Designing Posters and Landscapes in Photoshop with Magdiel Lopez - 2 of 3

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody welcome back to day two of our of our work today I'm Ryan Duma I'm a product manager here at Adobe on Photoshop and I'm here with mega-deal Lopez so we this is our second day I didn't tell anyone yesterday yesterday is my first time ever streaming on Doby live I think is yours yeah so hopefully getting a little bit more into the rhythm of things yeah and we're more comfortable talking to everyone and watching you work so let's let's look at what we have foreign rested AJ as well and kind of recap what we've seen so far so we started the morning with the daily she Photoshop creative challenge which we'll go over a little bit later on today to look at some of your submissions we had a compositing stream with Ana mcnutt's we did the XD creative challenge and now we're doing our digital imaging imaging as well as coming right after this will be the Illustrated creative challenge so with that why don't we jump into let's take a look at some of MAG deals work if you haven't been familiar if you didn't weren't able to join us yesterday so mag deal is an artist that I've Dallas tell us look like just a couple things about yourself yeah I'm from Dallas Texas that's where I live right now I'm not originally from there and we originally from Cuba better live in Dallas Texas with my lovely wife and my 1/2 year old baby and you know I have a lot of fun doing work for some cool people and also I get to play around with Photoshop to make my poster series and and have fun with that I did a poster everyday for a year a while back and then I just kept making posters every day or every other day or so after that one year as I can and you know it's been so much fun and I mean I can't believe is the 30 year anniversary today yeah and we get to sit down and hang out and make some more cool art yes yeah bring that up today is photoshop's 30th birthday so happy birthday Photoshop you see I've got my hat here a little bit of a he's got a little celebratory artwork for Photoshop so we're here to celebrate that this week so let's just celebrate all the artists and creators who have been able to use Photoshop and Adobe's other tools to just blossom their experiences their creativity their career is everything so let's say hi to some of the people in a chat I see booboo bounce back who's our our moderator see jan or yon I don't know if I was singing wrong yesterday so I will just switch to yon today just in case cuz I see Jason I see Siena again welcome back I see a lot of people in the chat today so let's jump over to let's take a look at what we actually created yesterday so that's already now live on your Instagram so we've got this year we call it summer heat so it was a crowdsource name for what this assets gonna be yeah there was gonna be so you started with the stock image and really just created this great-looking poster composition with lots of colors some flowers you brought in from Adobe stock and also we did a quick I asked him yesterday how do you do some of these these cutout photos so for example like here or let's say this one here so I thought this effect is really cool so you gave us a really quick rundown and how you would do that on this photo here and so you started with just showing us how to kind of cut apart the head and yeah last night you you work this into another great creation yeah everything I did it was just like I dragged the hair down a little bit added some texture in the back and added some font on top of it but basically you know what you saw yesterday's is pretty much how to do that yeah pretty simple it looks really cool just some housekeeping to make sure we're gonna be doing the chattin win challenge in about 30 minutes so make sure all I gotta be do is be here on the behance chat channel and we'll run that the prize again will be 100 free sticker meal stickers for the winner so stay tuned fat as long as you're here in 30 minutes then we'll be able to you'll be able to participate and part of in that and then at the our 30 minute mark we'll do the design challenge review so we'll go through a lot your submissions through this morning's design challenge which was to create a illustrative book I have to remember let me pull up what the exact wording of the challenge was design a book cover with a realistic embossed effect using layer effects we provide to some assets for that so we're excited to see what you guys have for that later shape so I think with that we can get right into what you wanted yeah hey let's do it so today I taught instead of doing a portrait we could do something more like a landscape and I'm gonna go to my Instagram real quick and look for some samples of what that would look like and you said we have an idea of a few things that I've done in the past that kind of looks like what we're aiming for today kind of and you can feel free to follow along everything you would need it's like a landscape kind of photo and and maybe a person kind of like something like this you know where you have a subject over here in the bottom and you have like a landscape a lot of colors textures stuff like that so we're gonna go for something like this today and you know go ahead and open Photoshop I already have my my board here set up and see what size this is 18 by 22 I'll go ahead and make it a little bit smaller so we can run a little faster today if we use any effects or anything like that and it'll be faster if you make a smaller so I'll do two nine by eleven and I'll do three hundred dpi the only other thing that I have here is that I use sometimes I use this text around the images and you can see if I do a black background real quick you'll be able to see what I'm talking about so use these for number I do the name of the poster over here and I do my name if you want to do that as well follow along and what we're gonna be doing is that the first thing that we need would be a landscape photo I downloaded this one yesterday and I really like this kind of desert looking thing it tends to make very Spacey when you do the right colors it looks like out of space gonna be like you know maybe more exactly a Star Wars oh yeah so go ahead and you know find an image like this if you want to do this with me I'm gonna go ahead and make a super big and so you got all these photos from Adobe stock I got all these images from Adobe stock yeah last night I went in there and I you know I selected a few of them then I can go show you guys the ones that I that I've selected oh my library if I see you know and maybe some of these images we'll use tomorrow for our final were founded final day maybe we can do an astronaut two more or something like that yeah and you know we have all these all these cool images you can kind of see lists in space team and and stars not of the eyes yeah so I have these you know ready here to be used and the first thing I want to do here said I want to go ahead and I'm gonna do like a little drawing on top of these with my I don't have a pen or anything like that you see the brush real quick so that so we can have an idea of what we're going for so we we're gonna have like a subject here with like a shadow maybe and then the idea is to have like a you know like a like a big subject here maybe like a head okay you know and then we'll do colors up here on the sky just kind of the idea kinda like a sketch for it if you can just imagine that yeah so we'll go for it first thing I want to do is that I want it go ahead and cut these mountains back here to get rid of all of the sky and what I actually do is that I'm gonna do it under the original photo so that I can go ahead and keep it this way for the rest of you know if I need to use positive opinions yeah because I saw you dropped it into the document assist I thought yeah I dropped into academics I wanted to get an idea of the space that we were using and show you guys what we're doing today but over here I'm gonna use the what is this tool use the octave selection yes so we're gonna go ahead and use that to select the sky and I'm just gonna drag it on top of it which just as a plug object select just came out on iPad version of Photoshop today yeah we're excited about that that's cool we need to try that yeah yeah so I just select it over the oh yeah look at that yeah and they did really well over here and you know you can go ahead and go in there and we find these if you need to in this case I think was actually an option on there it says enhance edge at the top and it will try to do that refinement on the top menu bar over here yeah right there it is yeah oh and stuff you click on that it'll kind of refine the edges first for an easy selection like this or it's just kind of transition between the sky it'll do it'll do that for you oh nice so you have to do it either re select once you've done it how though okay so just go over looking mm-hmm and then if you look at it or mass ejection like right now just showing the the marching ants but if you look at it and you're like an overlay view or something where yeah you can see it's a little bit smoother of a transition so oh yeah I see it makes it more like round right I get fates a little bit and I love that alright so we're gonna grab these drop it inside of the the other document I'm gonna get rid of the other one that I had before and I kind of want the center space right here to be sent there focus of the of the of the whole thing so you know how to place it right there make it a little the lentes loves your pen work he says do the pen for the fans Oh a pen tool that's Fi I'm sure yeah we're gonna get there we're gonna have to use it I want to get rid of these right here okay um I usually use do the kalam tool or or do these smugly yeah the Spot Healing I know there's some new tools coming out that supposed to help with this yeah easier just came out today it's called content-aware fill content-aware fill maybe you can teach me how to use now inside of myself I'm just gonna go ahead and do this I think we're gonna be covering this space anyways yeah that seems pretty easy enough anyway yeah and because it works because she's background me so like you know it has so many random rapes and all of that yeah it kind of works with this you can even do it in some of these I want to get rid of this metal one here as well didn't work right there this right here yeah there you go we'll get rid of those and yeah I'm happy with this it's a good starting point something that I loved that you know I've never used before because I usually make my own gradients with using the brush what I've done in the past that I come in here create a new layer and then pick a few colors to work on the sky so sometimes I pick a