of the blood that's to say kinfolks don't get all out of and won't vengeance against one that was an accident rather than an outright murder okay let's go with it three thou shalt prepare the away and divide the coast of thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee to inherit into three parts that every Slayer may flee there a thither now the word Slayer means one that has caused or brought to pass the death of someone in some form verse four understand and this is the case of the Slayer which shall flee thither that he may live whoso killeth his neighbor ignorantly it's an accident whom he hated not in time past there was no hard feelings from whatsoever he gives us an example verse five anybody could understand it and when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbor to hew wood and his hand fetcheth the stroke with the axe to cut down the tree and the head slip us from the heave and lighteth upon his neighbor that he died he shall flee into one of those cities and live in other words it was an accident yeah he the axe flies off the hands that handle it strikes the neighbor and kills him and so that there is no blood against blood that a relative think in grief tried to kill the man that accidentally killed us when he flees to that city and he's protected there verse six lest the Avenger of the blood pursue the Slayer while his heart is hot and overtake him because the way is long and slay him whereas he was not worthy of death in as much as he hated him not in time past and the this is an example simply of an accidental death 37 wherefore I commend thee saying thou shalt separate three cities for thee for this purpose so that innocent blood is not spilled verse eight and if the LORD thy God in Lourdes thy coast if you cross the Jordan in other words and he as he has sworn unto their father father's and give thee all the land which he promised a given to thy father's he gives it to you verse 9 if thou shalt keep all these Commandments to do them when I commanded thee this day to love the Lord thy God and to walk ever in his ways when when then shalt thou add three cities more for thee beside these three none would then have six altogether three on this side of Jordan and three on that verse 10 what was the purpose that innocent blood be not shed in thy land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance and so blood and so blood be upon thee and and to avoid that that's what it would be for now many people would say well what if it was deliberate well again here's where you must to be a biblical lawyer or a spiritual lawyer again you must know the difference in a crime of passion and a crime of hate what is the difference between passion and hate very thin line and only the experience can discern but the Word of God will always cut it straightens and in line and the correct decision passed by down from the Word of God verse 11 but if any man hate his neighbor and lie and wait for him and rise up against him and smite him mortally that he die and flee ahthe into one of these cities trying to get away verse 12 then the elders of his City shall send and fetch him thence and deliver him into the hand of the Avenger of blood that he may die now in other words he's worthy of death now there again it is too sad that so many people misunderstand the simplicity which is in God's work now let's say that if a person before an event would take place a crime of passion I'm going to give a hypothetical here that they didn't hate each other but stuff happens and the crime of passion can take over it is a form of insanity let us say in the in the case of one men seducing another man's wife and that men did not hate that man until that event transpired but passion takes over and that must be taken into consideration from God's Word so never read the simplicity that is in God's Word and let ignorance cause you to make an error and misunderstanding God's Word but here we have one that was an evil dude he just hated this man and decided he was going to kill him and did then you send in our day a posse out and you grab me you bring him back verse 13 then I shall not pity him but thou shalt put away the guilt of innocent blood from Israel that it may go well with thee and and so it is and many might say well then God taught capital punishment of course he did well for what reason so that others would see in these things would cease to happen among you if when we get to the 22nd chapter the same thing applies to the rape of a child death but many then would say well they you're back in the Old Testament Christ wouldn't go along with at all have you never read st. the first epistle of John chapter 3 verse 15 what does it say there that a murderer cannot have salvation in the flesh meaning capital punishment must be practiced if it is an evil hatred murder and he must be sent to the Father for judgment then God will decide whether he can have salvation or not but God is the judge not us now then both of the teachings of Jesus he said love your brother well I wouldn't love your enemy even but that's that's when you're a teacher the idea was to take forth the Word of God and if you overload some preachers donkey let us say that some preacher that really believes in the rapture doctrine and you begin to state the facts of how it was a false teaching and came into being and he reaches out and walks you one you overloaded his donkey you just turned the other cheek and let him have another whack you're the one that messed up because you're mature and he's a child that's loving your enemy you love him in that and at the same time it says love your enemy but what does that mean well if you love your child what you're gonna you're going to chastise him it's the same way with your enemy you may have to give him an attitude adjustment with the two before that's that's real love that's true love that's tough love but what did Jesus