MADAGASCAR THEORY: The Old Woman Trained Captain Dubois

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hello I'm the theorized ER and I absolutely love animated movies I'm so sorry I haven't gotten around to doing really much of them lately you see they were all scheduled for early 2018 so here you go anyways today I'm gonna be looking at the two main villains of easily the funniest DreamWorks films the Madagascar franchise for those who are unaware in the first Madagascar film all of the animals have escaped the zoo and they've arrived at Grand Central Station where all of the humans are running wild in terror all except an old lady that is who's just walking slowly and casually until she suddenly lashes out insanely and viciously attacks Alex the lion with karate yes it is bizarre that she has such insane attacking abilities and the capability to literally flip a multi hundred pound lion then she yells bad kitty at him when the police have the animals surrounded the old woman somehow bypasses their blockade and disables Alex by destroying his testicles we also see her in the Christmas special entitled the Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas caper she purchases private the penguin thinking he's a chew toy she can give to her poodle mr. Choo while she sits watching the game her dog fights the penguins behind her and when she realizes what's happened she blames the dog for her trashed apartment it's not until Madagascar escaped to Africa and that we see her again and this time not as a cameo she's the main villain she's on an African tour and she encounters Alex again she whacks him with her and begs some more and he Yanks her from the touring vehicle the fight that ensues or really demonstrates her abilities to us whatever skill she's trained in obviously she has some sort of formal training in I'm assuming karate or at least what's left of it now that she's an old age the rest of the film involves her methodically calming down a massive group of panicked tourists establishing an entire African safe haven preaching fearlessness and even beating up and even a larger lion according to the bonus disc information she brought said massive lion back to New York in a kiddy cage I'm assuming she's moved on from mr. chew at this point but this old woman known only as Nana is nothing in comparison to the third film's villain captain Chantal Dubois the unrelenting animal control officer hired to capture the group of animals she's got Nana's abilities but to the utmost extreme it looks like she's trained in the most effective fighting styles perhaps Krav Maga and definitely parkour her abilities are in fact so powerful that she borders the abilities of a terminator that's her equivalent there's no doubt about whether she's trained or not this woman is a Titan of body control she can survive anything she's hit with and she won't be slowed down at all she has a deep understanding of the animals psyche and how to communicate with them she doesn't second-guess their massive plane or the fact that they're driving cars but her visions impulsive reckless determination and her perception of reality exceeding ours meets her with almost every single symptom of what psychologists would call schizophrenia she sees reality in flames which allows her to dodge dozens of speeding bananas and allows her to roll out from beneath the Train at the perfect time she knows the exact placements to make in order to crash through windows and walls she knows how to jump extremely high and she's been trained on how to land from massive heights she was only caught by the police when she overestimated her smarts and she fooled them all in a matter of hours trapping them in their own cell she was only outwitted by the Penguins when she thought the circus was run by an actual human she apparently has the ability to heal her partners with her voice and she ultimately succeeded at returning Alex bazoo case in point she's been trained to the maximum only being defeated with her own tactics tranquilization she's one of the most Swift humans in the entire world capturing hundreds of animals including our very own mr. Choo which brings me to my main point the mind-blowing Lee concealed connection between shantel and Nana someone who's a normal viewer might say it's just a kids movie they aren't connected it's all for comedy I would refer them to one of my many other videos on dreamer films convince them otherwise someone who's a smart viewer one that likes to think outside the box and theorize it might say that there's a chance of them being biologically related you just need to look for the evidence such as the rare trait of blue eyes they share or other little genetic similarities but someone who's an intelligent viewer someone who considers all possibilities of critical thought might say that the relationship goes far deeper than that and it definitely does first off captain Du Bois is obviously schizophrenic she sees hallucinations of animal musk she has clear delusions of being an unstoppable goddess of animal entrapment she has rapidly changing moods when she's in her mode although she has a great lack of emotion overall she's very apathetic and has no care about the repercussions of her actions she's all-around quite unstable but could this simply have been a result of her training we'll get back to that in a minute Nana is Russian as indicated by her accent and big fluffy hat I've seen on other stereotypical Russians Dubois is very obviously French as they establish many times so a biological relationship is very unlikely not impossible mind you but still very unlikely there's the chance that they could have been trained together though Nana has clearly got less abilities than Duha but that's just because of her very old age they have the same methods of attack except Nana's elderliness reduces hurt as simple flipping kicking and punching in Madagascar to the tour guide approaches Nana after she's been brutally attacked and she's totally fine he tells her she's one tough cookie Nana promptly says brownies troop 416 Yonkers brownies are a subdivision of Girl Scouts for those unaware so she was a Girl Scout when she was younger about age 7 to 10 if she was a brownie and Girl Scouts are a worldwide thing so it been in Russia though it's very improbable based on the context besides she says he Yonkers and Yonkers is a city in New York State it's very close to New York City but here's where we encounter a problem with the plot and on this channel plot holes don't exist whenever I find one I exploit it because they're great canonical evidence for a theory the plot hole is this Nana while fluent in English has a very thick Russian accent and indicates to the viewer that she's lived there for quite some time if she moved to New York when she was seven to join Girl Scouts then there's a good chance that her accent would have easily morphed into an American one as she finished growing up there's not a 100% chance that it would have but it's very probable so is she lying then about being a Girl Scout what purpose would that serve well there's definitely more notice how she responds to the man very quickly when he simply says cookie you are one tough cookie please poop 4/16 youngest a word not even being