Detective Speaks To The Dead | The Psychic Detective (Paranormal Documentary) | Real Stories

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for 30 years Keith Charles was a police officer but he was a copper like no other he claimed to be able to talk to the dead and when I was at the police station your son contacted me and that he tells me he's now in heaven no longer a policeman is now a psychic investigator helping detectives around the world I'm walking in straight away I'm aware of spirit straightaway jinns were burnt here cat was flown over that way either the body or the weapons here what was used to kill him in America the body of a murder victim is missing tonight on real life can the psychic detective find him I set you originally you walked over my body and I just feel this is to me if not the prime murder scene I just want to call it a murder scene [Music] one in two people in this country believe in life after death but it's already scary to the cute da in Maxis isn't it for many it's a belief based on hope rather than proof no I don't even want to think it finishes here and now to me and I specially when it's got this life after death interest happening thousands of people flocked to this man seeking evidence of an afterlife he claims that God has given him a gift to communicate with those who have passed over to the other side ladies and gentlemen cream him and welcome to recite evening a fare Voyles a former Detective Constable is now one of Britain's most popular psychics please put your hands together for the man you've all been waiting to see the amazing King Charles [Applause] I put myself in a shop window where people are going to come along and for whatever reason they can take the Mickey they can decry what I do that's fine that's their opinion I'll have a problem that I got broad shoulders I spent 30 years in the police force but I've dealt with all types of things to me this is just a part of my life as a detective Keith had to fit his psychic shows around his job now retired from the police is spreading the gospel full-time do I consider myself an entertainer and not really no I don't [Music] the region center Christchurch one of 40 dates on this year's tour traveling with Keith is his promoter del a former market trader is now a veteran of the psychic circuit cuz you you you were responsible promoting Doris Stokes yes I was an evasion barrier no I wasn't on the plane you won now that wasn't to do with me I promote leader when there's no money in it ladies and the other stage bar is now the bars open come on everybody go as an ardent spirit as I said no we're not here for entertainment but quite honestly after about 30 years I can see that there is a certain amount of entertainment in it but it's also our religion take 10 your friends sit down and say how many people here believe they may have seen a ghost had a ghostly experience I don't guarantee one out of ten would have had some form of experience and we treat this very seriously keith has adopted a rather unique style somewhere between Mystic Meg and Frank butcher and you spend a lot of time in the kitchen I do and you drink a lot of tea yes so do what you've been told you shouldn't do cuz if that's okay this is what they're telling me I'm sorry we're getting a bit Quantrill and you're always looking at your kitchen window Marge yeah cuz you're quite interested in what's going on Oh what they're trying to tell me is oh I'll tell her that opposite where you sit yes right above the knife box drawer you keep your medicines that's true and your father saying why'd you keep them if you're not going to take him well I do take them but excuse me hi I'm not gonna go grab a rail with you now I've only just met you none I've met after family you we're having an argument I'm gonna come to tell you what he's telling me I'm into spiritual Asian spiritualism and all things like that and it just really interests me way that he can get so much evidence so I don't know psychic experiences myself so it's nice to hear somebody on his level so yeah I think we want to be a bit of optimism in our lives and this provides it but all I want to say is there's a lot of love here all right there's a great deal of love from heaven they're concerned about you all right they don't think much of the curtains you've just put up in the kitchen and your father is saying to me look tell her I love her you understood it thank you but when when he was a boy we sometimes hear him chatting away and was hurry to answer I'll talk to my friend and there is it really imaginary friends and we didn't realize then that it was going to develop into being a medium right here's down yeah quite a few married friends didn't he when he was younger Heath believes it was the start of his psychic awakening he was just eight years old but he didn't learn to understand the visions and messages he was getting until he joined spiritual development classes many years later I might literally see Uncle Fred as a silhouette if Uncle Fred had a deformity in his right hand he may show me his right hand and there may be two fingers missing and he was obviously trying to emphasize that so I can give it to the individual now if Uncle Fred was a York Sherman I might hear him talking with an accent so sometimes I will hear a voice sometimes it may be a series of pictures accompanied by words but most of the time it is a voice that I hear talking to me did you ever hear him talk into his imaginary friend know you could hear him talking upstairs you know if he was upstairs or something you'd hear him talking and you're so you're talking to instead so like mum it's only my friend and then that was that we used to think Oh leave him alone you'd be all right sort of thing you know I have a Scottish link here and it's not very pleasant link quite honestly I've got a juggler who was stabbed today and he's talking I'm not sure if he's Scottish or he links with Scotland so I need to ask him forgive me there's not a