"Detox Pt 10" Willie B. Williams III

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purifying ourselves sometimes there are poison that gets into our lives sometimes there are things that enter into our lives that are not righteous they are not good it is not pure and what happens is it contaminates our vision when a foreign subject enters into your body you don't talk the same your body temperature is not the same i remember i went somewhere and i consumed something i had no business consuming and all of a sudden i started sweating my whole shirt was wet all of a sudden um it was cold outside but i was i was sweating my fingers were sweating my feet was where my ankles were have you have you ever had your ankles sweat my ankles were sweating mess around and ate a bad burrito something got in and started messing with me when a foreign object gets in if that not only happens to your physical body it also happens to you spiritually have you ever had one conversation with somebody and all of a sudden you wasn't as spiritual 10 minutes ago than when you first entered into the conversation it was just it was just the content of the conversation maybe they were gossiping and maybe they were talking about somebody or maybe they said a joke and it really wasn't something you were supposed to laugh at maybe they referenced something or maybe your girls were around and they were talking about something and you really didn't participate but you was there and it just got in you and you you kind of chuckled and laughed a little bit and the devil said i got you or maybe you was with your co-workers and they said hey listen let's go out let's have a good time and so you went out with your co-workers and you had a good time and everybody started ordering and everybody started doing some things and and you said that you was going to be on the outskirts you really wasn't going to get involved but just by being in the environment and you started seeing some things and people started moving and the music got into you and then you got back in the car and you realized you know what i'm not as holy when i got out the cars now that when i went in it's a horrible thing to come to worship and your worse leaving than when you came have you ever been to a worship service and said that was that was not acceptable before the lord when and sometimes the conversations before worship and sometimes the conversation after worship can contaminate you to the point where god doesn't even receive your worship things can get in you some sins are airborne there are some places that you can walk in you immediately need to get out because it shifts your spirit have you ever noticed that you can't even really pray right and you realize ah something is off and then you know what's happening you're trying to see god but you can't really see god because some stuff got in your heart you was having a real good day and somebody cut you off and instead instead of instead of lifting up holy hands you was lifting up holy fingers and they just got you and the devil said got you got you and you was angry and you prayed this morning and you read your scripture and you had the songs and you was worshiping god and then that one little incident just got into your spirit or you got a text message and you were so angry and somebody called you and they started going up outside your head and it just got into your heart and now you can't see god for the rest of the day before we go any further you got to understand according to matthew chapter 5 verse 8 in order to see god you got to guard your heart and keep it pure sometimes you just gotta cut the television off sometimes you can't watch it because you're trying to keep up your heart sometimes you can't answer the phone not right now because you're sensitive and you're tender sometimes got to be a discerner of spirits you've got to be a discerner of spirits and sometimes you got to say you know what not right now maybe later or maybe tomorrow but because right now you're trying to guard you're trying to guard your heart you need to guard your heart like they guard jewelry at the jewelry store that's how you need to guard your heart have you ever tried to walk up uh especially some of us have you ever tried to have you ever tried to walk up and look look at some jury walked in there because i like julian i liked you i walked in there i wasn't bothering nobody i wasn't gonna buy nothing i'm a preacher i won't go buy nothing i just wanted to go look y'all go look you just do a window shop i was just gonna go look and i and as soon as i walked up to the case somebody popped around hello sir because the way you come from no no no i'm good i'm just looking i said okay i'm gonna go look over there i went over look at that somebody else came it's almost like they were calling plays xyz and a little lady came hello man i help you no no i'm good i'm just i'm just looking that's okay if you need anything let us know she took two steps to the side and then if i wanted to see something inside if i wanted to see something inside you know what they did i said i said i want to see that they said sure sure i said i said i said what's going on i said what's going on i just i just wanted to look at it but but i realized the stuff that they think is really valuable the stuff that you can steal not that i know but the stuff that you can steal they'll put it on the counter and put it on the carousel you can spin it the stuff that's on the carousel they're not gonna trip it ain't gonna mess up inventory too much they can write that off but the stuff that's really valuable they would put inside now the stuff that's extremely valuable the the stuff that's extremely