f-1 do like a sky comic deal mm-hmm go from a yellow occasion to yeah maybe something like this behind it and then I see we're getting a this one in the last one a good summer theme yeah summer theme we'll see we'll see what I did turns out at the end Sam I'm gonna probably do some colder colors towards the end but yeah so looking pretty summery right now and then we'll do black up here yeah and then I'm gonna combine those so usually I've done my gradients like this for a long time because it gives you a little more control over what you're doing sometimes I also add a new layer on top of all of these and I do a white one closer to the mountains itself you see and that gives it a really good let's look closer they're kind of glow like the Sun just went down and you know I've done that in the past something that I was I was looking at Anna's impulsive scream before and they were using these gradients and I had never used these gradients before and I was amazed at how good they look so I mean the preloaded yeah they're pretty good at gradients a because I've always going here and I go into the you know the regular ones yeah and I never use those but now they'd show this today and imagine these are so cool you can just grab this one is something already that kind of looks like that yeah and you can just drop it on top of everything yeah and they look already super good you know so if you don't want to go through the hassle of making your own gradients or anything like that you can go ahead and use there's so many here that are so good so you just go ahead and use one of those if you want to do that and you know next thing we want to do like a statue head or something here in the center that's maybe older or like you know falling apart or coming apart and I did a little sketch last night of what I wanted to look like so I have a pretty good mental idea of what I want to make it look like and I'm gonna go ahead and select this image right here I downloaded this as well from Adobe stock okay and this is really cool and you know what lead image of this statue right here when do the same when they're selected with the object select tool and so easy so easy yeah pretty much pretty much there from like just so that's because it's got it once in a static backup single color yes so when you have baggage like that it's so easy yeah it just makes it amazing I don't have to use a pen tool and yeah so we will copy these oh yeah it's a little it's a little rougher on these yeah I should have probably worked on that a little bit but I'll do it right now on the other side you know what let's do it right here just go to the find they just over here and I'm gonna try to rescue a little bit more of that you know by going through the edges a little bit yeah make a little less of a sharp transition yes maybe edge what I've shoot it done to help Photoshop a little bit process this is to what I usually do is that I created layer on top and I edit the levels to make it extremely bright allocation extremely dark and that helps these process okay a lot of like you know making it easier for this election to happen because you can see over here you know segmenting it a little bit and if you go with this it helps a lot you know yeah I'm gonna go ahead and do this real quick these are all you know every time you have to like cut an image and all of that stuff that's a boring part is the beginning part where nothing really creative is happening it's just saying work you know yeah you gotta get that work in for it to look great gotta put in the elbow crease yes you do and you know the more you do these stuff that's what that's the cool thing about this is like anything else the more you do it the better and the faster you become at it and later it just becomes second nature that make sense yeah over here was the struggling because blurrier Larry so well you can do six selected with a very sharp edge and then you can blur it with the blur tool if you want to do that but yeah these leaves a good selection right here I'll go ahead and get rid of the background bring it over here to this do this layer answered Erina's question that's the refine edge brush within the Select and mask workspace yes I basically click on one so you have a selection you click over here yep and those options will come in after that yeah so you know let's go ahead and then use this head right here in the middle place it I imagine that I hear like going into the thing to the ground so rather than the dirt yeah planter in the dirt like you say you know half the face is under the dirt so we're gonna go ahead and make that happen right now gonna place it in the center of the frame and you know I imagine cutting right here going over the nose and going across over here so did I cut out today yeah we're doing to cut out let's place it on the on the floor basically but yeah so um we're gonna go ahead and start over here what you want to do when every time you're cutting something out is that you want to imagine it as being 3d the cheeks are gonna come out in a circle if that makes sense and then we going back in and then we're coming back out with the nose so you're following the contour of the face yeah drawing a line exactly yeah yeah also you got to keep in mind here that you have a floor you know and the angle on the floor is a little tilt it from your eyes you know so you have to kind of follow that along to make it look like it's actually resting on that ground so it takes a little bit of practice and it takes a little bit like figuring you know you know having that imagination of how this would actually live in real life over here every time you have the nose you imagine it goes to the other side of the nose and come back comes back out like a little higher it's not make sense yeah so you got it you know get to this point over here cut it in a little bit maybe not that much maybe around there and then a DM and finish with this round like that especially take a look at that real quick see what that looks like before we actually do the actual cut out do the are short cut yeah now maybe we can give it a little bit more here in the nose you know yeah you can already tell it's looking like yeah as if you didn't slice right through yeah and I do use a lot of you know the pen tool to make selections mm-hmm I think it's a really good tool for that yeah especially when you have to make stuff like this is more like free-flowing yeah yeah that makes sense yeah so yeah I think that I think that works they make this one that way around there yeah looks good that works right there fixing those ladies rayon mask yes yeah it's so useful for all those yeah thanks you know I'm actually gonna invert the selection and then make a copy of these real quick I know I could probably smack a mask but I'm not really gonna use the rest of that so so you're just gonna have just the top of the face I'm gonna have the toughest of AIDS in the ground yeah yeah I see if it's in the ground yeah so um yeah we can maybe shift the perspective a little bit there you go I think I'm happy with that that's good yeah that looks stuck in the dirt looks like you seen there already a little bit you know um another thing that I want to do is that I want to create these cuts within this within the existing face with index 16 face to make it look like it's Hollow and if something is inside of it maybe floating there so cool yeah so you know for that we're gonna keep using the pen tool actually and what I'll do is that I'll keep making copies of what I'm doing on top of this one head mm-hmm and we'll keep this head you know like over here so I can see what I'm doing so let's start up here again follow out of the face I'm gonna get over here and it gets a little higher because of the hair I'm gonna finish right there well okay so that's one of the selections that come to face these and you can see already where we're going with this yeah we want to take pieces of what this - you used to make it kind of float and all the ones we're gonna be resting on the floor so oh cool we're gonna do another one here where this comes in goes into these right here maybe like that the face exploded a little bit exactly like it's coming you know it's coming apart so with when with everything that you're making at home if you if you're using this video it's a you know guy to make something just remember like it's not gonna work exactly like what I'm doing with your image because it might be different so if it takes a little bit of time just to sketch it out and see what things would land yeah you know like over here I just made the selection and looking at it it might be a little too small maybe I need to grab a little bit more of this side of the face so I'm gonna go ahead and actually get rid of it and do it again you know I feel free to explore and take time this stuff like takes time to get used to and learn and that's the process that we've all been through you know so what kind of spurred your interest in this type of you know cutting out subjects and cleaning up art that type of style um I love the lease work some of them don't need a painter mm-hmm he does a lot of like this kind of like surreal floating images and they're all cut out and there's things everywhere and you use a lot of circles to make this stuff happen so that's a big inspiration for me okay when it comes to like cutting stuff out like that and there's plenty of people that that do it as well yeah right now I've been doing it for a while now and I just you know it's become part of my style now mm-hmm I love it and it's it is fun and the cool thing is that every image looks different yeah and you can make everything be different if that makes sense yeah so yeah make sure if you're doing this don't try to do exactly what I'm doing use what I'm teaching you as you know as a stepping stone to do what you want to do huh yeah I'm gonna go home and try this become a master the pen tool to my Jedi yeah so I started using Photoshop when I was 13 like I was mentioning that yesterday yeah and you know some of the stuff that that I'm doing right now maybe if you're trying to do it at home you might get frustrated with you know oh it's not it's not looking the right way or snot coming out of the right way the first time is not going to who's gonna take time and that's the beauty of these you can you can develop it and then in the future you can you know you can kind of like show yourself and show off to other people that now put all this work into this and now you know I can create yeah these things you know yeah this part over here is a little boring because I need to keep making cuts I guess I I can use some of that time to show off my product which is uh iPad this I'll just do a quick demo for a couple of minutes just