How To BUILD A SECOND BRAIN In NOTION | Building my workspace from SCRATCH with LIVE questions

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hello everyone and welcome to another sunday live stream today we're actually going to be doing something a little bit different um i'm going to be taking a doomsday scenario to my notion workspace so what i'm going to be doing is rebuilding so starting from absolute zero i'm going to be rebuilding my notion workspace not completely because that would take way too long but get all of the functional databases all of the dashboards set up so that i can essentially start over again um i will be approaching this from a new notion users perspective so i won't be fast forward go all the way through with the database and creations i will be explaining what i'm doing why i'm doing it and if any of you have any questions along the way there is a form in the description below um which i can which i can get the questions from i will try and keep engaged with the chat as much as possible but if it does get lost um make sure you put your question in the form if you have any questions that are related not necessarily just to notion but some of the philosophies behind it then make sure you let me know good to see you tauren sanjay also good to see you um so without any uh further ado roxanne good to see you yeah without any further ado what i will do is i will share my screen and if you need me to zoom in let me know in chat so i can zoom in so you can see everything that's going on um uh bj good to see you i have got your question in the form bj so i'll answer that in a second uh sana good to see you um so as you can see on screen um i have a completely brand new workspace i made this about five minutes ago um so i have nothing started nothing set up it's everything that you would see if you create a new account and before i get started i will answer this question in the form because it was put in early and i see uh bj's in chat already henry good to see you and so henry asks about anki cards so what what is the question importing anki cards uh we need images in media the cards are haphazardly written is there a workaround for that i actually don't use anki at all i used to use anki years ago but now i use flashcards in notion so i don't actually know the answer to that what you are doing is probably what i would do um so and i know images like images international importing in notion does have some odd formatting so what you're doing is probably the best that notion can do and unless i make some cards in anki and then import them i i wouldn't i wouldn't really know where to go so um let's get started let's start building so um i haven't seen anyone asking to zoom in so this is still like what's supposed to be my future company workspace fair enough tauren um yes so we've got loads of pages that notion have kindly put in um and i'm going to be a a bit of a a bit of a pain and just go and delete them all because i'm not going to use any of them um i will i will keep the sidebar up for the moment i personally prefer using i prefer personally prefer working not using the sidebar because i like to be able to see as much as possible i don't know about all of you guys that are in chat um so i'll leave this getting started pages up and what i'm gonna do is go down how many how many videos we got we've got quite a few videos let's delete all of those and let's delete everything in here um so to give you a bit of uh cool good good to get to answer that vj so to to answer your questions to start with there are a couple of different philosophies that you could approach to this um i'll write them down so ppv which is august bradley's philosophy system how he formats his notion workspace um gtd which kay he goes over quite extensively in some of his work um and then para so they are the three main systems that i see out there or methodologies or philosophies behind organizing your space um and i kind of use bits of everything and that's how i would approach if if i was you that's how i would approach starting in notion take bits that you like and ignore bits that you don't like because some things i've taken some things from para you'll see it in a minute i've taken some bits from para but left some bits out i've taken bits from gtd and august bradley's system is it mimics or our systems mimic quite a lot of each other because they weren't based on something separate they were sort of notion-specific um so just for those of you that follow me on twitter you probably saw me tweet about this um pants is what i've come up with um the only reason the s is on there is because pants looks boring so i put the s on there for space repetition uh yeah if you can come up with a better acronym that that'd be good um but so what i'm going to do is i'm going to use projects areas notes tasks and then spaced repetition which is basically revision so that's coming from the gtd the revision actively revising whether your tasks or anything else looking at it from a student's perspective space repetition is obviously massively important when you're trying to learn something or regurgitate information for an exam or an assessment done plenty of that in my time um notes which is where we're going to grab everything so everything that you'll be clipping anything that you'll be taking from social media articles podcasts blogs youtube videos that will all go into one database very similar to ali abdul's resonance calendar and then we've got areas projects and tasks and what we're going to start with is the main dashboard so i'm going to call this dashboard i cannot make the typing any quieter by the way that's just the keyboard i've got and i'm going to make this page wide the main reason i'm making this page wide is because this is what i'm going to see all of the time projects areas personal education resources and okay paper that's cool i like that as well tauren yes so the main reason i have it full for width is this is where i'm going to basically live this is my go-to page for when i'm building something when i'm going into notion this is where i want to go i don't want to have to go to specific pages for different things i want similar in a car i want to be able to look at my dashboard and go this is all the information i need um so tasks tasks is the the essentially it's the main thing that you need to do it's what you're going to be doing and everything will drip down to task so if you've got higher hierarchy goals projects areas they will all eventually get to things you need to do ie actionable things you need to do and so i'm going to create a class database um i've just created i've turned it into a page using a shortcut ctrl shift nine because i'm on windows um if you wanted to do that through this you can go turn into and turn into where is it i don't use this ever there we go turn into page um what i've done is i've turned that word task into a page so you can see this is a brand new page inside of dashboard dashboard is our main page that i'm going to build from um and this i could start typing and make it into a page but what i'm actually going to do is turn into a database and i can push any of these for those of you that use notion i understand some of you may get this but for those that are brand new to notion this can get confusing so i could type in here and create another database in here but i'm not going to do that i'm going to create a database and that could look like any of these no matter what button i push it's going to create a task database so it'll be a table view of the task database a board view of the task database list gallery etc i'm going to create a table view just because it's the one at the top no specific reason for that at the moment so if we go back you can see in my sidebar we've got the dashboard as the main page and then we've got tasks and tasks is a database and what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to go and create a linked view of this so for those of you new to notion what i'm basically doing is making i've made a database and i'm copying it but i'm not copying it as in i've got two versions of it i'm essentially opening a window think of it as a house i've made the house and i'm going to make a window in so i can see it um so i'm going to go into here and i'm going to use copy link and now i'm going to that was ctrl v to paste it and i'm going to create a linked database so now this is showing me exactly what is in this database and this arrow is representing that that linked view so i have this is my window of my task database uh now because this is on my dashboard my personal preference is to use a list view so i'm going to turn this into a list view and then click create uh i'm just trying to read chat as i'm going nothing nothing in there to action on yet cool let's delete this view so what i've done is i've now got a list view of the task database and if we go back into this version of the task database so this is the original version it's still a table so go back to our dashboard so we now have this list view and the first thing that i want to be able to do when i look at my tasks is i want to be able to tick them off and say i've done them or for them to be there if i haven't done them so if i go into this first task you can see we've got properties and these are the default properties that notion have put in personally i don't ever use the default properties i always end up changing them um but these are the ones that notion give you what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn this into a checkbox nice and simple so now i have a box that i can tick and untick and i'm going to label this done i'm going to get rid of this tags because i don't need it at the moment i will create numerous properties later on but for the moment all i need is the done so now i have a done tick box in my list view but you can't see it at the moment so we're going to go to the three dots going to go into properties and there is that property and at the moment it's toggled off so you can't see it and you can do this with every single dashboard view a database view you can toggle off and on the properties that you have so i'm going to turn that on and now you can see we've got the tick box so now i can tick to see if that task is done to see if it's not done etc i keep tags but delete files okay fair i you you'll see later on why i don't keep tags um but yeah we'll we'll get to that later on in the stream uh yeah so we've now got the the tick box so whether we've done whether we haven't done it but at the moment if i take that task it's still there now i don't want to see that task out of my preference i don't want to see it that it's there because then i'm going to see all of the tasks that i've done and haven't done and this is where the filter comes in handy so i'm going to use that three dots again and i'm going to filter this database and we have loads of options but you don't really need any complicated filters for this i'm just going to add a simple filter and what this does is it brings up all of the properties i do like the big tag database that marie has created tag databases are good they're useful you'll see later on how i use tags sort of um but yeah that's relations not select but we'll get on to that later so in this filter view you can see it's come up with a drop down and this drop down is showing you the properties of this database so if i had more properties so if those files and tags properties were still here they would show in this list but i've got rid of them so they're not here so i'm going to filter for done and i could go is or is not ticked or is not so i'm looking for any task that is the done property is not ticked so you can see that task that we've done is now not showing and if i tick this box it's now disappeared now this is actually central to my dashboard how i use notion and it's this i i think it's the simplest way to say you've done a task or whether you haven't done a task and it would just disappear i still use this i've been using notion for two plus years and i still use this basic function function functionality wow english functionality to get rid of my tasks so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create two columns and i'm going to put this in one of those columns so you can see i have a text box right here how can i add a date automatically when the property is checked um so you can't automatically add a date when something happens unless you're using a formula um so that is a specific use case bj um and you'd have to use a formula to output that information but then it wouldn't work in a calendar so it's going to be very dependent on your use case for that um yeah if if you want to try and expand on that use case i can further explain but you can't have a tick box and then the date be automatically selected so you can see i've got a text box and what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a second text block so now i've got two and what i'm going to do is i'm going to create columns so i'm going to drag it you can see that's going to basically put it back where it was but i'm going to drag it across so now i have two columns you can see we've got the two columns right here and what i'm going to do is i'm going to drag this database into here so you can see it's the small blue line or the big blue line the big one just means i'm moving it below the small one means i'm moving into the column so now i have this task view in this column which means i can put other things to the right side of it so we have our task database our main task database that's the original version here and then we have our next task database here and this is where we're going to tick off all of those tasks so if we go into that task database you will see all of those tasks that we've got that they're all done so they are still stored so you still have them archived but you don't have to see them on your dashboard view uh yeah um so what i'm gonna do now is i'm going to actually use a little trick is i'm going to duplicate this database and i'm going to hold the alt key on my keyboard i'm going to click here and then i'm going to drag down i'm going to let go of my key let go of the click and then what i've now done is i've duplicated it so what i've done is i've created another link so for those of you that were here at the beginning you saw me push copy link i've essentially done that again but i've done that here and what that's done is it's carried over that filter so it's copied the filtered view the linked view in here so i don't have to copy the link turn it into a list view make it um make it show the tick box and then filter it because it's already done it for me but actually in this case because i've already got this view i'm going to change it slightly i'm going to turn into a calendar the reason i'm doing this is because what i've got now is i have essentially a a task list i have a task list up here of things that i need to do at the moment i don't have anything to do i can just click the plus button and now i have a new task and there it is what i have here is essentially a calendar but this is where i can plan out all the tasks that i'm going to do not going to do anything like that and i'm going to drag this down so i can see the big blue line and now i have a calendar view of all of those tasks this task isn't showing because it doesn't have a date so if we come into here see this date property has magically appeared when i created this calendar view what it did is it added that date property into that task database so we go into the original view of the task database we've got that done property and now we have the date property so when we click into here we can select one date by pushing any of these and what that will do is that will show on the calendar view so there is that task that we've just put in and it's going to show in the calendar view it's not going to show here because this task is completed so we can see this task is ticked and this is our window mirrored view and it's we we don't want it to show because it's not ticked but this has a date on it so what we can do now is we can add that same filter into this database we can say done is not ticked and now it's disappeared so now this calendar view is going to give me a month view and a weak view to some extent of all the tasks that i need to do um and all the tasks that i i've done if that's what i choose to see so you can choose whether you see all of them some of them personally for me i only want to see the tasks that i have to do now because these are the same database i can actually drag this task into this database so if i drag this task into here what is going to do is add this date to this task so now i have the same task this task is still here because it's still in the task database i haven't moved it out of it what i've done is i've used the filter to add a date onto it so now when we come to here i have a date on that task and when we tick that task off you can see it in the in the background here you see the task in the view i can click that task and now it's disappeared and well and it will also have disappeared from my list view now this is the majority of my dashboard because what i have here is i have an active to-do list so any tasks that i want to do it's here and anything that i'm going to plan ahead of time is in here if i add a task in this calendar view you can see it's there and it's also here because it's it's not done it hasn't been completed yet so it's going to show now if i have loads of tasks in here so let's add in a few tasks a week as we go along uh now i've got loads of tasks coming up uh clicking faster than nothing to do with maybe the task needs to ask it yeah no no yeah i'm just gonna avoid avoid commenting on that one bj uh but yeah so now we've got four tasks and they're all showing um but as you can imagine if you're planning out your week planning out your month planning out your year um you're going to have loads and loads of tasks in this task view and you won't want to see or i personally don't want to see all of these tasks at the same time so what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a filter to this list view i'm going to add a date is today so what is now showing is the tasks that are today so if i change this name so you can definitely see it's now labeled task and we've got task is in there and these three aren't showing because it's filtering for tasks that offer today now if we have a task for yesterday let's just put yesterday in there for the moment there we go um it's it's still not showing because it's not today but if we haven't done a task from yesterday i still want to see it because i still need to action it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to add to this filter and i'm going to turn this into a group is today and then i'm going to add or date is uh let's go is before today so now what it's doing is looking for let's bring that filter back up now what it's doing it's looking for tasks that aren't done so things that i need to do and it's looking for tasks that are today or before today so anything that i haven't done that i need to do will show and anything that's today that i need to do will show but it's not going to show me everything in the future because i don't want to see all of those things going on that basically covers the majority of my task database the task database what i'm going to do now is i'm going to bring projects into it so if we we had oh not france and there we go um so what i'm going to do now is projects so now we've got that page i'm going to turn that into another database so now we have two databases that's all we've got we've got two databases and then we have two filtered views of the task database with a main view and what i'm going to do is actually i'm going to rename the task very quickly because otherwise it's going to uh let's go actually uh let's call it pants task there we go um just so i don't get confused when i'm linking these together so what i'm now going to do so i'm going to rename this