Destiny Debates JustPearlyThings On Andrew Tate

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I do want to address the face of this toxic masculinity these days which is none other than our front Andrew Tate we're gonna blame the men for your poor decision you picked to do it that's great that you feel the way but it's still sex trafficking your personal feelings don't matter they weren't complaining about the money but he was actively stealing from them yeah he literally said when you're filling out these dumb women's tax forms you can lie to them about the tax references take 20 40 off the top that is where I think you were right I'm not asking about what the punishment should be for the women they've probably been punish enough I imagine they've worked and had money stole from them what we're talking about was what Andrew Tate did which is sex trafficking right they're probably going to make bad decisions they really chose to do it why is it wrong if I get somebody in a relationship with me and then I'm able to flip that into them working as a prostitute for me for some reason I'm like obsessed with this straw man argument thing because you've used it a few times bro so there's this term like uh toxic masculinity these days which I think is just in a great term description I don't think I think there's just toxic people I I think there's toxic women that you should stay the hell away from I think there's toxic men who are idiots and cavemen you should stay away from them I think it's an unfair label um there are traits that are unique to men that get toxically exemplified now such as like the ability to never show any emotion ever and to be a stoic person that keeps it all inside and like never there's a lot of benefits to being a stoic though like that processes it doesn't repress everything yes but like you should be able to have a I think that not being able to have a conversation relating to emotions I think is a huge sign of insecurity and weakness yeah but there's a difference between having emotions and being a human and being in an emotional man you guys don't believe why do you bring this up like you people okay every time okay you might not believe this I'll give you a little bit of credit okay and I don't think Alex does I don't know about you okay people will do this [ __ ] where they'll be like oh no when we say like don't be overly emotional what we mean is like don't cry all the time and blah blah blah if that's all you were saying I'd be cool with that but a lot of these people here like if you ever show any vulnerability to your woman ever she'll leave you yeah that's true it's not but it's not like it's true what like freshman fit says that all the time yeah and that Hamas guys whatever the [ __ ] yeah yeah I don't I don't know who it says what but the message that I've generally understood is that it's kind of like you just don't know every woman's different and how much emotion that she's willing to like put like I want to say put up like put up with differs on the women so a lot of guys just say it's easier just to not I I think Destiny actually makes a very valid point here to be honest with you there there's a fine line so I like always using a one through ten scale right 10 is being like showing no emotion whatsoever I will never never be vulnerable with my girl and one is being a crying [ __ ] baby I don't think you should be either I think you should find a [ __ ] balance I think appropriate balance is probably being an eight being a man but also having some emotion do you understand do you see what I'm saying here I understand what you're saying but like the number is meaningless that's going to be different things to different people like an eight for some person might be like the only time I'm gonna cry is if both my parents die within 12 hours no no no no no or some people might be like an eight is like I had a bad day I actually think of one through ten is very fair all I know is the men that I respect the most in my life I've barely ever seen cry so but I so I think that a healthier engagement with the question is I'm gonna go back to the thing we said before I think the confidence is the thing that underpins all of it right if I'm upset and you see me upset um and I'm not playing League of Legends it's because some serious [ __ ] happened right it's supposed to be like the archetype like Dad is crying that means something really bad right so like yeah like I think it's okay to get emotional over things but as long as it's something like series happened um and I think it's better to be able to show that and share that with your partner than to like keep it all throttled up but like if you come home and you're like crying because you're like a bad interaction with a customer yeah of course but again the problem there isn't whether you're emotional to emotional it's like it's a lack of like confidence that it's like showing like an emotional instability I think which is the problem I think it's ultimately because we talked about the people that are saying they should never cry you should never do anything like that I think it's just a backlash to basically what's been happening in society this feminization of men and men aren't being real men anymore there is stats out there that show like how men were more manly World War II serving your country versus men out there it's like there's guy guys that you know Grand Grandpa died or like almost died gave his life up in World War II and you're crying over a video game because you got shot and killed but the the the the there is this like coddling of young men today where it's like the term man up they used to be like yo man up now that's like you get in trouble yeah but you're