Design a photo with the HEAD POPPING OUT of a frame with Canva

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in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to create this out of the bound effect a photo cropped but you can see that the hair is popping out of the frame and we are going to do everything in canva i'm going to show you two different styles one with the round frame and the other one with a more creative shape i recommend you stay until the end so that you don't miss any single detail of the process you can follow this tutorial if you have a canva pro account that is the paid version of canva although if you have a canva free account and you still want to achieve this effect i will leave a link in the description of this video so you can enjoy 30 days of canva pro without any cost if you have a canva pro account you can also follow this tutorial from your mobile phone using the browser not the app because you cannot follow these steps or this process through the app use a browser [Music] hello everyone my name is diana munoz i am a canvas certified creative and also an online instructor if this is the first time visiting this channel i suggest you subscribe because we upload tutorials every week that are going to help you a lot and remember to hit the bell button to receive a notification every time we upload a new tutorial now are you ready for this tutorial let's go to my computer okay so we are here on my canva account and for this trick you can use either your own photos or you can use canvas stock library so for the first example i'm going to use a photo of mine that i have already uploaded to canvas so this is the one that i'm going to use and the first step is to duplicate your photo so let's go here duplicate the photo and now i'm going to use one of the features of canva pro i'm going to select one of these photos and go here to effects i'm going to remove the background with this option background remover okay so canva already removed the background of this photo and the next step is to go here to elements and select one of these frames so if you go down here you will see the frame section so we are going to click here on see all so that you can see all the different frames that canva offer us for this first example i'm going to use the round or circular one let's use this one i'm going to make it a little bit bigger and position it around here and then change the position backward and backward let's close this window and now i'm going to position the photo with the background inside the frame okay and now as you can see my photo the head it's still inside the frame so i need to adjust a tiny bit so my head is out of the frame and if your photo is maybe too small or you cannot drag it upwards so the head sticks out of the frame in the second step of this tutorial the second trick i will show you how to take the or make the head pop out of the frame okay so now uh what i need to do is to position this second picture the one with the background on top of this frame but as you can see if i position the photo on top of this frame canva or the frame is kind of like sucking the photo inside the frame so how do we do for this not to happen what i'm going to do is to press ctrl key and then drag the picture without the background on top of the frame so now that i'm pressing ctrl the frame is not sucking the photo inside okay now what i'm going to do is to make the photo um match the photo that is behind or that is inside the frame so two the two photos need to be perfectly aligned one with the other and to make this effect really look nice i need to add some transparency to the photo that is in front the one that has no background and now i need to play with a lot of patience in detail i need to pay a lot of attention to the detail and try to position the photo just in front of the other one and you will see uh that is perfectly aligned when the photo looks perfect it doesn't look kind of um displaced but it looks perfect so i think i just nailed it really quick and i'm going to add some more transparency actually remove the transparency you need to bring it to 100 again and now as you can see my hand and part of my body is also popping out of the picture which is not very aesthetic so i just need to crop this part of the photo like this and voila we have our effect and before going to the second part of this tutorial if you want to learn more advanced canva tricks you can take our 10 canva courses for free i will leave a video here and a link below in case you are interested in learning more okay and for the second part of this tutorial we are going to create the same effect with a different shape i i will say a more creative shape okay so now let's add a new page and for this example i'm going to use the photo library of canva i'm not going to use one of my photos because i want to show you that they also have really nice stock library so if you want to use one of these photos or this exact same photo you can either type the name of the photo to be able to find it or you can also try to use some of these keywords together to find these kind of photos what i did to find them is to actually uh let me see i typed this this brand code and then i typed blossom like this so you can find all these amazing photos that look really great with this effect okay let's continue i'm going to duplicate this photo now i'm going to remove the background of one of them okay so canva already did its magic i have one of these photos without the background and let's go back to the elements i already have here all the frames and for this second example i'm going to use this uh frame right here i really like the shape and i think it can add something creative to this effect okay so let's bring this photo inside the frame and as i already mentioned if you if you cannot bring your photo up in order to have the head out of the frame let's just make it bigger so the head is popping out and i think this is going to look nice maybe just a tiny bit more let's uh crop it and now let's do the same effect or the same process as before let's close here this window and i'm going to position the photo on top as you can see here and to be more precise i'm going to get closer add some transparency to the photo on top but i think i also nailed it again guys i cannot believe this it's really on top of the other one yes okay so i think this was a really good look and let's scrub the part of the body that is kind of like popping out here i think it doesn't look very nice and voila we are done i think this uh frame actually adds something very very interesting to this effect and guys if you like this tutorial remember to leave it a like if i see that you enjoyed this kind of tutorial or this kind of tricks i think i can create a series of videos called can you convert here on youtube if you ever see a design on internet or on the streets you know like a big banner or something and you are wondering can you create this design in canva you can actually maybe take a photo or a screenshot of the design and leave it in our facebook group i think that's the easiest way for me to see the designs that you are wondering oh can we create this in canva and i can actually try to reproduce these designs here on a tutorial you can also leave your suggestions for new tutorials in the comments down below you know that we are always hanging out there and we create tutorials that you are asking for on the other hand if you want to learn more about canva i'm going to leave some tutorials right here that i think are going to help you a lot and if you want to support us so that we can create more tutorials for you subscribe by clicking on the button that i'm going to leave right here that's all for now i wish you a nice day and i see you in the next tutorial bye
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 115,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canva, Canva Tutorial, diana muñoz, out of frame canva, popping out of frame, out of frame effect canva, how to create a popping out effect, canva pro tutorial, out of frame picture, out of frame canva tutorial, canva frame tutorial, canva photo effects, canva photo editing, canva photo tutorial, out of the bound effect, out of the bound in canva, out of the bound tutorial, canva diana, canva diana muñoz, trendy designs 2020, cool canva design, cool canva tricks
Id: tHEZlGr7wHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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