lady here who is rose oh no no don't let me go back did somebody leave a Braemar hello you're at the back what's your name sorry rose he's Scottish blimey he's got some ink right the boy you know a young man that was stabbed to death because he is telling me first of all he spoke about Scotland spoke about rose he's telling me that I need to go back in time for this would you have lived in a block of flats please are you sure let me describe something to you tell me where you're from Glasgow right he's going north side of Glasgow North East is that an area that you would have lived in yes yes and I did live in a block of flats when I lived there that's okay I can hear something that sounds like Braemar Braemar prae mir somebody in your family would have worked on railways or something or the buses because I can he's talked about does that make sense to you who was it my dad yeah because your dad helped this young man now does this come back to you have you remembered the man that was stabbed outside the pub I know what I've told you is 100% correct we've never met look I want to say quite honestly from this young man police say thinks he was the only man who did anything and it has been my pleasure not mine Robby's I've just said what's your name he said Robbie so we got Robbie mecca levy or mcaveeney and he says I was 24 and you will find out this is correct thanks rose god bless you thanks tonight's takings were total more than two and a half thousand pounds but Keaton Dell insists that all profits must go back to their spiritualist church your daddy I've been to see a psychic tonight and he it had a message for me from some large that the stabbed to death years ago you said that you had something to do with you you didn't stop him that you helped and it was outside a pub and you remember anything about this Muslims as homemade as you he's just done 33 years eventually how is a yeah silly sod on yeah you should have spoken to me all right well uh what's your name I'll put you on our here let's just not kill better there you got a pain there's a name Brimmer mean anything to you alright you were brilliant are much much impressed you give any help to this man here yeah great turmoil I've been telling quite a lot of things give us a ring I never checked you on the phone all right all all on would say to just very quickly is it your guy and down the right track did you help somebody that was dying did you lose your son in November Oh 1994 1994 so was Mac Tina how old was she is everything a shaming Lee yeah right because the man was adamant it kept saying the name Braemar thank you for a most enjoyable evening thank you for science aye sir and how much what happened last time we met up when you were here you said my right leg would get better and the left one would play up guess what then left where I could sit over on the left hand side then I could mean everyone has dropped up and right ones better ah when he was in the war his regimen he was evacuated from Bremen and Easter for my father and he said that there was a lot it could have been somebody during the war that was killed and my dad helped because he said a lot of people were being killed round him and he was 22 when he was evacuated from this primar so it could have been somebody from away you know from the past I had a lovely show I enjoyed it very much show not really been the right word but you know me yeah that's the way we describe them people often say oh yeah well if you're good then you gotta have plants in the audience well to me I pack it up if if I had to go to their um my kidding at the end of them I'm kidding myself I couldn't be happy with that I'm too honest to feel happy that I'm gonna cheat be well I'm not a cheap you don't like the phone case [Music] I'm the president of this church and have been since 1982 this is also Keith Charles's church he's frequently he ate as private readings and he demonstrates on many occasions this is our office it's the headquarters of the church and it's also the headquarters of our life after death promotions I found life after death promotions with the great Doris Stokes to promote spiritualism around the country and I'm glad to say in the last 18 to 20 years this we have done well spiritually is basically continuation of life after death and though it's a mediums job to prove that there is life after that is to prove survival it is as simple as that and there's a long queue of people seeking proof of survival I don't believe in life after death my mum had cancer for near three years and I was 16 when she died and that's the main reason I go to see psychics is try and get some contact with my mum debbie has been visiting psychics for several years the believe she is communicated with her mother just once she hopes a visit to Keith will bring her mum back to her once again first time that they've all gone through I felt bit numb and a bit shocked as well because however much you wanted it I wasn't actually sure it's going to happen and um I'd sat there and I had just tears running down my face Keith holds his private readings at the church they can be rather emotional Affairs are you having a conservatory or an extension bill on the back because if you say no I'm going to say to you you are because you've been talking about extending the back of your house know that when you locked up your car to come here did you put something in your glove compartment then what is he talking about [Music] on the other side of the church Dell is about to enter the busy surgery of a Roman physician sorry I've got the television cameras out so and they just want to sweep Brown we give nobody objects does anybody object thank you very much this is our healing sanctuary at the moment this is Ray Brown the famous psychic surgeon and translator but although you can see what you think is right down there that is Paul this is a portrait of Paul that is Ray Browns guide he died some 2,000 years ago but at this first precise moment he's here