How Hoodwinked ACTUALLY Connects

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today is the day we finally delve into the villains of hoodwinked if you haven't seen the video where i tried solving the absolutely massive hidden mystery behind nikki flippers and the sisterhood i will link it above right now it's great and this video will make a lot more sense if you've seen well part one first believe me when i say that hansel gretel and boengo are indeed almost equally as wild when it comes to domino revelations and they aren't even the only ones on the chopping block today hello i'm the theorizer i'm hereby operating under the assumption that you've seen both hood winked films as well as part one of my overall theory here so hansel and greta will be our first focus today i was going to transition real smooth like by discussing how hansel and gretel seem to know red's weakness as being called a scared little girl and how red knew that they knew because she and her team manipulated them with that fact but it's seriously a road to nowhere a spiraling pit of oroborous logic so let me just slam you as hard as i can with the truth these kids are filled to the brim with more connections and mystery than i could digest in a lifetime let alone one video but i'm going to do it anyways so midway through the second movie granny busts out of her shackles to rescue the kids and when she first arrives they are sitting there eating junk food and watching hoodwinked what does this mean what am i supposed to do with this no no this is too early why why why all right so they're not just watching hoodwinked they're actually watching the scene where kirk sings his schnitzel song this is let's just say interesting to note the notion that hoodwinked is a film within a film and that all of the main characters or actors turn spies in the vein of flippers is something i plan to get to later maybe the fact of the matter is however that kirk is possibly acting when singing his song in one way or another as this must have been filmed because the kids are watching it technicalities aside for a second my point is that there seems to be a link of sorts right here what do i mean by that well i have reason to believe that through some means they have a connection to kirk let's look at the evidence hansel and gretel are german not only that but i refer to them as the grim twins because i find it easy and because the assimilators and for our purposes authors of the story hansel and gretel are the brothers grim these two and more importantly the fairy tale itself are very much so german hansel and gretel are infamously two little german kids who go out and eat an evil gingerbread house it's a tale of woe and innocuous predators a venus flytrap tale everything in it is based in germany this isn't even a necessary deep dive because characters call them german numerously within the film so we have two german children sitting there watching a show containing another character who is yes german as well one of the only other german characters in hoodwinked kirk constantly goes around selling schnitzels a notorious german treat every time hansel and gretel require an expletive they use get this even more directly who else uses the expletive schnitzel kirk well that's a pretty damning connection there they're all german they all worship schnitzels and the kids are watching kirk do this song and dance act on top of all that these kids eat like mad and kirk is a food vendor coincidence no is that all no get a lot of this when confronted about their eating habits they claim to be children of a poor woodcutter who never bought them any food a poor unemployed woodcutter but kirk is an actor playing a woodcutter right at first i was inclined to say that they are actually the children of paul bunyan the person kirk is playing their ties to kirk are too undeniable though which leads me to believe that they were referring to kirk's aspirations you see he consistently plays woodcutters in the second film he becomes a woodcutter showman proving this point once again that he surrounds himself with such a lifestyle and the fact of all this woodcutter connectedness is noteworthy it's shockingly coincidental the kids spend half of the second film playing innocent and acting just like kirk does their father so genetics largely aren't an issue with them either we don't know their mother but kirk's hair and eye colors aren't radically different to any degree that would make this family impossible it's all very much so able to happen but speaking of kirk in the second film he misses hansel and gretel just barely misses them whenever he arrives on the scene coincidence i think not but let's take an even deeper look at their adjacent behaviors this further dive will not only allow even more evidence for their connections but it will also allow us to move on to the next major theory of mine kirk is starved of fame and the grim twins are starved of nutrition both got what they wanted in between films saying that though would be slightly disingenuous because hansel and gretel more specifically want tasty food this is a like the original hansel and gretel story where two kids desperate for snacks fall right to the trap of an evil witch this also sounds eerily similar to something else though kirk's main occupation throughout the first hoodwinked seems to be calling out to children so he can lure them in for schnitzels he yodels and plays music and it almost eerily lures them all in just like a venus flytrap or a gingerbread house kirk is providing for other children but not his own it makes me wonder what happened exactly is kirk a terrible parent who abandoned his children for fame or did they leave him find a real gingerbread house and that's how they met viruska to start all of this planning did they try to recreate it in the second film to fool everyone hi sorry this is just me cutting in while editing but as it plays and as they watch it you can hear just in the corner before granny enters the room hansel says i am filling that hole inside of me with food it's like this is to imply that as they've watched hoodwinked and they're eating to fill that void that void that kirk left with food things are weird timing is weird but i'll return to borussia later because my point in all of this is to prove one singular thing hansel and gretel are from the exact same forest that the first film takes place they are the impoverished children of a struggling method actor this amazingly explains their disdain for granny puckett they never had enough money to eat her snacks and this is why they had pre-emptive hatred for her and anyone that surrounds her they lived right down the street these children lived in that big bad forest for