Articles #1 - Smrt Live Class with Shaun #26

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hi everybody happy Wednesday how you doing yeah lots of people there lots of familiar faces lots of new people Ralph know if I met Ralph cool Faisal is here Aaron's here I'm here I'm Ed Zack says the audio is lovely now that's good so hi you guys are may be used to mark teaching at this time mark is the usual teacher at this time but he is on vacation he's taking a little bit of a holiday so I get to teach two classes today hi Francis Francis from Venezuela Meenakshi Meenakshi I am miss show lots of people up there I saw blue guitars in there too it's great okay so yes marks away I'm your teacher for today my name is Shawn if you don't know me I know a lot of you know me as well from from another class I teach the class later today and we'll be teaching it again as usual now the difference between the two classes usually is that I teach and a slightly higher level some more advanced stuff in my class but I'm going to try to to speak a little bit slowly today and we're going to today we're going to talk about something that's very basic okay but there are a lot of rules and it's in it's something that students at all levels have problems with lower level students and even higher level students have problems with with what we're looking at today Elena's in Russia hi Elena cool all right so as usual we've got Zack in the chat Zack is the moderator and he will help you if you have questions or comments put them in the chat as we're going and we will try to answer your questions Taz nuva from Bangladesh hi Francis Caracas oh no ok not Wow far away from Caracas ok 10 hours so let's get let's get started alright let me jump into the lesson here alright so today quack ducks here cool today I'm going to start with a bit of a test alright but not an English test not not to start we're going to start with a memory test ok I'm going to see how much you can remember I am going to show you 8 photographs 8 pictures really quickly and I want you to tell me how many you can see and remember ok so look at these pictures look at the pictures and try to remember as many as you can ok alright so here we go you're ready Oh Dean is here Dean amang hi all right so look at the pictures and try to remember them all here we go done okay so the question is can he use a pen what did you see in the photos all right put get it in the chat what did you see in the photos don't worry if you didn't remember them all tell me tell me some of the things that you saw in that chat what was the what was the first thing you saw but put them in the chat there might be a little bit of a delay here okay moon Apple bird bread oh yeah here comes lots of stuff coming in no bird castle green bird hummingbird sandwich people a moon earth sandwich burger sandwich oh wow cool yeah lots of stuff good good good good hamburger I don't know if there's a hamburger in there but you're close okay Sarah is dead you did pretty well there English and English building okay cool so let me let me show you you guys are cranking in the answers this is this is great so what you saw was first a hummingbird yeah then some coffee okay followed by a sandwich rosalinda's here hi so there was a sandwich followed by a building not sure what kind of building it was it made some people say a castle and it looked kind of like a castle maybe a school or something followed by some snow or a forest maybe like a snow-covered forest then some people people got yeah a group of friends Latonia saying that's good an apple and then the moon and the earth okay this is these are all the the pictures that I showed you now how about this another quick memory test okay what color was the bird Rosa said snow good for you good yeah lots of stuff for Christ's 11 ice mountain's that's a good one too but what color was the bird does anybody remember what color the bird was Elena got it first Ralph oh yeah you guys are good Green Green Green Green Green good for you yeah the bird was green one more one more question what was the Apple on what was the Apple on the bird was colorful it was definitely green maybe had a little bit of red on it maybe but what was the Apple on and then I'll tell you why I'm asking you these these strange questions a table table table yeah so that yeah you could say a table or maybe a desk right the Apple was on a desk so why am i doing this to you why am I asking you these silly questions well because today's lesson is going to be focusing on I wanted to see what you would write in the chat because today our lesson is going to be focusing on all of these wonderful things here yeah articles ah hummingbirds some coffee a sandwich a building right met show meshow got a tutu no articles that's exactly right now obviously a lot of people in the chat put the answers in with no articles and just said bird coffee sandwich no in that's in let's find in the chat but today we're going to look at how to use these articles properly ah and and and the and we're going to talk about some as well today to try to improve this little minor thing this small thing in your language but it's a very important thing okay and this is what we're talking about and I'll come back to these questions later it will it will all make sense soon enough okay so as I said we're talking about articles today okay and as I said at the beginning of class no Deana some is not technically an article it's a determiner an article is a type of determiner but sometimes you can't really talk about articles without including some and it'll it'll make sense soon Diana the good question okay so technically no it's a determiner so we're talking about articles because as I said many students make mistakes with articles in their speech in their writing low level students intermediate students upper level advanced students everybody makes mistakes with articles yeah so and that's exactly the problem that Alicia's pointing out there in the chat is that everybody knows about articles right but the problem is how to use them right so this is what we're going to start with today now the thing about articles is there are so many