Deligracy Plays Sims LIVE - Building a generations home

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foreign foreign [Music] foreign where is Delhi here I am hi everyone can you guys hear the game music okay um I think it's probably a nice quiet amount but let me know hi oh my God James turn is oh my goodness uh welcome to this dream everyone good to see you I have snacks we've got chocolate little protein bar situation and then not only do we have a teacup it's more like a coffee cup we have a nice big pot of tea which means we will be taking a toilet break hey from Indonesia hello Guten Morgen or oh wait no what am I talking about I'm talking German not Indonesia they're not even similar um upper kebab bike surgery you would have been like um I think you got that wrong what kind of tea well I found a new tea that I really like it's certified organic so right up my alley and it's called koala tea it's really nice it's like meant to be old and then they're legit organic and all of that it's almost bedtime for me oh actually where are you guys from today how many Australians do we have how many Americans a few Indonesian fur Kia Canada nice Quality quality low yeah Quality quality Thailand America whoa England James is from Australia really me too fancy that uh Bowser is here he is Australian I think his ancestors are from China and Mongolia Florida Norway Juju magumbo thanks for helping out today hopefully chat is very well behaved usually you guys are really well today I thought we would do a little bit of Sims I thought we would work on a build that would eventually go into a video on the channel so I thought we could do like a H like a build for every age for the update so we would include infants so we'd have to have baby infants toddler child teen young adult adults I mean can we just group adults together or do you think we have to do young adult adult and Elder I just yeah I don't know if we need to separate the two and I think James is going to be filming soon so you might hear him yelling in the background but don't worry he's fine we're used to it here like a generational home yeah a generational home I kind of did it in a video recently but not to the extent that I want to try it today and then halfway through the stream we're gonna then switch to Dreamlight Valley I was playing it yesterday just by myself and not filming or anything and I just I had a really good time I played it for like three or four hours so yeah I haven't played it properly since before its release so I'm really excited to do that as well with you guys um I'm doing some build work first and then you need lunch so you have time oh okay hey hon I can't stop making new Sims 4 games because I'm excited for the pack yeah I feel like a lot of us are like busy building infant stuff and um we don't have all the objects yet group adult and then separate Elder that's what I'm thinking Kells Bells when will you get early access to Growing together um I can't say I can't say I'm not even sure if we're allowed to say we get Early Access so I don't know what is Early Access I do not I have no idea about these things hi from Colorado hello Disney dream light Valley is so addictive yeah so Disney Dreamlight Valley is like Disney meets life simulator it's kind of got elements of Animal Crossing in it like I feel like it's closest to Animal Crossing probably if you want to compare it to another game if so we get Early Access on Twitter so that's okay okay well yes we do get Early Access but we can't say when I don't think um Frost said Kayla got it Monday the 13th at 10 A.M Pacific time that's all I'm saying but um I will be releasing because I think most of you guys know but some of you won't know I actually did three Builds on the new pack so if you do get growing together three of my builds will already be in the new world of San Sequoia um so far you guys know I've built the library because that was shown on the Sims live stream and I'll have three separate build videos coming out basically showing the whole process of doing these builds and because we start when the expansion packs still being developed you might have watched my snowy escape videos when I did the same thing or James's werewolves videos where he built lots for The Sims 4 werewolves um you kind of get to see early developments of the expansion pack too like not all of the items are in the game yet and the world around looks really blank and then I just think it's really interesting yeah you ordered it today awesome cool well let's um Sims so if we we are going to bring bully be building a generational house today what world should we build in I feel like let's not do Sammy Chino or vampires just because this is really dark and scary just not the family friendly Vibe for me unless you unless you're playing vampires which is fine I would actually love to get a lighting mod that like brightens up forgotten Hollow that would be cool Willow Creek is an absolute classic windenburg is very nice very nice brindleton Bay we love copperdale I haven't done all that much in copperdale I mean it could be good because it's right near the high school I'm seeing like brendelton winsenberg copperdale tatosa hand fit on Bagley look at copperdale what what we could build on this lot like what's a good size 30 by 30 is pretty good 20 by 15. I feel like the music is too loud for me I don't know what it's like for you guys though is Deli's camera blurred for anyone else my camera is I need to redo the focus settings because it's been blurring a lot lately music is good on stream me thank you um you love the ferris wheel in copperdale yeah it's nice well I like the Suburban look so maybe we go with either the 20 by 15 lot or we could do the 30 by 30 lot and bulldoze hmm 20 by 15 might be a little bit small well let's have a look let's get rid of these guys sorry everyone tossed love doing that I get such like a thrill out of it isn't that awful does anyone else just love when that happens what is wrong with me oh yeah yeah I think copperdale I'm feeling this this suburban area for sure so we could build a little family home here like I'm thinking we have a lot of life stages to cover I don't want to just squish them all in but then I don't want this to be a match in Ava like it needs to be somewhat affordable yikes I know I'm sorry but it feels so good and look Katy B loves it Beth loves it evicted ah it's such a great feeling all right and I'm thinking of doing a Suburban house that's we could either go just like full-blown Suburban or we could go just a hint of hint of like modern Suburban very movie type of house you know that perfect family home you would see in a movie so American I still love