Designing NEW POKEMON (and Redesigning Old Ones!) - New REGIONAL VARIANTS!

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[Music] here testing testing one two three testing testing how's that sound all right i think we're good to go it's me jack and we're back and it's only been what three weeks since our last upload okay i guess that's not too crazy considering most youtube channels schedules but anyway claire and i just got settled in our new apartment it's pretty sweet i have a new desk and a mic set up and i might even get a webcam since i'm not working out of a cave anymore it's exciting but yeah the moving process ate into our upload schedule a bit not to worry though because we are officially back and we have exciting plans for the rest of july and august but i thought the most appropriate way to ease back into a regular subjectively upload schedule was with a new mazel region video i'm not stupid i know what the people want and honestly i've missed designing new pokemon but today it's not all gonna be new stuff so to speak in some of my more recent mazel region videos i spent a good amount of time re-illustrating and slightly redesigning old mazel region fakemon i've been working on this hypothetical generation 9 for over a year now and i'm learning a lot about how to render convincing looking fakemon and about art and my process in general i'm happy with most of the designs i've done so far but there are a few that i feel like i could modernize with what i now know as an artist and since i'm updating the format for the pokedex pages it made sense that i update the artwork for each mon in the process so yes there will be new designs in this video but there will also be a couple of tweaks to older pokemon as well and i know it's been a long time since our last upload but don't get confused it's not october yet the pokemon in this video all happened to be ghost types coincidentally but unlike the hallowed forms these are canon in the maza region ok let's get into this shall we we're going to start by updating one of the more iconic mazel region designs and its evolutionary line lil arena because our idea for the player character's main rival is to have her be a ghost type trainer and lil arena's line was the only ghost type in the mazel region so far there's been a lot of fan art with her and this pokemon i've grown pretty attached to its design and i didn't really want to change much mainly i just wanted to update the artwork these three mods suffered from the same problem as minnie mellow for some reason i made them on canvases much larger than the other illustrations so the line work was inconsistent that was the first thing i wanted to change other goals for this redraw were clean up the silhouette so it didn't look so lopsided clarify the layering in the hair remove the legs so it felt less grounded and more floaty and better convey the idea of reflective water in the lighting of the artwork i'm much happier with this rendering than with the original but you guys gotta let me know what you think as well i know some of you get really attached to the original designs and don't like seeing them change but i feel like it's for the best let me know how you feel about these changes [Music] yakina the second form of this line was another design that i was happy with after i finished it the first time these kinds of cutesy humanoid designs are a little out of my wheelhouse so i'm always proud of myself when they come out even looking half decent but looking back at the original design there were a few little nitpicks that i felt like i could rectify in another design like with lil arena i wanted to remove the legs so that it looked more floaty and kept the silhouette round and wavy i wanted to better convey a sense that the pokemon looked as though it was underwater especially with the hair this line is based off of a mexican myth about a mother who drowns her children and as dark as that is i wanted it to reflect a little bit in the first two forms it didn't look sad enough both lil arena and yukina needed to look as though they were sobbing and the original art made it look more like it was singing i also wanted to tighten up the silhouette and make it a bit more bottom heavy an overall teardrop kind of shape and i wanted to make it all just a little bit smaller shorter and cuter and that was pretty much it i think everything about the new rendering is better than the original but of course that's just me what do you guys think [Music] i knew getting into this video that juran aqua the final form of this evolutionary line would require the most work to get it where i wanted it to be again not a ton of changes i still like it but there are some issues that needed ramification at least in my opinion first and foremost the head was way too small it did make the design feel creepier but this is a pokemon not a character from a horror game having it be able to emote clearly turns it from something truly terrifying into a character that has the potential to either be scary or empathetic i always keep james turner's number one design principle in mind when i design pokemon it has to look like it could be your friend there was too much negative space with nothing going on in it because i made the head so small the hair and dress drew most of the viewers attention i needed to diminish that space and or make it more interesting the pose was too ambiguous my intention with the pose was to make it look like