many years tempted by the treats around them but miserable because their father could never find any work he is a man who was desperate for fame but could only pull off woodcutters a role he had absolutely no knowledge of he sold treats in his spare time luring in money from children to fund his aspirations instead of his own children his children eventually went missing after they gave up and kirk was fated to repeat his misery over and over again failing repeatedly until he got his call back we know kirk's story but the paths of hansel and gretel are unknown until now you see here's where things start getting good hansel and gretel are desperate for snacks more desperate than your average person but they are not just desperate to eat they are also desperate to monopolize on their desperation by exploiting the desperation of others they call the super truffle the greatest dessert of all time and they plan to become quote of the filthy rich they scream this outright their initial desperation wasn't evil because something happened to them something in between leaving kirk and meeting varushka that tipped them over the edge something that resulted from them seeking out the money they needed something that turned them into extremely greedy super villains this event must have changed them broke them some sort of shady incident that nikki flippers must know about because suspicious as ever he finishes the second film claiming that he knows of a rehabilitation method that will work on them as we established last video nikki was intimately aware of all the evil plans going on around him in both films these kids cannot be products of their own operation which leaves only one remaining option hansel and gretel are not evil they are merely the face of boingo's continued operation boingo explains his evil plan during the climax of the first hoodwinked he says that he has synthesized a sort of chemical that creates a borderline brainwashed addiction within those who ingest it he calls it boingonium he openly shows a couple of tests he ran on children children who upon ingesting the food he filled with boingonium began to develop an obsessive desire to get more and more which is how hansel words their plan with the super troubles force their consumers to want more and more an artistic recreation of one of buengo's subjects reflects this but if you haven't guessed yet i'm not saying that hansel and gretel are merely continuing the operation while boeing goes imprisoned i'm saying of course that they were the test subjects and that they are in fact deluded and brainwashed by the addictive chemical they aren't just redistributing boingonium they ingested it themselves these children fled their father out of desperation and were taken in by buengo so he could experiment on them and synthesize the boingonium this all thoroughly explains why they are desperate for snacks and why they're out of their minds and why nicki flippers has an understanding of how to rehabilitate such individuals makes sense as he was aware of all of urushka's plans and thus likely theirs too he let them toy with her out of vengeance against her but we already covered that last time now in short hansel and gretel are not evil they were merely taken advantage of by boengo there's so much more to this though because boingo's still influencing them throughout the duration of the second film and we know this for an absolute fact because varuska literally visits him in prison as he interferes and provides her with information this is all the truth i am shocked at how deep this goes but this is what i meant by five videos and hoodwinked breaking me there's more boingo affiliates too all of the tiny characters in the show are banded together in some sort of evil coalition i'm not joking while i highly doubt twitchy's involved basically everyone else is it's the literally small characters i don't know if nicki flipper's dog is a part of it but i get shivers when red is distracted by a little woodpecker when dealing with a foreboding message from the goody bandit or when this rat reveals to her where she should go which ends up being something of a death trap but these two connections are loose and pathetic i'd roast myself if i were so inclined but here's the kicker here's something that nobody has ever put together and i guarantee it to be fair i doubt anyone has bothered to spend any amount of time putting any of this together considering my videos are basically the only woodwind theories on the entire internet kicker is this lady squirrels after wolf and twitchy abandon red in the city during the second film red goes all over the place miserable looking for dark castle towers she asks numerous creatures about it before asking two highly offended lady squirtles they shrug it off and then just minutes later they appear walking out of twitchy's trailer in the middle of the wilderness shortly after that twitchy and wolf rejoined the action following an assault from the three pigs do you not see what is happening here they work for the grim twins this is the real story after seeing red was alone the two spies did a mad scramble trying to find her now isolated associates to kill them the ladies find twitchy in the middle of nowhere and the instant they flee the scene the mercenaries arrive to kill wolf and twitchy this is a conspiracy i am not lying i am not exaggerating i am serious and i am right you want your damning linchpin you want it so badly don't you the giant who is completely immersed in the criminal underbelly of this world consistently screams as loudly as he can to never trust short people short people the shorter the more evil he has bad experiences with little creatures he is most likely primarily referring to the grim twins here because he has ties to them this is why the hea went to him for information for god's sake his own entertainer the harp is the one that led red to boingo he said to find the bunny in prison and this angry giant who has been slighted time and time again vilifies those responsible short people which was a clue to the audience to figure out what was revealed minutes later that being that the grim twins were evil he probably gave them the dark castle towers and i know it's all tied because the filmmakers use the same phrase never trust a bunny never trust short people now the ones who aren't particularly short would be the mercenary pigs but they've got their own reasons i'll get to the inferiority complex stuff in a minute but first these pigs we're doing all the main villains in this video so we need to solve them too before we ultimately get around to boingo's rationale you see the three pigs have a massive story behind them too in the first hoodwinked movie the three pigs