Man v Field: Metal Detecting UK - Best Finds of 2020

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[Music] jammy get he's got he's on his second silver of the day yeah that's it you feel that old prop there so yeah he's on his second silver look at that it is a george the third i think that's a shilling i think yeah george said shooting uh we're looking at 1817 kraken apparently that game what did you say give 94 must wow awesome bit of silver that two bits of silver for dad today and that um cloth seal that's not a bad bad day really it has been a slow day today but uh some of the fines has been really nice they can't win them all but uh we'll happily take that jammy git what an absolute beaut look at that that is wonderful i think that's constantine again that is crazy haha lovely that was comment what the numbers were what a signal though that was it was a great signal on it i imagine it sounded like it was in the 80s fantastic that's what it's about oh that's a beauty that's like a groat oh wow oh my word wow that's a short cross for sure wow that's nice beauty that is that's uh it's a short cross so what was that um uh henry richard or john wow does anybody know who that is that is an absolute stonker it's not even well shaped apart from damage it's not even clipped what a beauty that is very very very old around about was it 1100 1100 to 1200 wow we've just stepped onto this new field wow that is fantastic we are having we are rocking on let's hope the day continues like this this is amazing well done man well done thank you smile well it's not the best but it's not the worst who is that little ponytail there look i think i might be able to get some of this stuff off at home looks like there's a victory standing there in the center and this is only about five feet away from where i found that concretion coin yeah there you go marcus aurelius maybe i really don't know so um one for facebook hopefully someone on the group should be able to help me with this one what a beauty what a beauty oh so glad that i came back after lunch it was going quite slow i seem to find a good spot here so we'll keep at it yeah proper chunky coin fantastic and today's mystery find who knows what that is looks old yeah get that cleaned up and we'll show you later there we go guys and girls i'm not sure if it's edward but that's uh that's a welcome sight i'm really happy i don't sound it but i am it's uh we've been out about three hours we've done a good deal as well we've found a hidden water pipe for a for the farmer so three hours in we're finally getting to do some decent swinging and uh there we go right let's crack on shall we all right here we go then try and get the get the right light it's a william iii it looks like a sixpence it has a date of 1696. so that is happy days happy days we've got a feeling that there's possibly a track around here but uh yeah there's a little e it's in the bottom left-hand corner of the bust and if you can see that in this light but eric yeah eric essex i don't know he's just a mint mark isn't it e edinburgh yeah could be ending bro sorry all right here we go 1696. let's say edinburgh i'm just guessing all right doing really well got a couple of hours left so hopefully we can find a fifth silver or maybe that gold who knows see the next guys i don't believe this i thought it was a ring pull i'm just going to show you straight away i'm on the corner it's the right junk hole around here and that's just popped up oh man that's got to be gold i don't know if it's a diamond but that is gold it's got to be very thin hallmarks oh that is look at that someone got a bit fed up and they just decided to throw their ring i can't see no hallmarks though oh come on that's a bit interesting no hallmarks but it doesn't look that old that is my first lady's gold ring uh ah there you go there's the horn box right okay hold on um excuse me i can't tell what it says three something seven right anyway oh beautiful what a find [Music] i don't know what to say what's that going to be is that a diamond it looks set in it could be a diamond i don't think it's a diamond but anyway uh fantastic um wow i've done it again i'm so happy i was thinking a few weeks ago i don't really seem to find much modern you know uh ring ringage um i see other people pulling up rings left right and center but don't seem to really they seem to elude me until today that is wonderful we're happy with that get in lovely yeah i've just split the cod open i thought it was going to be a bit of aluminium because it gives such a dodgy scratchy signal and i just split the cod open and there you go there's an imprint now from that can you tell what it might be let's move over here shall we oh we're happy there you go straight away look at that you can tell the pineapple's there so i believe that's james i think uh james the first i think it is but yeah took my gloves off you know trying to keep this cloth together because when i split the clod open it literally was like that like i said that's the imprint [Music] it wasn't very deep so it's all falling apart me now anyway yeah says the other side of the imprint not just there oh look at this looks nice as well not bad nick i don't know what to do what do you call it denomination uh so i'll go for a penny is that a penny [Music] yes i think that's a penny of james the first i think don't find too many of these i think i've only ever found one one i think maybe before but that's fine a couple but