Destiny Conference 2021: Andrew Wommack - Day 3, Session 2

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[Music] [Applause] everything was created with a purpose i think it's amazing that every everything around us trees and everything seems to know that purpose except us so i think it's amazing that we go back to the father and get that blueprint because when god created us he created us with an intent he had something in mind he wanted done and so for me i think it's important that christians just seek god about that if if something goes wrong with the car you should take it to the mechanic so if something's not right with you you should go back to the person who created you and find out like what am i here for that whole idea that dwayne and andrew talk about in regards to just being and being who god sees you as you are a beloved son and daughter for me that's been the most beautiful thing that god rested on my heart [Music] god's will has to be primarily perceived as a matter of being versus doing going or having many of you're missing god's will in your doing because you've missed the primary will of god of being [Applause] it's about being a living sacrifice that was god's will that's god's will for every one of us is to be a living sacrifice totally committed unto him and then as you renew your mind you'll prove the good the acceptable and the perfect will of god you'll find vocation god will lead you into what he wants you to do [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to the saturday session of the destiny conference how's everybody doing good for those of you joining us online welcome thank you for joining us i'm i hope you guys are enjoying it as just as much as we are because this has been an awesome awesome conference so far what do you guys think has been good so guys i just want to remind you again that this conference has been recorded so after the session this afternoon it will be available for you guys if you want to listen to it again you know it's like there's there's been so many things that have been said that was really really good you know two things i took away from the conference is one is to pursue god as much as i can you know that should be my primary focus that should be my primary purpose is to pursue god and i'm gonna do whatever i can to do that the second thing is and like i said to you guys previously is whatever we learn here whatever we take away make sure that you apply it it's no use you have like six pages of notes and i hope this one you didn't write down on your neighbor's shirt okay but the one that i'm taking away as well is um i'm gonna go home and apply this one as soon as i can and i'm gonna go pursue my wife naked in the garden that is so i hope you didn't write this down on your neighbor's shirt leave that okay don't go there so i'm gonna do that and yeah as soon as i get home so guys i'm not available after or after this conference find somebody else um guys just to just remind you if um the destiny there's destiny stories here of just ordinary people it's been recorded of ordinary people that go through life following their pers or pursuing their purpose in life and our god has transformed their lives while they do it and i i like watching these things because it encourages me and it lets me know that if god does it for one person he'll do it for another so guys please go out and go check out the dvds uh the destiny story dvds that will really just encourage you guys even the healing stories if you need healing please go on on our andrews website and there's an archive of all the healing stories they go listen to that watch that and just know i always watch these things and i was like man god did that for somebody he's gonna do it for me you know so please do that keras for those people i i heard there were 71 people 11 people have already signed up to start in the spring so come on that is really good guys if you haven't done that yet please go visit the cairo's booth on the con course if you have or you can go online and you can go to or you can actually phone in as well and it's nine 844-360-9500 seven seven so please guys do that don't miss out on that um keras is life-changing okay and and it helps you get prepared for what god has called you into okay this we talked about living as a or being a living sacrifice then one day i heard a lady came she came to me and she said to me i'm not you for the worship i'm here for the word and i was like wow you're missing it i said they go hand in hand i said hand in hand to me as like this is my chance just to go down on my knees and say thank you lord for what you're doing for me what you've done for me and it's like i'm opening my heart it is in worship where i get a download from what god wants to speak to me so guys this book talks about what is the power of the power and the purpose of praise okay so who needs that then andrew's got a book discover the keys to staying full of god like i said earlier on it's like my goal for what i'm taking away from this conference is pursuing god with everything i have you know and everything else should be secondary i liked what andrew and duane were saying that once they found and they made the decision to follow god nothing else mattered nothing else mattered and that's that's a place where i want to be it's like nothing else matters when i'm just seeking god with all my heart and this is a book that will help you do that okay now i'm not going to delay anything any longer because what did i say the last time i i have my foot in my mouth audrey mac says i'm like a peter i have my foot in my mouth all the time but she also says i'm the first one to get out of the boat so i was like i like that one um but guys i just wanna you know what there were so many good things said and i am so i'm just so privileged to sit under all these good teachers all the time while i'm at carers i get paid this is so nice i get paid to hang out with the students you know the people i don't like i can kick out now i'm just kidding i get out to hang out with the students i get to pray with the students and then i can sit in on all the classes and just listen to all those teachings and i just get fed and i tell you what that is just a privilege and an honor i love it but i don't want to waste any time please help me welcome our founder and president of andrew womack ministries and keras bible college andrew womack [Applause] thanks mark thank you