yes please do so as of this morning we released version 1.2 of Photoshop on the iPad with a couple new features so I'm just gonna go through those really quick right now so the first thing we have is typesetting so when you added a text layer on the iPad you didn't have much control on some things like tracking and letting and some of the formatting stuff we just hadn't built it in yet if you had it on your document already it would show up yeah let me uh move this around see you guys can see what I'm actually doing so I've got a text layer here and let's say I'm making I don't know an ad for umbrellas I can do use my objects like a tool which I'm on the wrong version or wrong mode and I'll cut that out but let's say I want to make this look a little more professional as an advertisement so now I can select my text and I can change the tracking which is the space between all of the letters so let's say I want to set this to something bigger like 375 there you go a little bit looks a little classier it's kind of spread out the text I can take all this other text here and maybe it's all it's you know for me it's too bunched together so I can no effect change the letting bring that space it out a bit more just to make a look a little more like an advertising I can say something like buy only the best but let's say well I don't like how the capitalization is here I can do all caps I can do small caps that kind of thing so a lot of the a lot of the features you would like on a desktop for texts and type we've brought in here the one thing that's we don't have yet is kerning and that's kind of a UI issue so we're working on that and that'll come in soon the next thing I want to show still working yeah okay cool objects like so I brought this up earlier we have this in the app now so now you can bring in and have any of your images let's say I've got this and if I did what we have already is subject select or select subject it'll select both elephants is not necessarily what I want so now I can use this object select tool here let me pull this up on the left you see this little thing with square can select that I've got different options to use a rectangle can do that enhanced edge you're talking about earlier mm-hmm and I can just I just realized I created a mask on the elephant which is not what I wanted to do so I'll delete that mask straw around the one elephant that I do want looks good it looks a little bit actually a bit sharper than before but there's still some refinements I want to make so for example I don't want this space between his legs so I can subtract from the selection remove that I can add more I can refine this a little bit more and then I am ready to mess that off and so I've got an elephant right over here so you can do that you know the way that I do this is I just take random pictures of animals and just make fun scenes because that's that's what entertains me so I can do that I can take this owl shrink him put them on top the elephant I can take a flock of geese and only pick maybe a couple of them that I want to actually be in the scene and mask those off and throw them over here then the last thing is I'll bring in this big Pelican and I don't want that Blue Jay actually and I can use my objects like to land him select just get him and looks I still need to refine this a bit more so if I'm on the odd selection tool or this option I can just keep adding that selection to what I think might be a bit more accurate and I can use the lasso tool to improve that as well to be more precise and I'm not going to spend too much time on it but you'll see you've got a lot more fidelity with your selection tools now and that you know us that helps us to really highlight that the iPad are what we really built this around for the first version is compositing bringing in multiple photos together kind of what you're doing we were able to use some of the tools that you used here like objects select to make these types of images and so with this and then what we have coming soon which will be refine edge which you used also as well mm-hmm well really round out that selection tool set which is very vital for a lot of people on the iPad so for today's law release we have object select and those type settings are really excited to bring those out and bring those to people just to show a lot of the stuff that's coming out as cutting edge on desktop we can wire that up to the iPad fairly quick we just got to make sure it's you know the right tools and it looks well and it's easy to use so that's a mic doesn't look very cool you can use it on the iPad you know yeah yeah that's super cool all right so come back to these now made these few selections from from these so you can see it's kind of like pieces of these all brought together and what we're gonna do now is make it look like is a little bit 3d so pause on that we had to do the Chatwin countdown or less first let's go past not just break your flow are you good [Music] welcome back and we're ready for a chattin win segment so what we want you to do is just come into the behance chat and just drop in a line let's say what's your favorite color let's see what people put up and as long as you put something in the chat window somebody's gonna win a hundred free stickers from sticker meal so let's see what we've got see Jimmy says he's so ready for this barb is not sure what this is I wish I could give you this piece hat in an Eric but actually this is mine you're dear to my heart I won't one day cool so Brian says red jaan says orange I see purple blue another purple navy blue lots of blues blues green Jimmy's got orange Isabella has green see a lot of people thrown in their coat mint that's the unique color I don't see a Jimmy Mitchell looks like you win the hundred free stickers from stinking real congratulations but not everyone alright you know everyone's not gonna go home empty-handed we also have this promotion here you can get ten stickers for a dollar if you got a sticker millicom so I should go be live 20 so pump put that URL in your browser and and go ahead and create some cool stickers or buy some cool stickers so you just throw in your laptop like we did today so yeah I need some of those stickers yeah all right let's get back to it let's take a look at your alright let's do it yeah over here we have this kind of like cutout head it doesn't look like anything interesting so far but you know we want to give these like a 3d aspect look to it you know so if you imagine the head being around you wouldn't you know it would like to take kind of like a space on the floor yeah maybe like this you know so what you want to do with that is a you want to create a 3d space within there okay so I combined all of those shapes in this layer right here and what I'm going to do is like underneath I'm going to create what the back of that would look like so what I'm doing here is I going on the pen tool imagining how this would look with end right there you come around you know and I'm gonna advocating that like the backside of that Blatt fragment exactly yeah so you know it looks kind of flat right now but if we do if we make it the right color or maybe a little bit lighter and if we add like shadow inside of that this is awesome this looks really good then you can you know really make it like yeah 3d you know three-dimensional also something else that we want to go ahead and do in all of these is maybe do an edge on this top layer okay so the way you would do that is how you duplicate the layer and drop it inside the same layer okay that like a mask and then you would take the bottom layer and distort it so warp it a little bit you will make sense in a second okay promise and you know once you have that the other thing you can do drop a layer between those two layers and okay it gives it that yeah it's the little trees yeah perspective on it and you can do white if you need to depending on the light like over here white looks really well and over here you know darker a nice little tip I like that yeah so it's easy to do as fast and you know you can just get it done that way yeah right now everything looks I guess off because the lighting is is bad and everything nothing looks like it's part of anything yeah but let me go ahead and do this 3d effect to everything and then we're gonna work on the light a little bit okay and what I'll do is that I'll drop between these two layers this is the layer with with all the stuff this is the layer with I'm in the group here on the back front then between these two we're gonna create a new group and we're gonna call it center and then the center we're gonna do right now in the center I want to do is fear of those fear place it in there and yes son yeah you can do anything in this fear you know in this space you can do flowers you can do whatever you want in this case I'm at this fear I'm gonna go to outer glow and we're gonna do like a glowing sphere a nice deal it's the orb of intelligence yes yeah and the cool thing about this is like you know if we keep adding a little bit of perspective into all of these pieces is going to keep looking better and better and better and so you change the blend mode on that glow - is that the dissolve beauty's dissolve so it kind of has that noise you don't have to make it that way I did it in this case I might end up changing it uh-huh so so we'll see I'm trying to go fast as a lot of work to do yeah making all of these these things you know look like they make sense looks good this is really cool we'll add over here like a I've got 3d aspect to these I'll kind of the back of that one right the back of this one so that would be kind of this maybe cool thing you can do with the pen tools that you can move you know you can move once you land it on here if it's weird you can move it by pressing you press space okay and you move it and if you've landed it already on it you can also change the you know one point two now go a different direction it's pretty you know maybe you're writing those a typical people know I mean people that are still trying to master that pen tool like me those are helpful just understanding what makes your workflow easier yes it makes it so much easier because you don't have to redo it every time right we're gonna drop this layer all the way in the back layers you know and makes a lot more sense than yeah when I did it the first time you might make a little off but once you start adding all these pieces it starts looking better and better the back is darker we're gonna do another one right here on the back for for this one we'll go ahead and you know maybe behind the orb yes just encapsulating it yeah and we'll go ahead and place it back here nice it's all black one thing that will help these a lot if is if this had