uh yeah that's fantastic it looked a bit silly it needs a bit of a cleaning up a bit tarnished but you can't beat a good old hammer can you so that's uh also has 1600s happy days honestly i've just been digging up three or four bits of aluminium i've had a large bit of copper alloy plate a bit of some moo tubes so i wasn't really thinking this was going to be much and it had a real uh i'm using the hot program gary's top program and it had a bit of a scratch at the end of the the signal uh quite a nice mid to high tone signal but it had like i said had a bit of a scratch at the end of the signal and i thought usually that's the side of aluminium and it could have been maybe it was on its edge or something that's why it's a dodgy signal i gotta dug it now that is lovely yeah just shows you dig the dodgy ones you never know i don't want to clean it much more than that for now but it's stunning it's got some blue enamel still on there as well how wonderful is that i think it's some sort of like a trump no i don't think it's a trumpet bridge maybe i don't know trumpet or head stud brooch maybe but then there's no head on the top i'm not sure on the on that one at the moment but that is an absolute view absolutely beautiful well over the moon it's been it's been a long hard day today i've got about an hour or so left but it's been a long hard day and uh it's picked up towards the end of the day hasn't it yeah this morning i think um i went back with about four romans which is still really good i'm really happy with that but given what's been coming off of here recently that was a really slow start but you can't complain at that camera right i'm actually going to take that back to the car because it's too fragile to ride around my box at the moment right happy days so you always bring us a good look my two boys i just got a youngest one out of me today but yeah one shilling 1869 looks like it has a an r or something above the the date so i'll check that out but yeah there you go victoria queen victoria young uh is that young bun head i think yeah cracking first decent signal if anybody what 20 minutes well that was a junk pile down that way but we started to call up the hill and uh be rewarded but yeah we'll stay away from that junk pile that is uh awful down one half of the field well they've got rest we've got the other half the field to uh to keep going at let's keep going as i said let's keep going you know when i throw my gloves down i found something good 57 oh yeah it was about four inches ready boom i think that's a cut half let's do the review yep let's have a look short cross i think i don't don't recognize it but faint scottish maybe or something i don't know i can't make out what that says okay so that looks like a short cross cut half but it really doesn't look like anything i've seen before i think i can see a scepter on the left there wow three hammers in one day is the best i've ever done and i've equalled it today on a personal level i found about five bits of silver in one day before that was good but this equals my best ever hammered coinage for in one day now it's coming to about two o'clock now so i've got about an hour left gotta pick the kids up from school and all that lot so yeah awesome awesome oh that's just ran over yeah we don't look great we're wet but uh there you go it's just run over and shouted silver that i think it's george the first i'm not sure what it is though it's a shilling or what it's got a bit corrosion which we'll try and get off when we get back but that is a beaut there's an absolute view yeah that button that button nose there gives it away a little bit but i'm pretty certain that is george the first so i'll put it in the region of 17 20 something maybe 17 30. absolutely fantastic that is that is brilliant about the corrosion yeah a bit of corrosion there we'll try and see if we can get that off um but yeah absolutely fantastic what a great dig so far guys uh it's been about three and a half hours and as you can find out from the clips so far we haven't found an awful lot however whilst waiting for a dad i have just found i believe is gold so i actually had to break the plugs open and it fell back into there and i've already kind of picked it out and throw it back because i think i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure that's called that color you just don't can't mistake that color so it is how it was found so let's um yeah it doesn't zing it but let's give it a wipe that color you just can't mistake that color that's got to be gold go it looks like it's been hacked that's my only my third piece of gold ever wow all right um i supposed to better stick around a scenario they're sorry for a bit shortly yes so guys we think that's either iron age or bronze age hack gold sorry i'm getting a bit excited to actually tell you what i think it is so it's definitely gold feels like gold um possible it's not an ingot it's just a bit heckled by a looks of it could be viking but you just don't know i'll take that though get in there he is not quite sure who that is at the moment but it's a beaut shame out the back there it's gotta be corrosion on it of some kind does anybody know if you do please comment below yeah i'll get some wax on that when i get back and hopefully we can get some detail off of it that is lovely that's what we're here for finally fantastic and i missed that two runs i've done up and down here and i missed that before just shows you right that is