praise the lord thank you very much it's been an awesome conference i really believe in my heart that you're going to go home and that this has started something on the inside of you or either just furthered you along in the process but everyone here is going to go home and start seeing god's will come to pass in your life and that's going to affect not only you but thousands and thousands of people so for the hundreds that are here i believe that this will grow into thousands and thousands it'll be awesome you know i uh was uh listening to something you know i listen to so much stuff i forget but anyway they were talking about uh when the mayflower came over that this one guy fell overboard and they had a rope trailing behind i think that was david barton made programs with me on monday we made two weeks worth of programs for thanksgiving and that's what they were talking about and this man fell overboard and the sea was really rough and they would have just left him but for some reason there was a rope trailing behind the ship and he got it and rescued and they said he was a really committed christian and they gave all of the people that are his descendants and i mean they nearly every one of them are famous people that you know i mean both of the bushes president bush's were his descendants the baldwins and uh alec and steve baldwin and on and on and there was like 20 or 30 people that every one of us know that were his descendants and my point is that just look at the ripple effect of one life and how it's gone on for generations and who knows what the ripple effect of what god has done here this week is going to be it's not just touching these lives that are here but it's going to touch many many lives and and we we don't know all that god has done but i just know by the spirit that it was good and that it's going to be awesome and so i've really been blessed i want to thank once again our praise and worship group i don't see any of them they may be gone someplace but i tell you what i so appreciate them they don't just get up here and sing and entertain us they worship the lord and that's just priceless it's awesome so thanks to dwayne and sue for being with us i tell you dwayne's a blessing i just i love dwayne and his ministry it's awesome i want to be like dwayne when i grow up let's turn over to acts chapter 7 and there's so much that i would love to share with you and we just you know are running out of time again i would encourage you to please take the time to read that book on how to find follow and fulfill god's will that we gave as a gift when you registered and it's really important that used to be three separate teachings and i put them all into one because it's one thing to find god's will but then you have to learn how to follow god and walk with him to accomplish god's will and then you have to finish you know it's easy to start finishing is the hard part finishing well is the hard part and there's so many people that don't do that and so to really see the fullness of god come to pass in your life you have to learn how to find follow and fulfill god's will and the scripture is over in first corinthians chapter 10 verses 6 through 11 it talks about how that all of the things that happened in the old testament were written for our learning so that we through them might learn not what not to do and what to do and i have lived vicariously through the people in scripture and one of the lessons that i've learned is from moses and i want to share that with you about how he knew god's will for his life but he leaned unto his own understanding trying to bring it to pass and caused himself and the children of israel tremendous grief because he didn't do it god's way and this goes back to the very first point that i was making that you god's will is really for you to be a living sacrifice and unless you do that if somehow or another you fi you stumble onto what his vocation for you is or as dwayne was saying the pride the secondary purpose and thing and if you if you find those things but if you aren't a living sacrifice and if you aren't yielded to god you'll blow the whole thing and moses is a great example of this so in acts chapter 7 i'm going to use these verses because there's things said here in acts chapter 7 about moses that aren't revealed over in exodus and also you have to put hebrews chapter 11 with this to get the full impact of what was actually happening with moses these people were inspired by god matter of fact acts chapter 7 is where stephen was giving a defense of what he was preaching before the sanhedrin and he was filled with the holy spirit and he literally saw the heavens open and jesus standing at the father's right hand when all of the scriptures talks about jesus being seated at the father's right hand i believe that jesus literally stood in honor of a man the very first martyr who was giving his life for the sake of the gospel that's amazing so anyway my point is stephen wasn't saying these things out of his own flesh he was filled with the holy spirit and he gave us some details about moses that we don't get in the old covenant and so this is really important here in acts chapter 7 and in verse 30 or excuse me this is verse 20. it says in which time moses was born and was exceeding fair and nourished up in his father's house three months and when he was cast out pharaoh's daughter took him up and nourished him for her own son and moses was learned in all of the wisdom of the egyptians and was mighty in words and in deeds and when he was full 40 years old did you know this is the only place in scripture that tells you how old he was when this happened over in the book of exodus it doesn't give you his age now this is very very important and so it says when he was full 40 years old it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of israel again i'm going to have to say some things here because most people honestly are more moved by movies like the ten commandments than they are by the word of god i'm not against the movie the ten commandments i've got it i watch it i like it but it's not all scriptural and one of the things that's wrong is that in the movie the ten commandments moses is just a nice guy who saw an egyptian oppressing the hebrew and he went out and defended him and he didn't have a clue that he was a jew he was just a nice guy doing this this paints a totally different picture god put it into his heart to go visit his