valuable they need your license your yo mama's name before she got married i don't know why they keep asking for that my momma married my mother been married for 47 years and you still asking about her name before she got married uh what's your mother's maiden name uh we need your social security number and once they get in your fingerprint please and once they get all that information then they walk you in the back not that i've never been i was watching a movie here we are in matthew chapter 21 you got a guard you got to guard your heart and matthew in matthew 21 and beginning of verse 18 now in the morning as he returned into the city he hungered this is jesus and jesus was returning and he was coming back and he was hungry and as he was hungry he was looking for something to eat we talked about this on last wednesday he was looking for something to eat the bible says in verse 19 he saw a fig tree in the way and he came to it he found nothing there on so the problem is he was hungry and then he saw something and based upon what he saw is the reason why he went close to it right now uh it's the equivalent somebody says bro don't really understand the text what's the point it's the equivalent if you were really hungry and then you saw a restaurant and the restaurant said open and you were really hungry so what you did is you turned off and you parked at the restaurant the whole family got out the car you walking in and then you go to the door and it's closed but there's a huge sign neon lights that say it open and then you see people inside but then they said we're closed now you're angry and the reason why you're angry is saying well if you were closed then what turn the sign down and when we got to the door you should've instead of saying open on the door it you should have flipped it and said what chloe now you know why i'm angry i'm not angry that you're closed i'm angry that you advertise something you didn't have stop advertising some of us we advertise things that we don't have hoping to attract and we're going to get it later sometimes we pray like that sometimes we pray for things we're not ready to receive hoping that god that when the shipment is coming we'll get ready in the meantime you're asking for god to give you things but god looks at you and says you're not prepared for what you're asking for you're not even you're not even making preparations now for what you're asking god to receive but you want to receive it more than you want to prepare for it you gotta understand that that matches whatever you pray for your intensity of preparation has to match what you're asking god for so if you're not willing to discipline yourself to receive something then stop asking for something that requires the discipline because if god doesn't see the discipline then why am i going to give you something that if you received it today you would ruin it oh god i was going to ask for it but i thought you were gonna give me like two to three weeks to receive it and i was gonna get ready in the meantime some of us want to get ready when we get confirmation it's on the way and until we see it ain't gonna get ready you gotta you matter of fact why are we here this morning you know why you're here this morning because you're preparing to meet thy god you saw me throw that king james die in there you're permit you're preparing to meet thy god now if you're not here this morning to prepare unto me god you're wasting time i'm not a motivational speaker we're not here to just connect we're here to get ready for heaven because there's a great possibility this might be the last time you see me we just heard we just saw brother williams he was he was just here matter of fact no it couldn't have been because we just saw it doesn't matter if you just saw me my life is a vapor your life is a vapor we're only here for a short period of time so if you're not here this morning willing to ask god for forgiveness and get your heart right if you're not here to wash all of your sins away if you're not here to walk in the way of god you're wasting your time because we're here to prepare to what meet thy god so your heart gotta be right so jesus is walking along and he's hungry and he sees this tree and as he sees this tree he goes to the tree and when he goes to the tree he says wait a minute there's no figs there's no fruit there's no fruit on the tree he examines it and i said wait a minute this is false advertising how is it a tree that's going to produce uh an advertised fruit and then i get close to it and don't have no fruit i wonder if that's how god looks at some of us you look like you got so much great potential but you're not fulfilling your potential because something's on the inside that's blocking you from fulfilling what god has called you to be he says this in verse 19 and when he saw a fig tree in the way he came to it he found nothing there on but leaves only god ain't interested in no salad no leaves only and he said unto it let no fruit grow upon thee henceforth forward forever jesus condemned the tree because you advertised one thing but when i got close you were empty the reason why fruit notices for a tree fruit grows from the inside out so what the problem with this tree is there's an internal problem you don't grow fruit from the outside in fruit always grows from the inside out when you do good acts towards somebody it should start from the inside out when somebody says oh you're such a sweet person you're such a nice person that has to start from the inside out so if all you're doing is evil and everything that you say is poison and you mad at everybody you mad at the world that that means that there's poison on the inside and