telling someone I just think as women like we're looking for someone that stays strong when [ __ ] hits the fan exactly and it's not to say that you can never ever show any ounce of emotion but I just think in general it's better to err on the side of caution I I think we have to recognize that where we were before was unacceptable where we were 20 years ago was not acceptable where men are killing themselves at what three four five times the rate of women where men are too scared to seek help for like psychiatric problems uh where men leave the military and they go the suicide rate gone down since I don't actually know has it gone down since like 100 100 years yeah I think it's still higher for men um so if like let's say one out of every 100 men committed suicide 100 years ago is it two today is it 0.500 years ago why is committing suicide why you've been struggling in committing suicide more than ever now is that what you're saying no I'm I'm asking the question all right but you said are those the stats I believe it I looked at this at what debate I did I think it was like in the 70s it was like we hit a crescendo with like the most amount of male suicides and then it's gone down a little bit but now it's rising again so is that by the way is there we don't have the answers here but is it is it younger men no I think it's it's people always think it's teens that are killing themselves but I don't think that's the case the bracket is around 45 yeah I think it's when people are leaving you get kind of lonely you get disconnected from the world and then you're kind of like so I I I have three things that are coming to mind here wait before your three things I just want to say before that like if we're gonna do like male advice or male empowerment like I I don't even use the term because I know tricks of everybody but like we have to be able to talk about some concepts related to toxic masculinity that keep men down and one of those is the inability to process emotions I'm not saying you've got to go around and be like and I can I have an example of what that means as in like when you like here's an example okay men cannot have conversations about their emotions ever okay if a girl goes out with a guy and she comes back and she's talking to her friends right oh my God I met this guy he was super cool he said like guy will go out meet the woman of his dreams go home to his friends and everybody's like oh how was it and the guy's like cool and that's all he says right this is why I like is there something wrong with that yes it's so toxic because men friendships suck we get so little out of friendships and I think it's one of the reasons why men are so desperate for relationships with women and I think it also ties into I think it ties into so many other things it's one of the reasons why I hear women will complain that when they go on first dates with guys they feel like they're their therapists or their moms and I think oftentimes because guys have nobody that they talk to in their lives about anything I think that's why when Breakers another big reason is why like whenever you see like breakups happen I've heard a lot of red pill guys says women always get so much credit when there's a breakup and guys always get [ __ ] on like they're always Bland but there's like cheating going on women get so much more leeway than men it's because when women have problems in their relationships they're telling all their girlfriends about it like Oh My Boyfriend Does this my husband does this so when something happens yeah they're way more ready to like side with their girlfriend for guys you know again like the woman might you know be like cutting his tires every day before he goes to work and you know guys like oh how's everything going at home like it's okay and that's like all they say like our relationships are really really really bad the way we communicate with each other it's really really I'll I'll use our friend Dave Chappelle as an example here of a story that he told and I'll I'll I'll give you my feedback he says that like basically men are just like black and white more rational women are so emotional where it's like he gives he did this a whole big stand up it's like she's like so what happened I met Dave went to the park punched a guy in the face that's it I'm out that's the man's story where the woman's story was like well you have to understand that I was on my period that day and she said something really wrong to me and then what happened is I was feeling a triggered way and then what happened was that then Sheila walked in and it's like Jesus it's so funny I just want to know what happened so there's two conflicting ideologies on like how men and women operate men from Mars whenever Venus then that's just how men operate so women they're always going to be more emotional they're going to it's not about the actual facts of the story it's gonna be how they found how you made them feel and whatever like anyway but as far as men go I do I don't like I don't know this is I'm only gonna get I can only say what I know I have homies that I've been friends with forever I could say everything I want to them up to an extent because as a man you know you can give you can give your boys maybe 80 or 90 of the story and there's maybe like 10 percent of it you'll leave out because you don't want to go like you don't want to reveal too much to the dude so I actually agree with what you're saying to an extent meaning if I had an issue and I was some girl I was seeing I'd be like yes we went on this date whatever whatever and I would be like we would have the surface level conversation just to get it off your chest but maybe there's a little like you know below the iceberg type