brethren the children of israel he knew he was a jew matter of fact if you were to go back into exodus you can find that jockey bed moses uh mother is the one who actually nursed him and in those days they nursed their kids until they were at least two years old sometimes three years old i got a friend that was nursed until he was four years old in our lifetime so anyway moses was old enough to know and to have jochebed tell him what you know his lineage was and things like this so it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of israel and seeing one of them suffer wrong he defended him and avenged him that was oppressed and smote the egyptians and look look at this in verse 20 what is it verse 25 for he supposed his brethren would have understood how that god by his hand would deliver them but they understood not now this is radical because this changes the whole narrative when moses went out to visit his brethren he knew what god's will for his life was and he went out and was going to trying to accomplish god's will to bring deliverance to the jews through his position again he wasn't doing this clueless he knew exactly what he was doing but he tried to do it in a way that wasn't god's will so this is really important that you understand it's not enough to know what god's will is but you have to learn how to do things god's way there is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death you have to learn god's way of doing it and this is why it takes time for you to see god's will to come to pass in your life because none of us just naturally by our human nature think the way that god thinks he says my ways are higher than your ways it takes time for you to renew your mind romans chapter 12 verse 2 be not conformed to this world but be transformed and dwayne and i both have talked all around this but we haven't shared with you that romans 12 2 the word transform there is the greek word metamorpho it's the word we get metamorphosis from if you want to change like a caterpillar to a butterfly that is transformation it's the exact same greek word that was used when jesus was on the mount of transfiguration and he he began to radiate light and his garments became bright and stuff that's transformation if you want to be transformed it comes by the renewing of your mind you do not naturally by human nature desire to do the things of god and this is why it takes time for you to see god's will come to pass in your life not because god is slow but because we're slow it's the instrument he's working with it just takes a long time to sharpen us and get us to where we can do something amen and many people don't like that but i tell you what god is patient and you just need to give him time you know i i could unplug right here and spend the rest of this morning making this point but on july the 26th of 1999 the lord woke me up at 3 i think it was 2 56 in the morning and i mean i was sound asleep and i just heard the words the time has come and it woke me up i sat straight up in bed time for what has come and i stayed up two or three hours looking up scriptures and doing things and the lord spoke to me and says the time for you to start your ministry has come he says when you start on television january the 3rd 2000 that's the beginning of your ministry and at that time i had been in the ministry for 33 years and he says you're just starting if you had died you would have missed my perfect will for you and did you know in hindsight it's exactly like he said that's when our ministry really started that's all the rest of that time was preparation time it didn't take god that long it took me that long to respond to god and get get to a place that god could use me now don't misunderstand i'd been on radio since 76 i had been ministering to people we were seeing some good things happen i had already seen people raised from the dead but i hadn't started fulfilling god's perfect will for my life until i started on television so that's only been 21 years ago that i've actually been doing what god had wanted me to do it took time and it's because i'm so dull so anyway you can put that in your pipe and smoke it that's just the way that it is amen he supposed that his brethren would have understood and they didn't understand and man there's so much in this i'm having to skip through and pick which things i want to share with you but did you know most of us would have probably made the same mistakes that moses made because he could have easily looked at his life he was supposed to be killed and he didn't die he survived and he survived in a miraculous fashion his mother put him in a basket and put pitch on it and put it in the nile river and just let it float then alligators could have gotten it it could have drowned all kinds of things happen and not only did he survive but he just happened to float right to pharaoh's daughter now that's supernatural and the pharaoh who commanded all of the kids to be killed instead wound up raising the one person he was trying to stop and paid for him to be raised and gave him the best education he was learned in all of the wisdom of the egyptians and he was second or third in command in the nation of of egypt it would have been easy for him to think this is supernatural no wonder god put me here this is how he's going to bring deliverance to the jews is through my position you know secular history i've actually read some commentaries and in secular history not biblical history but in secular history moses went out and conquered the ethiopians and had the greatest military campaign in the history of egypt and subdued all of ethiopia and brought in more treasure and things than any other person had ever done so he was a military commander he was second or third in command he had all of this clout and it would have been easy for him to thank god i can see why you put me here you're going to use my position my military might to bring deliverance to the jews and so he flexed his muscle and killed a man thinking that that was the way god was going to bring deliverance it made perfect sense but it wasn't god and i guarantee you your reasoning and the way you see things happening is usually not god and yet this is something that we do we get a word from god and we make a paragraph out of it god thank you for showing me what you want me to do and i can handle it from here i got this you are fixing to fail big time and let me share with you over here uh keep your