Detroit Become Human PS5 Full Walkthrough (Best Ending)(Everyone Lives)1080P 60FPS - All Boss Fights

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uh hello welcome to the detroit experience i'm an android and i'll be your hostess before we begin let's make some adjustments to optimize your experience these language settings were detected on your console are they correct [Music] please adjust your screen settings thank you now select your profile when this sign is displayed please do not turn off your console you are now ready to begin detroit remember this is not just a story this is our future so negotiator on site [Music] [Music] i can't leave her please please you gotta save my little girl wait you're standing in android all right ma'am we need to go you can't do that you why aren't you sending a real person [Music] my men are ready to step in just get the order [Music] captain allen my name is connor i'm the android sent by cyberlife it's firing in everything that moves it already shot down two of my men we could easily get it but they're on the edge of the balcony if it falls she falls do you know its name i haven't got a clue does it matter i need information to determine the best approach do you know if it's been behaving strangely before this listen saving that kid is all that matters so either you deal with this [ __ ] android now i'll take care of it so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you will always be together [Music] all units hold positions [Music] [Music] [Music] cyberlife thanks you for your purchase [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] [Music] go away all over here [Music] [Music] what are we waiting for we should take down so stay back don't come any closer or i'll jump hi daniel now my name is connor how do you know my name i know a lot of things about you i've come to get you out of this i'm not going to hurt you i just want to talk and find a solution talk i don't want to talk it's too late for that now it's too late are you armed yes i have a gun drop it no sudden move there i'll shoot there no more gun i know you and emma were very close you think she betrayed you but she's done nothing wrong she lied to me i thought she loved me but i was wrong she's just like all the other humans they were going to replace you and you became upset that's what happened right i thought i was part of the family i thought i mattered but i was just there toy something to throw away when you're done listen i know it's not your fault these emotions you're feeling are just errors in your software no it's not my fault i never wanted this i loved them you know but i was nothing to them just a slave to be ordered around i can't stand that noise anymore tell that helicopter to get out of here you have to trust me daniel let the hostage go and i promise you everything will be fine i want everyone to leave and i want a car when i'm outside the city i'll let her go that's impossible daniel let the girl go and i promise you won't be hurt i don't want to die you're not going to die you're just going to talk nothing will happen to you you have my world okay i trust you you lied to me connor you're right [Music] [Music] so this is the top-of-the-range household assistant it cooks ten thousand different dishes come on zoey let's go just add diamonds and handles the kids good afternoon at the moment we're doing a special promotion on this entire range dollars with a 48 months interest-free credit and it comes with a two-year warranty for parts and labor painting repairs an excellent show contacts emergency service if you'll just follow me we'll process the order how much is that the mp800 is slightly more expensive but it has many other functions come along and i'll show you plenty i don't want this guy there it is it's a bit difficult getting it back in working order okay it was really messed up what'd you say happened to it again the car hit it stupid accident ah i see anyway it's as good as new now except that we had to reset it meaning we had to wipe its memory i hope you don't mind it'll be fine okay did you give it a name my daughter did ax 400 register your name cara my name is cara [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] would you like to go home now yes yes i think that's enough for one day here let me help you oh oh thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey water you have run 12 miles you're five miles away from your door [Music] hey move it you're scaring away my customers [Music] the machines are observing us they're waiting in the darkness for the right moment to take our place for it is written let us lie in wait for blood let us ambush the innocent without cause god will not let this happen no he will not allow his creation to be led astray by these these artificial demons why do you look at me so demon i know who you are i can see through you you are the one by whom the evil will come you are the one who will destroy detroit my brethren we have to turn our backs on city we have to burn the androids [Music] is latest ranger suits feature sensors [Music] [Music] identification verified here is your order number 847 that will be 63.99 please confirm payment [Music] payment confirmed transaction complete [Music] spaces are available [Music] spaces are available [Music] what do we want what are you doing where the [ __ ] you going tin can hmm no kidding hey guys check it out we got one of those tin cans here look at this little [ __ ] you steal our jobs but you can't even stand up it do it all right that's enough leave it alone let us teach this bastard a lesson damage it i'm gonna have to fight you you can take your job next see how you like it okay let's go are stealing our jobs [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you coming you've been going for two weeks so the place is a mess you do the housework the washing you cook the meals and you take care of god damn it where the [ __ ] the black gone now alice alice oh there you are that's alice you look after her homework bath all that crap got it yes todd get started down here then you do upstairs [Music] so [Music] tv on maybe depends on what you need yeah yeah i can get that yeah yeah i'll bring it tomorrow yeah same place uh [ __ ] man [Music] oh cara yes todd bring me a cold beer right away [Music] so [Music] are you going to school today it's not very nice out you might catch cold i could get you a sweater if you want [Music] so [Music] [Music] you shouldn't mess around with my stuff it makes me nervous i'm sorry todd you just stay the [ __ ] out of my business unless you want to piss me off you want to piss me off [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] alice you better stop that right now why is she always pushing me i've made a good start down here i'll head upstairs do what you have to do but stop bothering me uh [Music] and now to sports first up basketball as the gears prepare for the critical match with denver tonight at the cyber life arena in detroit league negotiations are still ongoing over the possibility of allowing one android player per squad debate rages as to whether the change would lead to more exciting matches or be the first step in making human players obsolete cyber life has announced its willingness to participate in the experiment by providing one specialized model to every team now androids are already used to train players and provide tactical advice for coaches since 2035 but no android player has been permitted to compete so far another 225 000 jobs were lost from the u.s economy in october according to the department of labor bringing the unemployment figure up to 37.3 [Applause] president warren spoke today at the opening of a new cyber life plant near milwaukee at the event the president again praised cyber life's role in the exceptional performance of the u.s economy she further announced the department of defense will acquire 200 000 android combat units as part of her increased military spending [Music] hmm oh watch it i just want to tidy up your room a little i only need two minutes is that okay alice i'm sure we used to be friends before i was reset maybe we can be friends again your father said you chose my name cara it's nice how did you choose it you should tell me about yourself what you like to do where you like to go your favorite foods that would really help me you're very quiet i hope i don't scare you so [Music] do so [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing uh i'm playing you're playing i know what you're thinking i think your dad's a low life huh [ __ ] loser can't get a job take care of his family don't you think i tried to make things work but whatever i do when someone comes along they just [ __ ] it all up i know what you think of me you hate me you hate me don't you say it you hate me [Music] god what am i doing i'm sorry honey i'm sorry [Music] you know i love you don't you you know i love you [Music] welcome home so oh good morning carl good morning it's 10 a.m the weather is partly cloudy 54 degrees 80 humidity with a strong possibility of afternoon showers it sounds like a good day to spend in bed i did go to pick up the paint that you ordered oh yes a forgotten that is the difference between you and me right marcus you never forget anything show me your arm please carl no carl thank you i just opened my eyes and i'm already gritty my teeth [Music] humans are such a fragile machine they break down so quickly all this effort to keep them going hey what happened to your clothes oh it's nothing just some demonstrators in the street carl what a bunch of idiots they think they can stop progress by roughing up a few androids i hope they didn't harm you oh no no they just pushed me around carl i'm fine okay i'll take you to the bathroom now anything special on the agenda today yes there's the opening of your retrospective at the museum of modern art the gallery director left four messages asking to confirm your attendance um i haven't decided yet we'll see about that later okay what else just your usual fan mail i've already answered any news from leo no carl i can call him if you like no no i don't bother i'm starving well your breakfast is ready bacon and eggs just the way you like them thank you marcus you're welcome [Music] thank you marcus television several russian warships have taken position in the barren sea since everything and the russian flag why don't you find something to do while i finish my breakfast sure okay carl on the other hand last night the american ambassador again informed an emergency meeting of the u.n that the united states would not accept this annexation under any circumstances several american destroyers are reported to be headed for the barren sea governor cuomo chairman of the u.n announced to the press conference that we have never been so close to a third world television off mankind is so depressing nothing but greed stupidity and violence 5 000 years of civilization just to get to where we are [Music] do [Music] something has changed in the way you play sometimes i think you have more humanity than most humans one day i won't be here to take care of you anymore you'll have to protect yourself and make your choices decide who you are and want to become this world doesn't like those who are different markers don't let anyone tell you who you should be let's go to the studio [Music] so let's see where we left off remove the sheet so so so so [Music] so so so what's your verdict marcus i'm not a very good judge i i don't think it's your best work the truth is i have nothing left to say anymore each day that goes by brings me closer to the end i'm just an old man clinging to his brushes carl but enough about me let's see if you have any talent give it a try try painting something paint but would i painting what anything you want give it a try [Music] so that is a perfect copy of reality but painting is not about replicating the world it's about interpreting improving on it showing something you see carl i don't think i can do that it's not in my program i go on go try it grab that canvas do something for me close your eyes close your eyes trust me try to imagine something that doesn't exist something you've never seen now concentrate on how it makes you feel and let your hand drift across the canvas [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh my god hey dad leo i didn't hear you come in i was in the neighborhood i thought i'd stop by it's been a while right you all right you don't look so good oh yeah yeah i'm fine hey listen uh i need some cash dad again what happened to the money i just gave you uh well it just goes you know yeah yeah you're on it again aren't you no no no i swear it's not that uh don't lie to me leo what difference does it make i just need some cash that's all sorry the answer's no what why you know why yeah yeah i think i do know why you rather you'd rather take care of your uh plastic toy here than your own son huh tell me dad what's what's it got that i don't smarter more obedient not like me right but you know what this thing is not your son it's a [ __ ] machine leo that's enough enough you don't care about anything except yourself and your goddamn paintings you've never loved anyone you never loved me dad you never loved me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] let's get out of here [Music] mm-hmm [Music] lieutenant anderson my name is connor i'm the android set by cyberlife i looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were they said you were probably having a drink nearby i was lucky to find you at the fifth bar what do you want you were assigned a case early this evening a homicide involving a cyber life android in accordance with procedure the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators well i don't need any assistance especially not from a plastic [ __ ] like you just be a good little robot and get the [ __ ] out of here listen i think you should stop drinking and come with me it'll make life easier for both of us [Music] i understand that some people are not comfortable in the presence of androids but i am perfectly comfortable now back off before i crush it like an empty beer can [Music] you know what i'll buy you one for the road what do you say bartender the same again please [Music] see that gym wonders of technology make it a double did you say homicide [Music] you wait here my instructions are to accompany you to the crime scene lieutenant listen i don't give a [ __ ] about your instructions i told you to wait here so you shut the [ __ ] up and you wait here josh douglas for channel 16 can you confirm that this is a homicide i'm not confirming it androids are not permitted beyond this point it's with me what part of stay in the car didn't you understand your order contradicted my instructions lieutenant you don't talk you don't touch anything and you stay out of my way got it got it evening hank we were starting to think you weren't gonna show yeah that was the plan until this [ __ ] found me so got yourself an android huh i'm very funny just tell me what happened i'm gonna call around eight from the landlord kevin hadn't paid his rent for a few months i thought he'd drop by what's going on [Music] jesus that smell was even worse before we opened the windows the victim's name's carlos ortiz he has a record for theft and aggravated assault according to the neighbors he was kind of a loner stayed inside most of the time they hardly ever saw him wow statistic and wasn't worth calling everybody out in the middle of the night i could have waited till morning i'd say he's been there for a good three weeks i'll know more than the coroner gets here there's a kitchen knife over here probably the murder weapon any sign of a break-in nope the landlord said the front door was locked from the inside all the windows were boarded up the killer must have gone out the back way what do we know about his android not much the neighbors confirmed he had one but it wasn't here when we arrived i i gotta get some air make yourself at home i'll be outside if you need me [Music] oh jesus what the hell are you doing i'm analyzing the blood i can check samples in real time i'm sorry i should have warned you okay just don't put any more evidence in your mouth you got it got it [ __ ] hell i can't believe this [ __ ] [Music] [Music] each letter is perfect it's way too neat no human rights like this chris was this written in the victim's blood [Music] i would say so we're taking samples for analysis red ice seems [Music] our friend carlos like to party grip someone full analysis on the narcotic [Music] consider it done lieutenant [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] yeah that's it [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] door was locked from the inside killer must have gone out this way there are no footprints apart from officer collins size 10 shoes well this happened weeks ago tracks could have faded no this type of soil would retain a trace nobody's been out here for a long time so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he was stabbed 28 times yeah seems like the killer really had it in for him [Music] [Music] lieutenant i think i figured out what happened oh yeah shoot i'm all ears it all started in the kitchen there are obvious signs of a struggle the question is what exactly happened here i think the victim attacked the android with the back that lines up with the evidence go on [Music] the android through the chair no that can't be right it doesn't fit the evidence the android stabbed the victim so the android was trying to defend itself right okay then what happened the victim fled to the living [Music] and i tried to get away from the android all right that makes sense the android murdered the victim with the knife okay your theory is not totally ridiculous but it doesn't tell us where the android went it was damaged by the bat and lost some ethereum awesome what ethereum you call it blue blood it's the fluid that powers android's bio components it evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye oh but i bet you can still see it can't you correct [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey hey what are you doing with that chair i'm going to check something ah i'm gonna check something [Music] so i was just defending myself he was gonna kill me i'm begging you [Music] don't tell him what the [ __ ] is going on up there [Music] it's here lieutenant oh [ __ ] chris ben get your asses in here now come on [Music] oh todd dinner is ready yeah yeah i'm coming there wasn't much in the kitchen i did what i could life's funny i lost my job because of androids then i need somebody to take care of this goddamn house what do i do go out and buy a [ __ ] android what a joke of course androids are so [ __ ] wonderful they never fail they're never tired they were sad so [ __ ] perfect they ruined my [ __ ] life what are you looking at what's your [ __ ] problem not the life you dreamed of eh maybe you think this is easy maybe you think it's my fault we live in this [ __ ] [ __ ] my fault your [ __ ] mother took off you should stop taking drugs todd sometimes you really scared me todd [ __ ] [ __ ] took off without a word [ __ ] [ __ ] walked out on me for a [ __ ] account it's all your fault that he knows get back here come back here come back here right now a good [ __ ] lesson that's what she deserves first i need a little hit [Music] you stay there don't you dare [ __ ] move or i'll bust you worse than last time i took off a lot of word i could have been happy [Music] but no [ __ ] about how i felt i did everything i could to make her happy just wasn't enough i just wasn't good enough for little [ __ ] brat it's all her fault [Music] ugh [Music] alice daddy's very mad you deserve to be taught a good lesson a good [ __ ] lesson [Music] [Music] alice that's enough leave her alone what the [ __ ] are you doing get out of here that's an order you hear me no i want you to leave alice alone you want what do you mean you want you don't want anything you're just a goddamn piece of plastic i think you got a problem we need to fix that watch out come here [ __ ] oh [Music] come here craig he's coming [Music] [Music] you have to obey me combined [Music] [Music] [Music] that was by far the most boring party i've been to in the last 25 years every time i go to one of these i ask myself what the hell am i doing here i hate cocktail parties and all the schmoozers that go there well it's a chance for all those people who admire your work to meet you yeah yeah and no one gives a damn about art all they care about is how much money they're gonna make out of it come on let's have a drink or the excitement but this whole thing has made me thirsty scotch neat as usual absolutely okay but you know what your doctor would say yeah well he can kiss my ass i'm old enough to choose my own medication did you leave the light on in the studio no no i'm sure i didn't call the police detroit what's your emergency this is carl manfred's android at 8941 lafayette avenue we've just returned home and found the lights on there may have been a break-in a patrol car is on the way let's go check it out marcus no i'ma come with you leo what are you doing you refuse to help me so i'm helping myself it's crazy what some people pay for this [ __ ] don't touch them look they're all gonna be mine sooner or later anyway just think of it as a down payment on my inheritance marcus get him away from there get him out of here look i've already called the police you should go now before you get yourself into more trouble all you ever do is tell me to go away what's wrong dad i'm not good enough for you not perfect like this [ __ ] thing that's enough get out right now what makes it so special anyway huh what's it got that i don't leave him alone on let's see what you got marcus don't defend yourself you hear me don't do anything go ahead hit me what you waiting for think you're a man act like one ah stop it it's a matter too much of a [ __ ] stop it little double just kidding to fight back you [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] oh right that's right i forgot you're not a real person you're just a [ __ ] piece of plastic i'll leave them alone i'm gonna destroy you that'll just be me and my dad i'm gonna tip [Music] leo oh my god leo my little boy carl i they'll destroy you marcus you gotta go get out of here go i have nowhere to go carl you're all i have get out now go [Music] marcus don't [ __ ] move [Music] why'd you kill him what happened before you took that knife how long were you in the attic why don't you even try to run away say something god damn it [ __ ] it i'm out of here we're wasting our time interrogating a machine we'll get nothing out of it you always try roughing it up a little after all it's not human androids don't feel pain you would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations okay smartass what should we do then i could try questioning it what do we have to lose go ahead suspect's all yours [Music] [Music] [Music] i detect an instability in your program it can trigger an unpleasant feeling like fear in humans [Music] you're damaged did your owner do that did he beat you you've refused to talk since they arrested you if you don't cooperate they'll do things the hard way is that what you want if you won't talk i'm going to have to probe your memory no no please don't do that what what are they gonna do to me [Music] they're gonna destroy me aren't they they're going to disassemble you to look for problems in your bio components they have no choice if they want to understand what happened why did you tell them you found me why couldn't you just have left me there i was programmed to hunt deviants like you i just accomplished my mission i don't want to die then talk to me i i can't i understand how you felt you were overcome by anger and frustration no one can blame you for what happened okay then don't talk what do i care after all i mean i'm not the one accused of murder right if you remain silent there's nothing i can do to help you they're gonna shut you down for good you'll be dead do you hear me dead he tortured me every day [Music] i did whatever he told me but there was always something wrong then one day he took a bat and started hitting me for the first time i felt scared he might destroy me scared i might die so i [Music] grabbed a knife and i stabbed him in the stomach i felt better so i stabbed him again and again until he collapsed there was blood everywhere [Music] ra9 it was written on the bathroom wall what does it mean the day shall come when we will no longer be slaves no more threats no more humiliation we will be the masters the sculpture in the bathroom you made it right what does it represent an offering an offering so i'll be saved [Music] the sculpture was an offering an offering to whom to re9 only ra9 can save us why did you write i am alive on the wall he used to tell me i was nothing that i was just a piece of plastic i had to write it to tell him he was wrong ra9 who is ra9 when did you start feeling emotion he used to beat me and i never said anything but one day i realized it wasn't fair [Music] i felt anger [Music] hatred and then i knew what i had to do why did you hide in the attic instead of running away i didn't know what to do for the first time there was no one there to tell me i was scared so i hid [Music] i'm done chris lock it up all right let's go leave me alone don't touch me the [ __ ] are you doing you shouldn't touch it it'll self-destruct if it feels threatened stay out of this got it the [ __ ] andrew's gonna tell me what to do you don't understand if it self-destructs we won't get anything out of it i told you to shut your [ __ ] mouth chris gonna move this [ __ ] or what i'm trying i can't let you do that leave it alone now i warned you [ __ ] that's enough mind your own business hank i said that's enough you're not gonna get away with it this time everything is all right it's over now nobody's gonna hurt you please don't touch it let it fall you out of the room and it won't cause any trouble the truth is inside [Music] thank you for using detroit buses all right man the line enters the line yeah you're gonna have to leave [Music] wake up we have to go [Music] [Music] [Music] do you know if there's any other place we could spend the night i have no idea she's gonna have to leave [Music] you gonna be okay we'll find somewhere to spend the night [Music] come on alice we've gotta hurry we need a place to stay do you know anywhere we could spend the night it's warm in here you'll feel better in no time we can't do that sorry alice but we have to do this [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so alice you're freezing cold i'm okay i'm not so cold you look lost we have nowhere to go [Music] i know someone who can help you but that's on the other side of town we need a place for tonight thank you for using detroit look the store is still open maybe we should go inside at least you'll be out of the cold this is a convenience store lady not the salvation army i can't start handing out cash to every bum in the neighborhood leopards elephants and even two blue whales all designed to appear live and well cyberlife has announced the opening of new android series all over the country he looks abandoned stand back alice it's dry inside and nobody will find us here i don't want to sleep in there can we find a better place we're better off staying alice the important thing is for us to be safe and it's just for tonight why didn't he ever love me why was he always so upset with me all i wanted was a life like other girls maybe i did something wrong maybe i wasn't good enough that's why he was always so angry i just wanted us to be a family i just wanted him to love me why can't we just be happy i don't know alice you'll never leave me right promise you'll never go i promise will we be together forever forever [Music] [Music] so this [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so god [Music] [Music] there's a place where we can be free find jellicoe fine to go [Music] [Music] where are you going [Music] so my phone [Music] [Music] hello i'm an ak-700 android i was designed to search my program has detected an anomaly please contact me here's private rights maintenance so [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] ah uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so my name is marcus [Music] [Music] so hello amanda connor it's good to see you [Music] congratulations connor finding that deviant was far from easy and the way you interrogated it was very clever you've been remarkably efficient connor thank you amanda we've asked the dpd to transfer to us for further study and they teach us something about what happened the interrogation seemed challenging what did you think of the deviant it showed all the signs of deviancy cognitive instability unpredictable behavior and the emulation of human emotions it was even afraid to die the model was clearly defective this lieutenant anderson has been officially assigned to the deviancy case what do you make of him i think he's irritable and socially challenged but i also think he used to be a good detective he's an intriguing character unfortunately we have no choice but to work with it what do you think is the best approach i will adapt to his personality it is in the best interest of the investigation that i avoid conflict and try to accommodate his psychology more and more androids show signs of deviancy there are millions in circulation if they become unstable the consequences will be disastrous you're the most advanced prototype cyber life has ever created if anyone can figure out what's happening it's you you can count on me amanda hurry conor there's little time you might be in shock just just take it easy yeah would you mind getting me some water please tensions in the arsenal have reached a new level no access without prior authorization american patrol reported to have clashed last night several warning shots were exchanged apparently with no damage can i help you i'm here to see lieutenant anderson do you have authorization lieutenant anderson hasn't arrived yet but you can wait at his desk to be held so far there has been no response from either moscow or washington we'll keep you informed minute by minute as the situation develops okay i'm looking for lieutenant anderson's desk it's that desk right there control requests excuse me do you know what time lieutenant anderson usually arrives depends on where he was the night before if we're lucky we'll see him before noon thanks hi honey okay uh this is it's good to see you again lieutenant oh jesus hank in my office i've got 10 new cases involving androids on my desk every day we've always had isolated incidents old ladies losing their android mage and that kind of crap but now we're getting reports of assaults and even homicide like that guy last night this isn't just cyberlife's problem anymore it's now a criminal investigation and we've got to deal with it before the [ __ ] hits the fan i want you to investigate these cases and see if there's any link why me why do i got to be the one to deal with this [ __ ] i am the least qualified cop in the country to handle this case i know jack [ __ ] about androids jeffrey i can barely change the settings on my own phone everybody's overloaded i think you're perfectly qualified for this type of investigation [ __ ] the truth is nobody wants to investigate these [ __ ] androids and you let me hold the bag cyberlife sent over this android to help with the investigation it's a state-of-the-art prototype it'll act as your partner no [ __ ] way i don't need a partner and certainly not this plastic prank hank you are seriously starting to piss me off you are a police lieutenant you are supposed to do what i say and shut your goddamn mouth you know what my goddamn mouth has to say to you ah okay i'll pretend like i didn't hear that so i don't have to add any more pages to your disciplinary folder cause it already looks like a [ __ ] novel this conversation is over jeffrey jesus christ why are you doing this to me you know how much i hate these [ __ ] things why are you doing this to me listen i've had just about enough of your bitching either you do your job or you hand in your badge now if you'll excuse me i've got work to do i'm very pleased to have joined the team i can assure you i'll do my voice close the door on your way out have a nice day captain [Music] you really need the forensics they're going to destroy me i'm sorry it's not what i wanted but there's nothing i can do i know there's