that edge so we're gonna go ahead and create the edge of this one three 3d action this yeah so we'll put in here and then again warp these little bit like so it's hard to tell because there's not layers between them but you'll see right now I'm gonna paint it white a little bit there we go black over here and you know I'm not doing any textures inside of that or anything like that because I'm going pretty fast but take your time to you know do textures inside of that that look like if you want to look at the back of the hair or something exactly or yeah or you can do like a rock texture between those two that goes the other way around and that's going to add a lot of light you know perspective yeah and we can do that towards again if we have time okay I just don't want to you know finish this and for it to be kind of looking weird I'm trying to hurry yeah so um this one in theory doesn't need any perspective because it's so straight on the camera mm-hmm I mean we've you also add some some to it but we're gonna do this one back here behind this behind these these piece of the face so let's go back to the back group and we're gonna go ahead and add that these Ziva's asking a question about when he's cutting a sculpture how do you cut with the pen so I think what you're doing is using the pen to create a shape and then using as your selection mm-hmm and then pulling that out so cutting that piece of the sculpture out and pasting it yeah that's basically what I'm doing I make a selection and then I select that shape and you said to cut or to make a mask in within the layer okay so you can you know you can do that it's always a super easy to do yeah the you know the better you become at it with the pen tool the faster you you'll do these selections I find it really useful to you know to make selections with you I'll be here wanna give that kind of round look you can see even on this when I drew it first and then now I'm adapting it to what I wanted yeah you can also add points looks so real if you need to you know and I go over here I wanted to break a little more he looks too round so it's too good thank you yeah seeking at like a point over here and bring getting a little bit he has more of that rock okay yeah rocky texture like that to it right yeah so it's looking good now you can see this fear is inside you know if you move it around you will really look like as inside now I want it smaller this case see yeah something like that would work nicely and yeah something else what we can do now is combine let me see what this Larry's is some bags are supposed to be in here this is part of the back as well alright so we have all the back layers here or the center layers here and all the front layers here cool thing is that now you can apply a gradient map to statue in the front just to make it look like it fits in more with the landscape okay I'm gonna do the coloration yeah so if you change whatever you put here on this side is gonna affect all the highlights whatever you do here in the metal is gonna affect other mid points so if I want all the mid points to be this color you can make it cell okay in this case I'm gonna keep the mid points kind of in the middle like that and what I'm planning on doing is darkening also the background so it feels like everything belongs you know also if you drag the black you know you know it'll become sharper shadows so you can do that as well and you know this tool is really useful to make colorful and psychedelic looking things it's also useful to make you know your your your color modes blending a little better I want to go ahead and do a couple things with the background once I'm going to desaturate it just a tiny bit and then I'm going to do some curves instead of that the top image this image right here it's a lot sharper not sharper but the shadows are a lot intense on the background so that's something that I wanted to kind of go ahead and edit as well um and so I'll be here they make it a little bit darker maybe not quite that much maybe that much yeah we'll fix a little bit more of that in a second okay something else that I want to do to it is give it a dramatic shadow because also our subject is gonna go right here and he's gonna have a shadow as well that looks cool and dramatic and is that gonna be the light source for that shadow no some thinking the light source comes from here it's kind of strange because this is you know his face yeah has the light coming from my right that's right yeah from the right and also we have this this light back here right all right ignoring that one for now and what I might do as well I said I might add on top of these martial light coming from over here okay that's the cool thing about all these you can just make it your own you know and have fun with it yeah we can do kind of like a light source from here that gives it that look that there's a light coming from that side as well we're gonna do some shadows on these and you know you were telling me yesterday about using like the overlay right to create shadows yes links and how to do that yeah so basically you know we'll do something like that where we did black and then we're turning it to like we're converting into overlay yeah it brings the saturation that's really you know strong what that happens you might you might wanna change the color mode or whatever - - to fix that if you want to or you can just leave it like that or in this case I'm not sure yet what I'm doing with the cover yeah so I'm gonna do something like this right now and then I'll go back to it and and I see what I want to do okay it definitely needs shadow down here yeah in this way Alexander is asking about that but earlier how do you do the shot on the head yeah so the shadow under has a little tricky because he you could not really do a cannot really do like a drop shot or anything like that yeah you know you have to kind of draw the shadow on the floor yeah so I'm basically going to do the same thing and imagine what the shadow would look like facing it kind of under light coming from here yeah and the way I wanted to look and I want to look pretty dramatic so what I'll do is that I'll basically draw this shadow drawing it for this side that pen tool work you know you got Anthony you everyone is so enthralled Bayer you have the pencils so we'll do that shadow right there and obviously he's not these side is not good shadows like water or anything like that I need to look straight horizontally you know if you're doing it on the floor yeah so the more you know the better you do that the more horizontally it is the better it is and I forgot to press shift while I was doing this what I'll do is that I'll add another point here and we'll stand these here when I have to create a new one for this side anyways that works for here and then I'll do another one for the other side and takes on it's all kind of like circle you know yeah nice and yeah maybe I need to extend this one the better more because now the other one is longer yeah I may be inside as well yeah and then I'll be hearing these two and on the nose yeah cool you're basically painting you know with shapes it's kinda like doing vector um Judas traitor mm-hmm a little bit with the pen tool since you're creating a vector you can adjust it like you like oh this doesn't look perfect I can pull this out a little more yes yes and that that's really useful another thing that you can do after you're at this point is that you can you know grab this shadow and maybe race a little bit of the of the edge over here you know decide you're working on the mask right now for that connection yeah I did a mask on the pen tool on the vector what would you call that in smart object right no that's a shaker shake yeah yeah and then you would erase a little bit you know yeah just to make it a little more give it I can patch like it's also you know the shadows wouldn't look black they would probably be like a maroon right color do you want to do there's still some part of the background that's just darker right yes and if you have the opportunity and the time to make you know these even darker or like play a little bit more with the shadow like over here and I get you know if you make it maroon mm-hmm a cover here it's not black anymore so yes it looks kind of weird you know okay so if you can make it a transition so we're just like black and it goes into that or you can even switch it to multiply sometimes that helps maybe a tiny bit of color to it I just want to be really black right here close to the okay yeah because that's gonna be around the area yes and then the other thing that you can do is to add a little bit of you can do the blur tool um you know okay it's just the edges and stuff on these but you have to make it a wrister I see right and make it a spar object yeah so oh yeah you have to rasterize it yeah so we will go ahead and do that because I you know I feel like I'm popping with it yep we want it just burn a little bit Eric Sue's asking how can Photoshop turned 30 today when I was owned by Adobe since 88 not sure when it was owned by Adobe but where the celebration is based on the first release of the version 1.0 of Photoshop to the market so it was in development before that but when it actually hit the market when people would buy it was 30 years ago today also in theory because there's light inside we could also like you know kind of get rid of this shadow well we can play that with that in a little bit see what that looks like for now I want to go ahead and do these see rasterize the layer yeah and I'm gonna erase it by accident I'm gonna blur it a little bit the edges of it okay to make it blend a little more with the floor yeah cool that's looking pretty good yeah yeah so um yeah let's go ahead and bring our subject in here I downloaded it a photo earlier today I think it was this one we're gonna go ahead and get this subject out and again I'm gonna try to do the the trick with oh the second layer you want the contrast of levels and get this edges better that way to try to separate as much as possible duh the subject from the grunt from the from the background just wanna make a super dramatic yeah and this you know let's see what this looks like if it doesn't do it right yeah because it's a little tough especially these this section yeah yeah I'll do the pencil real quick and try to get it out that's better you know as good as I can okay yeah it looks pretty good well survey that check the shoes every time I mean oh I'm impressed by these every time you can add on so this one here is to add this add to your selection just repeat so now we might use click drag again same thing as clicking shift actually out you can do either way begging keep doing that until you get with the part that you want to see and