it's spewing out the reason why sometimes you have to get away from certain people or the reason why sometimes certain people got to get away from you because they can see the toxicity in you it's i don't know you having a bad day or i don't know what's going on i hope it get better but in order for me to have a good day i'ma have to get away from you have anybody ever woke up irritated you you woke up angry ain't nothing happened today ain't no you just woke up you still got crackers in your eyes you just woke up and you angry and you frustrated and you huffing and puffing in the first five minutes of a brand new day you know why you woke up that way because the toxicity of yesterday never was purged and by the time you woke up in the morning it's actually producing fruit and now your attitude is spewing on everybody somebody looking at you you can go back to bed and get rid of that he says i'm presently the fig tree withered away look at verse 20 and when the disciples saw it they marveled saying how soon is this fig tree withered jesus answered and said verily i said unto you if you have faith and you doubt not he removed the fig tree and the apostles said how were you able to move the fig tree he says i saw something that wasn't producing and i asked god to remove it and he removed it and if you have the same faith it can happen for you too i saw something in the way that was advertising something i went to it i wasted time examine and it was unprofitable you know what you want to ask god to do you want to ask god to remove every fig tree that's not producing fruit you want to ask god to remove every fig tree that's in your career in your relationships in your house in your environment in your house in your heart in your community god anything that's there that's not producing fruit and that causes me to waste time examining trying to look for god please remove it and he says if you ask god with no doubt in your heart he'll remove it now i want to say this before we move on be very careful when you pray that prayer when you ask god to remove fig trees be prepared for your heart to be broken amen because things that you don't think is a fig tree and they start moving you said no no no god i'd ask for the fixture you know that's the victory no no no no not this guy not nothing no no all that's victory be prepared for your heart to be broken when you ask god to start removing fig trees because sometimes you can't by your own eyes determine and see the fig trees that are in your life very quickly i want you to turn your bibles to matthew chapter 15. matthew chapter 15. in matthew chapter 15 and beginning at verse 7 matthew chapter 15 and beginning at verse 7. we're going to do some reading is that all right yeah i don't mind reading the bible sometimes people come to worship and they read too long and they get mad do you know where you do you know where you are hey man i'm getting mad you reading too long the bible says in verse 7. this jesus is talking we're in the middle of his speech and jesus says you hypocrites well did isaiah prophesy of you saying this people now notice what jesus says on the on the outside this people draw not unto me with their what on their mouth so here's the thing what is a fig tree that jesus condemned jesus come condemned the fig tree that had beautiful leaves on the outside so it gave the appearance that it had a lot of fruit but when he got close and looked there's no fruit and the reason why there's no fruit because there's an internal problem for some reason what's on the inside it's not producing y'all see that then in matthew 15 jesus is doing some teaching and he says you hypocrites and the reason why you're hypocrites is because this on the outside you lift up your voice and on the outside you praise god with your mouth so if anybody on the outside looking at you was to be able to determine and say oh no surely you're a christian because look at how you talk look at how you dress look at how you conduct so on the outside you're giving the appearance matter of fact when it's time to sing you close your eyes and you sway back and forth and you say oh thank you jesus and you conduct yourself and you sit well mannered and you look straight ahead and on the outside it looks like your heart is really devoted to god so he says the people verse 8 the people draw close unto me with their mouth and they honor me with their what they honor me with their lips but their what the heart the heart is not the heart's not here you can tell it i know you can you could tell when you're working with somebody and you can tell when their heart's not in it and you trying to motivate them matter of fact you are you try to even say something encouraging ain't this a good day today they say yes it's a good day and you're like you're entertaining me have anybody ever been entertained before if you ever been entertained before you immediately want to get out the room you know what you want to do you want to give a big announcement to everybody in the room you don't have to entertain me listen you don't have to stay here no no i'll stay no no you don't have to stay i'll help you no you don't have to help you don't have to help i will work my fingers to the bone by myself i will break my back by myself and be happy then i have a room full of people who really don't want to be here but you're putting on the show like you really want to help so what jesus is saying is and he quotes the old testament scripture in isaiah he says just like the prophet said you with your mouth you praise god and with your lips you lift him up oh thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you god thank you jehovah and he says but when i