Sneako DESTROYS The Redpill Godfather On Fresh N Fit

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[Music] I don't even know what the red pill idea of a high value man is is it just being rich like what's the point of having all this money and not having a family what is a high value man it's a first part of The Suite what does that mean you tell me what a high value man is because here's the thing is it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what I'm going to say is a high value man douche nozzles like yourself to have this conversation in the first place how old are you bro douche nozzles yes you guys are idiots why don't you guys come in here from Twitter is a high value man let's take for do I think he is I don't think he's a high value manner he owns his own business it's like one of the most successful media Platforms in the world he's married and young sweetheart right right you know who else is not a high value guy Elon Musk let's see uh who else uh Jeff Bezos yeah go back to Twitch that's some advice that's some real advice [Music] to debate me because he's too scared to come to Vegas and sit across the same for me offer has been open since November damn if he wants to debate me on somebody else's pockets that's fine but I'm not gonna go and like dig this guy [ __ ] Lazarus from the underworld or try to resurrect his career that's not my job I'll be here next week okay Round Table yeah if he wants to yeah and he should have beat your ass pull up brolo sweet real quick because this has been a point of contention uh which sneak a lot of things um we got it right there so this was a sweet right it goes um and this was from what a week ago about a week ago a week ago uh so the quickest path the quickest path to becoming a high value man number one don't get married avoid family creation vasectomy in your 20s Life Lift consistently eliminate all sedations learn game and networking play to your strengths build wealth resist easing up on your focus and and it's uh the quickest path to becoming a high value man um and I know that you know snico had some point of contention specifically with number three which is get a vasectomy in your 20s um can I just ask why did he need eight points did he like get contracted to write all eight of these because like I see some people here so like number two avoid family creation number three the second year twenties couldn't that be like collapsed into one point did he need eight did he feel stupid with like six or seven or okay I mean I'm just curious it's just eight things I mean he could have said put them together I guess the best person to ask questions two is roll it directly that's true so we'll do it next week but this list is concise because once again he just saying in general fastest way to get to that point yeah what is high value man I think he means what he means in this context is getting being a guy that's like desirable to women and being money being attractive to women so that you'll be uh I guess a marketable sexual party but that doesn't make sense right like avoid family creation and get a second be attracted to men well no no again like I said it before I'll say it again because you're here so he gave the instructions to [ __ ] proof it right because when you give advice typically you have to you know appeal to the lowest common denominator so like there's guys out there right that could have been being honest here there's guys out there that you know Mighty could have played basketball back in the day maybe football whatever and their career got smashed because they got a girl pregnant and they couldn't pursue what they want to do because they had to be a dad early so what he's saying is okay this is how you mitigate risk so you could become a higher status guy we're gonna eliminate all the things that could [ __ ] you up now I want to make this very clear for some of y'all because some of you guys don't understand I'm not saying I advocate for vasectomies or whatever I don't have one I've never gotten one but what I am saying is that given the context of what he's tweeting for this specific situation it makes sense because he's saying hey these are the ways so that you don't [ __ ] yourself up to ensure that you're going to be successful he's [ __ ] proofing it but that is a pretty [ __ ] advice because you're saying do this so that you become more attractive to women so what's even the point of having a relationship with a woman if you can't have kids with her then you're just having an empty relationship just a [ __ ] her for your whole life and no he's saying to become high value which means you make the choice do you want to do that or not so you just give you the choice to do that but once it becomes Myron just said that it's to become high value to become attractive to a woman yeah if that's what you choose I feel like we're two months away from tweets of like give your bro like the key to your [ __ ] [ __ ] Chastity cage to make sure you guys are [ __ ] around without permission whatever like I feel like that's it don't you guys tweet all the time about how like oh like women are freezing their eggs at like 20 and they're gonna find out I know you've got like guys that go to sperm clinics like here you go I'm never gonna be able to impregnate my wife because there's like a 30 reversal rate on this [ __ ] surgery but maybe in the future all the time he has two points a 90 reversal rate yeah actually well vasectomies yeah so Get It reversed and be able to actually after like 10 years it's like 30 to 50 yeah you're supposed to do you're supposed to reverse it back within the technology yeah you're gonna forget 20 become a high value by 23 and then get it reversed like what yeah but you can do it but when you're 28 29 so nine years what is it 45 chance of reversal bro you're not gonna have kids anymore you're sterilizing half your audience he had two points there he said one avoid what family creation and three Sesame twenties you can choose what you want to do you know play what you need to apply he just saying you could do either or oh you guys are confusing it with he's giving that that advice those things are to mitigate [ __ ] ups yeah so that you get on your path to becoming higher status that's the Medicaid [ __ ] ups it's not about this is gonna this is this is so you can uh [ __ ] have a bunch of kids and have a family that's not the advice advice is this is how you mitigate [ __ ] ups in your 20s so that you can become attractive now again like I said before am I telling guys go out there and get a vasectomy no no but he's giving that these points because if you follow those things it's gonna be very difficult for you to [ __ ] your life on that list he's got two things okay about your dick okay about avoid family creation get a protect me is there anything like just avoid women but holy Temptation hold on hold on we know as men we want women no matter what but whether we want to abstain or be more it doesn't matter however question for you guys on the panel if you had a kid be honest here would you be where you're at right now Destiny had a kid no no well oh you did yeah his early 20s okay he's very successful I didn't know it was it was a lot of difficulty of course yeah but be honest though your kid is amazing I bet but at the same time it did hold you back a little bit of course yeah for you would you be in the same spot honestly if I had a kid at what age are you talking about earlier than like 20. I mean no you wouldn't be that's the point here yeah who knows where I would have been my life it would have been a completely different life the point is you might not even be here I'm just trying to say he's saying mitigate risk and say you know what avoid well I might not be I'm a freshman fit podcast right now but I would have been