5 Things Every Home NEEDS in 2020 | Julie Khuu

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hi guys welcome back to my channel this video is all about the 5 things that every home needs in 2020 every year I make an assessment of my home and I walk around and kind of review the things that have longevity the things that I've kept from move to move those that were like try true and trendy and those items that I no longer need in my life of course those items that were too trendy and they're totally passe I'm ready to get rid of I thank them for their time allah the mario Kondo way and I donate them stat I think it's really important to regularly purge your home to get rid of the things that really no longer inspire you on a daily basis that will encourage the energy to flow freely and make room for the things that do inspire you with the intent to help you achieve the life that you desire and aspire to live the first thing that you need in your home is something cozy cozy equals self-care cozy really just means that you care about yourself enough to surround yourself with things that make you feel good we're talking about really sumptuous bedding soft throws cozy pillows anything that you want to wrap yourself up in and just like relax for the day I can't tell you how many times I've been like really cheap about bedding I mean I know that you guys have seen those ads for like Egyptian cotton like an entire full set for like 20 dollars sometimes they're on the corner of the street sometimes they're like plastered all over Amazon I made them mistake myself thinking I was gonna get a lot of bang for my buck of course I buy it I bring it home and not like you know two weeks into it it's like ripped to shreds or it can't like hold up within a wash and of course I've replaced them over and over again thus wasting even more money and then donating it out or even throwing it away investing in something cozy like really beautiful bedding just that you really want to take care of yourself and that you're worth it similar to my wardrobe I actually want to make key investment in pieces that I know it's gonna carry me year-round I mean I live in Southern California so we don't really subscribe to seasons which means anything that I purchased now could be used in spring summer fall winter I mean I could use it year-round there's the same that I absolutely love and I always remember anytime I'm going out and making a crazy investment it's by will cry one does something cozy can be specific to like blankets or throws anything that you want to swap out maybe once or twice a year I want these items to be purposeful and really speak to my style so that I know I'm making a long-term investment four years down the road to be honest the only bedding that has really kept up in my entire lifespan is the barefoot dreams you guys remember from my holiday gift guide it's like one of my favorite favorite things to give and receive I am always looking for deals on barefoot dreams bedding although it's not cheap like my king blanket I want to say it retails for about $250 I mean I've had it for over 10 years guys think about the cost per where it probably breaks down to like pennies so do yourself a favor and invest in something cozy and you won't regret it you know that Danish style of living hygge I mean you see it everywhere it looks like Heidi but it's pronounced hygge I mean that is still really huge and design and there's a reason for it it not only applies to decorative items and home decor but it's really like a lifestyle mantra which I absolutely love it's about enveloping yourself in family and tradition and coziness and mindfulness I love that idea especially when it blends with home decor items the second thing every home needs in 2020 is something custom I've had something custom designed by me and made for every single client I've had throughout these last 15 16 years I've been in business I mean I know what you guys are thinking custom just means expensive but it really doesn't custom can just mean you're going out to a local fabric shop and picking up the fabric that you absolutely love and you're just reupholstering like a little ottoman or a bench that could cost you less than $100 but you've specified something that you hand-picked yourself and that automatically means of custom I look around my house and about 75% of my entire home it's custom made with antiqued or refurbished or like Craigslist eBay furniture so although I didn't spend a lot on the custom pieces themselves I really have the intent to keep in mind custom furniture custom upholstery custom designs even like a little custom designer detail that I slapped on a chair or sofa so even though custom doesn't always mean expensive it just means you put a little bit more thought into making something especially for you I love the entire customization process I mean from finding you know the perfect fabric or perfect material and then collaborating with a carpenter an artist or an upholsterer really kind of getting in there and working out all the kinks and the problems troubleshooting it and then all of a sudden at the end you're left with this beautiful magnificent piece that you had hand in designing there is nothing quite like the feeling of putting your stamp on a piece and then having it come to life number three is something from your travels no I am NOT talking about this entire collection of shot glasses that you have every single time you guys go visit Vegas okay that's not what we're talking about here we're talking about a sentimental item that you brought back from your travels any time you've gone to like a really beautiful location a beautiful country that you've always wanted to visit and even if it was something as small it's like a handmade keychain when you display something for your travels you're constantly reminded of a beautiful time in your life and that treasured item really puts a time stamp on this face in your life think about it guys what do you buy on vacation let me know in the comments below and I'll help you find a really beautiful way to display them in your home number four is something bold I mean go big or go home right guys something bold could be anything from a really beautiful magnificent piece of art to like a really funky pattern or a really bright color in your home that one bullet piece will make a really daring statement about your style and it will tell everybody who comes in at this who you are and this is what you're about I always try to encourage my clients to be a little bit more daring in their interiors I mean I love a neutral space as much as the next person but imagine this really beautiful neutral space with like an amazing piece of artwork the artwork is still be in the neutral tones but if it had like a really cool texture or really cool kind of like abstract vigor it makes such a statement in the home and it can stand on its own plus every time you walk by it you'll be so inspired by this like bold and confident statement that you made in your life and that's just gonna keep the momentum going for making more confident choices in your everyday life number five is something handmade at this point in my career I really strive to stay away from cookie cutter art I mean I remember those days and years and clients that you know my team and I slept to like the New Year's HomeGoods and we spent hours and hours like rummaging through the art work of course those art pieces are digitally printed and there's probably like thousands in the world and although they really complement your color scheme the design direction you're going I mean there's so many out there it doesn't feel unique and handmade just for you before you rush out and Commission like today's hottest street artists I mean really you can just go on mint accom or Etsy has so many beautiful amazing pieces digital prints that you can download for really cheap even the poster sizes you can make for about 20 30 dollars sometimes you can blow them up really huge anything handmade does not mean your dollar store DIY guys okay we're talking about really beautiful curated artisan handmade pieces I know artwork can get really expensive so if you can't find anything on Etsy or minted you can also scour your local flea market even Craigslist or Ebay for handmade one-of-a-kind works of art if it's not art prints you're in to look for sculptures or pottery anything in raw and natural materials always looks very high-end and designer chic you're looking for natural materials like hand blown glass or wood fired clay or pottery anything with that artist touch and beautiful texture having something handmade in your home not only supports local artists but you'll have these pieces that are unique you one-of-a-kind and perfectly suited to your style and aesthetic okay I want you guys to stop right now take a look around your room or your home and let me know how many of these items you hid from my list if you only have one congratulations you are well on your way to a super chic and designer space that is unapologetically you if you stay true to your own personal taste you'll have an interior that's unlike no other it's deeply personal it feels unique and you're connected to it I mean really that's my interior design is all about guys my home is like this cabinet of curiosities that the minute you step into it you already get a feel of who I am what I'm like my behaviors my lifestyle the things I like to do on the weekends a collection of travels and stages of my life that just evoke with these really beautiful memories of the people that I've spent my time with and everything that I've experienced along the way that's it for this video guys it is my top five things that every home needs in 2020 let me know if you guys like this vlog e type of content or video I love to just sit and chat about interior design related topics of course I want you guys to have an interior that's like super fresh to death but I know that you need those really quick and easy DIY sprinkled in while I love an easy DIY as much as the next person I want to make sure that I arm you guys with the right interior design information so that you design with heart and wake up feeling inspired every single day leave a comment below if you want some more design tips and of course subscribe to my channel if you haven't already thank you so much guys I'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Julie Khuu
Views: 382,476
Rating: 4.906888 out of 5
Keywords: Interior design, decorating, home decor, how to's, diy, tutorials, design trends, hygge, what every home needs, design star
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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