very quickly and i'm going to come over here i'm going to use a relation and what this is doing is making a relation between my task database and my projects database so it means i can see things in my projects database from my task database so another window or vice versa so i'm going to click on relation now i need to find that database that that pants task database which is here so you can see we've got these two databases so i'm going to link the task database to the project database using the relation and i'm going to name that so i know where it's going that's all we've got at the moment in the project database i'm going to delete this one and we're going to go to dashboards so that is all we've got we've got our tasks we've got our projects now if for example we have four tasks and they're related to a specific project i personally want to be able to see what project those tasks are related to in my dashboard again i want my dashboard to tell me everything i don't want to have to go everywhere and try and find what's going on so what i can now do is i can go back to these properties and you see this relation property which we've just created in the projects has also been created in the tasks so we go to this main view this is that relation so we can go projects now if i click in here it's not going to show me anything because we don't have anything in the projects database at the moment and when we go back to our task database we were just in task database there we go projects database you can see we've got that task relation click in there and it's going to show those tasks in that task database uh just checking in chat checking in form we're all good so far so we've now got tassel projects what i'm going to do is i'm going to create well i'm going to show this projects property in this view now hasn't actually shown anything because they're not related to anything so if we go project and we go back to our dashboard you can see we've got yesterday's task and task now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go into yesterday's task and now we go into this relation you will be able to see project because that's what we just added to the projects database you can see it's linked here it's linked to the projects database and this is one of the points in the database so i'm going to create that relation and i see you've got the project relation in yesterday's task now we go back to this dashboard view we've got the project so it's showing me the project and we've got that tick box now i want to reorder that because i want to have the tick boxes all to one side so i'm going to put projects up there all i've done is i've clicked and dragged and put it to the top so anything at the top is going to be left side of the list view so now we have my project showing and my tick box to the right my project has so many tasks with multiple level of subtasks task database it just got filled so much that it gave me anxiety now i just focus on major tasks that i can complete in a day yeah yeah what i actually do uh sunny is i put subtasks inside the task as tick boxes um so while we're here what i actually do is i have my subtasks here so the tasks are the main thing i want to do and i will have very small subtasks which typically are one to two minutes tasks that i need to do so thinking about david allen's gtd system i think he calls them quick wins i put those as subtasks in here and then tasks as my main thing to do um the from a philos philosophical standpoint i don't make my tasks long so the longer the longer the task is the more i think okay how can i split this up so if a task is going to take me seven hours i'm going to split that up into smaller tasks so for example for making a video i could say record video as one task but instead screen recording is one task and audio recording is another task so they're two separate tasks in this database and then i have subtasks inside of those um and that helps me break up all of the tasks and subtasks hopefully that that that gives you an idea about how i manage all of that um entire okay yeah so tauren's just said for those of you watching on the replay tourists just said that he agrees he does the same thing it looks like you you're still using to do just for reminders so i don't need reminders for my task because everything that i need to do is on my dashboard so i don't need to be reminded because all i need to remember to do is look at my notion dashboard and everything that i need to do is here because of the filters that i've put in um so we've now got projects related to tasks and i can see the tasks here and whatever the project is is going to show right here now what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to create what's called what i'm calling a tab bar it's what i use to navigate my space so you've seen all of the things that i've created so far are in my sidebar now i personally use a tab bar which i'm going to create in a second and i use icons so i'm going to use an emoji let's use um i don't know let's just use something that's here let's use the tick for the tasks and let's use the question mark for the projects now what i'm going to do is i'm going to create what's called a global block which i will do in a second but a global block is basically something that you can show in one place and it will change no matter where it's placed um and this text block so this text block right here this is what i'm going to use as my global block anything can become a global block but i personally would use a text block because it's the easiest way to do it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to replicate this this emoji to represent my task database so i've used the windows key and the full stop to bring up my emojis menu um and then i've just searched for the emoji and let's do a space and then let's bring up the question right so now i have two emojis in a textbook you are too young to know about work too young to know that work i'm 23. i've done an undergrad i've finished a post grad so yeah don't know age is just age is just one number it's just one chronological number uh multiple applications just jumping around tasks away my energy yes sunny i i agree that's why i only use notion for pretty much everything uh that's why i've kept kept everything together do you prefer creating your databases in your dashboard directly as opposed to creating an entirely new page is there a reason for it um so sammy the reason i'm creating databases like this um is just for ease of explanation when i'm going through in my actual space i don't create any databases i have not created a database in my space for a long time i have i have the five core databases which you'll see me create in the stream um and that's pretty much it i don't create any more databases because i don't need to um so yeah to answer your question it it would depend what you're building how you would build it but i don't build any new databases i have five that's it um everything else is just properties essentially in in these databases which we'll go through um as as this move forward um right so i'm i'm creating my top blood tab bar there we go spit your words out so we've got the emojis and what i'm going to do i'm going to make it bigger um i'm not going to use the short keyboard shortcut so what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn this to a heading 3 and i was going to use heading 1 even i was going to use my keyboard shortcut there we go just to make them bigger and that's keyboard control shift one two or three for heading one two of three so now i have the start of my tab bar just for a little bit of design i'm going to bring in a full stop in between them now this is where the tab bar is basically used this is how i use it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come in here and i'm going to copy the link same as we did with the linked database but instead of pasting in the page i'm going to highlight the emoji and now paste it on the emoji what this has done is added a link to the emoji to go to this page so if we come back if i highlight this oh come on give me the it's not going to it's not going to be nice now is it there we go and so you can now see in here what this has done is copied that the html the the url that you'd get in the browser what it's done is it's copied that and i've put it onto the emoji and so whenever i click on let's come on let me out there we go and so whenever i click on this emoji it's going to take me to this database and what i'm going to do is i'm going to do the exact same thing here so i'm going to copy link and i'm going to paste it on here i will probably change these links later on but this gives you an idea of what essentially this tab bar is going to be um so i'm going to leave that there for the moment and now i'm going to create a page just to show you how this is going to work so now we have a a blank page so we've got a blank page here we've got our dashboard and then we have all of the other things that's going on now i don't use the sidebar for numerous different reasons one of the reasons being all of the pages that you create appear here and it can get very very long very good very very quickly um so in this page it's a brand new page and then we have the dashboard which is here now what i'm going to do is i'm going to actually i'll bring up my notepad now you don't have to use a notepad all you need is to be able to copy the link to the text block so instead of copying the link to the database i'm going to copy the link to the text block so we'll do that into there and then where's my notepad my notepad is here and i'm going to paste it into here now we get given this big long spiel of letters and numbers and stuff this is the address essentially the online address of that block um and a global block i think will nut was the person that put the first video up about this but ben smith i believe was the original creator and what i'm going to do is i'm going to highlight this so i've gone from the dash all the way to the hash and i'm going to backspace that and now all the technical stuff behind it i don't really understand it i don't care to be honest going to be completely honest i don't care how it works i just know that it does work um so now i'm going to do is i'm going to copy that so that was control c i'm going to go into this page and now i'm going to control v and then i can now push link to page and you can see there's the block so you go back to the dashboard and we can see these are the pages these are going to take me to the projects database the task database etc so what i'm basically doing is i'm turning my notion dashboard into a website it's not going to be public but i'm turning it into a website so i can click on the links on the tab bar like you would in google chrome to navigate around the space so if we go into this page we have my tab bar here so if i click on this link it's going to take me to that page again which is good which means it's working now the power of it being a global block so that copy link stuff is if i add anything in here and dash to the dash sounds so dirty my bad it's live streaming as well um so i've added hello in this text block um and because it's a global block which is transclusion that's the word that i understand um i i understand that's getting thrown around when i go into this page you can see the iteration of that that page block that block is still the same so we've not we've now got hello in there which means wherever i change the tab bar it will change every single version of it so i'm now going to get rid of hello because i don't need that in my tab bar and when we go back to the dashboard which is another view it's gone so now i have a navigation bar that i can copy and paste the link to anywhere in my space and it's dynamic and will change when and where i want and i use this as my quick links to get around all over the place right so now we've got a very quick tab bar going we've got two databases we've got tasks and projects and then we've got our to-do list we've got our planned task list and i know we've got a page now this is where review comes into it so i have my my actionable list my tasks that is the um i think it's the i think he calls it his action database in the ppv system and then we have the the actionable tasks from gtd what the review system is is basically the ability to review either your tasks your notes your areas or anything like that and what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn this page into my review page nice and simple and again i'm going to turn this into a full width page because this is going to be another main page that i'm working on um now i don't i don't want to use this breadcrumb to get back to my dashboard there is a keyboard shortcut you can manipulate and use so if i use control 2 at the moment because this is my second workspace i can control 2 and it will go back to the top page in my workspace um but if you have other pay other pages that you want to have favorites or anything like that what i'm going to do is i'm going to use this tab bar so i'm going to go into the dashboard now the dashboard is a page you can see it's here and what i want to do again is i want to copy the link of this page so i can come in here and go copy link or i could come up here and go copy link either way works and what i've done is i've copied the link so the same link or not the exact same link but what i've done is i've copied basically this to my my clipboard and what i'm going to do is i'm going to add it uh let's make home there we go nice house nice and easy highlight it and paste it let's get rid of that space so now we've got home button um now i'm going to cut that and just put it to the front let's put oops space in there undo that copy all i'm doing is copy and pasting using keyboard shortcuts because um i'm lazy so that was a lot of control c control v and arrow keys but essentially what i've done is i've copied my link to my home page to the front of my tab bar so now when i go into my review page which is here i've now got my home page so i can now go back to my main dashboard which basically means this sidebar is no longer needed because i have everything on this main page so what i can do is i can hide my sidebar now i have more space which for me is what i want in this view and it declutters my view as well so for those of you that i i've had a couple of conversations if you want to be a guest on stream and show what you're doing there's a link in the description and you can come on and we can talk motion and nerd out that notion productivity anything like that um but a lot of the conversations that i've had with with people in notion um is they get distracted by all the stuff that you could do so they'll come in and they'll be like i need to do that and then they'll see other things whether it's a weather widget and they'll start planning something or they'll see images about things they want to buy or they'll see the sidebar and think oh i could i could tweak this or i could tweak that and i can add something here i i don't want to see all of that so i hide the sidebar and i have my navigation here so i can't see any of that like tempting tempting information and my dashboard as you can see is very minimal in what i can see it's what i've got to do and if i need to think of anything ahead of time now we've got this review page here um now i don't want i don't want it there i'm just going to move that up here this is again out of personal preference and i'm going to make that smaller because i know this tab bar is going to get much much bigger the tab bar i currently have in my space i think gets to about here um because it is my quick links bar because it's going all the way across and then we have the review page here which i'm going to add an emoji to um let's go clock uh that'll do there we go so now we've got a review page and again same principles apply i can go copy link come into here bring the clock up into here paste the link and now we have a link in our tab bar to the review page which is right here now obviously if i click on the link on the review page it's not going to go anywhere because we're in the review page but now i have navigation going through those main pages drew good to see you glad you could make it um yes so now we've got the tasks the projects the review page and our home page right so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to drag this task database and plop it into the review page and i'm going to do the same with the projects because i don't want those there because i don't need them there we've got the links here and i don't need the the the pants explanation of stuff uh for those of you that have seen my space before you'll know i have dividers separating these things um and yeah you know what let's make let's make a couple of of dividers so that is the notion divider which is native to notion and what i what i did there um was i pushed the dash key so you can see that's the dash uh that's twice and that is three times and that automatically puts the um divider in um and for me i personally don't like the dash uh the line i mean i'm struggling with my eyesight at the moment anyway because i've got an effect in my eye but it's it's so small i can't see it some of you may like it but i personally don't um so what i do instead is i use inline math um and i'm going to use markdown for this to speed this up a little bit um but if you go into the slash command and go uh inline math uh really wish the divider was customizable i agree doran i agree that's why i had to create inline math dividers which is a bit of a workaround so you can see we've got inline math there and that is what i'm going to be using and it's really not that complicated but i know this looks kind of scary could you please explain the extra review page beside your global block page again i will in a second so uh svani land i really need to know how to pronounce that um yeah so what i'm gonna do is just put dashes in there and you can see it doesn't look great and you can customize it customize this however you want but the main reason i put it in inline math is what you can do is you can add a color now orange is my preferred color and you can see it gives you a little bit more now uh what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to find something exciting very quickly in here where is going where is there going to be something that's exciting to use is there like a no you can't search in there because i know i have a thicker line um is is that thicker no it's not uh oh come on there's got to be something exciting uh oh is that oh there we go that's that's kind of a circle there we go that will do let's let's use that i have no idea what what that is but let's use that um and essentially a really doggy looking divider but you can pick anything you want from the emoji menu um and actually what i'm to do is because this is a text block you could use the shortcuts so that's now a heading 3 heading 2 heading 1 to make it bigger and if you really wanted it massive you could then use the inline math command to make it huge so now i have a massive divider um but i don't actually want that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn into text again and let's come to here copy i i'm gonna be really like ah yeah the design isn't my forte but i just don't like those i'm gonna i'm gonna have to go back on back on what i said i'm gonna have to find something that's that's not that uh where where is the thick line that i used uh oh is that is that something yeah will you use those that that's that's acceptable that's an acceptable divider let's drag all those across right um fine we're getting there guys we're getting there there we go and what this allows me to do is write oh get rid of cat blocks tasks and then what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to write notes in there and get rid of all those because i don't need that and this is a note section at the moment so this is just a load of text blocks um later on when i make the notes database