Destination: Daniel 7-12 | Skip Heitzig

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the life and Ministry of Daniel the prophet spanned a 70 year period nine of the twelve chapters in the Book of Daniel revolve around dreams on this flood you will also note that Daniel is one of the few major Bible characters about whom nothing negative is said in Scripture well if you've ever been to the east coast like to New York and you've ever stood out looking toward the harbor you see that huge Statue of Liberty with her hand raised high and for over a hundred years she has welcomed hundreds of thousands of people into our country at the base of that statue is part of a poem by a woman named Emma Lazarus I have a hunch some of you know it give me your tired your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free and so teams of multitudes from nations around the world have called the United States of America their home and they've all rallied around that great document and the nation was founded by that document when it was signed on July 4th 1776 the Declaration of Independence but this way you ought to know the Declaration of Independence which is that secular document that frames this country's vision has strong ties to the spiritual beliefs of our founding fathers and they wrote about that in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights and among these life liberty and the pursuit of happiness it was a declaration of independence from other nations but it was a declaration of dependence upon God himself and so it's July 2nd and in two days will be July 4th tonight we're going to have fireworks and celebrate free the freedom that our country enjoys but more than that the freedom that we have not only living in a free country but we have been set free from sin and eternal death by the Lord Jesus Christ so we get to doubly celebrate tonight now the nation of Israel was at one time one nation under God it was a place that worshiped and hallowed and respected God but as history went on we have seen in the Bible from 30,000 feet as history went on the nation turned from God toward other gods following their own ways becoming independent rather than dependent upon the Lord so what happened they lost their freedom they were eventually taken captive and they found themselves in Babylon and that's where Daniel finds himself and that's where Daniel writes this book now Babylon let me just give you a picture in your mind of what it looked like it was magnificent the walls of Babylon were 85 feet thick you could have chariot races on top several abreast all around the 60 mile perimeter of the city 85 feet thick the walls extended 300 feet high in the air every 65 feet was a tower another watch tower in Babylon to keep out the invaders and as I said that wall 300 feet went all the way around the city of Babylon for 60 miles in circumference it was intimidating to go there Daniel found himself there if Daniel were to have walked through the Central Corridor of the city called the Ishtar Gate he would find himself on a road of imported limestone 65 feet wide flanked on either side by red tile sidewalks flanked on either side by a wall with blue tile and yellow decorations of lions and Dragons that was the motif of Babylon the Euphrates River ran right through the middle of that city it was like the ancient Venice of the Middle East the Hanging Gardens of Nebuchadnezzar were there it was a spectacular sight one of the seven wonders of the world and yet this magnificent City this intimidating city that Daniel was in had a man who was a king filled with pride and even though God in heaven revealed himself to that man and even though that man for a while seemed to be dependent upon God eventually because of pride through the Prophet Daniel's prediction Babylon fell as well not just Israel fell to Babylon now Babylon gets destroyed by the medo-persian Empire so we have a world governing Empire Babylon followed by another world governing Empire the medo-persian government now chapter one through six we covered last time that's historical and that historic section talks about Daniel's life and how he aged in how he ministered and served in Babylon now chapters 7 through 12 aren't historic as much as prophetic the it's it's like an appendix of prophecy tagged on to Daniel's life these were things he saw and wrote about through his entire career as he was in Babylon now I got to tell you something the Book of Daniel and this section we're going to be in and principally chapter 9 which I'm gonna hover over tonight it's the Bible from 30,000 feet but tonight we're going to be in a helicopter hovering over Daniel chapter 9 this is a section of Scripture that when I was working in the secular field in the medical field I remember pulling out Daniel chapter 9 and I would always find my favorite atheist or favorite agnostic doctor or nurse or medical tech running around the hospital and when we had a break I'd pull out the Book of Daniel and I would challenge their preconceptions of God and the Bible and I led more people in that secular environment to Christ using the Book of Daniel than anything else in the scripture it's very exciting and what we get here and we'll only see it briefly is a whole overview of God's plan for the nation of Israel all the way up to the end times now let me tell you what prophecy is like let's say we're sitting at a parade okay so let's say we're all sitting at the corner of central and Carlisle and we're watching the parade go down central and we love it the bicycle clowns go by and we all clap and the high school Queen goes by and we all clap and whoever else goes by and we're all excited at this