Her Night at the Lake | Sinister Madison Scott Case

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hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video we are taking a little old visit to Canada because this is a very creepy story so clearly scary Canada is where it's at why can't it be in somewhere normal like Florida or something but what happened in the middle of the night in the middle of a party was anything but normal see Madison Scott had been there she had been at a party then she retired to her sleeping bag what exactly happened then is a mystery because wasn't in that sleeping bag a few hours later and there were no clues as to what had happened in fact we wouldn't get any answers to this terrifying mystery for 12 long years and we still have some questions so let's give it a [Music] go Madison Geraldine Scott was born April 29th 1991 two parents Dawn and Elden Scott Maddie as she went by grew up with her two siblings Ben and Georgia and the three of them spent most of their lives in vanderhof right in the heart of British Columbia where there are a lot of things which can be described as nothing at all it's a small community right covering less than like three Square kilm where people have a lot of time to kill but it does have several mining operations in the area so that's great uh also a lot of that chapter videos have been set around here so do with that what you will here's another one one reason for there being so many cases set in this vast and remote area is that not far from vanderhof or Vanderhoof lies a road Highway 16 better known as the highway of Tears a road that slithers its way through endless forests valleys and plains linking the Two Princes rert and George it's 450 M long and is in such a remote and vast area well not a lot happens which means quite a lot can happen unnoticed it was given the name Highway of Tears back in 1998 but the reasoning for it goes back 50 odd years see that road as remote as it is passes through 23 First Nations communities and along this road since the 70s it's believed that over 40 women have been found murdered or simply disappeared entirely it's a poverty stricken area where drugs usage is wide money not so and truckers and other itinerant are hauling ass every single day it's a place where hitchhiking is the norm and so many women some of whom quite vulnerable can get into a truck and are never seen again unfortunately it would be remarkably easy for serial killers and others with an urge to kill they'd be able to operate there with impunity in an area that's so endless it's hard to comprehend hundreds of kilometers and miles on Northern Wilderness on each side of that road a lot of places to hide bodies and it seems they have in Madison Scott's Hometown alone Vander ho there have been a number of murders and disappearances linked to the highway of Tears In 1976 Corine Thomas a 21-year-old heavily pregnant woman was killed while hitchhiking along the highway Witnesses would say the driver of the truck that hitter Richard reop drunkenly swerved to intentionally knock her down however as Richard was white and Cor was indigenous those Witnesses were soon intimidated by the police to say she had jumped in front of his truck no charges were ever filed in 2007 Bonnie Joseph a 32-year-old mother of five was hitchiking from Vander Huff to Prince George when she simply vanished her ID and purse with an uncashed check still inside were later found on the banks of a lake what happened to Bonnie no one knows in 2010 Lauren Leslie 15 years old from vanderhof was found murdered along a remote Logging Road near Fort St James North of the Town it would later be determined that she was a victim of that chapter aluminous Cody leov like what kind of person would do something like that I'm asking what kind of person do you think would do something like that obviously not someone not a good person in 2009 Maddie graduated from naako Valley Secondary School although she did just fine academically it was socially where Maddie really shown she just loved people and would jump into anything that meant socializing even joining sports teams just for the interactions really she was just a happy young girl who enjoyed discovering who she was getting piercings and tattoos just having fun and trying to you know live in the moment she also loved to go dirt biking and horse riding just being physical and out there her brother Ben described her as being just as comfortable in a dress as she was in work overalls at the time err story takes place Madison was working at as an apprentice heavy juty mechanic for the logging industry alongside her father so fast forward or rewind to 2011 Maddie 20 years old at the time still living in the area working and partying May 27th 2011 landed on a Friday and Madison along with her friend Jordan Jordy Baldock headed out in madd's Ford F-150 to spend the night at hogsback Lake hogsback is itty bitty surrounded by dense forests on all sides now Maddie and Jordy they didn't really know each other all that well in fact they'd barely talk to each other when they'd been in school never talked to each other outside of class but they were just those sort of friends who didn't become close during school but after school they're like I actually have so much in common with you this is this is wild this is bad the invite was unexpected but Maddie was excited to have a chance to get to know Jordy and go camping now Maddie and Jordie they were far from alone going to camp at Hogs Backle in fact there was like about 50 people all going there to party and Camp all night this was a party held the same weekend every year it was the organizer's birthday now pretty much everybody who attended this party had some link some some kind of link to everybody else at that party I mean all were like between 18 and 25 and all pretty much were like locals to the vanderhof area there was a few exceptions the odd older person the odd stranger here and then but you know the party was