of thing that you won't reveal so I don't know if I buy the the the notion matters I I well right but I don't know if I'm by the motion that men have no friends and they have no one to talk to I I would highly encourage men to have friends that they should talk to but 100 it's not every man there's some men who do I also have really good friends I can talk to but there's a lot of dudes who yeah like Destiny is right like when they show up on a date it is like a therapy session because they've been they've been withholding their emotions for so long and then there's just finally someone and they spent two hours just to complaining to their girl yeah that's the worst thing a guy could ever do I know but is that you bottle up all your emotions you don't talk to your boys and you're gonna go [ __ ] blow it on a date with a girl and you should be asking questions but the reason is done shut up and ask questions now's not the time to be emotional and so I'm a girl you just met right but the reason is because he has no one he can share with but part of the emotions is not just being like emotional like a woman and crying like there's also anger that's an emotion that men tend to have as well and if they don't know how to handle that and maintain that then that leads to them lashing out you know making decisions out of being at a high emotion and not knowing how to control it so I do think it is important that men do learn how to master all of the emotions not just when you're sad or when you're happy but also when you're angry because a lot of times men will be in positions with high pressure and if they don't know how to manage that emotional time that they could turn into a completely different direction of where they were trying to go so I think men expressing their emotion there is a time and a place for it now do I think they should be crying all the time no absolutely not but there is I think there is strength in a man who knows has to handle all of his emotions um because it's reliable you know as a woman you're like okay he's upset he knows how to be upset and recover he's angry he knows how to be angry and recovered so I think there is importance in me Matt I have a question for you I have a question for Nat because this is the second or third time you've addressed this exact same thing and I think you're spot on how are you so well versed at this exact topic about a man handling his emotions not succumbing to being emotional being almost stoic playing it cool and if you know that if Dad is crying some [ __ ] has happened kind of you addressed how are you so familiar with this I mean my dad he grew up with all women in the house so we had a lot of emotions he had to handle and Not only was he handling his own emotions but he's also handling our emotions as well so his reaction to our emotions it also does teach a man how to handle emotions as well oh my God I just realized something you have all sisters oh yeah how many women are in your Blended but in the household how many women all women and then our little dog Dante how many women uh three four there's three girls and my mom so four women and then our dog that's okay boy gotcha all right forget about the dog but shout out to him so it's your dad and all women in the household yes because I asked you how do you how are you so familiar with this because you've seen your dad yes it was a pretty solid dude shout out to Marvin and he's just there being a logical actor making money successful guy and he's just dealing with I'm on my period about it and he's just like stay calm brother don't freak out play [ __ ] cool be a stoic and that's how you learned about your dad and that's what you learned about being a man yes so probably one of the should also learn is that being around women and their emotions I think that's also a lesson for you to learn how to handle those emotions without you necessarily going through it you know like you don't have to go through chaos or a turmoil to know like oh my God this is so bad that like you can see it and you can experience from an outside perspective and learn and take that information and and move with that very powerful hopefully hopefully we're listening I'd also push back a little because people always say like women don't want to push back on everything how far up in the atmosphere you are okay no but listen like the idea that like women are emotional men are women emotional okay men are emotional and I'm glad she brought this up because the anger thing is a huge [ __ ] issue okay people guys will say some [ __ ] like women are emotional and then bump into dude on the street the scuffs their shoes and then somebody dies like five seconds later okay do you think do you think men and women are equally emotional I think that it's very rare that men and women are like equal in anything maybe like numbers and by and large do you think men and women are equally emotional like I would say probably yes but it's going to be expressed differently in different ways so like men are probably I think men tend to be a little bit more extroverted in their displays of emotion and women tend to be a little bit more like in their head with it I think this is a big problem when it comes to child rearing when little girls cry the teaching for them is like hey you're crying why are you crying like let's figure it out but when boys are upset they want to like hit something you say no don't do that so it's like okay I can't have emotions as a boy right and then we have something we carry with us throughout like our entire life as as young boys into adolescent men and a young men into adulthood ways women are taught from an earlier age like process or emotions so it's hard to say like who's more