parade one of our friends comes to the parade late and says oh did I miss the bicycle clowns they're my favorite I want to see the clowns on the bicycles did I miss them and you say well you just miss them they already went by you're a little bit late but if you go ahead of the parade you'll be able to see what's past and they go great I'll go ahead and I'll see what you've already seen another one of your friends comes by a little bit later and says hey has the mayor's float come by I want to see the mayor personally and I hear his float is just killer and you say no we haven't seen it yet it's probably still at the beginning so if you go back you'll be able to see what's ahead for us now the best view is if you could be in a helicopter or a blimp and you could hover over the parade and see it from a bird's-eye view you'd see it all at one time you go there's the mayoral float there's the clown's on bicycles there's a high school queen and there's something I missed because I came a little bit late you can see it all in one fell that's the advantage God has with prophecy he sees it all in one fell swoop and he gives some of that information to Daniel the prophet for Daniel it's all future for us some of it has already been fulfilled and some of it is yet to be fulfilled at a still future now chapter 7 we started on last week I'm gonna just describe it to you if I can in Daniel chapter 7 he sees a vision it's at night and God gives him his own nighttime vision very similar to King Nebuchadnezzar's vision in Chapter 2 the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar saw a succession of world empires he saw them as a huge statue of many different metals gold silver bronze iron and iron and clay Daniel gets a vision but he sees them from God's perspective not this beautiful image of gold and polished metal but ferocious beasts wild animals that's how God sees all of the kingdoms run by men the first animal that he saw in his vision was a lion and the lion had the wings of an eagle and the eagle with or the lion with the wings of an eagle was picked up into the air and then made to stand on two feet and two legs like a man and a man's heart was given to the lion that symbolized the kingdom of Babylon that was actually the motif of the Babylonians a winged lion and as we go through the chapter God says Daniel that's the nation of Babylon which will be overtaken by another one the second animal that he sees in his vision is a bear and the Bears raised up on one side and there's three ribs in its mouth and he hears a voice that says arise and devour much flesh and that represents the second Kingdom the medo-persian empire which did take over Babylon Daniel sees a third animal in his dream the third one is a leopard but get this this leopard has bird wings for bird wings on the back and not one head but four heads so for bird wings and four heads and that represents the Grecian Empire under Alexander the Great which would be later on dispersed to four generals when he died the last vision that Daniel sees the last beast in this dream is a ferocious he calls it a terrible and awesome beast unlike the previous three with iron teeth and trampling everywhere it goes and that is a future Empire which turned out many years later to be the Roman Empire which would govern the earth so I want you to look at in chapter 8 beginning in verse 5 where two nations are highlighted now follow me not for naught Babylon not me to Persia not Greece not Rome two nations are in this next vision of chapter 8 this time they're depicted a little bit differently one Kingdom the medo-persian empire is depicted as a ram with two horns one a little bit longer than the other because the media side of the medo-persian coalition was much stronger the RAM which was very very strong was overtaken by a goat and I called it last week turbo goat because it moves really fast verse five I was considering suddenly a male goat came from the West across the surface of the whole earth without touching the ground and the goat had a notable horn between its eyes verse 8 therefore the male goat grew very great but when he became strong the large horn was broken and in its place four notable ones came up toward the four winds of heaven this is a dream of what would happen in the future from Daniels perspective to us its history the medo-persian Empire typifies by the RAM was a great powerful governing Kingdom it had a large army massive army an Alexander the Great who was in Greece had a very small army in comparison but he moved very very swiftly and the kingdom of Greece was characterized by two things number one the speed of their victory they moved very quickly Alexander the Great was a petty prince at age 18 his dad was Philip of Macedon the great Macedonian King Alexander was nothing in four years this kid had such ambition he practically ruled the world and at age 31 when he died he did rule the entire world he was in charge of every known Kingdom at that time so he moved very very swiftly as the dream portrayed the second thing was that speed of the break up of his kingdom remember Daniel sees four wings and four heads of the beasts and four horns in this second dream when Alexander the Great died in Babylon they asked him okay who's gonna take over your kingdom he gave one answer he said give it to the strong and then he died and when he died they said what did what does that mean give it to the strong and so everybody around him said he must mean it is to be divided up to his four generals who were around his deathbed okay so follow me the kingdom of Greece as the dream predicted was divided up into four areas one general named Cassandra Cassandra with the sea