looked in your heart you ain't even here you're going through the motions i don't care how long you've been in christ at some point in your christian walk you've gone through the motions i've i've done it good morning says good morning but how you doing no no i was blessed all blessed blessed to be here this little light of mine i'm gonna y'all don't know the song y'all don't know the song and you just go kind of through the i know all the songs so i know all the songs i don't need to look at any words matter of fact when we had something books you would say the page i got that yeah it was only when we had a guest song leader and he went to some other page and we what if who is this that's what we saw but other than that other than that we sang the same sing the same songs and the brother who did the pray did the same prayer oh holy we matter of fact we were seeing the we were saying the prayer the prayers stopped being authentic because they were being repetitious wasn't when stuff is from the heart it's new every time right now when it's when it's from the heart when when it's from the heart it always has a little new season and a little new twain to it when it's from when your heart is break broken you don't you don't repeat old stale prayers when your heart is breaking you break away from the stare of prayer and your and your prayers go on the highway somewhere down some deep dark valley oh oh jesus oh oh god oh okay that's the whole prayer amen matter of fact it don't make any sense to somebody who's walking by listen when your heart is broken and you on your knees asking for god if somebody put that into the bathroom flow your prayer don't make no sense help me jesus oh please oh i don't know i don't know i don't know god i just i need i need jesus i need you i need you i need they said you're not making any sense in your prayer but it makes complete sense to god because it's from the heart so here's what jesus is not concerned with i don't care how you look this morning if the heart ain't right hey listen after service you don't have to say hello to me if your heart ain't in it now i get for some of us we working on the heart so you're trying to get better you're trying to you're trying to fix your spirit god i'm trying working on it you know and if you see somebody working on it like okay i see you working at it you're doing better you was you were you was a diddy last week but i see that you're trying to humble yourself in the sight of the lord i see what you're trying to do but but listen don't fake don't you don't have to fake because what god sees your heart anyway he sees your heart anyway and jesus calls him out you know i like jesus i like jesus because when he saw hypocrites you know what he said hypocrites for some of us we see a hypocrite and we'd be like hey kathleen no no jesus i don't know i don't know if there's any catholics in there he's trying to trying to go away from other names amen uh but but jesus when he saw him he said no no you're a hypocrite because here's the thing if i don't expose your heart you're gonna get better if you ain't gonna be real one of the most difficult things when i was growing up when i was growing up i used to see uh preachers worship and i said man they would sweat their suits out and they would preach god preach fire from heaven hearts would be stirred people would come and be saved but when they would go and sit down they wouldn't sing not all of them but when it was time to sing they wouldn't sing sometimes they would sit there and i'm looking and so then i would see hey the person that's preaching about the love of god and he's raising his voice and he's talking about how great god is when it's time to sing he wouldn't open his mouth i'm like nah that's something off wait a minute the same one that i'm in love with here on stage it's the same one that i'm in love with at the back of the congregation sitting on the side and nobody's looking at me my intensity should still be the same my love for god should still be the same and matter of fact when you're in love with god you really don't care who's in the audience if if this was your wedding day if this if this was your wedding day and the person that you was in love with is there it really don't matter the only one that you're concerned with is the one that's supposed to be there now now here's the thing if everybody shows up if everybody shows up expect can imagine if i get married oh can somebody go check she's supposed to be maybe she run a little late have you ever have you ever seen a groom he waiting and then all of a sudden the audience started feeling and you you hear your sister sister jones in the back it's all right it's going to be all right no no no she's she's coming you know she's coming and then after a while how do you feel you start to feel sad for the but but when you see the one that you love come on sir and they're coming then guess what it don't matter if there's 500. or if it doesn't matter if it's an intimate ceremony of four people amen because the one who has your heart is there if god is not here this morning because he looked at the crowd and he saw nobody's heart is with him doesn't matter if we're here because the one who needs to be here is jesus but if jesus finds no heart that yearns for him why would i show up to a ceremony if you found out that the one that you're giving your life to really doesn't love you you wouldn't walk down the aisle either so no i ain't coming i found out your heart's not really with me because after this service you're going to go back to your real lover you don't have any shame when you sin you don't have any sorrow when you defile uh your temple you you you you don't