seeing toss thus we still say it all the time Juju we love it as well okay I'm also going to start recording a video at the same time and we're not going to be like keeping the voice over because I'm interacting with you guys but I am recording the footage and if something really bad happens and the computer like shuts down because it's too much for the PC don't worry I'll be back I just haven't tried this yet so everyone hold your breath will the stream die okay I'm recording I think it's okay okay we're good we're good oh thanks Timothy it's such a nice day in Mornington today I love Mornington it's actually a really nice day here in Sydney too all right so let's maybe go we want to do kind of traditional this is a lot too small it's Lots pretty small uh I think I think I want to swap Lots I think I want to swap SRC worm thank you so much for the five dollar donation I've been wondering if you're if you're thinking of doing an LP like the one you did years ago I can't remember the name but it was like Desperate Housewives and full of drama so I am doing a let's play for growing together finally and it's gonna be more like family gameplay yeah okay we're building on this lot dust I loved the cobs we've had so many great families um but yeah so it'll be like family gameplay because it's gonna be like focusing and reacting to what the game gives us because there's so much like ah there's there's so many prompts in this park it looks like also how sad is it that the lot cuts off in here and this like I feel like they should have got rid of those or put paths around it okay so we can do maybe we do like an entrance to the side hmm S I like this then maybe here we have a little patio area we'll rise it up just a little bit yeah so maybe go around here and step up onto the deck here could have like a little moments over here yeah I just want to see kind of where the game takes us if that makes sense I have another little bit coming out here I think what we'll do because sometimes we focus on the interior before the exterior I feel like today we're gonna focus on the exterior and the interior at the same time and hope it kind of works out so in a classic family home would you have just like an entrance room or are we gonna have maybe we do like an entrance room with a staircase going up I like that idea okay let's do I'm just gonna put a basic one here I'm gonna go straight up like that or do we want to do it just to the side hmm also you guys I have absolutely no plan whatsoever for this bills okay I think we can move this in a bit don't want to go too big or else we'll be here for days um I'm so happy alive thanks Mrs B I'll never learn with these lot edges I don't understand why Charles oh my gosh thank you so much for the um donation my wife and I love you oh thanks Charles it always really warms my heart when you guys say you watch like with Partners or family or friends that's that's just so nice Okay so we've got that I think let's start with this width of a house and then we can always add you know onto the sides if need be but I like where we're going with this I could extend this back just a touch this could be a great little bathroom space between the staircase and then this could actually go straight Outdoors you know it could be a little uh outdoor area then we put double front French door um you know the other thing I'd love to do as much as I appreciate vampires I really wish we could maybe take out this the Vampire soundtrack from the game there must be a way to do that I don't know how spicy fairy thanks so much for your donation I'm so excited for a new let's play yay does Bowser like to cuddle or is he more independent definitely more independent um he is not a cuddler which is so sad because he's so fairy you know he looks like he'd love cuddles because he looks so cuddly bit in her he's yeah not a cuddler maybe we need a bigger deck all right let's maybe leave that for now so so far we have the idea for steps going up the side here and of course all the steps and furniture that we put in to begin with can change like figuring it out yeiling welcome to the pancakes welcome welcome hope you enjoy those uh members videos we'll have some kind of door here should probably be different to the front door um yeah if you guys want to become a member there's a backlog of videos you can watch from behind the scenes of like from how I make videos to like members shell challenges that we've done together um I've done a little bit of behind the scenes planning of the new let's play we've made the characters for the let's play almost we've finished them it's a little bit inspired by Meet the Fockers or Meet the Parents like in-laws that are complete opposites yes I think this will look good the only thing is the bathroom will have to be accessed from this set so we may need to actually bring that forward so we can get to the bathroom from here as well which actually probably make the back end of the house look better do you think members vids are awesome I think from what I've heard you guys that are members are really happy with the videos so I'm stoked with that because I've never done this before and I was like oh am I am I giving you guys the type of content you want so I'm really glad to hear that happy two months Julia thank you so much and Han thank you so much for the donation your videos got me through college now getting me through work I'll love all the hard work you do you know what's crazy because we've been on YouTube for like nine eight or nine years now is that right I but we've been on YouTube for a while okay they're saying our first rodeo and now I'm starting to get feedback that like viewers grew up with me and like through their high school and stuff and through school and I'm like whoa that's crazy we have such a good fam Nicole Welcome to the pancakes and Michelle thank you welcome for being a judo's World Superstar holy duly hey Amy oh awesome Robin welcome to a live stream I literally graduated high school with you this is so surreal ten years we need to do like a 10-year celebration don't we hence the nice how you doing okay let's play a game do you guys remember the first video you saw on my channel um and also if it's only recently that you started watching I love hearing that too so don't feel bad if you haven't watched for very long this sticky note fridge was epic Good times yes James it seems like you never aged what the hell well actually no we shouldn't like I shouldn't be like yes to not aging because we should be like aging is a good thing but we're brought up in society where it's seen as a bad thing also I'm totally sidetracked here okay now so we've got this entrance we got this I