Designer Shower Remodel Under $1000.00 | Reality Renovision Ep22

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today reality Rhetta vision we're going to share with you information how to renovate your shower so you can make it safe for your aging parents that's a big road renovator one bathroom nothing here's the secret weapon better to learn how to do this yourself but look at the water damage your clothes break it's interesting that is crazy look at this that is fantastic this is not even four feet wide [Music] so we are back to the same place that we started three years ago that's right Max's mom so we're here to do a shower I get ya if you're a big fan of the channel you might remember this video from way back in the first day we've renovated her shower so we're back again because although the shower is functioning fine we're gonna do a great upgrade it's time to get this place really established for aging at home Max's mom and his grandma live here and they're both finding a little difficult getting in and out of the tub so our answer to that upgrades [Music] and we're back this is where it all started our whole youtube channel started right here in this bathroom Max and I spent two days you're modeling this bathroom and it's time for some upgrades last time Max's mom went away for a couple of days she came home to a new shower area and she was over the moon a lot of you have seen that video and if you haven't we're gonna put a link in the description below to you see that her reaction was priceless this time she's away for a couple days and she has no idea that we're doing this Yan again at the end of this video we're gonna do the same as we did last time we're gonna film her reaction when she comes home and sees this bathroom for the first time so you don't want to miss that make sure you stay tuned first thing we had to do good is go shopping got to pick up all of our materials in our stone let's grab something welcome to Euro tile and stone we are on the hunt for the perfect product for this bathroom we've got to find something that's got some pop let's go take a look at all the different options oh wow these are amazing wrong tones not exactly what we're looking for let's see that's too much natural stone looking Wow close but not quite the awesome herringbone patterns here and you know when you're shopping here remember even wall or floor tile can be using both applications on a wall now these are cool check these out wow this is the kind of thing you want your front hall but this could also be used as a real pop in the shower right put a little splash of color amazing there it is that's perfect no need to ask got it oh we got a do now max we got to find something that goes with it matches the floor so let's hold over we need Carrera yeah that's too big and it's rectified porcelain I'd rather get ceramics here's the ceramics let me just check these check these there it is perfect and we'll go with the big one the 24s alright I'll show you this when we get back to the bathroom done so most people have got an issue with their bathroom and that is it's getting old and ugly and in a lot of cases you're starting to get a little bit of mold coming through but the truth is the walls are still pretty solid and you want to know how to get that to make it look pretty again or you just want a little upgrade or maybe you're like a lot of people and you want to get a waterproof so that it doesn't decay anymore I got a secret for you that we're going to show you how to remodel this bathroom for just a couple hundred bucks so one of the reasons why we're redoing this shower is because of the tile itself there was a time when you could buy inexpensive ceramic tile and just glue it to the wall and it would perform really well for a lot of years but now everybody wants to have a waterproofing system and you need to understand what that does is all the water that goes through the grout and get some behind the tile so now it's collecting and behind the wall and you'll see the discoloration that's happening in these tiles is because there's water sitting in behind the tile trapped by the waterproofing system and it has no exit basically when you add the silicone for the decorative purpose it also seals the water in so what we're going to show you in this video is not just how to tile over tile but how to keep the water from accumulating behind your back wall and we're going to show you all those secrets right now all right now we are gonna go step one is prime the walls any kind of glazed tile you're gonna need a primer if you want to avoid using a primer you can always get sixty grit sandpaper put it on an orbital sander and you can take the glaze off of your tile we are using eco prime grim that product there now this one paled it's the only size that comes in as the smallest size it'll probably prime five or six showers and a couple of back splashes the same product I use in the kitchen backsplash video it's not about getting it on thick and so was getting it uncontrolled so it's not running all over the place the goal here is to just get it on try not to push too hard it's a little runny it's gonna make a mess [Music] once you have all your walls primed you can use a little brush that comes in the kit and you can do your inside corners as well [Music] [Music] you'll find you won't make as much of a mess if you roll nice and slow and if you want you can always pull out some tape and tape off the area [Music] so the reason we're using the parameter and let's face it the waterproof membrane is pretty sticky stuff it'll probably bond flying to the tile but it's not gonna hold the weight of the tile that you're installing and that's the key so you really don't want to skip this step so like I said you either set yourself up