it had just been sobbing into its hand and then was interrupted looking up to see what the disturbance was i kept fiddling with this one right up past the final rendering stage but i am much more happy with it it may even seem like i didn't change that much and maybe that's for the best but for me these differences help me feel better about the design as a whole we've now come to the end of the part of the video where you watch me draw things i've already drawn before i hear you you want something new well i've had this idea in my head for months now and it's time to bring it into fruition if i remember correctly i believe a fan suggested this idea to me in the comments of another video or perhaps on the discord i actually did a design similar to this concept back during october of last year for a hollowed form but instead of floorgis this suggestion was to give rosalia a regional variant with a pair of marigolds as opposed to roses in mexico marigolds have incredible cultural significance with roots dating back as far as the aztecs they're used during the celebration of dia de muertos the day of the dead to decorate the graves of deceased loved ones this point of inspiration gave me a ton of visuals to modify the look of roselia to reflect the day of the dead i really like rosalia it's cute subtle and the best part is when it opens up its eyes an important part to creating a regional variant is to change the personality of the design so i gave this rosalia a much more coy expression with a look in its eyes like it knows something that you don't i changed the rose thorns on its head to something more resembling hair buns but inspired by the shapes of marigold buds and of course the rose arms were swapped out for the marigolds orange red and shades of purple are used in the celebration of dia de muertos so i made one hand orange and the other a deep maroon the rest of the colors were very desaturated to reinforce the ghost typing it's definitely an unconventional looking ghost type but a lot of regional variants have ambiguous typings what do you guys think rosalia mazian form the foreign pokemon the flowers on the end of rosalia's arms are said to possess supernatural properties in certain nights in the mazel region rosalia gather on mass in graveyards to channel the spirits of people and pokemon that have passed on from this world the gatherings are quite beautiful and surprisingly festive many mozzie and locals even celebrate the phenomenon as a holiday okay and for the final pokemon design in this video we'll look at the evolution for mozzie and rosalia mozzie and roserade this for me was kind of like a redesign in some ways there's a lot that i like about rose raid but a few things that i don't now of course these are two different pokemon designs serving two different purposes roserade as the name implies is designed to look like a mask dancer at a masquerade ball very european very elegant very smug mozzie and roserade was to look more enigmatic slightly mysterious while still having a bit of that smugness that is iconic to the original design because roserade is already designed with an implied mask it wasn't a far leap to redesign it as if it was made up with a festive dia de muertos skull like with rosalia i changed up the implied hair to make it more closely resemble something like tight top buns shaped like marigold buds i kept the dark desaturated brown in the hair and used a muted more washed out green for the body while i did want the whole thing to have an undead kind of aesthetic i also didn't want it to look too morbid death is not a grim subject in most mexican cultures and especially during the day of the dead celebrations color and light are more closely associated with the afterlife than darkness and gloom oh yeah one more thing i didn't make amazing badou i figured since badou is a baby pokemon you probably wouldn't encounter it in the wild and i really wouldn't change too much about it even if i did give it a regional form that said i do love badoo it's adorable and you'll still be able to see them in the mazer region they just don't look any different roserade mazian form the bouquet pokemon haunting but beautiful roserate and the maza region have a special connection with the afterlife people can use rosarite to communicate with loved ones who have passed on and some people believe that the pokemon can travel freely between the spirit realm and our own they can also wield this supernatural power in battle channeling energy from beyond the grave to strike down their foes [Music] and that's all for today's video what did you guys think are you happy with the changes to the old mods or should i've left them exactly the way they were and what do you think about the new designs are we fans of mozzie and roselia and roserade or do you wish i had done something differently with them let me know down in the comments thanks for watching everyone i hope you enjoyed the video sorry for the big hiatus that we had but we're back and we're getting back into our regular schedule i'll be streaming again soon as well peace out everyone and i'll see you all in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Subjectively
Views: 152,510
Rating: 4.9779835 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Fakemon, fan-made, roselia, roserade, mexico, mazah region, leak, gen 9
Id: lLQeYDqfrTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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