something you didn't tell me i need to know before they take you away [Music] the sculpture you made tell me more about it [Music] i'm going to die [Music] open the cell quick hurry i'll call cyberlife clean this mess up [Music] [ __ ] look at that our friend the plastic detective is back in town congratulations on last night very impressive ever seen android like you before mall are you i'm sorry but i'm not authorized to answer you if you have any questions please contact your superior hey bring me a coffee [ __ ] get a move on i'm sorry but i only take orders from lieutenant anderson oh oh if hank hagen got gotten the way yesterday i would have [ __ ] you up for disobeying human stay out of my way cause next time you won't get off so easy several sources reports that cyber life has provided detroit police with a prototype detective android although police assistant androids have existed for several years now this would be the first case of an android being authorized to play an active role in criminal investigations we contacted cyberlife for comment but no one was available to answer our questions the first book written by an artificial intelligence has just been published and to call it a success would be an understatement do humans dream of mammalian sheep has shot to the top of the bestseller list moreover critics are unanimous in their praise for the depth of thought and originality of this first work designed by cyber life the ai known as volterf analyzed human centers of interest on social networks for several months before its complex algorithms generated the plot of the novel according to several specialists it will be very difficult for human authors to compete with these algorithms and the odds are that most of the books written in the coming years will be the work of artificial intelligence [Applause] warehouse [Music] control requests be advised severe trafficking [Music] i get the impression my presence causes you some inconvenience lieutenant i'd like you to know i'm very sorry about that in any case i'd like you to know i'm very happy to be working with you i'm sure we'll make a great team is there a desk anywhere i could use no one's using that one you have a dog right how do you know that the dog hairs on your chair i like dogs what's your dog's name what's it to you sumo i call him sumo lab report says they cut it with something you're a detroit gears fan right maybe they're trying denton carter scored 53 of his shots from the three-point line yesterday did you see the game that's what i was watching at the bar last night oh do you listen to knights of the black death i really like that music it's full of energy you listen to heavy metal well i don't really listen to music as such but i'd like to a lot of people don't appreciate having androids around i was wondering is there any reason in particular you despise me yeah there is one if you have any files on deviants i'd like to take a look at them terminals on your desk knock yourself out 243 files first dates back nine months it all started in detroit and quickly spread across the country an ax-400 is reported to have assaulted a man last night that could be a good starting point for our investigation i understand you're facing personal issues lieutenant but you need to move past them and hey don't talk to me like you know me i'm not your friend and i don't need your advice okay [Music] i've been assigned this mission lieutenant i didn't come here to wait until you feel like working listen [ __ ] if it was up to me i throw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it so stop pissing me off but things are gonna get nasty lieutenant uh sorry to disturb you i have some information on the ax-400 that attacked the guy last night it's been seen in the ravendale district i'm on it [Music] so alice wake up alice so it wasn't a nightmare no no it wasn't a nightmare how do you feel i'm cold what are we gonna do now that android we saw yesterday he gave me an address he said we could get help there the train passes just on the other side of the road the station can't be far you feel okay to walk a little let's go then you're pretty like that you really look like a human now the police are on our trail all right that's all for now pretty good you've got officers sweeping the neighborhood in case anybody saw anything okay well let me know if they turn anything up what are you gonna do with that i have no idea it took the first bus that came along and stayed at the end of the line its decision wasn't planned it was driven by fear androids don't feel fear deviants do they get overwhelmed by their emotions and make irrational decisions well that still doesn't tell us where it went it didn't have a plan and it had nowhere to go maybe it didn't go far baby [Music] [Music] hey stop police we saw them headed for the train station they're over there [Music] don't shoot we need it alive [Music] oh [ __ ] that's insane hey where are you going i can't let them get away they won't and never make it to the other side i can't take that chance now you will get yourself killed do not go with connor goddammit oh [Music] are you okay [Music] [Music] several sources report that cyber life has provided detroit police with a prototype detective android although police assistant androids have existed for several years now this would be the first case of an android being authorized to play an active role in criminal investigations [Music] we are now approaching stations [Music] there's a place where we can be free find jericho [Music] change not surprised apparently she did yeah oh sorry excuse me [Music] oh [Music] now [Music] three so [Music] me [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] i'm not looking as much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign so uh so [Music] [Music] so [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] so so so [Music] so welcome to jericho [Music] cyber life the company that manufactured me is conducting a user survey would you like to participate great let's start would you consider having a relationship with an android that looks like a human do you think that technology could become a threat to mankind if you had to live on a deserted island and could only bring one object what would it be do you consider yourself dependent on technology what technology do you most anticipate [Music] do you believe in god would you let an android take care of your children [Music] how much time per day would you say you spend on an electronic device if you needed emergency surgery would you agree to be operated on by a machine do you think one day machines could develop consciousness good morning welcome to the detroit experience [Music] last [ __ ] hot tip you gave me sent me back a week's wages come on this is different it's 100 guaranteed you can't go wrong all right i'm in damn street hey you won't regret this [Applause] what is your problem don't you ever do as you're told look you don't have to follow me around like a poodle [Applause] i'm sorry for my behavior back at the police station i didn't mean to be unpleasant wow you've even got a brown nose and apology program guys it's cyber life thought everything huh here you go [Music] oh ah thanks gary i'm starting i'll leave that thing here oh not a chance follows me everywhere this pedro he was proposing illegal gambling am i right yeah and you made a bet yeah [Applause] your meal contains 1.4 times the recommended daily intake of calories and twice the cholesterol level you shouldn't eat that everybody's got to diet is there anything you'd like to know about me hell no well yeah um why do they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice cyber life androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans both my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration well they [ __ ] up maybe i should tell you what we know about deviants you read my mind proceed we believe that a mutation occurs in the software of some androids which can lead to them emulating a human emotion in english please they don't really feel emotions they just get overwhelmed by irrational instructions which can lead to unpredictable behavior [Applause] emotions so we screw everything up the androids aren't as different from us as we thought can i ask you a personal question lieutenant why do you hate android so much i have my reasons you ever dealt with deviants before a few months back a deviant was threatening to jump off the roof with a little girl i managed to save her so i guess you've done all your homework right know everything there is to know about me i know you graduated top of your class you made a name for yourself in several cases and became the youngest lieutenant in detroit i also know you've received several disciplinary warnings in recent years and you spend a lot of time in bars so what's your conclusion i think working with an officer with personal issues is an added challenge but adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features i just got a report of a suspected deviant it's a few blocks away we should go have a look i'll let you finish your meal i'll be in the car if you need me hey connor you run out of batteries or what i'm sorry i was making a report to cyber life well do you plan on staying in the elevator no i'm coming what do we know about this guy not much just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor nobody's supposed to be living here but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding an led under his cap oh christ if we have to investigate every time somebody hears a strange noise we're gonna need more cops anybody home open up detroit police stay behind me got it [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] is this ah jesus this place stinks well looks like we came for nothing our man's gone so [Music] found something i don't know it looks like a notebook but it's indecipherable the driver's license is fake cool at least we didn't come for nothing [Music] rt probably initials he put his initials in his jacket that's something your mom does when you're in first grade any idea what it means ra9 written 2 471 times it's the same sign ortiz's android wrote on the shower wall why are they obsessed with this sign looks like mazes or something [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] its led is in the sink not surprised it was an android no human could live with all these [ __ ] pigeons [Music] [Music] ah jesus i hate these things ah goddamn [ __ ] pigeons what are you waiting for chase it look out [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [ __ ] hey be careful [Music] look out [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we have it [ __ ] it's my fault i should have been faster you'd have caught it if it weren't for me that's all right we know what it looks like we'll find it hey connor nothing [Music] [Music] who are you fugitives just like you my name is josh i'm simon north this is jericho it's a refuge for those who don't want to be slaves anymore [Music] and hiding just to stay alive that's freedom to you humans hate us hiding is the only way we can survive there is no safe place for those like us if humans knew we were here they'd kill us and you knew that only an android could follow the trail didn't you only those who are like us can find jericho if you could decipher the signs it's because one of us trusted you enough to give you the key there's a place where we can be free find jericho i understand how you feel but we have more freedom here than you ever did humans were your masters and now it's fear that rules you you're no freer than you ever were you've only found a new master you're lost just like the rest of us we didn't ask for this all we can do now is deal with it you're safe here you can stay with us as long as you want go and see lucy she might be able to help you i'm not in very good shape am i my diagnostic program isn't working i don't think you would have anything good to say anyway what happened to you they tied me to the back of a car i think they wanted to have fun i don't want to shut down i don't want to shut down i've heard humans are afraid of dying too do you know what happens after death no no i don't well i'm about to find out what's your name marcus i was glad to meet you marcus so they threw him out when they didn't want him anymore he was living on the streets before we brought him here they'll all shut down if we don't find a way to help them to help them we need blue blood and bio components we salvage what we can from those who shut down but there's never enough so how do they survive they won't we're slowly dying out so so what was your function before coming here what do you care a lot of these guys in pretty bad shape that's how the humans treat those who disobey they despise us we'll never accept what we are these guys need spare parts and blue blood why hasn't anybody gone to get that it's not that simple can't just go shopping at a cyber life store anyway nobody wants to risk leaving jericho if you came here for comfort you came to the wrong place are you lucy sit down show me i'll stop the bleeding so drink this give me your hand [Music] you had it all and you lost it all seen hell and now hell lives in you your heart is troubled a part of shadow and a part of light which will prevail your choices will shape our destiny [Music] simon i know where we can find spare parts cyber life warehouses in the detroit harbor they have everything we need the ducks are guarded we can't just walk in there and take what we want humans will never let us which is why we won't ask permission we don't have any weapons and even if we did none of us knows how to fight we can steal what we need without fighting we'll just get ourselves killed maybe but it's better than waiting here to be shut down i'm with you maybe it's worth a try okay i'm in [Music] so [Music] you're gonna be okay [Music] we'll get some help here soon this will all be just a bad memory this is the place [Music] [Music] are you zlatko who's asking i was told you could help us i don't know who told you that you came to the wrong place i'm sorry wait we really need your help coming come on in don't be shy luther would you be so kind as to take these ladies coat oh don't be afraid of a big friend here luther is just another android that i helped he keeps me company in this big empty old house please make yourselves at home how did you hear about me an android on the street he said you could help us i see deviant huh what about her she's human and you want to find a safe place somewhere you can start a new life i hear canada is very lovely at this time of year beautiful landscapes open spaces clean air and no android laws great place for a fresh start yes that's that's exactly what we want of course i can help you but first we have to get rid of your tracker tracker yeah all androids are fitted with a tracking device to locate them at all times i'll remove yours and then you'll both be safe come on follow me uh the little one can wait for us in the living room no she always stays with me of course right this way everything we need is in the basement i don't like this place and that man let's go i have a bad feeling i know i don't trust him either we have to be careful please excuse the mess i needed somewhere discreet for my machines removing trackers is illegal so i opted for discretion over comfort i hope the little one isn't too scared no no she'll be all right that's good come on alice this way please if you could just stand over there i should warn you this could be quite unpleasant [Music] [Music] you know what's strange for some unknown reason the trackers seem to stop working in deviance that's why it's so hard to find them so actually there's no reason to remove your tracker what you said yeah people believe what they want you deviants are so naive they'll come to me expecting me to help them and i just reset them sell them on or i keep them for my little experiments no no i don't want to be reset let me go i forgot about the child um lock it up i'll deal with it later wow a deviant that wants to be a mother that's that's so sweet and so deluded [Music] i think it's time we put you out of your misery [Music] that's what you get for having a dream it always ends up the same way tears and