with a sanding machine where you can get rid of the glossy surface so that your cement has something to bond to or you use this product because you want to make sure that after your said and done your tile stays put there we go okay so step two and step three are basically the same step one is remove your plumbing fixtures so then you can put on your waterproofing layer now today we're using aqua defense this is a matte byproduct and I use it because I'm buying all my cements from the same supplier and they carry the whole map High Line you might be using a red guard there are probably four or five other major manufacturers and have their own supply chains all over North America it doesn't really matter which one you use but if you get a roll-on waterproof membrane you are good to go alright this membrane rolls on and very similarly through the primer product the secret here is in order to be a continuous membrane you really got to make sure you get into all the nooks and crannies don't leave any white spots on your wall [Music] you [Music] alright here we go now it's time for our second coat I'm gonna do a waterproofing system take the time to be extremely picky alright yeah after we get the rest of this wall done with our membrane we're gonna let this dry overnight alright we'll show you all the products that you're gonna need to do that coming up next okay it is day 2 in our shower and we're doing this maybe a little differently than you could we you could waterproof and everything and then install your tile on the same day but what we're doing today is we're installing our tile and then grouting in the same day so if we're using a combination of products that are a really quick set and allow us to get the entire project to completion so tomorrow will be last day we can put in our fixtures now today my son Matt's helping me on the tile cutting so that is going to be easy on these I don't have to run up and down the stairs and all we have to do is just wait a few more minutes I did a couple touch-ups on the waterproofing membrane just to make it right and we're going to get ready to get started [Music] you [Music] put your trim upside down and then mark where you want to make your cut will cut all the way through to the end alright and here's a secret take the middle and you just open it and close it we're going back and forth and that heats up the middle and you can go a little bit more and it gets a really pretty decent cleaning that cut there and that ends up being the part that goes against the floor perfect every time there we go so we've chosen an 8 by 24 tile that pretty much matches the floor although it's in the gloves and you're gonna see and when I slide this over it is almost perfectly flush so now for our sexy reveal - absolutely Wow Max's mom we've come with these geo tiles these are called different styles and different shades these are going to be really cool along the back wall and that's for the dramatic pub this laser level puts a-line square on the floor in both directions plus the wall and this is amazing if you're bringing tile on a floor up wall pattern it helps you to keep all your lines perfect and I'm telling you right now if you are going to be doing a lot of work with tile and you're in the trades investing is something like this it's a few hundred bucks but it's worth the investment because it will make your work absolutely perfect every time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so just to get started go to draw in a lot of cement but I'm gonna put on one side I'm gonna keep this line exposed just so I don't lose my market before everybody asks I'm using the ultralight cement from Matt PI this has a really great bond to it okay and then when you double checked it to my supplier it's generally I get advise using non modified cement over any waterproof membrane but over this particular product the mat by water barrier you can use a modified cement and that's what this is and that's why we're using it we want to have the ability to do the grunt work later today and this is going to make that possible and that's all the separation we need to keep the tile from rubbing against itself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Maddie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] real quick before you put on your other side walls you want to have your finished trim installed so that's just a matter of throwing some cement and I get when the tile was cutting all right no need to use an expert as if that's the living in place here we're gonna rely completely on the cement itself because there's just nothing like having options to solve problems when we're all said and done and everything is drying we can finish up with painters cocking and that'll be a lovely way to get a nice look but for now be proactive get all that cleaned off and backed up with the white sponge a little bit of pressure you still have a gap you can fill have a nice painful surface okay so quick word of warning for anybody who is thinking of doing this in your own bathroom a couple of things you want to consider before you jump ahead a do I need a waterproofing system maybe maybe not be how am i finishing my edges but the most important issue is this your fixtures on your tub supply and shower supply line might have limitations when they're installed and when they reinstall you might not have the ability to function the handle if the plate is sticking off the wall in order to accommodate the thickness of the new tile now for simplicity we are using an 8 by 24 ceramic tile it's not that thick made miss Payne so it is ceramic and it matches the floor but it has a nice gloss and when we put this on our hope is is that it will help make the room look a lot deeper and then let this wall back here be the