finger there in acts i'm coming back to it but look in genesis chapter 15 this is where moses had an encounter with the lord and he made a sacrifice and a smoking lamp and a burning flax or maybe i got that opposite but anyway they passed between the pieces god made a covenant with abraham and here's what he said to abraham in genesis chapter 15 and in verse 13 and he said unto abram no of assurity that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and shall serve them and they shall afflict them four hundred years and also that nation whom they shall serve will i judge and afterwards shall they come out with great substance so god told abraham your descendants are going to be afflicted in a foreign land for 400 years did you know over in exodus chapter 12 let me just turn over and read this verse to exodus chapter 12 verse 40 after moses finally did things god's way and brought the deliverance to the jews it says in exodus chapter 12 verse 40 now in the the sojourning of the children of israel who dwelt in egypt was 430 years and it came to pass at the end of the 430 years even the self-same day it came to pass this is not an approximation this is down to the exact day after what if you read galatians chapter 3 verse 17 i won't turn over there if they'll put that up on the screen it would help but galatians 3 17 says and this i say that the covenant that was confirmed before of god in christ that's about the covenant that was made with abraham genesis 15 6 where it says abraham believed god and it was counted unto him for righteousness that covenant which was 430 years after cannot disannul that it should make the promise of none effect talking about the covenant of law that was instituted at mount sinai that covenant of law did not disannul the covenant that was made with abraham in genesis 15 6. so it was 430 years to the day after the covenant with abraham that the children of israel came out of the land of egypt now put that together with acts chapter 7 and it says that if we continue reading where i was in verse 25 it says that he supposed his brethren would have understood how that god by his hand would deliver them but they understood not and the next day he showed himself unto them and they arose and would have said and he arose and would have set them at one again saying sirs you your brother and why do you wrong one to another but he that did his neighbor wrong thrust him away saying who made thee a ruler and a judge over us will thou kill me as thou didst the egyptian yesterday then fled moses at that saying it was a stranger in the land of midian where he beget two sons and when 40 years were expired there appeared unto him in the wilderness of mount sinai an angel of the lord in a flame of fire in a bush and i won't go through that whole story but most of us know that this is where the lord encountered moses and told him to go back and bring deliverance to the jews so it shows you that it was 40 years after he had killed the egyptian that he actually went back and brought the israelites out of bondage so if you subtract those 40 years from the 430 years that they actually spent in bondage then guess what that means that moses killed this egyptian ten years before it was time for god to bring the israelites out of bondage he did not understand the timing of god and again major mistake that most of us make that if god shows you his will you get impatient and you think god i'm going to bring it to pass right now and we just get oblivious to the gods leading in his timing like i was saying with me it was 34 years by the time march i mean january the 3rd 2000 came around 34 years that i had been in ministry before i actually started what god really called me to do it took that long there was a time for things coming to pass and i guarantee you i was frustrated during this time because i had a vision in my heart of reaching the world which i'm now seeing come to pass but i had this vision in me 45 years ago and it was frustrating not seeing it come to pass and i was always trying to make it come to pass there is a timing to what god is going to do in your life and there is a way of doing it that usually is different than your way moses was going to use his position in his might to make god's will he wasn't trying to bring evil things to pass he was trying to bring good things to pass but through his own might and through his own power and i tell you brothers and sisters it takes time to get that self-will that selfishness self-confidence out of us to the point that we can do what god called us to do did you know if moses would have cooled his jets and have waited 10 years let's just say that he knew the prophecy i believe he didn't know the prophecy because like here in in exodus chapter 12 verse 40 guess who wrote exodus chapter 12 verse 40. that was moses and it says on the exact same day the self-same day they came out he knew the prophecy i believe that the jews man they were marking time they were counting time and they were looking forward to this so i believe that he knew the prophecy but he could have rationalized it and said but you know man let's just say that there was a hundred thousand jews dying a year we don't know how many died per year but let's say that there was a hundred thousand jews that died per year in slavery and if he says if i wait 10 years then that is going to be a million jews that are going to die in slavery with their prayers unanswered and i'm already here and i've already got all of this clout and i've got this power i'm going to do it now he could have rationalized and that could have been the way he thought but you know what you miss when you do that is how many jews died during 30 years extra bondage that wasn't god's will because of his disobedience just use the same figure again this is totally made up suppose but let's say that a hundred thousand died per year over 30 years then that would be three million jews it's probably much much more than that that were that died with their prayers unanswered and looking at the promise of god like well it didn't come to pass and their faith was shaken because of his self-will let me bring that into modern day things how many people have been turned against the lord because of some minister who maybe took the giftings that god had given him and he was a communicator and he became famous and he pastored a church or he was a media minister but then because he was doing it his way he wound