successful in different Realms and maybe I would have taken a different path how do you know why not just like use protection yeah see this okay that's a good point and he said avoid what if I'm a Christian which means use a condom too no it doesn't it says get a vasectomy that was the universe number three number two says avoid what crazy is it like this is like the list of eight things to be successful pick five [Music] uh high value which means for example mitigate risk that's all you're saying hold on hold on hold on okay but here's the part that I completely disagree with I mean taking it but yeah this is this is a whole other level I'm not we're taking it literally this is yeah which you should take it literally if this is the Godfather of the red pill right you guys all give this guy so much credit I don't really know much about like five books the hypocritical part about it is that we make fun of girls all the time for not controlling their sexual urges and being hoes all the time like she belongs to the streets all this stuff you tell guys that they're losers if they don't go to the gym they're losers they play video games you're a loser if you smoke weed you're a loser if you watch sports you need to exercise discipline but when it comes to girls oh [ __ ] get a vasectomy because you can't control yourself because you're not capable of exercising discipline why you have to be disciplined in every single aspect of life networking success all this stuff watching sports playing video games you need to be on your stuff but for women not inside girls with after getting a transgender surgery that's the one thing you can't be can you stop [ __ ] girls yeah oh really yeah stop the cab hold it to her right now don't [ __ ] until you get married well no girl before yes has he had a vasectomy no does he have any kids no there you go Plan B so he would have had a kid which means he's gonna at some point yeah hey we're listening and they started they still plan B no no but the point is that is the point he's able to [ __ ] girls not have a vasectomy and still not have kids as possible number two say avoid form of creation it could be condo or Plan B but you just saying to be extra form of contraception is what it is basically but he didn't say that and that's that's not a good form of contraception because it's not supposed to be reversed that's what the doctor tells you when you get a vasectomy surgery it's like you cannot expect this to be reverse that's not that you shouldn't go into that thinking that you're gonna reverse it and also the better advice instead of saying never [ __ ] again maybe for the women that I do have sex with prepare that she could be the mother of your children maybe don't spend time with hoes all the time thinking I need 50 girls so I understand feminist and how [ __ ] they are maybe just don't [ __ ] them maybe women that you can see yourself having a family with when you first hold on that's a regular you won't be able to detect that though exactly you need to experience you need experience bro wait no no how do you need experience what does that mean how would you know what's good for you if you never had it let's go do you think you need to [ __ ] a girl to tell if she's like family material no no no no we're saying experience wise what is experience now dating courting and having that one-on-one experience okay she's like this she doesn't like this this is weird this doesn't work I can tell from experience what works I'm getting there okay no adding in sex you can understand okay once this past this point has passed I can see what she really is because remember people put on our front at the very beginning but we have sex with somebody they more often likely to show you who they really are that is absolutely not true how many stories do you hear of husbands who are like my wife used to blow me every single day and then as soon as I got married all the sex stuck or we you know we have dead bedrooms now we were super active our first year but that is absolutely not true sex can absolutely change after you've gotten married and you can tell you regardless of experience you can tell who's a 304 who's like family material with a [ __ ] first for you guys you can probably tell everybody look at their Instagrams isn't that what you guys are like professionals at it's picking out hoes based on their Instagram pictures you're telling me you have to [ __ ] through like 30 women to find a like how many conservative men like if we brought in like real conservative men who have strong Families how many they're like yeah you know I had to [ __ ] 25 [ __ ] when I was in college or find the love of my life right now they can take care of my kids that's a wild statement if you wanna that's fine but don't pretend you're doing it for this [ __ ] altruistic purpose of finding a good mom but Destiny can you admit that when you meet somebody for the first time right you're trying to see who they really are the person and ultimately you're gonna have sex right you don't have to but I mean you know having sex is like the least important part of seeing what kind of a person they are um actually if you're compatible or not it's very important but if you're compatible but in terms of like would this be a good mom is it like what if she throws it back doggy she'd probably take the kids like out to the park every day like what does that even mean like what like she doesn't swallow I don't think she'd feed my kid if I didn't make it home in time what is that like so she shows up to blow me every night so I know she'll be on time picking my kid up from school like what is the correlation here the whole package itself right is going to include sex I'm just saying the dating process itself going through the whole emotions you can see who the person really is that's all I'm seeing her he said he wants to call in and tell us what he actually meant uh I get I guess you know here's a novel idea how about you tell me let me call it to tell you what I actually meant you know what let's do it bro let's go ahead and bring uh roller tomasion shots roll shout out to you can you hear me okay what up man yeah we got you okay okay um so let me uh let me explain a few things here I wasn't able to do this the last time you guys were talking about this but so about oh gosh gosh is it now two weeks ago I I think it was uh Tuesday of last week you guys had Brandon Carter on is that with with Derek moneyberg so uh so Monday uh you guys were talking to Brandon Carter one of the things that Brandon was talking about was you gotta love money you got to be on top of your game and if you and I love Brandon Carter by the way I think he should be a uh he should be a stand-up comedian I mean the guy is that funny he's a great guy right but when you guys are on that show and you're talking to him and he's he's talking about how he doesn't go to um well he doesn't go to Publix doesn't go grocery shopping for himself he doesn't go do his own laundry he doesn't have a car uh I mean it's Brickle white but he doesn't have like some basic stuff because his philosophy in life is this is that anything that takes him away from his grind anything that takes him away from that from uh from anything that would distract him or that would be um financially or mathematically not a pragmatic choice for him to make as far as like if he's spending time going grocery shopping or going and uh you know getting food for himself or whatever else I I'm sure he's not getting a meal prep and everything else but pretty much everything in his life is is outsourced because anything that he would be spending that time himself to go do he could be losing money doing that at that time so when I was listening to this and I was thinking about this myself because I was actually at the same