now working through mr. Brown Ray Brown is not there at the Lyman he could be out anywhere shopping but that is Paul at the moment Paul was in the time of Jesus ugly yes he walked years at the time of Jesus and he's trying to be a doctor in the spirit world now and he comes back and he is now entranced by Paul my husband is entranced by Paul and he can see through the body he can see all the muscles bones tissues of the body he's actually a surgeon may be thankful if you like he's a speaker so he didn't turn his oh my I come from the spirit world and I trained Raymond so that he leaves his body and then I take over his body I must tell you that although you've just heard ray speaking that's not his normal voice when you see him out of trance he's completely different you're out of trance now I mean and I'm speaking too right yeah so can you just explain you know what's the process of you coming out of all right well basically while going into trance first thing in the morning is when we first get here and I'm out now for me break which I see is very short now bollocks happens as I sit down and then Paul draws close to me and I step out of it body and he steps in and I stay here and do my work and when I'm finished I leave his body he returns to his body and I go back into the spirit world and get on with my work and he carries on with his life I had out of the body experiences from around about five years old he was lifted in and out of his body for some 14 years eventually I realized that I could move around so I could actually tell me mom what was in me dad sandwiches and yet I've been put to bed before he became a psychic healer ray worked as a brick Ian Lester she said get a shrink that's the power of spirit after a shaky start it seems Keith is finally linking in with Debbie's mum this lady has just popped in and he said she's been waiting to hear from this lady she said it's very nice is your mum that he's talking about because he said it's her mum she wants to talk to him not me and she's even wearing a ring is that right you got a ring on today and as she comes in I feel that I don't know my my feelings I'm impressed with her I'm not going to see the grandchildren grow up in this life which is something she was thrilled to bits when you had tuned this is how she's telling me but I'm going to keep an eye on them from heaven and yes I do when you talk to me you spoke to it in here after she passed away and you whispered in her ear and you said I hope you can hear me is what she's saying I love you mum what was it that convinced you that it was your mum and the fact that he actually told me it was my mom and before that he said to me that there was a lady there and I was wearing a piece of her jewelry which is my wedding ring for her wedding link which is now my wittingly and he said to my mum and he even gave me her name and everything that's been straight away a new chin you totally convinced that she was really in that room totally Kermit in America there is another woman relying on Keith spiritual gift if somebody could tell me exactly what happened to Thomas when he died how he died it would be like an answer to a prayer in 1998 26 year-old Thomas Mixon disappeared his mother has not seen him since I started searching I went door-to-door with pictures of Thomas in his neighborhood talked to people at the stores ah even went so far as to go view a body and the longer this went on the more I knew Tom was either being tortured somewhere or he was dead the police ascertain Thomas is dead they even have a suspect awaiting trial for his murder but despite that they have never found his body the recovery of his remains would be vital evidence for the police and bring huge comfort to his mother [Music] oh you breathe excuse me you breathe over it you scream you're walking forth you do a lot of bad but there's no answers [Music] Nancy is hoping Keith Charles can provide those answers psychically it's the ultimate test to find the body of her murdered son it's been almost three years since TJ Mixon was murdered in Buffalo New York state but the police have never found his body since his retirement from the British police Keith Charles has been forging links with forces abroad six months ago he met detectives working on TJ's murder in America they told him nothing about the case but were curious enough to test his psychic claims and handed him a photograph of TJ immediately I was given this photograph I was aware of this almost like energy force of his spirit who told me that he was dead keith says he received further psychic messages directly from TJ which he then passed on to the police TJ told Keith of a fire at the back of a warehouse he even said the police had recovered his shoe from the ashes of this fire and I was seen being given the information by TJ of where this was even to the fact that he said that the particular officer I was speaking to had actually walked over where this man's body had been keith was proved right the warehouse fire and shoe all existed the Buffalo police asked him to work with them on the case but at the time Keith wasn't able to extend his stay in America I think the fact that keith is a former police detective gives him some more credibility in the eyes of the police officers that would work with him I think it's unusual for a police officer to claim to have psychic abilities again we're anxious to see you know whether whether keith is able to help us out or now ever since I was a young girl I believe that psychics and some people are blessed with extraordinary powers that are able to communicate with the dead six months later keith has offered to return to Buffalo he believes he can contact TJ again and lead detectives to his body our hopes with Keith are just astronomically high right now I just feel like I've brought Keith into our lives and that I truly feel he's going to be able to give us the answers for closure if he's gifted enough to give us Thomas back I want to try to end it and