Deuteronomy ~ 25:1 to 26:14

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back in our fathers word book of Deuteronomy Moses teaching the law were by a lay person can understand breaking it down simplifying it and what a pleasure it is Moses will probably be deceased about thirty days after this book was completed as we will learn in the last chapter of the book so it's kind of Moses final words and so receive them well and understand the law of God chapter 25 verse 1 a word of wisdom from our Father first one reads if there be a controversy between men and a disagreement and they come unto judgment that the judges may judge them then they shall justify the righteous and condemn the wicked that's what law is about now it is always better for Christians if they can to have a church arbitrator work their problem out for them to their satisfaction that that is fair but always do what is righteous and naturally condemn the wicked that's that's God's Way and that's as it should be that's what a good judge a judge that will take a bribe or a judge that will be partial is not a judge he's a crook he's a worse sinner than anyone brought before him but he must be totally neutral as far as God's law is concerned and decide from the law not due to personalities but acts and deeds indeed hearing both sides only a fool will make a judgment when they hear one side but a judge hears both sides in the history thereof and then makes the decision verse 2 and it shall be if the wicked man be worthy to be beaten that the judge shall cause him to lie down and to be beaten before his face in other words the judge has got to witness it according to his fault by a certain number and naturally as we'd learn in this verse 340 stripes he may give him and not exceed lest if he should exceed and beat him above these with many stripes then thy brother should seem vile unto thee it would be he would even be defrauded and so it is we know that Paul himself in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 24 would say beaten 40 - 1 stripes in other words 39 stripes was usually the limit just in case somebody miscounted or something that they would not go past 40 40 in numerix of course is probation gives one time to consider and to think verse 4 thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn which is simply to say a servant is worthy as higher whether it be an animal a man or whoever whomever but naturally if that ox is pulling the thrashing wheel or in the field doesn't matter he's working hard don't muzzle him he's worthy of his of the what food he would partake of verse 5 if brethren dwell together and one of them died and have no child the wife of the dead shall not marry with without unto a stranger her husband's brother shall go in unto her and take her to him to wife and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her this was where by a name would not be dropped or have offspring in Israel verse 6 and it shall be that the firstborn which he beareth shall succeed in this name of his brother which is dead that his name be not put out of Israel you know this is something you wouldn't think about is that our father had ordered man to replenish the earth and in a sense father being always fair every soul must have the opportunity to be born of woman and to make his or her own mind up whether they love God or Satan and they must all be born and that takes a considerable amount of time as history has recorded and the the time for that millennium age is very near upon us which means that almost all the souls that were ever created by Almighty God have been birthed and have passed through this earth age verse seven and if the man liked not to take his brother's wife then let his brother's wife go up to the gate unto the elders and say my husband's brother refuses to raise up unto his brother a name in Israel he will not perform the duty of my husband's brother she does that before that pavement before the judgment-seat 8 then the elders of his city shall call him and speak unto him and if he stand to it and say I like not to take her and then what happens verse 9 then shall his brother's wife come into him in the presence of the elders and loose his shoe from off his foot and spit in his face and shall answer and say so shall it be done unto thee unto then unto that man that will not build up his brother's house you know this is the act of kinsman redeemer and it's very important and it has played quite a role even down to Christ himself and it is fitting in as much as we in the last chapter modest mail was never to enter into the kingdom from that day forward and we had Ruth who was a Moabite us but a female which this law of gods did not apply to the female but in Ruth chapter 4 verse 7 Naomi her mother-in-law the mother of her deceased husband Ruth's then was had returned home and Boaz a very wealthy relative saw Ruth gleaning in a field and he liked her very much so he then wanted her to wife when he found out especially that she was the daughter-in-law of Naomi and as kinsman redeemer but there was just one problem there was one kinsman that was a little closer related to Naomi and Naomi's son then was Boaz so Boaz as kinsman redeemer had to purchase all that pertained to Naomi but and therefore Boaz became kinsman redeemer and the shoe went off the foot of the other guy and so it was meaning his all his rights were taken from him and Boaz would be kinsman redeemer that would