time I'm like you know helping a friend move and all this and I'm thinking about this I'm going you know what if you want to be a high volume man if you want to get to that Apex level as fast as you can that's how is that not the the best way to go about it okay so the point of that whole tweet which was basically a throwaway tweet that everyone started like snowballing into something else I've got Ben Shapiro coming at me I got Matt Walsh coming at me got Lauren Chen coming at me I got all these people off of daily wire because it was just easy low-hanging fruit for these guys because they think that that's what the [ __ ] manosphere is all about and it's not okay that was not [ __ ] advice everything that is on Twitter is not advice okay okay was that a joke no it was going to say a joke but it's like let's just say it's a hypothetical okay for just five seconds okay there's no joke here because everything that's come out of you guys's mouth has been nothing but distraction and misdirection because it's easy clicks for you so here's the whole thing when I'm talking about get a vasectomy or don't be or don't be concerned with when he's mad his glasses got uneven on his nose [Applause] guys shall we keep going are we just gonna have jokes thrown in here is that what I get is that what I get to do it okay so here's the deal of course when I'm when I'm talking about this when I'm throwing this out there why wouldn't you do that would you not have been more successful sneako had you not had to go through certain things if you had a kid right advice or not you would be you'd be playing the game with a handicap you'd be playing the game with your [ __ ] uh hands tied behind your back okay right now there are guys right now who you have well I have a lot of respect for and I'm sure you have a lot of respect for as well who are who all have kids but you know what they try to do try to keep it under wraps nobody knows about the [ __ ] kids okay so here's okay first off this is not advice everything that is on my show or is on Twitter is not automatically advice but here's the thing I you know what you're gonna say because here's the deal when I was when I was on whatever podcast I was telling this I was saying exactly the same thing here is that everything that comes out of somebody's mouth on Instagram or on Twitter or on a YouTube there's no way you can't go on there without somebody going this is what these guys are saying to do because if you have this set automatically that if it comes out of your mouth it's automatically advice it can't just be data it can't just be statistics it can't be nothing can be just delivered here's some data for you to look at okay nothing can be nothing can be set nothing can be given to you without somebody going well the reason why you're telling me this is because you're telling me that this is the best way to live my life okay so when I'm watching Brandon Carter and watching all this going on and I'm looking at like guys that I know and guys that you know as well and when these are the guys who are like saying you know be on your game do this do that they're the ones that are giving this advice all I'm doing is saying hey look maybe you should not focus on family maybe you should not get married I mean that's I don't know why that's big maybe advice I'm not saying it's I'm not saying it's advice what I'm saying is that is over the [ __ ] top that everybody wants to take it out of out of context which is exactly what you guys have been doing so what is it can you tell me what that tweet was if it wasn't advice it's not advice what it is is it's it's okay it's saying that this is the most extreme way to do things okay here's the uh here's the um the quickest path to if I told you this look if I said the quickest way for you to make a million dollars that sounds like advice it's a goal is to go steal it from the bank or go to steal it does that mean I'm telling you to go steal it if I tell you to go [ __ ] jump off a cliff are you gonna go jump off a cliff oh wait here's the other Dr Richard Reeves in this as well okay there's a lot of context about it sure but all the rest of the lists you're equating vasectomy to lifting game play to your strength resisting up on easing your focus the rest of it sounds like general advice let's say so so let me let me ask you so is it the second part that's throwing you off really genuine good advice right the recipe so is it the vasectomy part do you agree with pretty much everything else except for the vasectomy part the first three is weird because then I don't even know what the red pill idea of a high value man is is it just being rich like what's the point of having all this money and not having a family why be that rich the guy who's always grinding whoa Brandon Carter doesn't have to do his laundry sick what else are you gonna do with your life right right maybe this is actually meant so that you'll get it you'll have a freaking Epiphany about how there's how the all the [ __ ] that you have to sacrifice to get to that in the first place what are you willing to sacrifice are you willing to are you willing to live the kind of life let's say like a Brandon Carter is where you're going to Outsource your entire life or are you going to actually have is that something that's a priority for you because I will tell you right now that if you do if you follow this kind if you were to actually follow this list right here that is the fastest way for you to get to a point where you are more high value right so here's the thing so when I say that people go well that's not what a high value man is a high value man is what I Define it as which is he's got to have he's got to have a good loving you know devoted wife he's got to have uh he's got to have three or four kids or ten kids depending on whatever culture you're talking about all this stuff that makes up whatever that person who happens to have that is then that that's suddenly the the definition of what a high value man is so what I'm saying I'm saying this is the best way to become a high value man I'm not saying this is the only way to become a high value man I'm just saying that this is the fastest way to go and do something like that I've been talking a lot for five minutes what is your definition of a high value man it doesn't matter that's not what I was talking about in this matter I don't know what you're talking about that's what the front of the first part of the Tweet is how to become a high value event what's the fastest way to become a high value man is to recognize to recognize the fact that you've got that you've got sacrifices to make okay telling like stories from Vietnam like just say what is a high value man it's a first part of the Tweet what does that mean you tell me what a high value man is because here's the thing is it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what I'm going to say is a high value man as good as your Tweet it doesn't matter what I say is a high value man because everybody takes this the point of the [ __ ] tweet is that everybody is going to take this and then insert their own definition of what a high value man is 12 kids when you're 16. then your Tweet doesn't work does it what if your definition of a high value man is being uh getting into a trade and having five kids by the time you're 22. being an Esports professional you're absolutely making my point for me right here okay this is what I'm saying my point is you gave a list of eight things do these eight things to become a high value man do one through eight to become a and you're not defining what a is the fastest way to becoming a high value man is these boys what is that so here's the thing so if we're talking about family creation okay so if you want to go okay let's go one by one you want to go one by