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hey everyone row here today we're discussing the actions of the inquisition could it all lead to war with the astartes general spoiler warning to begin as the events we are discussing today are from across the warhammer 40k universe so you have been warned but with that said let's just jump straight in so the inquisition quite possibly the most powerful organization within the imperium entire the answer to no one accountable only to the god emperor himself and he alone is exempt from their judgment their sole duty is to protect the imperium protect humanity from threats without and within they will stop at nothing they will go to any length to ensure humanity prevails an inquisitor's authority is absolute they will condemn an entire world to exterminate us if they see fit and even a high lord of terror would struggle to decline their requests for fear of being judged themselves with this in mind it's no wonder their power extends across even the adeptus mechanicus and the adeptus astartes with countless chapters being called to fulfill their duty to the imperium over the centuries with that said however the relationship between the astartes and the inquisition has never exactly been smooth sailing to put it mildly at best and there are many times a chapter may have been pressed into service knowing full well rejecting a single inquisitor means risking the wrath of the inquisition entire an organization with limitless power however despite the inquisition's vastness and reputation there have been times they have come into conflict with the astartes perhaps none more famous than their cold war against the space wolves known as the mumps of shame the inquisition and the sons of rus came into conflict in the aftermath of the first war for armageddon the inquisition's desire to purge the surviving population not to mention the men and women of the imperial guard who had just fought so bravely against the ruinous powers was something that angered the great wolf logan grimnar immensely and after months of tense standoffs and skirmishes open war broke out between the forces with inquisitor kisneros opening fire upon the wolves during a so-called negotiation of peace the war would escalate to the siege of fenris itself and only through much bloodshed including the death of many grey knights and the inquisitor himself was a ceasefire reached though the scars and mistrust remain to this day the events of the months of shame are covered in the novel the emperor's gift by aaron dempsky bowden so if you want to check that one out i definitely do recommend it and it was definitely a 5 out of 5 read for me now this was just one incident of the inquisition's brutal uncompromising nature leading it into conflict with a chapter of the astartes another is their conflict with the celestial lions who much like the space wolves were horrified by the actions of the inquisition again wiping out the entire population of a world when a conflict was limited to but a few and they petitioned loudly against the actions the inquisition was undertaking now while this never led to open war there is more than a fair share of evidence that the inquisition took matters into their own hands and the fates of the celestial lions since then was an ever more tragic tale and this is a spoiler warning for spear of the emperor again by aaron dempsky bowden which if you saw my review a few weeks ago was just another absolutely stellar read a bit of a recurring theme here when it comes to adb stories but regardless even after the opening of the great rift as the celestial lions clung on to their existence as a chapter still despite the odds battling for the people of the imperium the inquisition would once more strike going through great lengths to smuggle an assassin across the great rift to assassinate their chapter master a hero of armageddon and this was no small effort here the inquisition had to use the services of another astati's chapter risk getting the vessel through the great rift itself despite all of the chaos no pun intended going on all so they could eliminate a chapter master of a chapter who decried their actions and honestly there's no way i can describe this action as anything short of simple petulant pettiness great rift had torn the galaxy asunder the imperium was now at war more than ever let alone across the great rift within the darkness of imperium nihilus and still still the inquisition not only felt the need but they went to great length to assassinate a chapter master of a chapter already on its knees one who was simply fighting in the emperor's name it is beyond crazy a single astati's chapter is nothing to the powers of the inquisition where was the need why did they do it now all the inquisition has done is endear another enemy against them in the form of the emperor's spears chapter who were a stalwart ally of the celestial lions is this going to become another chapter worthy of the inquisition sanction simply because they too despise their actions despite their complete and undaunted loyalty will they too now face the wrath of the inquisition there's an absolute fantastic short story in the successes anthology novel and this one focuses around the black dragons chapter receiving their first primaris and i was going to discuss that today but it really led me on to this wider conversation now it's called black dragons bless the curse by author callum davis and obviously spoiler warning here but the story focuses around the grey shields primaris that are being sent to the found black dragons chapter and these marines are secretly operating under the orders of an inquisitor one who doubts the loyalty of the chapter and that's all i'm going to say for now but again it's just another example of a completely loyal chapter having to deal with the actions of the inquisition one inquisitor who has the power to pass or condemn a chapter how long until the black dragons face the wrath of the inquisition regardless if a sin is committed or not with the imperium faced with chaos like never before how many more worlds of falling prey to cults to incursions to invasions how many more chapters of the astartes will come into conflict with the inquisition who deem a world's population expendable for the actions of a few when one governor turns to the ruinous powers does the simple man or woman the other side of the world who has seen nothing about it deserve the same fate as much as the inquisition services may be needed more than ever which they undoubtedly do their actions could only be leading to more strife with the chapters already a prominent enemy of the space wolves how long perhaps until more widely known figures come into this conflict to sharon of the salamanders cantor of the crimson fist how long until grander figures become embroiled in these erupting cold wars dante now walden of the imperium nihilus how would he react if a chapter of the blood was met with inquisition sanction one he did not agree with how would he react if he saw its chapter master assassinated and what of gilman the emperor's spears are sons of his lineage how long until more of his successes come into this conflict how will he react if he deems it unnecessary what if maybe one day it's the ultramarines themselves how would the inquisition react if gilman himself ordered a world to be spared one they deemed needed exterminators the plague wars reached ultramar after all mccrag itself who's to say those worlds should not be met with the same judgment would gillemann stand idly by whilst one of his beloved 500 worlds was eradicated by orders of the inquisition somehow i don't see it happening and what happens when that bridge needs to be crossed he may be the imperial regent he may be a son of the emperor but the inquisition answers only to the emperor himself rabute gilman technically falls very much inside their judgment what a situation that would be to me honestly one way or the other with these actions of the inquisition becoming so seemingly petulant and dare i say it more and more frequent in light of the grander picture i just can't help but wonder if it's only a matter of time before the next war with the inquisition truly begins but as always guys what do you think the inquisition is undoubtedly working in the best interests of the imperium but are they taking their actions too far does an entire world truly need to be eradicated when half the population know nothing about it do loyal soldiers of the imperium need to be eradicated for simply fighting the ruinous powers and in their actions against the astartes their assassinations of chapter masters heroes of the imperium are they risking more chapters opposing their actions as always guys leave your thoughts in the comments below i love to read them huge thank you to all my subscribers your support truly means a lot to me it really does and if you're new please consider subscribing to help the channel grow and if you enjoyed this particular vid then why not drop a like on it too but with that said i am off and i'll see you all again real soon
Channel: Wolf Lord Rho
Views: 41,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inquisition 40k, space marines, primaris, roboute guilliman, celestial lions, space wolves, black dragons 40k, warhammer 40k, emperor of mankind
Id: woLk8V4men0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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