Dehydrating and Rehydrating a meal of Baked Beans, Potatoes and Hamburger

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so we're going to do it four pounds of a hamburger here and that should be enough for my season and even if I do have some left over then I can always use it next year because it really does keep keep very well you want to get as lean as possible because fat does not dehydrate and I'll show you what we do later to get rid of as much of that as we can this really does come out to be some of the healthier hamburger that you would be eating now you're going to want to break it up and the small pieces here you don't have to do in large quantities like this I just know that I'm going to be using this for at the summer so you do whatever you need now I'm going to be using my food dehydrator for this but I have read that you can do it in a stove by setting the stoves to as little as you can basically and then just keeping the door open about to two or three inches and letting it sit for seven or eight hours doing that on a cookie sheet so that is something I have not tried but I've heard you can do it we want to take these bigger chunks here we want to break those down we want to get these a relatively small for the drying process and the reason is because you don't want to have any fats or anything caught deep inside here that's not going to be able to get out whenever you put it through the dehydrating process you want it to be able to really expel any moisture that is that is in it well we've been at a total of a boat to pull over 15 minutes now we're on between medium-high on level 7 on the stove here so now what we're going to do is we're going to take this we're going to run it through the strainer I've run some water over here brains from loose grease out and now you basically just want to work it around break up the larger the larger pieces here break these down the smaller pieces and then you want to go to a point where you can put your hand in it whenever you take it out it's not going to I'm bill almost kind of still snap your fingers you don't want any greasy feel when you put your hands in there now we just want to take it and spread it out on these here you don't want to go to you want to go too thick you want to just do a nice thin layer here make sure that the air can circulate through but not necessarily be dehydrating hamburger and berries at the same time because it's all circulating in there together so you don't want to mix around certain tastes that would be unpleasant to the palate I'm going to be having some beans with I hamburger I just made up and I just use the canned stuff here you're going to want to get something that's low-fat this here is a 2% you might be able get lower but basically again that does not dehydrate well really if at all so that's the one thing that would cause the cause of to spoil so we do with a obviously can't do it on these sheets here because it's just going to go right straight through so you have to give them a layer what I do is I put on plastic wrap here some a pain and I just wrap that around pick another sheet here so it's completely covered now if you are doing this in the oven again I haven't done that but just wherever you're doing this however you're doing it you don't want it getting really hot you don't want to cook it you just want to get it hard enough that it the moisture has been we're a bean so we'll go ahead and we'll throw this in with a hamburger and we'll kick this thing off and we'll get it all started so I've got the three trays of hamburger here and then we've got the tray of the baked beans on the bottom now all we do here with it on the front and we're going to turn this up to 0.15 you're any dehydrator you have will just have the settings on it which is going to tell you whether you know the settings good for meat or for vegetables and herbs that sort of thing so I just set this up for meats and fish which should be fine with beans as well this is gone all night now and spend about - about seven hours and things are looking pretty good here our hamburger very crisp breaks apart very easily here sizes are pretty good really dope again don't want you to much bigger than that and underneath here we've got our beans and they can lift from a great little a little bit crispy here and they come right off of the off of the saran wrap no no problem at all so we're going to take these here get these on the counter I'll go ahead and package them up and that is what we that's what we end up with there so that is from four pounds of hamburger and that turns into that turns into this I'm just going to zero out this the ziplock bag here you'll see what four pounds of hamburger comes out - so four pounds of hamburger is now twelve point six ounces so we've lost quite a bit of weight we've lost about three pounds four ounces approximately and our beings here they come out to 4.7 ounces so it really makes quite a difference whenever you're bringing food back with you on those long Portage's and long hikes the other water started here is that the beans in my cup now this is going to rehydrate back to 200 mils so the thing to remember it is though that you don't add 200 mils of water you want to bring it back to 200 mils so you put in the beans and then you fill up the water to the 200 mil mark and then that's that's going to be rehydrated back to exactly what you want all right so our water is just foot ready here and we can't forget the ghee for the potatoes throw out a little spoonful of the ghee so we'll go ahead and add the water to our beans here up to the 200 mil mark there we go should do it and I'll put the top this help keep the heat in a little bit for the potatoes we'll just go ahead and add in some water and let's stir that up and we'll just keep adding and stirring until it lets go right well we've got a lot of potatoes here excellent and he really is I mean it's butter it's as pure butter fat so the milk solids removed so it keeps for a very long time kind of smells like you're at the theater it's got a very kind of candy sort of smell to it absolutely delicious and there's salt and pepper right here a little bit of salt the pepper all right and I think we'll go ahead and boil up a little bit more water for the for the hamburger but shrimp take very long still be so hard enough before I don't really have to prime it I can just go ahead and add the hamburger in now doesn't have to be boiling already you don't actually even need to boil to rehydrate it just makes it go a lot faster that's already certainly heat up nicely let's see how our means are doing oh yeah it's just a ticket these guys up here you can see this but these guys are coming back no I fit their back perfect yeah spot-on this is a big meal good thing I'm pretty hungry and now with the hamburger would just drain off the ariseth water now we could have actually done this first and drain the water off into potatoes which I often do I just really didn't think of it this time because that way you get the flavor of the hamburger in the water and then you just transfer that into the into the potatoes Oh incredible all right that's a full boil good night okay go ahead Mike tickets for easy deuce wow that was close what's locked my potatoes No okay that's it Matty no that's it certainly not my food okay so I'm going to go ahead and well this stuff here is probably gravel really doesn't take long at all so that's going to let that sit for a little bit and I'll dump out the water and voila there we have our dedos baked beans and hamburger nice meat potatoes kind of meal and this is all is all rehydrate so well really delicious meal got quite a bit left over as well maybe Mandy will get a bit of a treat here so anyways yep Oh lift awesome so them
Channel: MaddyTheGoose
Views: 246,986
Rating: 4.8825936 out of 5
Keywords: baked, beans, potatoes, hamburger, dehydrate, rehydrate, algonquin, bushcraft, camp, camping, canada, canoe, howto, interior, outdoors, paddle, paddling, park, portage, provincial, solo, trip, survival, river, holiday, summer, log, fun, water, cook, food
Id: aGiupAj_ttI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2012
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