DELL Did Me Dirty... RTX 3070 Dell XPS Pre-Built

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for today's video i bought a dell xps desktop with an rtx 3070 in it that cost a surprisingly reasonable amount of money which weirdly means that buying a dell pre-built may be one of the most reliable ways at the moment to get your hands on a new rtx 3070 aside from like challenging scalpers to dance battles in the street or whatever but just because it's a reliable way to do it does it mean that you should actually go through with it before we answer that question we have a sponsor for today's video that helped me pay for this pre-built today's video is sponsored by squarespace a brilliant way to get your own website up and running even if you have no web design experience squarespace has a whole library of templates which are trendier than a vegan ice cream shop and they're an easy starting point for a professional looking website modifying these templates to fit your need is so easy that even i could do it squarespace also has a whole host of other features like mobile optimized 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pre-built that i've looked at that actually came with dual channels so that's pretty big but other than that it had a 3070 in it with a 10 700 a 500 gig nvme ssd with a terabyte hard drive and that whole system cost the equivalent of about a thousand five hundred us dollars which is way better than you can do on the open market at the moment so yeah it's not too bad considering what you get i am really excited to see what version of the rtx 3070 it comes with hopefully it's not some like war crime blower cooler but when i finally placed the order i had an issue with my with my payment method which meant that i had to spend an hour and a half with a dell representative on their online chat service thing or whatever which is really frustrating although in all fairness it wasn't the chat representative's fault that it took so long they were very friendly and helpful it's just because my bank's weird with addresses linked to payment methods or whatever so yeah it wasn't their fault but it was still pretty frustrating although it was a much better experience than linus recently had which basically was borderline extortionary uh yeah so so bear that in mind so with that let's open up this system and have a look at it it's so little it's way smaller than i was expecting i mean compared to the obscene size that the alienware box was for example this is actually quite a breath of fresh air i'm excited to get in here [Music] it's the moment of truth let's get in here in standard dell fashion you have just like a big a big cardboard thing with uh with all of your accessories and stuff in it so in this accessory pouch we have uh e-waste peripherals as is as is tradition these do seem like alpha e-waste peripherals though that is some plasticky garbage in there uh we've got a power cable and then the keyboard also just looks like landfill fodder and then in here we have the dell xps with the same awesome packing foam that they use in the alienware system so that's pretty good that's already a letdown i know that it's not a gaming system but does it really have to look like something that an accounting firm uses to do like a mid-tier exile on and here it is in all its glory no if you can somehow manage to get over the animalistic lust that it's that it's looks inspire then actually it's got a really good front io here up here it's got a dvd drive for all of you that still want to get some use out of your friend's box set down here you've got reasonable looking front io this is actually really good you've got three what looks like usb 3 ports and then a 3.1 type c port an sd card slot and a front headphone jack that's really good and then up here you've got this weird like plastic pattern up the front for airflow so you know it's got some intake action going on yo i feel like these dowel xps look lamer and lamer with every generation in terms of the rear i o it looks like every oem pre-built i've pretty much ever seen so you've got a bunch of usb 3 ports a couple of usb2 ports with ethernet you've got some audio jacks with display outs which are not going to use on this system because we've got the 3070 in here i'm really excited to see what variant of the car it's in here and then finally down here we have the power supply which is as confidence inspiring as the soviet era nuclear power plant operator but with that let's open it up and see what it looks like inside this accountant's wet dream we've got some captive thumb screws which that sits quite nice [Music] ah no way okay this is outrageous i specifically expect two eight gig sticks and look what they gave me dell what the i was so excited to get a pre-built that actually had dual channel in it because i had the option to spec it up and look what they did okay now that i've taken a moment to cool my jets from the complete outrage let's have a look at the rest of the interior which actually looks very familiar it reminds me a lot of the interior of the alienware actually you've also got this bracket here over the 3070 which actually looks like a really interesting oem variant we'll have a closer look at that just now and then over here you have the cpu cooler equivalent of like thumbing in a softie over here you've got a hard drive i can't remember what size that is and then finally