Design a car using Fusion 360

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good evening so today I'm going to show you how to design a police car or any car is in fusion 360 sorry if some mistake happened because changes every now and then so you don't get the same result every time you try it alright so before we start make sure you have you go to the data panel and create a new project okay click on the new project then type in great follows you have created this new folder or new project and whatever you see it from your own should be inside this particular folder ok computers which is slow after doing a lot of programs so it might take some time okay so I have created the project or the folder so whatever I'm going to do now will be saved inside this particular photo so I will hide that at a pound now ok so before you start designing make sure you have let's say go to google and type in site usage or you can actually choose one from google or you can Drew you can draw one for yourself on the side view okay this is what we need you can choose any car it's up to you if you want a Lamborghini or a Mini Cooper job whatever okay so I already have a file saved so I'm going to use that so first things first let's go to insert click attached canvas so attach canvas the supposed to be on dialog box I don't over and it's just wait for a while okay so the dialog box is here so let's choose the image that we know - we put so I'm gonna if you click on the select image over here the picture I can go to the me yeah so I've chosen the picture now I need to choose which plane everybody is this one this one or this one I'm going to use the boys at play which means this one you can see which is which axis this is the z axis this is x axis and this is y axis okay so I'm going to choose by itself so I click there the picture comes up say if I click on this see you can you see this atom up over here so know that you had this one if I click and drag it outside I can increase the size of the picture once that is done you need to change the canvas opacity obesity is actually for making the picture clear if I produce it the picture is not seen at all if I increase it to picture is strictly check of 400% just to make sure everything is perfect then click OK once that is done click on this cube on the right side with the right side it comes out that I said so now what we need to make sure is that the design that we do should not be more than 140 millimeter okay length wise height wise and weight twice because our 3d printer cannot print F part which is more than 140 millimeter so to make sure that it is hundred and forty millimeter go to this canvas and if you click down button you can get the lamp so you can see the bulb over here the pulp if it is yellow which means it's shown if I click there once again the light is off which means it's hidden so if you want to just turn it back on and then right click on the damp side okay and then choose calibrate after you choose calibrate what you need to make into s a bit outside from the front part click there and go to the back and then a bit outside on the backside so if you look here it's 105 millimeter let's say 30 and so now if I design it's going to be under an 30 millimeter in length towards okay so we have what the canvas done now choose the to the go to sketch and then choose spline okay we choose flying now we need to choose if I click the home button come on I'll click the home button so you can see word do I wanna draw the splat I wanna draw on top of the canvas so canvas is placed on this plane so I'm going to choose the same train so that I can draw this plane before just pluck I mean just flying on the same plane okay someone choose that so what I'm going to do now is start drawing the sprite so I start from here all right zoom in a bit so from here I start clicking points every corner so I get the shape that I want I keep clicking points to complete the join no it's not complete this is undo let me just start from the first I'm going to go to the spline again which are from this point okay from that point and start taking so keep clicking okay points by bones okay so I'm almost done with the spline son man so you can see that tick mop over here right so once you are done move your cursor on to the tick mark okay click oh so you have bodies flying man see you look at the points okay so if you want to add just anything for example if I okay if you want to just just click over here and then I just press escape first okay and then go to this atom work if you turn it see it will adjust over there according to it is okay then if you want to adjust this when you choose that point then you come here you had to submit you can see it's changing a bit right so you can do the alteration if you need to do anything at all after you have to sign your sketch for example if I want to do this one I want to pull this out of it so what I do is I try it okay keep dragging it so this shape is okay for me so I'm going to click stops - so I've got mine if you click over here on the sketch see this one the sketch is this spline so I've got my spline and so I click the home button now what I do is I go to the sculpt mode to go to the sculpt mode you don't see Scott over here okay we can't find a skirt or here so what we have to do is we click on this law ok create poll and it goes to the sculpt ok now we are on the Scout so choose the spline sketch that you drew choose it and then go to create click extra once you click extrude you need to you drag it towards ya ok so these are how much you want for me let's say I'm gonna go with 30 on this side okay I'm gonna go 30 on this side maybe 