one okay before one by one what is a high value man we can't have an argument if I don't even know what you're definitely but the very fact that you're even asking this in the first place is the actual point of the [ __ ] tweet okay so if you got if you're going to be a high value man with a [ __ ] hands tied behind your back then what is that what does that mean to you that's the point this whole discussion is the point of the [ __ ] tweet you guys another tweet was you've got some conception of high value man here are eight points you think you need to do to get to it and now you're getting blown the [ __ ] up on the vasectomy thing which you probably realize is [ __ ] [ __ ] but you're too old and started to walk back from it that's the point of this government walk back from it because the point of it was to get douche nozzles like yourself to have this conversation in the first place how old are you bro douche nozzles yes you guys are idiots why don't you guys come in here from Twitter like how you guys are legitimate in all this I don't know because everything up here come out of you guys mouth is just confident ignorance okay I'm not asking you like in terms of the debate you call yourself The Godfather or the red pill The Godfather their manosphere okay other people have called me that okay great do you understand okay so how's the weather a grandfather of the minute which one is whatever it is the old guy of the manosphere what is your definition of high value mad this is the number one talked about topic on all of these shows and so I want to get a clear definition from you what is it you tell again it depends on the person it depends on the culture it depends on the so here's the thing let me let me tell you maybe I can explain this to you Nico because at least you got it you got your ears open here the thing is is that when we're talking about what's the top G what's a high value guy you probably haven't heard this because you don't read my stuff and you don't watch my [ __ ] but I've also said this is like it the red pill has to be for everybody or has to or it's for nobody so if we're looking at a guy who's draped across a Lamborghini and he's got hot chicks with them and we say that's what I'm aspiring to but I'll never make that because I live in a fishing Village on the coast of Chile right that means I can never be I can never match that that high Apex of a high value the guy in the car but the guy who who happens to live in those Villages or happens to be in a different culture or in a different country or whatever else he can still benefit from that because however he's defining himself as a high value man in his fishing Village maybe that's what he that's what he is it has nothing to do with Chile in the village in the car the thing is you guys want you want you guys want me to say okay a high value man makes a hundred thousand dollars a year he's [ __ ] 50 Chicks he's like that's the that's the thing not what I want you to say I disagree with that I'm asking you because I come on what I'm saying is the point of the Tweet is so you will ask that question I pass the Tweet I'm past that look I'm asking if somebody who's really interested in the red pill I listen to a lot of this content I want to know what your definition is because if you have a definition that's completely off of what I think it is then I guess I'm not red pill well here's what here's okay so here's what I think a guys ought to do would you like me to give you some prescriptions is that what we're trying for here no I want to know your opinion of a high value man what is it you know I thought I think a high value man is whatever is contextually makes that guy a high value guy in whatever culture that he happens to be and if that's money that's money right now that's what we tend to focus on right now if it's it's so but if I'm gonna say that man is a guy that has the things that makes him a high value man make you a high value man okay what is that yeah because here's the thing when I read the tweet I interpreted it right with a higher set like he's listening things that if you follow these things right and you actually follow them you're probably not going to become a right and to be a high value guy I would say it's a couple combination of things obviously having your money on point having social proof and Status having respect from your peers having a network of other high value men right which I agree with Kevin Samuels on that being fit to a degree if you have all these things in place you'll be considered a high value Man by most people in most societies right if you have these things in place now with that said to get there right you obviously have to focus and get your [ __ ] together and make sure that you focus on getting there what he's saying is all these the list of things that he mentioned if you follow them it's going to mitigate your risk of becoming a [ __ ] up and not getting to that point as quickly as possible and I think that's so important is that this tweet kind of gets taken out of context he's saying the quickest way to become a high value man uh avoid and do these things because you're limiting distractions and he's using Brandon Carter as an example where he's a monogamous relationship with a girl he outsourced a lot of his things why so he's able to focus on making more money he's getting rid of obstacles and I think that tweet demonstrates that is getting rid of obstacles so you can become a Highwayman in the quickest what possible way now I know the most controversial one is the vasectomy though there's other ways to get the same I guess effect from vasectomy let's say you use condom let's say you pull out whatever it may be he's saying okay if you get the vasectomy then we know for a fact you're not going to have children yeah it's really no different than having a condom or pulling out or whatever may be the point is to not get a girl pregnant how you want to get there is up to you whether it's through a vasectomy using condoms whatever but he's making it [ __ ] proof hey vasectomy because I know even if you are the dumbest guy ever you can't [ __ ] this up I don't think a [ __ ] guy could be a high value guy no when I say [ __ ] I mean as in stupid but what I'm saying is that the point I'm trying to make is this list is the foolproof way if everything is followed for you get your status up as quickly as possible in your 20s that's not what the list is low because what you just said was advice and he said it's clearly not advice so you have your interview just for jokes but I'm telling you I started out selling guys how I interpreted that yeah he asked a question earlier so you asked him a question what is high value you answered it it's whatever you determined not to be because no that's [ __ ] none of you guys believe that I do that comes on this show he weighs 350 pounds and he says I'm Diamond one in League of Legends that's what I want to do with my life would you go well that's what you really want you're high value you wouldn't say that no but once again it starts in the mind you're gonna say for example oh that's not true which I agree that's not true but ultimately you as a man decide what's heavier for you no you don't yes you do value is probably something that's determined by Society high value value means that you have a Worth to other people you're just talking about being comfortable don't have a nice self-esteem I agree but the tweet and don't say you agree man I just said the total opposite no no no I agree and the point where for example people will determine you as high value however the Tweet saying high value could mean in your in your sense whatever that means to you no it doesn't what that's what he's saying no he's not he he doesn't know because he doesn't make a definition because he