up stealing money and being disgraced or he wound up committing adultery or something and the gospel got a black eye and he could have thought you know but i haven't got time to wait and grow and let god do this i've got to do it myself i'm thinking of somebody right now who was doing good things but got to doing it in his own way wound up going to prison for a while and i mean caused a lot of problems and i don't doubt that he's called by god that he's anointed of god he's still on television today and doing things but he didn't do it god's way and because of it caused a lot of people shook their faith and things happen it's not enough just to know god's will you've got to know how does god want to accomplish it and when is the time there's a lot of times that i have been tempted try and kick the door down and make something happen that i know is god's will and i don't mean this in a bad way people think i run myself down i'm just being candid with you but i haven't got enough talent and ability to knock the door down amen if god doesn't open the door it's not going to get open and that's been an asset to me because i just i haven't been able to make things happen on my own i've had no option except to just hold on and keep seeking the lord and hold on to the vision that god has put in my heart but there are so many people that are really talented and i mean you're a great communicator and you've just got it all together and you've got all of this business sense and all of these things on your own i pity you because it's eight it's easy for you to lean under your own understanding with me i just i'm not tempted in those ways it's like god if you don't show me what to do i don't know how to do it and it's a real asset to be in a position like that but moses got premature trying to bring god's will to pass by 10 years and not only did it cost the children of israel 30 years extra bondage but it cost him 40 years in the wilderness that the bible doesn't say was god's will you'll often hear people take this story and say that god you know like if you saw that movie the ten commandments as moses heads out into the desert with his uh you know uh tribe of aaron robon and a staff in his hand the announcer comes on in this awesome voice and says so moses heads into the desert where scorpions and snakes are in prophets and they go into this thing that like it's all god's will and this was god's way of breaking moses and bringing him to this person he was supposed to be that was moses self-will that put him out in the wilderness for 40 years there's no indication that that was god's will now god used it and god can use whatever happens in our life and there's no doubt that he learned some things but that don't blame god for being in the wilderness god put him in the palace he could have stayed in the palace if he had cooled his jets and had just weighed in on god and god could have done it but it was his self-will that put him into the wilderness it's your self-will that puts you in the wilderness that's not to say that there aren't going to be problems and that there aren't things that you have to learn but we make it hard on ourself we blame the devil for things and i don't believe that the devil is responsible for everything that happens to us a lot of times i believe the devil is taking notes from us and saying man i never thought of doing it that way that's awesome i think that the devil learns from us sometimes a lot of our stuff is self-inflicted and so moses spent 40 years in the wilderness and i haven't got time of having to hurry through some things but in hebrews chapter 11 it says he endured as seen him who was invisible that word endure if you look it up that doesn't mean that he was like the movie the ten commandments portray it that moses was on the backside of the desert god leave me alone i want nothing to do with you he wasn't running from god he was enduring that word means he was persevering he was holding on to the call of god on his life and saying god i've messed up but give me another chance i'll do anything you show me how to do it i'll do it your way instead of my way that's what hebrews chapter 11 he endured as seeing him who was invisible and when he left egypt he did not fear the wrath of the king is what hebrews 11 says although exodus chapter 2 makes it look like he did it because he was afraid but the commentary hebrews 11 he didn't fear the wrath of the king he esteemed the reproaches of christ greater riches than the treasures that was in egypt he did this voluntarily realizing he had messed up and he forsook egypt and he was in the desert regrouping he was still seeking god man i wish i had time to go through some things but in exodus chapter 3 you see that the lord appeared unto him and he turned aside and after he turned aside the lord spoke to him why didn't the lord just speak to him this is the same thing that jesus did he came running out when his disciples were in the boat and drowning and it says in mark chapter 6 that he would have passed by them this is characteristic of god god doesn't come out there and just solve the problem for you god will present himself to you he will make himself available but you have to cry out you have to make a demand on god it doesn't automatically work out and so he he did something unusual a bush was burning but it wasn't consumed but if moses hadn't turned aside if moses would have said zipporah is at home fixing supper and i've been working all day i'm going to go home i believe that he could have walked right by this encounter with god but when he turned aside he see he was looking for god this is characteristic of people that are really seeking god with their whole heart they're looking they recognize things that other people don't recognize so he turned aside and god spoke to him and let me just turn over and read this to you out of exodus chapter 3 and chapter 4. there were four different times the lord says now go down and bring deliverance and moses was a transformed man 40 years later prior to this he got a word from god made a paragraph out of it god i know why you chose me good choice because man i am this awesome person i've got the entire armies of egypt at my command i'm second or third in command god i can handle it from here he was self-will now 40 years later god is saying all right go down and bring deliverance and he says god i can't do it god they won't listen to me it won't work four different