Destroying a Train with the NEW Iron Man Mod in Teardown!

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yeah i'm a karen i'm not happy with their service i go uh oh we should completely destroy this map oh you want to target me you don't target iron man because like yep we've definitely broken something [Music] hello youtube moto gaming here and today we're going to be catching this bridge on fire folks we're starting off with the bang here or i guess i shouldn't say a bang i should say a lot of fire because we have a brand new bridge map it's called the arson bridge and we just committed arson right there and yeah there's actually a train that can run on this map and i feel like it's gonna be absolutely amazing burning down the uh the bridge with the train on it but folks that's not all we have a lot of cool mods to check out here today including an iron man mod which is absolutely amazing so stay tuned hit the thumbs up button for more teardown and uh oh dear uh this is getting kind of bad wait so the tracks himself are actually okay can we destroy those why did i pull out an airstrike i mean i guess we can just use this real quick right wait the bridge is starting to buckle holy man so you can take this whole thing out oh this is gonna be epic when that train tries to cross all right there we go and that's crashing down all right so we have a plan well the plan really wasn't to destroy this immediately but i have a plan that we're going to reset this and the train's going to come by all right so i think there's a train on the way so if i were to grab oh i should have done that while holding the incinerator well i guess you're going to see the first trade crash wait oh there it goes oh that was going to come from the tunnel wait it totally made it over that that was impressive does it come back around i kind of want to say maybe it actually goes around the whole map and circles around that way um well there's not going to be much bridge left uh when it comes back yeah i wasn't meaning to do that i was wanting to actually just move the explosives uh oh that fire is getting close to these hun uh should we try to save this uh i kind of think we should oh no not building a plank there we go let's go and when i say saving i mean throwing explosives into fire oh why is this not working okay there we go come on get closer oh there goes i mean we could plant some explosives under the bridge maybe some breaching charges oh we got to keep an eye out for the train i guess we'll see oh there it is okay it's coming um you know what let's see what oh it's totally gonna derail i say let's see what's gonna happen but half the tracks are gone so here we go we're gonna get a train crash here here it goes that is cool looking you know it didn't quite have the boom that i was looking for though i feel like we could do better so we're gonna make the train fly one punch man there we go it's perfect oh can we just punch the bridge i feel like we can lead it let's go oh why does that not work that well i mean you figured it would fly all right we need something a little bit stronger here it's technically a dynamic bridge so i could in theory put thrusters on this and we can make it fly right so we definitely want the thrust restraints to be really really high so let's go and start upping that honestly i'm not sure what this number is doing but it's going up rapidly and if we get to a thousand i feel like this is gonna be uh very good all right so we just placed these down let's just place them all over the bridge i mean the bridge is kind of already loose i don't know which way i'm gonna actually blow this bridge because i put these everywheres you know what it's fine here we go three two one oh oh this is a sturdy boy it's actually moving it but it's not enough hold on we gotta up the strength even more all right here we're going to play some more we've got the strength almost to 3 000. here we go oh you got to be kidding me keep placing them uh this is eventually going to force it over up up up whoa this bridge is a lot stronger than i thought it was gonna be i thought putting this many thrusters would actually uh break it up there it goes huh maybe some downward thrusters uh come on collapse you stupid bridge almost there break why don't you what the heck i think we just broke physics uh so the tracks are still pretty much up but the bridge the wood structure's pretty much gone okay also is this a couch factory that looks like a couch factory huh let's make a couch fly uh probably need to put it on this side up nope this side there we go and we wait what wait there it goes i like how we can make everything else fly but we have problems with the bridge oh dear yep we've definitely broken something right all right so i got a new friend here uh his name is davey uh if you guys recall from our gmod series i like to use this a lot especially at the end of the video when i'm tired of the boys and uh i like to blow everything up so yeah we have one in the tear down now so here we go davey crockett versus let's hit the bridge actually let's get them both at the same time here we go wait what oh wait so does the davy crockett shoot off a round first and then you detonate the round or was that actually timed out like i don't get what just happened there let's say this gas station say you're unhappy with their service you go uh wait what on reload it oh this takes a little bit reload see i'm a karen i'm not happy with their service i go so it's just a delay um okay i know how this works now okay so remember komodo it's a delay so we're gonna look right down the tracks wait for the train to get a little bit closer oh this is going to be big here we go uh-oh oh there it goes oh no the train's not going to hit us oh okay we just got hit by a train can i get out of this there we go what did we destroy what the heck that is so cool you know it's actually less laggy than the nuke uh that's kind of a cool thing now one thing i have enabled i really highly suggest you guys go enable this it's called a dynamic i think it's a debris remover uh i'll flash it up on screen as far as the creator uh it was really really helped and we're definitely gonna take this davey crockett over to a bigger map maybe something with a skyscraper hold on let's obliterate this building here we go and staying back oh oh man that was so cool and look not that much lag at all so yeah that dynamic uh debris remover is doing wonders right now all right i got one more plan for this map so folks i told you guys we have a new mod here it is the iron man mod check this out so yeah right now you can hear it i have my uh my thrusters there's an iron man hud which you can turn that on and off you got a scan mode which is g what does this actually do is this just like scanning objects maybe it would scan enemies or is it highlighting them uh it's doing something so yeah we have uh our little power hands oh i can see what it's scanning so it scans each object uh so we can turn that on and off so yeah i have my right hand watch on let it power up boom and then you got your left hand uh or you can do both together so say we want to i don't know destroy this building over here power them up and release uh okay that it actually go off maybe i need to be a little bit closer so let's go release oh there we go this might be one of the coolest new mods in tear down hands down so another thing we have we have uh our laser power up here which you can see our little laser and then we do have rockets so say that train's coming back maybe we'll take out the bridge before the train gets here so let's go rockets uh oh okay oh about say i didn't