$1500 HP Omen Gaming PC: Another HOT Pre-Built!

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it's time to have a look at another pre-built uh it's been a while since i've had a look at like an oem system this time we're having a look at an hp omen system which is actually highly requested on this channel people often recommend that i check them out however the pictures online of this spec uh do fill me with the same kind of dread as looking at like an acer or a dowel system so um yeah let's let's hope this one goes a bit better [Music] i'm really excited to check out this hp omen because i see them standing around in best buys quite regularly and unless you're looking at like the really expensive versions they're about as confidence inspiring as an enron shareholder meeting and let me show you what i mean if you look at the picture of the system on the back of the box it seems like the case designers have taken their inspiration from a hermetically sealed door but you know let's open it up and see what it looks like in person that is some good foam here we've got the standard e-waste peripherals that's a very standard hp set actually okay this is actually really interesting there's a lot to talk about here now starting off with the front this is the reason why i'm concerned about this case because there's just no ventilation in the front there's nothing in the top or on the side of the case the only front ventilation is this little strip that looks more dense than classic russian literature at least further back in the top there's a bunch of ventilation in terms of front i o we've just got two usb 3 ports a microphone headphone jack a power button and some space to store your cheeto dust and then around the back we have whoa that is a spartan rear i o if i've ever seen one there's like nothing going on here other than that though we have a big internal access button which i can't really help but feel like sounds dirty for some reason below that we have an exhaust fan then we've got the video outs and finally the power supply but with that let's open it up and see what they did in terms of cooling oh that's a nice mechanism i like that that's that's a really good way to handle the side panel on a case and it just lifts off that's awesome good job hp on that one uh i am conflicted about what's going on in here but let's be nice let's start off with the positives first thing dual channel ram holy crap i know it's a small thing but it's exciting every time hp is pretty good with this though even with their lower end systems next up the motherboard seems to be a standard m80x shape not some weird deformed proprietary one which means you could potentially upgrade it in the future if you want or even do a case swap the same thing goes for the power supply which is an atx shape so it means you can replace it at some point in the future and it's an 80 plus bronze 500 watt unit by cooler master interestingly enough yeah that that looks that looks okay the problem starts when you look at the thermal solution in here because uh you've got this like oem intel cooler that looks like it would have been embarrassed to take showers after gym class at school under there we have an i7 11 700 f which is an eight core 16 thread cpu it's just not gonna run cool or quiet we are now in the future and i finished all the testing so i just wanted to quickly take off this cooler to see what kind of mounting mechanism it uses if it's also like welded to the case like you see with dowel systems oh it actually uses hex screws that's interesting [Music] okay so that is actually a back plate that's glued on it actually uses a similar system to the lenovo pc that i tested a while ago uh so that means that you can actually replace the back plate and put whatever cooler you want on it just as long as it fits vertically in the case because it is quite narrow and then in terms of the thermal paste application they do really glob all that crap on there don't they we've got this single fan in the back and then in the front there's like no ventilation although we do have some ventilation in the base of the case however on the top they have this metal plate covering up most of the airflow for some reason this is where they mount the aio on the upgraded versions of the system and this does have a 120 millimeter mount in there so you could throw in an aio after the fact if you wanted to but why did they have to cover it up with a bit of metal it's it is removable though you can see it's got screws so you can't take it out but that's so weird in terms of the graphics card i'm actually not sure what the cooler on that looks like let's quickly take it out and have a closer look wow this graphics card support brackets really stupid why did they run santa cables through the middle of it oh this rtx 3060 has a bit of a wimpy looking cooler on it although there's a reasonable looking fin stack in there with a couple of heat pipes so yeah hopefully this doesn't also run too hot and then other than that the cable management's just not really that great but i'm really curious to see how much vd bloatware the system has on and what kind of gaming temperatures we get so let's close it up fire it up and have a bit of a look around hey it's actually got one of those like bloatware homepage things like the 2003 compact did show off your personality with your pc oh god then there's dropbox down here and an omen gaming hub so this is another bloatware homepage thing but this one has more of a gaming theme to it coaching customized ai based coaching and remote gaming await you on the other side so i guess if your friends bully you for being a noob you should clearly buy an omen okay so it's got some rgb action there's even ads for that like energy drink powder mix stuff when you open up the start bar over