different rules okay so many rules that we're going to probably have to spend to classes on articles okay so what we're going to start with today is the basics okay so some of this in the beginning it might you might be a little easy we're going to start with the basics as a bit of a review for everybody and then we're going to add rules and more rules as we go and it will get more and more complicated okay so if it's easy for you that's okay just wait and it might get harder if you have questions as I said put them in the chat all right so the first tip when it comes to articles okay the first tip is if a noun if you have a noun and it is that noun singular kneisler one and is it countable can you count it okay if you have a noun that is singular and countable it needs something before it it needs an article or an adjective or a determiner or something okay no backers Inc can I ask you a question yes you can ask a question absolutely you can put it in the chat and we'll try to we'll try to get to it put all your answers in there and we'll try to answer them all okay so if it's singular and it's countable it needs something okay that's the general rule so as I'm saying let me let me show you this so this is again this is a lower-level sentence right this is a very simple sentence I have I have book right again we're keeping it simple today for starters is that the word book is your noun book is singular there's one book and you can count it you can say one two three four or five books okay so if it's singular and countable then this is not possible okay this this is a mistake okay so you need to put something here now the easiest thing to say is that and this ah is an article right that's what an article is so I have a book and Frances got it of course but you it doesn't have to be ah okay there are lots of other things that you could put here as I said you could say I have I have one book okay kind of sad it's a little sad I have one book but you could say that or I have I have the book right that's okay too I have the book and we'll talk later about the difference between a and the okay but you don't need an article at all you could say I have I have your book a possessive adjective right I have your book I have I have that right again some kind of what we call a determiner like that or this okay so there are so many things you can put before it but you cannot ever say I have booked right now obviously this is a very simple example three three words in a very small sentence so it's easy to see the mistake but this is a mistake that many students make as I said so we're going to we're going to look at that today no good RIA is saying which book I have which book you would have to say that would be a question good Draya if you'd have to change that period to a question mark like I have which book may be a weird question but it could work I can work okay so where to begin well this is this is where we're beginning I guess but let me go back into the presentation all right so as we said article tip singular countable it needs something before it it needs an article or something else all right Jonathan's here he's a little late but that's okay nothing wrong with that you're not you're not very late at all don't worry we're just getting warmed up here all right so there are two different types of articles in the English language as I'm sure some of you know okay we say the indefinite article and the definite article now don't worry too much about those words if you know what they are and if you can use them you'll be okay I'm sure there are a lot of native speaking Canadian or American English people that don't know what an indefinite article is but they do know what a and an are so a and an are called indefinite articles okay and they can be used as I said with singular countable nouns they mean it means one write a book one book exactly what it means okay now as most of you know again this is a bit of a review ah we use with before words that start with consonants okay and and we use with vowels so if a word starts with a consonant you use a with a vowel you use an but they mean the same thing they both mean one all right now Zack has given me some questions here let me let me go over here what's going on all right why do nouns need articles yeah that's it that's a good question well nouns need articles just to just to make to make sense of your sentence because with an article without an article different articles can have different meanings so I guess that's that's the basic answer to a very I guess a very deep and philosophical question really I guess some rules when it comes to language and who sent that question in that's from Donny in some cases nouns need articles just because nouns need articles I mean that's just the English language and some languages don't use articles some languages do and unfortunately we use them in English now that in okay I think I should also say as well that if you said my sentence from before I have book obviously people will understand you they'll understand what you mean but you will sound like you have very low level English okay kind of like Tarzan if you know who you know who Tarzan is if you don't that's okay too but basically Doni nouns need articles because English the English language says nouns need articles and that's it okay so just to refresh your memory again I know that most most of you know this but consonants these are your con since so we use a with any word that starts with any of these letters right like a banana a car a dog and then and so on okay example okay a bear a table a phone a song a man right all of these are consonants so we use the the indefinite article ah all right so an plus a vowel is how we is how we work in okay so these five vowels if a word starts with one of these five vowels we use the article and write like this an umbrella an English teacher an apple an egg an inch okay so that's basically the rule but there are exceptions okay I'm not sure if anybody can can give me any exceptions what are some words that don't follow these rules may be a word that starts with a consonant but but you use the the article and now writes