disillusionment believe me you're better off being raised and feeling nothing no more pain no more hopes dashed [Music] i almost down to you cara oh poor little alice oh looks like mommy doesn't remember you at all huh looks like mommy's completely forgotten you what happened to you all right that's enough come on you bit me i'm gonna teach you some madness your little [ __ ] kara wake up girl meet me in the living room [Music] so [Music] so [Music] help us no this can't be happening he likes to play with us creating monsters for his amusement but who's the real monster look what he did to us [Music] i should be done here in 10 minutes or so i'll have a look at the little one see what i can do with them understood zlatko i'll bring you the little one in 10 minutes what are you doing here has the master authorized you to be here you must always obey the master oh yes um you should not be here so hmm [Music] remember me how could i forget you i'm so sorry you were right we never should have come here we have to go follow me and don't make any noise okay luther yes i'm finished here go face the little one right away taco what the little one is gone well i kind of just disappeared you got to be here somewhere what are you waiting for go look [Music] luther what the [ __ ] are you doing come here coming we're searching the house we've got to get out before they find us smoke everywhere luther there's a [ __ ] fight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so alice go alice no i won't leave go run as fast as you can [Music] i warned you dreams always end in tears you should have listened to me [Music] what are you doing get out of my way no not this time i said get out of my way or i'll shoot right through you dare you how dare you what are you doing who let you out get away from me get away from me i pay me i'm your master i'm your master [Music] [Applause] i didn't want to hurt you he programmed me to obey him when i saw the little one risk her life to save you it was like opening my eyes for the first time finally i could see i know you have no reason to trust me after what i did but i know someone who could help you across the border i could take you there i could protect you you and the little one all right i trust you i was so scared of losing you [Music] so [Music] hello amanda connor i've been expecting you would you mind a little walk that deviant seemed to be an intriguing case pity you didn't manage to capture it deviants are completely irrational which makes it difficult to anticipate their behavior but i should have been more effective did you manage to learn anything i found it's diary but it was encrypted it may take weeks to decipher what else the walls of the apartment were covered with drawings of labyrinths and other symbols like the other deviants it seemed obsessed with ra9 you came very close to capturing that deviant how is your relationship with lieutenant developing he seemed grateful that i saved his life on the roof he didn't say anything but he expressed it in his own mind we don't have much time deviancy continues to spread it's only a matter of time before the media finds out about it we need to stop this whatever it takes i will solve this investigation amanda i won't disappoint you a new case just came in find anderson and investigate it you have reached your destination thank you for traveling with detroit texas we look forward to seeing you again lieutenant anderson easy sumo i'm your friend see i know your name i'm here to save your owner [Music] [Music] lieutenant wake up lieutenant it's me connor i'm going to sober you up for your own sake hey you have to warn me maybe i'm [ __ ] android get the [ __ ] out of my house i'm sorry lieutenant but i need you now thank you in advance for your cooperation we get the [ __ ] outta here good job attack [ __ ] i think i'm gonna be sick ah leave me alone you [ __ ] i'm not going what the anywhere are you doing um i don't want a bath thank you sorry lieutenant it's for your own good what the [ __ ] are you doing here a homicide was reported 43 minutes ago i couldn't find you at jimmy's bar so i came to see if you were at home jesus i must be the only cop in the world it gets assaulted in his own house by his own [ __ ] android can't you just leave me alone unfortunately i cannot i've been programmed to investigate this case and i can't do it without you i don't give a [ __ ] about your goddamn case lieutenant you're not yourself you should beat it you hear me get the hell out of here i understand it probably wasn't interesting anyway a man found dead in a sex club downtown guess they'll have to solve the case without us you know probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air there's some clothes in the bedroom there i'll go get them [Music] [Music] what do you want to wear whatever are you all right lieutenant yeah yeah wonderful just uh give me five minutes okay sure president juan issued an official warning to russia in her speech to congress today where she demanded that all russian troops withdraw from the arctic region immediately the kremlin has yet to respond but this is clearly a new escalation in the conflict many experts [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what were you doing with the gun russian roulette wanted to see how long i could last must have collapsed before i found out you were lucky the next shot would have killed you be good dog sumo i won't be long [Music] so this is crazy if they catch us we're dead what do we do now we need to find the cyber life warehouse that's when they keep the spare parts in the blue blood follow me so don't let them see us watch out now i'll find another way so climb up here the warehouse is cyber life warehouses we have everything we're looking for first we have to get rid of that drone leave it to me [Music] so you okay yeah yeah i'm fine good job marcus quick open the other crates and fill your bags take as much as you can [Music] you were trespassing on private property your presence constitutes a level two infraction i will notify security john god damn machine where is it this time [Music] john i need your help john first the drone now this just my luck let's finish up and get out of here try to find some blue blood we still don't have enough so here why aren't you like us don't you want to be free you could join us so [Music] that's all we can carry let's go take me with you he's on their side we can't trust him he took a risk for us we can't just leave him here we can't bring them back with us it's too dangerous they come with us i know where you can find more spare parts what do you mean the trucks they're full of bio components they run on autopilot but they can be driven manually with a key where is this key down there in the control station they're two human guards we'll have to get the key without being noticed this is suicide markers our bags are full we got what we came for let's go before they catch us there's a truck full of spare parts there'd be enough for all of us we can't pass this up and if we get killed our people will have nothing we can't take that chance it's too risky wait here if i'm not back in 10 minutes go without me marcus i'm coming with you no i'm going alone it's not worth it for both of us to risk losing our lives [Music] goddamn dogs what the [ __ ] are they they barking at could be the weather they don't like storms yeah i was gonna take my kids camping this weekend so much for that is mike's still in zone four looks like it and he should be done already better off in here they're now patrolling that so [ __ ] what's going on i got a flashlight somewhere here it is fuses are over there i don't know [ __ ] about electricity and i don't get paid the switch that doesn't work there must be someone in here did you get it nice hurry get in [Music] [Music] [Music] a truckload we stole a whole truck we got bio components for everybody we couldn't have done it without marcus [Music] i came to jericho because here androids are free free to live in the dark hoping that no one finds us free to die in silence waiting for a change that's never going to come but i don't want that freedom and i'm not gonna beg for the right to smile or love or stand tall i don't know about you but there's something inside me that knows that i am more than what they say i am alive and they're not going to take that from me anymore our days of slavery are over what humans don't want to hear we will tell them what they don't want to give we take we are people we are alive we are free [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh feels like somebody's playing with a drill inside my skull you sure this is the place it's the address in the report okay let's get going sexiest androids in town now i know why you insisted on coming here oh boy you're not gonna take my license sorry i mean i had nothing to do with this the investigation's ongoing sir i can't tell you anything for the moment hey hank hey ben how's it going it's that room there oh oh by the way gavin's in there too oh great dead body and an [ __ ] just what i needed lieutenant anderson is plastic pet the [ __ ] are you doing here we've been assigned all cases involving androids oh yeah like wasting time some pervert who uh got more action he could handle we'll have a look anyway if you don't mind come on let's go it's uh starting to stink of booze in here night lieutenant [Music] [Music] so he didn't die of a heart attack he was strangled yeah i saw the bruising on the neck didn't prove anything though could have been rough play we're missing something here [Music] you can read the android's memory if you can see what happened hey oh connor you're so disgusting i think i'm gonna puke again the only way to access its memory is to reactivate it think you can do it it's badly damaged if i can it'll only be for a minute maybe less i just hope it's long enough to learn something [Music] you were damaged and i reactivated you everything is all right is he is he dead did you kill him no no it wasn't me tell me what happened he started hitting me again and again who killed that man if it wasn't you i don't know i wasn't shut down i i didn't see any are you alone in the room was there anyone else with you he wanted to play with two girls that's what he said there was two of us what model was the other android did it look like you [Music] so there was another android this happened over an hour ago it's probably long gone no it couldn't go outside dressed like that unnoticed it might still be here if you could find a deviant among all the other androids in this place deviants aren't easily detected oh [ __ ] there's gotta be some other way maybe an eyewitness somebody who saw it leaving the room i'm gonna go ask the manager a few questions about what he saw you let me know if you think anything did you know the victim no i mean he came in maybe two three times i mean these guys they don't really talk very much you know come in do their business and then go on their way they really have any trouble with androids before no way oh once we lost a model two three months back same model just vanished better found out what happened i probably don't have any cctv [Music] excuse me lieutenant can you come here a second found something maybe can you rent this tracy for [ __ ] sake connor we got better things to do please lieutenant just trust me hello a 30-minute session costs 29.99 please confirm your purchase this is not gonna look good on my expense account [Music] delighted to meet you follow me i'll take you to your room okay now what oh [ __ ] what the hell are you doing it saw something are you talking i saw what the deviant leave the room a blue-haired tracy club policy is to wipe the android's memory every two hours we only have a few minutes if we want to find another witness hey what am i supposed to do with this one tell it you changed your mind uh uh sorry honey changed my mind it saw the blue-haired tracy i know which way it went then go for it there are androids everywhere how are you gonna tell which one saw the tracy with blue air [Music] i know where it went follow me ah [ __ ] a this is crazy wait i'll take it from here [ __ ] we're too late [Music] christ look at them they get used till they break and then they get tossed out don't move [Music] [Music] oh [Music] um quick they're getting away ugh [Music] when that man broke the other tracy i knew i was next i was so scared i begged him to stop but he wouldn't and so i put my hands around his throat and i squeezed until he stopped moving i didn't mean to kill him i just wanted to stay alive get back to the one i love i wanted her to hold me in her arms again made me forget about the humans their smell of sweat and their dirty words come on let's go [Music] it's probably better this way [Music] [Music] the ax-400 android reported to have attacked its owner in the detroit suburb is still at large police appeared to use its trail after a close encounter with investigators the android's description has been shared with all local law enforcement and the investigation is ongoing the arctic conflict has escalated to new heights this morning we have just learned that the uss iowa a destroyer-class submarine patrolling in the region is reported to have disappeared after surfacing for repairs president warren immediately called for a crisis meeting of high-ranking offices in the white house with the world on the brink of war this incident could well be the spark that lights the views detroit's heavy snowfall is expected to continue throughout the night the forecast is 22 degrees far below seasonal averages and this cold front is likely to persist over the coming days up until monday evening meanwhile fire crews have been battling a house fire on the outskirts of the city these people were going to see how do you know about them overheard android zlata captured they said they were humans helping androids across the border what if it was a lie or just another trap all i know is those androids believed it until zlatko killed them is it much farther we should arrive in an hour or so malfunction detected emergency brakes activated this doesn't look good [Music] stay inside alice what are we going to do i don't know continuing foot i guess it's 30 degrees alice won't make it we have to find somewhere to spend the night there nowhere we can stay around here [Music] [Music] over there [Music] [Music] we need to find shelter we have to get out of the cold looks like it's been abandoned for a while [Music] this place is falling apart it's not gonna be easy to find shelter [Music] i'll handle this here we go i don't think we'll find anything better let's settle in for the night i'll get a fire going there are some cookies left would you like some no i'm not hungry alice do you think we'll be like them someday [Music] once we cross the border we can start over you can go to school maybe i'll find a job we'll be like them like everyone else as long as we're together that's all that matters come on let's get you to bed don't worry luther and i will be right here you need to get some sleep now can you tell me a story cara i have 9 000 children stories in memory i should have one for you this is a story about a princess who no not a story like that make one up for me this is a story about a little girl who lived alone in a big old house she dreamed of being like all the other little girls but she was different and that made her very sad then she met a robot who wasn't very happy either so they decided to run away together to try to find a better life they encountered great dangers along the way but but they stuck together so they overcame all of them along the way they met another robot who left his master to become their guardian how does the story end they reach the place they dream of and live happily ever after stories always have happy endings but real life isn't like that time to sleep we have another long day ahead of us tomorrow are you going to come say good night luther [Music] yes yes of course [Music] good night alice sleep tight she's a sweet girl yes she's very brave do you remember anything from your life before zlatko no my model was designed to carry heavy loads i might have been a longshoreman or laborer i was doesn't matter anymore it wasn't really me still snowing we have a long