go on with my life it's the opportunity keith has been waiting for during his career in the British police senior officers were unwilling to accept his psychic powers it meant that he rarely used his gift and even then only unofficially it was very frustrating because there was a lot of prejudice against mediums in the same way that perhaps we look at the analogy of homosexuals and you go back 20 years and they perhaps had to keep it under lock and key and it wasn't as accepted it is now I mean we deal in hard facts I mean everything we have to do is got to be accountable if some lead you must say I think there's a body underneath the housing estate where in the estate where's the evidence how do we go and approach that it can't go and dig up a carpark or sits anjum Sonos knock your hands down and I just wish the British police force could perhaps undo the top button on their car a little bit just relax a little bit I'm not asking that become naked I'm just ask them just to relax a little bit and give us a go you think slowly oh I keep an open mind I will never ever answer that question Oh [Music] Buffalo New York the psychic detective has flown back into town to hunt for the body of murder victim TJ mixer [Music] the force should be on his side since Keith believes America is his spiritual home he claims that in a previous life he existed as a Confederate soldier who was killed fighting in the Civil War caps by their very nature are somewhat skeptical of this type of thing but we will be open-minded and if Keith can lead us to their body I'd be absolutely thrilled place the Keith's wife Christine has made the trip from England with him Heath begins by recapturing the original psychic vision he had of the warehouse on his last visit the police have told him nothing about the case I was very much aware what I described as the warehouse and coming out where there was a fire at the back and then as I saw it going out from the back of there a manhole or a covering in the wind called it undergrowth but grass or dirt or whatever which I'd like to sort of say is you get close to certain areas do your impressions become strong yes yeah yeah and that's why I was hoping that maybe if we went we'll call it on the ground we went there and you get help already I would either say yes we're on the right here when the right Samantha you're thinking of yeah sorry could I ask him just before we go did you search your warehouse please yeah yeah but that's all he's getting once Keith is out of earshot the significance of the warehouse they are about to visit is revealed they defended in the case had access to this warehouse and it's just a we feel would be a good location to dispose of a body it's not like he could have known the relevance of the warehouse no not that we know of Keith has several spirit guides who help him contact the dead there's kirinda a Mongolian warrior Charlie a 17th century London Barrow boy and today it's Tobias a Spanish month Tobias is a guardian angel if you like and he lived on this earth as a monk years ago be like a modern-day Cadfael really like you know but he's he's somebody that helps not he's my guardian angel but hopefully we'll be out of if TJ's available linking TJ to victim in this case what I'm aware of a contact I just start to feel excited when you get really close you start to feel like perhaps having a cold shower or electric shock going through you there's just a change in sensations that the body has the words liquor-store dunno why I'll get a lives liquor store [Music] to reduce pimples slightly build-up there must be getting close then as a test Jim deliberately drives past the warehouse hoping Keith will tell him he's gone too far actually past the place yeah there's a liquor store if there's one detectives first search the warehouse several months ago yeah go and see if they caught it TJ's don't believe it it wasn't it I'm walking in straight away I'm aware of spirit straight away [Music] I'm just aware of spirit I'm just aware I don't have this a sink or something under there but I'm looking for a wash area and this is a wash area yeah so some that that's how I sort of imagined it you know being underneath the wall behind a wall I just didn't really I just draw bay then one then they turned around when I came back to see if he was gonna get you know say I'll turn around or something but he didn't but he was also answering a question they asked him a question about that time and he was talking so I don't know if he lost his train of thought or what but yeah on his way here when we're at Sycamore a couple blocks away he started feeling steady ever the feeling I don't know you've just taken over have you Tara video for a well with I can see that's obviously knocked down it might because you had to warn it for cut was there a smaller entrance as well no I sure this is not what's that in that's new brickwork there was another area there I didn't tell him yet but the door was smaller this is where the Laker was found right last time we're here this was a little different but it was basically get stuff you get all did burn right I'm one day during his last visit to Buffalo Keith told the police they'd recovered a shoe from a fire pit at the warehouse this is the actual pit they took part of a training shoe fry clothing was burn here I know I know I can see it jeans jeans were burnt here cat was fine over that way almost almost like I'm here so much like it's a I don't know it I'm here either the body or the weapons here that was used to kill you they dispose of this weapon which was a knife here that's shitty but there's at the shame when you say I want to show you about this long Oh in this truck yeah I used to keep it in this pic I don't need to see I did have a curve on the end it was a curved you remember me telling you the blade curved up always do we know where that is the trucks going keith has already told detectives a curved knife and a pickup truck a connected with the murder yes the back