this is where it will go um but at the moment it's just loading notes text box and this divider allows me to go tasks notes and i can split this up and i'm going to use that trick before so i'm holding the alt key on my keyboard i'm clicking holding and dragging make sure it's the big blue line dropping it there we go now coming into here get rid of that get rid of that calendar get rid of those it's centered so it doesn't look really pants there we go so now i've got a couple of custom style dividers in my space uh with the tab bar at the top divider there divider here and then we've got the calendar down the review page so what this page is actually doing is it's kind of a second dashboard so at the moment we've got two tasks we've got there's two databases in here and the review page is where i hold my areas database so what i'm now going to do is create another database but this one is going to be inline so we're going to go table and you can see we've got inline table so for those of you that are watching on the replay or don't understand notion what i've done is i've created a database exactly the same as i did with the task database and the projects database but this time it's in line so i can have text and other blocks with it excuse me areas there we go so now we've got an areas database and i use the areas database for all my tagging and this is where the review page is basically used so i use review so all of my flash cards will be in here all of the areas that i need to review will show in here and all of the notes that i need to review will also show in here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a page in here called task information to work itself out there we go and then project work itself out have i got a question coming in nope come on motion there we go and i'm going to drag this into here it's going to get very confused now there we go and drag this into here so what the areas database now is is it's a database that has databases stored inside of it so i have a task page in my areas database and inside that page is my task database now i'm going to turn this into inline so let's make this page a little bit bigger so we've still got our breadcrumb up here we're in dashboard we're in the review page we're in the areas database are in the task page of that and what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn this database so this is the task database that we worked on right at the start of the video here's that task database what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn this into an inline database so i can see everything that's going on and this will become a dashboard later on so now we have the aries database here this is the page database inception very much so very much so um so now we have the task page of the areas database and inside that task page we have the task database okay and the exact same thing is true for the projects page so we've got the projects database i'm going to turn that in line so now we have the inline projects database in the projects page of the areas database now the reason i do it like this is because it allows me to add a review to the database okay let me explain that so if the task database was just a database in itself and it was just a page there's no way to add an automatic review to the space so if i wanted to review any tasks ie plan have a weekly plan a monthly plan quarterly plan or review any of the tasks that i was going to do i would have to have a task in the task database to review and then go backwards and forwards between the two personally i want that to be automatic i don't want to have to think about it at all okay so i've put it into a page because i can manipulate the page much much easier than i can a database page so i'm going to turn this tag property into a date property and what this is going to represent is last review now i have a last reviewed date so if for example i reviewed tasks last week and i reviewed projects today those dates are going to be different so all i need to do is when i know i need to review the tasks or the projects i can just change that last review date to whenever it is and then everything else is set for me okay now i'm going to change this to a number property and call it frequency and the reason i'm doing this is because i'm going to review different areas so at the moment we've only got tasks and projects but when i'm when i was at university i had each module was a different area so um se705 sc706 sc707 there were different modules so there were different areas in my space and some of them needed to be reviewed every four days every six days seven days 12 days so there was a different frequency on when i wanted to review those areas so i have a review number to represent when i'm going to review it now i need something to tell me when i need to review it or not um if i share a page i'm looking in chat if i share a page then later i update it will the changes be public if you share a page publicly um or privately anything that you change to the page will be changed um as you do it so as you're doing it so my my notion public page as soon as i go in there and click a space the space will be replicated to anyone so when you're actually sharing the page you're just sharing a link to your page so there's no way of well there isn't a very good way of editing a page without everyone being able to see everything you're editing at the same time um hopefully that answers your your question yusef um so now we're gonna actually add in the first formula of this space so where's the formula there it is i should know where the formula is and we're gonna title this review oh i didn't wanna add one let's get rid of that delete this um so now we're going to do a formula so we're going to go so what we've got is we've got the date this is the date property this is the frequency and these are all the different formulas that we could use and because i know what i'm looking for what i want to do is i want to be able to go date and add this frequency whatever it is and see if it's due so let's uh let's go with i need to remember how i did this now so what we're looking for this is this is live formulas in action thinking through things and john if you're watching you're you're probably thinking oh great here we go so let me think this through uh we want this one and we want date add if i mess this up first time it's because i have not done this formula since i made it like two years ago uh right so we want let's put space in there do we want they add that one they add comma frequency these okay so now we add come on let me let let me in there we go seven there we go um so i'm explaining this for you as i build it so what this is doing at the moment is it's taking this date and it's adding seven days to it so we've got a date ad this is the original date it's looking at the number which is the frequency and then adding seven days um and then i want to see if that is uh bigger than [Applause] now so i'm asked so now is the date today so that's dynamic so as i go forwards as the day moves forwards so will that check and so now it's looking for if date is uh oh that should be smaller than shouldn't it that should be smaller then so what he's doing is looking for if the review date so that date that we had before i added in this check which was the sixth i believe so we get rid of that yeah so the sixth of september is the sixth of september smaller than now so is it smaller than today pushing done um and it is because it is the sixth today um which means i need to review this space so i know i need to go into this space and have a look at something that review process could be a whole i need to have a look at the whole dashboard or it could be i just need to have a look see if i need to change anything sometimes that review process was like 20 seconds sometimes it could be okay i need to actually do something and i can make a task from that so now if we go yes i've reviewed this space i can change that to the sixth and now that tick box is no longer ticked and what i'm going to do here is we're going to add 10 and if we drag this one back so if this one was there you can see i need to review that space so now i have an automatic review system that's going to remind me you need to have a look at this space you need to have a look at this area because you haven't seen it in a while in however long i've set this date and this will be ticked until i change that date so even if i don't review it on the day that it's due to be reviewed it will still stay ticked so i don't forget it what this allows me to do is it is it allows me not to forget any of the areas that i need to think about any of the areas i want to learn review or anything like that right so that is the areas database now created um and the areas database is saved in my review page so i don't need to create anything in my tab bar for that so now we have and now we have that going on we have our task database our projects database so we look at the pants we have our projects database our areas database our task database now we want my notes database and again i'm going to make it into my areas database so i'm going to go notes take your time notion there we go i'm going to open this up open this up as a brand new page uh we'll yeah we'll make it as a big page because what i typically do is i actually turn these into dashboards themselves and so we'll come to here and now i'm going to create a notes database inside this page so it's the same as creating the task database the projects database the aries database exactly the same process so now we have the table and we're going to call this notes we need to rename this so when we're doing all the relations i know what i'm doing and this is the notes database and i don't really need to add anything to this right now um because everything is sorted and uh why would you need to review your projects or tasks that is a good point uh uh so essentially it's because i use it as a dashboard so let's delete that delete that um which i'm actually going to go to right now i'm building this as i go so i'm trying to remember what my system is and building as we go yeah so this note stage makes very quickly i will clip everything into here and then i will use the things that i'm going to build later on um to filter all of this stuff but for now i'm going to copy the link to this copy link and i'm going to go to my dashboard and i'm going to paste it in here so come to there and paste create link database now i don't like this this this bar going up so i'm get i turn this into a list view because i don't like the bar you can keep it as a table view um let's turn that into a list delete that view there there we go and now we've got our notes um and i'm not going to do anything with that at the moment so going back to henry's question why would i want to review my tarson projects so when i go into tasks let's bring this up big let's make this wide there we go and this is the main database so i'm going to copy link again and for those of you new to notion you will be copy link pasting linked databases all over the place um i'm actually going to create columns oh i haven't made the columns yet have i created two columns and then what i'm doing is i'm turning this page so this task page into a dashboard to have a look at uh so we've got that in there i'm now going to use the alt key click drag come down and drop no questions in the form that's good so now what i can do is i'm going to filter this come to here and go done is ticked so now for those of you that haven't seen my videos going over my aries database which is coming out soon um i actually go over this a little bit more into more detail but what i do is i use this as um sort of like a fail safe so on my dashboard um let's come into here oops copy that drop down paste link to your page there we go so if we come into my home dashboard for those of you that have just joined or are confused what's happened i've actually created a global block and so just roll back um in the in the replay and you'll see how i made that um what was i talking about oh yeah tasks so we've got two tasks here now if if i think oh i've done the task and i tick it off and then i've and then i realize actually no i haven't done that task and i need that there um or i just accidentally push it which happens um i would go to my task database now i don't have a link at the moment for it um so i'm gonna go into review uh and now what i'm gonna do is we've got the task here which goes to the database which i don't think is going to go to the page because it's going to go to this space which is not ideal i'm actually going to change the link to this to the page so if we come to here now we go copy link to the page not the database and change that link so that was a control v control uh control c control v now we're linking to this page so now when that happens and i take that task off whether it was by accident or whether i thought i completed it and i hadn't completed it i can go into my dashboard of my tasks and then untick it from there and it disappears from there and now will reappear here so now i've got that task back again so that's the reason for this one and then for this one what i'm going to do is i'm going to add another filter and i'm going to come into here and go date is tomorrow so i can see all of the tiles that are going to happen for tomorrow and again i'm going to turn these into list views because i do not like that bar at the bottom let's delete that remove and then we're going to go oh wrong button i'm going to have to add that filter back in but we'll go create then remove uh and let's add that filter back in and add done it's done good there we go and we need to add that filter back in filter and this is all like the the skeleton set up to there we go to set up all the other areas where typically i work and this is like the the the skeleton set up the framework the the bare bones of the system that i use and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn this into a calendar and this is the main reason for having the review uh in here um for this page when when i'm reviewing things so when that review pops up my process of reviewing this dashboard firstly just to have a quick over overlook of this and this to see what's going on but i normally do that daily anyway um but it's mainly to have a look at the calendar view and this is the only place that i can see all of the tasks that i'm going to be doing because everywhere else in my space so youtube content marketing blogging and their current areas in my space but when i was at uni studying all of the modules with different areas and they were filtered for the module so i could only see the tasks for that module so looking ahead of time um i was planning everything ahead of time planning everything weeks ahead and what i found without having this review was sometimes i was actually planning like 70 different tasks for the same day and i didn't realize it because i had the calendar view all filtered for their things so for example one module i'd have 10 tiles and i thought i can get those 10 small tasks done but then in another module i'd have five tasks and i think i can get those five tasks done another module same thing and then it would come to the day and then the day would suddenly show me like 50 60 tasks i'm like what what what's just what's just happened what's just gone on um so this calendar the review allows me to see a a top view of every single thing every single actionable task that i'm going to do in the calendar view so when i come into here if there's 70 tasks on the same day i know right i need to plan that and then i can actually actionably go in and change the dates to some of those things um at the moment i have a system of batching tasks and it's working well but i still find myself using i'll go into the review and think wow i have a lot of stuff for that day um so hopefully henry that that answers your question as to why i have a review for this space it's because less of these views these are more practical going backwards and forwards but it's this calendar view of all of my top tasks and having a look so that i don't overload myself especially when i start adding things on adding business tasks together because business are filtered in business area uni's filtered uni area and yeah it can get very confusing when you manage all of your tasks in notion which i do um and you will see this theme start to appear in some of the other dashboards that i'm going to create so this is the projects database at the moment so i click on here it's going to go to this database and again i don't really want to see the database view so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create another dashboard that's going to look pretty much the same way the same thing uh and we're going to copy the link to this going to paste it in here oh create link come into here copy that oops didn't want to do that come into here paste uh link to page if you have any other questions about why i'm building the space out the way i am um put it in chat uh or put it in the form just let me know uh or anything about how i'm building the way i build philosophies or anything like that yes thank you danny it's very clear good good um like for i know for me watching this sort of video or this sort of live stream or engaging it's like yeah so i sort of get that but seeing the the whole view right at the top um like i know where it's going uh at which frequency would you review it so my task database at the moment i think is 10 days um but previously i reviewed my so that's where the the frequency came in previously i reviewed my tasks like every 20 days when i was at uni because there wasn't that many tasks going on as i have more tasks going in which you'll see later on when i start batching tasks and throwing them in there and i've found that because i'm doing more things it gets filled out much much quicker so i'm slowly reducing that frequency so at the moment i think it's ten days uh that may go down to seven um but yeah it's it's working with what works for you because if you're reviewing your tasks like every four days i just find myself like reviewing over and over and over again which i don't want to do um which is why i had that review frequency because another side effect of just having uh just having knowing no frequency um was that i was reviewing everything at once and it was just like this big review session i had to sit down for like three hours and review all the areas and it was just not fun um and for me if something isn't fun i'm not going to do it so i changed up the frequency and now it's it's it's staggered it's asymmetrical um but yeah so the i review it 10 days now i think um i should probably be building this while i'm talking uh yeah so i now review multitasking i'm not great at that uh yeah so now 10 days but yeah it's it's a personal preference thing um yeah and then like with projects i review much more frequently um but i don't necessarily wait for the tick so sometimes i'll go into my projects database and i may have reviewed it like two days ago so it's more of a reminder for if i do happen to forget to review things um because if if you have a busy week and you just don't look at it uh okay good um yeah if you've got a busy week and then you just don't look at things that that's when i found i was getting myself into trouble if for example like last week because of my i was going to hospital loads and i was doing loads of different things and i completely forgot to look at my project's database um my projects dashboard and normally i'd look at it every couple of days to make sure i'm on task i'm not falling behind or anything and because i was so busy having that reminder i was like oh yeah i haven't looked at that in a while um and then i realized that i was behind on a couple of tasks my dissertation was during the two weeks and i was like oh i should probably do something um yeah so we've now got the the exact same dashboard and what we're actually going to do is going to move that there