took the area of Macedonia and Greece Lusa Mekas took Asia Minor and the kingdom of Thrace 3rd general Seleucus took the area of Asia and Syria and then the last one Ptolemy PT o le my Ptolemy spelled with a P took the area of Egypt so the kingdom fell to these four generals now listen to this verse nine out of one of them came a little horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south toward the east and toward the glorious land that can be the only the Land of Israel verse 11 he even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away and the place of his sanctuary was cast out now we know from history who this notable King is there were several kings up in Syria called Seleucid Kings because of Seleucus the general member the eighth Seleucid king was a guy by the name of Antiochus the fourth Antiochus the fourth he hated the Jewish nation with a passion he gave himself a name he called himself fayus Antiochus fayus Epiphanius which means I am God now made manifest to the world you think he had a pride problem a little bit arrogant huh I am God now manifest to the world and he was called Antiochus Epiphanes Antiochus the one made manifest the Jews called him Antiochus opinon needs which means the madman the crazy dude and you can see why because he came in ransacked Jerusalem destroyed part of the temple dedicated it to the false god of zeus sacrificed a pig on the altar of sacrifice out in the courtyard sprinkled the pig juices all over the temple very very unco commanded the sabbath to be stopped all circumcisions to be stopped he killed 80,000 jews and sold 40,000 of them as slaves and he is predicted throughout the book of daniel as somebody who so hated the Jews that he would become a type of somebody else who will come in the future who also hates the Jews and do what he has already done the term the abomination of desolation comes from Antiochus Epiphanes he commanded the sacrifices to be stopped and they continued to be stopped until a guy by the name of judas maccabees who started a revolt and ended a revolt on the twenty-fifth day of Kislev the jewish month we call that Chanukah where they dedicated the temple back up and freed the people he becomes a type of another abomination of desolation which is yet future you go how do you know its future because long after this guy was born lived and died Antiochus Epiphanes Jesus Christ predicted the abomination of desolation as something future it's going to come which means what you have seen in your history is only a type of what is yet to come in the future and that's Daniel chapter 8 now Daniel chapter 9 and we're gonna sum up don't worry the last three chapters very quickly but Daniel chapter 9 is one of the highlights one of the hallmarks one of the towers of Scripture it's like the Eiffel Tower or Mount Rushmore or some something that you is very notable and recognizable and very very powerful verse one in the first year of Darius the son of Ahaz you heiress of the lineage of the Medes who was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans in the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by the number of years if I'd by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the Prophet that he would accomplish 70 years in the desolations of Jerusalem then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer supplications with fasting sackcloth and ashes and I prayed to the God or to the Lord my God and made confession and I said O Lord great an awesome God who keeps covenant and mercy with those who love you and with those who keep his Commandments look at verse 21 yes while I was speaking in prayer the man Gabriel hey that's cool the angel Gabriel gave a visit to this dude very very cool the man Gabriel whom I had seen at the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly reached me about the time of the evening offering and he informed me and talked with me and he said o Daniel I have now come forth to give you skill to understand at the beginning of your supplications the command went out and I have come to tell you for you are greatly beloved therefore consider the matter and understand the vision now listen to the vision seventy weeks are determined for your people your people are the Jewish people and for your holy city that would be the City of Jerusalem to finish transgression make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal a prophecy and vision and to anoint the most holy you see the word determined in that verse seventy weeks are determined that's a word that means to cut or to divide in other words out of all of human history God has set aside a period of time called here the seventy weeks of Daniel he is cut it out or marked it out as a special divine timetable of certain things that are going to be accomplished now it says there are 70 weeks I'm I'm sort of sorry that you have that translation because literally it doesn't read 70 weeks literally it says 77 Shaboom Shaboom 77 s are determined or marked out for your people so you say 77 what okay so it's translated weeks it could be days it could be years the Bible uses in both ways okay here's a clue Daniel has been praying about the 70 year captivity right and then the angel comes and says 70 sets of seven something are determined for your people and for the holy city now let me just boil it down the consensus of most scholars Christian and Jewish is that this refers to years not days or 70 weeks of years or 490 years are determined for your people in your city follow me a timetable of 490 years seventy sevens in fact one Bible translation the new century version translates it seventy times seven years or 490 years okay verse 25 no therefore that's