entrance actually comes from the other side I need to ask you something Jim please don't think I'm off me ed I said you originally that you've walked over my body remember when TJ write energy I said you've walked over my body and I just feel this where we are today is where TJ was either disposed of or his clothing and everything else was disposal this is to me if not the prime murder scene I just want to call it a murder scene keith has become intent on finding a drain or manhole cover he believes either a weapon or TJ's body could be underneath it what I'm looking for is a drain or some sort of drain up this area that's to be honest what I feel at the moment there's gotta be a drain somewhere I just want to find this drain about right here it's little green my image is just of them what I call a manhole cover you know that big I still cannot get away from what I see as a manhole cover so I want to sort of collect my thoughts and go back to where I see this man Oh cover this the only thing we thought of possibly what he said that this never was open anyway this was a probably old range for here you know that yeah [Music] at the warehouse Keith is about to search a drain for the body of murder victim TJ mix another grid under there another doing it hold on yeah thinking there must be something perhaps under there to peer down there is gonna cost nothing is it you know just to look down the drain if there's nothing there's nothing there but but detective Giardino believes the drain hasn't been disturbed for several years and won't take the search any further I'm just interesting that I would probably sift this you know take this up very cleric closely just in case there was something in there as does a sniffer dog being brought to this premises yes negative results he didn't find anything drains are important here that's what I get but it's not Keith's investigation and if the Americans refuse to continue with the search there's little he can do spiritually and psychically I'm left here seeing as we're the last dealings with TJ worth I know there was two men involved I know they were in a truck they've been out and they've been doing some drug dealing I believe TJ had ripped him off they'd lost their temper and in a peak of temper he'd killed him keith has got some details correct but much of what he is said cannot be verified until the body is found or the killer confesses you know some things are closed but not exactly the way the way we understand them you know it doesn't mean we're right doesn't mean you know he's wrong but he hasn't found the body TJ's mother has been pinning her hopes on Keith's being able to find her son I want to tell you that when I was at the police station your son contacted me and that he tells me he's now in heaven and if I could say to you which is sounds perhaps a little bit dismissive it's not meant to be that he's in a far better place now and that he's quite happy and he's quite well that's what I feel I want to say to you and I was drawn very much to a warehouse and we've actually been there and I felt CJ was telling me this was the last place that he was taken do you mind me talking about this I don't upset you I don't know everything out you sure that's what we okay that's what we will email like you I've lost a son my son Matthew was 20 when he was killed in a road accident so as a father I could share your loss as a mother what I don't have is that extra grief because you don't know about your son all I want to tell you there's a responsible man that he's quite happy in heaven that he started a new life the following day keith has begun to reflect on his failure to find the body he believes the American police are partly to blame I feel that they have been somewhat guarded with their own truth in what they've told me the investigators which has been nothing as far as I'm concerned they've not told me a thing he described a smile currently they stay described as a long machete type knife when he came to visit us several months ago and he mentioned a knife then but he described it as a black handled knife which was used for stripping I don't know exactly what kind of a knife that that would be but it doesn't sound like it would be a machete I've been to a warehouse that I saw that was given to me by Spirit I described it the ingredients were there everything was there I can only give that to the police and say that I'm drawn to go in there you now get on and do your better work and they that area was searched pretty thoroughly and two occasions and we had a year a dog that has a pretty well proven track record for corpses that are buried in the ground I know that those policemen will only accept it when I do say open that door and there's a body I would have loved to come here and found that body or evidence that would tangibly prove where that body is I believe we can still do that at the warehouse I honestly believe there is evidence there that will say that's where his body was disposed of fair mean somewhat skeptical because they still haven't seen any any type of tangible proof that psychic ability worked in this case people will make up their own mind when they see this what they think of me I'm telling you how I see it and I see it that I've passed the test my money my money don't want them Saturday evening back in South London Keith swaps the world of psychic investigation for a night out of the dogs [Music] [Music] the track is a regular aunt Keith even has his own Greyhound called enjoy your luck racing later it's all in keeping with the image he wants to promote that of a modern-day psychic I would say that as regards the general feeling probably ten years ago about mediums and psychics was that perhaps a little bit screwy 3.62 2042 we have a job to point there's a life after day and that life after death doesn't affect me getting on with my daily life I'll come to the dogs I'll go out and carry I'll go to the cinema I'll go the rock concerts I just consider myself a man in the