Indian Matchmaking SEASON 2...Nadia and Shehkar #netflix #relationships #dating #datingadvice

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all right y'all what's good back with another one um there's a particular show on netflix called indian matchmaker and i have a particular perspective about something i saw on the show as it relates to everyday dating for everybody else and yeah this show is definitely one of my guilty pleasures i have a few of them i have a few shows this is one of them what's the other one that comes on tlc 90 day fiance that's another one i [ __ ] with 90 day fiance but anyway indian matchmaker it's interesting to me because it's all the same things we see in the dating world everywhere it's all the same things we hear about we talk about but across the world or in totally different cultures or people from totally other cultures and you see the similarities you see the similarities in everything that we see and go through and hear about and witness and observe and all these other good things it's the same [ __ ] okay anyway so i'm gonna get into it and i'm gonna specifically talk about the couple or the dating dynamic between nadia and shaker nadia and shaker all right so i'm gonna get into that in just a minute be sure to check out the video it's gonna be a little long so just enjoy it um be sure to like share and subscribe get in the comment section let me know what y'all talking about about to get to it all right all right we're about to get into the show now nadia and shaker have been dating for some time and things seem to be going pretty well and then nadia has a change of heart and as the show progresses it kind of comes full circle back into nadia's lap now those of you who've seen the show and watch the show it's a it's a past due episode so you already know where it's going but i'm gonna play some clips from the show just so everybody that's watching that hasn't seen the show or isn't even aware that the show exists so they know what's going on all right let's jump into that real quick he just is like super sweet and very uh he's just a nice guy well he's just a good person when i was a kid um apparently i wouldn't nadia knows the story to exhaustion i know but it's like such a i don't understand why didn't they move forward because when i saw them i got very good vibes that they were so happy that chemistry and wavelength i first met shaker when sema introduced us in chicago it was wonderful that was like one of my best first dates it was like full-on romance like it was wonderful but it was truly like that great it's been really hard recently just because uh not much traveling happening right now and so it was hard being so far apart but now he's coming to meet my family and i'm really excited about that uncle this is for you yeah oh and how do you like your guys i didn't want you to run out so i knew we were going to have him today you know she's so busy i'm extremely busy and it was um really difficult but you know we talk almost every single day i know you did good i mean i have to let you know when i first met you i was so impressed by you thank you so much i mean i came home and my husband picked me up from the airport as you know i left early and i said to him he goes what do you think i said oh my god i hope this one works what how do you feel about that do you think that's going to go anywhere everything happens for a reason and the right thing happens at the right time you just have to trust the universe you want to go sit in the living room while everyone's getting where i think we're very similar like personalities what that takes right we're both very passionate people which is great yeah that's cool i had a good time okay good it was just so nice like on the right here right yeah hey really you want to join my conversation you want to come up with this [ __ ] why are you all wet i think if shaker you know makes that big move um you know sucked me off my feet and you know a big grand gesture to be like i really like you or i want you um i highly consider it so there was obviously something there between nadia and shaker she herself was swooning while mentioning the first date and the romance between the two of them right i'm assuming there was some issues with travel because she mentions not much traveling going on probably due to the pandemic like when was this show recorded when was it shot i don't know but there's obviously something there the matchmaker saw it nadia and sheikah they both acknowledge it and they spoke regularly from the last time they saw one another the thing was going so well that her family was all in i mean literally sold on my dude and she nadia says all he had to do was make that move that grand gesture she'd highly consider it so it's fair to conclude that they had something there let's see what causes the breakdown oh my god yeah what's up hey walked in i was like oh like didn't even say and i was like i was like he's cute did you live in jerusalem yeah where do you live i just moved to downtown brooklyn oh cool yeah he was tall i was wearing tails yesterday and he was like pretty much my head i was like oh yeah i noticed you have a tattoo really my man gets in with the tattoo oh you got a tattoo really and she you know what let's keep it moving let's keep it moving oh yeah i know she had a tattoo i have a few uh this is my most recent when i just got it in august um is this i'm a sagittarius so this is about serious no way what's your birthday he's also sagittarius he asked me about my tattoos which was cool oh my goodness like he's cute no the back one's like kind of long so like it goes like halfway down my back cool i think nadia likes him i think nadia likes him um