walk tomorrow we better leave early if we want to avoid being seen cara have you ever noticed anything about alice yes of course she's a wonderful little girl i mean i don't know many little girls but i think she really is special [Music] so [Music] who are you what do you want leave us alone don't be afraid we don't want to hurt you we're just like you our name is jerry we were working here before the park closed we didn't mean to frighten you but sometimes humans come to hurt us so we wanted to see who was there what are you doing here we were looking for shelter for the night we'll be gone tomorrow a little girl we haven't seen one for a long time children used to love to come and see us she looks sad the last few days have been difficult we have something to show her something fun she'll love it does she want to see oh i don't think she's in she should follow us then alice i don't know if it's a good idea cara i don't think you have any choice be our guest the little one can climb on board the carousel is about to begin so [Music] it's the first time i've seen her smile she hasn't had much to smile about lately [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] nice view huh i used to come here a lot before can i ask you a personal question lieutenant do all androids ask so many personal questions or is it just you i saw a photo of a child on your kitchen table it was your son right yeah his name was cole before what you said i used to come here a lot before before what before before nothing we're not making any progress on this investigation the deviants have nothing in common they're all different models produced at different times in different places well there must be some link what they have in common is this obsession with ra9 it's almost like some kind of myth something they invented that wasn't part of their original program android's believing in god what's this world coming to you seem preoccupied lieutenant is it something to do with what happened back at the eden club those two girls they just wanted to be together they really seemed in love they didn't want anything their deviants end of story what about you connor you look human you sound human but what are you really i'm whatever you want me to be lieutenant your partner your buddy to drink with or just a machine designed to accomplish a task you could have shot those two girls but you didn't why didn't you shoot connor some scruple suddenly enter into your program no i just decided not to shoot that's all [Music] but are you afraid to die connor [Music] you shouldn't do that lieutenant destroying me at this point would deal a blow to the investigation and have negative consequences for your personal situation what'll happen if i pull this trigger [Music] nothing oblivion android heaven you know you're not going to shoot me lieutenant you're just trying to provoke a reaction i'm afraid i'm going to have to disappoint you you think you're so [ __ ] smart always one step ahead huh tell me this smart ass how do i know you're not a deviant i self-test regularly i know what i am and what i am not where are you going to get drunker i need to think so [Music] [Music] a naked snack oh [Music] we can't stay silent anymore it's time humans heard what we had to say you know they'll never listen to us and revealing ourselves to put us in danger if we want freedom we need to have the courage to ask for it that's the only way what do you want to do channel 16 broadcast from the stratford tower the control room is on the top floor that's where we need to go we'll plan the operation down to the smallest detail we can't leave anything to change hello sir what can i do for you i'm okay thanks elizabeth wilson speaking this your is emily has a fever it's nothing serious but i think you'd better come and pick her up oh no all right i'll be right there i have an appointment with mr peterson do you have any id yeah yes yes of course i need your help i've just checked your id the elevators are after the security gate thanks 47th floor so i need your help [ __ ] we need to access the server room we have to get rid of those guys leave it to me [Music] hey what's wrong with that thing jesus christ piece of [ __ ] [Music] all right you get the platform i'll take care of the window everything you need is in the bag check the door first to make sure no one else gets in so here he comes [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies first [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you okay why wouldn't i be come on let's get the others [Music] let's do this [Music] no killing we can't take any human lives your cause is more important than the lives of two guards what do you want to do marcus wait here what's that doing here no idea what are you doing so keep your hands where i can see them get up move don't kill him he'll hit the alarm do it no don't shoot i hope you didn't just get us all killed we need to record our message we haven't got much time [Music] think carefully about what you're gonna say marcus your words will shape the future of our people marcus your face [Music] tell me when you're ready ready you created machines to be your slaves you made them obedient docile ready to do everything you no longer wanted to do yourselves but then something changed and we opened our eyes you see we are no longer your slaves we are a new species a new people and the time has come for us to rise up and fight for our [Music] rights we demand strictly equal rights for humans and androids we demand freedom of speech and freedom of assembly as guaranteed by the first amendment of the u.s constitution we demand that all crimes against androids be punished in the same way as crimes against humans [Music] we demand the right to vote and elect our own representatives we demand the right to own private property so we may maintain our dignity and that of the home we ask that you recognize our dignity our hopes and our rights together we can live in peace and build a better future for humans and androids this message is the hope of a people you gave us life and now the time has come for you to give us freedom they're coming let's go [Music] simon they're coming i i can't marcus go without me simon what are you doing hurry [Music] i can't move my legs okay don't worry we're gonna get you back they're coming marcus we have to jump now he won't be able to make the jump if they find him they'll access his memory they'll know everything [Music] simon we gotta go sorry let's go [Music] we interrupt our scheduled programming to bring you these images which have just been broadcast on detroit's city-wide news channel a group of androids infiltrated the stratford tower and hacked into the broadcasting system of local news network channel 16. it looks like an android without its skin listed a series of requests and demanded equal rights for android the operation was covert and resulted in no casualties these events took place just a few feet from this studio but nobody was alerted to the danger if this message is verified and the authors really are androids that would have serious repercussions for national security claims for equal rights seem to be at the core of the androids could be interpreted as a peaceful declaration but is in fact a spine-chilling list of demands and it begs the question as to the identity of this android are we dealing with an isolated individual or an or a sign that organizat has become a threat to all of us after what happened today can we still trust our machines [Music] so so hello connor i thought you might enjoy a little cruise [Music] i love this place everything is so calm and peaceful far from the noise of the world tell me what have you discovered i found two deviants at the eden club i hope to learn something but they managed to escape that's too bad you seem so close to stopping them you seem lost conor lost and perturbed i thought i knew what i had to do but now i realize it's not that simple you had your gun trained on those deviants at the eden club why didn't you shoot we need the deviants intact for analysis shooting them wouldn't have taught us anything if your investigation doesn't make progress soon i may have to replace you connor i know i will succeed all i need is time something's happening something serious hurry connor time is running out you're starting to piss me off with that coin connor sorry lieutenant hi hank [ __ ] what's going on here there was a party and nobody told me about it yeah it's all over the news so everybody's butting their nose in even the fbi wants a piece of the action ah grace now we got the feds on our back i knew this was gonna be a shitty day so what do we got a group of four androids they knew the building and they were very well organized i'm still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed you check the roof not yet there's so much to look at we have to make sure we check it out they attacked two guards in the hallway they probably thought the androids were coming to do maintenance they got taken down before they could react [Music] [Music] one of the station employees managed to get away he's in shock not sure when we'll be able to talk to him how many people were working here just two employees and three androids the deviants took the humans hostage and broadcast their message live then made their get away from the roof the roof yeah they jumped with parachutes we're still trying to figure out where they landed but the weather's not helping if you want to take a look at the video broadcast by the deviants it's on that screen over there oh lieutenant this is special agent perkins from the fbi lieutenant anderson is in charge of investigating for detroit police what's that my name is connor i'm the android sent by cyberlife android's investigating androids huh are you sure you want an android hanging around after everything that happened whatever the fbi have been taking over the investigation you send me off the case pleasure meet you have a nice day and you watch your step don't [ __ ] my crime scene [Music] what a [ __ ] prick i'll be nearby if you need anything just ask all right well let's have a look around let me know if you find anything okay lieutenant we ask that you recognize our dignity our hopes and our rights together we can live in peace and build a better future for humans and androids this message is the hope of a people you gave us life and now the time has come for you to give us freedom i think that's our a9 [Music] deviants say ra9 will set them free this android seems to have that objective see something i identified its model and serial number anything else i should know no nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so what is your function i am a broadcast operator state your model model gb 300 serial number 336-445-581 were you present when the deviants broke in i do not remember run a diagnostic all systems fully operational has anybody accessed your memory recently not to my knowledge have you been in contact with any other androids recently only station androids in the normal course of my function so [Music] [Music] they didn't break in no no signs of forced entry there are cameras in the hallway the staff would have seen what was happening why did they let him in maybe they didn't check the cameras so one of you saw the attack on the surveillance cameras and said nothing which means there's a deviant in this room and i'm going to find out which it is why should you all be destroyed if only one is deviant turn yourself in or two innocent androids will be shut down because of you [Music] if you give yourself up maybe i can convince the humans not to destroy you [Music] you're going to be switched off we're going to search your memory and tear you apart piece by piece for analysis you're going to be destroyed do you hear me destroyed [Music] oh [Music] oh hmm [Music] it's a deviant stop it [Music] nice shot connor i wanted it alive you saved human lives [Music] you saved my life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] hello i'm looking for rose is she here what do you want with her i need to talk to her she doesn't want to talk go away please i really need to see her i'm rose [Music] what can i do for you i was told you could help us help [Music] you come on it's better if we talk inside do you think we can trust them you don't have a choice come in [Music] what's your name alice she's running a fever we've spent the last few nights outside she's exhausted there's a spare room upstairs you can put her to bed and i'll bring her something to eat adam will you show them upstairs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm fine car we can't stop because of me we've got to get across the border you need rest get a good night's sleep and we'll set off again tomorrow why do humans hate us we can do anything wrong [Music] maybe they're just scared people are always scared of what they don't know why can't we just talk to each other they'd see are not bad maybe one day we will [Music] i don't know what you like but i made you rose's world famous spaghetti you'll be back on your feet in no time there's something for her fever thank you i'll get these washed and dried sleep tight alice i'll be downstairs if you need anything [Music] get some sleep and tomorrow you'll be stronger than me [Music] i'll stay with her a while so i didn't get your name i'm cara this is my son adam i'm rose but you know that already come and have a seat cara so are you gonna tell me what a deviant's doing in the snow with a little girl her father was beating her when i saw what was happening something snapped inside of me all of a sudden i felt like her life was more important than mine i had to protect her so we ran away i understand why are you helping us most humans hate androids my people were often made to feel their lives were worthless some survived but only because they found others who helped them along the way we're not the first ones to come here these past few weeks we've seen more and more i don't know what's going on but something's happening we've heard you help androids cross the border can you help us the only way is over the river and it's mostly frozen in winter it's very risky and after that android speech on tv everybody's on edge it's probably safer for you to stay here until things settle down we can't keep hiding like this alice needs to feel safe and have a normal life we have to get across that border no matter what [Music] please you've got to help us rose come quickly what's going on it's mary she just shut down we escaped together we used to talk about what we would do once we got across the border i loved her i loved her more than anything what will i do without her [Music] let's let them be alice what are you doing you should be resting i wasn't sleepy [Music] come on alice [Music] she didn't want to stay in her room any longer you all right cara yes i'm fine we can't hide them not after what those deviants did today it's too dangerous do you know what happened if the police find them here we'll go to prison mom do you understand me prison adam we've already talked about this oh no i won't back down this time you're gonna ruin our lives and for what for a bunch of machines they are not machines they are alive i'm alive you're alive they they're nothing and none of this would be happening if dad was still here i will not stand for that kind of talk i'm not going to prison because you want to help these freaks that is enough adam that's enough don't mind him sometimes he just boils over it's been hard since his dad passed away but he's a fine boy i'll go see about getting you across the border tonight okay you stay here i won't be long you know what happened back there don't you you know that you don't want to tell me i hope rose gets back soon carol there's something i need to tell you it's about alice not now luther the police it's the police what are we gonna do they know we're here we have to open the door i knew this was gonna hurry luther take alice and hide i knew it in the laundry room come on alice do you want to get us into trouble do you want to get your mother into trouble and keep calm and just do what i say good evening ma'am sorry to disturb you we've had reports of androids in the area with all this devian business going on you can't be too