emotional because like women obviously can express it in some areas men can express in other areas I think you bring up a very good point because we all know that dude if he steps on a shoe in the club he's trying to fight you now but I feel like those guys are few and far between and those guys are looking for a fight and those guys probably didn't didn't understand like social dynamics and understand how to handle their emotions as a kid moving on um the the topic I want to get into today yeah I do want to address the face of this toxic masculinity these days which is none other than our friend Andrew Tate now I'm a fan I'm a friend I think he's a I think he's I think he's been I think he's been uh sold a bill of goods we'll see what happens here the latest news I saw your episode that you did uh the other day where we covered his how-to traffic women guys so this whole lover boy method thing was where you can make women fall in love with you which is not easy to do by the way but you make women fall of June then you coerce them into sex trafficking the charges I guess against him now are suspicion of human trafficking sex trafficking potentially rape doubt that forming an eye organizing crime group and then the easiest ones well they'll always get you if they want to get you are money laundering and tax evasion that's how they get Capone that's how they get all these guys okay I guess the latest news is he's been detained put additional 30 days um in Romanian prison um I really enjoyed that that thing that breakdown you did with the Romanian attorney basically breaking down the case you did that and then snico came on and I don't know kind of said his case yeah what was that what I think I was doing to entertain what was Nico doing slurping up oh wow all you guys do you guys suck them off so hard no no I've called out Tate on a few things all right so there's people in the chat they're like oh Adam said one bad thing about Tate he should go to hell now it's like relax dude um but you interviewed Tate recently I think you were the last interview of Tate before you went to jail okay so I want to get the panels uh basically take on a what are your thoughts on Tate do you think these charges are trumped up do you think he's actually going to be seeing real legitimate jail time here and what will the final outcome be so you want to go first well I don't I don't know all the facts of the case I'd like to say so I from what I understand could you explain more about like well let's let the man who just had a breakdown I don't know so Andrew Tate is being accused of essentially he gets women um into this like mind state where they're very much into him and I think his goal is to get that woman to a dinner with another woman that works for him he gets that woman to convince the other woman that is like in love with him to like start camming and doing sex work and I think he flies him out too I think they were doing their business in Romania he basically has like this like cam girl Sweatshop set up in their basement where he's got all these women working and then he just kind of like keeps them strung along that way like doing camming [ __ ] defrauding them on their taxes and stealing money from them and then doing that indefinitely and then there's also some of of the charges I think accused of threats of physical and emotional abuse I think as well and then there was that one threat of or that was the rape thing too but I don't know if that was accused to Andrew if it just said that was about the four people so it might not have been Andrew himself that was the case with that but the whole thing is that he said all of this on camera loudly and proudly meaning here is my business model as case example you're a pretty girl you want to make some money you're doing only fans you're doing all types of video chatting things anyway okay come with me and you can make ten thousand dollars no it was one flaw he's going for new girls okay all right so he's recruiting you have you have existing sales people and you have new sales people that's how businesses work I'm just I mean I'm just blowing it down to the basics hear me out hear me out before everyone jumps in you can make ten thousand dollars a month in my business model but I keep half or you can attempt to do it yourself and you can make two thousand dollars a month and you can do it and you keep a hundred percent here are your options and that's the way that he's broken it down on camera multiple times so he says I've seen it consistently go out and try to do it on your own you make less money come to me you'll make more but I'm also going to make some money and that's how he made his [ __ ] money and that's his business model the video wasn't he was doing tax evasion money laundering coercion that's another story but he's been very open up that's what the business the business model he wasn't selling it oh sorry you want to talk about it no I just had a question about so were the girls free to leave the whole time that that's I think a contentious point I think there were logs leaked where there was talk of passport holding and that that's where the threat of physical and emotional violence come in but I would have to see what the actual accusations and the accusations um that what did they accuse him of you said human trade no rape it was um emotional code you said something so there were four people that I don't know if there's been a new press release but the Romanian document announced four people um Andrew taping one of them of those four people one of them um uh there was uh create a criminal organization there was uh sex trafficking and then there was the money laundering but I don't think it's specifically who