Despicable Me 4: Everything You Missed In The Trailer!

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the official trailer for Despicable me4 is here so let's talk about it now the first thing that's shown is the fact that the minions are back and this I think is a really important thing to highlight because at the end of Despicable Me 3 it seemed like all of the minions had left Gru behind you see the minions had gotten kind of tired being good with guu they had spent hundreds of years serving evil Masters and they wanted that life to continue they wanted more evil Adventures so they went with Gru's evil twin brother Drew sorry brother somebody's got to keep the family tradition alive he flew off into the darkness of the night sky which made it seem like grw was going to be on his own our favorite bad guy seemed to no longer have his minions by his side but there are clearly a few minions who are okay with being good but the big question that I have is did Gru and Lucy catch Drew at the end of Despicable Me 3 I think that would be a really interesting way to open up the movie or at least something to discuss throughout the next story because Drew is Somewhere Out There roaming the Earth and I would love to know what happened to him I feel like this is especially important since Gru's family has continued to grow guu has become a true family man not only does he have his daughters Margo Edith and eges but he also has his wife Lucy and now we're getting to learn that they also had a new baby boy grw Jr but unlike his little girls who were excited and ready to embrace a loving family structure it appears that grw Jr is kind of apprehensive to love his father he's specifically described as being intent on tormenting his dad and I got to be honest I think that's really TR tragic for Gro I mean Gro grew up with this really complicated relationship with his mother it was very hot and cold he never was really embraced by other kids or was accepted for who he was or was encouraged or really just loved consistently and he didn't even have a father growing up he only really learned that his father was alive for most of his life after he had already died when he met his twin brother Drew you told me that D died of disappoint when I was born so the fact that Gru is there providing this stable is family structure I mean the fact that he is like you know a secret agent doesn't mean that he's always keeping everyone super safe all the time interacting with super villains obviously has a degree of danger to it but otherwise I mean it's a loving home he's providing a great environment the one that he wanted as a child I mean throughout the original Three Despicable Me movies Gru's house never changed but now it's got pink accents it's got a little castle outside there's drawings in a basketball hoop on the garage door I mean everyone in the family even has their own cereal bowl eges has a little unicorn Bowl I mean Gru's mother took him to villan con as a child but other than that it was a really tumultuous relationship so the fact that his son is now pushing him away I think is really sad to watch why can't Gru just have some love in his life but Gru's relationship with his son is not the only thing that's going on he can't just focus on game night and almond milk and playing in the backyard instead there is a new villain after him and he is introduced to us by Silas Ramsbottom now Silas was the director of The anti-villain League he was in charge when guu was recruited to become an agent but what's interesting is that Silas Ramsbottom retired in Despicable me3 he was replaced by Valerie Da Vinci blah blah blah we understand you're old you're fat you're done let me the woman who fired Gru and Lucy you're fired after failing to defeat basar brat over and over and over again they were let go and it was only once they captured him definitively that they got their jobs back so I wonder why Rams bottom is the person who is in charged with getting guu and his entire family to safety of course there's the possibility that he got his director role back but I also think it's possible that he might just be helping out or maybe he just wants to get back in the game and maybe he's just a casual intern for the anti-villain league who knows but regardless Rams bottom is the one to inform Gru and Lucy that Maxim lamal and his girlfriend Valentina have escaped from prison and are hunting them down now we don't really know why he's out there to search for Revenge but we just know that he's going to try to enact it of course Groo must have stopped a lot of villains at this point he's been involved with the AVL for a long time now but I do think it would be interesting to know that lamal was involved with Gru in some very personal way and I think there's a way to make that work if this new villain was related to Gru's childhood Mentor now at first when I saw the new villain's long nose of course I thought that he could poten ually be related to guu who knows he could be a distant cousin to guu and be a part of his evil family line but I feel like we've already seen that with Drew I just don't think that would be a very satisfying reveal whereas if he was related to someone like Dr nefario that could be a lot more interesting I mean the last time we saw Dr nefario he was frozen in carbonite so it seems like if they were going to bring him back in a big way it would be cool to show a descendant of his family but Maxim deal doesn't really have many other similar features to nefario even in nefario younger days but when I was looking for younger versions of nefario and combing through the rise of guu that was when I realized that if Maxim Lal was going to be related to anyone he has the most similarities to Wild knuckles I mean they both have the long nose the pointy chin the big ears the physical similarities are uncanny and I mean we never actually learned what wild Knuckles real name is maybe his true given birth name was lamal I think there's some flexibility with the timeline and the identity of wild Knuckles that could be really interesting to see played out and I think it would be really interesting to connect to spical me4 to the prequel spin-off series that is the minions and the rise of groups the story possibilities I think could be extremely compelling as well now personally what I think would be the most interesting story to tell would be to show what wild Knuckles descendants thought of grew becoming good maybe through Lal will get to see what a son or grandson of wild Knuckles would think of Gru turning against wild Knuckles teachings I mean wild Knuckles had founded the vicious six was a dominant super villain and was still operating at high levels even in his older age I mean he completely faked his own death and he showed Gru the path to become a super villain which inevitably allowed him to steal the moon I think it would be devastating for wild Knuckles family to see his greatest Protege turn good but regardless of Maxim lal's true motivations for taking revenge against guu the truth was that Gru's family was was not safe so they are going to be forced to go to an AVL safe house and attempt to appear to be some kind of normal family I don't exactly know how the issue with Maxim Lal will get resolved with them on the run though or other anti-villain league agents going after Maxim while Gru and Lucy and the kids are all underground I'm not exactly sure but you can never contain Gru forever and we're shown that he will go on a heist with some minions Jor and a new girl now this new girl in Despicable Me for is named Poppy she apparently likes cats dance machines and it seems like she has the aspirations to be a super villain herself I mean I just have this feeling that Gru isn't the one who feels motivated to go on a heist against principal uballe I don't think Gru would just volunteer to go get mauled by a Honeybadger but maybe if a big fan of Gru noticed him while trying to be hidden underground maybe he would be forced to go on a heist to try to keep a girl I don't know like poppy quiet but I think what's really impressive is that Gro Jr handles himself greatly he is a natural born little villain I think it'll take some time to keep him on the Narrow Path but hopefully grw and Lucy will be up for the task there's just a lot of moving parts that Gru is going to have to handle in Despicable be for he has a new baby boy he seems to have a new sidekick there's a new super villain hunting him and his family down and of course the minions are back I think there's going to be a lot of crazy wild hilarious evil H Jinks for us to see on July 3rd when despicable me4 releases but now I want to turn the conversation over to you are you excited for the next Despicable Me movie let me know down in the comments along with any other ideas you have for future videos and make sure to subscribe to see all of my upcoming Despicable Me videos as well finally I'm Isaac Carlson thanks for watching and I hope you have a magical day
Channel: Isaac Carlson
Views: 258,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3wNwCgrqlrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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