knows if he says anything he's gonna you sound like the girls who believe they're a 10 because they yeah describe themselves of a 10 in the mirror and he's like I'm high value because I'm a manager at my McDonald's you probably wouldn't agree is that when he says high value you're going to determine that as a man what does that mean for you success is a part of it yes but there's actually could be one of the form or having a business it doesn't matter he's saying to get to that point you need Focus ultimately that's that's what he's saying just just be focused that's a I mean look we make fun of the girls all the time for saying that they're 10 out of tens all the time because they say it in their head I believe I'm a 10 out of 10. no that's that's ridiculous because Society determines how attractive you are Society determines how valuable you are you can't apply that a lot you can't make fun of the girl the ugly fat whale who thinks she's a 10 girl boss Queen and then also say a high value man could believe it in his head well I gave you guys a 10 when I from you have a good definition because here's the thing for me I will Define it because that will allow you guys to see where I'm coming from when I'm interpreting that we know where you're coming from but we have the Tweet out there he doesn't know where he's coming from yeah so we're trying to figure out you know what exactly he means but I think again the tweet I think that's the important part of the Tweet is that it allows people to interpret how they want and which is why we're talking about it right now the Tweet yeah I'm giving advice to people I don't want them to interpret it how they want otherwise what the [ __ ] is the point of my message I'm not giving advice to people that's the whole point of this [Music] about people interpreting it as follow these steps here's your 12 rules for life and you're going to live up that's literally what your Tweet was do these things what is the wording of the Tweet go back to the Tweet itself so here's and so in in that wording as we what am I what's the last part of that what's the last one resist easing up on your folks whatever's like would you want me to insert what you ought to be doing you ought to be coding is that what I should say you ought to be uh becoming a professional athlete I don't know what your [ __ ] Spirits are you can sympathize her work hard again if I so here's the thing if I say here's if I say you know what you ought to be an NBA player and it doesn't matter if that you're five nine [ __ ] stand your focus and you're going to be the best NBA player you can possibly be terrible advice now be an absolutely terrible advice because this is a advice that's why okay this is a list that is meant to Guess that you get an idea of what the [ __ ] it is that you're going to do so that you can become that high value man protect yourself don't get married avoid family creation that second again this is over the top [ __ ] anybody who knows anything about my material when I throw this out there they know this is over the top [ __ ] what else needs some [ __ ] fire for like for like douche nozzles I don't want to be a douche nozzle but what else yeah besides number three what else here is over the top besides vasectomy live consistently okay well what like see here's the thing but you're missing like you're are you not hearing anything he's saying like do you need to blindly agree with him because another thing he's saying is making any sense bro it's not making any sense to you because you don't understand the concepts of the Tweet that's why you can't even understand okay Glenn holds up here did you understand what I was saying about Brandon Carter yeah he doesn't do his laundry no but he's taken everything to this extreme level like to a lot of guys okay would you agree with me that Brandon Carter is a high value guy sure okay you know who wouldn't Ben Shapiro you know who wouldn't a lot of other people because they think that they're living out their own high value ideal do you understand that context like the 350 pound Esports player he's living out his ideal of a high value man yeah whether or not that's working for him is is irrelevant to the Tweet when I say okay when I'm talking about Brandon Carter you say you understand that he's taking it to like this extreme level what do you think Brandon Carter's definition of a high value man is probably the same as mine which is determined by Society if you have respect from your community then you are a high value person if people respect you so so being being having people like you and depending on you know you don't agree with them because the daily wire bench Bureau is definitely a high value man okay but okay so okay so let's just say for sake let's say he does he says here is a high value man let's take for do I think he is I don't think he's a high value manner he owns his own business it's like one of the most successful all media Platforms in the world he's married he's [ __ ] young sweetheart right right you know who else is not a high value guy Elon Musk let's see uh who else uh Jeff Bezos all you got to do is just well all you have to do is look at the decisions they've made in their personal lives okay how are we going to Define that if I'm going to Define that you haven't you're the only one who happens I'm not the one defining it for [ __ ] Jeff Bezos I'm not the one defining it for [ __ ] uh what's his voice can think she's a 10 as long as that's how she defines Beauty to herself yeah you guys just Define you guys well hold on wait Nico You just defined Brandon Carter as a high value guy right yeah okay so that I will tell you right now that if that would not fit the same definition that say Ben Shapiro would have for a high value guy because he's not he doesn't have his babies on point he doesn't have this on point he's not he's not like he's not going to church or synagogue every day right so to him he's not necessarily a high value guy I don't think he's what his synagogue has to do with high value that's like that's the way that other people would Define it exactly yeah value is not subjective when we talk about value talking about some sort of Exchange in a market no no value is usually what are people willing to do or give for a certain thing he's not it's not defined by this no no if one man is on an island no this one over your head it's the idea of being high value no there is no idea of being high value and if it was anybody else on the show you guys would be roasting the [ __ ] out of them for saying that's your idea of being high value you would be roasted if any of the girls coming here because you did this the girls all the time so it goes right like I think I'm a 10. it's like why because I'm so special and blah blah blah you're not special Brandon Carter as an example I just gave you a brand new career use any exam any single example you want you could be the 500 pound guy who just does Esports or can be like Brandon Carter or the top G any one of those guys the thing still applies all right look look are you better off are you better off without the obstructions are you better off without are you better off without the best everyone here has kind of a different thing like me I've defined it this is what I think makes you high value you might have a different take on and you might roll you might have a different take on it I've defined it and then I took my interpretation off what you said if you want to get these things and it makes sense to me those things that you listed but I'm seeing here that everyone here kind of has a different interpretation that's not true all four of us probably roughly agree with my value no we don't the three of us probably Shapiro said you you said you have high value I don't think like some amount of like