i think she finds him funny because she was kind of like making comments from the side she was like oh my god who made that joke it's funny i was like okay nadia girl i see you i got you cheers love you too so um it was such a fun event i think everyone had a great time it seems like everyone had a great time we did after partying like um it off really well and then as the night went on yeah we just uh started talking and um he may or may not have kissed me [Music] so at the mixer reunion that um i hosted one of the guys named the shawl we had a little like dance floor make out and uh he called me as soon as he got home and we talked until like 4 30 in the morning and then he like called me the next day and was like when can i see you again and i was like oh my gosh but he's 26. but is he a mature 26. it seems like it's so like right hashtag look at your friend jonas that's what i said i'm just saying you can be ready to commit at whatever age um and there's no like definition of that and like why is it okay for a guy to date someone who's 20 years younger than him but i can't date someone who's seven years older than me it's a different mentality yeah yeah you do you both thank you so in terms of like shaker in particular like that's like so yeah right where is that let's ask that question um i don't get the vibes that he said to me okay sometimes he's flirtatious but then i don't get like the i want you bye and for me that piece of a relationship is important um and so if i don't feel desired by my partner then that puts you in the friend zone um are we doing a top off karina um yeah sure what is it stop [Music] um so unexpected and i'm pretty sure brown people don't turn red but i was very red it was a really really pleasant surprise so yeah seems like what intervened is with sean now you can compare the two guys and from these few moments you can see that vishal is more assertive a bit more vibrant and nadia's eating that [ __ ] up dude broke the eyes by simply acknowledging her tattoo and what does she do she's in she damn near stripped to show all of her english no i'm kidding i'm being being extra but you can see that she's feeling the bit of attention vishal has given her then she says they basically had one hell of a night closed out with a little tongue where's my boy where's my boy shecker where's where you at where is he at and all this obviously not on nadia's mind sheker my dude as soon as you see your girl at the table hockey keying it up with vishal you should have went in i mean david ruffin own tammy terrell type move anybody seen temptations moving the picnic don't worry i'm i got you i got you i'm gonna make sure y'all know this one go get the [ __ ] all right um all right [Music] yeah so something like that uh well okay no i'm i'm kidding but my man didn't even intervene who knows if it would have made a difference because michelle got her nose wide open i mean deviated septum level wide like moses parted the red sea wide but let's get back into it and um let's at least see what the matchmaker thinks so shake her what are you feeling what's your response um it was nice having him here he fit very easily you know fit right in he's a he's a very very nice gym of a person he is he's so sweet um i just don't get very like romantic feelings from him i don't know i don't i have met so many times then where is the problem what is happening there i just why you both cannot decide that i want to do it that's the thing i have put out the signal that i like him and he did tell me that that was really intimidating to him that like i was so forward and that he was like a little bit nervous about that and even this time i even on saturday i felt like i didn't find him that was on saturday i think he was nervous and i was trying to blurt with him but he like wasn't really flirting back i just need a little bit more from him and i just don't think that he has given me any signs that like he's attracted to me i feel like he just needs to be a little more confident in himself um he's a catch and i think he doesn't show his confidence and for me that's like a little bit of a turn off thing is nadia and you should ask him that's all and we know the answer yes or no so nadia's issue with my man shaker is that he lacks confidence and doesn't come off as if he's really into i want to call [ __ ] but hey who knows in any case the matchmaker wait i'm going to call her auntie auntie tells her to speak up about it communicate all right let me let me let's let's see what else auntie got to say about this you know all the people so you liked anybody in that party this all was a little interesting who michelle richard oh yeah he's a good boy uh i think he's seven years younger than nadia oh yeah two three years it's okay or for seven years younger women yeah that's they'll not be because they have a difference matureness is very important right you are more mature because you're seven years elder so i think we'll drop vishal because it should have a good match then if there's a fun yeah i think if the guy is seven years older it's okay but a girl to be seven years old i don't know it's maybe yeah i was gonna say it's not like even i'm old-fashioned he doesn't act young he did nothing that was like you know i'm a child and i mean i'm a young 33. priyanka chopra and nick jonas are saying they're like 11 years what auntie ain't trying to hear is nothing about no 26 year old boy she said he's a good boy she ain't trying to hear that her words not mine she's trying to hit him by no boy auntie is seeing that age disparity as a red flag and did nadia reference a damn celebrity couple nick jonas and whoever and that's the second time she said that nonsense but he's 