35 35 won't do good so I'm going to go get 35 but if you look from the top it's not the shape that beat you problem is that we cut a college instead we go for the uniform then we went for the uniform and I click on the right this is not as fun I actually wanted that's because the number of front faces is very low and the number of faces okay so let's say this number of faces I'm gonna increase it I'm gonna keep it to around let's say 30 when I type in 30 it almost gets a shape right see if it gets almost the same so let's keep increasing I think 50 would be good so when I do 50 it gets a shape that I actually do on display right see ya it gets the shape of the spline I actually - I chose that and if you want more front face for example you don't have any deeper okay if I increase this to - okay say this whole thing is divided into two so one here you can you see the list this line over here this line divides into two so you can increase as much as you want let's say I'm gonna go that's I'm gonna go five okay I'm gonna call it 5 and then I click OK so now we have our design done now we need to do the necessary arrangements okay so what we can do is look from the side so everything is done so we go to the right view so if you go to the right view okay I need to make a bit of changes over here so what I do is first I double click up zoom in I choose this right so I double click here when a double click okay when a double click the wall line from here to the end should get sucked okay once it gets selected I go to the right and I click right I try to click on the line okay I right click on the line zoom in double click on the line right click Edit form okay so you right click Edit form and then go back to right so same error as on yeah you press this and as alt no need to press all just press this one and then drag it inside okay when you drag it inside you can see the number changing right so it's 0 6 8 5 4 2 let's say the maximum we can reduce it is a 2.93 0 okay not more than that you shouldn't go to 892 already let's say we are going to 918 93 is actually fine if you want more curve we can go for more curve but what I prefer is around nine point nine three okay let's just go bit point nine three for now okay and then click on assignment yeah and I don't it is fine but let's go for point nine three and then I click so we have got our shape that we have done a better curve now we can make so again right click Edit form so we have got a Tibet curved inward now I drag it down all of it I track it around one see can you see this line over here at the car okay this line let's drag it down to the part okay so that takes around minus one millimeter right so we go - one millimeter and then click okay or maybe let's say - - - - is fine if you want okay let's go - two millimeter thank you okay so we are caught it's done so far okay now what we need to do is we need to make a necessary change arrangements over here so when you look from the top of the car it's usually this part will be outside this part will be inside and then this part will be outside again what I'm saying you'll understand in a few minutes so before further down I'm gonna click see this very see if you look from this view you won't understand from here if you look from this view this is the point where the glass front windshield starts right from here so that point I clicked and then I go to the top point top view and then same pod right so I right click over there I click Edit form what I do is I take it - 1 - 2 inside so I'm gonna take - 2 millimeter inside and then I click OK so this has a bet of pandava - - right so the rest of the points let's say I'm going to start from the let's go this way so I'm going to click at these points now I press ctrl + I if you want to choose more than one point you have to press ctrl on a keyboard and then start clicking the points that you need okay so so for now let's just go with this much I think well that's just yeah so I have chosen the I need to do so I click on right click on here edit form and then earlier I needed - - right so I'm gonna take in a bit more but not - five in so I'm going to take in - 300 maybe - four okay - for seems a bit much let's just go with my own tree okay so we have done - see over here okay so we have minus 2 here because you know so what I do is I right click here to edit form and then edit form and then I take it - one okay so I've done - one here - to hear this all of it - three okay so what's gonna happen here now is this is going to be bette so that's all right so the shape is almost done for the car okay so if you click on the front you can see the difference so usually the front back side is actually more than the front side so we have got that done but for a bit of change what we can do here is now just for this car right so we need to just part a bit more curved down so I choose this line then I drag it down slowly one maybe a one more curve no need to cut it cause so let's just write minus 1.5 that seems to be okay or if you don't want this much curve you can just go 4-1 talk to you what I prefer is minus 1.5 if you can come over there that's almost done there so what was the body of the car is almost done okay so if you want to address this later you can do that that I will explain later so let's just go to the beads now okay I need to edit this part okay it was shooting with this low so what I do is so just piss you boss I click Edit on and then bring it up it up okay if you want to bring this bit up as well Co you can bring up by one or maybe if you want only hop you can do that you can make the necessary changes or changements according to your requirement okay so