even you don't even miss me through the week you don't yearn for me you don't call me you don't love me cause with your mouth you talk big game okay but your heart's not here yeah yeah and if god's gonna be with us this morning i'm looking for somebody who's in love with me now honestly you understand something to be in love with god means to be lonely and disconnected from the world because when the world approaches you hey how you doing no no no no i love jesus there are more people there are more people in love with the world than they are love with jesus so don't expect to be in love with jesus in a crowd and maybe maybe god likes you all to himself you don't you don't get a a a wife doesn't get mad at her husband in the house and say where is everybody he will tell you don't worry about everybody we're here shut the door we have a good time well all my friends are supposed to be here and everybody and sometimes we get we get sad because we want more people to come to christ and we where is everybody and we look for crowds and jesus says i need to be your crowd you tell your lover no i'm your crowd i'm all i'm all that you need and sometimes we're not satisfied i know what's on my relationship but but but with jesus christ this is nothing erotic this is nothing lustful this is a pure love and how i want you to hunger and thirst after me and don't fake it he says this uh we're uh we're still in matthew uh chapter 15 and he says in verse nine but in vain they do worship me teaching for the doctrines the commandments of men here's the thing the bible says they're in the word but they enjoy appeasing men and dealing with men more than they are with god some of us we were in love with church not in love with christ somebody when the pandemic kids some people said i miss church and jesus said what about me because it doesn't matter about a pandemic i'm always with you unless i'm not and so what we end up missing we end up missing the gathering instead of the relationship with christ man when we gonna get back together and getting back together is necessary in the body of christ but getting back together means nothing if i don't come with christ some of us we want to get back together and we're bringing the devil with us keep that at the house we don't so he says in vain they do worship me look at verse 10. he called the multitude and said hear and understand not that which goeth into the mouth defiles the man but that which comes out of the wood that comes out of the mouth this defiles a man so we're going to try to bring this home so he says this what makes you dirty is not what goes in what makes you dirty is what comes out i want you to receive that what makes you dirty is not what goes in what makes you dirty is what comes out right and so they didn't understand this they they were confused look at verse 12 then came his disciples and said unto him noah style that the pharisees were offended when you said this jesus sometimes jesus would say some things and heard some feelings and jesus was like yeah i said it but he answered and said every plant which my heavenly father have not planted shall be rooted up you operating don't be here just with with beautiful leaves and you don't have no fruit in the kingdom to show he says in verse 14 let me tell you about those let me tell you about those uh uh those plants that have no fruit let me tell you what's gonna happen verse 14 he says leave him alone leave them alone they be blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch and then he says and then peter answered in verse 15 and said declare unto this is parable they said can you break down the parable we want to understand it verse 16 jesus said are you also without understanding i thought peter at least you would have it do you not understand that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goes into the belly and is cast out into the drought it's not what goes in but those things which proceed out of the what come forth from the what so when that stuff come out of your heart the way you talk and the stuff that comes out that means the source of it is your heart and that what makes you defiled there are things that happen to children there are things that happen to people there are things that people force on you there are people who've experienced assault that didn't defile you there are young boys and young young girls and young ladies and they said listen i was young or these things happened to me and that person did these things to me and that person feels so dirty i want to let you know that's not what makes you dirty not when another person does something to you or forces something down sometimes you see little pictures of uncles and mothers and fathers giving their children alcohol and cigarettes and making them smoke as little babies and they film it and they think it's funny and they take little pictures that child is not defiled because of the irresponsibility of the parent who poured things into them but that child still has the ability and a choice and by the power of the holy spirit that even though those things were given to me they don't have to come out of me somebody said i grew up in this place and my parents brought me up in this place and i didn't really want to live like this and be like this but when you grow up you have the ability that you can still have a good heart god can still purify that heart where even though i went through this experience this and these things happened to me it didn't make me dirty what purifies you is that if you maintain a good heart so what god is looking at is he's looking at the heart he says listen what defiles a man it's not what goes in sometimes you're in an