Designing NEW POKEMON (and Redesigning Old Ones!) - New ICE TYPE!

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hey guys we're back i am tired anyone else tired mermaid really took it out of me this year i mean don't get me wrong i had a lot of fun with it and i'm really happy with the argyle finch illustrations and the four new legendary pokemon i designed but it was a lot of work who knew drawing a new mermaid every day would be so exhausting anyway i thought i'd take a little downtime from the channel after that but to be honest i had a hard time just sitting there doing nothing i kept thinking about the maza region things i wanted to add things i wanted to change and i just i just kept going today's video is going to be mostly revisions actually i'm going to be going back through a handful of older pokemon designs that i've done some are almost a year old at this point and touch them up a bit but as you might have guessed there's also going to be one new pokemon design as well as always these designs are subject to change as you'll see in this video i've learned a lot about designing these kinds of characters in the past year and i think that'll show in my redos i also need to reformat a lot of the old pokedex entries as of the introduction of the four sirens i came up with a more interesting and in my opinion well-designed pokedex format you guys are also going to notice something else new some awesome animated backgrounds done by our very own subjectively intern cole although i guess we can't call him an intern anymore we'll say he's been promoted to subjectively subcontractor so that's it let's get into the video we're going to start with the revisions from my unique type combination video i was really happy with rhoda tona but chispika and ariamano they needed work chespika was supposed to be the pikachu clone of the maza region every region since gen 3 has had one but it just didn't look like that at all my concept was a luchador bat so i wanted it to look somewhat bulky but the proportions in my first design made it look like jimbo from boss baby here's what i liked about my first design and what i wanted to keep the pattern on the chest that made it look like it was wearing a leotard the glowing wings under the arms the color palette and the pose the biggest thing that needed changing was the proportions all of the pikachu clones have their own unique shape and silhouette but they're also all consistent in that they are small cute and round making the head bigger than the body was a key part of getting that look it's hard for me i don't usually draw characters like this i'm not used to designs that are so round and adorable but i'm so much more happy with this than i was with the original to me it's night and day it reads more like a pikachu clone it's cuter but it still looks tough this was a worthwhile fix [Music] there was another pokemon from the unique type combo video that i didn't feel happy with either aryamano at the time i designed it i had recently learned about a type of arachnid called the twig spider they really look alien no pun intended but anyway i figured that they make for a great bug and dragon type in my original design i think i was too committed to the actual anatomy of the real life spiders and i didn't push it enough into the realm of pokemon here's what i did like about it though the colors the concept of the body looking like a hand and arm the little face under the false head and the long reptilian tail what needed to change was again the proportions the tail took up about 50 to 60 percent of this design but there was just so little going on within that space i struggled to come up with some way to make it more interesting but instead i simply realized i can just make the tail take up less space without making it seem shorter i also wanted the tail to feel more reptilian to emphasize the dragon part of ariamano's typing the top part of it stayed more or less the same but i swapped some colors and reposed it a bit to make it look more like a big claw i think this new makeover helps push my concept a lot more [Music] the last three pokemon i touched up were the route 1 bug types from over 10 months ago i was super happy with this line i know a few people complained that they didn't look related enough but that was literally the point i talk about that concept more in the video go check it out if you haven't already i didn't really want to change much about this line just redraw them with the knowledge that i have as an illustrator now there were a few things that bugged me about this line mini mellow was drawn on a different size canvas than the rest of my design so its line work was way thinner and it looked kind of out of place i also changed the way its body looked a bit too but nothing too drastic [Music] cicada i loved didn't really want to change much i did make the leaf look a little bit more three-dimensional and clarified that the markings on the bottom were filled with the same nectar inside manumello or noctivispa i also made its colors match noctivista hopefully this helps people feel like they're more related with noctivispa i really just wanted to change the pose the way i had it before made the lower half of its body hard to understand and more importantly it kind of looked like it was doing a nazi salute and again i just wanted to modernize the rendering style with the skills that i've learned over the course of the 10 months since i first created this design [Music] and yes they all got updated pokedex entries you can see all of these on the subjectively deviant art they are even available to download as pngs go nuts [Music] all right those were the changes that i made to the older designs expect more videos like this in the future i'm probably going to be revising a lot of my pokemon as i go and if you have any thoughts or critiques about those designs let me know down in the comments now i want to share with you guys an entirely new pokemon design the concept behind this was actually suggested to me by a fan a couple of fans i think when i said i needed an idea for a new ice type pokemon in the mazar region they suggested the wood frog a fairly unassuming amphibian with a special little trick for surviving the winter thanks to special sugars in their blood these frogs can completely freeze over slowing down their heart rate to the point where they appear to be dead but in the springtime they thaw out and they're perfectly fine so okay obviously that's a great starting point pretty much a pokemon already but i wanted to give this concept a few more layers so that it wasn't just a cartoon frog i started thinking about the common name of the animal wood frog okay you know maybe i'm the only person who would make this association but wood frog makes me think of those little hollow wooden instruments shaped like frogs you know these things oh okay apparently they're called guiro just found that out these little guys would be the inspiration for the look of my frozen frog but as i drew it i realized it needed something more something new something i haven't done yet in the mazda region two forms for one pokemon halfway through designing it i committed to the two-form concept the frozen forum looking like aguero left out in the cold would be part one part two was the thought form my main goal with this design was to incorporate the shape of the drumstick i don't really know what you would call it in its mouth in an interesting and cohesive way i didn't know at first what that would mean and i sort of felt it out as i went then it hit me the key was the typing thinking about the chemical makeup of the wood frog's blood put a poison typing in my mind and from that the idea to make the stick into a bizarre two-headed mushroom was born it was tempting to lean more into the shapes mimicking that of a dumbbell and make the pokemon a fighting type in its thought form but poison was just more fitting and we needed some more of it in the mazel region the colors were originally more yoshi-ish but i changed that to the shiny as a little unintentional easter egg while i'm just full of puns today unintentional they're all unintentional yoshi and his power-up mushroom that's the shiny form [Music] the wood frog pokemon frozen form when the temperature drops below zero chrocrosin will completely freeze over special chemicals in its blood keep the ice from harming it but it will become immobile and inactive until the temperatures rise again in this frozen form chrocrosin is so stiff that it makes a pleasant noise when gently struck instruments have been made in an attempt to replicate this sound crocrozen thawed form though it prefers the warmth crow crossing have adapted to live in some of the coldest parts of the mazel region in the spring and summer it spends most of its days collecting a rare species of two-headed mushroom the fungus is incredibly poisonous but crocrozen is able to eat it safely the poison inside the mushroom imbue crocin's blood with a special anti-freezing agent allowing it to survive the cold winter so this was a lot of content some new some kind of new hope you guys liked it what did you think of the reworks any of my other pokemon that you think be touching up and what did you think of crow crozin i'm super happy with it i think it's adorable the stats and ability well you guys know i'm not good at balancing that stuff so give me your feedback on that as well that's all for today everyone thanks for watching take care of yourselves happy pride month and we'll see you all in the next video [Music]
Channel: Subjectively
Views: 212,465
Rating: 4.9799924 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, fakemon, frog, poison, ice, wasp, bug, how to draw, subjectively
Id: 3ZhcK7r4hFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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