was charged with what that's my memory here's what I'll say and this this is totally my opinion totally my opinion let's say Andrew Tate had a hundred girls working for him let's just say and 99 of them were free to leave all good do whatever you want no issues whatsoever and then there was this one girl who had [ __ ] issues there was a she threw up in the house and wouldn't clean it up I think snico brought up this example yeah that's right Andrew Tate's friend snico said whatever I'm just saying I'm giving I I don't I wasn't there I'm not here to clean up the vomit no that's fine I'm just saying I can see how this slippery slope happens there's this one girl 99 of the other girls are fine they're making the money whatever again this is my opinion there's one girl does something wrong throws up disrespects talk [ __ ] whatever it was and now there's an issue with this one girl and they're gonna take this issue with this one girl that he held her passport or he wronged her or he physically harassed her because this one girl was acting up so now you want to take this one case and paint this broad brush around this dude that he's just raping and pillaging women Galore and that to me is I think unfair okay I said that is my opinion sure if what if he's doing what he said he did in his videos he is a sex trafficker full stop like what he says that he gets girls to fall in love with them he says that he brings them to a dinner with another girl that's working for him with the express intent of that girl to convince this girl did she freely choose to do it I just don't I'm sorry if I'm thinking okay I'm putting myself in these girls shoes I get a boyfriend right and the boyfriend convinces me to do cam work that was my decision that's great that you think that's personal decisions personal responsibilities can you not cut me off like I'm just tired of what like we're gonna blame the men for your poor decision you picked to do it that's great that you feel the way but it's still sex trafficking your personal feelings don't matter by the way you're a European girl living in the former USSR you have no other job options and you're hot and you're young stealing from them yeah he literally said when you're filling out these dumb women's tax forms you can lie to them about the tax references take 20 40 off the top that is where I think you were right yeah that is where I think you are right hear me out that is where I think they will get him yeah hold on even I think you discovered that point even if they will in each of the whole time it's still sex trafficking if I fly to another country bring you to a country you don't speak the language lock your basement and tell you like hey stream it I'll cut you down for me that's definition wise maybe you're right okay I don't know that's great to me is not sex trafficking that's fine because I agree with pearl these women knew what they were doing they knew what they were signing up for they were free to leave he wasn't holding their passports but if he was skimming money off the top with taxes yeah that's what they'll get so this is these are the two stages and I agree that that's what you're gonna say because I know that's what all the tape fans are going to say first they're going to say he didn't do it and then when they said he did do it and it's obviously clearly sex trafficking then it's going to be oh okay well sure he's secretary but it's okay that's not even like real sex traveler who cares about sex trafficking they chose to go to another country where they didn't speak the language he was stealing money from them and they were locked in for the first time ever during sex I have a question so I don't know anything about the Romanian legal system I don't I don't know the definition of that okay I'm not going to pretend you don't have a uh I'm sorry I don't I don't know I don't study sex trafficking okay it's not my area of expertise but my question is what is incorrect about that statement do you not think the women should take accountability for the choices that they made they should but that's besides the point you can take it kind of I'm not asking about what the punishment should be for the women they probably punish enough I imagine if they worked and had money stolen from them what we're talking about was what Andrew Tate did which is sex trafficking right they're probably willing to make bad decisions they really chose to do it why is it wrong if I get somebody in a relationship with me and then I'm able to flip that into them working as a prostitute for me you freely chose to do it I just think there's no there's not a date a single guy that could make me want to do that that's great for you but this isn't about you the story isn't about you I love how passionate you are and the words you use but like we have to be careful these aren't prostitutes they are they hear me out sex workers they're on camera doing cam girl [ __ ] at any point they can turn off their camera at any point they can say I don't feel like it today but they're doing it to make money this is a job so they can make money now only fans hope they're in another country where they don't speak the language and speak the language anybody at any time could go and buy and sell the right options the right puts their calls to be a billionaire that's true but the hard part is making the picks right if you're flown to a whole other [ __ ] country you've got some dude that you think is your [ __ ] boyfriend that's in love with you and now you're doing sex work the first time in your life you don't speak the language around here the guy's stealing money from you who knows people that know how to I'm sorry unless these girls are beyond naive if they say 99 other