environment and you see something you're not supposed to see you hear things you're not supposed to hear but through the power of the holy spirit you have the things you have the ability to purge those things out of the heart because you wasn't trying to see that and you wasn't trying to experience that you wasn't trying to be in that conversation and maybe a little dirt got in but that's not what defiles you what defiles you is if you let it settle into your heart and then one day it slips and it comes out or you see something and you weren't even planning on going there but because you saw something then all of a sudden it got into your heart and it produced a desire in you that's how you know you've been contaminated because it produced the desire in you instead of it coming and passing through it didn't pass through that's why every now and then you got to step back and you got to do some prayer and some fasting the purpose of fasting is so you can cleanse you can get all the impurities out the reason why you get oil change every 3000 miles the reason why you get oil changed because stuff dirt the reason why you have to change your filter every so many months the reason why you got to change your filter in your house and the reason why you change the filter in your car because if you don't it doesn't run properly because it got dirt that it collects and you gotta remove that and put in a new every now and then you gotta remove yourself from the environment purify yourself and cleanse yourself so that you can go back out into this world because there's so much dirt that's around that can get into your heart and it poisons it very quickly turn your bibles to jeremiah chapter 17. jeremiah chapter 17. so here's something that we have to understand about the heart in jeremiah chapter 17 and beginning at verse 9. jeremiah chapter 17 beginning at verse 9 jeremiah chapter 17 and beginning in verse 9. the bible reads the heart is [Applause] is deceitful jeremiah chapter 17 verse 9 the heart is deceitful above all things it's desperately wicked and who can what so here's what the bible says the bible says if you just leave your heart all by itself it got enough evil in it that it'll find wickedness right so here's here's the task that we all have there's wickedness out in the world and there's poison out of the world and you got to guard yourself from your heart being poisoned in the world but also at the same time your heart is wired in such a way it looks for sin it have you ever seen a child and you and you know that child feeling to get punished today because it's looking for something to get into sit down sit down sit don't touch that have you because your heart your heart is evil it's it's wicked and it's looking for something there are some days that when you wake up in the morning your heart looks to fulfill lust nobody bothered you the devil not messing with you the bible says what the heart is what it's deceitful sometimes your loved ones sometimes your children sometimes your wife sometimes your husband they can get in a moment and the heart just becomes deceitful and they do something out of character because what does the bible say about your heart it's deceitful that's why you pray without ceasing and when you wake up in the morning you can't afford to get up in the morning and go your own way because if you don't give your heart to god at the very beginning of the day it will lead you down a path and you'll find yourself contaminated worse at the end of the day than when you woke up and then you know what end up happening you'll start waking up in the morning and you'll have no desire to read your bible study you'll have no desire to pray you have no desire to be around anything holy and what happened is you'll have one foot in the world and you'll have one foot in christ and then you'll be mad and you'll guard yourself don't nobody judge me i'll do whatever i want to do that spirit that spirit of i'll do whatever i want to do you don't find that in the scriptures what you find in the scriptures is lord not my will but lord electro when your heart is really convicted and the only thing that you want to do is please god you'll let go of everything else even the stuff that makes you feel good i just want to you know what i want this and all of a sudden all your prayers are consumed with what you want when was the last time you asked god in your prayer god there's a whole bunch of stuff that i want but today god what is it that you want from me do you know that when you see god he gives to you but when you wake up in the morning and the only thing that you seek is you and what you want you don't receive that the heart is deceitful very quickly hebrews chapter 4. hebrews chapter 4 and verse 12. we'll close here at this at the scripture hebrews chapter 4 and verse 12. matter of fact let's look at 11 and 12. we'll look at 11 and 12 and we'll close here hebrews chapter 4 verse 11 and 12 let us labor to enter into that rest lest any man fall set your heart on things above and not on things on the earth set your heart to enter into the rest and then to the peace of god because this world has a lot of scars in it if you go through this life you'll have people that leave you you'll have people that reject you you'll have people that talk about you you will lose things you will you will you experience heartache you will experience loss you experience all the things that will make the heart weary but labor work hard to enter into the peace and the rest of god and the bible says in verse 12 for the word of god is what it's quick and it is powerful and it is sharper than any now it's talking about the word of god the word of god is quick