I Was Warned NOT To Buy This MSI Gaming Pre-Built PC...

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in this box is a pre-built gaming system by nsi a company with a bit of an interesting reputation although in all fairness on paper this does actually seem like a pre-built gaming option that won't give you tetanus however the problems started the moment that we went to go buy this system where the salesperson actually specifically warned us not to buy this pc because apparently most of the ones that they had sold were returned within the first couple of days due to motherboard hierarchy which is um that's never a good sign [Music] wow msi clearly has a massive box design budget and you can tell that it's for gamers because of the dragon check contents if seal is broken i don't know msi i feel like if the salesperson's to be believed you should be more worried if the seal is not broken [Music] first off we've got an instructional leaflet with actually really good information on it so good on you for that one msi and a bag full of accessories over here and here's the mouse that comes with it msi actually seems to come with some pretty decent e-waste peripherals so we'll have a closer look at those just now several people almost died there that was terrifying wow this is actually really well packaged that actually looks like a normal pc that's exciting first impressions are pretty good if a little bit gamer gordy it looks a bit like it was designed to look like something designed by lamborghini on the front we've got actual ventilated mesh with fans behind them on the side we've got some tempered glass with a decent power supply basement and more ventilation on the top finally around the back there's another fan with a fairly standard looking rear i o although that triassic period port is always a bit worrying and i'm not quite sure what power supply they're using here however when you open it up and remove the packing phone there we go oh i don't immediately notice a massive shortcoming in this configuration definitely nothing at all when it comes to the cooler it actually looks like it's got a variation of that terrible oem cooler that they use on most prebuilts uh just with a bunch of plastic crap and rgb glued to it so that's exciting the motherboard looks like something you'd be disappointed to find in a happy meal i'm not really surprised that the salesperson said that this seems to be the heart of the issue with this system under that cooler we have an i510 400f which is like a prebuilt bread and butter cpu and then finally the graphics card is a gtx 1660 super and it's an msi version of the card it looks like it's the arrow card actually now considering the current skullpocalypse this 1660 super is worth more than the rest of the system basically so even if the motherboard does catch on fire we still would have made a profit with this graphics gun and then finally around the back we have some surprisingly impressive cable management here i mean i would have struggled to make it look this clean this is actually a 500 gig ssd which for a sub thousand dollar pre-built is kind of unheard of however when it comes to the power supply this one does have a suspicious lack of information on it i don't know if i had to put money on it i'd say that this is the heart of all of the motherboard hierarchy reaction we have here uh but yeah let's let's put this back together and see if it fires up in blue screens and does all that good stuff now before we switch this puppy on and see what happens i just want to give you a bit more information about the alleged issues with these systems now according to the salesperson most of them get returned within the first couple of days due to regular blue screens of death now he didn't elaborate more on what caused these blue screens of death beyond just a motherboard issue so it'll be interesting to see if we have that problem with this one and then maybe we'll be able to find a solution to it and see what is defective in this design i also checked the reviews of this configuration on newegg and there were people complaining about the blue death so it doesn't seem to be an isolated issue in fact one of them lists the only pro as being an easy return process the main reason that i actually went to go buy this pre-built in the first place was because i was looking for a decent pre-built option and this one seemed to tick more boxes than most although the pricing for the base configuration which is this one on newegg is a thousand two hundred us dollars which is a little bit steep however in canada you can buy this configuration for a thousand two hundred canadian dollars which is better and it leaves you room to like fix ram configuration issues and stuff like that now considering the fact that it was again specifically warned against the system i feel like the splosion cam is again very necessary but with that let's let's see what happens pro series we've got some rgb fans in the front now considering the fact that we just had to go through the windows setting up process that's a pretty good sign it means that we may have no msi venereal disease on here which which which will be pretty cool oh never mind we have some dragon action going on here and they actually pre-installed geforce experience which is which is good i mean it means it'll keep the drivers up to date as like a default thing but other than that it seems like we don't have any venereal bloatware on here so wow props to you msi that's that's real good [Music] [Music] so we managed to do some gaming benchmarks on the system which actually weren't that impressive but we all know the reason for that don't we kids one thing that did really impress me about the performance on this system though were the temperatures look at that we're sitting in the mid 50s that is with the low ambient temperature but it shows you what good airflow can do it can really help out a cpu cooler with sickle cell anemia when it comes to the blue death problem well it seems like we may have gotten it with this one over the three to four hour testing period i got two blue screens of death which is two more than i usually get now the blue screens gave this error code which could mean a bunch of things but it seems to relate to either memory or storage issues the first thing that i did to try and fix these problems was update the motherboard bios which immediately made the problem significantly worse we got two blue screens of death over the course of like 20 minutes at this point i went back onto newegg looking at the reviews where people complained about the blue screening issues and one of them mentioned that when they replaced the ssd on the system it fixed the problem they hadn't had any crashing since so i went back to the system replaced the adata su-750 ssd with a seagate barracuda one and lo and behold it hasn't blue screened since i spent about two and a half hours using slash gaming on the system last night and this morning i ran a hour and 20 minute long ida 64 stint which didn't cause any blue screens or any crashes or anything like that which is a bit weird it seems like the problem is a disagreement between this adata su-750 drive and that msi motherboard i'm not sure maybe the msi motherboard cheated on this ssd with its step sibling or something it could also be that the windows installed that they're using is problematic but if you do have one of these pcs that you're having blue screens of death issues with upgrading the ssd may be a solution i'll keep using it over the next couple of months to see if the issue shows up and then i'll pin a comment letting you know if it does let me know in the comment section down below if you have one of these systems that has these problems i'd be really interested to hear about that and then finally in terms of what msi is doing to address this problem i don't actually know i mean according to the salesperson it doesn't seem like they're doing anything so maybe they're just kind of pretending like there's no issue and hoping it'll go away or they haven't noticed that a bunch of these have been returned with issues yeah i'm not sure what's going on there but that brings me to the end of the video so thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed the video like and subscribe to the channel if you want more david content i stream on twitch every saturday and every second wednesday if you can't make the stream i do have a twitch vod channel that'll all have linked down in the description below and until the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 987,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pre-built, gaming pc, pc gaming, msi, msi codex r gaming PC, codex r, computer, warned, not to buy, gaming, dawid does tech stuff, tech, 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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