wow factor so all we have to do is stagger these joints and cut the balance to fit this will be done in no time time lapse begin [Music] and we just finished installing all of the tile all three walls about two hours it is so easy tiling over an existing flat tile surface now we started over here work our way around this these walls are already dry ready for great this one needs about another 30 minutes to set up and then we're good to go step six is grouting so grouting is really simple there are five basic steps prep prep prep wash hey Brett do not wait 48 hours before you croak or should I say don't wait 48 hours before you clean your wall once the cement starts to set up and cure it gets really really hard it's hard to clean it out if it's in the way so if you have little bits of cement squished in between your grout lines and you wait a whole weekend and try to tackle it on Monday you know what I'm talking about you're gonna be in here trying to scrape all that out you're gonna damage your surface the reason I talked about prep work three times it's because you want to wash your wall two or three times above um I'm gonna introduce you to Matt buys carrot color on sander grip now this is a polymer modified grout it's pretty basic in regards to the drying time and what I'm gonna tell you to do next is a little bit unorthodox don't put the whole bag in save all that for myself for later that's called emergency supply well mixing is best and this is about three to five minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I like wax on wax off [Music] it's been a long day but we've got a lot accomplished oh we've got all the tile in the ground finished polished up now all we got left to do is come back here tomorrow put our fixtures back on and install our glass door man oh man as Maxima I'm gonna be surprised well it is day three here on our little project and we don't have a lot left to do just a couple more hours I'm gonna put our fixtures on polish off the tile to all our silicone work but the key thing here is we're gonna put in a nice little door that's made of glass here it'd be really easy and functional for the family we're also going to put in a little safety bar here just to assist getting in and out of the tub for the ladies and then it's time to surprise mom she comes home later tonight so this side would be a lot of fun so I think it's probably best just to start at the top and work our way down find that sweet spot run a Teflon in there for good measure just a freshen that join up a little bit there we go alright make sure when you're putting your fixtures back that the gasket is still inside a little washer they're usually hand tight is okay but these make sure you before you put your plate on the big gap in the gasket is at the bottom [Music] we just put piano back on okay there's all our steps for finishing a tile over tile installation so what we have here is a little moment grab bar it's kind of nice it's got a bit of a comfort grip on the back there we're gonna install it right around here so the ladies can have an easier time getting in and out of the tub to have their showers now we're ready to go take out your marker and put a little dot where you want to drill your hole so we're using a simple glass entitle bit the tile here this installment ceramic I love working with ceramic because it makes installing fixtures so much easier it makes no difference for a waterproofing and how strong the shower is so if you can get a chance to buy ceramic instead of porcelain for your shower you're going to thank yourself if you want to put pictures on later so we're gonna go on low speed with the drill [Music] moderate amount of pressure and one just drive right through this like hot knife through butter [Music] sweet [Music] don't want to finish it see how much options I have here [Music] okay now this particular wire is not in a wet and part of the shower so if it was if you're going to change your screws recommendation is to apply some clear silicone over the head of that screw and in that hole itself just to make sure that it's not going to expose to water to won't rust it so if you've done a bathroom renovation and you've got a gorgeous stone that you installed the last thing you want to do is hang a curtain here we go so what we're gonna do is we're gonna show you the steps for installing a glass door now this isn't just any glass door this is a simple one this seems like there's a lot of things on the market that are designed to help you spend your money and this was not one of them this is designed for functionality and it is really simple it's a 40 inch door that has one little fixed panel that hinges so you can open and close it it's got a towel bar what else is a personal one best part about a door like this it's only a couple hundred bucks and it's not that heavy so you can carry it yourself and you don't need to call three or four friends to help you're Lugg it up the stairs so here's one of these situations where it's nice to have a laser level three holes that are in the back of this trim you just want to put a mark on your tile so you can draw those out it's that simple the laser line lets you make this nice and plumb within one thousandth of an inch brilliant [Music] [Music] all right so just a little tip from me to you not everybody calls for this but if you take your sealant and you run a bead right down the middle of the back of this track what it gonna give you then I mean a nice healthy beating around the screw it'll hold it against the wall when you're trying to screw it in it will close up the gaps that appear in tile work especially from grout lines [Music] [Music] [Applause] now I have three points of contact with a one-inch both ends of that attached to the wall and the base of