back of the net it's been about half hour so fast aluminium but it's very quiet in fairness so i'm not too worried a couple of uh bullets there bullet casings put them back in the bag a fan of a bit of lead as well and then this is my first real proper signal uh it was very shallow and you can see where i just pulled the celsini crops out and yep i don't wasn't really sure whether to record this or not because you know people ain't gonna believe it i don't believe it that it's called just like that it looks like it's very pitted and eroded that's a saxon coin so not bad at all really i've never found anything saxon in this area before it looks like it's one of those little skeets but you can see it's very pitted and worn i'll get that cleaned up um brilliant i'm actually a bit gobsmacked i have found one of these before uh that was about a mile to the west so maybe there's something going on in this area then but yeah that's how i found a porcupine ski or something like that and then i think this one is looking very similar very pitted though um i got it cleaned up and we've got to enter the round up but um yeah i don't know what to make of that no doubt someone will say oh i planted it but you just got to get out there guys and uh make it happen and and for me so far half hour in loads of junk and then first actual decent anything turns out to be quite a rare coin can't make it up i don't know what to say it is what it is fantastic uh let's have a little wonder around here and see if there's anything else um who knows well i've wandered around for another 20 minutes found some more aluminium this field is definitely good for aluminium and my next find you're not going to believe this can you see something glinting in the sun just there let's see if you can see it i'm going slowly easiest hammered coin i have ever found that is exactly how i found it sunbather i mean it's just loose has been flicked up wasn't it by the plough so i mean i knew it straight away look how clean that is the sidespin obviously lie on the surface that is a beauty let me get the macro lens on and i'll be right back here we go look so it's not open work and then that's that's the seal sorry about the wind guys all right i'll try and get some good pictures around up for that cool you're not going to believe this but i'll still film it some people will say oh he planted this uh i have nothing to say to that other than whatever now this is my fifth signal so i've had a couple of a couple of uh caution well uh bullet casings aluminium and i've had a couple of bits of hedge fodder and this is i think it's my 546 signal i've been about 25 minutes now so i've started on the quiet side of the field before i get to the georgian hot spot that was giving me 68 68 71 thereabouts and now i can see from that unless it's a very fancy button that looks like it's going to be a hammered coin and i finished the last session on this field with a hammered coin albeit in the dark and i'm pretty much starting with the hammer coin already today now that is look which i have rarely ever get um so well without food let's just break it open and so look shall we it's relatively deep because i almost missed it in fact i think i might have even scraped it slightly because it was in the side wall and it's quite deep let's have a look though uh i could see what appears to be a rose if i did scrape it it was only very gentle so that's good i might go away with that oh watch this just what we're saying i'm going to guest for elizabeth for that rose it's going to fall out let's have a look um sorry if there's any wind noise i apologize uh not much i can do about it really let's have a look 1575 so that's going to be elizabeth the first that's quite a big coin actually i think that's a three punch wow look at that what a start not too deep i've been finding that not when i say not too deep i mean it's deep enough i suppose but i've been finding victorian georgian deeper so yeah stuff which is more recent is deeper than what this was happy days that's a great start fantastic well here you have it looks like it was a seal type ring looks like the antaglio has fallen out of had a glass seal or some kind in there is that roman who knows but certainly it looks like it's treasure oh that's mental oh i've done it again though haven't i have a peek too early wow i'll check the soil and see if there's any glass intaglio in there i don't think it will there will be what uh yeah hey fantastic first ever silver ring believe it or not in five years right let's put that in the good bag all right guys a bit shallow this one i'm not sure what that is that's why i thought i got it on camera in case it's something good it looks silver but is it let's have a look oh is it just gonna be junk oh no no i'm still going look silver holy smokes that's a silver unit hey that's crazy let me just clean that up give me a sec that is amazing hold on all right my dad just flung this over to remember what he's found it looks like a chinese coin see that chinese is it japanese that's awesome i've heard about these i mean in america's they find these quite a lot uh don't hear about them being found an awful lot in the uk but at the moment in the field i'm guessing that is a chinese coin from i think 1800s yeah all right we'll uh have to ask facebook see if everybody knows exactly what that is fantastic good start check this out i've just flicked the plug and it's just staring at me what is that yeah exactly dad