9 Brilliant Ways to Beautify Your Small Outdoor Space | SMALL SPACE SERIES | Julie Khuu

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel we are in the second episode of the small space series thank you so much to all of your comments that came flooding in you really are helping me shape the direction of the topics and the content that you want to see today's video is all about those itty-bitty balconies those tiny terraces those puny patios really just that small outdoor space that you want to help beautify and add more function to these outdoor spaces have become natural extensions of your home so of course you want to inject as many stylish solutions as possible while keeping it smart and functional for yourself and your growing needs i'm sure you like me have been cooped up in quarantine for far too long i need fresh air and i need to use all of the valuable real estate in my home like now like yesterday so if you've been looking for brilliant ways to beautify your small outdoor space this video is for you [Music] having access to outdoor space is an absolute luxury if you work from home like i do having a space to break away from your desk helps maintain productivity and increase mental health if you have a tiny space to work with consider it an opportunity to create your own private oasis to relax and decompress so how do you create an outdoor space that's both smart and stylish consider the function first before we hit on the style cues we must absolutely start with determining the function of the space first now why is this the case because specifying furniture is all about supporting the primary function of the space do you want it to feel comfortable then source loungy seating do you need a space for morning yoga then something soft underfoot may be your main priority without a whole lot of furniture determine your needs first then lay out the space with key priorities in mind once you determine the function of the outdoor area now it's time to take measurements we're looking for the length times width times the height of the space if you have an open air patio simply measure the wall height that connects the interior to the exterior you have to know what you're dealing with so you shop smarter with key measurements in hand whether you have a balcony patio terrace deck or porch to work with look to these key design tips to help inspire you i want you to start dissecting some of the key design aspects from the images in this video you may still be able to borrow some style decor or storage solutions for your small outdoor space the challenge for most outdoor spaces is limited room your terrace might be long and narrow your balcony might just have room for one chair a side table and maybe some decor the biggest challenge is finding appropriately scaled seating options that provide comfort without cluttering the space let's talk about the number one way to beautify your outdoor space it's with furniture now that you've measured your space you understand what can and cannot fit you also want to keep in mind your surroundings and what you're trying to prioritize do you have this really beautiful view that you're prioritizing to enjoy or do you need some semblance of privacy from prying neighbors or even a busy street down below if you only have enough room for single seating and it's only you that you need to account for maximize the depth of the space allowed and insert either a cushion or a large comfy lounge chair even a bench can span the width of your tiny outdoor space and maximize the depth that you have remaining you can install a shelf or ledge on the wall and fold it down when it's not in use i love how this corner chair is styled with the decorative ladder next to it it's great to hang a makeshift light and extra throws when the weather cools down if you have enough space for a pair of chairs really it's just a conversation that you can have with another person seated next to you make sure that it's functional with a little side table you only need enough space to set drinks put down your phone and enjoy the view or consider a cafe style table for eating between the chairs [Music] if you want to maximize the visual space opt for no backs if you want something to balance out a solid wall behind you you can source high back chairs these cool casual sling chairs allow you to fold the chairs up and stash them away if you need more space [Music] if you have a little bit more real estate to play around with think about creating a small seating group a conversational seating group that can seat at least three or more people have furniture that is faced towards each other built-in benches are great for this because it almost looks like a micro sectional that maximizes even the corners of your balcony or terrace [Music] they also make petite outdoor sectionals for this purpose if you want something you don't have to build or make if you have enough space think about a cushy love seat flanked by two single action chairs to mix it up remember my cardinal rule when it comes to sourcing furniture no matchy matchy i know that you might find an outdoor set that has a love seat and some single club chairs a matching coffee table matching end table just pick your favorite from the bunch and mix it up with different materials and fabrics you want to keep the look fresh and fun instead of predictable and one note let's talk about outdoor furniture materials my favorite is wood and wicker mixed in with some metal accents metal frames feel modern plus you can add a bright cushion for contrast choose weather resistant finishes and how would you know that it's weather resistant it's really