the command know therefore and understand so we got to leave tonight understanding this know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build jerusalem until Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks that would be 49 years and sixty-two weeks that would be 434 more years or so far a total of 483 years the street shall be built again and the wall even in trouble sometimes and after the sixth two weeks listen Messiah will be cut off but not for himself and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city in the sanctuary and the end of it shall be with a flood until the end war and desolations are determined and then verse 27 speaks about that final week or the 70th week of Daniel now did you hear that or did you read that with me the exact time of messiahs arrival to the holy city of Jerusalem is predicted in these verses in other words at the end of the 69th week at the end of the 483 year count Messiah will come to the city and Messiah will be killed cut off but not for himself but for the people so what I need to determine is this what is the time that I start the counting I'm given seven weeks I'm given sixty-two weeks or 69 weeks of years 483 years from a certain starting point what does it say from the going forth of the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah will be 483 years well fortunately I know exactly when that date in history was there were four different edicts given for the Jews to go back build the temple build a city but the one that catches our attention is the command given in Nehemiah chapter 2 for them to go back and restore the street and build the wall of the city as the prophecy says and that was given by art exact seas Longy Montes on March 14th 445 BC we have that date it's in history it should mean that I could count 483 years exactly from March 14th 445 BC and at the end of that I would come up to Jesus coming to Jerusalem as the prophecy says when de Jesus entered Jerusalem Jesus entered Jerusalem on April 6th 32 ad let's take it a step further let's boil down the 483 years in two days let's see if God is exact or he's just sort of guessing at something if I were to boil down 483 years in two days I come up with 173,880 days exactly it should mean then that I could count from March 14th 445 BC 173,880 days and it says Messiah will come to the holy city well a guy named Sir Robert Anderson have you heard that name sir Robert Anderson he was the head of Scotland Yard Criminal Investigation wrote a book called the coming prince where he tabulated he did all of the historical research he counted 173,880 days from March 14th 445 BC and it just so happened to be April 632 ad or the 10th of Nisan in the Jewish calendar the only day Jesus allowed himself to be publicly proclaimed as the Messiah of the nation remember the day he said to his disciples hey go in the village next door and get a little donkey and bring him here I'm gonna sit on him why because Jesus likes donkey rides no because he's fulfilling Zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 rejoice o Zion shout daughter of Jerusalem look your king is coming to you just and having salvation lowly on a donkey on the Colt a full of a donkey fulfilling Zechariah chapter 9 and Daniel 9:25 Jesus comes in and the only time we read in Jesus whole life the nation says Hosanna blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord and remember what the Jewish leader said master rebuke your disciples because they knew exactly what they were saying they were saying he is the Messiah and Jesus is that well okay I can stop them but if I do you'll have the biggest rock concert on your hands the rocks will sing themselves they'll cry out and then Jesus wept over the city and do you remember what he said when he wept over the city Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem how often I would have gathered you like a hen gathers her young but you were not willing and Jesus said these words if you had only known even you especially in this your day the things that make for your peace but they are hidden from your eyes what was Jesus speaking about if you had only known this day what day exactly the 173,880 a--the day from March 14th 445 BC on this day April 632 ad when daniel said your prince the messiah will come to your holy city and then he will be cut off and a few days later Jesus at Passover was cut off but not for himself but for the sins of his nation now you can see why this is a fun scripture to pull out with skeptics and show them the power of the Bible and how God orchestrated the atonement of his son and I'm doing this tonight here's why it's important it shows us that all of history surrounds one important event and that is the atoning work of Messiah Yeshua Jesus our Savior all of history all God divides all of time based on that event the atonement of Jesus Christ for your sins God loved you so much that he sent his son to die for your sins and orchestrated the exact date so that you could believe and be saved and it also shows us the plan that God has for his people the Jewish nation the 70 weeks of Daniel determined for Jerusalem and for these people now Jesus came but Jesus was largely though not totally but largely rejected by the nation that he came to he came into his own in his own what received him not they rejected him this nation the one you and I live in the United States of America one nation under God you know what's happening you know what the courts are doing you know what individuals are tirelessly trying to do take God out of the Constitution take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance remove God far away from government under this bogus idea