then the space between his legs if you hold alt you can trim turn it to a subtract mode so go negative yeah I'll just try to says shark that there you go yeah did pretty well all right so I'll select that and then see what the looks like see I placed us and is to refine but yeah I select it from the wrong because your reasoned yeah house you seen that the top one is the one or day 11 levels here yeah so let me let me refine this real quick I think because this image is gonna be so small inside matter oh yeah yeah yeah but yeah but I need to fix the shoes especially because everything in here so sharp because we've done so much like of the pen tool and all that right I don't want to you know keep it super unrealistic that make sense I know these will have to be sharp as well yeah basically it's from trying to say so um yeah so I'll go ahead and select it I'll see you here or the best way it would be I'll go ahead and select it with the pen tool yeah tried and true especially because it is bottom you want the sharp edges for sure yeah not you know again I'll go inside of the photo a little bit mm-hmm just so that we have that wiggle room there and we'd have to go back and fix this then you have this white edges mm-hmm and again these photos so it's gonna be so small inside that frame you won't really be able to think is you making a little tiny guy looking at this giant head yes that's yes yes polenta's wants to see you stream more I think everyone just loves watching you work oh thank you yeah we'll be here tomorrow and maybe tomorrow would do something a little more similar to what we did yesterday it's kind of free-flowing starting from yeah from some photo and expanding from there yes trying to do something like that and we're really cool okay it's okay it's okay it's guest appearances all Trani yeah Paul stresses chose away here it's cool like I like the pixel sue because it makes it look like it mosaic oh yeah yeah this cool is you can you know get like the over everything is mm-hmm I'll turn down the opacity here so we can see the bottom layer yeah yeah there you go I'm gonna go home and just play at the pen tool three hours until I get see your level this is always so darling to watch Thank You Frankie I'm trying to keep it entertaining I'm trying to hurry up and kind of quickie I probably I'm going faster than I usually would cuz SELEX pretty good let me hear you see it I give it to the eye it gets a little lost this stuff for the software to recognize yeah those edges are yes especially when the photos a little not as defined like I like your trick where you pull out another layer yeah levels up so you can pull out that contrast I think that's really good something I'll probably start doing to you know see helps it you know kind of get it yeah I imagine the software already kind of does that you know on his own yeah now you see like here's even hard to tell for my eye where the chute ends or what the other one starts yeah I love it you know I'll do this right here cool perfect we have a selection now really go ahead and copy a busy sky into our into our pink over here drop it all the way to the top yeah so you can see he's already like he's not sharp at all yeah everything else is really to edit that to make him look super sharp these tire marks are throwing yourself a little bit yeah yeah so I might get rid of those as well you seen these [Music] let's see Sigma oh yeah yeah it works yeah not the end you know I'm Mike I might turn this whole thing into gradient mm-hmm but I'd like you did with the the jacket of the subject yesterday yes yes so I might even go go ahead and do that at the end but I want to make a dick the starting point to be you know it's realistic as possible and then we can just go from there if that makes sense I'm over here trying to make this Nick it could be lungs I might do with the levels kind of like what it did you know I'm just gonna copy these one other levels already pulled out high contrast it is and it looks more like the image you know yeah we're gonna have to add a light to the right over here yeah so he looks more like he belongs in the machine I even make them that small you know just walking through the desert Cephas Giants yes I was like what is that see I'm so used to like just doing the pencil that I was never here because so small and they said basically yet layers there's not pixels so this area is the eraser I'm just erasing the pixels basically another position with the trackpad it's very impressive please you know you're in the go you have to use the trackpad yeah you have no options gotta get beat at it let's see if we can pick this because you know when these pixels like this you did justice to the pixels that oh the the nodes in the on the shape will be yeah but hopefully it looks here there we go perfect okay so that's you know big again still need some more contrast on there more contrast on these it's brightness and then we're gonna go here and do his shadow before that I'm solid I can't either duplicate this or bring this already vector er oh you're gonna use his okay oh the shape that you created at the pen tool store as much so efficient train save time yeah so we're gonna go ahead and kind of like try to match a little bit trying to match this shadow by piece that looks good that's really cool boom nice Wow yeah that's quick I was working I lower the opacity as well so two fits in later more yeah what do people say what should we do here mmm trying to figure it out if we're gonna do something fun yeah do you want to let's see I think they're just really wowed by what you've created so far and join these yeah like in it so I'm erasing the the right side a little bit not erasing it but I'm adding a black on top of it okay you can see it there somewhere that shine core and after to make it look like the light is coming through a little more through the side and you know again all of these things are the limit is what at the time you have and how much ever you want to put into it you could you know obviously do a shadow on the side of the cloth I will erase a little bit of the edge of it it looks more realistic yeah the same thing you can do there's something that Hannah does super well like she was like doing it even on the the previous stream yeah you know adding glow and now yeah you know like the other side of the she got my work for that so Jimmy says maybe something lightning from the word oh I'm [Laughter] afraid to do that yeah we can try it we're gonna try it let's you know let's keep playing with this maybe I want to turn the sand over here in the middle into water what do you think about that we cool yeah you know it's rising from the water yeah I could be cool yeah go ahead and try to do that okay no promises yes again what i'm doing here is spent Oh going over these the cool thing is like this ground already has this sand the separate from the ground so you can make it look super realistic not realistic but you can really get the shape of the what the water would be yeah from when the photo itself wishes sometimes on the other poster that I talked about before we started making this one mm-hmm I had to there was nothing there so I had to draw it and imagine it was there yeah I got a little more shot yeah it's a foundation to but overhear you sitting there don't know if that probably used to be water and whatever photo this right yeah or like it's like a dried sand river bed or something yeah I bet it is so back here we're just gonna do these over this rock maybe yep you look around just that and we're gonna place that on top of the background think it already is oh yeah we need to add a little bit on this back side over here they're more eager you can feel free to you know get really picky with this if you want to like you go around this rock yeah if you got all the time in the world yeah yeah like somebody saying you'd be making something for you know for applying and it needs to be super you know details yep go ahead and take that time cuz those details is what actually makes things amazing you know you know you're messing up oh yeah it looks like he's spilled white ink yeah let's go cool - yeah now the shadow looks a little weird in the water but I'll true yeah but whenever we so the water reflects everything so we will have to do a reflection of everything that's going on oh yeah metal and everything that's going on the background and duplicate it and put it in the water right so uh try and think how do that easiest way Fernando's asking what's your favorite tool maybe he's asked in the chat but yeah you I'm gonna guess it's the pen tool my favorite tool my favorite tool is yeah a fan tool right now at least right now the pen tool trying to think of what else I use a lot yeah pen tool all the way yeah they made basically lets you paint all right you're whatever you're making yeah yeah which and that makes it so cool selections you can - yes you can make whatever shapes you need yeah let me let me find these okay you're you so the groupies all right so that's that the group these now I have the shadows in here for some reason let me move them on well here they are okay I go and then now we have over here this would be the water and inside the water so I'm gonna combine these two so we have you know this whole selection inside of one what we need to do is that we need to create a background for these that we can dump inside the water so right now you've seen the same background inside the water and now we're a flip it vertical yeah there you go yeah so you can see it's like a reflection inside of that already and you we need to line it up really well like that you can really see over there that's right and then need to give it like a watery effect so we can do that by maybe going to real quick they're gonna save this just in case yeah I mean I realize yesterday we finished a poster and went back to the hotel yeah and I didn't still save oh yeah so yeah well this version if you start with the cloud dock which is our new way of having files it could sync between those autosave after oh wow I think once every five minutes so and also a recovery system in regular files where you'll recover some of your work at all it'll periodically save yeah I've had that happen a couple times that's super useful because I yeah yeah it happened so often yeah all right so inside of these we can do blur motion blur maybe yeah they give that water look maybe I don't know if any anybody has any suggestions on what we should do yeah let's to make it look more like water feel free to do that I want to duplicate this just in case I'm gonna go ahead and do the blur motion blur okay right now kind of looking like that and what we can do as well sake make this bottom thing color of the sky a little bit blue