you're going to go turn into list view create get rid of that and what should we build next like i say guys i am building this from my mind obviously um but it's like that's not what i want i i'm just building this from memory of my space and i don't want to go back to my space because then i feel like i'm cheating then i feel like i'm cheating and i'm not doing a true doomsday scenario of i've lost everything on notion how how would i do this right so we've now got projects we've now got tasks they are all sorted we've now got the areas database in there and we now have the notes database in there that is good so that is the the fundamentals in there so what i'm now going to do um is i'm actually going to create a template in the database and the reason i'm creating a template is like i say most of my dashboards look exactly the same i have found a way that works for me uh and everyone works slightly differently so this is going to be a new area templates i'm typing faster than those you can deal with nope it's just slow come on come on notion there we go uh oh i miss i misspelled templates there we go so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a template in the areas database so that whenever i have a new area that's a new area of study new area of research new area of business anything like that anything that i define as an area which for me is something that's ongoing a project has an end date a task has an end date an area doesn't have an end date um so i'm actually going to create this as a template so when i go and build numerous different things i can just come into here and it's all sort of set up for me so we have that notes database which is the first one i'm going to link to so i'm going to go linked create linked database so what i'm doing is i'm creating another one of those windows those windows to this database pants notes there we go and now we've got this notes database and what i'm going to do is i'm going to filter for this area but in order to do that i need to relate the notes database to the area database and this is where the properties start filling out on these databases to allow for all of the automated filters for templates to work so we're going to go in we're going to add our first property to the notes database and we're going to relate it to areas didn't need two s's there we go create the relation whoops come into here areas so you can see it's now popped up into our notes database which is here so i'm going to turn that and you can see it's it's it's told what it is notes is that so this is now relating to notes and this is now relating to errors and what this allows me to do is use one of the newer features that um notion put out and add a self referencing filter which i use all over the place so i'm going to use this area relation that we've literally just created contains and what i'm going to do is select new area template and what this means is whenever you create a new area it is going to automatically filter to the new area that you have created okay so i'm going to back and go back into here just to show you how this works so currently we have oops i didn't want that one i wanted this one um so currently we have three areas we've got task projects and notes now if i come into here and we're going to add a new area okay let's actually just put new there we go go into open and we're now going to use the template you can see here it is it's the new area template that's literally what we were just working on so we've got new and it's loading it's thinking about it thinking thinking there we go um and what this has done is because of that filter that we had it was filtered for the template page so the page that we created that's what it was filtered for but because we've just added this in so this is a new area it's now filtering it's now filtering for new and when i change this it's going to stay filtering for this anything new page excuse me so you can see it's this page which means whenever you relate anything in the notes database to this new area it will show up here and the reason that's important is because when we come back to our dashboard that is how i filter my notes so you can see all of these are brand new notes they are untitled there is absolutely nothing in them but we have this area okay so we say new note oh notion really does not like me typing i'm going to try and limit my typing so you've got new note and this new note could be something i've clipped from youtube from a podcast from an article a blog or something i've created and just dragged into there and this note how i tag it so this relates to something that someone said right at the beginning of the stream about a tags database i don't have a tags database because i tag them using areas so let's let's take this note as what areas do we so the new area that we created let's go back to our areas database let's say this is um motion because we are doing a notion stream i said i was going to do minimal minimal typing and then i go and type so say this note is uh let's say it is uh for those of you that haven't seen it murray did another like notion tour on keep productive so we'll do marie core video and i'm typing again come on notion um notion normally isn't this slow it's probably because i'm streaming and i have a few tabs up there we go marital so this is for example a note marie tour and what i've done is i've clipped it imagine i've clipped it because obviously i can't do it now i've clipped it and you've got the url and you've got the video embedded here this is the note and this will show in my dashboard because i've just clipped it and it will go there that's where it will sit and that will that is where it will sit until i've reviewed it what i can now do is come into here add filter add filter use the area and say is not empty oops is empty even there we go so now all of these don't have an error yep i saw it i'm gonna borrow her learning dashboard i did see your comment in the in the comments section um but yeah so now we have a filter for the tags essentially um so what i can now do is say okay marie tour video this is notion related so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come into here and i can now relate this to notion so i'm going to push notion that is the area now i have area it's related to notion so what i've done is i've tagged this note to notion so now you can see it's outside of my dashboard so i've sorted it it's out of my dashboard i don't need to think about it then when i go into that area we don't have a tab bar link for it yet so what we will do is we will go uh i don't there's no notion emoji um what comes up oh note actually we're going to use oh yeah which is a music note because it's the only one that came up and it's going to be quick uh we'll copy link paste that in there so now we've got a link to the notion dashboard you can see the notes already linked and here it is showing in this space so every single time i tag a note with an area it shows up in the area that it's needed in and which is where the self-referencing filter comes in for this template hopefully that makes sense if it doesn't make sense or anyone's got confused let me know and i will try and explain it in a different way right so now we've got the notes database in here um what i'm actually going to do is change very slightly i'm going to use columns again because i want to see everything as quickly as i can and we're going to drag this up here we will go into here uh oh now we don't want to go into that because we've already got the filters in there we want to turn this into a list view go create and then we're going to get rid of that and delete that now we've still got a scratch pad area for all the planning and things like that now what i want to do is we've got our notes database in there i want to have the tasks and the projects in there as well so i'm going to go linked database we've got projects and we've got tasks so i put projects first but you can put task first it's up to you and i'm going to view this in a calendar view which is here i'm going to come into here we're going to delete this is an area like a class um when you uh talking university uh i know i know i'm guessing you're from america or somewhere like that because we so in my head i have a like a topic so biology would be the topic or anatomy of physiology would be the topic and then we'd have like modules inside that in the lectures inside that so an area would be uh like i think it's a class i think i think that's what you call a class basically if you turn up to something uh and then you leave like that for me as a lecture um that would be a task if it's um an assignment that would be a university project if it's like uh an area of study like biology for example that would be an area because there's there's no right finish time to it it's just something that you're doing the assessments have end dates which are projects and the lectures have end dates because that's where you've got to turn up um so if they've got an end date it's either a task or project if it doesn't have an end date it's an area i think that's the cleanest way i can explain it um so you can tag a tile screen project to the area because that will be ongoing then if the area becomes like you you've finished the area or it's evolved or changed into something else you can then change the name of the area which is what happened with my university studies so the areas that i had related to my studies anatomy physiology pedagogy and the rest of those they kind of like changed okay got it subjects would be an error yes yeah so either yes subjects as an area because that way essentially you'd have one of these dashboards so one of these dashboards would be let's delete this uh one of these dashboards would be your area so if this was uh this is a template but if this was biology you'd see all of your notes from your lectures that are related to biology here you would then see all of your projects which would be your assignments here and then because we're now going to put in tasks we'll go and bring in the task yep that's the right one and we've got the task in here then we're going to go calendar in here and then we delete this so now we've got all the tasks in here and what i'm going to do is again i'm going to use that same filter that we used in notes database so i'm going to come to here i'm going to go filter add add filter then uh so this is me getting ahead of me head of myself so at the moment we've got name and date and tasks so the task database the main task database is not related to areas so aries again is like the the tagging system so instead of having like a load of pages for different tags like marie has in her tag database i have areas so every area is attacked so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to create a random page just so i can get into the database without creating another view because that's not fun add a property and we're going to come over here i'm going to name this area create the relation and for those of you that are new to notion whatever i change in this version of the task database changes absolutely everywhere so i only need to do this once so we're going to relate this to areas create relation and come out there and now when we come to filters the property is going to be available there is areas and we are going to use the new area template and the reason we're using this is the self-referencing template the self-referencing filter so whenever you create a new area all of the filters are set up for you so you don't have to constantly like redo the filters redo everything it's done for you um so yep so we've got that so contains area contains new area good that is that one sorted and i imagine the task is going to be exactly the same because we're not going to have areas linked it's not so we're going to go add property turn relation area add select areas create relation and there we go and if we come in here we're going to filter add filter add filter areas contains there we go so all of those tasks have disappeared because they're not related to this area right now if we create a task in this area it's automatically added the new area template because we're in the new area template when we're in our dashboard it will add the appropriate area to it so let's delete that because i don't want a random task related to related to a template so this is the structure the exact same structure i use on all of my dashboards so i have my notes so all the notes from the lectures all the notes like ideas anything that i've clipped all of those sort of things will be in this space and as long as it's tagged appropriately it will be there then i've got all my projects tagged for this area task tag for this area so who was it henry yeah henry asked so like with the with the task this is where you can sort of see where it can get a little bit like overwhelming because all of my areas are like this so if i see this in four areas i'll be like i've got nothing to do but there might be one area that i just didn't look at for example there's got 30 tasks on it um so it just it keeps me accountable for all of the all of the things that i'm doing right so that is the template let's go to review so that is the template now this is the areas database that we've got in the review page and you can see these the two relations that we've just made so it works both ways so i named the relation on the other end so yeah i named the relation on the task database areas and the projects database areas now i'm going to rename this to projects and i'm going to rename this to tasks now in this review page i really don't need to know what notes projects tasks are related to the errors because that's not what i need this page for so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go into properties and i'm going to select deselect these because i i don't need to see them and i also don't need to see the frequency in this page because i i don't need to see it unless i'm going to change it so i will go into the page i'll click on here and then i'll see the property up here and then i can change the frequency from there so this is this is again another way to clean up my space and drag that there drag that there good uh if we come down here let's create a couple of columns and drag that one up there and let's just do links and then we're going to go to notes in here so now we've got the reviewing notes and you can review the notes any way you want so um when you when you start adding in different notes you could filter this for notes created date created you could add a review property anything like that um for me that that changes depending on what's going on so i'm just going to sort of leave this one here to give you an idea of what this this looks like for me um but yeah so now we've got some some areas areas started to to form so now we go back into our notion space we've only got this notes in here so i'm actually going to delete this database so i have access to this new area template and i'm actually going to very quickly just add an emoji to this so i know what's going on there we go new there we go now but new and there good so go open go into the template that we've just created and we can open the page full and there we go so now we've got our notes we've got our blank space for our scratch pad planning whatever we've got our projects and then we've got our tasks and these are related to notion which is the area that we're in because of the self referencing filter that we have related to notion and this is not related to notion why isn't related to notion that must be in the template i must have forgotten to do that one so we'll go back into with my module website opening in a few weeks this will be my main focus when designing my new setup uh right where was i going i was going into here wasn't i i'm going to edit let's make this a full page so i can actually see it see making it on the fly making on the fly making mistakes and i will probably make a couple more as i keep building this filter filter filter name areas added new see there's the area that we just made i don't want that because i want this to apply to everything because we're changing that template right now let's go back to review let's go back into notion make that a full page that was control enter keyboard shortcut and and let's just delete this to actually give you a full example there we go so now i'm going to go into new template and now it should work come on here we go projects tasks notes there we go so now it's only filtering for that notion specific note all good right there we go so now we've got the dashboard for the areas set up so now we have a template for the areas dashboard so now what we're going to do is we're going to let's let's pick a topic has anyone come up with a biology let's let's go biology because that's the one i see from ben so we're going to go biology and waiting for notion to to wake up a bit there we go open from new and going to add in this template right so now we've got biology as an area and what i'm going to do is i'm going to pretend we have an assignment we have an assignment due for uh this day this is an assignment uh ass assignment come on there we go uh oh apparently i can't spell okay so we've got an assignment now for me when i was doing assignments there were there were typical things that i would do over and over and over again so with my youtube videos and blogs i have repeated tasks and with assignments i did the exact same thing but in here i i don't have anything so what i want to do is i want to create a template inside of my projects database so i'm going to come up here you see we don't have any templates in this database yet this might be a there is no poor questions the is there a way to combine multiple databases into one calendar for example on your area template you have multiple calendars can you make it one um so in my areas dashboard the reason i have two calendars is because they're two different databases the calendar is a database um so essentially you're asking can you combine two databases yes you can you could have tasks and projects in the same database but that does become very clunky there are a lot of properties together as well um so i personally wouldn't advise it but you can do it the reason i go with just the two calendars the projects and tasks is i actually show my projects and tasks together and some of the other things that i'm going to do later on with the projects you would struggle to do um if it's all one so you could do that um but again i i only need to see one calendar which is my task calendar on my dashboard so all of the tasks so the actionable things i need to do ie the lectures that i need to turn up to the tasks that we're going to go through in a second for assignments all of those will appear here so i don't really need to go into those area dashboards unless i need to specifically focus on something or i'm planning something ahead of time because everything is going to be here everything's going to show here so everything's only going to be shown in this one calendar because it's it's all i need and so i wouldn't combine the two because i only need this one um hopefully that answers your question or it explains it a little bit a little bit further um where were we we were in biology and we were making an assignment project uh yes so we've got we've got projects in here and we were making a template to help me so you're going to go into here new let's call it essay because it's easier to spell okay and parts of projects would really be tasks yes um so what i'm doing uh what i'm doing then is this new essay every essay is going to have a similar structure so when i was writing essays you had introduction i've been in been saying so long i've been writing my destination well your introduction or i'm just going to go with a dissertation because that's what's on my head uh introduction some sort of lit review some sort of uh let's go introduction chapter one chapter two chapter three like they would be tasks that you're you're constantly doing um and