Epic Inquests of Marcy | Amphibia | Disney Channel

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this is just every scene with marcy we saw before edited in one video.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/racionador 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
yeah this is a good shirt all right anne you can do this [Music] boom just cleared new game plus heads up whoa thanks ann hey no problem mercy sasha and you lose okay dungeon's almost ready then we can finally play some creatures and caverns oh yeah locker door locker door one of these days she's gonna get herself killed oh don't say that oh what for one more oh man huh where'd it be without you i did it again didn't i she was super smart but super oblivious and insanely clumsy like maybe the clumsiest person alive wow that must be horrible back home we were there to protect her but here she's alone and instead of kickballs she could get mauled by an elephant scare up or crushed to death by a heron or worse laid alive by it not helping guys come it's i'm not gonna believe that just get out here [Music] there she is gang newtopia if there's a way to get you home it's in that city well then let's get down there [Music] well my theater soaked now this is the life huh hey what do you think babies hold um better not to ask come on i feel like this is gonna come back later we're finally here yo anybody home you can't come in here utopia is closed seriously closed like closed closed or like closed for lunch the city is closed closed to all outsiders what the hey hey why to win until the barbarians are gone of course good luck out there yeah stupid handle [Music] i'm okay what's a barbarian beats me we don't got them in the valley they closed the whole city because of a few little ants one two three [Music] yeah in your face and uh do you guys feel that [Music] starting to feel a bit fancy we'll talk okay so utopian rope can hold an average human girl for uh 2.3 seconds maybe i could reinforce the rope with iron spider silk to increase the tensile strength mercy [Music] and marcy [Music] is that really you marcy i can't believe it's you me here i know i know i missed you so much oh i missed you too oh look at you look at this outfit you're like an amazon warrior queen or something i know i know right it's nuts this is real yeah very real sorry ah isn't this place wild what an adventure oh man i've really grown out here ann coming to my own leveled up no more clumsy klutzy marcy can you believe it your cloak's on fire what don't swing it around so ann who's your friend note to self non-flammable cloak preferable you guys meet mercy oh my gosh who are these kiwis oh are they your surrogate frog family did they find you and take you in oh i love the fountain family trope gosh this is just like the hero of my favorite game vagabondia chronicles the greatest jrpg of all time have you played it do you want to play it do you want to borrow it just say the word and i'll lend you my copy and it'll change your lives uh and yep the planters here took me in the one you got there is hot pop as i thought 62 centimeters yep all brain judging from the size of your cranium and flecks of sediment you're from frog valley right you can tell all that from my head oh and i'm so jealous you found a farming community i've been studying amphibia history and farm culture is super underappreciated in my opinion you're the backbone of society and do not get enough credit for it thank you thank you hey pollywog hey hmm i'd say those legs should be coming in and about two months give or take can i get that in writing oh yeah absolutely thank you oh and hi there wow i've never seen a frog your color before you're not poisonous are you maybe i am maybe i'm not wait really yeah i literally actually don't know i will iodine that later so what about you marmar have you been a new topia this whole time here and there but uh mostly here i actually warped in right inside the city walls pretty lucky right like what are the odds oh oh okay oh my gosh remember that game i try to get you and sasha to play creatures and caverns no well it turns out nudes are just like cephalons from shadows of zelda anyway i just roll played like your typical artificer rogue and next thing i know boom i'm the chief ranger of the utopian night guard uh were those words so morsi can you get us into the city we try the gate but they won't let us in unfortunately those gates will stay close until the barbarians are defeated luckily we've got a plan come on [Music] hop hop birthday make it happen i'm telling you branson what we need is a direct frontal assault and i'm telling you bartley a sneak attack is what's called for yeah well you're both wrong we need to learn how to communicate with our aunt brethren and live in sweet sweet harmony ludicrous yeah shut up blaire you shut up ah master marcy oh are you lost no no there with me the planters traveled here all the way from the valley ah welcome dirty peasants and this is my friend anne ow sorry just still can't believe you're here and quitted all right all right keep doing what you're doing you'll be glad to hear we've agreed on a battle strategy what we've agreed on nothing well no worries i think i got it figured out and do you remember when we studied insect migration patterns in biology class nope well since the weather warmed up those ants have been sending scouting parties deeper into our territory in fact i predict a full-scale invasion is just around the corner the king has asked me to stop them before they turn utopia into a giant anthill wait you work directly for the king of amphibia huh spring behave yourself i didn't even know you guys had a king well duh we're not anarchists and speak for yourself okay plan is we're gonna sneak behind enemy lines and drive the ant queen away with her gone the rest should retreat oh yeah and how are we doing that check it out [Music] not quite these are stink shrooms oh carry on they're designed to release pheromones that should drive the queen away instantly but we will have to fight our way through a bloodthirsty horde advance my interest has been restored we'll have to be extra careful if