simple just read the label or the online description the label needs to state that the furniture piece is outdoor appropriate with washable fabrics get creative with your space and always try to source the most comfortable pieces possible to induce more outdoor moments to relax and unwind always source low furniture to preserve sight lines if you're inside your living space and you see outdoor to the deck the patio the terrace you want to make sure that the furniture is low so that you can optimize the view beyond that you also want to be able to see past the furniture when you're seated outside so definitely no high back chairs unless it's anchoring a solid wall or corner always keep the seating profiles low so [Music] a great way to add visual impact for your outdoor space is by layering the concrete or subfloor below with an additional flooring option this could be patterned tiles it could be wood decking or even synthetic turf [Music] changing the flooring sets the tone for the space do you want the area to feel graphic and fun or cozy and intimate choose a floor that you can layer on top of the existing foundation and maybe even take with you once you move out if you're looking to layer your small outdoor space with something softer underfoot try an outdoor area rug instead always start by measuring the space and choose a shape and size that mimics the expanse of the area if your outdoor space is short and boxy try a traditional rectangular area rug underneath your furniture if you have a long and narrow space try a runner instead [Music] outdoor area rugs come in all shapes sizes patterns colors graphics if you have a fabulous view opt for something more tonal so it doesn't compete if the furnishings are more muted and neutral play with a bold pattern on the rug instead speaking of bold moves if the interior of your space is a little bit more neutral and toned down your small outdoor area is the perfect space to experiment think colorful cushions [Music] pattern textiles or even some bamboo wrapping the walls think about ways that you can add some color and wall finishes outside small spaces benefit from bold moves so make the most of your space by doing something outside your comfort zone that you always wanted to try [Music] [Music] [Music] taking a note from my first small space video mirrors are the best way to double the impact of any small space mirrors are not just meant for the indoors you want to look for a mirror that is water resistant to withstand the elements i love how this simple black frame floor mirror reflects this private outdoor space you know those sliding closet mirrors that are an absolute feng shui no-no since it reflects the bed you may also want to think about repurposing the sliding closet mirrors placing them outdoors and amplifying the beautiful lush landscape behind you never underestimate the impact of outdoor lighting this is one of the finishing touches to your tiny outdoor space that's all about creating a mood try stringing lights around your railing above your seating area or even floor lanterns filled with candles and led lights the idea is to create an intimate space after the sun sets to be able to still enjoy the open air think about keeping a portion of the overhead space open to see the sky the moon and the stars at night [Music] [Music] and finally my best tip for beautifying your outdoor space is to just add plants you can sprinkle potted plants throughout the space in a variety of sizes and stands vary the heights for added dimension [Music] [Music] long box hedges are great for privacy living green walls can create a lush focal point on a solid wall or even on a privacy screen [Music] [Music] [Music] and that is my nine brilliant ways to beautify your outdoor space i'll be linking some of my favorite outdoor pieces that i've sourced for clients in the past in the description box below take a look at some of my notes and see if this is something that you can use for your tiny outdoor space the best design practices start with determining your needs measuring the space and maxing out the real estate to make great use of every inch of outdoor space you can use remember that size is not an excuse to create something stylish functional and magical make an investment in yourself and your needs by treating your outdoor space like an extra room in your home remember to prioritize comfort in your outdoor space and consider all aspects of the design from the floor the furnishings up the walls and the ceiling if you have something overhead if you like this type of content and you're loving the small space series so far please give this video a thumbs up comment below and let me know if you have any questions when it comes to styling or sourcing furnishings for your outdoor space i would love to help you out in the comments section but i want to make sure that you understand your priority if you've measured your space and you understand your needs and maybe just need some help in the right direction definitely leave me a comment below share this video with anyone who you know is struggling with their small space and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already thank you so much for watching i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Julie Khuu
Views: 77,407
Rating: 4.9628205 out of 5
Keywords: Interior design, decorating, home decor, how to's, diy, tutorials, terrace ideas, balcony ideas, outdoor space, outdoor space design, patio ideas, decorate patio, porch ideas, backyard ideas, small outdoor space
Id: hITavORo6nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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