that's what i'm going to do here so this is a new essay so every time you have a new essay you need a an introduction chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four and they will be tasks that appear in your task database uh i like this type of reviewing personalized dashboards a lot instead of reviewing databases with different views i will adopt this cool cool it's good yeah i try and i try and make different dashboards for different places but the main dashboard is where everything goes it's just if i want to see small views that's where i go to the area dashboard um so yeah because like my my high my high view everything i need to see my main dashboard if i want to go in more depth that's where i go to the area dashboards i'm still really fuzzy on self referencing but i keep watching videos on it inch by inch bit by bit towards actually understanding that they they do take time to like get your head around gray um and i will be using i use them a lot so if you have any specific questions about it uh oh wow that's awesome getting it now cool like like i say like i said then like at the beginning like building out the skeleton structure and i i know where it's going and it's really hard to explain sort of like 20 steps ahead um but yeah so everything will be on that front page that you need and so it is kind of one calendar um yeah right so let's get building this uh i'm still trying to get my head around roll ups and formulas formulas you'll never get your head around because there's always something you can add always something you can change and right so we are in the projects database and i'm going to link the task database inside the projects database let's come into here and there's tasks and let's go to list again because i'm just not a fan of the table view since they made the update and the silly bar goes across i don't know about the rest of you but that's just my preference all right let's let's make this a little bit bigger so you can so you can see what's going on and again we're going to turn this into a full width page right so now we're in a we're in the projects database we're in the template one template of the projects database which is called new essay and we have the task database in it so these are all of the tasks and obviously we don't want to see all of the tasks so uh gray we're going to use the self-referencing filter again so we have the task database and we're in a template self-referencing filter is going to reference new essay so i'm going to add filter uh property and what we're going to do is instead of using areas like the last time we're going to use projects because we're in the projects database uh so it we're filtering all of these tasks filtering for this project contains new essay which is the task which is the project the new essay is the project template inside the project database so it's one page inside the project's database that's what we're relating it to i could relate it to assignment and project because they are other pages but this is the one we want the reason we want the template is because whenever the template is duplicated that new name whatever the new name is so at the moment it's new essay if it's essay 1 the self-referencing filter will filter for sa1 if it's essay 2 it will filter for essay 2. if we put this as assignment every time we have a new template it will always reference assignment that project not the new project you've just made hopefully that makes sense in the usa class is pretty i'm not going to try and say that i know what the word means but yeah to lectures a subject of biology would have several courses 101 201 and each course would have classes with assignments okay yeah so a class is a lecture in mod subject yeah okay and then the module is okay cool i've got my headline thank you gray for for that clarification yeah so we've got project contains new essay so now any project that shows up here that any task that shows up here will be related to this project so before i go on to this next bit i'm going to explain how that works and show you in some examples oops clicking too much wow see i i haven't had to build this for so long i forget how to navigate around things right so where do we want to go we want to go yeah we're going to biology um and we had that assignment so we made that assignment page which is here and you see its assignment and that template remember the template was filtered for new essay it wasn't filtered for assignment it was filtered for new essay so i'm going to add the new essay template so that's where the filter is going to at the moment and it's now going to dump in that task database so this is the task database but now when we go into the filter it's filtering for assignment so it's filtering for the name of this project okay hopefully that's that's made a bit of a connection for you so now when i add any tasks in here it will always be related to this assignment so when i add a task let's say research because research in essays is really important really boring but well boring depending on what topic you're researching for oh come on notion there we go so now we have that task and that task is related to the assignment so it's showing up here you can see there's research for this assignment and and who was it ben so ben this is where the first dashboard comes in handy so i can see there we go uh oh it's the task there we go tasks us because yeah i'll go through that in a second um so i can see this project has one task i can come into here and i can see that we've got that task there it's related there and it's in there and when i go back to my dashboard oh that's not showing because it's the date so let's put the date of the yeah let's move the so this is where because it's because the task is so far ahead uh i don't actually need to do it so we're going to actually move that task back so we do need to do it so it does show me being me being so planned right so let's say that this task i don't think it's got a date on it either actually thinking about it no it doesn't so let's say this task we're going to do this task yesterday there we go boop go to home there we go so now you can see if i had planned uh i don't know much about biology i did anatomy and physiology and my master's degrees in strength and conditioning so i have a sort of understanding about the body but all the enzymes and the rest of it yeah um yeah so now you can see this task it was yesterday but i haven't done it yet which is why it's showing and i can see the project so i can see in this view in this dashboard view this very first view i can see i need to do this task i need to research this assignment okay so i can see from this dashboard viewed what and where to go if i want to get to this assignment because it's a relation i can click on the task i can click into here click the assignment and now we're in that assignment page okay so i haven't i haven't had to go through the sidebar go through any of the links it's there on my page and i can see all the tasks that i need to do and everything's related everything's linked now when i take this task off it's going to disappear there we go but it's still there in my assignment so if we come back into biology you know what because i'm coming into biology quite a lot let's make that into a link uh human body okay that really doesn't help let's put the nose for biology why not because yeah um paste so now we've got biology as uh part of our pad bar so it's cool uh oh we haven't got the tab bar in here but yeah um so now we're in biology uh we go to assessment and you see still see the task is there right so now we have those those sort of all linked up um and what i'm now going to do is going to go back into the template in the projects database and this is where the templates can get a little bit sort of like inception like um confusing but very very powerful so let's come to here drop down what i'm going to do is i'm going to make preset tasks so i know i'm going to research every essay now i have up to one where am i come on notion two three uh let's go oh uh conclusion conclusion right and let's drag these across just for aesthetics sake um and what i'm doing is i'm creating basically tasks that i'm always going to do so i'm always whenever i have an essay i'm always going to research do chapter one do chapter two do chapter three chapter four or conclusion or whatever um and you can make these tasks whatever they are you can make as many as you want as few as you want it really doesn't matter um so now i have these tasks done now what i like to do is put an emoji on them so i know what area they're related to so for this case what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn them into a page into here and let's put a hat on them so i know that it's related well it's it's associated because it's not actually like notion related it's associated to research so now i have these tasks okay what i'm now gonna do is i'm gonna go back to uh let's come back into here uh let's go biology now i'm going to go to the assignment so i'm going to use this as like a dummy page and i'm going to get rid of this and go new essay and that's going to dump in that new template that we've just made open page when you say second brain do you mean in the way together 14 means it i thought i was about uh it was about captures things that resonate with you you seem to be building task projects subjects database yes so second brain is capturing but from from what thiago's talks about it's not just capturing and then that's it and living it it's about doing something with it so from a second brains perspective um capturing things is great but it's what you do afterwards so it's it's the notes aspect so the second brain aspect of myspace is notes and relating it to all of the tasks and projects afterwards um and i can't build my notes database without having the tiles and projects set up first um so with with when it comes to the the capturing the things and everything else i will capture something and then i will sort it and then i will build something from it using a project using a task make it into something so i have some sort of knowledge management basis to the stuff rather than having what um ali abdul has or had i don't know if he still does a resonance calendar basically with tons and tons of stuff that he doesn't really know what to do with and he said it in a video he he just finds it like a an endless like pitch of stuff um and building out the tiles on projects now allows note-taking later on to make more sense um hopefully that answers your question theo and i i will get to the the note-taking but this is sort of going to be set up first for the note taking to work otherwise i'd be building back on myself uh right so we've got these preset tasks this task is still here but it is completed um and what i can now do is i can drag these pages drag them down into here and what this is done there they are is it's related all of those tasks to this project and all of these tasks are now related to this project and will show appropriately um what i'm actually going to do is because i've just realized i don't have a filter for um i think all no longer use is oh ally no longer yeah i don't know um okay that makes sense a bit more sense my second brain is just a database with some basic properties where i copy things that resonate with me and put it yeah yeah um i understand that with that theory like grabbing capturing stuff is so easy and it's what do you do with it afterwards like that's the it's like so what um like capturing things is so so easy um and i i know ali i think has changed his space touring obviously has just said that he changed he's changed it as well but yeah um right where where was i oh yeah so i'm going to come into here i'm going to edit this and i'm going to add a filter to this so it's going to add a date on it so it's going to appear in the calendars date is i'm going to add today so it's always going to work there we go come out of there so we're going to assignments let's go into the assignment there we go now let's delete that so you can see what comes up so we've got loads of tasks related to this one assignment we will get rid of them eventually um so i'm going to add that new template here we go i can then go in there i can then come in here i can click drag drop plop all related got a date good the reason i added that date bit is because now when i come down filter four areas there we go there's another filter i need to add on every i i wish i wish i had planned this out further in advance so let's come in here let's add another filter um and so project contains that yep area like i said i haven't built this for so long um and we want to relate this to because this is in yeah can i relate that to that that's a good question this is yeah so what i want to do is a yeah by oh no biology apology there we go so now i'll come out of here come on come into here edit now because it's filtered for biology i'm going to come into here new essay new biology so i have a youtube template a blogging template um content marketing template they're all slightly different because of the filters oh come on nation biology cool and there there we go right third time lucky those of you watching on the replay edge i'd just be like skip to that bit skip to that bit where you did it right first time make it look like i know what i'm doing okay here we go third time lucky we're gonna have so many tasks linked here come to here come down add there we go now it's got a date now it's related to the right essay and now it's showing there we go cool so now i'm showing all of these tasks we can see what's going on with the dashboard and look there we go all the tasks going on right so now we've got all these tasks i'm just gonna say i've done them all uh so that's the that's the process of building a template that allows me to get all of the tasks done very very quickly that are repeated so now whenever i have a biology essay i can go into biology so this is basically from scratch i can go into biology i can say i have um new essay click on the template and for those of you in business or anything like that this is really useful it's like a if you've got a project and you have repeated things going on or emails and things you need to do or a newsletter anything like that having these as just preset tasks makes life so much easier and you can apply it so many different ways uh right so there's that that's down there um there there's all the the tasks done so we're good here and what i'm gonna do because i've just realized is i'm going to filter this for done is not ticked there we go now looking at this view i also want to see the projects the tasks are related to so i'm going to go into properties i'm going to project so i'm going to tick that on so now i can see these tasks are related to these projects and what this means is i can plan out this whole project from here so i want to do research first let's do conclusion then chapter three then chapter two then and chapter one then so this is essentially me planning out my week for this essay um you can see this is the essay it's due in on that sunday these are all the tasks and on my dashboard what it's going to do is it's going to show me the one task that i need to do this is the one task i actually need to do but there's all the other tasks and that's not showing here because i don't need to seal them see them all here but they are showing up down here if you want them to show up here you can personally i don't have them filtered down here because i use this as an event calendar um which i'll go over in a second but what we can do is we go into here we can go into the project go into the project and now we can see all of those tasks are related to the right place all showing in the right place and everything's set so that is the project template and you can duplicate that many times and use the same structure over and over and over again for different projects different essays i'm not going to do that because i've just done that process um now what we're going to do is we're going to very quickly do the events because that's on top of my mind while i'm at it um so i plan out my events here so if i have an event such as this live stream for example if i have a live stream next week i will go live stream and so this could be lectures or this could be a meeting this could be anything where you need to go and do something that is what i put on my calendar down here and what i do is i add a very simple select property tag and then here i go [Applause] event okay so now this is an event tag and what this means i can do is i can come in here i can filter and go tag is event so for me i don't want to see every single task that i've done every single task that i'm planning all in this data all in this calendar view because it's going to be way overwhelming especially like looking at my calendar now i i have like 10 15 tasks a day and this would just get massive and it it would go down so this is what i use instead of google calendar and it's filtered for events so this is a task filtered for an event um so let's go into here and just add a task as an example uh let's go to biology as a lecture so what we're going to do is we're going to add a task into biology let's say we have let's do it for today because and then it will show up uh we've got a lecture waiting for it to load we're going to add event in and what this means is we've done we've made a task it's not related to a project so there's no assignment assigned to this lecture is assigned to a biology a subject a class so we come out of there and we go back to the dashboard and we go down to the bottom oh we were only in the dashboard weren't we there's the lecture it's already showing and it's also going to show here so it's also going to show my task list which is where i'm going to add properties i'm going to add that tag so i can see that it's an event so i s i know i need to do something again i'm going to drag this to the top so we've got the events there um something that i personally do that you might want to do is in my task database i'll have a template that sounds like a good idea rather than creating a separate calendar database like exactly like that so for me like a task again a task has an end date so like the the date i'm doing it is essentially the end date the due date i think yeah that's an august bradley thing i think a due date and so i have a due date for my events and my events are just tasks there are tasks that have an event tag on them um so if we go and missed i missed the end there but i don't know if i messed up something else yeah i just missed the end event template so i'm creating a template in the class database and i'm going to add a tag when notion catches up with me uh call that event and now we've got an event template so if i do need to just quickly create an event from here so if i'm planning a meeting or a lecture suddenly pops up um i can come into here and go okay let's go in here and i can push the event template or because it's already filtered it's already put in um i push the event template and then everything's set so there is that i'm going to delete that for the moment so now we've got the events all sorted we've got the tasks sorted we've got the projects template sorted now what we're going to do is i'm going to say i've actually done that event and i've done that project i've done that and i've done that all good so let's go back to our review area and we go into yeah let's let's go into biology and we'll do it this way um so we've got all of these tasks i don't really want all of these cells but we're going to keep them we're going to keep the task there anyway um and what i want to do in my projects so in my assignment this uh yeah in the new essay we use the new essay so in the new essay i want to be able to see my progress i want to see how far along i've done with the project so this assignment has all of these tasks related to it so this assignment this essay is a project and what i want to do is i want to see how many tasks i've done