never meant to be this meaning the separation of church and state so they say let's let's just take God completely out of this nation and secularize it totally boy that's dangerous to me back in the 19th century we had a visitor not we my family or anybody you'd know but the United States of America had a visitor from France named alexis de tocqueville ever heard of alexis de tocqueville this guy was an ambassador to study this new experiment called the United States of America it was an experiment in democracy and the world thought if you have a country ruled for the people by the people of the people it'll lead to anarchy it's no way to govern you should always have a king and so Alexis de Tocqueville came over and viewed the United States this is what he said America is the place where the Christian religion has kept the greatest power over men's souls and nothing better demonstrates how useful and natural it is to man since the country this country the United States is where it now has the widest sway and is the most enlightened nation and the freest nation he saw in looking at our country that our freedom is tied to our belief in God and our Christian worldview as we celebrate our freedom tonight we celebrate it rejoicing but with the prayer that this country will turn back to God that this country will turn in repentance back to the God who loves this country and died for this country that's our prayer tonight you know what else Alexis de Tocqueville said he said this America is great because America is good as soon as America ceases to be good she will no longer be great so you wonder well how good is our nation and we go uh-oh maybe we're not all that great like we once were because of what we have done with God similar to this nation the nation of Israel now chapter 10 chapter 10 is an introduction to chapter 11 and 12 Daniel has given the future in more detail in more visions starting from Darius the Mede Darius the Mede the ruler of the medo-persian Empire along with Cyrus Darius the Mede all the way to Antiochus Epiphanes which I mentioned he's highlighted in chapter 11 as well all the way to the second coming of Jesus Christ at the end of chapter 11 and on into the end of chapter 12 now in in verse 2 and 3 of Daniel 10 he says I mourned three full weeks I ate no Pleasant food no meat no wine came into my mouth so whatever he saw really disturbed him and he saw a vision of an angel in verse 12 and he said to me don't fear Daniel for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before God your words were heard and I have come because of your words but the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days and behold Michael one of the chief priests or the chief Prince's came to help me for I had been left alone with the king of Persia now briefly here were getting insight into spiritual warfare there was no human Prince of Persia there was a king and I already mentioned the names of the coalition of Kings there wasn't a prince but we're getting the backstage view like job got the backstage view of some other demonic spirit influencing the king of Persia trying to thwart God's plan as stated in Daniel 70 weeks for the Jewish nation he's trying to destroy God's plan for his people and it seems that Satan has assigned this demonic being rulership or influence over the king of Persia so 21 days this battle took place 21 days this Archangel had to fight with the demonic being must be pretty powerful here's my question if the Prince of Persia whatever that demonic being is was that powerful what do you think the Prince of San Francisco is like or the Prince of Hollywood or Las Vegas must be pretty powerful in chapter 11 you notice it's long I'm really not going to touch it here's why you want to know why chapter 11 in 35 verses there's a hundred and thirty-five prophecies fulfilled historically with great intricacy we don't have time one time I did a whole study just on chapter 11 but it's basically a conflict between this is what it says the kings of the north and the kings of the south the kings of the south did this and the kings to the north to death then the kings in the north to death and the kings of the south did that and you go what's going on north of Israel was the seleucid empire south of Israel Egypt was the Ptolemaic empire after Alexander the Great died for 200 years battles were going back and forth between north and south and sandwiched in the middle was the nation of Israel so they're called the kings of the north and kings of the south relative to the position of the most important ation in God's agenda Israel so these Kings go back and forth and the best way to understand chapter 11 is this verses 1 through 35 deal with battles that take place in Daniels 69 weeks the first 483 years the last part of the chapter deals with battles that will take place in the Tribulation Period the 7-year period Daniels 70th week including the Antichrist again that's just an overview but after all this is the Bible from 30,000 feet chapter 12 verse 1 at that time Michael shall stand up the Great Prince who stands watch over the sons of your people and there will be a time of trouble see if this doesn't sound familiar a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time and at that time your people shall be delivered everyone who's found written in the book and many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake that's the resurrection some to everlasting life by the way first time in the Bible ever we find the word everlasting life is right there in that verse some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt but those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness like the Stars forever and ever do you want to be a wise man or a wise woman I don't mean just a wise guy you want to be wise take people to heaven with you lead people to Christ learn how to do evangelism learn how to pray with people to get him to heaven those who are wise will shine like the Stars forever tonight you're gonna see fireworks I'm gonna encourage you to do something when the fireworks are done when the when the sparkle is out of the sky when the last roman candle or sparkler or whatever it is goes away keep looking up if the clouds clear and if the clouds clear typically in a clear night you see beyond the fireworks the stars and when the fireworks die out the stars are still shining that's a wise person an unwise person comes into the world says it's all about me I'm gonna make a splash in the sky like fireworks and God says let's dumb it's better to shine forever than to just make a splash for an instant or be a king or queen for a day shine forever and you do it by leading people to Christ he who wins souls proverbs says is wise and then he'll shine one of the great evangelists of our time one of the great evangelists the world has ever known is at the end of his life dr. Billy Graham he has led more people to Christ than anyone else in history knowing that a few years ago I was back in North Carolina at the cove the Billy Graham training center and that night a few of us were invited over to Billy and Ruth's house for dinner well this is quite an honor we went over there and had Chinese food and that night Billy was talking about the presidency had known and he turns to me I was doing the evening session at The Cove that night and Billy says I'm coming to the cove to hear you preach tonight and honestly I said to him oh great and in my heart I'm going oh no the world's greatest evangelist is going to hear me speak I don't want that I felt so embarrassed and here's why the topic that I was preaching on that night was evangelism so what's wrong with that picture skip Heitzig with the world's greatest evangelist in the audience teaching on evangelism and then they even told me at the cove they said look not everybody in this crowd is necessarily born-again why don't you give an invitation for some to receive Christ I go that's like over the top now I'm gonna give an invitation in Billy Graham's in the crowd that's like what he does why don't I have him come up I said oh no no no no he'll be in the back but you give the invitation so I gave an invitation for people to raise their hands and Billy raised his hand no I'm just kidding he didn't do that but a lot of people did a lot of people that and that is always been his heart to win as many people to Christ as possible and tonight in just a moment out here maybe some of you maybe you've gone to church your whole life maybe you've been a good person maybe you have said okay I'll uh I'll go Sunday's okay well I'll go to this special Wednesday night but that's it maybe you have a relationship with the church like that but you don't have a real relationship with Jesus Christ I'm gonna give you that opportunity in just a few moments to make a decision to follow Jesus Christ because that is the center of this entire book what is the smartest thing you can do in light of prophecy I want you to think about this thought in closing what's the smartest thing you can do knowing that there's a God out there who knows everything that is going to happen in the future he sees the parade from the blimp he's in the helicopter he sees it all in a flash and he can predict it he's got it all in his hand I think the best choice you could make is to give yourself into the hands of that one the Lord Himself I heard a story about an airplane in the airplane it was a private plane there was a minister a Boy Scout and a genius they were being flown by a pilot from one place to another they had engine trouble the pilot announced everybody the planes going down there's only three parachutes but there's four people myself the preacher the minister the Boy Scout and the genius the pilot said look I'm married and I've got three kids I've got to have one of the parachutes he grabbed one jumped out next the genius stepped up and he goes look I'm the smartest guy in the world everybody needs me he took a parachute and he jumped out now there's one parachute and there's two people left the Boy Scout and the minister the minister came over to the Boy Scout and said look I've lived a long rich life you're just starting you're a young lad I gladly have you take the parachute I'll go down with the plane the Boy Scout smiled very confidently and said relax preacher the smartest guy in the world just took my knapsack and jumped out of the airplane what a genius question how are you gonna jump into eternity you need to jump with your own little backpack you're just going to take a risk and go forever into eternity die and then cross your fingers and hope it all goes well you're not very genius like if that's your plan if you really want to be smart if you really want to be wise you will jump into the hands of the one who controls all of history I can't think of a better place to celebrate the freedom in Jesus Christ by giving your life to Him than right here right now
Channel: Skip Heitzig
Views: 4,800
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: How to study the Bible, How to read the Bible, Jesus, Skip, Skip Heitzig, How to know God, Daniel, prophetic visions, faith, prophecies, fervent prayer, people of Israel
Id: zMJ1NpkqjLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 13sec (2773 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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