like publicly posted right so everybody in the area saw it and I mean you know what else are you going to do downtown vanderhof now the party died down earlier than expected after a fight broke out close to midnight and most of the party goers chose to call it night and head home Maddie decided though that she'd stay at hogsback Lake turn in and she got settled into her tent and tried to drift off to sleep she was at the time exchanging texts with her father between 11:00 p.m. and halfast midnight Maddie she wasn't a big drinker and so she was happy to drift off by herself in her tent Jordy on the other hand continued to drink by the campfire though she had in fact meant to say camp in the tent with Madison Jordy actually left the party left she left with her boyfriend at around 1:30 a.m. as she was leaving though she stucked ah head into Madison saying Hey I'm I'm I'm heading out I'm heading off right catch you later Maddie wasn't actually too happy about that she was like well you're kind just going to leave me here thanks Jordy then said well hey come with us you know we're leaving come with us M though she didn't want to leave her truck and her tent unaccompanied here at the lake so she was like well I'll stay I'll camp out here I'll see you in the morning in fact as Jordie was leaving talking like from 1:00 a.m. onwards pretty much everybody was leaving a few more people who were like drifting out at camp they they even P popped ahead into toat saying hey you want to come pretty much everybody's kind of gone you're going to be here alone you want to you want to ride Maddie said no she was fine people would say she didn't seem intoxicated she didn't seem drunk but she was she seemed comfy here by herself in fact even the party organizers left saying that when they did it appeared Maddie was the only person still camping now whether Maddie knew that knew that she was alone we don't know because her mother would say if Madison knew she was the only person there she wouldn't have been there the last time Maddie was seen was at 2:45 a.m. still in her tent as the Lakeside was dark silent and empty the morning after the party at around 8:30 a.m. Jordy her friend came back to Hogs back like to that campsite because she left a couple of things in Madison's tent and she she was you'd head to work now the campsite was empty signs of last night's party still around and one tent was still standing Madison Scott's tent she found the tent and MD's white 1990 Ford F-150 still in place and the tent entrance flap was open but there was no sign of Madison Jordy now she was in a rush she was trying not to be late for work and so she grabbed her things without thinking too much about it and she left a few other attendees of last night's party they turned up then midm morning to clear up the the shite that was all around they noticed her tent was still there her car was still there her truck was still there Maddie was not there then that evening there was another party so the party was essentially a three-day weekend like Festival so on the Saturday night there was another party this time there was like three times as many people attending people who were attending this the second night of partying friends as well they they did not see her during all this time Maddie had received several texts and missed calls and hadn't replied to anyone eventually her phone battery died and calls would no longer go true several people then on the second night they kept there once again her tent was there the entire time they didn't see anybody go into it anybody come out of it no sign of Maddie at all it was kind of at that point that everything you know clicked together and Madison's mother Dawn realized Maddie was missing obviously her first call was to Elden and the two of them headed to the lake to see if they could find any evidence of where she'd gone to after all now Madison even though she lived in Vander she loved horse riding she was pretty inexperienced when it came to Outdoors so she could have gotten trapped somewhere her truck broken down and her phone had died so she was kind of stuck at there unfortunately her parents hoping and praying to find her sitting in her truck you frustrated they didn't see that instead they found her campsite still there her truck still there locked next to her tent the tent had now been flattened something which obviously caused her parents great concern when they looked inside the tent they found all of Maddie's things still there only her iPhone 4 in its distinctive teal case and her truck keys with a Gothic style lanyard attached were missing those were two things she would more than likely have with her at all times given that her truck was parked right next to him and the keys being missing that only made it more obvious that something bad had happened and as much as Madison could be you know impulsive she often like would jump into situations with her two feet without thinking too much about it she would still reply to her parents she she knew they would be freaking out if they didn't hear from her she would if she was going up she would at least text and say hey I'm fine worry was growing every minute so Dawn called the police reported Madison Scott missing hi s hi um I'm calling uh my daughter is 20 red hogsback and I haven't heard from her since Friday night and we just came out and our pickup is here in the vehicle and people haven't seen her at all okay what's her name Madison Scott and what's her date of birth April 29th 91 so she was last heard from on Friday Friday night yes okay alliv her's best here but yeah I don't know where did where do she live with you she yes with us in Vander ho does she have a vehicle with her the vehicle is here yes out at we are out at hogsback I talked to her Friday night and then we just haven't heard from her yesterday and her cell phone has been dead truck been the truck has been there all the time the truck yes it has been we at the truck and the tent right now and no answer