yeah Jimmy said maybe use some of the sky gradient if you reverse it there you go yeah it looks like it's more reflective yeah it needs to be brighter right there you go yeah well what we do now is how we can add like some let's make these the green yeah you just take novena all the colors you like to use and those primary colors yeah I don't know what the edge over here came out like damn you because it was too close to the edge yeah one of my favorite things here is that oh you can see that oh but I'll move it up move it over here one of my favorite things about this new warp tool is that you can actually can't get this to work I'm trying to zoom in a little bit so that okay there you go so you can use the warp tool and make this lines like a vertical line you can place it right here for instance if I want to expand only this side that make sense oh I see so that we're drawing where the warp what the portions at that box you're actually gonna warp exactly so if you do another one right here you only affect from this point on right yeah no way you got complete freedom over over that and in this case I want to expand that cuz I don't like the way that looks right there on the edge mm-hm x-brawn expanding is one more thing that this needs for it to look like this water there it's maybe doing some shadows inside this people like the green you go like like in the green that says yeah like I might switch it a little bit more to bluish so they're matches more these over here but keeping it like lighter blue maybe you know yeah with patients here you can just stick draw too big and I don't if you can tell what I'm doing but trying to raise that ground a little bit oh I see adding a little shadow there we'll make it look like it you know maybe ground lift it yeah I bought the water a tiny bit you know and again all these things are just like time-consuming and it depends on how much time you have to actually get them done if you have the patience to do it and over here I'm gonna draw you know on top of the top one but I'm gonna go head back and close it apart yeah oops oh no my drawing on top of these oh I think I'm drawing on top of down sorry I'm gonna search through this layer perfect really good the edge perfect now erase this tough one there we go perfect that's working and let's go back to the water and say um like it but I think we can do little better so just playing with the blend modes here yeah I'm playing with the blend modes I like this because it's linear is affecting the color of the bottom layer just looking kind of like a water will do a shadow over here over here some shadows here as well we got to do some highlights as well I feel like [Music] you mean the edges right in a bit you know get that son that layer of protection yeah in there maybe we'll do it also we still have to do a reflection for the whole face okay but you know we'll get there that's a reflection for that let me get rid these shadows for a second yeah they look like you're floating too much the outside shadow looks okay do some right here yeah no no if I get bit since yeah let's see if I can do a where you said waves maybe I can do the waves going the opposite way and I don't know if you know people in the shot have to use this these before I just like one of those old-school filters I played it yeah yeah but let's see do this what you could see this a little bit Ariana lets you do these miss waves in this case I'm trying to make him look like it's like this ripples in the water like the ripple yeah I'm trying to make it look the other way make it go instead of like this oh I see yeah I just don't know how you can do that maybe I can just rotate it and do it yeah oops right courteous and we'll do it now mm-hmm distort wave I know too much I think I'm trying going here with the flow and trying get you [Music] something new I caught that yes how is less than that [Music] we'll see what I can do that I can compare it maybe yeah or duplicate it before I do these mm-hmm cool things it's already saved here we do yep we have both of them I'll do the motion on top of that motion blur i gifted like a softness to the top layer okay oxide goes that vertical it blends in a little more with what the water would be a shadow looks really good now right there yeah so let's go ahead and do the same thing for this one I think instead of doing that we'll do do the motion blur it's a tough one and what I'm gonna have to do here is that I'm gonna have to delete outside of that selection you know that or at least delete this side oh yes and I did the motion you bleeding - right right so what I'll do is that I'll delete it outside of that so I want to keep it standing on the left side but not on the right side yeah better now also the problem is that is black so it's not blending well with the water without to make it look good oh yeah it's a bit darker at that shade yeah dark here whatever the darker color is here we'll do the same even for this one out a little bit of like a tint of blue so that we combine these two as well well do color color balance a little bit yeah it becomes like a greenish yeah you know she makes it look a little more natural let's do the same with these ones or you know what I'll keep it this way that's good I'll make it a tiny bit darker around the edges [Music] yeah there you go looks good yeah so that's looking like it belongs in there [Music] yeah let's do some color mode on top of everything like a color balance and yeah little over 11 minutes left before the design feedback okay cool cool yeah so let's hurry let's try to do these kind of like these colors mm-hmm I'm gonna try to do I like using these text shirt as well oh wow where we gonna drop that texture inside the water oh yeah kind of like that is if you have like oil in your water and just mix it around I'm sad I'm sad we get into the egg is no what is this where the fun part begins where you can actually make you know you know make make it cool yeah add colors yeah have fun with it but yeah let's add these to the water layer I don't know what that like water layers would be nice to know 27 yeah we were just talking yesterday about how some people are very organized that there with lera naming I am NOT one of them yes or no you know I'm not either oh yeah so let's do this right here maybe we do got her mom let's see what this looks like or should he have done that like it or not but I'm gonna try to do these and then they race it do a ask yeah interesting really I'm trying to do my skin's out of these smart for some reason it's not letting me do it you like it right great Paul approves we're doing in attitude yeah we're doing it we didn't get to go home now yeah yeah for some reasons not letting me do masking things out of that Irish horizon if you need to do that there you go nope the last one is not working it's not so strange very strange no I'll do it old school nice erase it yeah yeah do we have this last colleges in the edges yeah maybe that's cool what I'll do I'll go to the talk again and I'll do a curves make it all stand out a little more brings my luminance from the left from the right side yeah makes it pop a little more please one thing that brings everything together like if you're struggling with oh man I don't know if it feels you know like it belongs to the same place cuz yeah this has a lot of noise and this doesn't just add a bunch of noise to everything and does have to be a lot right but if you you know if you got noise noise tool and you add I'm adding noise to this top layer right here warning adding of these that you yeah just a tap and I'm gonna go ahead and do that with all the statue okay you can see it it's coming through now if you do it to the background as well you know it kind of makes it feel like it's part of the same world I yeah it gives you this this look that is you know particular so be careful if you overdo it because there's no way you can come back oh yeah cause that one's yeah destructive it is what it is yeah but you can convert it into a smart object I believe you can do it as well well you see if you do to everything it makes us you know super like it's part of the same world yeah they're like the photos taking all together yeah it really brings it together so you can go ahead and do that or not in this case I'm not gonna do it I want to keep it as clean as I can so I can keep editing on top of it let's see so this one's a little bit like what's going on maybe we can do a layer on top and do like an overlay layer are we on time sorry seven minutes yeah okay we're good I'm trying to hurry up too much okay so um maybe overlay and do it like crazy color see what this looks like yeah yes it gives it like this glow nice I like that yeah and you can get rid of it in two parts some reason my masks is not working you see that is weird maybe freaked out with all the all the layers so if you want to show something I can Pawnee take a break from here close it and up in the back up at the end so we can yeah if not we can just keep going I just make it all that's let's just stick with yours for now yeah alright so what I did here is that I deleted that from I'm picking the layer underneath mm-hmm because in theory this is like this color should be inside of oh yeah yeah oh that that probably media if I had a mask I would do it in a mask but over here I'm straight up deleting it on top you can see it right yeah yeah so we'll go ahead and do the same up here select it you know so we can keep it inside within that yes and the cool thing about this that we can switch this I will go play with this color we we feel the blue a little more you know like you've got that tinge of yellow on the bottom the sky and maybe not maybe I don't know yeah actually you wanna stick with the crazy color leave more pronounced than yellow looks probably to to uh let's keep it I'm gonna go ahead and go back to the remember I said I might switch that mode on the glow yeah to have no noise have noise now so I got really the noise right there it looks so much kinda like that yeah that looks this clean yes looking good so far obviously things that we can switch here we can make this the color mode on these make it a little bit more purpley since we have the purple light you know no this lights here instead I suppose well [Music] yeah I was looking better yes yon wants to see stars yeah let's do stars that's the stars I really fight downloaded stars yes I did here they are stars coming in that perfect okay so we'll drop these stars yeah you go back I'm dropping it on top of that just drop it on top of the background yeah and then we're gonna change blending mode to lighten there we go that gives it - if you want them to show a little more you can go to the my curves you can bring it huh yeah you know you're