one thing goes wrong flimsy table uh marbles this sounds pretty dangerous yeah why don't you leave the mission to me and the planters we did stuff like this all the time in the valley oh come on anna banana i'll be fine banana i changed remember your cape's on fire again fire fire somebody do something still there those capes sure are flammable and trust me i can handle this now let's get going mission engage [Music] what's your problem me well to be honest my cholesterol's been a little not you frownzilla over there oh come on guys surely you don't trust this marcy person i do with my life actually i mean look sprig she's clearly harmless [Music] all right yes on the surface she looks harmless but do you not remember sasha i try not now that you mention it well i say we watch marbles like a pigeon hawk that way we can be ready if she tries to pull anything funny you guys with me still now can't say i agree but you do your thing ah fine thanks for nothing you guys coming what us of course not we're analysts we don't do field work and what's wrong with field work i'll have you know we farmers are the backbone of society weirdos okay we should be arriving there shortly well down the hatch all right bessie we're about to be betrayed probably if we're not back in three hours send for help good girl [Music] all right let's go hold up stay behind me behind a just where a maybe backstabber would want to be okay with adjusting this formation wait this is gonna be a cinch guys trust me i know these tunnels better than anyone thanks okay note to self do not step in holes seriously let us handle this you'll be safer in the back i gotta say i do feel pretty safe back here [Applause] [Music] all right guys fight mode all right yeah on it oh it's pretty good you survived yeah i kicked it okay mercy stay close oh nice what are you doing essence of hair in spain just what the doctor ordered [Music] insta vines bread on myself uh guys a little help here oh baby [Music] see that could have been on purpose it wasn't honest mistakes greg mercy oh sorry sorry but it all turned out okay right anyway isn't vegetation in amphibia just the coolest you think vegetables are cool mercy how'd you like to be adopted hmm dude seriously chill oh yeah i got lots of vegetables back home wait it's the queen [Music] well at least she's a good mother okay here's the plan we're going to have to plant these around the room that way she gets a nose full they're set to go off in five minutes so move quickly also the queen is nearly blind but here's really well so be very very quiet [Music] um saving you from a giant rock that was about to crush you well you didn't have to i was about to get out of the way myself no you weren't i have to protect you like i always do just like back home but we're not back home anne and i've been doing just fine by myself yeah but but [Music] you gotta be kidding me he's still alive these books take a while to digest their food look i can still save him no i'll do it you just stay here and only i've studied barbarian biology it has to be me no it doesn't i can handle it oh why would you just let me go because i just got you back okay and i don't i don't want to lose you again you won't i promise okay go you got this see you on the other side who knew these ants were so bouncy i did cuz i studied them i can't watch dibs on the crossbow come on come on [Music] [Music] any ideas three two one huh you know what it actually smells kind of nice yeah i mean it will liquify your lungs if you breathe too much of it so well time to go hey thanks for having me back not that you needed it you're right you really have changed uh you're on fire again what oh come on there wasn't even any fire this time mission success hey uh marcy sorry for all the suspicion earlier i was wrong about you you're no backstabber hey i'm just glad you're okay it's obvious you mean a lot to anne yeah dang it spright [Music] now come on who's ready to go to newtopia and write up a detailed report yeah wait what a report [Music] whoa look at this place mighty impressive i want to touch everything this is like a city city huh what's going on [Music] well met lady olivia the king sends his greetings marcy he trusts you have succeeded ah still fresh i see excellent work as expected of the great marcy wu you you you you i see you have company lady olivia meet anne one of the friends i was telling you about turns out she got transported to frog valley uh-huh a little town called wartwood it's a pleasure to meet you adam you too dude oh uh i mean my lady oh oh and these are the planters hey there what's up hello we can bow too you're high now whoa what yes well uh welcome to newtopia planters and anne this is an old city but one rich in history and splendor please don't touch anything that looks important hey look what i did i'm okay statue's broken do enjoy your stay she seems friendly ish so are you like a big deal here or something let's just say i have a perfect record when it comes to missions okay so mercy i've got a couple of questions how'd you get so smart what's your cloak made out of what's in this pouch where'd you get that wrist thing what was it like back home kids will you help me get the wagon unloaded let's give ann and marcy some space ah fuzz kill so you haven't found a way home either huh nope you know it's funny i've been hoping to find you for so long but now that i actually found you i have no idea what to do next i know what you mean first things first though we have to find sasha oh actually i did find sasha we uh we had a fight no was it bad there were maybe some swords minor explosions anyways i don't know where she is now well even if we find a way home it's pointless without sasha so what now i don't know back home sasha always decided to plan yeah maybe it's time we started making our own decisions huh yeah i mean it's worked out for us so far right come on stand up uh okay come on and let me see that power pose [Music] there's good good enough i'm mercy woo and uh i'm and boom okay so i want to know everything that's happened to you since you got here you got any photos do i here's me and domino too she tried to eat us here's me