teach concerning capital punishment did now I I have instructed you as we have studied this law that you must must know the difference between the law that is to say the commandments the statutes and judgment the law itself never changes statutes or rituals and they can change such as blood rituals Christ fulfilled all of them on the cross and it is sacrilegious to sacrifice any blood to Almighty God because the sacrifices of sacrifices was the Lord Jesus Christ and judgment there's a two-fold thing and within judgment through the law of judgment one is reward if you're a good person serving Lord you've got a payday coming or if you're evil it's it is punishment so you must know the difference in those things and therefore maybe you can better understand the teachings of Christ concerning capital punishment we have the term the commandment thou shalt not kill should be translated thou shalt do no murder that's what the Hebrew states now chapter five of the great book of Matthew the teachings of Christ verse 17 listen carefully think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fill fulfill I'm not going to change any part of it we're talking about law not statutes now this is where ministers get all messed up verse 18 for verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled this is one iota in the Greek or a one jot is a one little dot in the Hebrew manuscripts that would change the sound of a letter not the letter itself for example that would make a sound like a or off so according to where the dot was placed okay I don't change any of its what he's saying not even the sound of one little letter of that law do I change whosoever therefore shall break one of the least Commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven so you teach that law as it is rightly dividing the word of God to show yourself approved and to give proper advice where advice is needed verse 24 I say unto you that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees you shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven why because they were they were play-actors and he knew it verse 21 this is why we came here sharpened for me you have heard that it was said by them of old time thou shalt not kill now stop right there take your Strong's Concordance and take this word kill back to the Greek and you will find that it is von eel and it comes from the prime Bunyan's which means criminal homicide criminal homicide is murder not just to kill you know we have servicemen Marines Army Navy that have to kill people to protect this nation that is not murder as a matter of fact the reason I'm saying this is because we have two wards going down a lot of so-called bible thumpers like to come down on our servicemen but psalms 144 is a prayer saying God give me the strength to be able to conquer my enemies and fight for me and put them down under my feet in other words to kill them to destroy them probably about enemy but here the subject is criminal homicide that is an evil person that takes a life what he's talking about here is people trying to change the law he says you've heard that thou shalt not commit a criminal homicide and whosoever shall commit a criminal homicide shall be in danger of the judgment in other words you're going to perish if you're not careful because the judge is going to judge and that judge is Almighty God and the word is the judge it cuts right down find the line it separates the body and the soul the soul in the spirit the bone in the mire I mean the Word of God trims and it is precise so there's nothing changed and yes God does teach capital punishment so that these things will not happen among us and well I didn't know that - capital punishment was a deterrent well let me ask you something let's let's take the case that just happened or a man raped a twelve-year-old child the penalty for that in God's Word is death no if at that time he had been executed there would be four officers alive today that would have been quite a deterrent to hanging okay so you see others and it's supposed to be done publicly where others will see and fear and these things will cease to happen among Israel and then what hurts mean is you will have some people that will say how could there be a God when he lets a little children be molested it isn't God's fault it's our fault that we don't fulfill God's law God says kill them and do it publicly as a matter of fact he says let the Avenger of blood cast the first stone that means let the father of the little child or the mother pulled a switch and these others will see in fear and you know a man might have a little mixed up mine but when he sees what happens by God's law then things like this seems to happen so don't ever try to blame those things on God when we fail in our judicial system to fulfill the law of God in bringing these people that commit these crimes to their just punishment required by God whereby these things do not transpire you see God loves his children God loves those little children that get molested he wants something done to those that perverts that do it and he wants it done now so don't kind of blame it on God it is the fault of our nation for not following God's law something we need to really think about the nation maybe won't muster to that but you can by that I mean you can follow God's law as best you can because in that you have the blessings and the love of God and he will always protect you don't miss the next lecture bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,407
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of Deuteronomy, Shepherds Chapel, Book of, Chapel, Murray, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Deuteronomy, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor, Pastor Murray, Arnold, Arnold Murray
Id: gm0WIv4RjLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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