gonna do less you're gonna do more will keep your happy and the happy medium right there is and yeah this is like bottom heavy right now this this whole thing so we can use our surely like move everything up if we can't we have the yeah we don't have any anymore come bus back here say extend the ground of it so we can yeah we can use come on come tool or you could bring your transform warp tool right and yeah you just try just try that bar shut down a bit I'll be a lot faster yeah we can just do it yeah oops I click and do horse home oh we're gonna try to span from here down basically grabbing this standing advance all right perfect all right that's looking good something I've shifted on the the masks the purple mask on the top if you look I think it did Oh oh yeah because I have it locked yeah let's go I don't wanna lug that move it up yeah he's sad they don't have the mask ready for that yeah I'm gonna have to kind of food in there but it's okay right yeah yeah all right so yeah we have this right here something else you can do if you want to get more crazy with colors I'm gonna get rid of the oil I think we see like yeah you just bothers it's not a little bit a little too strong over there yeah a tiny bit yeah just subtle kind of deal and what we can do now is that we can add something to the sky or maybe add let me save this one and make a different version so we can play with it and we can keep this one round okay something that I that I've done in the past a lot is that I can I just come here and paint over the mountain yeah you can see it just a time I like this that tinge of purple or pink yeah and then we can switch that if we don't like that for like no pink it's not working we can you know color over overlay we can play with something more stream or something less strain kind of like how the fades into the background yeah because it makes it kind of disappear yeah yeah cool over here with this light on the side we can probably do it a little less white yeah something like that cool yeah I'm liking that looks great let me go ahead and save it start a new one and then over here we can do I think something else that we can do is that we can grab some of these mountains again make sure I'm on the background yep we can keep going of it you know you can add it to the oh we done here okay yeah we're gonna do this nice just a little bit more okay make it twist a little bit yeah maybe looks like the Himalayas yeah and do the same thing beside me we can just keep playing with it yeah you know why don't I take a switch gears a bit and do it now it's time for the design feedback okay design challenge feedback so today's challenge was to design a book cover with realistic embossed effect great I'm using layer effects and we gave a couple assets for people to use and so let's jump into that so we'll start over here I think though this is kind of this is yesterday's we have some additional submissions from yesterday's design challenge which is to celebrate you know shop stereo oh it's cool yeah I like this one too that yeah so let's start with people well start here someone made a book and may look a bit embossed with them yeah that's in this and it kind of looks like for some reason get it reminds me of the Photoshop logo you know yeah yeah how's that intent yeah has a nice cool look realistic it's got the the marching ants from selection Marquis that's kind of cool I would have probably brighten the 30 a little bit more just so it stands out a little more yeah maybe do like a like a like a light inside of it it looks like shiny yeah different metal reorder shop logo oh yeah this little PS here yes cool that's gone has more invitations from yesterday here's another book alright so we've seen a rendition of this show yes I remember this one yeah yeah it feels like things like the same markup right yeah it already has some of the textures has pulled out so I think oh I see yes yeah yeah I get so good nice texture yeah yeah we commented on this one yesterday as well that's cool to see it in the book Photoshop 30 better than ever nice so I see some some of the looks like a bevel effect I guess he put on the layers yeah yeah it sure looks like that and these yeah I would just not split the word Photoshop like that yeah this is like hard to tell shrink it a bit so what he was line yeah yeah photos hop oh yeah maybe that's a go playing yes yeah all right another one Oh ten you're ten years old Van Damme oh wow great job man that looks cool I like that it's a nice effect yeah great jock stay in the back yes that's a creative way I'd love to see young creators oh yes Lee learning to use Adobe's products Photoshop especially like you and I both learned it from very young age growing up with it it makes it seem second nature to us yeah yeah when you reach that age of like 18 or whatever you looking for a job you already you already got these down yeah start at 10 you have eight years of experience yeah depends on how much pressure you're putting yourself - oh yeah for sure - be better yeah yeah so just keep working at it you'll be yeah amazing is this guy right here very soon all right stop it some more some more invitations all right some more books yeah the joy of Photoshop Oh kind of like cooking book The Joy of Cooking oh yeah yeah see it's like a reference yeah I think the old leaves yeah I like the gold miss tins already well on the blue yeah pretty cool see try to make an ABCs so I'm ABCs yeah yeah it's some fruits yeah all right a lot of mixes of yesterday's challenge in here yeah sounds nice and subtle Photoshop goes 30 yeah looks like it uh the effects on the letters I like the hints of purple on the outside yeah it's like a glove Baba like that ghetto oxen a bit purple yeah I think it's like using layer effects using some of those like the drop shadow inner glow those types of things I think is what people try to concentrate through here so yeah that's cool okay and the last one I got one in Japanese Photoshop ooh nice no that's really cool get the thirty in here and the PSS on the marching ants that's cool you know in Japanese I a bit you sir you read them present yeah I want to learn Japanese yeah it's it's a fun language to learn yeah I've used Japanese on some of my posters and I always get comments I can do about that least for now yeah like when you release new versions of the app we have to get all the like the description translated into other languages and we have a really good translation staff here to do it but sometimes I'm like oh I should be really quick and I just throw some of these older languages it's a really tough google to to figure out like the figure - yeah I think that's the end of our submissions here so we've got some time we can continue working on yes let's continue to make a few other options for these right yeah so I added these these layers in the back over here I'm gonna add some shadows on this one as well yeah go to separate it tiny bit from the one in front yeah and I think this is good for one of the options okay yeah like yesterday he created two options yeah so we can do yeah about a little over 20 minutes if you wanna oh yeah so let's create another option for this and then let's jump on maybe another notable poster we'll talk about some of the poses that I've made yet some questions that people might have a for sure so for these you know if we wanted to make a little bit more of a different option we could do these mountains over ladies mountains I'm doing a gradient since at home yeah I think so give it a super cool flat look which I like and I do a lot of my work yeah you know but a better way to do will be to that I shouldn't deal with the brush oh you like your brush gradients yeah yeah so um let's go ahead and do that I'll do and we actually I kind of leave it you know like that if we wanted to show a little bit of the mountain on yak again some of these stuff I have no clue what I'm doing there doing it doesn't work or less than where some of the best results come on yeah and everything ahead of time it's not like and give yourself that freedom you know you're if you're like working on things and you you know plan everything out all the time make sure you take some time to also be creative in the sense of like it's how freedom with you know making different things for this one maybe I want to try one of these gradients and Photoshop already have yeah built into it because it's a it's a nice combination they're so good so can you oh yeah he's dropping like that okay I think it just fills the layer on it yeah I'm trying to make it smaller we did that can I use it nope yeah I've never used gratings like this I'm trying to figure it out with you guys so if anybody has a clue how to do it I think it's going so this gradients going from left to right even though what you're seeing there is right to left so it's reversed oh I see yeah oh here it is hmm trying to move it within this mm-hmm kinda how you would do it over late maybe I can do it with overlay right with that gradient overlay yeah let's do it right here felt like this is easier for some reason all right I'll leave some more used to this yeah and I am a used to the other one cuz with this one I can make it you know smaller and then drag it good anymore sure it is there we go yeah I'm liking that yeah that's cool and then what I want to do with the background here separate the bottom from the top so I'll just do right here Thanks I just do it straight out yeah went with it ha ha now I'll do a gradient on top of that just speak a cool gradient let's see what we have here that's it those are cool there's a party too soft alright you look for these power poles Paul maybe the same one we use but expand it a little more more just more out screw it up and down I used to be able to drag it I don't know if you can do that or anymore so drag it down yes or no like literally drag it with my mouse you know where I wanted to go yeah what I'm doing here is I'm adding we're stop come where color stops yeah I might need to expand it a little more yeah but you see I would like to move it down here maybe no maybe she had that aligned with layer mm-hmm now trying to move it since you unchecked it no no I mean yeah it's not it's not well we can do manually that's the cool thing about this yeah that's go ahead and do that so I'll do I'll keep that blue what's the main color in your back okay and they will do like this maybe I read nice yeah yeah where's Paul well we need him he knows us in signing out yeah he knows all the little tricks all right so yeah I'm happy with that and then there's someone over here in the meadow the gradient again let's try that again oh you know what I'll paint it is that I don't know what's going on there um yeah I'll just paint over that yeah