times god told him they will believe you and he said they won't believe me he was a transformed man he had lost his arrogance he had lost his self-confidence and that's when god finally said all right now i'm ready to use you you know you don't find the beginning of god until you get to the end of yourself that is an awesome statement and it is the fact that most of us aren't to the end of ourself and that's the very thing that is keeping god from using us because if he used you it first of all would destroy you you'd get out in the flesh and you satan is going to come against you once you start being used to god and if you aren't in christ if you're out on your own you're vulnerable you know one time i heard a preacher talk about going on a safari and they were in one of these things and it was an open deal didn't have a roof or sides on it and there was like 10 people or so in this safari and going through one of the game pervert preserves in south africa and lions were right on the side of the road and they were concerned about you know what's protecting us from these lines and the guy told them he says the lions see you as a part of this vehicle and they know that they can't attack this vehicle and they'll leave you alone but don't get outside of the vehicle and he told them that he says one of the previous groups there was a japanese and you know how they like to always be snapping pitchers and stuff and they were right there and there was some light and they were just totally ignoring them eating some animal that was on the side of the road and they said that this guy just stepped out one foot just to get a little better picture and boom like that that lion got him and killed him the moment he stepped outside of the vehicle as long as you are in christ you're safe but the moment you get in the flesh you are vulnerable to the devil he can take advantage of you and so this is one of the reasons it takes so long for god to get to where he can use this is because he's got you got to come to the end of yourself moses had reached the end of himself he was not that self-confident arrogant person who god i can handle it from here he was changed and look at this in chapter four he had just told him in chapter three at the end of it that they are gonna believe you and it's all gonna work and in chapter four verse one moses answered and said but behold they will not believe me he's talking to god there's a visible manifestation of god an audible voice and god says they will believe you and he says they aren't going to believe me nor hearken unto my voice for they will say the lord hath not appeared unto thee and the lord said unto him what is that in thine hand and he said a rod and he said cast it on the ground and he cast it on the ground and it became a serpent and moses fled from before it and the lord said unto moses put forth thine hand and take it by the tail now before you read the rest of this verse don't look at the rest of this verse everybody's looking at the rest of this verse but did you know moses hadn't written this yet when he threw that rod on the ground and it turned into a snake remember for 40 years he'd been saying oh god give me another chance he was enduring by seeing him who is invisible he was seeking god and here he was in the presence of god the thing he had been looking for for 40 years and when that rod turned into a snake he was gone the other direction he was forsaking it all that's important because some people don't mind handling snakes but moses wasn't one of them moses was willing to flee the whole thing and then the lord told him to pick it up by the tail if you are going to pick a snake up you have to pick it up by the jaws right behind the jaws so that it can't turn and bite you picking it up by the tail means that you aren't in control that that snake could turn and bite you and since moses hadn't written the rest of this verse yet did you know in in a sense this was his this was his final exam in bush university 40 years in bush university and god says have you learned yet that you're going to do it my way whatever i tell you and he's he says pick it up by the tail and so moses picked it up by the tail and in his way of thinking this was a death wish there was no guarantee that that snake wasn't going to bite him he didn't know it was going to turn back into a rod but he picked it up by the tail and that's significant because that meant that god i'd rather obey you and die obeying you than do things my way that was his final exam and he passed and guess what when he did that he caught it by the tail and it became a rod in his hand and if you would have examined this rod if somehow or another people would have been there to take a little sliver of this rod and send it off and get tested they still would have said it was you know whatever wood it was they would have analyzed it in the natural and they just would have looked at it and they would have thought it was moses rod but look at this down in verse 20 after the lord finally convinced him to go back to egypt and bring deliverance it says in verse 20 and moses took his wife and his sons and set them upon an ass and he returned to the land of egypt and moses took the rod of god in his hands prior to moses putting this down before the lord it was moses rod it was moses stick and all it could do if he hit a rock it would either break the stick or it would have jarred him but that's all it would have done but once it became god's stick now he hit a rock and waters came gushing out and fed three million jews and all of their animals he held it out over the uh nile river and it turned into blood and he held it out over the land and frogs and lice came up he held it up to the sky and and hail came out of a clear sky and fire ran along upon the ground and he held it up and the firstborn of egypt were killed when you lay your life down and then god says take it up by the tail you aren't in control anymore it's not your life it's not you living it's christ living in you and you pick it up by the tail other people will look at you and think it's still your life and they'll just see you and they'll think that it's you doing it but you know that no it's not god i mean it's not you anymore it's god you know dwayne and i've been giving a lot of our personal testimony but this is exactly what happened to us is when he had that vision when i had my encounter with the lord march 23 1968 man i laid my life down