conics got it so some exceptions are for example an hour even though our starts with H you do say an okay because you don't really hear that age right the H is silent so it's Morse it sounds more like a vowel right so you say an hour so it's all about the the sound okay and the other one a common one and you guys got it - Rosa got it ah University all right now you say ah University not an University because um it sounds more like a Y sound right yeah that sound and Steve Steve Linda saying a one-eyed man right or a one-legged dog whatever whatever you want to say with with one a European country a good one good all right so these are some exceptions but that is the general rule okay so those are the articles ah Ann Ann but when we're talking about articles and I know again people are asking it in the chat is some an article now technically I wouldn't necessarily call it an article it's a determiner but we do it is kind of important to talk about some when we talk about articles because they're all kind of in the same category fati from turkey said a unicorn absolutely yeah good nice so some what's the difference between AA and some okay now some can be used with plural countable nouns like horses children and tickets right for example if it's plural meaning more than one and you can count it you can use some right like some people for example okay now you can also use some with uncountable nouns water money food right so some is very useful some is a very useful determiner right some cars right yeah exactly so some you can use with anything basically as long as it's long as it's plural or uncountable okay the difference being that with ah you use it with countable and I know that some people are saying yes we've you studied this before of course this is a bit of a review review is good for you son every once in a while okay so let's practice okay let's see now that this is the thing all of these things are are probably things you've studied before but sometimes using it is where students have trouble obviously when you use it that's when you're making mistakes okay so let me put the link into the chat I just put the link in there okay you can go in follow that link and open up the document and you're going to see this okay everybody see that doc open that document up there okay now let's let's practice this we're going to as I said we're going to start simple ah and or some now make it open the document make a copy or you can just try to look on with the screen it's definitely easier if you if you make a copy of the document though see yeah that's most people can open us some people saying they can't open it you should be able to open it anyone who has the link can open if you can't for some reason open it you guys can always just look on the screen with me okay don't worry about it so what I have for you you've got sentences below and a table with different words in it what you need to do is you have to do two things okay you have to choose a word or words from this table to put into the space in the sentence but you also have to use a and/or some three choices okay so the first one for example a is my mother saw an orange cat chasing a mouse right an orange cat chasing a mouse makes more sense than soft friends chasing a mouse or something like that right okay all right oh we have a question coming in from searing why is money uncountable when money is countable yeah that's a good question yeah now obviously you can count dollars you can count cents you can count pounds but when we say money is not countable we really mean just the word money itself okay you don't usually say one money - money is three monies right you say one dollar two dollars or one cent 2 cents but with money you don't really count I know it's kind of strange but that's that's how it works okay so some of the answers are already coming in on this one and somebody already said could you cut some apples for the pie that's great that's perfect okay so how about I'm going to pop off the screen for a couple minutes and I'm going to let you guys do this on your own and then we'll go over it together okay put your answers in the chat some people are already at it pesco is doing it I'll pop up for two minutes and then we will go over together okay guys get to get to work here all right member by member by all right lots of good stuff coming in in the chat you guys are busy busy busy this is great so let's go over some of this stuff together all right so we did be could you cut some apples for the pie this is great and just what do we have for cease conics said there is you said there is a university in my city that makes that makes sense that works you may need university a little bit later I don't know if I I guess I didn't tell you to only use one word once so yeah there is a university in my city that's great I also noticed that some people said there is a famous zoo there is a famous zoo in my city that's great University works as well okay what about D good Diana says I went to the beach with some friends yesterday yeah good I went to the beach with with some friends excellent because again it's it's plural right it's the plural countable noun friends perfect all right yeah and yo Mara got that one too good stuff all right what about e Ralph wants to know is there uh-oh I already have on mine for some reason but let's get up is there a washroom I can use in this store good question to know right survival survival English good stuff alright what about F Ahmed says John works in an office building right you got that that article there Oh excellent in an office building good stuff all right who else is next here who's got G for me a leash Elise Patel says I went to study in ah University whoops in the United States good that works yeah awesome a couple more here what do we have for 8 she's got an answer for H and knew it and knew it I'm not sure if I'm saying your name right but you said I made okay I made an idea oh I see so yeah you're looking for you should be using words up here okay and I think who else got it for this one meenakshi you got it yeah so I made a mistake that works a mistake works but actually my word that I