physical fitness we all agree that that's decently valuable correct on some level yeah okay having some amount of like social status so you've got the attention of a lot of people and you're influential we all agree on that right having some amount of financial success right you have freedom to take of your family retire if you want to even early age we all agree with that right okay and having some level of success with your family and friends right we all we all roughly agree on that right okay if you have those four things in check you're probably a high value man no it's more than that see here's what he's saying I can add more because for me in my head what high value is way more than that to you that might be important but to me it's not that's not everything what's it what's a key component missing from what I said it's a high value guy the guy that marries somebody from a foreign country brings it over here so she can get citizenship because that's your family Dynamic my family Dynamic is different than that does that make me high value or low value exactly it's going to depend on on the person if I'm in if I'm in a heterosexual marriage for 27 years and not in a polycule or some [ __ ] like it's like some people will say you're high value because you do that people will say Rola you can't be red pill because you're married you can't be married because you're red pill okay and suddenly I'm blue pill because I am actually in a relationship where it's like close on her and close on here on on her end and close on my end but if I go and I talk to the top G or I talk to somebody who's like in an open relationship is that high value because of that I'm not this is not a judgment call I'm just saying that the definition is going to be different even if you have all those things even each one of those things that you just mentioned is still it's still subject to the context I agree with what you said Destiny what I'm saying is that from within each one of those attributes people are going to have something something wildly different and you know what they're going to do they're going to use that for blog fodder and topics to go and do you know quick hit videos on because they just want you know click through rate for something like that what would we say about women if we say what is a high value woman you tell me man it's like again it's a this is the definition this is like your wheels is your chance to steamroll I don't think you understand why the Wheelhouse is quite honestly I don't think you do [ __ ] isn't that what you do your name is irrational male yeah a high value woman is yeah I don't talk about high-value women dude I keep in fact if anything I say there's no such thing as a quality woman because it's an ideal that guys have in their heads there's no such thing as a quality woman no such thing as a quality woman because guys have this I the quality woman is an ideal but we knew we could talk about that when I get there but the thing is is this is like when you're building a relationship or when you have this idea in your head you want to know why guys get into so much [ __ ] trouble in their marriages it's because of that ideal because every every guy who ever got married thought that she was the best [ __ ] thing in the world otherwise he wouldn't got married to her and then until he gets across the divorce table from her now she's a [ __ ] evil answer whatever you don't you genuinely don't think that there's quality women in the world I don't think I think that there are there are women who have different attributes than others that match very well it's with guys sure they're good clicks of course but the thing is it's like the idea of the quality woman is an ideal that guys have that gets them into a lot of trouble that's why they're in love with the ideal not the actual person but there aren't high value women there aren't high value men and there aren't high value women okay it's it's it it just depends on who we're talking about I don't know what the hell he's talking about I don't even know what the [ __ ] we're talking about I get what you're saying but I feel like I need to do mushrooms where I come with this show that's what it feels like the kind of conversation no no you know what it is Destiny so you don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about depending on any of this and I'm surprised because you write about this all the time you wrote a whole book about it people they really respect it and I have no idea you guys might be confused because I'm the one that says there's no such thing as a high value woman a woman that's a woman gets her value directly from a man that she gets in a relationship with because all women have value but not all men have value all women don't have the same value well don't even think about you know that's not true if I give you a woman with 100 bodies and a woman with zero bodies I might give you one that's 500 pounds if I give it one five kids so yeah I think okay here's my thing because I've said this before I know men must be common women are I know everybody there are some women that are better than others of course but all women have value to some level but not all men have value because men have to build their [ __ ] up so what I'm saying is that a high value woman gets her value from being with a high value man I don't even think that's true all women all men have values the metric of success for a female is being able to get the best man that they can get and men can build and do things in places like China where you have where you're limited to the many children what do they do they offer boys because they can go out and work and [ __ ] get jobs and [ __ ] and do things around the [ __ ] house or whatever right [ __ ] 1980s one wild one child policy hasn't been around since the mid 90s dude when it was it was grossly favoring the birth of boys because you could do more with boys with women just the idea like this that was a prescription until that and now and now they're now they're facing the consequences of that well so is Japan that's a super homologous okay you're using China but let's be honest here why does it say women and children off the boat first we're not men no yeah it's a chivalry thing but but why is that because if you have 100 women and one guy you can still continue Society but if you have 100 men and one woman we're [ __ ] women are vulnerable sex and men are the Disposable sex that's why women have value inherently so what I'm saying is this for ever since every woman has value for women to be high value she's got to be able to lock down a high value guy there's a reason why women take a Man's last name and not the other way around women when they meet each other and hug the first thing they ask typically is oh do you have a man do you have relationships about your kids Etc when two men meet what do they do shake hands what do you do for a living men are creating value women are judged on creating children typically now are there some women out there that chase success in making money whatever sure but that is not the main goal of a female the main goal of a female from biological sense is to procreate for a woman to procreate she's got to be with a man typically they want the best guy for a man of procreate he's got to create excess resources to be able to attract that woman so what we bring to the table is different and what I was already with any of that but there are high value women and they're probably a high value only high five she could lock down a high value guy that's my take okay well at least you have a definition for a table have minions which is great that's my take on it like with a high value man a high value no no I mean what what you want me to say is a woman who has a low body count who is you know a a girl