we have the ssd down here which is so cute look at how little it is oh look at that power delivery and then just like with all dell products they have airflow on the front pretty much just for the marketing material because then they just add so much stuff in the back blocking it that it doesn't really do much but yeah i'm interested to see the temperatures of this system and then finally we have that power supply which is actually 80 plus platinum rated which is quite exciting its output is rated for 500 watts which is not the most worrying part the most worrying part is that it has several 18 amp 12 volt rails which assuming that the 3070 is gonna run off a single one of those rails that's that's not ideal but other than that there's not much to talk about in here so let's get this card out and have a closer look at this 30-70 oh wow the card barely fits on hey that cooler actually looks pretty decent you can see here that it actually like blows through the top of the card as well so the actual pcb is just this long uh i think this may actually be a reference pcb 3070 which means it's one of only three in the world in there there's what looks like four pretty chunky heat pipes and it's a relatively dense fin array so it seems as though dell has learned to upgrade the coolers on their oem cards which is a really good sign because that was a huge issue with most of their products in the past including the alienware ones so with that let's put this bad boy back in the system fire it up and try and somehow get over the disappointment of the single 16 gig stick okay let's fire up this bad boy and see how much pc venereal disease bloatware it comes with dell is usually quite a bit better than acer with that stuff but it usually still has a reasonable amount of venereal disease on it uh there's a bunch of dowel stuff and then excel yeah okay clearly clearly dell knows what people are going to use this system for then there's like a killer control center we've got mcafee which i mean i guess that's kind of the only way mcafee can sell any of their products at this point is by forcing it down people's throat on a on a pre-build down here we've got some power media stuff and yeah again it's it's not too bad now in here we can see it's got a 10-700 which is a pretty good cpu down here we've got this single 16 gig stick of ram and i was so excited to finally get a pre-built that had a proper dual channel ram configuration but nope dell had to take that away from me next up we've got a terabyte normal hard drive and a 512 gig samsung nvme ssd so with that let's see how this system handles games with that beast of a graphics card that it's got [Music] it's always the same damn story with these pre-builts isn't it when you look at the gaming performance it's never nearly as good as you'd expect considering the hardware in the system it's as predictable as the sun setting in the evening and the tides changing over the course of the day at this point in fact i'm sure you can all rehearse it with me what the problems are right so let's say it together kids because the cpu cooler is poo poo garbage it means that the processor doesn't boost very high and that in combination with the single channel memory means that you lose a lot of gaming performance so let's have a look at battlefield 5 running to illustrate this point you can see that the rtx 3070 is boosting to 1920 megahertz which is good and the temperatures aren't bad but the utilization is hovering between 50 and 60 which means that the graphics card is waiting for the cpu to catch up which only boosts to about 3.8 gigahertz which is not great for a 10-700 even a non-k variant and as is always the case one of the reasons why the core frequency isn't boosting that high is because it's running hotter than the earth's mantle and then again that in combination with the single channel means that you lose quite a lot of gaming performance now i redid the battlefield 5 benchmarks at 1440p and we got the exact same result which again shows that the cpu memory configuration is holding the graphics card back even at 1440p which is pretty crazy so if dull actually shipped the system with dual channel like i specifically asked for and they used the cooler that they very proudly show in all of the marketing material the system would have performed quite a lot better than it does at the moment which is a shame because considering the size of dell they have the pick of the litter for like new graphics cards and they're one of the most reliable ways to get your hands on an ampere graphics card which now actually has a decent cooler on it but then they pair it with that thing which is just it's just such a shame yeah it would just be so easy to get this thing to be better but you know at this point i just sound like a broken record so yeah let's finish off the video on that note thank you very much for watching if you like the video please like and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this one and until the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 1,148,413
Rating: 4.8795266 out of 5
Keywords: dell, dell xps, pre built gaming pc, rtx 3070, nvidia, prebuilt, pre-built, intel, 10700, i7, single channel ram, ram, xps, review, tech, pc gaming, dawid does tech stuff, 2021, graphics card
Id: hXmE8wESzFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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