how many tasks i need to do so this is where the roll-up comes in handy so we're going to go done i want to see how many cards i've done these are all the tasks related to this project so i'm going to use the relation i'm going to use task relation so now it's just going to show me all of the tasks and i don't want to see all of the tasks i'm going to use that done tick box so you can see i've apparently i've done one of all of these five so the research i've done i've ticked that one off but i haven't done the chapter one chapter two chapter in conclusion i haven't done them now what i want it to do is i want it to show to me as a number so i'm going to go checked so now it's showing a one because i've done one of those five tasks so now i've got done is one because i've done one task now if i was to tick this one off it would show two because i would have done two now i'm going to add another rollup for total we're gonna go do pretty much the same thing we're gonna use the tasks we're going to go done we're going to go oh no we're not because we want total don't we so we want name and then we want count all so now it's got five so now i know i've done one out of five um and again i don't want to have to calculate that so there's different ways you could make a progress bar you could make a really big fancy one you could make a traffic light system there's any numerous different ways you could do it but it's a formula it is basically a formula that you're going to work on progress and i'm going to do a very very simple just i've done it i haven't done it i'm working on it um formula so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do does done oh yeah where's done so i'm going to ask does done equal total if done equals total then it means i'm finished because i've done all of the tasks that there are so i'm going to ask that as a question now if that is true i want to put a check if that is not true then i want it to do something else so i wanted to ask something else so i'm just going to put no there for the moment so you can see it's got no because there are other tasks that i need to do but if this is five out of five it's going to say a tick so if i go to another project i think i've done all of the tasks in notion there aren't any tasks associated with notion apparently oh that's because there's no project in there let's go to the do i have another project i have an assignment don't i i have an assignment project this is where the dashboards come in handy because i've just gone to the projects dashboard so we've got the assignment the assignment must have projects there we go so apparently i haven't done all of the assignments in this one either let's have a look at the tasks so filter for uh oh let's just go into here and go properties done and now i'm going to just get rid of these just to show the example in the other space dump all of those so if i tick off all of these tasks to prove that the formula works wow oh yeah because these are this is where i added all of the tasks right oh that's every single task in every single database bug i didn't want to do that never mind um but you can see the formula works it's 16. yeah so you can see the formula works that's all of the tasks in every single database right let's come back to this so you can see now it's going to tick when done equals um there you go it's ticked because i've unintentionally clicked all these tasks let's go on to these tasks and uncheck them very quickly i haven't actually done them come to here i wish that i wish you could do this from this view that'd be quite nice especially when you start making mistakes like this come to here get there done back here for those of you that are curious about the shortcuts i'm using it's control and then the square square bracket and so i'm jumping back so now we've got one out of five right um i should probably should have done that in the first place so now it says no so what i'm going to do is now i'm going to ask it another question there should be a bracket start yeah there is a bracket start good so what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy this just because it's easier copy ctrl c and then paste it in uh unexpected operator unexpected operator excuse me it's going to be finicky right right here we go this this this is where nested formulas start to irritate me it's all syntax focused syntax focused right so we've got a yes we've got to know oh it's because i haven't got a second now isn't it paste unexpected item in the operator very true very true right uh oh why are you being finicky notion don't do this to me while i'm this is easy this should be easy see even people that use notion formulas all the time get things messed up so we've got that if that fine if not no so why weren't you working okay you know what let's just do this manually and write this out um so we've got no in there we want to ask another question so that one goes in there and we're going to ask does uh where is it so we want to ask if done is smaller than total now i'm just going to very quickly do a quick check oh yes no it hasn't nested it hasn't this did it no i don't think it has his here's me working out formulas on the fly so if they're cool if not you know what does the other project say i'm done those those watching on the replay i'll just be like yeah just just pretend uh you know what let's make this big pr troubleshooting as we go troubleshooting as we go properties let's have a look at the progress so it is working so all of those are working that's good i was going to show that anyway so that makes sense cool right so oh of course it is so i actually did it right i was just getting confused um so that's yes so is that smaller than that yes so that means that we are working i believe that i confused myself and i've done it right orange and then this one is cross there we go so here we go i'll now explain it so if done equals total so if we've completed all of the tasks it's going to show a green tick if done is smaller than total so if we still have tasks left it's going to be orange and then if neither of those things are true it's going to show a red cross which basically means we've done nothing because it will show zero so if i go into this relation i come into here uh i imagine people have probably just like skipped like left the stream and gone he doesn't know what he's doing uh yeah so now you can see it's zero out of five oh why are you showing that come on notion um so oh it's because if it's smaller than if it's smaller than and that's true uh so what i want to do is i'm going to have to add another check in there so we go copy that paste in there so if that's so if done equals zero and this is why we check things don't do that what did i get rid of that i shouldn't have got rid of other question mark right i've done equals zero why are you not liking it now parentheses expected there we go so i want that one to be a cross and on to the error there we go that's because that one's first so here we go again something else to note because it's because this one is true first it's actually ignoring this one so i actually have to reorder this i actually have to reorder this so let's go and uh how am i going to do this let's just go equals zero and then is [Applause] smaller than total don't found out the way it's gonna it's it's gone and added in a ghost thing you know you know what i'm gonna leave this before i get stressed i'm gonna leave this before i get stressed um i will come back to that later but yeah so essentially you can use the the the formulas to work that out because i'm going to get to the the other stuff okay i i wish formulas were simple sometimes which formula see just goes to show even though i do formula videos it yeah it gets frustrating sometimes so um but pretend i'm i pretend i got that right pretend i did that right um if if you want me to go through uh that formula i will go through it um but i'm gonna go back to the dashboard and do stuff that's easy which is relations and roll-ups um right so we've got we've got this filter for areas and i'm going to attach this to anything let's attach this to biology going to there come on i shouldn't speed up i'm like in in my head i'm like ahead of time there we go let me go into biology have we got any questions in the form no we haven't got any questions on the phone cool uh so that is a note question they're all good right so there's that there's that what else would i want to do there there's loads of other things in my space right so i've got i've got my task that's alright i got my projects that's sorted notes and there that's fine actually is that the majority of my space done i think i'm gonna have to think about this no it it can't be surely not i might actually have to go back to my space and cheat here i'm about to go back to my space and cheat here let me see something else so i've got the tasks that's done um all of the notes when they're clipped in that goes to my notes ah there we go that's that's the other one the pants the the space repetition right so in here i will have different templates for different things so when i'm creating what happened there edit in here so when i'm when i make a note the note will come in default that will be either the uh clips note the article or anything like that and i have templates for relating it to specific areas uh notes review yes um so the notes review and like building notes cool um yeah so with with the notes each note has a specific purpose um so if if i'm making a note in a lecture um which oh there we go notes on electron then i'm just let's create the link database i'm going to link this to the task database and we're going to have a task i should be there shouldn't it area am i losing my mind that's oh we're in the notes database aren't we yes so we want to relate notes and tasks there we go let's do that now like i'm talking as if i know what i'm doing but i'm literally making this up as i'm going trying to remember what i have in my space so we're relating this to tasks now what we're going to do is we're going to use the self-referencing filter again properties uh that's not what i wanted at all let's make this big big page because we want this full view coming to here and then we're going to use actually i'm going to turn this into a list review first so i don't have to redo that filter because that's not fun come to here go there delete that delete that into here filter filter filter and we go into notes contains uh have i not titled this no no i haven't this is its template right and the reason i've done this is because when i clip something in create a note or anything like that i don't want the note just to sit there and do nothing i want there to be a purpose to the note so a task is an actionable thing it's something that's going to pop up on my action database and i'm going to do something about it i did type in there didn't i um so what this allows me to do is when i'm going through the note going like surfing surfing through the note i can make a task from it and the task is going to be related to the note so that is that that is that in here this is related to the note i think that's all i need in here we'll probably find out that i need a couple more relations later on um so now when i when i come into here and i've made that new note oh it's going to appear and it's already going to filter for the note so it's there and so imagine this is a lecture or anything like that and you have stuff information notes uh i realize i'm typing in notions not going to like me for it uh there we go so as you're taking notes in your page you could make make two columns that's how i do it and if you have a task or an action that you want to do so during a lecture you realize oh i need to research that thing or that would be a good idea for my essay or anything like that um you can just either hold the alt key click drag and then drop in there so what i've done is i've duplicated this into here so it's still in my note it's still in my my notes page it's still in my my resources so my lecture notes but it's now a task um and there you go that's something i already forgotten the filter to add a date onto it um so i'm going to have to do that but what this means is during the lecture you can make tasks for what you need to do in future whether you put a date on it whether you don't it doesn't really matter it's obviously up to you and up to your workflow but it means you don't have to go outside of the the lecture note that you're taking to to to make anything um so i'm actually going to come on come to here edit the filter and actually while while we're here i'm also going to add something else uh which i know i have so we're going to add into here add date is today and now what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to relate to the notes database to itself and the reason i do this is mainly to limit the amount of databases i have so there are different types of notes if i clip something it's going to be a very quick superficial note um such as like a tweet or a quote or something like that it's going to be really really quick so it might just go into like my blogging space so i'll tag it in the like with the area i'll tag it there and say go to my blog space and then because of the filtered view in that space it will go there excuse me um but if it's a longer for example lecture i'm going to have loads and loads of stuff in it so i might make notes on my note which means i now need to relate to the notes database to itself um so i think it was uh tauren said this earlier like database inception this this really is like madness um we're going to use this one so we can go backwards and forwards between the two um because i i don't really know much of a use for anything else like for the other one just like a one-way a one-way link because there's no backlink for it um so this is notes and we're gonna go we're gonna go [Applause] it's from you're getting you're getting a lot better getting a little better than what spit speaking in live working working out what i'm doing remembering what i'm doing um right yeah so we've got notes two and notes from uh and now what we're going to do is we're going to have a there we go linked database uh to the notes database and the reason we're going to have a link database of the note database inside the notes page is so that we can do the same thing we did with the tasks we can notes there we go we can tag a note with a note so what this is doing is this is allowing me to create all those backlinks so notion have brought out backlinks and it's sort of working but for me using relations still works better i'm doing video i'm doing videos explaining a different workflow with the new backlinks and how everything works but this is the way that i've been using broadband for a long time backlinks for a long time right and we're going to get rid of the table view let's delete that and we're going to come into here we're now going to do the exact same thing we're still going to add another filter add filter add filter name and we're going to go notes 2 actually i think in my space i might actually only have notes yeah i think it is just notes because then it's just the one relation because then it makes more sense because i take back what i said i take back what i said because i don't want that i'm looking through my head i don't want that i want one way because i want to be able to go back to the notes so let's do that very quickly again and i am going to go one way because otherwise you'd get yeah making it on the flight yes i only want the one because everything else is the two-way that's that's the one that was the one with there we go sorry about that guys right so we're going to add name notes then we got the self-referencing filter no template now it makes sense now it's so much easier so now we have tasks and now we have notes so now i can link the notes to themselves and what i'm actually going to do is create columns now um so i don't have to do it later because i imagine i'll probably end up doing it later uh this isn't going to be a white page is it oh it is it's my bad my bad i got it wrong go into there go into there go into there and that's not what i wanted oh i'm so used to doing it i'm so used to building the same stuff it's really technical term there stuff there we go so i'm going to type in this column so this is where all my notes will go um let's not do it in there because that's a template uh there we go so say this is a new note i'm going to have the old template in here yes so let's dump all of that new note it's loading let's think about it um information quote oh let's just go so all your information all your notes and everything like that um this is something that you've gone okay i need to action that i need to do that that's something i should do um what i was doing was i was dragging that and dropping that into here so i was doing that alt click drag and drop into here and then if it was a quote that i wanted or if it was a note that i wanted um what i do same thing as i click and drag and drop into here and so now i have a play note oh did i not filter the thingy i don't think i filtered the notes database so again i'm going to go into the self-referencing filters and go filter that hmm oh i did no i did why are you not showing hmm okay i i don't understand why that's not showing that should be shown anyone in chat that understands why that's not showing let me know but that should be showing because it's it's linked right there play note and then it's going to go there yeah so that that should be working don't understand why that's not working but yes that works in my space um so we made that new note the the new information note and it's showing up here um and the reason it's showing up here is because it's not related to an area so all of the new notes that you make in that lecture page that will go all the way down um they will all appear on your dashboard so again i'm coming back to my dashboard to sort through everything so you can have it automatically relate to an area so the notes show up in the area but for me when i was taking notes in a lecture i had them show up here um so that i could go through the note after the lecture and be like okay yeah this is what i need to do this is what i'm going to do because of it and that sort of thing um so let's go oh my tv is going to shut off on the other screen no stage face that's definitely filtered for it yes it is let's create another dummy note to make sure that it's working so for example if this was a note that i wanted to my database i could click drag drop boom there we go we have a new note we have another note use the template note please work it's going to be a really bad example if it doesn't work it's related to the section hmm hmm [Applause] in my space it works and this space apparently doesn't i don't understand that i don't understand that hmm i guess i guess maybe it's gonna go two ways but that doesn't make sense because that relates back to hit oh no because that would be the problem no said yes okay this is me getting confused because i don't need to go to all those notes because it's there idiot wow okay let me explain this so the reason the reason i had it as two ways is because i wanted to show up here but actually so this is something i recently changed to have it as a one i don't need the backlink because it's here so this is the backlink so it's not showing here because it's there um so this is essentially a sub note of a big note so this is a resource this is a lecture um and all of the sub notes are here in this database so i don't need to see it up here because then i would see it twice that's why that's how i got rid of the two there we go it makes sense um yeah because i did have it as two and then i removed it and it had it as one um yes so i have all of the sub notes here so if i was to go into this lecture i could see all the sub notes here and i wouldn't have to see them here but if we go into the sub note you can then see the top note so it works up right there we go cool that makes hopefully that makes