26. but is he a mature 26. it seems like it's so like right hashtag nick jonas that's what i said i'm just saying see coveting a celebrity type situation i'm so tired of everyday people using celebrities as some universal litmus test to how relationships and dating might work for them anyway get auntie let's go let's let's go let's go i think if the guy is seven years older it's okay but for a girl to be seven years old i don't know it's maybe i'm also i was gonna say sorry even i'm old-fashioned he did nothing that was like you know i'm a child and i mean i'm a young 33. priyanka chopra and nick jonas they're like 11 years [Music] yeah he looks so small and petite in front of her and she looks tender nadia liked vishal because he was a cute and attractive boy but i think she should see more things than this in her body as we can see auntie ain't with the shits she's throwback with it people please please take in what the elders are saying i say elders not old people there is a difference elders of those wise and respected community contributors they walk the walk in a manner that validates their advice that and they seem more in their lifetime if i'd have acted on those lessons from my elders more than i had up until this point man life would have been so much easier they've seen around those corners and down those dark tunnels they usually have a good idea of what's at the end of them please people please give them the benefit of the doubt now let's at least see if nadia did that this next portion of the video is going to take a minute so bear with me all right the work's been good chicago has been awesome so so how are things otherwise with you [Music] vishal kiss nadia i didn't feel um insulted what was it easy for me no not at all you know i really liked you i really liked you too it was it was hard to see you kiss another guy it was real our make out with another guy so it was really hard i was a little disappointed when i was in chicago what were you disappointed about i don't know i just felt like i was really excited to go and i thought that it would kind of be us like i'm the first person to always be mindful of other people's feelings i feel like i had asked her multiple times prior to her coming to chicago you know what's our intention behind you coming to chicago and she made it very clear to me we're just friends you know we're just hanging out and so to say this all to me now that she really liked me and that you know she felt rejected by me i think is is uh in my opinion extremely unfair so i don't know what i'm sorry that you may have felt rejected by me i i don't know what i did to make you feel rejected um we spent like two three days together and i had a fantastic time it was my understanding that it was uh i did too i mean it was my understanding we picked up where we left off but you know i mean perhaps we didn't communicate with each other after that weekend we had four months of daily conversation to clear it up to say she felt rejected based on a weekend of me showing her around chicago and really wanting to treat her with with class and respect well i mean for me to see her kissing vishal i mean i didn't i didn't feel like a million bucks when i was in new jersey i'll tell you that much that being said i am happy for you though you deserve happiness it's nice to see you happy and smiling yeah i know um [Applause] well sounds good it was great catching up with you yeah so that conversation didn't go the way i i felt that um it didn't it didn't feel fantastic [Music] she's moved on i'm happy for her so [Music] i'm not here to throw anyone under the bus or say anything negatively i'll say this much it's i don't get frustrated often i'm frustrated [Music] [Applause] [Music] so she starts out being honest about dating somebody else then she shifts blame to him basing it on the idea that she felt rejected he goes back down memory lane she confirms it but my man ain't stupid he mentions that they had four months of communication so where was the rejection dig this dudes ain't communicating with no woman for four months that's a season plus a month dudes ain't putting in all them hours of conversation if they're not feeling you so i'm not buying these feelings of rejection that nadia is claiming to have nope sell that arctic real estate to some other food cause i'm not buying it and obviously my man is shook yo that's a [ __ ] feeling dudes lose sleep behind this it's not easy to take that i've been there i know other men have been there it sucks i can't say for sure what was in nadia's head or heart but her words and actions just don't line up what does seem genuine is that she was feeling shaker then rashad was not sure that's what happened keep it a stack don't have my dude feeling like he rejected you have this man questioning himself no no no that that's not fair the shawl was just more of what you wanted as far as the complete package goes that's what it was now let's see how this shakes out with good old vashaw like let's just see what see how it works out i've been dating for shaw and i've been having a really great time with him we even planned for him to come meet me california and i'm really excited about it hi good to see you and you were up at 2 am west coast times hill how was your night it was fun well yeah how are you i'm good i'm happy to be here happy to see you happy we can talk it's difficult for me to have these kinds of conversations because i wanted to explore this and get to know you obviously we both attracted each other and that still hasn't changed i think the thing i look for is i would describe it as that spark i was waiting for that moment to happen and i just didn't get that i gave it a lot of thought maybe