want to do corridors how do we feel about Carlos don't usually do car dogs you know goes to do a corridor Corridor and directly blocks it off so she wants to do cardinals but she does thinking about this we should build from the exterior that's what we should do okay let me see First videos club with James Parenthood let's play Barbie Early Access cottage living the boat house from The Sims 3 Elizabeth crazy twins twins LP was twins LP was like the best let's play I think in my mind that was a good let's play okay uh death said a dinner party was my first video that's the video you were like hey I should check out this this person the death video really oh Lord that's funny Sims 3 days when you were playing on the iMac oh Juju the iMac days but I'm acted so well I was so sad when I had to switch to PC because I was such a Max girl like early on before Max were cool I I loved my MacBook foreign just to make it easier to roof this and then we'll we'll put it in the stairs again ours is starting to snore uh welcome Ella Paul to the to the pancakes welcome welcome oh did you guys see the new life simulation um game that's been announced that I'm very excited about it gets called Life by you someone said grandparent basement Suite I second this spicy fairy thanks for the donation interesting I feel bad putting them in the basement though like I guess they would obviously have Windows we could do like a cut out but then they've got to get down the stairs so I feel like ground level might be better but you could put like a teenager in the basement foreign welcome Glen did a 10 out of 10 review on it oh has he made it oh yeah actually I did see that he did like a video on it I might do a breakdown video of the little teaser it's not very long though so not sure if we can get a full video out of it honey this front part of the house isn't looking quite quiet I'm gonna have to work on that anyway so we're gonna have this basic shape that that's to we could maybe do a big roof across like this and then that kind of goes like that and whoa no way we're starting to look like this is my first build I've ever done now we could put a balcony out here what did the name deligracy come from um when I was 10 at school we had to write a creative story so I wrote a book or a little short story about a magical girl called delicacy and I made up her name from just flipping through a dictionary to random pages and then putting syllables together until they sounded like kind of cool that was how delicacy came about I noticed as a musician using the name deligracy now on YouTube but the channel came after mine was really established so I was kind of like can you pick a different name like I know everyone thinks of different I know lots of people can think of the same thing but I was like there was already a Channel with like half a million subscribers come on that's always a little frustrating I think that was a deligracy similar account to Roblox on it was a Roblox it was ages ago but they were called deligracy um but they came around about the same time as me so we probably just thought of the same name I think but it is original [Music] house looks really big yeah it's not really coming together how I wanted it to be [Music] it's kind of like this side is looking really clunky maybe it needs to be like less upstairs maybe I need a little reference image sometimes it's good to just get a little Google search going oh yeah okay now I'm looking at other houses I'm like yeah I was building a mansion just now welcome foxy lips welcome welcome you start watching a random Build Challenge and then you followed the clubs nice Miller did you secretly want to play Roblox um no look no no I was I was thinking for a moment well one day I play Roblox I don't think I will it's just not it's just not a deli game I don't think do you guys like furbox the problem that I have when I look up houses on Google is a lot of them have garages so you're like I can kind of create a similar shape but that garage isn't gonna work and so I'm always like thinking how do I delete the garage Never Say Never true true you played it in Middle School bad bay window yeah bay window could be nice I'm a bit out of practice building life usually I just sit in silence figuring like I just sit here and I'm like hmm I guess you guys don't mind silence Deli concentration face let's put that in the chat fun babe oh my gosh hello oh how are you going I am so your pregnancy picture on Instagram today and it's stunning so beautiful do you have any tips to get better in building um tips research existing builds definitely a good tip um try irregular shapes so don't go for the Box necessarily maybe even try a diagonal wall although that that is a bit scary yeah if you guys I don't actually know how to do a shout out on YouTube or even if you can but check out funbabe's channel although it's not in English but I still watch it I like put I put on subtitles and watch giving birth anytime soon oh my Lord that's crazy well best of luck I hope it's a really quick and smooth um delivery and are you like I want the baby out or are you like I don't want it to end ah thanks Katrina yeah Bowser's behind me thank you so much for your donation look up next Generation herbs all right I'm sorry I'm getting sidetracked y'all I'm just not finding what I want to build we're gonna Builders tossed it's all gone I'm sorry if you guys liked the start of that build but tossed okay it just wasn't looking like basic enough it's getting too big welcome to the pancakes Grace welcome both mixed feelings I feel like once the babies arrived she'll be like okay yeah I was ready for this but before then it's probably like uh I don't know if I want it to come out because then it's kind of scary I can't believe I caught a deli live stream welcome welcome welcome just gonna do another tip for helping you guys with builds is to do like a a nice exterior and then do the floor plan because I feel like once you have a nice exterior growing then you can change it to make it look even better foreign so that's kind of what we're doing here a basement would be cool I'm like thinking about that basement still we can do something like this now it's looking a little a little smaller because it's like we said it's still gonna be kind of affordable looking you and James renovating in Melbourne I wish we were renovating in Melbourne but not in this economy or we renovating not in this economy if interest rates went going up so much then I could have put savings towards a new kitchen but we're gonna have our our kitchen full of cacta for a bit longer with the Obi-Wan cleanerby foreign what style of her I think we're gonna go with um Suburban