that way I can pick exactly what I want I want to do lighter down here towards the horizon right yeah yeah go basin and then maybe into contrast this here will do like a blue like I'm a tragic great balance here between these the things he was already like a oh that's our layer on top of it doesn't learn some of it yet oops oh yeah it was when you need kind of the tips look a little yellowy yeah we forget what layer that was it's in there okay yeah I see I see what it is see something right here I'll get rid of a go yeah and then I'm gonna have to change the background because it really doesn't make sense now that for it to be stars it's gonna have her maybe this torch is not the problem is the gradient like - there you go used to be yellow it looks good yeah I'm not you know I'll be here on the ground probably be cool to make the ground Gregory wants to see this in your shop when you're done yeah I'll put on the show print yeah we drop these on top I have such a mess with this layer I'm trying to go fast and say I'm not working out do usually do all the layer diligence and naming that kind of stuff when you have like yeah oh yeah I really doing that and I really do also with with might work you surely because I want to keep be able to go back and not have to like figure out where things get mad at myself we're not doing it yeah but in this case you know I'm trying to do it in time and all that so I'm going to go fast yes all right so okay I think I know paper grab these right here oh stuff underneath it okay I just want to erase this a tiny bit or like the opacity of it to get some of the texture out of it maybe you know mmm-hmm no we try to race it a little bit again I'm missing my mass so yeah wonderful try figure out yeah it probably just figure you know do freaked out yeah I freaked out a little bit I'm gonna race these two tiny bit around the edges what do you thing you're gonna name this oh I don't know yeah so here you know we have the two options you're kind of like the more realistic looking one and then the more psychedelic crazy one yeah I don't know which one the guys like better like this one or this one let's see so this is option 1 option 1 is a realistic one option 2 is a crazy color one yeah let's see what the chat thinks yeah and we can keep adding you know a little bit more of color no knock on window school - it does look fake it's like a I would see that in a museum just like yeah every time you have like a lot going on if you make it black on white it's almost like you guys get the rest I take a lot with my my photography I'll just throw that looks cool yeah it gives you a better sense of like if things are balanced or not and sometimes or not yeah you got to spend more time working on it huh a couple of votes for - one vote for one food fella wants to see option one again it's just the stars up show one would just start then which is the stars Oh which is the star should be they vote for one one and two it's kind of even right now reduce right I think the chat is a little delay so I'll see what else got more votes come in okay yeah let me erase a little bit more of these [Music] yeah I think I think you know closer to the water yeah more shadow you have on that and more realistic it would look great a little bit more of that I hate not having the mask so he'd just control what I'm doing but hey we'll roll with it he's cool that's like why you might be leading the charge here just barely you mean yeah I think people like the Stars that's probably what it is yeah well just boom that's one all right approved sent to print we're gonna add the starts to everything yeah something cool that we can do to say um actually do the stars Chris hagit this will be posted on Behance and our YouTube channel shortly after so you can catch the end of this if you have to go mmm yeah I wish make you have a mask fit you know don't say some of the stars around around around the head right like just around the globe like that's the Sun also something really cool that could happen here take doing rocks falling from you know some of these yeah I have something I've done the past it kind of has that rock texturing let me see if I can find it just to show how you can probably follow that even further you know you can add starch like this yeah you know like around this video again okay yeah so adding it starts like this around the center of the globe you know to make it give that glow yeah obviously here just a lot of color stuff that I did after this was done and that's something I would just suggest doing I offer your done with this let me save it as option to you real quick don't think older you can do psych grab my text yes I know chat if you want to ask questions for Maggie I'll just put them in now there's a little bit delay 20 you can read them so then we'll wrap up in a minute or two just get some questions show sort of his some of his work like I think yeah so you can just grab you know this right here just gonna liquefy what ideas that I combine all the layers into one mm-hmm yeah you can really see with everything that's outside of that so let me my everything let me just duplicate that there you go so now this won't have all of that so this is just a merged version of that Leah right it's a merged version of everything that that we have so far so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do this hopefully what we're going to do is this lines stop doing it and let's see the pressure updated the Photoshop from remember I was using the old version yesterday yeah yeah so I don't have the settings that I usually use um yeah why don't we um do a recap of kind of the different types of edits you've done like what the you know how you use shapes the pen tool I'm just kind of just show just give them a foot people kind of wrap up of what okay what techniques you use to create this cool cool I want to show these kind of like melt it okay nice thing you can do on top of everything like whenever you're done you feel free to play with this we can do something like this and then make that a different blending option maybe you know like you know one of these how kind of I get digital distortion type yeah so yeah I feel free to like mess with that too that's that's really fun yeah and it's super easy to play with and it gives it like a super cool look you get six pounding here little bit me my computer slow yeah there's something you can do give me the extra extra look so at this what we've done today you know use a lot of the pen tool I guess we did some brush gradients yeah I don't get enterprise mm-hmm a lot of creating with the pen tool and then doing a lot of brush over everything doing a lot of color coloring and trying to match the photos together this will you seen one two three different photos and then we added the water as well making that look more like water those are little things that you know take more time and slower process you know to achieve something that looks more realistically this realistic and then like a sobre lo kind of lik yeah and then we can do something like this as well as out there a bit more Yanis asking what's the normal pixel resolution of post position create 300 yeah 300 and then I usually created 18 by 24 okay after inches yeah yeah cuz you can scale up a little bit more this one is nine by 11 and 300 dpi mm-hm so it's pretty big you can print really well with this if you need it to this little color switch it back a little bit to blueish didn't there you go so he was bothering me sorry nice yeah I'm happy with this about three minutes left if you want to show anything on your portfolio talk about yeah so yeah I was just talking about that rock look that's falling from that you could do like it's falling from from the face mm-hm you can do something like this you know nice it's kinda the same looking but you can see you know some more time here like creating each letter Rock yeah and you can do the same thing make the rocks look at the cracking maybe falling from pieces coming peace is coming that would make us so much better yeah and even adding like a layer on top of these has a good texture maybe like a camera lens kind of deal yeah all of those things would like elevate these so much more yeah yeah I did a few options with this and then I have a video here my Instagram so go go ahead and go to my Instagram for the time-lapse right you know like creation yeah that pen tool been tooling and their work that's kind of cool to make him look he was like flying oh yeah cuz he was standing on the photo yes I wanted to look like that a lot of shattering kind of exactly what we did today yeah and then grabbing these rocks and warping them to make him look like they around him doing these lights you can do so many things but it's so fun yeah so yeah did you think this took you same around the time that it took us today like no an hour two hours when you start adding elements to it it gets like to do to our pretty period because it's like you got so many little things so you want to make look great yeah you can also over here you see you know I'll I have more work with light coming out you can also do that around this imagine if this light was really strong it's coming out of that you can spend some more some more time doing that as well yeah I guess the flowers someone earlier asked where does the flower is today but yeah we might maybe we can do flowers tomorrow and do like a helmet and do flowers and do colors and all that fun stuff yeah I'm trying to I look for more references that that tied to what we did today I have one that yeah this was like falling you see a little rocks woman on the bottle yeah yeah just you can probably do something like that crumbling yeah or I did one a while ago we got to wrap up yeah yeah so we hope that you guys really enjoyed you all really enjoyed what MacDill did today we will be back tomorrow our for a third session so it'll be surprised as so as to what he works on today but also make sure works on tomorrow tomorrow make sure tomorrow if you want to join the daily challenge for a Photoshop or XD illustrator those will be posted I believe tomorrow morning so we'd love to review your work and again tomorrow same time same place and yeah thank you we'll see you all tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 12,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photography workflows, mobile photography, lightroom, lightroom pre-sets, create, photo retouching, photo editing, photoshop, compositing, pro tips, how to enhance photography, adobe, adobe live, adobelive, Magdiel Lopez, Ryan Dumlao
Id: qY1grSjbQ1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 36sec (7056 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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