i don't want to do this romantically okay well i'm sorry that you have nothing to be apologetic for it's not like you've done anything wrong and i wouldn't have done this but i wasn't sure anything you want to say i like don't even know where to start um two weeks ago i was like everything was great and we're having a great time and i can't wait until he comes here right now it's like i don't even know who this person is and i apologize i'm not good at this stuff and i didn't mean to catch you off guard i mean [Music] but i didn't get that actual feeling it would be better to like maintain and have a friendship why would i want to be friends yeah maybe you don't i don't know that's up for you to decide don't tell me i love you like a friend because [ __ ] you how are you feeling that's good i am just trying to be mindful about not hurting your feelings that's literally long gone feelings hurt already i know yeah like i'm sorry i'm so sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] please stick to the rivers and the licks that you used i know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all but i think you're moving too fast [Music] now y'all um i'm playing that that wasn't nice um heartbreak and hurt feelings are heartbreaking hurt feelings and they don't play favorites but damn if karma is the university's super revenge mechanism that folks claim it is it damn sure made its case in this particular moment it made its case in all seriousness she just went with what she wanted and lost [ __ ] is the auntie though now look i'm all about doing it your way because if you do in somebody else's way and you're not happy with the results that breeds a lot of resentment but damn i i wish she thought about this a little more before she broke it off with shaker and i wonder if she thinks the same thing let's just see how she kind of handles it see how she gets through this okay cheers i am shocked that michelle destroyed what we had i am shocked that michelle destroyed what we had seen auntie said that vishal was too young for me [Music] how many times are like this one need to hear like you're wonderful but like not that wonderful yeah i just had a lot of frustration and the frustration came from i feel like he didn't give us a fair chance i'm not going to give you my whole self my whole empathetic my whole heart my whole anything literally the first four weeks i'm not gonna do that because i've been there done that gotten myself hurt so why should i [Music] i can't tell you how many times i've went back and forth with men on social media with regards to similar situations like this the woman chooses another guy the it guy and the nice guy finishes last at least this situation was overall short-lived with minimal damage to anybody involved save some feelings a lot of times these types type of situations have results that linger like when women choose the wrong guy get knocked up then end up back in the dating world with some dude's baby attached to her and now the nice guys are what she's looking for yeah a lot of times those nice guys you passed up for the it guy aren't gonna be there to help you pick up the pieces and that's my overall thought if you're gonna roll the dice please minimize the fallout don't go too far down the rabbit hole with the wrong guy whether it's the nice guy and you resent the decision for whatever reason or if it's the it guy and you end up with a lifetime of regret fellas this can happen it will or has happened to many of us it's all good shake that [ __ ] off i know it's way worse when you're invested in some time and some effort and you are actually feeling the woman but do not under any circumstances take this [ __ ] back into the dating world into the racial relationship world heal from it learn from it improve yourself and get back out there my man shake is gonna be fine he's gonna win in the end and pretty soon i bet this dating and relationship [ __ ] ain't easy but it can be easy if we use all the tools we have at our disposal discernment our elders family and friends advice sometimes but please stop stop using celebrity relationship and circumstances as some sort of guide to what's possible for you deal in probability realize that those people aren't the one percent of the population don't even consider what works for them on a relationship level and vashaw well boy i think homeboy was just in a moment of lust with nadia he obviously is or was attracted to her and they had already had a little physical intimacy by the way of a kiss he's 26. i know good and damn well what he's thinking matter of fact when he pulled up and she was with the homegirls at the crib he was probably thinking that was gonna be the night that he was gonna close some ass nah i don't know for sure that that's what was going on that's just what i'm saying he also did the math she's 33 and he's 26. she's ready for matrimony in the family she's already linked with the matchmaker he realized that hell she's 33 at least he can wait that long before he's pressed to actually have kids and married too dude's probably gonna live that bachelor life for the next four to eight years then he'll be ready to do the whole family thing regardless of everything i hope everybody bounces back from broken hearts and disappointment decisions decisions decisions well that's all i got y'all know what else to do get off in the comments and make it do what it do give us your perspective be sure to like share and subscribe and i'll see y'all next time have a good night you
Channel: Perspective
Views: 4,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6GZEVA4urvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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