claim Ruth and very interesting because in father's word there are no accidents and we learn these lessons though they may seem trivial to son this kinsman redeemer is very important because in Luke chapter 3 we have the genealogy of Mary the mother of Jesus the genealogy of Joseph and Matthew one has nothing to do with the birth of Christ and therefore in Luke 3 we find out through Nathan down through Boaz's son came the kinsman redeemer of all Redeemers which is to say the Lord Jesus Christ the Savior of all whomsoever will so kinsman-redeemer is a very important thing and not only the beauty of Jesus Christ is that not only did he is he the Redeemer of his kinsmen the house of Israel but whomsoever will whomsoever will believe upon him and be adopted into his family and that's what the genealogy in Matthew 1 is about isn't it and genealogy of adoption for Joseph indeed adopted this Mary and the child and and so it is so kinsman redeemer in God's law is very important and again from that came the kinsman redeemer of all Redeemers verse 11 this is a little graphic but understand it has a deeper spiritual meaning and I will teach it in the spiritual my opinion the spiritual meaning thereof verse 11 when men strive together one with another and the wife of the one brought near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smited him and put us forth her hand and taketh him by the secrets now this is something that women even to this day are taught to strike to defend themselves or whatever verse 12 then thou shalt cut off her hand excuse me thine I shall not pity her now in a spiritual sense I want you this is my opinion my opinion and I will teach it so Christ has a wife that kinsman redeemer we just spoke of and that wife was taken from the first Earth Age I chose you before the foundations of this earth and when you read in Revelation chapter 19 he not only has a bride for the wedding soon to come but he also has a wife and it is written I feel that comes from the first Earth age and when the controversy in as much as regardless of what whether you're male or female you are the bride of that one and when you see the controversy were that the Antichrist brings his secret deception lies misleading love of God's children claiming to be Messiah then the true wife will step forward not premeditating but what she shall say will actually bruise the very head of the serpent that is to say the Antichrist which is to say Satan therefore God's law always reign supreme especially in that spiritual sense you might say well where is that written what's written in mark chapter 13 it's written in Matthew 24 Luke 21 and so it is that that blow was delivered it's also recorded in Revelation chapter 2 verse 10 and chapter 3 verse 10 of the great book of Revelation those that are the God's elect that know the difference between the true Messiah and the false messiah having the key of David and the knowledge will make that stand and will wound Satan himself as the Antichrist by just destroying his secrets his deception his lies to our people verse 13 to continue thou shalt not have in thy bag diverse weights a great and a small in other words if you're going to go into business you have one set of scales you do not play favorites or you're not going to be in business long well I'm pretty slick I might be able to fool some people you cannot fool God you cheat people they're the children of God he does not like his children to be cheated so get it straight in your mind if you're in business or in trade of some sort whatever the sort you will treat everyone the same and you will use only one set of weights and so I did that is to say if you want God's blessings because you're certainly not going to have them without verse 14 thou shalt not have in thine house divers measures are great in a small you're not going to have a large Court in a small court a large court for your buddies good old boys and a small court for just the average okay you're playing favorites and that is you know that is really quite a sin is it any wonder that there is controversy when people are a bunch of crooks well I wouldn't want to call myself a crook well if you've got different weights you are you're achieved you're a ripoff artist so you want to treat everybody the same when it comes to measures verse fifteen but thou shall have a perfect and adjust wait a perfect and adjust measure thou shalt shalt thou have that thy days may be lengthen in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee do you want them shortened you want a quick trip just be a crook but if you want God's blessings and to have a pleasant stay in the land be honest verse 16 for all that do such things and all that do and righteously or an abomination unto the Lord thy God he doesn't like it you know a lot of people will say well I really have no time for God's Word and I don't believe in a lot of that stuff won't you just have a good trip then keep up with your stuff well if things are always happening well of course they are why because God considers you to be an abomination you're a crook first of all you deny your heritage that's what we saw his main problem he cared nothing for his heritage and God hated him because of it a minute in the scripture Malachi 1 and in other places in God's word that God hated Esau you want to care about your heritage with Almighty God you want his blessings if you want happiness if you want peace of mind