are seen throughout the crime scene they nibble at cookies here and there and they're essentially just bumbling ordinary old cops they talk about how they build houses out of straw and such but they don't seem to know the wolf then in the second film they seem to be mexican and they're working for the bad guys yes they even ask for well more cookies now they know the wolf and they blow up his trailer what happened well believe it or not there's a sneaky little arc here too at the very end of the first film wolff says he's about to bust the three pigs for their home improvement scam clearly between films he did clearly between films they revolted and clearly between films they were trained in mexico to use illegal weaponry essentially they were fired from their jobs as policemen and they teamed up with the enemy to take down wolf they even called him the chupacabra see lore lore boingo we've done everyone but boingo saving the best for last this is a doozy and it explains damn near everything here we go i have reason to believe that boengo has a severe inferiority complex vuengo serves the muffin man a baker who seems to be in competition against granny puckett perhaps the muffin man is also that snack shack guy's boss would explain his grumpiness i suppose i believe the boss's name was earl who knows who cares point is boingo is devastated and driven insane by the fact that his unassuming demeanor has ravaged his ambitions he cries and laughs like a maniac following his discussion of the muffin man and how he is done working for people he plans to change the world and let the little critters rise up he has basically recruited a secret army of short people but what was his plan exactly in the first film he methodically tricked and manipulated every single one of the main characters into one situation the cottage confrontation he then wormed his way in and stole the recipe book why was this all to keep the police distracted while he let loose the dynamite to blow up the valley or was he engineering a more metaphorical explosion of the pressure cooker that was these characters relationships well it would seem so and it's all in line with the idea that nikki flippers was using such a plan to his advantage too boingo told wolf how to get to granny's house and compelled him to do so he shoved red down into the forest so she'd meet wolf and set up the confrontation he obviously of course sent his henchmen down after granny puckett but kirk is where things get interesting because it may loop back into the rest of my theory boingo is seen standing right there when kirk's truck is robbed and this robbery officially put kirk out of business and ultimately landed him in the cottage conflict too but i'd say it's possible that buengo even used whatever habit-forming technology brainwashed these singing children for his own addictive purposes in fact if anyone filmed that song to allow the grim twins to view it on their tv it would have been poingo the only other one right there we'll see the timeline is a tiny bit unstable at the moment but it is all interconnected i mean kirk isn't the only actor these kids learnt from considering they pulled the exact same ruse that boingo did and then they proceeded to say you've been hoodwinked too these children are fully tied to boingo he trained them and it's because they are continuing his evil plan boingo wanted to be known as the face of his evil corporation getting all of the characters together just led to his defeat because something tells me it was all a part of his scheme boingo doesn't just feel inferior he wants to be seen as evil boingo is desperate desperate to fail almost it's because he selfishly is desperate for the world to know how smart and evil he is that's what this is all about he can happily live behind bars because he still derives joy from the knowledge that he hoodwinked all of his friends he draws graphic images of their deaths in his prison cell he wants to be seen as evil he mimics hannibal lecter he hired a team of extremely evil looking eastern european henchmen and was dismayed at how the name keith was so innocuous demanding it be changed he loves the term evil he doesn't even love being called a genius but he relishes in the evil part nowhere is this more obvious than the fact that his personal clipboard is titled evil plan it's remarkable how he functions again nikki is aware of absolutely all this he has ties to him and has knowledge and controls the situations we discussed woolworth's bo peep statement but not the ultimate purpose of this conversation that being the disclosure of red's location i repeat woolworth was the one who told wolf that red was in the cable car instantaneous news that could only come from one possible source the other person up there with her boingo's plan was to destroy everyone and reveal himself in the process he mocks granny by taunting how red doesn't trust her anymore because it was all according to his plan he is evil and who knows how many more pieces and plans are out there the boingonium subjects are probably spread far and wide and i bet he tested on all the schnitzel children too i'd also bet he took his own boingonium so is anyone truly evil here well that might be a topic i'll discuss next time when i inevitably cover hoodwinked again give me a little more than a month this time because shockingly i managed to get most of the big points out here in these two videos because i went fast but i still need to discuss red's parents and the timeline of course there's a much more solid overlap than you might assume between these two videos of mine it's amazingly enjoyable to do though they say the giant blogs about movies and that he should get a life i can't help but feel personally devastated by that statement and thus my counter-roast would be that maybe this film should get a budget out here looking like claymation without the clay seeing slicker models in a demolished aardvark mannequin factory at ass point is in all this it's clever and i'm still not done [Music] you
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 131,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theory, theorizer, the theorizer, hoodwinked, hoodwinked 2, hoodwinked theory, hoodwinked full movie, hoodwinked trailer, hoodwinked be prepared, hoodwinked review, hoodwinked reaction, hoodwinked soundtrack, hoodwinked too, theorizer hoodwinked, the theorizer hoodwinked, hoodwinked too hood vs evil, hoodwinked 2 review, hoodwinked song, hoodwinked theories, hoodwinked red, hoodwinked 2 full movie, hoodwinked 2 trailer, hoodwinked sequel, hoodwinked boingo, hoodwinked bunny
Id: 3d36NTa5IF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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