on her no answer it's been dead it seems since yesterday the authorities took the situation as seriously as they possibly could right from the off and they trew every resource they had available at finding Maddie quickly they really went all in on trying to find her within hours of Maddie officially being made a missing person police fire and rescue and a whole ton of volunteers were out scouting the area around Hogs back Lake including in the lake itself they had divers in there cadav dogs on the land everything they could starting at the flattened tent investigators from the or CMP looked for any sign of what could have happened apart from the truck key and phone the only things unaccounted for in madd's possessions were the clothes she'd been wearing the last time she'd been seen my name is Don Scott and this is my husband Alden we are the parents of 20-year-old Madison Scott our daughter Maddie was last seen on Saturday May 28th out at Hogs back Lake just south of our hometown of Vanderhoof while we continue to receive outstanding support from our friends and the community and the RCMP continues to follow up on information and tips we have not been able to locate our daughter the first thing they were trying to find out was okay well why is her tent flattened now that was was solved kind of pretty quickly there was a guy who had flattened it would have been from the party the second night of partying somebody party fell into it flattened it it wasn't really a big deal he was cleared like pretty quickly as not having any done anything the or CMP led a grid search of the area even bringing in a helicopter and a boat with Sid scanning sonar with no sign of Maddie House to House canvasing of the area started a Facebook page and a website were set up to take in tips and get the word out about her being missing no sign was found throughout the rests of 2011 searches continued until hardly a stone had been left unexamined in June several of the attendees of the original birthday party were given polygraph tests and police tried to follow up all tips and suggestions that came in but each one faded out in time within just a couple of months posters with MD's image were all over Vander huff and the area surrounding the lake just as with so many missing persons cases a day turned into seven which became a month and the the years started passing by as the days had before each with no sign of Madison Scott she had been alone it appeared you know at the campsite after the party and then after that just poof it was like she'd been like abducted by aliens so there was no sign of a disturbance like in the tent no evidence no clues no blood no nothing her phone was missing her keys were missing she was missing the flap to her tent was open when Jordy the first person to stumbl across it stumbled across it so she had left expecting to come back in she would have only left it open if she hadn't been expecting to go along search the entire area though nothing her truck was still there okay so she hadn't driven somewhere else but had she been driven somewhere else the community and Maddy's family especially her parents hadn't given up not by a long shot they wanted to know good or bad what had become of their daughter and if there was even a minuscule chance of bringing her home they were going to fight with everything they could to make it happen the family and volunteers worked with the ormp to keep the search going organizing extra searches covering British Columbia in signs bumper stickers and posters in 2012 they even established what would become an annual poker run to raise awareness of Maddie and to encourage the community to keep her in their thoughts and all anyone could think of is that big question mark what happened but I mean from the searches it seems to be probably everyone's leaning towards good all fil play Then almost a year after Madison went missing right in February 2012 28-year-old frian bornon went missing having last been seen at a 7-Eleven in vanderhof British Columbia now fana and mty were likely known to each other but to what extent no one seems sure Jordy M's friend who accompanied her to the party said that she'd heard rumors that the two had been seeing each other but wasn't sure about it now it appears that was indeed just rumors there was no relationship they probably knew each other but we not like incahoots you know what I'm saying I think you do however the incahoots part was like well small town two people vanished within less than a year of each other but after Fon went missing he did not he did not go on go on vacay baby we begin with a major break in a local homicide case the circumstances surrounding the death of frian bjornson on the northern BC First Nation were something police couldn't explain until now the 2012 murder of the 28-year-old Vander who father remains unsolved but our imp one step closer to finding answers four people have been charged in connection with his death three weeks after he vanished kiban Bon's severed head was found at a vacant property on a reserve near Fort St James about a 40-minute drive north of vanderhof for a brief moment it looked like there might be a link between mice's appearance and bjornson's murder but it was mostly down to hearsay spreading out of control boron's horrific murder was found to be Gang Related it seemed that some uh real found out that uh Bon he came into a hefty L sum of cash so he was lured to a house party then he was taken down into the basement and he was tortured for his bank details only the torturing had gone a lot further than they had intended and he died as a result of his injuries that'll happen when he cut someone's head off all right and all the while during the search for Maddie women kept disappearing or were being killed in that area along that concrete snake nearby in 2012 April Johnson was shot dead by her fiance Kane Penner at the time C claimed he had accidentally dropped his rifle and had discharged killing her in the town of