sense to you if not let me know in chat because i i got confused with that so um but yes so uh we now have sub notes of notes inside here and the same principle applies because this is now a essentially this is a sub note in a resource a subnote in a lecture i can come to here i can use the note template again sub note again so i'm making a note on a note um oh let's hold the alt key so it doesn't get rid of it there we go so same principle going to here so now we've got sub notes so if i was to go into this subnote i can go into the note that i got it from and then i can see that note and all of those pieces of information yes it's clear now good henry glad that made sense wow explanations how do you review this sub notes so i will get there in a second this should have been so much quicker i will get there in a second so we've got the sub notes there uh we're in the note and then we can go to the notes and then we go to the notes and then we go all the way up to the top resource um now what i'm what i'm now going to do is if we come back to here you can see these are all the notes that we've made because these are all the notes in the notes database and so i can see i need to sort through all of these things and what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back to here and i'm going to create my resources area this is an area because there's no end date there's no due date there's no finish date it's just resources so this is for that for me this is how i categorize all like the top level information but when i was at uni so those students and time for me to call it a night i hope you have a great week that's all right tauren uh it will be available on replay wow i've been going for a while it will be available on the replay um but yeah good to see you here any if you have any questions like before or after just contact me uh on twitter or anything like that so the resources so for lectures the the top level lectures would be in the lecture space so the the biology that would hold the resources um um so i'm gonna go into the resources i'm gonna open this up new area template because we made the template earlier in the stream and this is all sorted for me to chugging along there we go so this notes view at the moment is empty because there's nothing associated with resources so we go back to the home now if uh where which was the top note was it this one yeah it looks like this was the top level note now what i'm going to do is i'm going to attach this note to resources because this is my resources area so i'm going to attach it to this area i'm going to tag it so now it's tagged it's not going to show in my dashboard because i've processed the note so you see it's now disappeared now when i go into my resources area there's the note so it's it's still in my notes database but it's showing in the view that i need it to to be viewed in um and i can do the same thing with all of the other notes um so let's let's go through a lecture example so we had a lecture planned out didn't we uh no we didn't well we did but we must have got rid of it oh we did it so this lecture you could substitute this for a meeting uh or anything that you've got to go and do anything like that event so this is going to show up in that calendar view on the dashboard and in the list view on the dashboard so this is now a lecture go to the home view uh now what i would do is i would create a lecture template in the task database so instead of having an event it would be a lecture template in here so i would come in here and i would add in here actually let's do it while we're here let's just turn this into a lecture template because i don't typically use the event one so let's go lecture come on oh wow yeah my my laptop is old as well guys so lecture template and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring in the notes database so the notes template we've just been messing around with messing around with we've just been creating um i'm now going to essentially link that into here which is there and this is where for those of you that have seen the whole stream you'll see it all sort of like divvy down and sort of like work its way down uh to do list create ooh clicking too fast i don't want to see that let's delete that delete that and come into here filter add add how do you get rid of these subnotes in main dashboard a filter where notes is empty so it works exactly the same so the sub notes as as soon as there is an area attached to the sub notes then then they'll go um you can do that automatically when you're creating the notes in the lectures by autumn by having that as a filter or what i like to do is actually do it afterwards um so all the notes work exactly the same the sub notes the top notes all the notes work the same as soon as you add attack excuse me as soon as you tag an area to it it will disappear from the dashboard um what am i filtering for i'm filtering for tasks contains lecture template that is all i think i need in here and just because i i just don't like having errors it's there right so now we've got the lecture so there's the lecture it's showing there's the lecture it's showing and what i would do is when the lecture comes up i'm coming here i can then add lecture template it's thinking about it and then add a note and it's already related to the lecture so if this lecture was lecture one lecture one of the year um come on there we go now we can add a notes template to that so this is the template we were just working on uh and you can see there's the task so there's the lecture and we've got our notes in here so writing information now we're going to come into here drag that down into there now we've got the note in there that note is related to this note which is related to the lecture so everything is tagged on upwards there we go so we've got lecture one we've got sub notes we've got notes going all over the place so it kind of looks messy but when we come was this related to biology i believe it was fingers crossed it was yeah it was good so now when i come to biology got notes because this is filtered for biology you can go into the lecture again you can make this automatic uh if you want me to make it automatic like now um i can do just let me know in the chat um so the where's the lecture the lecture is there there's the lecturer so i can see all the lecture notes from here and the reason i put it like that is because in the lecture there may be other things like where i need to go what i need to do or any pre-planning pre-reading or anything like that i would have that in that page as well and then i'd have the actual notes from the lecture in my notes database which is here then i have all of my notes from the lecture this is just a normal page it could be full of anything and then i have all my notes from that and that's already related so i can go to all of those sub notes there and what i'm actually going to do is because this yeah so because this is related to notes here if we change that filter so this would be how to make it automatic do i didn't want to push new note back come to here um yeah let's attach that to biology so i'm going to attach writing information i'm going to remember that writing information i'm attaching that to biology boom so we've attached writing information as a note to biology it's now showing in my note space for biology and it's now not showing here because it's been attached to biology and i'm going to uh i'm going to attach this to biology as well and you can see this is how it all disappears so we're going to go anthropology so this is the lecture one note and it's gone from my dashboard so i've processed it come to here into biology and there's the lecture one note so this is where you can have all of your notes how you choose to sort your notes is up to you i personally don't want to see all of these together and that is where i add another tag to it so i add another area to it and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come into lecture one and i'm going to oops wrong one come to here add resources so i personally this is this is personal preference i personally don't want to see my lecture one note here because i can get to it through here and all of these sub notes that i would take uh stored here um and i can filter change the formatting and the rest of it down here but i don't want to see this lecture one note here just at my personal preference so i'm going to change the filter um and say area does not contain resources so it means only the smaller notes that are related to biology are going to show here hopefully that makes sense and the same thing works with events um and meetings and all of those sort of notes as well right so i think that's those notes uh let's come back to here let's have a quick look what is this this is this is a note 4 this is a notes template what is this going to filter for edit uh it's not automatically relating so if we say we're going to make a resource note so i'm going to add a template so this is going to be resource okay and this is the way that i sort my notes very very quickly it's because i use the templates and note database to add an area tag to them so when i bring things in from the clipper it doesn't have an area so is it possible to use notion web clipper and send clipped web pages to specific notion template thanks that's kind of what i'm going over now um so when you clip from notion it'll only clip to a database and everything is empty it just doesn't give you anything um other than obviously the the content of the clipped page come on motion wake up um there we go resource template um and what i'm going to do is i'm going to add resources in here so now i've made the same spelling mistake have a resource template that all it's going to well all it's going to do is going to add the the area tag onto it i can add more stuff later on um so when i clip something in whatever it is i've clipped it in there we go so i've clipped this in so this could be a youtube video and you'll have the content down here and the rest of it i will cut the content come into here push resources template now it's already added that tag so i can come out and it's already gone and it's in my resources space which is there so you can see it's clipped um and it's it's already apparently no section is also in here so that's how i go through those so it makes it very very quick to sort through notes and just dump them straight where i need them to go and i have different templates of four different notes um my notes ten places all over the place this building is so sporadic um to get a full clear understanding of my system obviously watch the the series in my on the channel when they come out um but yes so i will have different templates in here for tagging different things so this one is resources specific so whenever i add anything and add the resources tag it will it won't show in my dashboard it will go straight to um the area and so that's that that's that let's just go into here and dump all of those into resources cool so now we've got our notes empty we've got the notes template done we've got lectures that's sorted that's sorted that's good in there and i don't even remember what this went to this one went to motion okay cool marie's video is there so that's that that's that notes notes review is the next bit wasn't it so it's the subnotes so when i'm processing through the notes this is where all of those tasks and projects templates that i did beforehand come in handy so let's go to a place that i have a lot of notes i've just dumped a load of notes in resources so that will be where um that will be useful so let's go to resources open up resources [Music] and this is where tagging the information packing the note to an area helps me process everything so i have all of these notes that are related to resources um these these notes could be anything this is a clipped note don't don't know what it's for um and what i would do is i will plan something out so if if this is a tweet i will plan something like what am i going to do with this note what what is the point of me having it here am i going to use it with an essay am i going to use it uh for revision am i going to make a flash card out of it am i going to make a a product out of this like what what am i going to do with with this note with this subnet or anything like that um if it's if it's actionable what i'll typically do is let's actually add the notes template to that if it's actionable what i'll do is i'll just add the task in here um so say for this subnote i want to i'm going to i'm going to review review bio biology that that is going to be the task like i i don't know during the lecture i realized i don't know this thing i need to review biology yeah whatever that was and it was it was a note to myself i know i need to do this thing um it's a really dodgy example oh come on notion wake up i'm not even doing that much there we go um and what that means is if we go back to my dashboard i've made that note there it is all on my dashboard so i've made the note inside of a note which is in a note which is in a lecture which is a note inside a page in my database but it's essentially i just made a task and it showed up where i need it to show up right let's go back to where i was and i don't remember where i was in my space so this is about the back key um yeah so that's how i'd make the task and then if i'm making a flashcard same process i would go into here make the flashcards i don't think i'm going to make the flashcards database now because i've almost been streaming for three hours do you want to see the flashcards database obviously the space repetition one is there it allows different templates for each clip yes exactly that mike um if you want to see me create the space repetition flashcards database let me know in chat um if not like if you're watching on the replay i have a video explaining how i make that and i probably won't make as many errors i haven't made as many errors in that um yes so whenever i allow different templates yes so the notes database can have as many templates as you want um and what what what i'll do um is because what you're doing is you're creating a template that is basically a tag um so i can come in here i can add another one uh what's another area that i've got uh biol oh i've done biology i think i've already done biology but hey never mind [Applause] biology template notion you're really not showing people how how fast and efficient you are that then it might be my computer as well oh dude where did the cake come from um yeah so now we've got a biology template in here so now when i add um a new so when i clip something in i'm going to clip it to my notes database um and then i might just stop typing and now i can add biology template now you've got the biology tag on it and now it's not showing in the notes now when i go to biology which is the nose uh there's the note um and when i come into biology so when this review box is ticked from the areas so for those of you that like i've just joined on the replay or anything like that this is a tick box for reviewing the area when i review the area for learning adapting or anything like that i can then i'm running into the slow speed lately on all different platforms also i know that i know they're currently like building stuff as well in the background obviously the backlinks is something and then the backlinks have caused some other things going on so it's yeah that they're changing a lot in the background and my computer's doing a lot but normally it's fine normally it's fine but i think it's because i'm i'm doing a lot in my computer that it's sort of like exasperating the speed but yeah um yeah so uh what was i what was i saying oh yeah so when this review box is ticked i'll come down and then because it's always reviewing no matter how many things i've i've clipped and i've tagged if i tagged it it will come up in this database and if it's there i know either i need to do something with it yes let's go for the flashcards database okay henry i will i will make the flashcards database and the the formula is going to be great fun um but yeah so now i've got this note um and we've got yes so i've got this note and then when i come in for the review i can then decide what i'm going to do with that whether i'm going to research that which means i would go in add a task and then research that or i'm going to archive that and add it to resources so it's archived so when i review my resources area i can see it um or i could turn it into a project so i'm going to quickly show you how this would work so if i come into here hold the alt key again drag it out here and drop it bump i have a whole other workspace for this like a whole other workflow for this but i've just done this as an example so now i have the clipped information and i'm going to move it into projects and i'm going to click on the projects on on this that i've just made a new biology essay apparently is the only project template we've got so i've taken a note i've made it into nothing essentially and now i'm turning it into a project so if if in the business world if you're in the business world if that was um a note from a meeting so you've had a meeting which is a task you take a note notes in the meeting if you realize okay in this meeting they want me to build this they want me to do this they want me to do that that then becomes a note that note then turns into a project in the projects template you can then make the project you can then add all the default tasks if you if you do the project repeatedly and then when you come out of that uh wow that's a really bad project due date let's add a project that the due date's already gone um and then we go into the task database and now you can see these are all of the tasks the preset tasks related to the project and they will show up on today's um task list and something else that i've also remember that i like to use is how is that still not and something else i also like to do is add a rollup add properties text due date i'm in the task database and i'm going to roll up the due date of the project in the task database so i'm going to use the project's relation and i'm going to use the date and that's all i want to see there we go there's the due date right so what we've done is we've gone i've had a meeting i've taken a note in the meeting i've turned a note into a project i've made the project tasks and all of that has basically led to my dashboard showing the tasks that i need to do the project they're related to and when i come into here so i'm clicked on the task i can now see i need to do this task today the due date is the 12th so i have six days left to do it um this is the project so i can go there if i need to this is the area so i can go there if i need to there is no note related to this task so that's all good and then when i click off and say i've done that and i've done that and i've done that done that we can go into tasks so this is the dashboard that we made earlier and i obviously clicked on the wrong one i didn't change that link either never mind let's go on the tick box because this is the task link i can go on the task wow there's loads of tasks that i just yeah so these are all the tasks that i that i've ticked off and said i've done um so you can see these are the most recent ones um this is a task for tomorrow so you can see that this is telling me that's something you need to do for tomorrow i didn't realize that but then i'm not really paying attention to what i'm adding in and these are all the tasks that i've done so if i properties do done there we go you see these real tasks have been done let's say i haven't done that back to my dashboard there it is again um so you can play around and tick them off if you wanted to um there's the lecture there's that there's that and we are going to make the flashcards database and again we're going to go to review and we're going to go space now for me this is the only dashboard this is the only database that i haven't found a second use for but thinking about it going going back