jetten oh yeah beauty what is that what is that oh that looks different okay let me get that cleaned up one sec guys got a wowzer moment we think that is a stator but we're not sure is it gold it feels heavy but it's it's got like a yellowing on it this is fantastic what it is but i haven't seen gold go like that before so i'm i think that's gold-plated i think that's some sort of celtic coin you see that the boys are really excited i'm trying to be excited but i don't want to get my hopes up i'm pretty sure that's a celtic there's a bit of yellow tint on it which i think that is probably gold plated and i think the celts did that it's in a similar area to where i found celtic coin the other day any ideas though guys any ideas please drop a comment below but yeah that is awesome iron age coin is just there right there look i never found a call like this before but look can you see that gold goldy color coming through i don't think it's cold i'll say i think that's gold-plated because you won't get that green color but that is awesome absolutely awesome fantastic i can't remember what that was i thought i took a box off office i don't know what numbers that came in through it was a very high-pitched noise not very deep probably four inches yeah oh that is definitely happy days i'm not quite sure exactly what it is i'll take that all day i don't know if i believe it myself definitely coming through in the 80s and i've seen it so i don't know i'm talking like i i haven't but uh yeah let me find it again um so 20 minutes on now i found that bit of gray wear straight away that was really good good sign finally uh i found about two or three bits of white lead also a good sign um and a georgian tom back button and nothing much else really so it's quiet but i mean this is a big field however i've seen this and i put it back in the hole so let me so i just wanted to get i feel for the signal i thought it was a bit of lead ah probably lost it again now maybe i get the pinpointer again like i said i've already seen it i thought it was just a bit of lead i saw the edge so i know i know that's a hammer i know it is i saw the edge a minute ago so it's kind of like that what a cork or that is though in it look how big that is hopefully there's some detail let's give it a white shall we okay a is bit worn please be nice please be nice that is not bad at all oh that's beautiful seriously guys this is my first real proper target really i cannot believe it someone's talking about first hole look the other day not quite first hole i suppose that is fantastic and i don't think i've ever found one like that what a beaut right so i think sorry giggling like a little child um let's have a look then be serious uh i've not seen that mint mark before so is that mint mark i think i don't know or is that charles i don't know i i think that's a child might be charles charles or james um is that a shilling i'm not quite sure or whatever that is that is brilliant i'll get that looked up into the round up but well that's a great start let's hope there's more on this field came looking for roman and i'd take that all day though oh beautiful absolutely wonderful what a start yes finally so yeah you can see it wasn't very deep almost like a scrape and that popped up so i've had a quick look to be fair already now it looks like a roman coin has been washed in silver so i need to be very careful with this um in fact that's as much as i'm going to do with it right now very nice i'll try and get that cleaned up as best as i can i'm not quite sure from the camera what you can see in the angles but yeah it's a light rub who knows but that is fantastic yep nearly 2 000 year old history in my hand right now and i've never found a copper it must be copper because this corrosion is coming through a copper coin roman coin that's been washed and silver look at that can anybody make out anything from this just trying to uh move it around a bit so in different different lights so you can see if anybody knows please do post a comment below because i'm useless at identifying roman coins yeah brilliant brilliant i love it all right on to the next back of the net i've seen it i have seen it so it was a very scratchy signal i was surprised i didn't wallop it i don't know if you can see that probably only an inch and a half down so i think the reason why i got scratches it looks it's on its side so it wasn't quite right but see it let's have a look long cross i see don so that's going to be civitas london so minted in london oh that bust is rather uh that's had it edward i reckon oh that's just a guess i'm usually right i mean if you guess edward you can't go far wrong there get in hammered back on it it's only been about eight weeks since the last one out uh sorry should i say eight weeks since i last found a hammered that was mental yeah give me a really dodgy signal um so yeah happy with that back on the silver amids happy days try to get an idea on that and it's a round up later thank you very much you
Channel: Man v Field Metal Detecting UK
Views: 35,451
Rating: 4.8987341 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting uk, metal detecting, man v field, metal detecting finds, metal detecting uk 2020, best metal detecting finds, roman, saxon, medieval, treasure, hunting, hunter
Id: l4k32DEXVqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 16sec (2176 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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