from the Amish Dutch Country in Pennsylvania who's never you know known another man doesn't have any social media I mean there's there's a lot of ways we can go with this but again it's those are ideals okay because ideals are what we strive for an idealists deals are also what lead us astray which is why this list is [ __ ] useful that's why ideals lead you into a better life that's the whole point of an ideal it's the best version of yourself you're never going to be the best version of yourself but the path to being the best version of yourself every guy who ever thought he found his [ __ ] soulmate who ended up on the opposite side of the [ __ ] divorce table from her had a [ __ ] ideal about that woman every man that dies happily surrounded by his family who had a loss I know the Pastoral scene with everybody thought well yeah we're surrounded by his fan you know what you you know that like 90 of the like the population of the United States doesn't die like that they actually die in assisted living and nobody knows about it until the next morning okay as opposed to you who's talking about dies real fast we're gonna go through this real fast um all right so we got kid blue r b goes uh roller Dodge into defining a high value man is like the LGBT dodging what a woman is feels like I'm watching Matt watch documentary right now you're the Grand Master of RP you're you out of all people should be able to Define what you can't Define high value mail but he could Define us as douche nozzles all right let me let me that's pretty funny though uh microchute says Myron you're my guy but you're giving uh Rolo and out let him stand on the Cherry standing on so he can continue to hang himself with his food I know you really wanted to defend it because here's the thing I know I know you based a lot of the show around that book but like bro he's making absolutely no sense here's the thing everyone is interpreting a different obviously I have my take on it roll it has this take he doesn't have a tank he doesn't have his hand kill a tank still a take okay it is some woman [ __ ] we would be all laughing and roasting the fight rightfully so yeah but woman came out here like what makes a woman high value she's like well if she's like if she's in her moment and if she's girl bossing it up as hard as she can that's a high value woman like we would be roasted that's the same argument he's making right now what I'm saying that's not this apples and oranges because if you guys have here's that's the problem with all this [ __ ] is like you don't even understand the nature of the Tweet that's why the question you can't answer it ask if it's advice it's not it's a joke it's not the minute because the minute because okay here's the thing here's let me let me just let me just let me go let me give you a high value man a high value man goes and [ __ ] as many chicks as he possibly can any guard any all as many women as possible and he [ __ ] finds one little needle in the haystack and he wipes up that girl because she happens to have a no body count she's like a hundred percent in love with him and I mean I can go and rattle off all these extremes and you know who's gonna disagree with me every guy in [ __ ] daily wires say what you really think don't say it ironically say what you believe what I'm saying is what I believe here okay this is the whole thing it's the point of the [ __ ] tweet is that it it's your definition of what it is not a high value man so you must be comparing him to some standard in your head you said basis is not a high value man you said Elon Musk is not a high value man so there's some standard in your head you're comparing these guys too so they're not matching up to what is that standard right well let's let's all you would have to do is look at their personal lives so you could understand this again enumerate all that no I don't but if you go and you look at what they're doing like look at okay look let's just use Elon Musk for a sec for a second here let's use Ben Shapiro that was a good example Ben Shapiro we can look at Ben Shapiro how did he meet his wife do you know how he met his wife what do they close the range right was it an arranged or family friends I don't know basically what Ben Shapiro did was he he wore this chick down over the course of God knows like three or four months right he would he would meet the definition of stalking and being a creeper on the if he wasn't Ben Shapiro right if he didn't have this his background three to four months what does that mean basically and he's very proud of that fact too okay hold on real quick you've seen a problem with this when somebody asks you what is X and then you go well it's X you're not really answering the question you've done this like three times what when you say wore her down over three to four months what does that mean do they date did he see her after school what that means is he kept he was persistent he just kept wearing her down over bro that's ridiculous right thank you I will send you I will send you the [ __ ] I will send you the video I will send you the video okay Jesus all right you guys should view your columns more often it's cute okay then you should send your only fan girls to come at me to uh debate me in your proxy next time you're asking a debate you right now and you can't even except next time please find the girl who actually puts lenses in her glasses it's a little weird you're so triggered dude are you okay not very rational I think uh he [ __ ] his six but they'll be the emotional I think because I would consider Ben Shapiro high value guy I would yes no everybody would obviously but but you disagree with things on it with the Grand Master The Godfather the great great granddaddy man Myron Myron would you would you agree with his uh outlook on women uh where Ben Shapiro's outlook on on women yeah Ben Shapiro has literally come at you for exactly this for everything that these that these guys are talking about he's coming at you for exactly the same thing yeah so you guys did a full show on this no no for sure I disagree with him on uh as far as like the female stuff like oh yeah that like having sexual experience isn't is like bad for you like he was trying to say um but I think objectively speaking from the things that I listed as far as what I think makes a guy high value he has all those things now he's limited on his knowledge of females for sure right because I think he only got with one girl and you know she comes from a certain fan a type she comes from a family and a certain family I don't want to say because we're on YouTube but um I think that's set her up yeah that set her up to be a girl that would be to his liking but the point I'm trying to make is I think Benjamin is a high value guy but I don't agree with the stances on women same thing with with Stephen Crowder right now you guys are just talking about Crowder not too long ago like like right up until he got this divorce and all this stuff started coming out in Kansas songs I think their high value guys like Crowder and Ben Shapiro based on what they've accomplished in life but I don't agree with their standpoints on rolo thinks that if he disagrees with them then they [Music] there's no point for either one of you to be on this [ __ ] show quite honestly Dumbledore has spoken because here's the thing the the traditional conservative beliefs don't necessarily work in today's sexual Marketplace when it comes to dealing with women no we agree but that's the reason he thinks Ben Shapiro's not High Valley because he disagreed with you on relationships sometimes what I'm saying is that that well yes I would actually agree with that simply because okay does Ben Shapiro the way his life what his disagreement with you does that and then at least in some way diminish him as a