I'm just gonna go here so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to go to create two cylinder and now I need to choose which plane I'm going to use right so so I'm going to choose which plane i'm gonna do so i'm gonna use this plane okay and I need to choose my starting point so I'm gonna go here and it chooses stance end up alright so I'm gonna choose so here's my centreboard and I need I need you to be round that's too much because I need see if you can see here I need a circle to touch this part okay or maybe a bit in spin water let's just go down here okay so I'm gonna go oh maybe here I'm just gonna go a bit inside let's just go here yeah so that's 21 let's just go or maybe 22 is a bit too much so let's just go over 21 5 so I'm gonna call it many 1.5 millimeter and I click and I've got my cylinder over there okay that wasn't perfect actually I had to make a bit of changes and what about that it's just undo it okay it's just thick cylinder choose the plane again then go to find the center point so that's 21 4 5 ok on to the stern see when they press 1.5 and plus I'm in press ENTER once you get this dialog box ok so click home and you that I mean do we need is 21.5 you might have to clap it again we chose 21 1 5 and then click the front face in the wheel ok bit outward let's just say we don't need 24 let's just go about 38 that's 1 let's just go for 30 gauge okay or maybe 37 it's up to you what you want to go for 37 38 I will cooperate I go for the decade and then after that I did increase the height faces in tune and say 6 I can Steven oh maybe 7 or 8 how much ever I wanted okay what they require ok ok and then I click OK I've got the cylinder over here I need the same cylinder go on to the side so what I do is click on this angle so I double click on one of the faces so the walls are going to get certain then I click right click over here move copy I click and then make sure to take this create copy once you click create copy then right click over here once you have the create copy clicked ok ticked so you can move this which means you're copying it and bring in somewhere over here then make the necessary means of instruments so where do you need it such perfect so I'm going to keep it there and then I press ok ok say click on the home button now we have two cylinders right you could have you could do this or maybe what you can do is first make the necessary changes here and do it anyway it's the same thing so what I'm going to do now is I will double click on this edge then right click edit form so before I got any further I would dress all and then bring it inward outward doesn't matter moans let's just say I've read outward oh maybe first I will bring it to you good let's try it out anyway right or maybe take it outward anyway so as I was talking right let's right-click over here edit form and then let's bring it out trust alt on your keyboard then come to this car home bring it outside and bring it somewhere over here okay can you see this so somewhere like this and then click OK and then go to front face so now you have got a bit of outer edge and then you click on this arrow bring it in word okay so we have got that part done so bring it in word okay so that's done now over here we can do the same thing over here all right double click over there go to this part and then back it out word took this angle cuts down and then go to the front face save okay and then if you want to check from the back you can do that okay so now let's look from the top drag it a bit down because what we're gonna do is select I'm going to delete all this I just made this same way I'm gonna do it now we need to make necessary arrangements on the spot so I'm gonna click over here note click from here ok choose this one then right click Edit form and then rotate this in a way that it's parallel to this one ok it should be parallel to this line okay rotate it till it's parallel to that line that's done okay then what I do is I track it and put it here ok if you want to make a change to the necessary arrangements that you need detail yeah so that's done now click on this side same way rotate it to experiment to the other side ok now that it is let's just drag it and now detail garage and if you want it do you want that's all see where we have to do it here sleep occasion Tibbits panel then drag before dragging we need to make sure it's you need some detail correction you can do it just one direction saying then it's finishing that stuff okay now let's click okay so we are almost done okay so what I'm going to do now is to bridge we need to join these right so I got to modify choose bridge okay before I call there let's just do one more final thing it's just do a bit of arrangements over here right same we have two changes over here just sorry the Lapham is getting struck out so you can actually make any other changes over here if you want to okay let's just work that or producer orbit tool too alright so that's done now what we can do is go to modify choose bridge so you have side on side to side one choose this edge this edge and this edge okay and then go to excite to choose just adds this it decides okay then click on the premium so this is the connection that you have on again and then if you pick okay you get the spot same they go to modify bridge sign one choose just one the whole program is more like you know correction factor is I mean like you choose the right thing if there is any mistake you to try the other way okay so try try another method okay so side one has done go to side - no you can't choose those such as is done so that's like okay over here so that part gets done so there is a missing