Vanderhoof however C swiftly moved on to another woman so you can you can put two and two together he was charged with manslaughter and got a whopping 23 months house arrest in 2013 K Williams 40 was found murdered along with her partner Blaine barfett in their Vanderhoof home from what appeared to have been a robbery gone wrong in 2020 two more women were found murdered in the town 62-year-old Joey Mars and 28 year-old Cassandra kale the people I've been listing they are simply victims of the highway of Tears who resided in Vander this list is a hell of a lot longer but the most recent victim of the entire Highway of Tears she too was from vanderhof 29-year-old Chelsea qua was last seen in October 2023 her body was found one month later in a wooded area the case remains unsolved but it is believed to be a homicide and so with this constantly happening not just along highway 16 but in vanderhof specifically so many cases of people disappearing or being murdered in this small community you can only imagine the fear and the torment madd's family were going through then exactly 12 years and one day after Madison Scott disappeared officers from the or CMP reported they had found human remains it's taken 12 years but today there was a major break in The Disappearance of a young woman in northern BC the remains of Madison Scott have now been found they were found at a farm just 18 km from where Maddie was last seen alive at the lake within days the bones had been positively identified as belong beling to Madison Scott despite her being confirmed dead Maddie's case wasn't immediately changed from a missing person's case to a homicide as is what usually happens given the time that had passed since you went missing it could be that the cause of death is far from certain and may not even be able to be established now but right now at least that's where things stand with madd's case the or CMP are continuing to investigate and haven't released too much publicly with how fast things often develop after the discovery of a body I wouldn't be surprised that we hear something very soon in uh 12 long years and you know it's it's um comforting in in some ways to to know but obviously um thinking of Maddie and missing that part of our community yesterday RCMP revealed a major breakthrough in the case announcing they found Scott's remains they won't say where or how but they say they have a search warrant on a rural property west of Prince George now there's been a lot of speculation about the owners of the property where her body was found having been you know somewhat involved in probably what happened to her because you know they owned where she was found because they owned where she was found because yeah um bit of speculation there now nothing's been confirmed by the authorities but I'm going to go out and Hazard a guess that you know it's not entirely shocking she was found there Madison Scott is counted among the victims of the highway of Tears a place where monsters roamed for years and continued to do so there there have been a number of serial killers who have been linked to cases along that road Bobby Jacker part-time transi construction worker full-time serial killer he operated there for a time as did Edward Dennis ISAC most recently as I mentioned at the top Cody leov Canada's youngest serial killer he was active in that area with four victims to his name I covered his story in a video before but um you know long story short he's a real sack of it's kind tough to WRA your head around yeah like do you think there's any reason any that would motivate a person to do something like that like what would cause a person to do that well I I don't know a special group called eana was set up by the ormp to investigate cases linked to Highway 16 but also really just unsolid cases in The Wider area it began in 2005 and its number of Highway of te victims is much lower than what seems to be the realistic number lower by about half and although it does cover more cases than just the highway way of Tears it has had very little success is Madison's got another case that will remain unsolved along this road so what happened that night at the camp how did she end up at the farm nobody's mentioned the word murder officially in this case but she didn't bury her own body she was found on a farm south of vanderhof not close to where she had been camping she wouldn't have walked it certainly not in the middle of the night it would have been a 4H hour walk so yeah she didn't walk it her car was still at the campsite so she got in someone else's then and then something happened I'm willing to bet that some other people did remain at the campsite after everybody else had left that Maddie was not alone locals who lived near maybe one or two guys who also happen to own some property nearby who knows I'm hazarding a guess over here her cause of death hasn't even been released having said that though the Canadian police don't tend to release much information when crimes like this occur not until the whole thing is finished trial included but it is a terrifying story an that's even been like partially closed I don't think it will make anybody sleep better at night thank you so much for watching uh it really means the world to me uh hope you enjoyed this little video or found an interesting uh number here for any information about the Madison Scott case um please check out the that chapter patreon if you're looking for Early Access videos exclusive videos all that kind of stuff and Al on Twitter Instagram that whole thing so give it a you but until the next whole video please take care of each other and yourselves because you know what shockingly I love you my [Music] care
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 530,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, madison scott, vanderhoof canada, highway of tears, cody legebokoff
Id: QMU0AItmefI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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