girls there okay cool they don't think this is my boyfriend and he loves it that's great and he's like now I'm a part of a harem there's literally a name for the members called the Loverboy about that this is exactly what they do but if you don't care about sex driving that's fine and a lot of people which is cool I'm not saying I don't care about sex trafficking would you say that there's the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking and then there's the Tate thing and they're not even [ __ ] close yeah sure right yeah what's the definition of sex trafficking I don't I just here's Natalia I would just think that it was that you weren't free to go that's what I thought I thought it's only sex trafficking if the trafficking if they're underage or they can't leave that's what I thought no you said there's three things I believe there is I watched some illegal breakdown there's there's got to be physical pressure physical violence coercion and one more uh coercion yeah yeah so that's taking the money the coercion we don't really know about because we don't know what the evidence that's all he that's all he says she said right now right now but we don't know what evidence the police has that's that's what it comes down to yeah I think the only reasonable position is to be agnostic until you see what develops of the case yeah here's I think here's I think the biggest Point here Tate has become famous for talking that [ __ ] on social media on YouTube on tick tock on Instagram and what you know what will make you famous will also [ __ ] you might will [ __ ] put your ass in jail and that's the problem that he's having right now I do this is I'll make my money I'm a badass it's like yo this guy's sick let me follow this guy uh you're going to jail for the exact same reason that's the problem go to jail for yeah what are you talking he's such [ __ ] he said he's going to jail because he's in an Eastern European country that wants to be taken serious on the world stage and he's bragging about sex trafficking in the [ __ ] country that's why he got charges but Andrew Tate isn't known for telling young men how to sex traffic he's known for challenging The Matrix and challenging the systems he might have been talking about it but that's not why he came population that's not why people are saying he's being targeted by Romania or the Western World people are saying oh they're targeting because he's telling young men thinking is the fact that he's bragged about so much publicly so many times if you want to know what I think Tate stands for what I actually think he stands for it's not okay he talks about the Matrix in the system and he has very loudly talked about how he makes his money and the cam girls and he talks about you know whether he's toxic masculinity what he's labeled as what I actually think Tate stands for is just male self-improvement getting in the gym going being a badass making money and if you make the money you get the women you get the Bugattis but he's talking about you're becoming a better version of yourself but nobody wants to talk about that they want to talk about being a sex trafficker they want to talk about him doing all the [ __ ] ridiculous things out there that to me is his message but it gets masked by all this other nonsense so here's my next question to you let's say Tate is innocent let's just say Tate is innocent go with me here who do you think is pulling the strings trying to get him [ __ ] set up and put in jail go with me here who do you think is do you think it's corporations you think it's government for sure you think it's Greta Thunder I think it's a world economic Forum you think it's the US government you think it's like let's just say Tate's innocent and he hasn't done any of this let's and it's until proven guilty ladies and gentlemen who do you think is saying this [ __ ] Tate guy we got to bring this [ __ ] down I don't think they're used to be I don't think there needs to be a big conspiracy I think can be as simple as either a prosecutor doesn't like him and makes the wrong decision sometimes police mess up or it could be the U.S embassy put a little pressure on Romania that could have also happened but I don't think there's this big International conspiracy so you don't think it says it goes to some top World economic Forum Charles Schwab Charles Schwab Chuck Schwab I've heard that name so much World economic foreign I don't know all right well you're familiar with this world go go crazy with me go conspiracy theory if I if I was going through who is an Albanian official who's like our country is trying to be taken more seriously okay Eastern European countries are like I think vying for validity from the west and now we've got a guy that's in our country you know flagrantly talking about it bragging about sex trafficking so we're gonna take this guy down if if I was to entertain a conspiracy that would be my guess if I would I would say this is that he talks about corruption right and he goes every company she's corrupt every company she's corrupt now do you want to be in a country like the West because tatus talks very badly about the United States the West UK London EU doesn't speak highly above it that's why he likes more Eastern Europe Dubai you know he's converted to Islam uh he talks about the fact that in Romania he's like I like the fact that I could just go give a bag of cash and get out of the corruption and just pay it off doesn't work this time well that well that's exactly and that's why I think that he talks about the sex trafficking I think that there's a prosecutor in Romania like if you want to go there there's some prosecutor in Romania or some judge or some you know legal Aristocrat whoever