that's what makes the difference if you play favorites with people now it is true that if you love someone being closer to that loved one naturally that's fine that's okay but don't have different weights verse 17 remember what Emelec did unto thee by the way when you came forth out of Egypt in other words Moses was even told in Exodus 17 8 to write this down make a note of it don't ever forget it what do you do 18 how he met the by the way and smote the hindmost of thee even all that were feeble behind thee when thou was faint and weary and he feared not God he didn't care anything about God do you understand what he did he went around to the back where you have your front line where they can kind of protect but he the the weaker this is this would be women children and the old folks bringing up the rear where it's supposed to be safe he whittles in behind one of these offsprings of Esau and lo and behold he takes advantage of them abuses them and naturally he didn't fear God well let me tell you something he should have verse 19 therefore it shall be when the LORD thy God have given the rest from all thine enemies round about in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it now that thou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven thou shalt not forget it no initially it would be David who would later completely take Amalek out Saul kind of played soft-pedal he lets some of them get by David didn't he did his God instructed so what well what does that mean it means don't do things that God disapproves of when he makes it so clear in his word that it upsets him he doesn't he finds it to be an abomination when God says something is an abomination if you want to push the wrong buttons for our Heavenly Father just try some of those and your life will take an abrupt change if it isn't already destroyed and so it is so a set of laws that go from kinsman redeemer the spiritual content in that is so ever important for it has to do with salvation itself and the fact that all children are God's children he is our kinsman redeemer so don't upset him and expect to be redeemed or he'll block you out you see to blot out Amalek is the equivalent of being blotted out of the book of life that's what happened back in Exodus 17 you don't want to be blotted out of the book of life because as you read in the book of Revelation and that means you went in the big lake blotted out means doesn't exist anymore can't even be remembered not even a thought you know I hope that you consider your heritage to be more than that that it's important to you that you love our Father that you enjoy serving Him and do nothing that causes him to consider you to be a part of that that is a bundle you don't need that chapter 26 a chapter concerning Ecclesiastes so this is to say the church God's Way and what he would have you know one understand verse chapter 26 verse 1 and it reads and it shall be when thou art come in unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance and possess it that and dwell us therein yeah you want to stop and think about that when you do what is right God give God owns everything today and when he set you up enjoy what you have and appreciate it don't forget to thank him you know man only has title to land and well it's all mine well you're gonna die for it and when you die whose is it it goes to someone else but it always belongs to God it's something you want it would do you well to think of occasionally that's why that father gives us what he would and brings forth blessings but when you're there and when you're content verse 2 that thou shalt take of the first of all the fruit of the earth which thou shalt bring of thy land that the LORD thy God giveth thee and shall put it in a basket and shalt go unto the place listen carefully which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name there no we pray to where is God placed his name what's real simple white why do you say Jesus in English and why do you say Yeshua in the Hebrew tongue and and because why what did well what does that mean it means Yoho they that's father's name the Savior that's where his name is placed and that's that kinsman redeemer we speaking of in the prior chapter that redeems you when you ask him when you request it when you believe upon him that kinsman redeemer he could save your soul into eternal life he could make life much better so what is it mainly that he wants is your love you can't help loving him that redeems you and you're not many men said well well why do I have to give it it was given to you to start with it's given to you by God and he only takes that part verse 3 and thou shalt go unto the priests that shall be in those days and saying to him I profess this day unto the Lord thy that God that I am come unto the country which the Lord swear unto my father's for to give us God gave it to us it belongs to him he gave it to us to have as we live for and the priest shall take the basket out of thine hand and set it down before the altar of the LORD thy God it's his gift verse 5 and thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God a Syrian ready to perish was my father and he went down into Egypt and sojourn there with a few and became their a nation great Madi and populous well where was Syria dis tell it was a rack of de the home of Abraham okay we're talking about Jacob went down and and I mean they they multiplied were blessed even though they were in