WHAT ARE YOUR WEAKNESSES? (6 GOOD Weaknesses To Give In A Job Interview!)

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what are your weaknesses is one of the hardest interview questions to answer correctly however in this video i am going to teach you exactly what to say when the interviewer says to you what are your weaknesses so make sure you stay tuned watch the presentation from start to finish because i will help you to pass your interview now before i give you six good weaknesses to choose from that you can use in your job interview here are some really important tips to help you tip number one what are your weaknesses now it is imperative that you actually do give the interviewer a weakness because if you don't you are likely to fail the interview now not being aware of your weaknesses shows a lack of self awareness so it's really important that we give them one weakness when they say to us what are your weaknesses and as i have said already i am going to give you six to choose from tip number two when you are answering the question what are your weaknesses you will gain more respect for giving a genuine and honest weakness as opposed to making one up on the spot so you need to give them a weakness that is honest and genuine and also one that shows you are already taking the necessary steps to improve and tip number three what are your weaknesses do not give a weakness that is a match for the job you are applying for what do i mean by that well for example if you are applying for a customer service role do not say my weaknesses that i am not very confident when dealing with people this is something i'm trying to improve on and i am confident i will get better over time now whilst the interviewer will admire your honesty you do need a level of confidence when working in customer service so do not give that as a weakness another example is if you are applying to work in a sales role do not say my weaknesses that i am not a particularly good listener but i am trying to improve because to be good in sales you have to be a good all-round communicator and that also involves listening and also before i give you those six good example weaknesses if you are applying for a technical related role don't say my weaknesses i am not very good with numbers or analyzing data this is something i intend to improve upon and i will be taking steps to rectify it if i am successful if you say that as your weakness for a technical related role you are unlikely to get hired so now let's move on to those six good weaknesses to give in a job interview i will give you the six weaknesses and then you can choose one that you can use in your interview when you answer the question what are your weaknesses here's the first one weakness number one here we go what are your weaknesses my weaknesses i am not very good at public speaking or speaking in front of large groups of people yet however this is certainly an area i want to improve upon and i've started reading a great book that has helped me to improve in this area already so that is a safe weakness it will do you no harm whatsoever but you are also demonstrating a desire to improve and that's really important six good weaknesses to give in a job interview weakness number two here we go what are your weaknesses my weakness is the fact i find it difficult to ask other people for help when i need it i prefer to figure things out for myself if i am struggling having said that i am seeking to improve and i do realize it would be far better for me if i ask my team for help when it is needed as this will help to speed up my own task completion process that's another great weakness because it shows that you want to do things yourself but you are perhaps a little bit stubborn and you realize that you should be asking other people for help when it is needed so it's another great safe weakness to use six good weaknesses to give in a job interview weakness number three here we go what are your weaknesses my weaknesses i am not very good at giving honest and constructive feedback to work colleagues when it is requested i tend to steer clear of negativity and instead of telling people how it is i prefer to ignore it however i do understand this is not helpful especially when you are working as part of a team and i am trying to improve in this area by being honest when someone asks for my opinion that is another safe weakness to give it shows that you don't particularly want to rock the boat you want to knuckle down and just do your job but you do realize that you should give honest and constructive feedback when it is requested six good weaknesses to give in a job interview weakness number four here it is what are your weaknesses i think my biggest weakness is that i'm sometimes a little bit too hard on myself if i get something wrong at work for example it tends to worry me more than it should do i think this shows i genuinely care about the organization i'm working for however i am conscious of this weakness and i have been working to strengthen my mindset so if an issue does occur i quickly focus on how to put it right and prevent it from happening again in the future so that's another really good weakness it's a safe weakness that you can use in your job interview six good weaknesses to give in a job interview weakness number five here we go what are your weaknesses my weaknesses i sometimes find it difficult letting go of projects i tend to get engrossed in them and instead of trying to get the project completed in as fast a time as possible i keep going back over and checking things now this is an area i am trying to improve upon and if you hire me it won't hold me back from completing important projects for you on time that's another cracking weakness it's a safe weakness that will do you no harm during your job interview so six good weaknesses to give in a job interview weakness number six here we go what are your weaknesses my weaknesses i don't look at the bigger picture enough because i tend to focus solely on my own work and making sure i do it to a good standard i think in any job regardless of the level you are at it is important to be aware of where the company is heading and to possess a certain level of commercial awareness now this is certainly something i plan to develop as time goes on and i will achieve this by paying more attention to wider company developments that's another really really good weakness so let's just quickly recap those six good weaknesses that you can use in your job interview weakness number one you are not yet good at public speaking number two you find it difficult asking other people for help number three you are not great at giving feedback to others number four you are sometimes too hard on yourself weakness number five you find it difficult letting go of projects and weakness number six you need to focus more on the bigger picture so there's six really good weaknesses and all you need to do is choose one of them to use when you answer the interview question what are your weaknesses now the next thing to do is please make sure you click that link right now in the top right hand corner of the video head over to my website passmyinterview.com and you can download my full set of 21 great answers to tough interview questions if you are serious about passing your job interview make sure you check out that website and download my pdf guide you can literally have the answers to 21 tough interview questions in your inbox within two minutes from now please also make sure you subscribe to this channel we have over half a million subscribers now and lots of you are passing your interviews as a result of the content you can also connect with me on linkedin i've put my linkedin link in the description below the video and please finally give the video a thumbs up because that motivates me to create more content for you thank you very much for watching and i wish you all the best for passing your interview have a brilliant day
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 141,155
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Keywords: WHAT ARE YOUR WEAKNESSES, what are your weaknesses interview question, What is your weakness best answer, What are weaknesses for a job, What are your strengths and weaknesses examples, what is your weaknesses best answer, list of weaknesses, what is your greatest weakness answer samples, interview questions and answers, how to answer what are your weaknesses interview questions, how to answer what's your biggest weakness, What are your weaknesses with examples, interviews
Id: uKN_QcD2eDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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