of this part right so what we can do is we can click on the spot or maybe click all this what you can do is right click Edit form we can bring it let's click cancel so what we can do now is choose this one this time any extras of those right click Edit yeah see if you won't even try it a bit now there's a bit of shape here so that you can set it over here if you it's possible okay so just click okay over there same way you can fit some parts of a modified bridge side 1 1 2 then side to so we get tilt here click okay so part is almost done now we can drag this right click I said earlier it's more like a trial and error so I needed to see to here okay if you want to pull this so the car is almost done okay okay if you look let's hide the canvas if you had to canvas the car is done on this side now we need to copy this and put on the other side so go to symmetry mirror duplicate you're gonna down box I mean dialog box and then t-spline body so select this one okay this is a disciplinary so we set up that mirror plane now we need to choose an airplane so we need just on the exact other side you click on this side okay so it gets copied to the other side as well so make sure it's on that if you don't click the weld the car is not enjoying it these two subject pieces so make sure it's on that and then click ok so yeah your car done almost here ready okay now if you need to put tires you can create cylinders or maybe can use sketching - okay like foot circle and do it if you want I will explain it later in the class now let me show an example if you want so let us go back to the canvas sketch circle Center diameter circle - once it's go for two points outcomes I'm gonna choose a plane where I'm gonna put it first okay so this is a plane that is a circle so two points are correct two points supplements I have to choose two points where the settle needs to be right I think it is so I'm not sure but they are not trying this is a block so you go up close there but it's not exactly the point that where we need it right so this is undo it okay let's try moving it anyway let's write XK right click move can we move it you know we can do it so what we can do is we can that's perfect then I click okay I need a similar one so before I do anything I can't copy it there is no copy option but there is code option I didn't know that okay so I copy it that racket to the rear wheel so I place it where I needed it that should be okay and I think okay so now I have two sketches of the same right it's over here okay let's just hide this body so this is X both of these if you want this shape you can for example now it will extrude as it is right so let's just for example if you want different shape okay let's say you want circle you need one so close here here here okay that's just for the shape right so if you want a bit of different design for your DS or you can do as you can click [Music] okay let's see if this is not possible what he can do is you can go to the sketch mode for example you can go to the model mode okay let's just remove the sketch over here which is this one so I'm going to delete both sketch - okay because I've done this earlier so let's just go to the model okay back to model now so let's write the bodies come here to the right sketch the divertor circle choose the plane okay so I'm going to go with this one stops kids or maybe that's case then right click copy see now I can copy it so in this model option there is no copy for the sketch so what I'm gonna do now is I will extrude just okay oh no wonder that's a problem I wasn't actually I was hiding the movie actors yeah see again it says okay so that's the problem I face another one is what the body was actually hidden so let's see we need a five-millimeter tire I'll click okay so my sketches you don't know I'm gonna chose this object body move on copy click copy and I go here before a copy let's just make the necessary changes I'm gonna hide the canvas go to modify field a click on this edge and this edge both edges and eternity as of 1 millimeter or maybe two millimeter let's say 1 millimeter is enough for the thigh right one millimeter now and was body to move copy click on copy to this side bring it over here click ok now I have two tires now go to the bring this body up these are the two bodies right so let's just select this okay so it's go to the front and then bring this out what do we need this is not 30 let's say 32 or maybe 33 just to show the wait outside okay but it's me that should be fine okay so the wheels are here similarly what you can do is you can choose this and then mirror and the mirror two bodies mirror plane select you need to do here city-county so if you rotate it you can see the means on both the sides okay now we have the car so the colors almost all you have to do now is and go to render more instead of motor so let's hide the canvas so we have got the card here we need to color so coloring goes into the appearance okay go to the appearance once your appearance data box is open you have bodies as component just volting at the body okay or maybe faces you can choose this face this face or this face which way you want so let's let's go this is a Lamborghini right fast car so I'm gonna go with change let's just go over the pink because we need a police car you can choose anything so let's just go to paint and before paint let's choose the class I'm gonna go with smooth or maybe Col intensity which or you like to go groans okay I choose just one so my class is now bronze color now I can be sure go to paint and I can choose which alright let's go for metallic okay we need a car like a police car so you know there they don't have white