high value man no we can disagree I disagree I'm asking Myron I mean because it's Myron who says he always I value guy but like subscribed it he disagrees from the traditional relationships money muscles in game okay in this case it's the it's the uh it's it's the female aspect of what what makes a high value guy right if he disagrees with what he's not disagree with me he just said that he's high value he said he's high value but except for that one part where he's saying you know what I disagree with his his Outlook when it comes to like women and how best to go about like forming relationships or whatever the sex whatever it is yeah I think he's a high value guy but I disagree with his notion on how to deal with women he's not [ __ ] 50 he's not [ __ ] 50 guy or 50 50 women yeah he's not he's not he's against that which I think is dated you know what I mean again like I said before I think a guy could be have be traditionally conservative but I'd not agree I don't necessarily have to agree with someone's viewpoints on how they deal with females for me to see them as high value because I think he accomplishes all the things that I mentioned on my list of what I think makes it a high value and so and so what you're doing is you're saying that high value is these accomplishments correct I'm interpreting it yeah that's how I interpret it which obviously everyone here at the panel has a different effects which is which is we don't really have a different I feel like I definitely I know you're pretty aligned at the table yeah with us three yeah but I mean again we're looking at things differently in general okay because you guys don't agree I agree with his tweet if you want to become high value in the quickest amount of time you can't agree with it if he doesn't even Define it you can't agree with him if you don't even know what his definition is but I just does he agree with it defined by the way he defines it no but he did though he chose what high value means to him you're missing a point Thank you thank you fresh eyes fresh the voice of reasons because you guys are thinking about one point what's that to me that's it we won't even have a second but that's okay I think we is correct yeah he knows his definition yeah exactly I don't even matter just like people that have high value I agree I got it all right other ones um we got here Viking Paradigm ignoring the context talking over interrupting ad hominem's goal post shifting claiming it's advice when it's not it's easy to see who's trying to control their viewers and who's not an easy to see who lost the debate here you're a douche nozzle that's a douche nozzle thing to say shut a viking man that's not very rational of you uh life love value women aren't so simple leave these RP dudes alone in their zones of Stew responsibility intelligence and discipline above all and our talismans of happiness for most people enjoy life grind and don't glorify I agree I agree okay 100 and then uh what else do we got here we got uh microshid I I hope y'all don't let Rolo's weird uh immigration comment fly by immigration comment immigration I wish I got enough discussion no Trump what am I talking about I don't know okay all right what else anything else uh up to you guys question mark John I'm gonna say I wanted to learn how to become a successful man I'd go to Rolo before going to sneako or destiny uh two grown ass men who argue like teenage boys so 55 year old guy calling us douche nozzles so someone who's like three times younger that's a mature way to argue damn if that's your idea then okay wow shots fired that's just what happened on the show this is a random species a great debation do you have anything to say like you called in the basement where can they find y'all yeah go back to Twitch that's there's some advice that's some real advice for you guys you guys you're not ready to have an adult conversation everything I've seen you chatting more than any other name and the chats I read chat like whenever I stream which is when I'm online and you're in there more than me so calling us Twitter but actually I'm banned on there I'm on Rumble but yeah if you want to pull the online card then maybe get off the internet a little bit and chatting all day douche nozzle it's a lot harder when it's not just like 22 year old women being ganged up on a podcast huh I'm sorry rello no I'll be happy to [ __ ] debate you dude on any topic you what we are right now no you're talking about this one [ __ ] tweet is what you're talking about well we were talking to the Godfather of red pill trying and speaking of [ __ ] and speaking of [ __ ] tweets or excuse me speaking of [ __ ] super chats was that not you on whatever podcast the other night yeah I like to support people I go on to have a podcast right thank you very much thank you for at least admitting it those are the only two super chats I've sent my life if I'm watching content I want to know if it's red pill or not it seems like we're watching a lot more than you think you are the program I've ever been on it's insane you should get a tax credit for like watching me why are you staring like that man okay I thought you'd have a wrap no you got let's see you say usually things you guys first of all I've thrown out this she's wearing this car after the show first of all this challenge if you guys want to come to Vegas come to Vegas we'll sit across the table from each other build up your [ __ ] dog [ __ ] podcast what are you talking about come to Miami I am coming to Miami next week oh cool I hope you're here next week you guys are so mean man yeah he called us douche nozzles oh it's fine he's the grand wizard of red pill so I can't go say anything about that but I'm me now because I'm calling him irrational for not having any arguments at all bro I know you want to defend him because the book is here on the table but like bro that made no sense you guys have not read the book you guys don't know what the [ __ ] yeah oh you can't even Define what high value man is why would I read a book from a guy who can't have a clear definition for the last half hour I've been trying to explain to you this [ __ ] to this [ __ ] to you you guys have no business being in this [ __ ] sphere to begin with first of all or until you're 64. and the reason why is because you devolve into you want to know why like when we talk nobody debates anymore because you know why because it devolves into this Middle School [ __ ] that both of you are but you guys are perfect yes you want to marry each other you can't call this childish when you were the one who started insulting I would just ask you a question and then you said douche nozzle now you're gonna go play the maturity card yeah yeah now I'm gonna play the maturity card that was a middle school argument all right I mean this is not going anywhere this was a great debate Edition I mean it's very obvious that everyone here has different takes which is great I think that's good I'm not sure what it's taking still but that's cool it's different than ours we know that you know what I mean so it is what it is uh is there anything else Chris or um nope we're good all right uh bro smash that like button did you want to say before we say I'll be there I'll be there next week all right cool uh I think we'll have him on on the 15th that's the boxing match yeah just kidding all right uh well thanks for coming on bro thanks bro take it easy man
Channel: Destiny
Views: 1,008,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven bonnell, destiny, destiny streamer, destiny debates, destiny twitch, destiny vods, politics, news, livestreamfail, lsf
Id: l1a1Wy4gues
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 17sec (3257 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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