with a modern twist like just a little bit of a modern vibe I know a lot of folks are really over the um modern Farmhouse so I was thinking maybe we won't do too much of that although I like the modern Farmhouse I wish it people weren't getting sick of it I think it's mostly in the U the US it's becoming at least that's what I've heard from you guys there's too much of it in the US now is that right tiny house in the backyard for grandparents oh that's cute yeah we could do just like a simple granny flat well no I don't like this I do not like this at all wait what happened here did I oh yeah that's what I wanted to do definitely overdone in Suburban USA there's not that many of them in Australia I'd love to know which Lots you did in growing together um I don't think I meant to say it I can say that I did the library because I was in the live stream oh wait no I can't say I did one Community lot and two Like Houses maybe do a little balcony up here should this cross in a little bit oh that's where the other roof went I was like I swear I put another roof here sneaky thing all right this is looking this is looking better and it's still pretty big maybe we should like cramp it in a little bit more hey hey good to see you thank you so much for the donation too how's it going I think they built one of their houses you did on Twitter I cannot keep up with the Twitter posts I'm like I don't know what's been sure and what hasn't I mean I'm not mad about it because I'm excited that their sharing will but I don't even know or instead of a balcony we could just do a roof kind of coming in like this yeah one of these little bad boys maybe like a little box here flower box uh Julia thank you so much for the five dollar donation appreciate that yeah the modern farmhouse in early 2000s Hampton interior is on its last leg okay what do you think is going to take over the next well I feel like I feel like architecture and and trends in different countries it often very different to Australia well it really differs all around the world um because like for example Zac Efron was filming in Australia recently and they were filming on a street that needed to look like America without filming in Australia so there is one house on this Suburban Street that and the house like sticks out like a sore thumb because it's American so in Australia the houses don't look like American houses so we don't really have the same Trends does that make sense that was good for shooting the film that's what I heard welcome to the pancakes band finally made a live stream yay 90s fashion is back so maybe 90s homes 90s homes were very um very heavy on the wallpaper paper do it what would we say but also early 2000s had like the curved roofs and the beach look in Australia so maybe um oh I mean look the biggest thing that's come back at the moment is mid-century so maybe that'll continue I think more mid-century curves like 60s 70s is coming back spicy fairy thanks for the two dollars what do you guys think are the wallpaper yeah lots of wallpapers in the 90s and the 80s I can't see that coming back anytime soon I know what do you guys think mid-sen entry for sure cozy thank you so much for the Judith Ward Superstar Our member welcome hope you enjoy the videos and your name in the credits the videos as well um I'll update that after today's Stream So if you are in the top two tiers and memberships your name will go in the list at the end of videos it just takes me a little bit of time to export the name list and then put it into editing and into the list at the end of every video so it usually takes one or two weeks before it appears but I'll do that tonight that's too modern for our house I'm gonna get like the nice Midway kind of modern look can you guys hear Bowser snoring go for it there we go he tends to stop when I stop this actually could be a cute door I like the color of it it's not quite right or we could just do this one Julia thank you so much all the brown yeah 90s Brown definitely 60s and 70s a lot of 80s Trends well in Australia there's a lot of 80s oh I hate terracotta color green everywhere yeah uh oh what was I gonna say oh yeah in Australia a lot of the 80s brick homes have been renovated but they still have that 80s brick look to them and that's really cool like I feel like that's become really cool again and who would have thought that would ever come back still really stuck with this front door situation yay spicy fairy upgrade modern farm houses do you guys watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills dorit's house that's like hardcore modern Farmhouse look in Beverly Hills I like it I think that needs to be brought in oh I know what we can do here and this can be brought out in a little a little extra detail it's a little thin Maybe I feel like these suburban homes you just keep adding wools upon walls upon walls of details layers or we could even just hmm stick it out a smidge right there yes this is now looking like it what do you guys think we're getting somewhere it's almost like we need a pitch here or here we need more pictures oh what about like a dorm although that might ruin the modern thing do we need a pitch here I used to be obsessed with Lisa's house but I prefer there is it's too big but I like the general Vibe and look I like it dorm is maybe yeah can you do modern dormas I guess you can do anything this be on both sides oh Lord that does not look good maybe this then they should all be kind of the same angle this could have more overhang maybe this makes smaller [Music] chimney on the right [Music] this is looking a little long isn't it oh maybe maybe we can expand this again maybe this needs like a mini room coming off of it like that that this is gonna be a rough Speed Build you're multitasking you're watching this and a TV show wait what how do you watch two shows at once is that even humanly possible to to do that oh yes this is better isn't it the moon's cool tonight the front roof on the left has two roof pieces in it oh it does too I think I had an idea oh bouncies I'm gonna let you guys enjoy the smells okay I went too far there's a point where where there's too much a happy accident maybe a sunroom out the back yeah we could do that there's something that's just not looking even about it it's like flowing around here isn't quite maybe it's because this should line up with this corner no maybe it's just because we need to put wallpaper in and then it will fix itself um 500 500 infants challenge confirmed oh boy I don't know I mean I know there's going to be a lot of people doing that and I'm excited for it I don't know if we're ready this channel is not known for looking after the Sims problem is the