and picked it up by the tail and other people thought that it's still me but it's not me anymore i'm not just me i'm the rod of god i've got god's power and anointing in my life and there's things happening through me that you may not appreciate because you're just looking on the outside but i've got a covenant with god and god has given me his power and authority same things happen to you but you have to come to the grips with it you have to come to this encounter i could spend a lot more time than i've got telling you about steps that i've made where it looked like things were beginning to work and then god i remember the first time in our ministry that jamie and i were eating on a regular basis it looked like we were going to live and not die we could see light at the end of the tunnel and it wasn't a train it was an exit it looked like we were going to live and god said go to pritchett colorado a town of 144 people with 10 people in the church i had 60 people in the church and childress it looked like we were going to live and god told me to go to pritchett but you know what it's what he told me to do and so i did it amen that's just like abraham believed god for a child and then god says sacrifice him everybody goes through this are you going to lean under your own understanding are you going to do things your way or are you going to do it god's way and so i had to make decisions and i i walked away from the first little bit of success we had ever had and went to a place where the only way to leave pritchett colorado was feet first there was not a stepping stone to anything but you know what that's where god opened up the ministry that's where everything began to work i'm telling you the ways of god are different than your carnal thinking and god is gonna have to work on you to get you to where you quit leaning under your own understanding you know when i was in the army it was terrible and i mean we had people in our unit get killed by the drill sergeants they literally had one guy with a club foot and they he couldn't keep up and so the drill sergeant says i want volunteers i want the biggest meanest baddest people and they volunteered and he says anytime this guy falls by and kick him hit him and they beat the guy to death he died i know some people what they don't do that kind of stuff this was vietnam we were all headed to vietnam and they just treated us to i could give you horror stories about uh our trainee field sergeant that they took a uh entrenching tool while he was asleep and beat his face in until they nearly decapitated him and he died it was bad i was in a number of race riots i'm the only white guy that survived every other person went to the hospital i could give you some stories anyway my point is that one weekend when everybody else was gone i got one of the drill sergeants by himself and i said why are you doing this stuff why do you treat what you're doing things that are way beyond what has to happen what is your logic and this guy opened up and he says you're a bunch of mama's boys you're all you're all wimps and he says we're sending you to vietnam and if we don't toughen you up you're gonna be killed and he says you may not understand it but we are trying to help you by telling you that you got you can't sit there and when the lieutenant says you know move to this position you can't all sit there and just say all right well i don't agree with that and he has to come and talk to each one of you and explain himself we've got to get you to where you just do what you're told and you recognize authority and you respond to it now i'm not saying that the way they did it was correct but i'm saying there was a reason behind what they're doing and and it's the same thing in the army of the lord that we can't sit there and just say well god i disagree with you i think my wisdom is better than your wisdom you got to get to where you obey and god is going to have you cast your life down before the lord and pick it up by the tail and he's going to ask you to do things that make no sense to you whatsoever and are you going to lean under your own understanding or follow god and so moses learned his lesson he went down to egypt and used the rod of god and and brought the mightiest nation on the planet to its knees that was awesome but did you know that it's not like you just one time do this learn your lesson and you're you're that way for the rest of the time and i'm running out of time i'm just going to say this but you can turn over to the 14th chapter of the book of exodus in exodus chapter 14. the lord told moses he says go camp in this place up against the sea and there was a mountain on two sides on the north and on the south and over on the east was the sea so it was like a box canyon and he says pharaoh will say you're entangled in the land and he will pursue you and i will give gl i will get glory over pharaoh and all of his hosts so god told moses what was going to happen he had him camp in a place that would entice a military guy to think they're trapped i can annihilate them because there's no room to escape a mountain on two sides a sea on the other it was a trap and he told moses what would happen and so moses did it sure enough here come pharaoh and all of his armies the people see it they start screaming let's appoint a leader and go back and become slaves again and moses stands up stand still and see the salvation of the lord which he has spoken over you today everybody says that's great you know the next verse god says wherefore christ thou unto me get up off your face and command the children of israel to go forward moses told them stand stills god says tell him to go forward and he says why are you crying unto me get up off your face i'm reading between the lines but you know what happened he knew that god was going to deliver him so he made this bold proclamation stand still and see the salvation of the lord and it stopped the riot and so they were standing there looking at him and he was looking at them and here come the armies and nothing had changed and so apparently moses fell on his face and began to pray oh god oh god do something and you know what the lord said get up off your face take the rod and hold it out over the red sea he had been given power and authority and he had fallen back in to oh god i can't do it oh god do something god said look you've got the authority you use what i gave you hold that rod out and command the sea to