this and what that's going to do perfect this is going to give us a lot more structural stability for this hindered operate so this panel isn't flopping around when you open and close there we go so now we're just going to set this make sure that you have one of these plastic washers on each side of the glass when you're tightening on your handles and see this little hole here okay that's designed so that you can put your key in there and then finish the tightening nice and snug with it that way you don't have to use a wrench on it the point is is that by doing it this way you get great leverage and you can tighten that up and perfectly snug that's basically the end of our installment all that's left this clear silicone and the other two screws where we go last step is just to take your clear silicone and put a nice bead across the bottom there we go okay so we're almost at the end of the project which is good because her planes about to land and she's gonna be home in about an hour or so so we got to get this done I got to finish the caulking job in here and a little bit of silicone around the shower just to finish putting it in place and then we're gonna do a little something extra we're gonna change the grout on the floor because it would somebody put it in with white and never stage wait so we're going to go back with a warm gray use an epoxy so that they're gonna have a flawless finish forever and you can see that video how we did that we'll put a link in the description below [Music] so that's just a little bit of movement but you'll see if you don't have a good bond that little bit of movement is all it takes to chip up all the ground because wood floors have deflection when you walk and things separate and come undone this is a simple grout remover tool the idea of yours this goes in the grout line and you just scratch out the surface of the grill all right nice and simple once you've got it all scratched in that's what you're gonna have is you're gonna have this V groove in your bread line and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna go down to the local tile store we're gonna pick up some of this every manufacturer out in the world will carry an epoxy Line it's a two-part system the goal here is to get it consistent color this is where I'm going to show you a secret hmm she takes your average just detergent and you put it on the ground see how nice greasy Lorna perfect now when you put your grout in it'll wash off a lot easier it gives you a much bigger section at a time and this works amazing if you have deflection in the floors it's a really great grout for shower floor because of the epoxy can be part of the waterproofing system I always use the flow to take off the excess come back here with a wet sponge light pressure not too much you don't want to dig it out of the gravel and that is done whoo okay well I got to hurry up and get this finished Max's Mama's on the airplane heading home and we got to get this done so we can set up the cameras and get her reaction when she walks through the door so you don't want to miss that yeah what's it yeah on the other side of that [Music] okay cameras rolling we're ready we're all finished Jeff just left we just did some paint touch-ups and some caulking cleaning it what not just all phone call she's landed she's 20 minutes away so I'm gonna go pick her up and I'm actually quite nervous about this because I hope she likes it we went european-style here with the the tile and some modern with the glass and she's of European descent my parents came here years ago so that myself my brother could have a better life so that's why I'm really thankful for my family I'm very thankful for my mom and for Mother's Day we wanted to surprise her yet again you know we've done this before but before we didn't have much time budget and this time I thought we could have some fun you know bring a little piece of phone to her because years ago when she left her whole family that's a very difficult thing to do so I thought why not make it look a little more like home at home and I think it's a lot of fun I'm really pleased with how it turned out once again we're gonna go get her right now we can get a reaction we'll see how this goes see you soon [Music] no I get [Music] ah screaming that is awesome to see that smile on her face you know this is the best way to remodel a bathroom thousand dollars everything's brand-new three days it's so simple you got to give this a try and if you need more information to do a project like this we have specific videos on all the different tasks here and you can watch those as well and become a DIY expert for your own bathroom thanks for joining us in this episode of reality renovation we'll see you again next time [Music] so I hope you enjoyed this episode of reality Rena vision if you're new to our channel the nice to suggest you subscribe to the channel over here don't forget to hit the bell icon for notifications so you'll be told every time a new video comes up and if you'd like you can click the link right here and you can binge watch all the episodes that we have on our playlist amazing information everything DIY and de car and renovation and remodeling thanks for joining us
Views: 257,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, home renovision, home renovision diy, renovation reality show, remodel reality show, renovation show, home reno, home remodel, simple shower remodel, tile over tile, shower tile over tile, diy shower, diy shower remodel, shower renovation, diy shower reno, diy shower renovation, shower remodel, shower glass door install, shower safety bar, diy safety bar, diy epoxy grout, how to grout
Id: jLakSON-7w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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