problem is this doesn't align with this like this needs to be centered yes this needs to have a piece this is what we're doing that's it that's it first and then we can move this out again use something needed to be done this is gonna be a beautiful home for the whole family that looks great the snow yeah [Music] okay let's put a um let's put a Little Love in the chat oh I need a cup of tea you love that better you think right you think it's coming together guys look at this what happened here though so this is you know when we go a little bit more Suburban style this isn't my strength so I do really have to think about it to make it work it seems like it needs to be further out to cover the whole balcony so maybe we just make a bigger piece at the front bring in this side oh damn I don't think this is gonna work unless everything else comes out so let's try that and then you guys then we have to do the floor plan and that's going to be that's going to be very interesting okay kind of like that too let's put some pillows in that looks good A little Tikka hey how's it going good to see you we are trying to build more of a Suburban looking house getting there okay I think we're pretty much done with the exterior but like where should the letterbox go I need a letterbox um let's just try this one's my favorite it's very cute put that there actually no let's put it I have this thing I really like letterboxes on their side at the front it's like a new thing I do I don't know why I see these little details in other people's builds I'm like I'm obsessed zest placement maybe put a flower at the front you know I love that we're putting in the plants before anything else couple of rose bushes fun fact fun fact I'm not actually someone who likes roses I mean they're nice I think they're beautiful but I would rather not receive a rose if if any of you guys were planning on sending me one just so you know time for more iced tea yeah we needed we need a little tea break tea time um cut my pots of tea here quality would anyone like someone would you like some tea Beth would you like tea Alex spicy fairy Gabrielle oh God that just really made me need to pee I love this tea Teapot by the way it's a classy and yes I know Bells what flower do you like then I like a lot of Australian Natives and frangipanies I like sunflowers I like I like lots of things cheers everyone cheers back to it deli's tea party as a tea party stream I used to have a little bit of coverage back here but actually we could little can I always put that there no no no we use one of the um in-game things like the in-game canopies no we're better off building it I don't care for roses my faves are daisies sunflowers and wildflowers yeah well I guess what happened here oh because the back is different I see I see I see I see and items like foreign flowers because they're in the wild guess wildflowers yes we love um when do I do an early access video I think it started to I think the date's been shared but I'll I'll share it after the stream I just want to double check I'm allowed to tell you guys I mean it should be fine soon soon but I don't have very long to make videos so luckily I've already got the builds from working on the pack to show you guys know what kind of video to do like just looking at them yeah we can just do this nice little canopy area okay now let's start putting some windows in and we want to give it like a little bit of a modern look we are going down a little bit of a modern Farmhouse Vibe I think unintentionally California poppies hmm release is a week away yeah there's not there's not that much Early Access time this time around it really changes because it depends on like I don't know whatever things EA or Max's has to plan before they can give Early Access so it changes from pack to pack um quite a bit I've done the same thing over here what is this is uh do you guys have voices like human voices for your pets Bowser's is what is this is uh he adds plural to everything what the heck is this is everyone does that right right I'm not the only one right small bond in the back well we don't want to go like I want to lean more Suburban than Farmhouse so Bond would be very cool but we want to keep this a little bit more Suburban I think I like the idea there my cat is a distinguished old lady I love you should add a greenhouse we should have a greenhouse we should we should have a sun room at least actually let's go with the classic fave my pop has a voice for we have a voice for my pop and she knows when we speak in her voice this is the best I think for making canopies because it's just like got that irregular shape and you twist it around or rotate it it just it looks so good so this is what I always use but if you want like a more simple manicured canopy you can use these like Square pieces and that looks really good too can we add a bit of trim here too to make it match our columns a little bit better all the difference gorgeous okay well I'm loving a blue half is it gonna be blue I don't know if I want this there we need to save oh my God I could imagine I was losing this my cat wakes me up so he can go back to sleep he likes when others are awake so he can sleep peacefully that's a cat thing gosh you're so funny I love animals so much I don't know about the chimney I don't mind it slightly darker roof her hi Madeline Diaries of Sarika it scares me when people say Madeline because that's what my family would say if I got in trouble it'd be like Madeline instead of Maddie like Madeline and I would be like do you have a Discord server I used to have a Discord server but I don't anymore just because I didn't have time to run it um and look after it it's just yeah just became a little much I I mean I had help with the last one but and they had to go a bit complicated okay let's start doing windows so what I was thinking just inner keep an open mind what if we did this kind of thing too much I mean Joe thank you so much for becoming a pancakes member welcome I hope you enjoy um all of the videos you can watch now the members vids hope you like the new let's play family we've been playing planning as well have I ever lost a big build yes I've lost very big builds I've learned over and over again to save and I still forget sometimes do you feel the same way with the Legacy versus Delhi no no I don't feel like delicacy is uh it's a scary word it's not like Madeline because I don't get in trouble with the Legacy too much no do it I love it we're a little bit like half half on this well it's very modern it is very modern I I know it was a shock I understand it's a shock for some of you guys these windows give like a bit of a modern Vibe without being as