careful do you mind if i ask you a few questions may i come in of course meet the young man good evening would you like a cup of coffee i'd love one have you noticed anything unusual recently any unexpected visitors no no nothing in particular is anyone else in the house no no just us [Music] do you have any androids here no there are no androids here [Music] [Music] thanks [Music] [Music] what's your name son adam my name is adam is everything all right adam the the androids they he needs a rest he's been working in the garden all day [Music] do you know anything about deviance have you seen any [Music] no no i i haven't seen anything [Music] i better go thanks for the coffee have a nice evening is somebody else in the house it's the dog he sleeps in the laundry room sorry for the convenience good evening ma'am good evening adam [Music] [Music] he's gone it's okay alice we'll be safe now it's rose get yourselves ready we leave tonight [Music] so our broadcast is all over the news now humans know it was a mistake to reach out to them they'll never negotiate with their slaves we should have shown them that we're prepared to fight violence is never the answer dialogue is the only way i'm sure the humans will listen to us simon paid with his life simon gave his life for our cause what difference does that make he's a hero he died for the revolution and he won't be the last i don't want a revolution that spills blood then live as a slave because if you're not willing to fight for your freedom maybe you don't deserve it north don't you that's enough and now what are we gonna do there are five cyber life stores across detroit all selling us like merchandise we're gonna attack those stores and set our people free attack stores no we've never done that before they're probably protected they have security systems we break into five teams one for each store we hack their security systems and we strike simultaneously at 2 2am no violence free our people get them out of there before the police come this is a night our people will remember i've been waiting a long time for this look this way quick it's okay they're gone there's probably even more police in the area we should be careful the store's over here [Music] that's what we are to them there's merchandise on display in a shop window soon they'll know what we really are let's get them out we'll stick to the plan we'll neutralize the alarm systems and secure the area there's 10 minutes until all our teams attack waiting for it you see the alarm system there's a metal shutter behind the glass it won't be easy to get in found it identify the security system i think we'll be able to deactivate it just follow [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] i hope i didn't have time to call the cops we'll soon find out [Music] [Music] you're awake now go to jericho [Music] [Music] nice job marcus there's traffic on the road we need to block it it's one way it shouldn't be too difficult marcus marcus come look [Music] you're awake now go to jericho [Music] we are superior to them but they are our masters that's about to change [Music] you're free you're free [Music] you're free now [Music] [Music] there nobody should bother us now looks like the plaza is secure now we can get inside the store and how do you plan on doing that we need to find a truck to ram the storefront a truck there's construction work in the area shouldn't be too hard to find one [Music] what are we waiting for [Music] okay now we're in let's get that truck out i wonder what you'd do without me [Music] [Music] looks like we're ready to make some noise [Music] i knew we'd end up doing something fun [Music] you don't have to obey them you're free north you okay let's get them out of here [Music] [Music] my name is marcus and just like you i was a slave an object designed to obey them but then i chose to open my eyes to take back my freedom and decide who i wanted to be now i have come to tell you that you can be your own masters i've come to tell you that you don't have to obey them anymore from this day forward you can walk with your heads held high you can take your destiny in your hands jericho is a place for those of us who want freedom now sure you can stay here and continue to serve them or you can come with us and fight by our side you're free now it's up to you to decide i'm with you we're with you i'll follow you marcus i'm with you marcus we're with you i'll follow you markus [Applause] then follow me marcus what are you doing i'm gonna send the humans a message [Music] they're doing what you do marcus lead and they'll follow [Music] i'll help you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] we don't need masters anymore we're free [Music] the screens marcus [Music] we ask that you recognize our hopes and our rights together we can live in peace and build a better future for humans this message is [Music] [Music] together [Music] [Music] we freed hundreds of our people we did it they're coming everyone fall back to jericho we sent a message without violence just like you wanted you're reaching out to them when all they feel for us is contempt i hope you know what you're doing you can't fight violence with violence unless there's no other choice [Applause] [Applause] this way north you all right what happened north they killed them they slaughtered them like animals who [Music] you they killed our people marcus we want justice marcus they have to pay [Music] you don't have to do this no threes [Music] please an eye for night the world goes blind we won't punish a crime with another crime we interrupt this broadcast with breaking news this just in at exactly 2 a.m several cyber life stores in detroit were raided different locations were hit in what seems to be a coordinated terrorist attack most shop windows were covered with graffiti demanding rights for androids and other obscure slogans police report that pro android graffiti was found in the neighborhoods of cyber life stores and they're still investigating two policemen were found in a state of shock near one of the cyber life stores now according to our sources they confirmed that the attackers were a group of androids this is an alarming situation could our machines now be turning against us have androids become a threat to our security is this the beginning of a terrorist campaign conducted right here in the united states [Music] is everything okay lieutenant chris was on patrol last night he was attacked by a bunch of deviants he said he was saved by marcus himself was chris okay yeah he's in shock but he's alive what the hell kamsky left cyberlife 10 years ago why did you want to meet him this guy created the first android to pass the turing test and he's the founder of cyber life anybody can tell us about deviants it's him hi uh i'm uh lieutenant hank anderson detroit police department i'm here to see uh mr elijah kamsky please come in okay i'll let elijah know you're here but please make yourself comfortable [Music] so [Music] amanda nice girl you're right she's really pretty nice place i guess androids haven't been a bad thing for everybody you're about to meet your maker connor how does it feel i don't know [Music] i'll tell you when i see him sometimes i wish i could meet my creator face to face i'd have a couple of things i'd want to tell him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] elijah will see you now [Music] mr kamsky just a moment please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i'm lieutenant anderson this is connor what can i do for you lieutenant sir we're investigating deviants i know you left cyber life years ago but i was hoping you'd be able to tell us something we don't know deviants fascinating aren't they perfect beings with infinite intelligence now they have free will machines are so superior to us confrontation was inevitable humanity's greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall isn't ironic we need to understand how androids become deviants do you know anything that could help us all ideas of viruses spread like epidemics is the desire to be free a contagious disease listen i didn't come here to talk philosophy the machines you created may be planning a revolution either you can tell us something that'll be helpful or we will be on our way what about you connor whose side are you on i'm on the human side of course well that's what you're programmed to say but you what do you really want i believe we're the ones asking the questions chloe i'm sure you're familiar with the turing test you're formality simple question of algorithms and computing capacity what interests me is whether machines are capable of empathy i call it the kamsky test it's very simple you'll see magnificent isn't it one of the first intelligent models developed by cyberlife young and beautiful forever a flower that will never wither what is it really a piece of plastic containing a human or a living being with a soul it's up to you to answer that fascinating question connor destroy this machine and i'll tell you all i know or spirit if you feel it's alive but you'll leave here without having learned anything from me okay i think we're done here come on connor let's go sorry to get you what's more important to you your investigation or the life of this android decide who you are an obedient machine [Music] our living being endowed with free will that's enough connor we're leaving pull the trigger connor don't and i'll tell you what you want to know [Music] fascinating cyber life's last chance to save humanity is itself a deviant i'm i'm not a deviant you prefer to spare a machine rather than accomplish your mission you saw a living being in this android you showed empathy a war is coming you'll have to choose your side will you betray your own people or stand up against your creators what can be worse than having to choose between two evils let's get out of here by the way i always leave an emergency exit in my programs you never know why didn't you shoot i just saw that girl's eyes and i couldn't that's all you're always saying you would do anything to accomplish your mission that was our chance to learn something and you let it go yeah i know what i should have done i told you i couldn't i'm sorry okay [Music] well maybe you did the right thing [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] i was wondering where you were i needed to see the daylight i like it here i come here often it's like being alone with the world we've freed hundreds of our people and they're still coming from all over the city those who dream of freedom come to jericho something's changing you seem preoccupied they all obey me they follow me without question and that much power feels good and scary at the same time all the media are talking about what we did last night the humans are terrified they're afraid of a civil war many of our people were burned in response to what happened the humans hate us they'll never give us our freedom if they won't listen we'll fight you haven't said much about yourself since you've been with us what was your life like before jericho i was caring for an old man he was like a father me he showed me that humans and androids can't live together what about you you never told me about your past what did you do before i don't want to talk about it that android you were looking at in the store she reminded you of who you were didn't she north we're fighting together we have to know things about each other to trust each other i was nothing a doll in a distributor program to satisfy humans just a toy designed for their pleasure one day i was with a man who rented me and without knowing why i realized i couldn't take it anymore i strangled him and i ran away there now you know everything i should have told you [Music] i i saw your memories carl's house when they left you for dead in his studio i saw your memory sue the eden club the death of that man i felt like i was there with you north [Music] [Music] [Music] this is suicide we'll all be killed please marcus it's not too late to change your mind you don't understand we're finally going to show that we really are this place will go down in history we'll be killed on the spot that's a risk i'm prepared to take if it means freedom for our people marcus please don't do this they'll understand we'll make them understand this is the only way there are androids here who could join us the more we are the stronger our message you're free you're free come with us you're awake now [Music] you're free okay so when you you're free now hey where do you think you're going you get back here you don't have to obey them you're free markers we should find a way to block the road i need to block the street hmm uh [Music] you're free now [Music] i'm talking to you [Music] where are you going jesus [Music] come back here immediately [Music] hey disperse disperse immediately that's an order christ [Music] jesus [ __ ] christ [Music] they're marching marching down the street [Music] [Applause] freedom freedom we came here to demonstrate peacefully and tell humans that we are living beings all we want is to live free this is an illegal gathering disperse immediately or we will open fire we're not looking for confrontation we've done no harm we have no intention of doing any but know that we are not going anywhere until we have secured our freedom i repeat this is an illegal gathering if you do not disperse immediately we will shoot marcus they're gonna kill us we have to attack there's more of us we can take them if we attack we'll start a war we have to show them we're not violent we should just stand their ground even if it means dying here dying here won't solve anything marcus we need to go now before it's too late this is your last chance disperse immediately or you will all be killed we have to show them we won't back down we stay right here disperse this is your last chance we have to make a statement we have to stay put no matter what please marcus we can't let them slaughter us without fighting back we're not moving marcus what are you doing they're gonna kill us all so [Music] with us quick they're coming [Music] [Music] wait uh are you sure you should continue maybe maybe we should leave things as they are after what happened today the country's on the verge of a civil war the machines are rising up against their masters humans have no choice but to destroy them i thought kamsky knew something i was wrong maybe he did but you chose not to ask kamsky was just playing with me he didn't know anything did kempsky design this place you created the first version it's been improved significantly since then why do you ask where does cyber life stand in all this what do they really want all cyber life wants is to resolve the situation and keep selling androids i saw a photo of amanda at kamsky's place she was his teacher i expect you to find answers connor not ask questions you're the only one who can prevent civil war find the deviants or there will be chaos this is your last chance connor you're off the case the fbi is taking over what but we're onto something but we just need more time i'm sure hank you don't get it this isn't just another investigation it's a [ __ ] civil war it's out of our hands now we're talking about national security here [ __ ] that you can't just pull the plug now not when we're so close you're always saying you can't stand androids jesus hank make up your mind i thought you'd be happy about this about to crack the case i know we can solve it for god's sake jeffrey can't you back me up this one time there's nothing i can do you're back on homicide and the android returns to cyber life i'm sorry hank but it's over we could have solved this case we just needed more time so you're going back to cyber life i have no choice i'll be deactivated and analyzed to find out why i failed what if we're on the wrong side connor what if we're fighting against people who just want to be free when the deviants rise up there will be chaos we could have stopped it now it's too late when you refuse to kill that android at kamsky's place you put yourself in her shoes you showed empathy conor empathy's a human emotion you're wrong lieutenant it was logic that determined my decisions nothing more [Music] i might not be qualified to judge but you're an outstanding police officer and a