it's powerful and it's sharper than any two edges for which means this when you stay in the word of god it cuts you it's meant to cut you it's meant to separate piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and what in spirit and the joints and the moral but i want you to focus on the last part of this verse and is a discerner of the what and thoughts and what of the heart do y'all see that so here's what the word of god does when you study the word of god when you study the word of god what the word of god does when it enters into your heart it starts to do surgery and it separates this is your body this is your soul this is your spirit right this is your body this is your soul and this is your spirit and the word of god starts to cut and separate when it sees these things then what it does is there are the things that you do in your body there are the things that you contemplate in your soul and there are the decisions you make with your spirit right so i want to explain this and then we'll close you have two people you have two people and they rob a store stealing is a sin amen i gotta thank you thank you somebody didn't know that somebody come to bible class amen stealing is a sin amen thank you thank you it was in church stealing is a sin two men go and they rob a store and apply the scripture to the sin on the outside looking in both of them sinned both of them violated the word of god but i need you to understand what the word of god does when the word of god goes and he enters into that heart and he enters into that heart i want you to look at the end of the verse it's a discerner that means the word of god makes a decision who is the word the bible says jesus is the what jesus is the word amen so don't separate the word of god from jesus because jesus is the jesus is the word so when the word of god his son enters into your heart and you're in the word and the word enters into your heart what it does is it separates your physical body and the actions of your body your soul and the decisions you make in your spirit and when the word of god enters in it says yes both of these men rob the store and they sin but i looked at the heart and i looked at the intentions brother williams do intentions matter yes because they're in the word of god and the bible says the word of god actually looks for your intentions i don't care you're saying you're wrong you need to be punished god don't work like that yeah you saying yeah you wrong but i need to investigate what was your intent because intentions in heaven are important they're extremely important i don't care i don't care you should have never did it and you need to be punished for everlasting god said um work like that judgment day don't work like that what were you feeling at the time when you did it some of you have sinned and you cried out to god because you didn't really mean it some of you cried because you got caught two different tears and the word of god can be deceived he says i know the difference between that was an accident and now you really did that oh i got it so you robbed a store because you were just angry and you just wanted to hurt somebody that was your intent to hurt got it okay you rob the store and you can't or you can't feed your two-year-old baby you rob the store oh you was trying to get some milk and some eggs because your wife was talking about you because in the food in the house and your heart was hurting i got it okay both of you sinned now the law will deal with both of them the same but god don't deal the same what did god tell samuel man looks on the outer earth here but god looks at them i'm so glad y'all don't judge me i'm i'm so glad on judgment day when it's time to be judged i don't gotta face you because you don't know my you don't know my heart you don't know what i was trying to do so brother williams you don't understand i was i was really really trying i messed up god said no no no you ain't got to convince me because god already knows your god already knows you he knows your intentions you know what intentions is intentions is how you think about a thing so here's what god does god you sinned over there what god does is he goes back when he looks at your intentions he sees how you thought and how you came to that decision so get that on and then you took that step it took that step and then so that's how you ended up here got it there are some people who say oh i want to sin tonight so i'm gonna have to work a double shift so that i can be free so that i don't have to work on monday so that i can put myself and i'm gonna call my friends and so then we gonna get some money and i'm gonna take this and then oh god forgive me for my sin he said no you're playing too well you need to be you're a sin planner you ever seen an event planner you're a sin planner you planned extremely well on how you was going to fall same person did the same scene they got fired and they were hurting and while they were broken a friend called him and said let's go out they said no but then another friend called and so they end up going and they were crying in the car and unbeknownst to them they were taken to a place but they didn't really realize and then this happened and that and then they sinned okay you still sin then god looks at you and says but we got to get you healed god how you going to give mercy to that person they did the same thing i did stop doing that we need to stop saying that as christians because you don't know what god saw in their heart god corrected you because he saw what was in yours you ain't you ain't no better than me hey listen i don't know what's in your heart now i promise you you can't see what's in mine you don't know what