street that's all with perhaps a special gift Oh [Applause] maybe lovely I'm sure people say that I would say no it must have picked every winner then because the spirits are going to give them every winner but it's not like that at all my my gift is not to go out to make money and if I did I might just discard my gift which would be very wrong you know I could perhaps pick six numbers on the lottery be very happy myself but that's not what God to give me the gift for he's given it to share with people Clare is another whose turn to Keith in the hope he can help her move forward I had a miscarriage in October of last year I'm hoping that when I go that I will get the baby come through just comfort for myself to know that it has gone on they is still living and I know that if it is up there my kindness looking after it if my baby comes through I will be comforted I will be happy it was very hard thing to go through to lose and still grieving now so I'm hoping that if it comes through that it'll be a good reading and yeah you'll give me fulfillment to know that it's okay for me if it's an emotional matter that is very deep within me and I can't find that answer within myself yeah then I will go so came yeah chello was so impressed with his last visit to Keith he's decided to book in again he are Talman my number my house and where it was situated and how many kids I've got and same time he named some numbers over which at that time when I was seeing him didn't really pay I didn't pay attention to it but after those numbers was of houses that I know people who liver designate this as nothing off in sight is not a charlatan he is the real deal he's the main there's many people say that years ago everybody was psyching and probably everybody is psyching now but it's bringing it out bringing it to the forefront so that you know your psychic ability I hope so I think I have yes yes yes not as great as faith and other people but yes I have psychic abilities I just want to say how's his leg cuz he's had a bit of a bad leg your other half what did he do to his left ankle ah dad huh that was new dad was it it was your dad's left I do apologize she's more confident and said she's older than you is she yeah younger now your mum right was quite affected by your dad's passing it's your first name nine letters no where is this yeah is this somebody else in your mum's life because I want to say to you I don't know if she's got a partner at the moment but he let me just tell he what I said he's not jealous all right then if she hasn't got a partner she's got a very good man friend if you know I mean and I don't mean that rudely does that make sense she's still rude to my doubts my grandad that's I think communicating with you well who sorry I've got this right no no no no can't kind of that cuz I'm wrong it's almost I would be insulting you to try yeah but it's something like Shaddaa were or something do you see what I mean what alright I'm wrong but I'm saying I'd be outside was itself a nice shove a nice well I'm always getting up like our words right so I'm just telling you your grandmother right she would have passed over no that's um probably his mum like when dad's mom no no no no no let's start again okay no I want to get this right all right I can be wrong and that can be very wrong and I'm not very wrong I'm wrong about your mum and dad right I accept Keith's claims the reason he isn't always spot-on is because the voices he hears and the pictures he sees sometimes don't present themselves as clearly as he would like but halfway through Claire's reading spirit contact grows stronger would this be your child because I want to I want to say correct myself and he's saying it's not my child it's her child so I'll forgive me so he's looking after your baby I want to say your baby um and I want to say to you that I'm very much aware of my head with this baby all right the condition that took the child over sorry I don't mean to upset you all right the region went absolutely brilliant when dust come through babies come through everything I'd hoped for has come through you surprised yeah I wasn't sure if it would happen but it has so I've come out very happy I would like to think that I'm a responsible medium and psychic I would hope that I give people the best evidence I can of a life beyond this one it's not my job to run their life for them and he is saying to me right that this won't be bad it will be a struggle but you will be pleased with the results because I want to say to the black that I saw was in the past if I set myself up as I got that would be totally irresponsible and he wants to say I love my son thank you I'm not there to preach at them I'm just there hopefully to establish a link with a loved one that they've lost he said and I'm very proud the way you've coped and they said and I know it left you really devastated when he passed may God look after you take care of you and God bless you thank you very much indeed good night Bubba I mean we don't want to die I do me but you know we got to die but um yeah I don't think there's anything to be frightened of this is my reason accept and come to an end easier yeah then what we would have done have we not gone through this stage with teeth he's for our mind are these more [Music]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 2,228,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topic, Documentary, BBC Three documentary, paranormal, BBC, PBS, ghost documentary, Sky, Amazing Stories, Extraordinary people, paranormal activity documentary, Amazing Documentaries, ITV, Real Stories, tlc, only human, Full length Documentaries, true stories, detective, BBC Three, Documentary Movies - Topic, timeline, police, Movies, psychic detective, Full Documentary, Channel 4, Channel 5, paranormal documentary, transgender documentary, TV Shows - Topic, BBC 3, Documentaries, crime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2016
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