in spring by the lake there was a snake that tried to eat us oh here's us running from a giant centipede that let me guess tried to eat you oh how did you know the pieces are starting to fall into place it's time for the game to begin [Music] dang girl this is where you've been hanging out this whole time i wouldn't say i hang out here but yes staying at the castle has been awesome wow i can't believe we're here and that we're about to meet the king of amphibia wow just look at this place am i dressed okay should i have worn michelle cascott well i'll go back and get it hey hey don't stress guys this is no big deal okay frog family you're about to meet king andreas this is a big deal [Music] wow may i present to you andreas leviathan lord of amphibia peacekeeper of a thousand years and the first of his name no that's king size [Music] hello planter family oh bring it in you guys bring it in quick kids bow it's so good to finally meet you i love this guy [Laughter] dear king andreas just once it would be nice if you followed proper castle etiquette oh erica schmidtke oh and what do we have here hey you must be am so am am i saying it right sup you got it the thumb of approval and here's a thumb for you anne oh uh right back at you delightful but now let's get down to business shall we getting you girls back home safe and sound alas without the music box i'm afraid there's nothing i can do marcy doesn't have it and well i assume you don't have it either oh uh actually i do have the box what are you serious why this is marvelous news come come let's see it well i don't have it have it hop up left it with some contacts to see what they could learn about it but i do have a photo of it yes yes a photo let's see here hmm how peculiar mercy didn't you say the gems were colored look here they're they're gray hey you're right i never actually noticed that this will require further study in the deepest of our archives give me a few days to work with this information at that time we shall reconvene and set a glorious plan in motion great marmar what can i do to help can you translate ancient amphibian runes i sure can't don't worry dude i got this nice just like group projects back home [Music] ah the last book and still nothing on the music box well even i have to admit i'm surprised this is one of the most comprehensive libraries in all of amphibia maybe we missed a book somewhere ugh plenty more bugachinos brb [Music] ah dang it tell me that tapestry wasn't hundreds of years old oh we older than that actually no but wait marcy look [Music] hmm i'mma push it no way a secret library wing did you know about this no it must be thousands of years old judging by the smell well come on i just know the answers are down there waiting for us [Music] oh boy wonderful to see you all again so ask me if i found out anything about the box it's the music box according to this book it's a magical artifact that is thousands of years old apparently my ancestors used it to visit entirely different worlds they were peaceful explorers scientists if you will these three stones are the key to getting it working again they need to be recharged recharged how the book mentions three different temples each channeling a different kind of energy and once the stones are recharged we'll have a way home steal my thunderwire don't you but yes boom huh huh i don't believe it a real chance to get home right now let's get out there and conquer these bad boys let's rein those snails in for a sec the book only gives the location of one temple besides you still have a lot of preparing to do before you set off good point gotta get equipped for a mega quest like this armor to buy maps to study weapons to forge this is gonna take a few days few days huh well i hate to say it but we really need to get back to work wood the harvest is coming up and we can't miss it okay mars me and the planters will head back to wartwood and when you're ready we can just meet up whoa whoa whoa it doesn't really make sense for you to go back to wartwood say hi now the last thing we should do is separate again now that we're so close to finding our way home i guess that's true but uh i uh need to go to wartwood to get the music box right hp technically yes nonsense once hop-hop gets the box back we'll just send a servant to pick it up more efficient that way yeah but and right now you have to follow your head not your heart the planters got you here to me it's time to let them get back to their lives why don't you guys take the day to say goodbye [Music] you folks want a giant tissue seriously you would not believe the size of these tissues i'll get you one [Music] have a safe trip back planters let us know when you get the music box and we'll send someone to come get it thank you kindly marcy [Music] no more tears y'all we'll see each other again will we though when i don't know but we're family and family always finds each other praying against the world [Music] i'm sorry anne this just made the most sense i know i know logical thing to do you know the more i think about it maybe sending a servant to get the music box isn't such a good idea we need someone looking after that thing the second hop-op gets it back someone we trust i'm sure i can handle the preparations here by myself i'll just come pick you up on the way to the first temple thanks mercy now go follow your heart okay everybody [Music] oh safety doesn't matter now wanna try my new nachos and some other time [Music] and i'm coming with you to work with yeah glad to have you back dan how about up here sister thank frog i really didn't know how i was gonna make it without you now let's go home [Music] always sad to see someone go isn't it i have a proposition for you marcy and i think you'll find it very interesting [Music]
Channel: Disney Channel
Views: 8,250,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney channel, disney, marcy wu, compilation, epic inquests, arm crossbow, amphibia, new show, shrink, sprig, anne, frog, frogs, boonchuy, brenda song, sprinne, plantars, wartwood, newtopia
Id: iFqKPk6ZemY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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