as big but I just want this to be like nice family home maybe the family put together money to get like a house to all live in that's quite common in a lot of different um cultures you know you live with your family a lot of you guys probably do if only these borders were just little bit thinner I feel like it would work of these windows it stresses me out when it comes up with this warning and I'm like oh no although those do look really good maybe we should just use those High School windows or we have the classics or we have the curves although I'm not as big on those how long will I be live today I thought maybe another two hours because I also want to swap games to Disney dream light Valley and play that for a little while to like a three hour stream I'm a little ahead on videos so today I can kind of just chill with you guys yeah the tarians I was just thinking about that snow Escape Square Windows like that there's something about the square windows that is is working no idea what wallpaper we should do I like it a lot oh that sounded so creepy I don't like it a lot but I guess we can also use the other story Escape windows yeah this is good this is like a little less intense than the other ones you love big Windows it makes your heart so full I love a big window too it'd be nice to have like a big sliding door here what if James is still watching you lurking um James fauna plays oh it's in a good way okay no vitamin D deficiency in this house are we using CC today no CC today because I just want this to be downloaded really easily brick front with siding he's always watching terracotta how you doing jumps if we spam its face you'll see germs probably like ah busy eating my lunch we love jobs it's really funny recently there's been a couple of comments with people like James treats you sir badly and I'm like what where did this come from James treats me like a queen oh bra is that Bowser it is I don't think James is here desert Lux open door oh that's a nice idea the only thing with the desert locks Open Door sometimes in Winter and it's snowing I'm like I don't really want the door open I wish there's a closed version too but then I guess they would have to you know animate it and I guess that's a whole other thing James treats me like a goddess he does I think the hardest thing is going to be picking the front door for this house I oh God I don't know what the front door is going to be um tea time watching from Spain I would love to go to Spain I think the next place is anyone from New Zealand in the chat I really don't go to New Zealand I just don't know when to go I know New Zealand's been through a lot lately base game white double door like this one or just like the closed one this could work this uh this is from eco like in the black French door French door could be nice I'm from New Zealand yeah when when do you go to New Zealand lots of love for New Zealand spring is really pretty how many of you guys didn't know that this blue color is meant to be glass and that's why every Swatch is blue I thought the door was painted blue yes spring spring okay I feel like September and then I don't know where to go in New Zealand but I'm like I should go to New Zealand it's so close they're like our siblings I thought it was painted blue what I know I know I know crazy it's supposed to be gloss I was shocked when I heard because why why would every Swatch be blue [Laughter] all right let's maybe work on the wallpaper because I'm still struggling with that front door so you guys know I love these high school bricks but they're a lot they are a very specific look at it still is the best lighting Mandy thank you so much for becoming a member welcome to the pancakes foreign cats and dogs panels okay and torta thank you so much for the two months welcome to the Judith Ward Superstar hello fancy hope you enjoy having your uh name in the credits on every video oh it's just Legacy sending a heart I'm not sure if she knows I'm live we always have the classic base game brick that's always a good time the other one that I quite like is the funny Stone it's like a funny this one the accent Stone cool oh he's in a deep sleep now there's something that I do like about this one it is kind of fuddy-duddy oh my God I don't know I don't know it's so hard to choose the high school Brick was the right call this one is it friendly enough then how like maybe this color bows of snoring sounds like construction work really construction work maybe that's how it comes through the speakers also um these columns and this fencing is not what we're gonna go with me just take away the fencing for now because that's gonna that's gonna change Doc Brown Maybe you can do this kind of a thing I swear the vampire music plays all the time as well so some of you guys suggested this like cats and dogs so vertical sliding don't don't don't you thought James was snoring imagine if James was just like yeah I'm just gonna go to sleep next to you while you live streaming I do not know how people sleep while live streaming you know how some people do that they're like sleeping stream because I would be worried I would like fart in my sleep or pick my nerves or something and it would turn into a viral stream moment not that I do that but I'm just saying if I did he thought James was clearing his throat over and over again a little bit of Chucky if you're sad you should have chocolate because it makes you feel happy I don't know if it's scientifically proven but that's what my mom says and I'm not sad right now I'm I'm just enjoying chocolate you could also do like uh I usually never film doing wallpaper on the exterior of the house until I know what I'm gonna pick because I take 10 years to pick up so I just don't film it chocolate soothes are hot it is scientifically proven oh cool does it have to be dark chocolate well this is a lot of brick whoa I mean that is pretty nice what are we thinking I need your feedback because I want to post a house and everyone be like oh my God I think it's a stronger effect of dark chocolate I feel like there's something to do with dark chocolate Peru here does not like chocolate because that I can't get my head around looks great so you think just the white I mean sometimes it's nice to just go pretty plain colors [Music] um because you know otherwise we have other options there's always you know the horizontal sliding that that's a spider is it sliding or siding siding it's it's exciting have I been calling it sliding for like the last 10 years I have maybe at times it's giving it's giving sass Mercedes I I kind of like the horizontal ones more what do you guys think no vertical looks great you like the vertical you don't like