that's bad let's go for low season they should have right here yeah they have white so white here keep choosing the white color wherever you need I'm gonna put here I'm gonna go to I look at this white similarly I'll put a key put in the perverse you can see I have actually put the colors okay done now if you need to put the simple of Polish emblem you have to go to decode okay moto decal sir you need to choose the image over here this one this is the face of capsule I'm trying to put down here about face it is a bit [Music] come anywhere I want so you can do it they you need okay so we are done and if you need if you have any doubt I forgot to put the whole side on on top so you can do it in the model try it if you cannot you can also be the cross take care or in the previous video I can actually put the side and I forgot to put it so I'm gonna add the siren to this design this is the same design as I was constructing earlier so in order to put the siren on top of the car first we need to turn the origin origin back on okay so I can see the origin over here right so before we start the salmon is going to be on top of the glass so for that we need to offset the plate so offsetting plane goes under construct offset plane and then we need to choose which plane we are going to offset so since it's going to come on top we are going to choose this plane because we choose this plane and then go to the right side we need to bring the plane above the car so we bring the plane somewhere above the curve okay so we got the plane over here now it's on top of the car and then we click ok so the plane is on top of the car now so now the next one is to create the saddle so in order to do that go to sketch choose slot and then send a point slot ok sketch slot send up one slot after choosing that choose the new clip ok so we are going to choose this plane that's why we're going to create so let's just start with something this is the center of shoreside yeah so we choose the center and then how long do we need it for example I'm going to take it out turn around 17 millimeter I click there if I see I can make it paper now it's almost in the shape of saddle so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take it around 8 millimeter and I think ok so I've got the silent done over here and then I press escape so I can include it so now next part is to click home you can turn back to turn off the origin no we need to exit this parts for that 3/8 extrude and then make sure you choose the direction instead of one side you choose two sets of curves we need to accelerate upward as well as down because there is a gap between the siren sketch as well as some top of the car so choose two sides and then make sure this is enjoined and then click on the sketch that we need to extra and then let's go to the right side view okay let's extrude it out on mmm one move so two millimeter up and one millimeter down maybe one point would say 1 millimeter on point again or maybe one fine thing I get to be a quarter tyrant part to join along with the top so now it is one piece this siren and the top of the car is now one piece right okay that's done now new now what we need to do is we need to fill a this round edge so we go to modify fillet and we choose the edge that we need to do fillet on so this is the edge and I put a fill the radius of one millimeter that's enough for me that's tough no polar siren is almost done right so now we need to make holes so that we can put the LEDs that we have through the holes right so next for next part is to choose the top that's what is it this way okay now go to sketch and form we need to choose two points okay on this so we can create I mean circles around it and then make holes over there so when you choose where to put the point make sure you choose on top of the soil okay that's where we are going to put the part I chose on top of the siren and I'm going to put clover here so it's 5 10 11 12 13 or I will put it at 12 or 13 which lets go with 12 I guess okay so I'm going to thread 12 one point I another one here at 12 so I have two points now press escape now about two more over here so what I do is I go to create all so I need to choose both the points in the face of point I need to choose both of all so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna wait let me just choose yeah so what I'm gonna do now is to choose this point and this one so I've got two selected and the diameter I'm gonna have is five that's fine and then depth you can actually keep all okay I'm gonna click okay if all doesn't work see no fault doesn't work right so what we can do is create all choose the points that you need to make hole okay so we choose it time it will be the same and let's just say we need to make the and we need to put the LED right so let's just let's make up all through the boring okay so we have both all done oh right so that's term and then click OK now we have caught on top so we can put the LED we have for the siren down right so if you want to call it the siren for Hunter has olio and you can choose from the appearance click appearance okay choose the faces choose the color you need for example let's say that turn on the internet Cisco for do we have colors and possible yeah we have colors across places go it's blue on this side but on the other side so for that we have to go here okay so you can color the rest of it alright good luck
Channel: Shanif Hameed
Views: 68,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car, fusion, 360, autodesk, design, sketch, render
Id: D7X8ic87Zrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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