here there is quite a lot going on here um expressvpn always seems to show up on these systems for some reason that's quite interesting they're they're clearly really good at negotiating contracts with pre-built companies uh there's a bunch of hp random crap on here on here last pass is on here as well mcafee with a bunch of windows vd as well so in terms of the whole sailor clap bloatware situation the spree build is definitely not great however it's kind of on the lower end of oem prebuilts which is pretty shocking but with that let's see what kind of gaming temperatures we get with that unsatisfyingly tiny cooler okay so we're about 45 minutes into a session of battlefield 5 running at 1080p ultra settings and that graphics card is running much hotter than i'd like it's right up on that 83 degree celsius barrier where nvidia graphics cards start slowing themselves down the boost frequencies do make sense for an rtx 3060 it's not super aggressive but it's it's high enough so yeah that graphics card cooler is actually fairing worse than the cpu cooler which i wasn't expecting although i will say the system's not that noisy it's definitely audible but it doesn't sound like two scramjets having a frantic love cuddle in the way that my cheapest alienware system did so yeah i i guess it's within spec hmm let's try performance mode ooh things things are getting loud quicker okay apparently performance mode makes noise happen the cooling is better now though if anything the performance mode is making the gpu boost less aggressively with the same temperatures that doesn't really make any sense i guess it's just the cpu that's contributing to all that noise in terms of gaming experience the system is fine it's it's perfectly usable i spent a lot of time testing it yesterday and i had like an extended gaming session on it last night where it performed perfectly acceptably uh it does run very hot though it does that really annoying oem prebuilt thing of playing jump rope with all of the components maximum temperature specs but it does so relatively quietly so i do want to be a gary about it but at the same time it is technically within spec although the gary in me is definitely not comfortable with 80 degrees celsius the story definitely changes in terms of productivity use case though if you put a heavy load on the cpu it immediately hits 100 degrees celsius and then slows down a lot so if you want to do productivity with the system i would not get this spec i'd go for one of the 30 liter variants a lot of them come with liquid coolers for the cpu so that'll help a lot although if you already have one of these you can definitely upgrade the cooling solution and another thing that i quickly want to mention in terms of usability with this system is that it's got the worst on-board audio i've heard on a pc in a long time i first tested it using sennheiser pc38xs which are very easy to drive headphones and while volume wasn't really an issue they sounded really thin lifeless and tinny i genuinely didn't know those headphones could sound that bad after that i also tested a pair of biodynamic 770s it's the 80 ohm variants that i used and you have to crank the volume to get like a usable volume out of them and then they also just sound awful so if you have a decent set of headphones i definitely recommend getting like a fuller or something so that you don't have to use the onboard audio of the system because it is kind of shocking now should you buy one of these um it kind of depends on what options you have available to you if you can buy like an si system instead one that's made out of like custom parts i'd recommend that uh depending on which si system but that should be a better bet however in terms of like oem pre-built it's probably not gonna come into your house and unleash the curse of tootin common which comfortably puts it ahead of like an acer or a dowel system but i definitely wouldn't recommend getting this spec try and aim for the 30 liter variant a lot of them come with liquid coolers so i'd specifically look for that because that'll help with the cpu temperatures a lot i'd also avoid the rtx 3060 variant because that cooler can kind of handle the graphics card like it boosts well but it does sit right on that 83 degree celsius barrier where nvidia graphics card starts slowing down so after a year of dust accumulation this bad boy is going to run hotter than erotic fan fiction written by tina so be careful of that the rtx 360 ti variant on the other hand seems to have a better cooler on it so that may be a better bet it's not the best system ever it's definitely got its oem isms like it's bad cable management weird build quality and jump rope playing with overheating but you can definitely do worse than it which brings me to the end of the last video ever filmed from my apartment we actually found a studio space that we're moving into uh it's got a lot of room for pre-built very exciting stuff the next video is actually going to be a moving vlog so that you get to see the spaces in more detail a bit and then finally i just also wanted to say thank you to everybody that's been supporting the channel be it watching subscribing or financially supporting the channel by buying merch or becoming a patreon it really helps offset the cost of buying all of the random crap for videos and the prebuilts and stuff so i really appreciate that and yeah until the next video thank you for watching bye you
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 915,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HP, gaming pc, omen, hp omen gaming, pre built, prebuilt gaming pc, best gaming prebuilt, dawid does tech stuff, 2021, gaming, computer, best buy
Id: K2Lz4dXgx8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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