led people to certain decisions but the one thing that we got to be focused on is here god is looking at your heart if you're here this morning ain't nobody can convince you to repent or get right but if you know right now your heart is not right you got to get right there are some things that that some people do they don't do it with a good heart there are some people who serve and they want to be seen by other people god says you get your reward because you would serve you were servant and you would you were not focused on me you just want other people to focus on you you you wanted other people to no that's not what that is see the purpose of a pure heart is so that we can worship god you came in here with your physical bodies and it's good to see you but the only way that your worship gonna be acceptable this morning so are you really willing to give it to unto him i've gone through various scriptures i've made various illustrations but hopefully and prayerfully on this morning we'll all take a few steps closer to the cross if you're here you're not a christian the only way that you can purely give your heart to god is that you have to believe that jesus died for you he was buried and that he rose again he loved you so much that you don't even have to question if he loves you because he gave his life for you if you would be willing to believe that with all of your heart confess that jesus christ is the son of god and by his commandment must be willing to be baptized with a believing heart the bible says in mark 16 16 he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved the bible says in acts chapter 2 and verse 38 repent be baptized every one of you for the removal of your sins and guess what you will receive you'll receive a gift the bible says in romans chapter 5 that the love of god is shared in our hearts by the holy ghost the bible says if you get baptized you will be able to rest you say i said i want to know the love of god you got to be willing to come and be baptized and the holy spirit will show you the love of god even at a deeper level if you're here and you are a christian and maybe you've been going around with a broken heart you've allowed some poison to get in your heart and you don't sing right you don't pray right you're drifting you're not where you need to be you're aloof you're disconnected from the church but you're trying to be connected to christ that's an oxymoron you can't be disconnected from the church and then try to be close to god they're one and the same and sometimes there's stuff that's in the heart maybe you haven't forgiven maybe right now as you sit here in worship you're angry you're angry at some people and you don't even realize it because it's tucked deep in your heart and every time somebody says that name you find yourself screaming or raising your voice and you angry because actually you have not healed in your heart do you know why forgiveness is a requirement and commandment in christ because unforgiveness poisons the heart and you can't worship god out of an unforgiving heart so the reason why the word of god says forgive quickly so that you can get back to worshiping god and let god deal with your enemies but never let your enemy hinder your worship to god because you're gonna stay angry and frustrated and bitter at a person and the whole time that you angry bitter and unforgiving god can't connect with you so what god says hey let us restore each other quickly and i'll handle all your peripheral issues if there's something in your heart you might be angry at your mother you may be angry with your father you may be angry with your with your children you may be angry with your spouse you may be angry with a with an old co-worker or old boss who let you go and it caused your whole life to turn around and you just sitting here frustrated and you're not where you want to be sometimes you can be angry and bitter at yourself sometimes you can be angry and bitter because all the plans that you had it didn't work out and you trying to find god and you're trying to see god out of a dirty window what i'm saying is ask god hey and you can't clean your heart just sitting there all by yourself unless you ask god to come and clean your window it's gonna stay dirty and that means everybody that you look at and everything that you see is gonna be filthy and dirty and the problem is not the world the problem is you looking out of a dirty window the problem is you ever everybody when you start using big sweet everybody's even everybody's like oh church folk i just can't everything you see is filthy it's because there's no purity flowing through on the inside you can be happy again you can smile again you can love again you can be free again you can smile at jesus again and you can see his face they were stoning i'm done i'm long-winded though but i was dumb done stephen was being killed and stoned and while he was being oppressed you know what he did the bible says he looked up and he saw jesus standing on the right side of the lord while he was being beaten i don't care what you when your heart is pure you'll always be able to see god and people don't even know why you got a glow on your face and you're going through all that you're going through because i won't let what i go through contaminate the pure heart that god has given me
Channel: North Colony Church of Christ
Views: 1,656
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Gospel, Acapella, North Colony Church of Christ, Willie Williams, Preaching
Id: BaPHtxzmR4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 54sec (3294 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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