bondage they left very rich and and many many thousands of people but only 75 went down there just a handful verse six and the Egyptians evil entreated us and afflicted us and laid upon us hard bondage not just easy stuff I'm talking hard bondage seven and when we cried unto the Lord God of our fathers the Lord heard our voice and looked on our affliction and our labor in our oppression you want to take note of that when you're oppressed today when you have problems God always hears you he heard this multitude that was that long ago you see God is the same yesterday he is today and he will be forever when you have a problem talk to him do you know something he's got time for you you know why you're his child verse 8 and the Lord brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm and with great terribleness and with signs and with wonders I mean signs and wonders that we speak of even to this day parting the Red Sea manna from heaven quail by the heard food taking care of the children fire a pillar of fire at night and a cloud in the day to protect enlighten God cradled them 9 and he hath brought us into this place and have given us this land even a land that floweth with milk and honey he really picked the best for us why well God loves his children and and and that's as it is verse 10 and now behold I have brought the firstfruits of the land which thou Oh Lord has given me and thou shalt set it before the LORD thy God and worship before the Lord god that's as it is what you want to know it was his all the time okay he gave it to us in heaven and thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the LORD thy God hath given unto thee and into thine house thou and the Levite and the stranger that is among you we can all celebrate and rejoice in the fact that God's on the throne I know there is wickedness and evil as in this world but God is still on the throne and God still blesses those that bless him God still blesses those that love him that is aware who he is where he is and can touch lead guide and direct that that's what is so important in your life is to make that no one even into your family that your family serves him and he certainly will bless that family verse 12 when thou has made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine increased the third year which is the year of tithing and has given it unto the Levite the stranger the fatherless and the widow that they may eat within that I gates and be filled we live in a wonderful time where we have at this time the church was the government and it took care of Social Security insurance Medicare Medicaid all this sort of thing and today many times our final tithe and not our final but part of our tithe you must consider to be that that makes these things possible that people are blessed and you know something if you're wise you will always thank our Father that he blesses us our nation our people in this world verse 13 then thou shalt say before the LORD thy God I have brought away the hallowed things out of mine house and also have given them unto the knee bite and into the stranger and to the fatherless and to the widdle according to all thy commandments which thou has commanded me I have not transgressed thy Commandments neither have I forgotten them and this is important this is why you don't forget what pleases God if you want his blessings that's that's just that's plain old common sense if you want God to bless you you're gonna please him nothing pleases him more than for you to tell him you loving okay just I mean straight out let him know that you care that you love him and that you appreciate what he does for you I don't care how large or how small your house your land but that that God gives you be sure that you thank him for it and keep working for increase you'll have it 14 I have not eaten thereof in my morning now there have I taken away aught thereof for any unclean use and we're given aught thereof for the dead but I have hearkened to the voice of the Lord my God and have done according to all that thou has commanded me I've done my best to do that what is it talking about here the dead spiritually dead you want to be very careful in assisting the spiritually dead outside of planting seeds and helping them in that way exactly what do you mean by that well some people that think they are very religious even following Antichrist if we go to that far they're going to think they're really doing a very spiritual thing but all the time they're spiritually dead and you don't go there you don't touch them and you certainly don't give any of God's tithe to them that are spiritually dead or working the work of the spiritually dead that's a no-no the better place that this is written in the New Testament is the second epistle of John there are three little epistles written by John just before Jude and revelation and the second one really brings this point home concerning touching the dead or the spiritually dead with God's tithes he doesn't like it okay so you that's something that if you know better your health accountable for
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,116
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor, Shepherds, Murray, Arnold, Shepherd's, Arnold Murray, Book of Deuteronomy, Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Deuteronomy
Id: teGrb9ZvHVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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