if i was to go back as a student now it would be really really useful um so i actually i am going to do it i am going to do it uh we're going to go notes uh we'll go flash cards because this has been requested from henry and what while we wait for notion to work out what i've typed um flash cards i use flash cards with space repetition active recall and i add flash cards to quotes add flash cards to anything i want to remember i really don't care that it spelled wrong anything i want to remember um and essentially anything i want to remember anything i want to learn um that isn't a note so it's not something that i'm going to action um and i will link my flashcards database in my note stage or i do link my flashcards database in my notes database as well so we are going to oh i don't want to create that i want to do that we're going to create the flash cards a database this is going to be serious because this is like a this is a big old build this one this this was great fun building this to start with let you in on the secret that i i have changed this so many times oops bash cards there we go flashcards every page in this database is going to be a flashcard so it's the exact same principle as all of the other all the other databases going on uh for this one we want a single select i'm gonna have to remember how i made this so we've got stage we've got uh last wrong or that was meant to be a date so we've got stage uh oh yeah let's turn this into a multi-select and do this quicker so we got one two three four five six oh come on all right she's going to dump it all together chugging a long notion oh i can't type too quickly my hyphen speed is only like seventy four five yeah let's just stick with five so i don't have to take too long uh last wrong and then we want formula and this is going to be review hopefully this formula is better than the progress bar formula if you wanted to know any of the progress bars i use i have free templates that are downloadable so don't look at those because they work um right so what i want to do is look at that i want to add so i want to go this one last wrong so stage equals one oops got to be there if stage equals one and what i want it to do question mark is i want to go can you say an example where you do flash cards from notes uh an example of flashcards from notes so if so reading reading para for example i read the parablog like uh chargo's blog his blog post so the i clipped the blog post to my notes database then that became a resource note i then made smaller notes in that so the project section became a smaller note the area section became a smaller note resource is smaller no archives smaller note then inside those smaller notes i actually made flash cards on each of those points so uh well i can't remember where the flash cards are now but it was like um an example what is project in the paris space and the flash card was related to the note so the question i'm typing this but the question in the name would be what's what does projects mean in para then inside the page would be the answer of what the projects mean in para and it would be related to the note so if i didn't know the answer i couldn't think of the answer then i would go through the relation go back to the note which would be the sub note of the article and if i still wanted more i could think again then go to the relation to the higher note which was the whole article so i could go all the way back as to so i've got like this one flash card going all the way back to the the full article so that's as one example of how i'd make a note um yeah make a flash card from a note hopefully that helps let me know um if you want me to expand any further on that so we've got stage equals one if that is true then i want to go last wrong and we want to add a date so we want to go hey add we want to go how many days do we want to add one days and if not put last wrong that makes sense 6th of september yep okay right let's turn this back into a select property right so now we've got stage one so because it's stage one it's going to all my knee um because it's stage one it's going to add one date to this um if it's stage two we haven't set up stage two yet but if it's stage two it's going to show last wrong uh thanks that was helpful good glad that was helpful um yeah so here we go again here we go let's try and add a nested so that's that that's that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do i want to copy all of that paste it in there okay that's yes if not do that if not do that why are you not liking this oh sometimes i get this right straight away other times it just it just completely flops right so we've got stage one equals that is that okay cool if not do that if not is that each branch condition should be the same would you oh because it's the date that's wrong there we go i thought that's what i had obviously not um so now if it's stage two we want to add and this is where you can change up the frequency as much as you want so if i get it uh if i'm stage one it's going to add one day if it's stage two i want to add let's say three days which what it's gonna do is it's gonna add three days to the last wrong so we go done let's change this to a one so we have a couple of examples oh what am i doing get rid of that copy paste those down change that to a two so you can see this is sixth so this is when i last got it wrong today is the sixth so this would start off at stage zero so i've got basically this is a new card start zero this is going to show um then i go into the card so uh oops i'm just going to put a queue because it's only one letter it's easier for notion handle could open coming to him go a so i look at the card that's the question look at the answer yes i got it right i'm going to move it up a stage if i get it wrong i'm going to choose last date last wrong and then put the date in so now it's now it's one the review date is going to show seven now if for example this this card is this card so imagine these are the same cards but in the future so now it's tomorrow so now it's the 7th of september and and the date wrong is still the sixth so it's added one date 7th of september i now need to add two days because if we go in here so we imagine that this was that first card um so that's the question that's the answer and it's being shown if we go to stage two if that was only two it would then show tomorrow because they're only going to add two days um so we need to make it three because you need to go one add whatever the difference is hopefully that made sense oh that's i'll go away that's my eye drops um yeah hopefully that makes sense so you can see there's a two difference seventh and ninth so there's a two difference even though there's three added in the formula and it'll be the same um for when we go to three so when we add three what i'm going to do is i'm going to say okay so at the moment we've got a one difference then a two difference now i want a three difference so what i need to do is i need to look at here and go we've got three and what i want to do is i want to add three to that so i'm gonna go three add three is six so let's see if i can copy let's see if i can copy the right bit so i want to copy yeah what's that bit wasn't it copy that bit place that in there apparently it wasn't oh because i need to copy the question as well don't i look at that post that there we go see i do know what i'm doing with formulas three and then this is where we're gonna go three add three match six which is there and now we've got 12. so you can see as the stage goes up the review date goes forwards and now what we're going to do is i'm going to filter this add filter add filter name review is on or before today cool right so now there are no flash cards that are due today so i don't need to review anything that's all good let's add a new flash card so we can actually see something oh i've been sitting down for a while uh yeah so this is a new flash card um oh oh whatever i put one but hey one hey uh last rung is today so i'm going to add last wrong as today because this is when i added the card and you can see now because the review is today it's being shown now you can view this in different ways i view this in a gallery view so i'm actually going to come into here i'm going to no i'm not going to go there at all oh my brain is turning into mush how long have i been streaming over three hours whoa okay okay uh yeah so i'll come into here and now i go into here there we go i'm ahead of myself coming to here properties now i'm going to go none so now all it's going to do is it's going to show me the questions so i can see these are the questions and it's not filtering because it's got rid of the filter because there's a different view add filter name oops wrong property review is on or before today so now we have this flash card so i will come into here and go okay i have one flash card due i will click on the flash card yes i got it right whoop whoop i knew it was a because i just made the flash card i move it to one so i'm now stage one and it has now disappeared i have no more flashcards for today when it turns up tomorrow so imagine we are the next day that one question will appear there right now we have the flashcards database built i might as well show you how it integrates into the notes space as well so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come into notes and i'm going to adapt the notes templates you can adapt the rest of them i'm going to adapt all of them right now and then uh next week if if no one if no one comes oh well i've got a q i've got a question in the forum might come to i'll answer that question in a second i'm going to quickly do this before i forget um if anyone if anyone's interested to see my actual like space walk walk through like all the way through because it's been a while since i've done that oh um let me know there's no one at the moment scheduled to come on next week um so if anyone does want to come on and share anything there's a link in the description uh hopefully that's the right one oh otherwise you're going to bring up my flashcards database yeah it is um yeah if anyone wants to come on in they can but if they want to see around myspace rather than me building my space let me know in chat um and i'll just are doing i guess a notion notion tour um of myspace which i haven't done in a while actually so might actually be a good idea um might i might get i might get some people to come on you can duplicate the first view and then change it to the gallery after so you don't have to change the first screen yes you can you can and i i did that earlier in the stream and i just yeah yes you are right i could have done that there's nothing really else to say did i just remove the view that i uh no i didn't good um now i want to i'm gonna have to make this big so i can add the filters uh actually there's a point i couldn't duplicate that view of the database because it was the original view so if i if you duplicate the original database it does copy of flashcards you'd have to duplicate the created filtered view of it but i understand what you were saying i i got where you were going um yeah that was just me doing me not doing it right and we're gonna add the same filter add filter into here this is because flashcard isn't related to anything yet we go again so what we're going to do is we're going to come into here this is literally the main reason i have relations it's just so i can use self referential filters notes add into there come into here notes create relation let's try again there we go i'm going to filter for notes contains notes template and i actually have a project like uh linked view in my notes template as well um which will obviously see if there's a thing going around or anything like that right let's answer this question before i forget the questions there uh danny uh here is the community developed save to notion web clipper for chrome that you can have clips sent to different databases with different fields populated okay i'll have a look at i'll have a look at that link later on i did not realize you could pre well pre-populate things in there i don't know how that would affect my workflow but i'll have a look at that definitely mike um i'll look at that link after stream um but yeah i mean if you can pre-populate the the area relation then you you don't even have to do the processing i personally like the processing but if that speeds up my workflow then definitely gonna have to have a look at it right so we've now got the links to the flashcards so let's do let's do a full a full walkthrough of of what we've got so far so what i'm going to do is i'm going to add an event let's call this meeting and you can see the event tag is already in there because of the filtered view of this database i'm going to try and avoid typing i keep saying i'm going to try and avoid typing there we go meeting let's come out there right so we've got the meeting here and the meeting's not showing up there because it's not here so when it is the 11th the meeting will show up in the list view go into meeting i'm going to use the lecture template because i don't have any other template but i would have a meeting template or i do have a temp a meeting template now it's going to link to notes so i can make notes on the meeting uh i don't know meeting with mike because mike's up there [Music] there's four letters it's four lessons there we go um and now i can choose down here what sort of note it is so i'm going to call it a resource note because this is going to be a high level note did i want that one i don't think i don't think i wanted that template which is the template that has everything in it is that the is that the notes one my resources template is the one that has everything in it is the notes one isn't it yes it's the note one so i've i've done that so i'm actually going to get rid of that relation now great run through um so now when i'm taking notes in my meeting i can keep the notes here so it's still in that works fine um and yeah so i can have on the notes so if i need to transcribe it or if i have a pa transcribing any meetings the meeting is there um because it's it this is the higher up task so we can go straight into the meeting and these are all the notes then if we have sub notes from that so things that we need to think about things that we need to actions things that we need to do so this could be a sub note so as an example if this is a meeting and this this reminded uh no because that would be a task so if there is something that reminded you oh i need to do that that thing we'll put it into there and there you go there's the task that's related to the note there we go there's the relation and then we've got the note the note isn't showing because it's in here oh we've got the flash cards in there uh and then we've got the notes in there so a sub note of a meeting who thinks of a sub note in a meeting does anyone have sub notes in a meeting uh let me think let me think do i have any sub notes that happen in a meeting most of my sub notes are from resources [Music] so we've got what sub notes would you need for a meeting i don't think you would but i'm going to pretend i'm going to pretend i'm going to have something for me from a meeting and that will be here um and that's that's i don't think that's filtered for anything at the moment and it's just it's filtered for mike it's filtered for mic so mike has a sub note um and then we've got task and then we've got flash cards and this is where the flash card database what we've just made comes in handy um actually this could be something that some of you advanced users may not know um let's go question answer if you tab this across there we go so now we have answer as a text block inside of question so we come in here you see question so what i've done is i've nested the text block inside the other text block when i drag this into a database the question becomes the name of the page and the answer becomes the content of the page and this is how i make my flashcards so i'll write the question i'll have the answer and then i'll drag it across and drop it in and now there's the question and there's the answer now i'm going to add the date wrong normally in my templates i have all of this set up for me but i haven't done that in this build um yep so now it's good back one um i think that was pretty cool when i when i worked that one out but yeah so now we've got a sub note of a note which is notes for a meeting which is a task we have a task from the note which is a note in a meeting which tasks and then we've got questions flash cards you can that that is the majority of the structure of my space with notes here actionable notes so you can see we've got uh mike's note which we need to sort through which i'm going to come to here and i'm going to i'm actually going to make it into a resource uh let's just make it into a resource note just so it's out of my space there we go and then it's gone so that's how i sort through notes so you clip it into the space and then disappears and goes um tiles they all appear here and i can take them off when i'm done with them i have the roll up to the project here so i can see what what project the task is related to i also i haven't actually done this bit i also sought my projects my tasks for the project so you know that roll up that we did earlier of the due date and descending so what this is now done is it sorted my tasks in order of projects so if the assignment is due tomorrow all the tasks due with that assignment will be at the top of the list um if there's an assignment due in like a month's time all that hurt assignment due in like a month's time all the tasks will be at the bottom of the list because the project is due earlier and then we've got our tab bar up here if we go into review we have the review space of the areas the notes and then when we go into the flashcards i will have the flashcards database linked up there but i'm not going to do that now because i kind of want to go to bed but then we've got the question so that's the question that we've literally just made i can go into here there's the answer there's the question if i get it right yay i got it right we'll go question stage one now it's going to disappear from that flash card view we can go to the note if we need to if we need to remember anything i'm going to go back to the flashcard space there we go and the flashcards disappeared so that that i think covers most things um if you if you have any other questions and you want to follow up with any sort of like specific details or nuance information or anything like that send me a message on twitter or anything like that um uh next week if you guys agree i may do a tour of my space so you'll see all of this in action in my space and more of like a practical use potentially of how i do it um but this is how you build the system that i've built um so yeah hopefully you got something from it hopefully you learned something from or get got some ideas out of it um i if you do want to show anything on stream uh or if you want to come on have a chat or talk to me about anything let me know and just become a guest uh through the link and then you can come on have a chat um but until then i will see you guys next week same time start 7pm bst um i hope you enjoyed it i hope you learned something and i'll see you guys next week
Channel: Danny Hatcher
Views: 56,103
Rating: 4.9328728 out of 5
Keywords: how to build a second brain in notion, how to build a second brain, build a second brain, build a second brain notion, a second brain, building a second brain, building a second brain review, notion as a second brain, using notion as a second brain, second brain, second brain course, second brain notion, second brain notion template, second brain productivity, notion second brain, notion second brain template, notion app, keep productive notion
Id: C9_az2UUC2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 4sec (11704 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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