part see there's a ditch on both sides of the road you can get into this thing where you're so arrogant you're going to do everything on your own and that'll get you into trouble but you can also get in a ditch over here to where oh god i can't do anything god i have to have you and this is where a lot of people in the body of christ are they don't understand the authority that god has given them and so they're begging god oh god please heal this person he told you in matthew chapter 8 10 verse 8 you heal the sick cleanse the leper raise the dead peter and john on the third chapter of the book of acts they walked in and they said silver and gold have i none but such as i have give i unto thee they didn't even pray a prayer they just commanded him get up and walk and lifted him up there's a balance you've got to come to the end of yourself but you can't live there you've also got to say i'm nothing but in christ jesus i can do all things through christ some people just quote i can do all things no you can't but through christ you can do all things you got to have these two opposites in balance i'm nothing but i'm everything in christ jesus said without me you can do nothing that's absolutely true i believe that but i'm never without jesus so therefore i can do all things through christ and you got to keep these things in balance and you don't dis typically you don't keep it in balance all the time you tend to go from one extreme to the other so moses after 40 years in the wilderness oh god they won't believe me so he had this encounter god gave him his rod he went down and man defeated the mightiest nation on the face of the earth but after he had come out did you know sometimes when you come through your greatest victories or your when you're the most vulnerable because you feel oh man i can relax and you quit being as dependent and seeking god as much and so moses was kind of relaxed and he wasn't using his authority and he fell on his face oh god do something god said you do something take that rod and hold it out over the sea and then the same thing happened man i'm out of time but the same thing happened later i think it's either numbers chapter 21 or 22 where moses had already struck the rock once and the waters gushed out and fed all the people the second time he was supposed to speak to the rock and there's a lot of reasons for that one of them is that rock it says in first corinthians chapter 11 that they drank of that rock that followed them that rock was christ so this was symbolic of christ christ only gets crucified once you don't crucify him twice the second time you just speak and appropriate everything that he's already accomplished so yes that symbolism was there and i i submit to that 100 percent but god got so mad at him because he didn't speak to the rock he smote it twice that god said you aren't going to enter into the promised land do you realize 120 years moses had been moving towards this and because he broke the symbolism god was going to keep him out of the promised land i'm not saying that the symbolism wasn't there but i think it was more than symbolism it was moses once again getting back into this i can do it my way it'd be more dramatic for me to strike the rock than to speak to it and here he was re uh reverting back to that same thing that cost him 40 years in the wilderness and the children of israel 30 years extra bondage and if god hadn't stopped that self-will and stopped him from doing things his own way it could have cost the children of israel another 40 years in the wilderness i'm telling you you never get this totally figured out i've had people come up after a message like this and say please just cast this flesh out of me i can't do that the only way i can get you over flesh is to kill you and you go into the presence of the lord and then you won't have a problem with your flesh anymore but as long as you're alive in this life you've got to be dealing with this thing about am i self-willed am i depending upon myself and then on the other extreme oh god i'm nothing how in the world could you ever use me you need to live in between those two things you need to keep these things in balance constantly so it's not enough just to find god's will you have to learn to follow god to be led by god and then i hadn't even touched on how do you fulfill how do you finish your course with joy all of that's in that book and i encourage you to get it but i think that we've sown good seed in you this week and and like i said in the beginning we may not you may not know everything right now but you've got keys that will unlock god's will and everything that he wants in your life and i just believe in my heart that there's some people right here that maybe you've known god's will for your life and you've messed the whole thing up and you think how could god ever use me have you done as bad as moses where you killed somebody and you spent 40 years in the wilderness and you you're responsible for hundreds of thousands maybe millions of people's death because of your own self-will i dare to say that there's nobody here like that if god was able to revive moses and use him in the way that he did you know it's not too late for you god can use you and as dwayne has said god's at least as good as a gps system if you make a wrong turn it'll recalculate and say turn back here god can get you from where you are to where he wants you to be i don't care what you've done you need to take a lesson from moses amen let's have our prayer ministers come up here we're going to take a break but i want to i know that god is speaking to some of you and if you're saying oh god i understand some things now you need to come and just confess it talk to somebody and have them pray with you and say praise god i'm i'm going to get back on track i'm laying my life down before the lord and so i encourage you to do that they'll be here during the break so please take advantage of that mark i'll turn it back over to you [Applause] man that was a good message thank you andrew um guys we're going to take a break until 11am so please come back and then pastor dwayne will be with us thank you [Music]
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 1,845
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Id: eXtEO-qp5tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 42sec (3462 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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