any sweets good blood yes you've been calling siding sliding this whole time are you serious I think I've just never known it just seems seems like easy to read siding as sliding because you can sometimes see Like An Li even though it's just an eye so let's just never mention this again I'll go oh we can always dim it a bit with like this that looks sad though I know I look sad maybe a third color oh you think a third color um interesting interesting bad depends on whether you want a rennered Suburban or a modern Farmhouse so if we do vertical as that modern farmhouse Deli it looks amazing yay I just thought I'd make you guys Happy we can also do like these bricks we can also do like black bricks no no no no no no I love the base game brick okay we're just we're just gonna quickly check on a couple of other options I love this brick but yeah modern farmhouse direction for sure yes those bricks which bricks I've already gone past I think there's like a couple of second delay on the stream getting to you guys the gray bricks the gray brick what gray bricks I picked there's also like let's go 70s there's also like let's go modern let's be modern kids so many bricks I know I feel like maybe we're going too deep now like there's a point where you work on one thing for so long you can no longer see what works it's like when you're trying perfumes you try a few and then there's a point where you've tried so many that you can't actually smell the difference anymore it happens visually High School bricks let's go back to the high school bricks we we seem to kind of agree on those oh this is the gray brick she liked yeah quite nice okay and then we had the vertical panel idea I think I'm gonna go the side I'm sorry to you guys who really likes the vertical it does look nice but I'm scared of The Farmhouse I really am people have made such a point of it in my comments I'm like I can't do it now oh kind of leaning towards 80s bricks I feel just a touch okay and then there was this idea of having a third color like we could just do a feature black like a brown to match the brick foreign okay now we've got to go back to the door too and we've gotta choose Paving [Music] yeah maybe you like the black feature hmm don't mind it don't end it all right so at the end of the day the door we are going to pick is not this one because that doesn't work pop of color dot proper color door could work the question is do we have a pop of color door that actually looks good in The Sims 4. I actually think the door has to be white feel that green got famous store that's a little bit too mid-century Maybe oh Farmhouse territory does work but it's maybe in Black it would work it definitely looks kind of renovated when you go for that one or the this is kind of controversial okay brace yourself for this because it might get a little crazy black and white Eco door black and white Eco door black on my link which is this sorcery this one a cut crease oh cut crease that's when you do eye shadow people like I'm gonna do a cup race that one yeah we were kind of looking at this at the very start weren't we base game modern you know base game modern can't go wrong okay what was I doing oh yeah brace yourself what if downstairs Wall height went up I know it's a lot to take in whoa the winged eyeliner the winged eyeliner door because then we open up our door selection to this one whoa I know Rebel gasps [Laughter] because then we could do this or like a whole heap of different doors just saying it's a lot though or this in black and white if there is black and white oh that's black and gray there's no black and white though there's black and red daily you're live I'm live you're not sure I'm not sure either I'm stressed no no I'm sorry I can't it's going back it got too big it was too big for our little family home that's actually a mansion inside probably okay well why don't we just go you modern your classic face game door the old trusty that everyone knows and loves well would weaker the spa to say we love we could go this one or we can just go this one oh my God no not the not the glass all reliable no I liked the high wallet [Music] the black and gloss was great okay now for a second I've got to imagine you guys aren't here to know what I want okay so if you guys could just be quiet for a second shh I wanna talk is impossible to stop the chat and then she stopped the chat in the settings you guys are all that kid in class who when the teacher said you have to be quiet was the one making sounds and giggling [Laughter] where's the roof mismatched oh there we go thank you um do you think this white trim should be black as well that's the other thing we gotta think about what do you guys think do you prefer the black or close your eyes do you prefer the white open your eyes close your eyes or do you like the black open your eyes was anyone opening and closing them definitely black I think the black two did you guys close your eyes then did anyone close your eyes I wouldn't have closed my eyes when people say like close your eyes I'm always the one with a little eye open cool I think most of us like the black all right and I think I do like this door I think actually what I've realized is we need more doors in the game like we need we need more I'm ready for an expansion pack I'm so ready it's time it's time um you're all nuts I close my eyes oh good it's very nice okay so now we just gotta pick some Randy when he's just joined yes that's the dog snoring not James still I think that's so funny sometimes people think it's James taking a nap I wish I I was the plan was um in Melbourne to do a kitchen renovation but because I assume this is happening like across the world uh not just in Australia but because mortgage interest rates are going up so much um we have to just use that money to put towards mortgage so no renovation unfortunately but that's okay you gotta do what you gotta do side trim side trim oh thank you I was like what do you mean side trim we should probably make that black too rates are growing up again to is that across the whole world yeah the huffle is not done how would James even sleep back there uh I don't know noise canceling headphones trees and flowers and I don't apologize it's helpful it's helpful when you guys tell me because because I'm like focusing on chat and building I often don't notice everything you guys can see on screen cool okay I think we're really like actually almost finished the exterior even though I said that 20 minutes foreign oh Valerie I don't know why I called you Valeria I think I was like half thinking of valerian root like the it's really good to have in tea Valerian Roots the best ingredient I think in sleep tea