The Secret Reason The Dark Angels Hunt The Fallen | 40kGoesHard

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among the married Tales of heroism and tragedy in the Warhammer 40,000 Universe none is more poignant or shrouded in mystery Than The Saga of the Dark Angels and the Fallen this is a tale of Brotherhood turned to betrayal of Eternal Penance and unyielding secrecy join us as we delve deep into the intricate history of the first Legion and their Relentless pursuit of redemption Our Story begins on Ancient Tera during the time of the unification Wars it was an era of strife and Chaos as the Emperor of mankind sought to reunite Humanity under his role to achieve this Monumental task he created the primarch 20 genetically engineered superhumans each destined to lead a legion of Space Marines the first of these primarchs was lion l Johnson a name that would become synonymous with honor strategy and an unyielding Will lion L Johnson's Journey began on the death world of calaban a planet covered in dense Dark Forest teaming with monstrous beasts found as a child by the order a nightly Brotherhood dedicated to protecting caliban the lion grew into a formidable Warrior and tactician his leadership United the feuding nightly orders of caliban and purged the world of its monstrous threats when the emperor arrived he recognized the Lion's greatness and appointed him as the Primark of the first Legion the Dark Angels he was a giant among Mortals a Warrior without equal when the emperor found him he knew he had discovered the perfect leader for his first and greatest Legion angels of caliban by GA Thorp under the Lion's command the Dark Angels became a symbol of The Emperor's might they were the Vanguard of the great Crusade pushing the boundaries of the Imperium and bringing countless worlds into compliance the Lion's strategic Brilliance and the unwavering discipline of his Legion made them a formidable Force however the turmoil of the Horus heresy reached even the isolated world of caliban during the heresy the lion was recalled to terara but he left behind a trusted friend and Confidant Luther to govern caliban over time Luther grew resentful of the lion and was swayed by The Whispers of chaos this resentment festered into rebellion and when the lion finally returned to caliban he was met with betrayal Luther's betrayal was a wound that never healed a scar upon the soul of the Dark Angels that would drive them to pursue the Fallen cross the Stars Fallen Angels by Mike Lee the conflict between the loyalist Dark Angels and Luther's forces devastated caliban in the final battle the lion confronted Luther in the depths of the Fortress Monastery their duel was Titanic shaking the very foundations of the planet as the battle raged the warp storm engulfing caliban intensified the planet began to tear apart unable to withstand the forces Unleashed upon it in the aftermath the planet was shattered leaving only a fragment known as The Rock which became the Dark Angels mobile Fortress monastery Luther was captured raving about his betrayal and the involvement of the Fallen the Lion's last words to Luther were a mix of sorrow and rage a testament to their fractured Brotherhood Descent of Angels by Mitchell scanlin from the ruins of caliban a new chapter in the Dark Angels history began the Fallen those who have betrayed The Lion and the emperor were scattered across time and space by the warp storm the Dark Angels swore a sacred oath to hunt down these traitors and bring them to justice this secret mission known only to the highest ranks of the chapter became their Eternal Penance the Fallen are not just traitors they are mirror to our darkest fears and failings Angels of Darkness by G Thorp the Dark Angels have faced countless enemies from the Insidious forces of chaos to the Relentless tithes of zenos yet their greatest adversaries are the Fallen those who betrayed the emperor during the Horus heresy the hunt for these traitors is Relentless driven by a need to atone for past sins and to prevent the truth of their fall from being exposed the Inner Circle knows the truth we hunt the Fallen not only to redeem our chapter but to safeguard the Imperium from the knowledge of our greatest sin Angels of Darkness by gav thorb the Dark Angels are also Al shrouded in myth and Legend stories of the Watchers in the dark mysterious entities that Aid the chapter add an aie Mystique the Legendary Blade the lion sword is said to be wielded by the Supreme Grandmaster a symbol of the chapter's enduring Legacy the Watchers are ancient Beyond Reckoning their motives inscrutable they are our silent Guardians our Eternal companions in the shadows ravenwing by GA Thorp for those who wish to delve deeper into the lore of the Dark Angels I recommend Angels of Darkness and ravenwing by GA Thor until next time May the emperor protect [Music]
Channel: 40kGoesHard
Views: 56
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40K, Warhammer 40000, WH40K, Games Workshop, Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Warhammer Tactics, Warhammer Lore, Tabletop Gaming, Miniature Wargaming, Warhammer Painting, 40K Strategy, Primaris Marines, 40K Battles, Warhammer Review, 40K Lore Explanation, WH40K News, Warhammer Community, Adeptus Astartes, Warhammer Army Guide
Id: ryyPp7sadAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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