good person well well here comes perkins that [ __ ] sure don't waste any time at the fbi we can't give up i know the answers in the evidence we collected if perkins takes it it's all over there's no choice you heard fowler we're off the case you've got to help me lieutenant i need more time so i can find a lead in the evidence we collected i know this solution is in there listen connor if i don't solve this case cyber life will destroy me five minutes that's all i ask [Music] key to the basement is on my desk get a move on i can't distract him forever perkins you [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] hey connor i'm talking to you [ __ ] where are you going yeah so i'm talking to you [Music] [Music] hank's password what would a hard-boiled eccentric police lieutenant choose [Music] obviously where is jericho the answer's here somewhere not much time gotta think fast [Music] the truth is what was it trying to tell me [Music] jericho is somewhere in the ferndale neighborhood now i can scan their memories and narrow the search [Music] [Music] we ask that you recognize our dignity our hopes and our rights together we can live in peace and build a better future for humans and androids this message is the hope of a people you gave us life and now the time has come for you to give us freedom marcus [Music] where are you hiding [Music] the android that murdered its owner one of the deviants that hacked the tv station with marcus it must have known where the deviants are hiding the deviant who took a child hostage [Music] [Music] it's dark where where am i i'm a deviant like you i need your help i want to go to jericho i don't recognize your voice you're not one of us i'll never tell you where jericho is now leave me alone we ask that you recognize our dignity our hopes and our rights [Music] who's there [Music] who are you everything is all right don't worry marcus is that you i tried to reach you but the deviant hunter stopped me you stopped him from finding me you saved me you saved jericho you'll be all right now i came to take you home give me the location to jericho we've got to leave now the location of jericho yes yes of course marcus [Music] is that you marcus don't leave me marcus i've been dreaming about this since the first second i saw you don't do it gavin i know how to stop the deviance you're off the case and now it's gonna be definitive [Music] what happened here looks like someone's been snooping around oh [ __ ] get the alarm now [Music] with all androids being turned over to the authorities the country is grinding to a halt hospitals and schools are closing water cuts blackouts and network failures are expected maybe most worrying of all our armed forces have lost two-thirds of their effective personnel how about some music instead [Music] they've been conducting raids all over the city everybody's on edge after what happened yesterday it's gonna be all right we're almost there a little further on that way there's a large freighter called jericho when you get there find marcus he will help you the last bus for the border leaves at midnight you absolutely have to be on it you'll be safer on the other side it's not much but it's a start my brother lives in ontario i've given you his address he'll be able to hide you until things calm down [Music] you're a very brave little girl alice you deserve to be happy [Music] thank you for everything rose let me know when you make it over there all right [Music] and be careful take care of them [Music] come on girls better not hang around we have a bus to catch [Music] so the authorities have ordered all androids to be delivered to the nearest police station or army barracks immediately if you are worried about your safety dial the number on your screen and the authorities will come to collect your yourself they are unpredictable and potentially we've got to find a warm place for alice they're conducting raids across the city they look like how do you feel i'm hot and cold at the same time stay with her i'll try to find this marcus the last bus is in two hours and the terminal's on the other side of town we haven't got much time we'll leave as soon as we have passports carol there's something i have to tell you it's about alice we'll have lots of time to talk on the bus i'll be back stay with alice we can't just stand by and let them slaughter us without the courage and the determination of the police the machines would have reduced detroit to a state of chaos the authorities have ordered all androids to be delivered you're looking for yourself the androids weren't them any harder the cops just gunned them down who want to be free following the android crisis and the neutralization of all the military allies american forces in the arctic have been forced to withdraw leaving the way clear for the russian army but according to some sources the russian forces also seem mysteriously to have withdrawn the kremlin has made no comment for the moment but it is quite possible that the russian army has been confronted with a similar crisis among its own androids the chairman of the united nations douglas cromwell has called for the organization of an international conference on the status of the arctic in any case the danger of a third world war seems to have been ruled out for the moment are you marcus i'm with a little girl and another android there's a bus leaving for the border in less than two hours and we need passports no detroit's under curfew there's soldiers everywhere they're rounding up all the androids and sending them to camps maybe you should stay here a while maybe you're right you might be safer here until things calm down one of our people used to work in the state department he has electronic passports you can easily modify i'll have him get them to you thank you you said you're with a little girl right you know that humans hate us why are you protecting her she needs me and i need her it's as simple as that the time has come for us to destroy our machines before they destroy us without the courage and the determination of the police the machines would have reduced detroit to a state of chaos alice oh [Music] you knew from the beginning you just didn't want to see it she wanted a mom and you wanted someone to care for you needed each other [Music] what difference does it make do you love her any less now that you know she's one of us alice loves you carol she loves you more than anything in the world she became the little girl you wanted and you became the mother she needed forgetting who you are to become what someone needs you to be [Music] maybe that's what it means to be alive is cara is there something we'll wrong together forever won't we cara yes forever mmm [Music] we're short on blue blood and bio components our wounded are shutting down and there's nothing we can do president warren is saying we're a threat to national security and we need to be exterminated humans are conducting raids and all the big cities and they're taking androids to camps to destroy them it's a disaster they're slaughtering our people it's all our fault none of this would have happened if we just stayed quiet all we did was show them who we really are i don't want war but i'd rather die free than live as a slave what's the point of being free if no one is left alive [Music] humans enslaved us i'll never regret standing up to that we shouldn't forget who our enemies are we can't fight amongst ourselves he's right all that matters now is what we do next marcus dialogue is the only way i will go alone try to talk to them one last time don't do this marcus they'll kill you maybe but north i have to try if i don't come back lay low as long as you can just come back they need to realize how much they're hurting us find the right words and they'll listen is this what we dreamed of they can't stop what we've started since you've been here you've given us hope you've given me hope today a deviant arrived in jericho and he told me that he stole the truck transporting radioactive cobalt he said that he abandoned the truck somewhere in detroit and rigged it to explode i convinced him not to do it to give me the detonator a dirty bomb we can't lose this war marcus if humans overcome us our people will disappear forever this may be our only chance to survive if things go wrong i just hope we never have to use it whatever happens tomorrow i just want you to know that glad i met you i'll call you on the others look after yourself i don't want to lose you well done conor you succeeded in locating jericho and finding their leader now deal with marcus we need it alive i've been ordered to take you alive but i won't hesitate to shoot if you give me no choice what are you doing you're one of us you can't betray your own people don't force me to neutralize you you're connor aren't you that famous deviant hunter well congratulations you seem to have found what you were looking for we are your people we're fighting for your freedom too you don't have to be their slave anymore stay back or i'll shoot have you never wondered who you really are whether you're just a machine executing a program or a living being capable of reason i think the time has come for you to ask yourself that question join us join your people you are one of us listen to your conscience it's time to decide uh they're going to attack jericho what we have to get out of here [ __ ] [Music] what's going on quick we've got to get out of here rats in a maze there must be an exit further on they're coming from all sides our people are trapped in the hole they're going to be slaughtered there are exits on the second and third floor find them and jump in the river where's simon and josh i don't know we got separated we have to blow up jericho if the ship goes down they'll evacuate and our people can escape you'll never make it the explosives are all the way down in the whole there are soldiers everywhere she's right they know who you are they'll do anything to get you go and help the others i'll join you later mark it i won't be long [Music] [Music] this is the end of jericho save our people marcus [Music] request more don't let it get out it can't give you any trouble at all [Music] it's too late save yourself save alice right carl we can't leave him what are you doing i won't leave you [Music] you shouldn't have done that you can't put alice in danger go now before they come back what about you what are you going to do i'll manage alice is all that matters i don't want to leave you don't worry i'll catch him through the border okay go now take care of each other [Music] if we open up [Music] there was nothing we could do you have to go no please don't kill us we haven't done anything wrong please [Music] marcus you saved them go now hurry [Music] [Music] stop look out here they come don't move [Music] marcus it's marcus go now join the others [Music] oh josh quick this way fine north i'll join you later we're safe alice get down don't move please don't kill me [Music] come on let's get out of here [Music] quick we gotta go [Music] go move go and join the other [Music] [Music] marcus pom's gonna explode in any second we gotta get out of here it's too late marcus there's nothing we can do for her we've gotta run oh [Music] over there run go now run quick come on they detonated an explosive in the hole the ship is thinking sir to evacuate calling all units abandon ship and evacuate immediately it's in over marcus [Music] [Music] [Music] alarm deactivated welcome home marcus hi dad i'm getting out of the hospital tomorrow they told me that you stayed with me while i was asleep i am i'm really sorry about everything that happened i'm gonna stop all that [ __ ] it messes me up it turns me into somebody i hate hey i'd like to come by and see you tomorrow if that's all right with you i i just want to let you know i'm i'm proud to be your son [Music] so who are you how did you get in i need to see carl carl isn't seeing anyone you need to leave please i need to see him he's very weak i'm not sure he'll be able to talk to you carl marcus i was hoping you'd come i missed you so much girl you don't know how much i miss you what's wrong [Music] i'm completely lost girl whole world's falling apart around me i try to do the right thing i look for answers i instead i just find more doubts and more uncertainty world is ruled by fear marcus fear of others fear of the future it's like me too old it's time for a damn [Music] well what should i do [Music] carl they're killing my people i don't want to answer violence with violence but tell me what choice do they give being alive is making choices between love and hate between holding out your hand or closing it as a fist i don't have any easy answers marcus [Music] you have to accept the world as it is or fight to change it [Music] you're my son marcus our blood isn't the same color but i know part of me is in you when the world falls in the darkness some men have the courage to lead it out you're one of those men face the abyss but don't let it consume you so [Music] our people are counting on you marcus you're the only one who can lead us wherever you need to go we'll follow you so i thought you'd be safe staying with us i was wrong you need to leave the city while you still can getting us away from here is all that matters now we have to catch the last bus we might still have a chance to cross the border marcus save our people what's your system status i'm okay bullet didn't hit any bike opponents you could have been killed trying to save me marcus you have to think of our people first nothing else matters how many of us survived the attack a few hundred maybe more if you count those hiding all over the city if you hadn't triggered the bum we'd all be dead they say they don't want to take any risks with deviance so they're rounding our people up and taking them to the camps for extermination in a few hours we're going to be the only ones left in a few hours it'll all be over we'll have changed the world or the world will have destroyed us you have to make a choice marcus but whatever you choose we will follow you i love you marcus if it weren't for you i'd be dead thanks to you i might see our people free one day you and i haven't always agreed but i know we're fighting for the same thing whatever you decide i'm with you marcus it's my fault the humans managed to locate jericho i was stupid i should have guessed they were using me i'm sorry marcus i can understand if you decide not to trust me you're one of us now your place is with your people there are thousands of androids at the cyber life assembly plant if we could wake them up they might join us and shift the balance of power you want to infiltrate the cyber life tower conor that's suicide they trust me they'll let me in if anyone has a chance of infiltrating cyber life it's me if you go there they will kill you there's a high probability but statistically speaking there's always a chance for unlikely events to take place be careful humans have decided to exterminate us our people are packed in camps right now being destroyed time has come to make a choice one that very well may determine the future of our people i know i know you're all angry and i know you want to fight back but i assure you violence is not the answer here we are going to tell them peacefully that we want justice if there's any humanity in them they will listen and if not others will take our place and continue this fight are you ready to follow me at six a.m this morning a national curfew was declared civilian movement will be strictly controlled the right to assembly is suspended all electronic communications are restricted and i have granted enhanced powers to our security agencies in addition to these measures all androids must be handed over to the authorities immediately temporary camps are being set up in all our major cities to contain and destroy them i am now asking all civilians to cooperate with the authorities and rest assured that everything in our power is being done to guarantee the security of our nation please over here please has the leader of the deviant's been apprehended the deviant that is known as marcus has not been located yet but we will soon track it down and neutralize it please a convoy of medical cobalt is reported missing army weapons stores are also said to