used in the context of an actual cookie like Girl Scouts cell but rather just you're one tough cookie she immediately jumps to telling this lie it's almost like she wasn't responding to the word cookie but rather to him saying you're tough it's a psychology thing for people to have prepared statements and to give too much detail when they're lying to respond fast and prepped so if she's hiding her karate training by masking it as a part of Girl Scouts why what is the purpose why conceal her true training it means it's something confidential and important not just a karate class certainly not damn Girl Scouts it's something deeper something that also gives her this ability to live in the woods construct a miniature civilization and calm down a massive amount of people something that warrants are having multiple secured locks on her apartment door something that I'll get back to in just a moment so that was shady and deeply interwoven but let's move on to someone extremely crucial to bridge the gap between shantel and Nana that's someone being mr. to Nana's dog as we know from the Christmas caper special mr. Choo is a very old dog he's lived with Nana since she was quite young he's old and appears to be actually rabid he may live in a New York apartment but we can see from pictures on Nana's wall that she took him on a previous trip to Africa seems to be a regular thing for her but get this Africa is a high-risk zone for contracting rabies and certainly is where he could have gotten it namely because the last happy picture of him shown during the credits is the Africa one the following picture is just a silhouette image of him with crazily sharp teeth then the pictures end it's like he just contracted it he eats random objects that aren't food he has a viciously open jaw abnormal aggression bloodshot eyes indicating a possible fever chronic excitability signs of drooling and a lack of coordination as he jumps around like a maniac mr. Q acts normal around Nana but when alone or when his silhouette was being created in the presence of a person he did not know his emotions shift a rapidly and he goes crazy like rabies causes dogs to do the only problem is that rabies and dogs last for 10 days before they die and that would mean something rather sad it would mean Nana and mr. Choo had just gotten back from their annual winter trip to Africa and she'd had him put down due to the rabies likely after she assumed he destroyed her apartment many people go on trips to hot climates during the winter so they can escape the cold especially when they live in a place like New York we later see her in Madagascar 1 which takes after the special and she has a deep hatred for animals such as lions perhaps because she's depressed that she had to put her canine down she used to go so far as to buy mr. Chu stuffed animals of Alex but now she's depressed that her multi-decade old poodle has died in Madagascar too she goes on her annual trip again to honor mr. Chu and as revealed in the bonus commentary she picks up Makunga and takes him home in a cage well that was one massive but accurate tangent I just flew on but it's a great fitting deduction so how am I using the small fact of rabies in my grander theory take a moment to again ask the question how does mr. Chu make an appearance on DuBose wall well the only way this could possibly happen is if Nana hired someone she knew could get the job done Chantal Dubois and that is mr. Chu on her wall it isn't just a reused dog model poodle by DreamWorks that's is character to prove this just look at how most of the other animals on the wall were not modeled for this occasion and are actually repeated over and over on the wall and of the couple models that aren't repeated mr. Chu is one of them if you still choose not to believe that then you can tell by the reddened eyes that it is mr. Chu these films are very superficial but when you find any small thread you can tug it pulls open the entire nether side of these films everything we aren't shown and it all connects so now we have direct proof that they know each other it's all here but how do they know each other well we must move back to the point about their training captain du Bois has a chance of being Russian though her French last name says otherwise and she isn't the type to get married let alone get a new last name her accent could have redeveloped over time but that's all less probable the voice actress almost makes Dubois sound like a younger more French version of Nana but it is still very improbable so perhaps their friends trained together the skills they share and the only job required of such training that I can think of that would require Nana compulsively spew a prepared lie about would be some sort of secret spy team or police force they stuff of her age and her locations Nana matches closest up for I kid you not the KGB a decommissioned Russian spy chilling in New York Chantal Dubois matches closest to the D G SP the Intelligence Agency of friends she'd had been decommissioned after the stress induced psychosis and retired to an animal control officer to hit her love of taxidermy however these two intelligence agencies are decades in countries apart and there's barely a connection at all that we could use in this situation Nana would have been trained before dupois was conceived and all of this proves one thing that despite everything I've been saying there is still one possible biological connection and that is Dubois being Nana's niece dupe was French last name wouldn't need to be given for marriage so long as her father was French but Dubois mother could very well have been Russian an agent to Nana's sister and that training could have rubbed off onto Du Bois it's the only way genetically logically and what is received when these evidence threads are connected Chantal Dubois mother is the sister of Nana from a young age Dubois showed achiness for animal abuse as we know from her little speech at the beginning such parents logically would have had her distracted with something else parkour Krav Maga perhaps chantels mother was a KGB spy inside of friends and she married her father when the KGB dissolved Chantal is French Chantal is also Russian the film's make sense and as crazy as this theory sounds you cannot deny the evidence shown whether it be the mega lock on Nana's door or mr. Chiu pinned to chantels wall there's only one thing that can connect it all and I've done to the best of my ability what many smart viewers of Madagascar has already tried tying the two main female villains together I hope you were enthralled or in the very least entertained until next time I'm the theorized ER [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 562,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Madagascar, Europe's Most Wanted, Dreamworks, theory, madagascar theory, disney, pixar, dreamworks theory, the theorizer, theorizer, film, movie, full, nana, dubois, chantel dubois, captain dubois, chase, villain, scene, scenes, clip, clips, end, ending, penguins, penguin, private, skipper, melman, gloria, rico, kowalski, marty, alex, king julian, maurice, mort, madagascar 2, madagascar 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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