that's like all right okay bro well test me you're in my country let's see if we're that corrupt and I think there's maybe somebody with a bone to pick but so maybe it's not the Charles Schwabs of the world and the Greta Thunderbirds of the world and the you know the Matrix maybe it's just some dude in Rome reality too is it like when you talk about corruption there's gonna be different types of corruption right it wouldn't surprise me if I could go to a place like Romania and get like a speeding ticket and pay off the cop maybe more than I could in the United States but like double homicide that's probably a different thing so the idea that like a little corruption is the same and you think of anybody for anything probably not true I think that's a very good example if you're in Romania and you are doing anything involved with casinos you're uh what is it greasing wheels or greasing gears with like pretty bad people like that's just like a gift you're affiliating with bad people yes absolutely that has to be the case yeah but I don't think that means you could get away with like blatantly sex trafficking or like raping or killing or like doing crazy [ __ ] especially if you're not a high profile figure if you are a horrified profile figure ah all right so give me your uh your prediction what's gonna happen to Tate in 30 days prediction me first yeah I I like to wait until the facts of the case are out it could go either way it could be that how diplomatic of you well because it could be that a couple women gave testimony they can't um validate it anywhere else they've got maybe a couple whatever text messages and that's it um and then nothing comes from it uh it could be that he didn't do anything actually that wrong maybe they'd all freely choose to go there they thought they could make some money they weren't happy with the money they made and now they came back and they're trying to burn them it could be that he actually did engage in a whole bunch of [ __ ] up [ __ ] and we're gonna see way more release from the Romanian authorities but it could be anything how about this I'm going to re-ask the question because forget about predictions who knows what's going to happen because it's very easy to say let's just wait for the case comes out how about this let's just keep it simple do you think that Tate who has taken the Internet by storm over the last six 12 months do you think he's a net negative or a net positive for society and specifically young men what do you think Alex I would say in that positive overall net positive yeah why um there's some things he says that are a little cringe that I disagree with but overall about like making men more masculine taking accountability working out getting your finances in order those are all good messages fully agree how about you Pearl you've interviewed them you sat with them you're the last one of us to actually see him in the flesh net negative or net positive for society um I would say not pause I think most of his message is about self-improvement I agree so yeah I would say not positive like but it's easy to call him a chauvinist than a a misogynist but that's that's a negative thing these days is telling men to improve how about you back to you do you think he's a net what do you think net negative or net genetic do we need another guide here saying go to the gym get your finances in order like be a man I don't know how much like uniqueness he's offering there that's valid you have to admit that he's very unique bro is he really I mean like he is in like the hyper consumerist like look at all my [ __ ] cars I don't know I think that's I think that's [ __ ] I think if he was just okay I think if he was ubering everywhere the message would be just as powerful probably in six months and most people have in their entire career give me some unique messages from Taylor well no it doesn't have to be a unique message it's about the impact yeah and you can't you can't I I can't deny the honestly agree all the time like young kids and they're like the biggest tape fans like I have never seen anyone with that much of a reach like yeah but I mean I don't know if my 11 year old son was a huge tape fan that would very scare me all right who do you want your 11 year old year old son to admire and you can't say a video gamer I can't say a video game can't say it who do you want your 11 year this goes back to the young Destiny of who he was going to look up to if it's not someone like Tate who do you want your 11 year old son looking up to these days ah damn I it's I would say that probably it would be relevant to whatever occur he wanted to go into he's 11 years old because yeah so right now somebody looks up to like [ __ ] movie characters he likes [ __ ] like that so I think like Marvel superheroes are probably okay for kids that's fair so a lot of a lot of young kids would say that he's the closest thing to that in real life kickboxer badass smart good with women driving Bugattis living in mansions smoking cigars will [ __ ] you up and [ __ ] your girl kind of a badass yeah but like five out of nine of those things like I don't want my kid fantasizing about Bugatti's Mansions people love girls yeah Bugatti is just a means to an end it means you've made money it's you have a Bugatti listen I have enough money to buy a nice Supercar I'd rather just keep my money in the bank because I'd like ubering everywhere it's it's just a uh it's just a sign of wealth it's not like I don't believe to me it's a little excessive to have I've got 19 supercars it's like you only really need one you can't when you make that the focal point so often I have a good Retreat behind the like oh no well I'm just saying this will happen as a result