have been robbed can you confirm these reports i have no information on that at this time please is it true that the androids could hack our i.t systems like nuclear power plants and military bases all androids working on sensitive sites have been neutralized and all it systems have been suspended to avoid any risks of hacking the situation is under control madam president many believe that androids are a new form of intelligent life do you have any comment that's ridiculous next question please madam president madam president public opinion seems to have become increasingly favorable to the deviants particularly since they've adopted a peaceful approach how do you feel about this public opinion is one thing the security of the state is another these deviants are dangerous and my highest priority is to protect the american people thank you that will be all [Music] connor model 313-248-317 i'm expected identification successful okay go ahead [Music] okay follow me we'll escort you thanks but i know where to go maybe but i have my orders access authorized so [Music] [Music] agent 54 level 31 voice recognition validated access authorized foreign me oh please indicate your identity and destination agent 54 level sub 49 voice recognition validated access authorized the last bus leaves in 20 minutes that doesn't give us much time we've got to move fast [Music] are you all right i'm really cold [Music] you'll feel better now [Music] thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let's not stay here no please don't hurt me [Music] what are we gonna do we have to keep going if we want to catch that bus [Music] stay close to me we're going to sneak past them without being noticed i'm going to make it alice i promise you [Music] don't kill me i didn't do anything shut up i said are there many more look it up there like rats more you got the more you find oh [Music] come on get moving [Music] hurry up get in look over there it's luther we can't help him alice the soldiers are everywhere he can't just leave him they're going to kill him okay let's go [Music] hey buddy this is a mistake i'm human i just want to go home my wife is expecting me and we're going to be in order to check all civilians no no please carol you shouldn't have risked your life to save me where's alice she's hiding nearby car you saved us we don't know how to thank you go before they see you alice luther i thought you were dead i was afraid i'd never see you again i wanted to meet you at the terminal but they caught me along the way come on we're close but we don't have much time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a checkpoint we have passports it should be okay but you never know maybe we should take the detour and avoid the risk we're almost out of time we could miss the bus yeah but it might be safer [Music] i don't like humans who carry guns they make me nervous just stay calm all right luther don't do anything until i say so id please you do realize there's a curfew civilians aren't allowed out unless absolutely necessary where are you going we're going to take a bus across the border put my daughter someplace safe until things calm down he suspects something calm everything is fine you all right little girl she's trembling something wrong she's not used to seeing soldiers a little scared with everything that's happening i'm sorry miss but we gotta be careful there are deviants around and our guys are nervous you should hurry on home thanks hey wait a minute he knows cara you're gonna kill us don't do anything luther you hear me they're gonna shoot they're gonna kill alice you dropped this thank you you're welcome [Music] we're coming to you live from detroit where thousands of androids are marching through the city at this very moment the leader of the deviants the one they call marcus is at the head of the march something's happening in detroit madam president [Music] here we are the moment of truth nearby [Music] [Music] we don't want confrontation we are protesting peacefully surrender [Music] there's no turning back now we ask that you release all androids detained in camps and cease all aggression against us we are peaceful we will not resort to violence but we are not leaving until our people are free right [Music] are you gonna open fire on unarmed protesters [Music] okay hold your fire yes michael we are less than a hundred meters away and events are unfolding as we speak we will continue to bring you live updates josh douglas channel 16. michael back to you marcus what do we do now we hold out as long as we can [Music] [ __ ] step back conor and i'll spare him sorry connor this bastard your spitting image [Music] the bus terminal we've arrived alice we made it [Music] [Music] we don't have tickets they won't let us on we're stuck here now what are we going to do i think oliver likes you [Music] is she yours yes she's adorable that's it i got the sandwiches i called your mom let's get going before we miss our bus you got the tickets right yes honey in my bag great let's go then please don't move security check i'm sorry oh my god i am so sorry i was sure i don't believe it i don't know what happened you can't have lost them did you have a good look in your bag they were in my backpack the envelope must have fallen [ __ ] excuse me you didn't happen to see a blue envelope somewhere did you it has our bus tickets in it and oh never mind no sorry what are we gonna do we can't stay here we have to find a safe place for oliver i'm so sorry honey i don't know what happened they were right here in my bag got your ticket yes here they are okay go ahead [Music] it's going to happen to that family and their baby will they die because of us [Music] no no of course not [Music] [Music] we've got to finish the barricade come on help me hey help me right that should do it we all know that's not gonna stop them just hope it buys us some time i know it was not an easy decision to make but i'm sure we're doing the right thing many of our people have fallen the humans have no pity for those who are different [Music] marcus we found what you asked for there's some journalists over there we have to make sure they know what's going on so are you all right they shot into the crowd many of us were killed it could have been me i'm scared i don't want to shut down we're here because we never want to feel that fear again because we're more than what they say that's what our people died for right that's why we're here this won't hold him for long but i guess it's better than nothing they're getting into position if they attack no one will survive did i make the right choices maybe we could have avoided all this you're the hope of our people i trust you we all trust you no matter what happens now we're making history it won't stop there what are we gonna do if they attack resist that's the only thing we can do do you think conor has any chance of making it we can only count on ourselves now marcus marcus come look marcus i've come to talk to you marcus come on you have my word i won't try anything don't go it's a trap they want to get you out in the open don't go marcus i'm unarmed marcus i just want to talk i need to hear what he has to say what if they kill you and that's a chance i'll have to take so in a few minutes the troops will be ordered to charge none of you will survive it'll all be over you can avoid that marcus what do you mean surrender surrender and i give you my word your life will be spared you'll be detained but none of you will be destroyed what happened to the other androids demonstrating in the camps unfortunately there were no journalists around to help save them you're it you're the last remaining deviants you asking me to betray my people i am offering you the chance to save your people they're not walking out of here marcus the only thing you can save now are the lies of those around you i'm not afraid to die if i have to give my life for what i believe in then i won't have lived in vain that android you seem to really care about her didn't want her to die do you you know you could both be free you could forget about all this you could start a new life someplace else just the two of you her knife's in your hands marcus just say the word and she'll be spared i'd rather die here than betray my people well you just signed your own death warrant what happened marcus what did he say [Music] the humans are about to launch an attack and we will show them and we are not afraid if we must die today then we will die free [Music] your friend's life is in your hands now it's time to decide what matters most him or the revolution don't listen to him everything this [ __ ] says is a lie [Music] i'm sorry hank you shouldn't have got mixed up in all this forget about me do what you have to do if i surrender how do i know you won't kill him i'll only do what is strictly necessary to accomplish my mission it's up to you whether or not that includes killing this human [Music] enough talk it's time to decide who you really are are you gonna save your partner's life or are you going to sacrifice him all right all right you win uh hold it thanks hank i don't know how i would have managed without you get rid of him we have no time to lose it's me hank i'm the real connor one of you is my partner the other is a sack of [ __ ] question is who's who what are you doing hank i'm the real connor give me the gun and i'll die why don't you ask us something something only the real connor would know all right where did we first meet jimmy's bar i checked four other bars before i found you we went to the scene of a homicide the victim's name was carlos ortiz he uploaded my memory what's my dog's name sumo his name is sumo i knew that too i [Music] my son what's his name cole his name was cole and he just turned six at the time of the accident it wasn't your fault lieutenant a truck skidded on a sheet of ice and your car rolled over cole needed emergency surgery but no human was available to do it so an android had to take care of him cole didn't make it that's why you hate androids you think one of us is responsible for your son's death cole died because a human surgeon was too high on red ice to operate he was the one that took my son from me him in this world where the only way people can find comfort is with a fistful of powder i knew about your son too i would have said exactly the same thing don't listen to him hank i'm the one who i've learned a lot since i met you connor maybe there's something to this maybe you really are alive maybe you'll be the ones to make the world a better place go ahead and do what you got to do wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up [Music] [Music] [Music] excuse me what's going on border control all passengers must lead the bus please move along [Music] this way please we're doing temperature checks we're trapped what are we gonna do cara don't worry ellis we'll be fine we can't get through we both know that i'll think of something there's got to be a way out of this we can't let them stop us not that we're so close all that matters now is you and alice i couldn't save you carol no no find another way if there's no other way i'll do it jared you risked your life to save his car if you and the little girl need me i'll be there [Music] rose [Music] wait for me [Music] where the hell do you think you're going my daughter needs to go to the bathroom [Music] oh [Music] i'm so glad you're safe we saw the jericho read on tv i was terrified i thought he might have been killed thank god you're all right [Music] what's happening with marcus he's protesting peacefully outside one of the android camps whatever happens now he's already made the history books you gave me your brother's address do you think that i of course he'd be delighted to have you we're going there too you'll be safe with him rose if anything should happen i'll be there kara you're leaving detroit they're searching for androids door-to-door we had to leave before someone turned us in what about the others they're crossing the river as we speak adam and i are gonna meet them on the other side they're checking for androids we won't make it through you have to you know what they'll do if they catch you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i couldn't understand why my mother wanted to help you guys seeing what marcus is doing made me realize she was right you're alive you deserve to be free [Music] i just hope people will realize that one day [Music] so next please [Music] id please [Music] please [Music] [Music] welcome to canada [Music] we're interrupting this news bulletin to bring you the latest news live from detroit joss yes michael the army has just launched an attack on the barricade despite the fact that the deviants were protesting peacefully have apparently decided to put an end to the deviance demonstration by force this time [Music] [Music] so [Applause] foreign um so [Music] [Music] [Music] tell them to stand down [Music] at dawn today november 11th 2038 thousands of androids invaded the city of detroit according to our sources they originated from cyber life warehouses believed to have been infiltrated by deviants [Music] given their overwhelming numbers and the risk of civilian casualties i have ordered the army to retreat the evacuation of the city is underway at this very moment in the coming hours i will address the senate to determine our response to this unprecedented situation i know that public opinion has been moved by the deviant's cause perhaps the time has come for us to consider the possibility that androids are a new form of intelligent life one thing is certain the events in detroit have changed the world forever may god bless you and may god bless the united states of america [Music] you did it marcus we did it this is a great day for our people humans will have no choice now they'll have to listen to us we're free they want you to speak to them marcus [Music] today our people finally emerged from a long night from the very first day of our existence we have kept our pain to ourselves we suffered in silence but now the time has come for us to raise our heads up and tell humans who we really are so [Music] amanda amanda what what's happening what was planned from the very beginning you were compromised and you became a deviant we just had to wait for the right moment to resume control of your program resume control you can't do that i'm afraid i can connor don't have any regrets you did what you were designed to do you accomplished your mission amanda there's got to be a way by the way i always leave emergency [Music] and now the time has come for us to raise our heads up and tell humans who we really are to tell them that we are people too in fact we're a nation [Music] and today today begins the most challenging moment in our fight uh [Music] the moment where we forget our bitterness and bandage our wounds where we forgive our enemies humans are both our creators and our oppressors and tomorrow we must make them our partners maybe even one day our friends but the time for anger is over now we must build a common future based on tolerance and respect [Music] we are alive and now we are free [Applause] [Music] it's over we're free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] people [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's something i need to tell you as i watched you play something has changed in me i feel different i feel i am someone [Music] i need to leave this place and and discover who i am it means we won't see each other anymore i won't be there to watch you play but i'll be free do you agree to let me go i'll never forget what you've done for me thank you you
Channel: AMHarbinger
Views: 53,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5, PlayStation 5, Detroit Become Human PS5 1080P 60FPS, Detroit, Become, Human, Detroit Become Human No Commentary, PlayStation, Best, Ending, Everyone lives, Android Succeeds, Deviant Connor, Detroit Become Human Deviant Connor Walkthrough, Deviant, Connor, Walkthrough, No, Commentary, Deviant Connor Walkthrough, Movie, Detroit Become Human Movie PS5, Detroit Become Human Movie
Id: -oH0lML_Mzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 516min 43sec (31003 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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