gave you here was plural mistakes so again I think yo Mara got that one with I made some mistakes Jonathan be careful of that one now this is these are what I call these are good mistakes that I see a couple people making this is really good that we can talk about this right now you can't say I made a mistakes right because of the s there you could say I made a mistake but if you've got the s it has to be some I made some mistakes okay good all right chefs Chateau 7 you want it you want to talk about semicolons I who's got an answer for I hear Dina or Dina's is a Dina or Dinah you can you can correct my pronunciation there in the chat they had um some free time yeah good because free time is uncountable right I know time I think it was Donny that asked that question about about money time obviously is one of those strange uncountable words as well because of course you can count time right kind of you can count hours you can count minutes but the word itself time is usually uncountable but it depends on how you use it I guess if you're talking about time as in experience then it can be countable like let me let me show you what I'm talking about if I said I have been to Turkey two times in this case two times that use of time is countable yeah but I have some free time you can't really count you can't count free time now I see some people sama for example saying ah free time you can't have one free time it's got to be just this general uncountable amount of time I know that's that can be confusing all right what about what about Jay who's got an answer for GA Chateau seven you just want you just want a semicolon in there that's fine all right Jonathan's got it an insect bite there we go look I got an insect bite on my arm it's very itchy okay an insect bite because it's singular it's countable all right and what's the next one who's got the next one Dianna's got it yeah a new wallet said one of the choices there yeah right so I bought aa mooned wallet because I lost my old one and the last one would be apartment right my sister lives in an apartment downtown good so how we doing here any new questions coming in for me yeah no that's that's it yeah good okay so let's let's continue here guys let's let's add some more rules to it right let's let's expand on this let me go back in here let's talk a little bit about when we don't use any article right zero article and I saw somebody was asking about zero article okay there's a question coming in way rah Evelyn wants to know about advice note you cannot say an advice that's a good question now let me just go back in here how about we'll say this can you give me some advice write some advice now yeah you can't yeah you can't um you can't count advice but all of this stuff that you can't count things like advice or furniture or coffee water lots of lots of uncountable nouns you can make them countable by adding in from adding things to them okay so we often say for example instead of advice you can say a piece a piece of advice right and ya Huayra is ahead of me there right she can you can I say a piece of advice and that's exactly it that's right Dinah's saying is it a honor and/or an honor I would say the second one to answer that question there's good questions I would say it is an honor it is an honor to teach you because again dinah you don't you don't hear that H sound right it just sounds like on right that's good do you say a spell of free time that sounds kind of old-fashioned to me a spell of time okay yeah other questions lots of questions coming in this is good that's right Mustafa again is asking the question about about an and you're absolutely right that it's about it's about the sound not the letter itself if it sounds like a vowel you use an if it sounds like a consonant you use aa right that's exactly right good throw Shiro says can we use friends instead of some friends okay okay so full of questions today this is great keep me keep me busy keep me on my toes so you're talking about this one here I went to the beach with friends she wants to know can you say that I went to the beach with friends yesterday yes you can absolutely you can yes in this particular exercise just to keep it simple we said ah and or or some so that's why we said some for that one but you could just drop some entirely yeah okay Donny D wants to know our scissors countable well scissors are in one of those that strange category of things that you you don't ever using the singular right I mean they're singular right but you don't count them right like pants you cannot have a pant right it's just always pants and it's always scissors there is not one scissor unfortunately okay it it would be pretty useless I guess so that's the same category good okay so let's let's move on to this next rule and I'm going to get you guys to do some more work and then you can you can keep these questions coming this is good this is great alright so let's talk about no article when do we use no article well when we talk about just general ideas we're talking about nouns in the general sense okay so this it's a terrible photo but I love pizza right I love pizza now in this case this guy just loves any type of pizza I guess it doesn't matter about he's not talking about one specific pizza just all pizza he eats it all the time that's a really good view of of his nose there I'm gonna get off that but he loves pizza bananas there we go she's happy she's got her bananas yeah mark loves pizza yeah he does mark loves hats too yeah mark loves cats as well hats cats and pizza mark loves so bananas are my favorite fruit not true for me bananas are not my favorite fruit but they are delicious kudrya saying do you drink milk I'm I think that's probably an example and not a question for me I do not drink milk but milk is a good example of this general use of a noun with no article right we're not talking about she's not talking about specific milk it's just milk in general yeah you guys have lots of stuff coming in so Chateau 7 has a good question he's saying coffee can take up or the zero article and that's let's talk about that for a second ok so good question now typically we save the word coffee