actually see him shooting out you just saw a bunch of smoke but it took a while for them to get to the target and here we go actually let's blast this train too let's go boom oh this is satisfying komodo really likes this uh this is an amazing mod and you know what i feel like we need to go to a bigger map we've got two things to use we have the davy crockett and the iron man but we need bigger buildings but you guys saw what this thing could do to a train okay so we have our davy crockett and we've got our iron man suit you know the iron man would probably be really good against the robots maybe we'll have to go to a robot map here in a second but i'm curious what kind of damage does the davy crockett do to a building so say we fire it right in the middle here do you guys think this is actually gonna work do you think it's gonna take down the building or do you think the building is gonna stand after this cast your votes here we go three two one wait for it oh oh wow what the heck also note that that wasn't that laggy you had that initial lag of the explosion but we gutted it it's still standing there's like a little support here that's standing there's one here so definitely if we fired one more at this it would go down right let's go oh i forgot this is a weapon you actually have to reload huh wait for it oh there it goes and the building's going to go down we're going to get a lot of lag but as this happens the game is clearing out debris uh is this whole thing gonna collapse down that is so cool oh there goes all right it's settled the game feels completely new with this uh lag reducer i don't feel like i have to speed up all the footage to show you guys the beautiful destruction all right so what does the davy crockett do to a power plant actually let's take a step inside where should we aim uh oh i mean this big bad boy right here looks like a good spot um anything else oh never mind maybe this let's go up here let's fire through we can see it through the window there oh boy okay back up back up oh wow oh it's so cool okay reload it uh yep there is more stuff exploding there uh let's do one more shot here it's good on this side we get a bigger result here oh okay well either way that was impressive jeez look at that that is basically completely gone right now all right one more building i want to hit with the davy crockett real quick this glass building is always fun to destroy so there we go so the explosive tanks went off and boom there it goes that is just lovely there's nothing like a good old davey crockett shot in the morning this building is just barely hanging on it's kind of the same case as the other building other buildings on fire by the way wait what's that car uh that's strange huh let's get this down real quick there we go i feel a little bit better all right folks here we are we are iron man and you know what we should completely destroy this map let's start with missiles start firing those off let's get our power ready on our hands so we're going for the big building first okay oh oh oh one fire off the laser whoa iron man's got a third hand so yeah if you spam all the buttons at once it gets a little messy on break this down four rockets oh the destruction is satisfying even though this is not a very iron man thing to do we're gonna say this is the enemy's headquarters we'll go with that excuse how about that boom there we go all right here we go the building should be coming down any second now oh there it goes all right one building down let's fire through i bet you we could destroy it almost a house in like one shot oh the rockets get it done pretty good so yeah say that house down there uh let's go power up and boom yes you destroyed in one shot oh this is glorious also look at how much of the map is on fire right now oh there's an sos and a body on top of this uh there you go i saved your soul is that what sos is by the way editor what does sos mean oh i see uh explosive tanks on top of this building boom uh to store the side of it this is the most satisfying destruction ever in tear down like hands down the iron man a suit mod this is too cool hey look what i figured out so if you get above a building and you look down watch this boom it collapses the whole building wait a minute all right so we're in the building so if we look down and we go full power oh it doesn't go quite to the floor so it's definitely using it on smaller buildings is better uh we still got to destroy the power plants rain some rockets down and hit it with the big laser oh there we go holy man so folks as you can see it's uh pretty much complete in total pandemonium uh we pretty much destroyed the whole city here all the buildings are burning they have holes in it there's debris everywheres uh this this was satisfying i like this a whole lot one more shot here boom there we go just hollow out the building a little bit beautiful work here i don't think robots stand a chance against this thing right so here we are the night shift hey look there's a robot wait why is it not tar oh you want to target me you don't target iron man because [Laughter] oh it flew oh that was so cool i know there's robots in this building so let's go just uh go ahead and send some rockets through it right now just blow out the bottom let's just collapse it that way the robots in the upper floors can't even escape oh there's a lot of good like battle scenarios uh for the iron man mod oh there we go blow through that okay fire some of those rockets make sure we destroy all the pillars we gotta take out the whole bottom floor that way we can collapse it and uh the old uh robots they all fall through i'm pretty sure they're all dead oh there's one alive over there han there we go fire those through holy man this is so cool here's the elevator let's go boom and then shoot the rockets on the back side of the wall all right the building is getting close to collapse we'll use the laser to cut through some of the uh some of the beans there we go let's go and blow this wall down oh something's firing at us oh hello oh it's dead now i think it was one of those like little uh almost like dog walkers there we go hey looks like we got a couple pillars here on the sides go boom oh is it collapsing how's it not collapsing yet uh oh pillar here all right and then push it uh something is holding this building up and i'm not really sure what it is i feel like we just defied physics oh is it this door uh could be oh there it goes the building is collapsing oh we just actually rested down on i guess what debris was left on fire across the room there it goes going down further take out some more of the walls folks we did it we completely destroyed this place yeah i don't think there's any uh robots alive in this fire a couple rockets off in there for good measure but yeah this is the ultimate mod in teardown this is now my new favorite mod you guys should definitely go check this out but we will see you guys next time
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 216,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iron man, teardown iron man, train, trains, trains crash, teardown, teardown download, teardown gameplay, camodo gaming, teardown mods, teardown game, teardown vehicles, tear down, sandbox games, teardown sandbox, physics game, teardown release date, teardown mod download, teardown mod showcase, camodo gaming teardown, teardown nuke, teardown workshop update, train crash, teardown train, teardown train crash, train wreck, teardown camodo gaming, teardown train heist
Id: dqCoM2N00Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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