if you're looking for a good sleep tea look for Valerian roots and if you combine that with something like lavender I always look for lavender and Valerian Root in a sleep tea if it doesn't have those two ingredients I don't get it and I think also skull caps the other one but I'm also not a scientist so don't take my word all right always check with your local Health provider disclaimer it's crazy here in Brazil yeah is it like that in America the interest rates going up in America you love your cavity I like a ruby boss I actually had a real really boss tea from a market the other day and it was beautiful three boss is a African tea it's caffeine free it's very nice yeah they are in America it's World red right Dr Delhi is all we need oh God take it from a friend pick it as a friend I don't really show up fence to put up here okay I guess we could also do like a path to the bins on the side of the house we could have like a little bin section here oh no it would make hmm not sure yet I'm just gonna I made an apple pie yum homemade apple pie they use pastry for the um uh for the crust I mean I guess you have to what else to use my favorite Real Housewives of Beverly Hills housewife gospel love garcelle I watch Salt Lake City Beverly Hills and Potomac but I'm catching up with the Potomac now there's a lovely tea place in Sydney it's called Miss catty oh yeah you could use crumble true true okay so we're gonna tackle the inside oh this is the hottest part we can oh Lord oh no we've got a lot of roofs going on oh God we may need to um review the roof trim we've used once we start creating the rooms it'll help a little bit hi jelly from Japan hello it's Maddie odelli I can't remember what I said pleased to meet you I think okay so I think a staircase would make [Music] see we could have more kids rooms upstairs maybe even a playroom up here name is Maddie I thought it was Delhi don't worry you're not the first you're not the first or the last person to think that oh hold on what if [Music] wait for these so these are not lined up oh this is gonna be a tricky floor plan well we could do like one side is living other side is like main bedroom and such so we could and we could have a corridor in the pharaoh you're excited quote alive yay [Music] where would ideally a staircase go up here I mean it's really helpful if it kind of is at the back but where would that go is that even oh that's gonna cover up that door but the dough cooker over here and then that be that works fine maybe we do that and then it's a bit weird oh we put a staircase here I always like to have two tiles in front of a staircase there also I really need to take a tinkle break [Music] what does delicacy come from um it's just a name I made up from the dictionary when I was writing a book as a kid so it's um just made up from syllables and flipping to random pages you know what you guys I have to take a tinkle time because I've had so much tea so let's take a tinkle time and I will be back in like three minutes talk to yourself when you think and they're not recording no no I'm completely silent I used to play in silence when I was a kid too I feel like people who speak out loud now might have spoken out loud when they played with toys as a kid wash your hands I will I'll be back in a sec you guys can listen to um Bowser snoring if you want foreign foreign having a good sleep and um excuse the bed I laughed I saw um one of you guys say Dilly I'm gonna need you to put some Linen on that bird my mum stayed and I haven't we washed the sheets haven't made it I know you guys don't really mind there I was thinking man I gotta change that bad just for the the sake of videos too there's a bit of a shame this doesn't line up should we line that up it really depends if we're gonna see through this entire room I reckon we just have this as like a H maybe we just turn this into a lounge room uh thousands of chow chow they're an ancient Chinese breed a Mongolian um what else can I tell you they're one of the oldest dogs breeds of dogs they're very closely linked to the wolf so that does also mean they can be quite a difficult dog that's too expensive Delhi what are you thinking I feel like a lounge room here maybe not have giant Windows there but do like a do a smaller window this is all just placeholder Furniture I will change it later on maybe widen the staircase yeah it could be a two I don't know but we could do something like this I've had two dogs that have chow chow one currently and they're so sweet yeah they're they're a great dog but you definitely have to be a shirt like with a lot of dog breeds you have to be a certain kind of person to have one because I feel like they wouldn't be there are better breeds for like a really busy family with lots of young kids I probably wouldn't get a Chow Chow although it really depends on the dog's character themselves so you know what it just depends right yeah Bowser's name Bowser after Super Mario that's right um it's very dark Lounge room if we're doing a lounge room here I think it works I do not think that works take a break and do some dream light Valley but we've made a good start here oh this Bowser he's almost four can you believe that he'll be four this year he'll be four is that crazy or is that crazy yeah DreamWork Valley I'm like that's wild because yeah I think I need to have a break and think about this floor plan more a bit later they grow up so fast all right let's do um let's do some dream life ballet let's have a swap now how do I swap games on the YouTube game hmm stream settings analytics settings can I not change the game oh is it James hey James you're back we were calling out for you before oh well that's gonna be awkward because it's now gonna say Sims 4 and people will be like this isn't the Sims 4. this is clickbait oh I thought um YouTube would have a switch oh well do you just want to start a new stream I mean I guess I just end stream and then start it again all right you guys I'm gonna end stream but don't go anywhere because I'll be back in a second okay I'll be back soon I promise don't go anywhere don't leave me and if it's bad it's James's fault bye
Channel: Deligracy
Views: 65,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deligracy, deli, gaming, australian, english, funny, deli gaming, deligracy youtube, deligracy vids, sims 4, the sims 4, the sims, sims 4 build, sims 4 cheats, genrations, grow together, house build, building, elders, toddler, infant, teen, child, every age, every age generation
Id: VsE4sx_8Hho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 2sec (6122 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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