Designing NEW POKEMON! - 🌽Grass Types🌽

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who doesn't like corn uh honestly like let me know right now tell me in the comments if you don't like corn i'd be shocked because i mean hey guys welcome back and if you haven't guessed it already today's video is going to be about corn and pokemon don't worry i know you guys have been missing our mazda reading videos but i think that what i have for you today will be worth the wait we're going to be introducing into the generation a couple of grass type pokemon i'll take this moment to officially announce that as of right now i'm retconning the regional variants that i've made so far i'd like to redesign them at some point so with mazzy and maractus out the only grass types we have so far in this region are the three stages of the grass starter unacceptable i know seriously grass-type pokemon are really essential to a well-balanced new generation of pokemon as a whole they offer a wide variety of concepts to explore from flowers to trees to seaweed and fungi even some oddball designs like origami ninjas or apple pie dragons for the most part grass types have very friendly dispositions of course there are exceptions but i like to think of grass types as the calm level-headed and respectful friends of the pokemon world now given the context of the maza region based off of mexico we have a good handful of obvious options in regards to what kind of grass type pokemon we'd like to add to this generation cacti are a standout but we already have a few characters pokemon as previously addressed and i do want to make a jalapeno pokemon whether or not that will be miraculous is yet to be determined but in my opinion it would be a sin to make a mexico inspired region and not include a corn pokemon a sin i ask again who doesn't like corn it's good in soup on a taco in a salad hell it's even on its own a great meal but aside from the global appeal corn or maize as it was originally called has a huge amount of cultural significance in mexico mexico is the birthplace of corn the grain was first domesticated and farmed by the indigenous people of the region some ten thousand years ago since then it's become a staple not only in the people's diet but in their history and mythology as well in fact the maya have a story explaining how mankind was created from white and yellow maize you could see why the crop was so important to these people it's easy to farm and mass produce it's filling and nutritious and it can be repurposed into flour meal even dough it was without exaggeration the lifeblood of some of the most successful ancient civilizations in history so can you guess what i'm going to base this grass type pokemon around piece together the context clues take a stab but of course if you guys have watched any of our videos before you know that in order to make a successful pokemon design you need more to work off than just corn like yeah pokemon like vileplume exist that's pretty much just a reflection flower on a little body but even still the personality and characterization of the pokemon are based around the emotional reactions one might have when encountering a giant flower that smells like rotting meat my corn pokemon would need to be more than just a few kernels with a face not that it wouldn't be a few kernels with a face but you know it would be more than just that referencing the maya myth i mentioned earlier this pokemon would draw inspiration from the hero twins of the popovu which is a collection of stories from maya mythos if i were to assign a ratio to the amount of corn kernel to hero's twins influence it would be about 85 corn and 15 twin but my inclusion of the myth was to give some form of characterization to the design so you know it was more than just a corn monster even if you're unfamiliar with the myth or if you're still unable to draw the connection between the character and the story the thing still has a distinct personality being made up of two different entities with different personalities and an implied relationship when you design a character like this not everything needs to be right on the nose in fact sometimes it's more fun to have the subtlety of the design be appreciated over time as more and more people catch on to the true intent behind the concept i like that in pokemon designs ziazaya the twin kernel pokemon ziazia are born conjoined by the leaves that grow from their bodies they're always found in these pairs despite the fact that the two minds tend to have very different personalities trainers will find themselves dealing with not just one but two different pokemon that need to learn how to battle and communicate there is an ancient myth that says the first humans were created by a ziazaya and the pokemon garners a huge amount of respect from the people of the maza region now there's something kind of interesting about this second form i don't know if you guys assumed this to be the case but i've always designed the evolutions for all of these pokemon in order as in if it's a three-stage evolutionary line i do the first stage then the second and then the third but this time i actually designed the final stage after the first but of course we'll get to that later the initial premise of this pokemon being based off of the hero twins started to fall away in this design instead of being based around one myth in particular i wanted the central concept of the character to be focused around a broader theme community after all maze has been at the core of mesoamerican cultures for millennia and considering how we want the overarching theme for the region to be about tradition and family this design can reflect that intention on several different levels and what's more familial than a bunch of contrasting personalities all shoved into a space that's way too small to fit them all in like magneton doug trio or cling clang i wanted this line to be a conglomerate of several pokemon living together and functioning as a whole it's a really cute way to turn a monster idea into something far more emotionally relatable this design would also focus a little bit more on an aspect of corn that i think is often overlooked that strange silky fur that grows from underneath the husk if you've never held fresh maize in your hand before you may not be familiar with this material but it's literally like hair smooth shiny hair this whole video has really got me excited about corn zusk the kernel cluster pokemon zusk are the result of several different ziazaya banding together and living in a colony though each individual pokemon is completely unique they manage to unite over shared causes and work as a unit to achieve their goals in a pinch they will actually launch members of their colony at foes as one of their attacks the silky strands of fur they produce are used by seamstresses in the mazel region to create elegant robes and blankets so i did not expect when i set out to make three pokemon based off of corn to end up creating what may very well be my favorite design out of the entire region's decks you may disagree with me but i think that the pokemon i'm about to show you is among the top three of all of the pokemon that i've made so far like i said i designed this final form before i made the second stage i knew that what i wanted out of this pokemon was essentially the feeling of an entire family reunion in a single ear of corn i wanted each kernel to have its own personality but i also wanted them to all seem happy with each other comfortable and part of a team it was a lot of fun creating a body out of something like corn husks no real anatomy or physical structure just a bunch of bendy leaves that i could make into any shape i wanted it took some time to figure it all out but the silhouette i ended up with was just like i said this is one of my favorite pokemon that i've made so far coloring it was a lot of fun too i went back and forth when deciding if i should color it like the corn we're used to seeing in the us you know all yellow or like the absolutely gorgeous colored maze that's found in less commercial markets i'm serious look up real mexican maze the colors are unbelievable i ended up saving the most crazy of those colors for the shiny form they seemed more rare to me and instead made the default color scheme up of three different shades of yellow one more red and one almost completely white tell me if you agree is this one of the best pokemon that i've made so far or am i just infatuated with corn at this point and blinded by love maize men the colonel colony pokemon as ancient as the land itself these pokemon are found all over the maza region and have a deep-rooted history in the culture of the people living there they're actually a colony of many individual pokemon living as one and the older the pokemon the more members it will have some maize men have been recorded at over 10 feet long with nearly a thousand individual members their many minds are independent yet work in tandem with one another and both in battle and in everyday life so that wraps up today's video hopefully if you didn't like corn before i've helped to sway you in its favor but let me ask you guys something should i make a split final evolution for this line based off of popcorn is that too dark yay or night tell me down in the comments let me know what you think of these new mods and be sure to let me know if you have any more ideas for future fake mom a couple of you have asked for corn pokemon hopefully this satisfied you and for the rest of you don't worry there will be an axolotl i promise thanks for watching guys don't forget to like and subscribe and follow us on twitch peace and love and i will see you all in the next video
Channel: Subjectively
Views: 202,867
Rating: 4.9810748 out of 5
Keywords: fakemon, fan pokemon, fake dex, gen 9, pokemon, new, leak, fan art, illustration, character design, corn
Id: Z4RJNi4xIN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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