of your watch I agree with the goal for a lot I agree but I think a lot of it is that's his character right it wouldn't be surprising something to strive for I don't know is it wrong okay I grew up in the most they like the comments will always say like these are the cheapest rich people I've ever seen like they all y'all rich but you look broke and uh no the comment section my family like so so I'm I'm us I grew up around I grew up around Frugal rich people like I understand the concept but it's just like why is it bad for men to want to strive to have 20 supercars because I because putting you in a mindset will you think that material things are going to improve your life like spiritually or improve your life in like a holistic like psychological sense it's just it's a path that I've watched so many people go down before you spent the first time I'm not to say that's the only thing became can't you acknowledge that there is some benefit in striving to make a lot of money I don't even if you're selling to a young man ever it would never be like if you do this you can have a Supercar that would never be part of your talking points I act like you're talking to someone picking this is nitpicking half of the [ __ ] videos are circulated look at my stuff for some reason I'm like obsessed with this straw man argument thing because you've used it a few times okay you're talking to somebody that doesn't have a car because he doesn't want to [ __ ] drive and I like being ubered around but I could buy a Maserati for 100 grand no problem but I prefer not to so for me to defend Tate just understand the fact that I'm not a car guy the message is not about the Bugatti the Bugatti is the reward after doing everything he talks about in his message becoming better faster stronger cooler wealthier sexier healthier all that then you can get the Bugatti but don't get lost in the sauce that is the message and once you make the money and get the fame and get the success if you want to go buy a [ __ ] what color is your Bugatti go for it or buy 19 but to say oh Tate he's got a bad message because of the Bugatti that's that's the carrot at the end like to like motivate you but that's not the reason that you're in the gym every day that's not the reason that you're working your ass off that's not the easy the reason that you're trying to improve it's just it's like that's why I was saying it's like a strong man argument that it's all about material it's not that's like the the the the payoff at the end but like the the the the the the essence of what he's doing is male self-improvement and I I think you would agree with that no that's the biggest cope I've ever heard in my life cope so much go cope of what what where are the videos showing that like if you live like a fulfilling life this is what it weighs here at the end maybe it's a happy marriage maybe it's like good friendships like maybe it's like a a family that you love and care for maybe it's like participation in your community yeah but if you're talking to an 18 year old kid what's your family what are you talking about they want to [ __ ] dead lady are you calling Destiny these are the Christian conservative values that you guys hide behind when you want clicks but none of you actually give a [ __ ] about okay this is what it's actually this is what they actually talk if you've ever been in a church your entire life Jesus when I say you guys I mean red pill in general are all doing this Christian I'm not a red pill guys interview a lot of red Bill you're talking about fulfillment self-improvement all these things okay I talked about religion if you're trying to sell somebody a car at 18 and that's where the focal point is 19 20 21 do you think that magically at 25 they're gonna be like oh [ __ ] I've had my ice on the car the whole time but like man I've got like a lot more fulfillment in my life now yeah I used to want to [ __ ] a million girls and I have a girlfriend like yeah of course your your attitudes change as you get older he's preaching traditional masculinity which is attractive to a lot of men it's like the James Bond type of fantasy it's like yeah good with girls good at fighting have a nice car but yeah yet at some point where you experience that and it gets old and maybe you do settle down or maybe you don't I I've just but what you're saying is like there are so many people that fall down the consumerist hall I've seen it happen time yeah that would be like my one criticism but that is like his major [ __ ] I don't think so that's what Adam is defending yeah it's like look at the cars like the car is the price but eventually but you'll get the cards that's why I said that I'm not a car guy so I can't be defending yeah because you're trying to put yourself into trial to defend his person but what I'm saying is it's easy this is what I'm saying with the straw man it's easy to take his message and be like he's just all about materialism and Bugattis one that's not the message it's work harder get better and once you do all that and increase your status then you can get the car you're focusing on all he talks about is getting a call have you ever watched like his full War Room streams uh War Room streams no but I've seen like some of his Law Firm content so but you've never watched like a full War Room stream now okay I was just wondering probably so adorable just ask questions no no point there just want to know
Channel: Destiny
Views: 614,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven bonnell, destiny, destiny streamer, destiny debates, destiny twitch, destiny vods, politics, news, livestreamfail, lsf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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