we usually say it's uncountable most most liquid like water milk coffee beer wine is uncountable okay so you say for example Shawn loves coffee right put a period there and now this is correct and it's true I love coffee and I'm using no article because I love all coffee I love good coffee I've got some I've got some good coffee over here yeah but I love coffee that comes from a little store on the side of a highway okay I love it all now this sentence is correct as well okay um yeah right interesting sentence is coming into the chat so Shawn would like a coffee now this really is related to what I said before about advice right how we take a uncountable noun and we turn it into a countable noun with another word like piece of advice or slice of pizza for example okay but in this case really what's missing is that right when I say I would like a coffee what I mean is I would like a cup of coffee but we just take that we take that out and we just say I would like a coffee and that's fine too now good Riya that this is that's this is good to say she says Sean loves Brazilian coffee now I again I wouldn't just say the Brazilian coffee I would say Brazilian coffee because still it is kind of a general thing I know it's it's getting less general but there is still lots of coffee from Brazil right but it's still general so I wouldn't I wouldn't put an article there but getting back to Chateau sevens question Sean would like a cup of coffee it's the same thing if you say all right Sean would like a water can I get a water if you go to a restaurant and you say can I have two waters please right now really what you mean are two glasses or two bottles right so that's how we kind of turn count uncountable into countable nouns so that's a good question all right what else do we have here Gold is expensive again an abstract uncountable noun good all right Susan reads books again books in this case is just general books okay so question here from Austin he said why can we skip the qualifier for coffee but not for water maybe you might have to clarify that question for me there Austin I'm not exactly sure what you mean I don't know if there's a if there was a difference there but just just ask me again and I'll take a look at it okay so basically as I was saying we use no article no article with plural countable nouns okay or with uncountable nouns in the general sense like Shawn loves coffee Sean loves unicorn unicorns for example okay so that's that's basically it if you look at this sentence he always puts ketchup on hot dogs so in this case ketchup is uncountable dogs is plural countable but both in the general sense that's too much ketchup I think in my opinion okay we use pens in that now goodra I wouldn't say the university unless you're talking about a specific university but again we'll talk more about that when we speak about the another some just a few more kind of general sentences and then I'm going to get you guys to do some work here okay so cows eat grass obviously all cows plural countable eat grass in general uncountable right so it could be this could be this grass could be this grass over here it doesn't matter right all grass and that's why we don't use the article because it's not specific okay so we do not use singular nouns with no article and this is what I said at the at the beginning of the class all right but just to just to remind everybody because it is something that I see a lot in student writing and when I'm talking to students is something like this Apple Apple is delicious now again this is a short simple example usually students make mistakes in longer sentences chickens eat corn that's that's that's true so obviously you can't say Apple is delicious you'd have to say apples are delicious if you said Apple is it would have to be the Apple is or my Apple is delicious okay and of course you know what that period there yeah okay so how about how about this let's let's do a little bit more practice because we got we've got time for this and keep your questions coming and I'll try to answer them as best as I can all right so go back into this exercise okay this is this document that I shared with you and again maybe y'all just make sure that I put that in the chat so that you guys can get it if you're coming in late alright so I'm going to go over to my copy go down to part two and it says choose which is needed uh and some or no article so now we're expanding on the rules okay so you've got four choices uh and some or just nothing now you'll see in the first sentence it says I love dogs they are so cute they are cute yeah okay so all you have to do is go through and pick one of these four choices they love dogs they have people our people are on it already so just highlight one and put your answers in the chat and then we'll go over together okay so I'm going to jump out put the happy music back on and I'll be back okay so get to work I think it goes down to the next page because of all these wonderful pictures I think there's about ten sentences okay so I'll leave it on the screen for now so that you can you can do it and then I'll scroll down a little bit okay maybe we'll make this a little bit smaller some more if it fits okay get to work and I'm out of here member member member all right yeah good stuff you guys are just cruising through this stuff good let's go over together the first one we already did which is no article right I love dogs speaking about dogs in general it's plural but we're not talking about specific dogs so no article there okay what about B you said Mick eight yeah now oh my god here the sheriff says um no I wouldn't say I wouldn't say some in this case let me make this a little bit bigger just so it's easier to read Mick eight if it was just chicken you could say Mick eight some chicken for lunch today okay that would that would be okay because you probably wouldn't say Mick eight a chicken for lunch today although maybe he did maybe he ate the whole chicken but because its sandwich sandwich is definitely countable and in this case it's singular so I'd say that the answer for that one is ah all right Mick ate a chicken sandwich for lunch today okay good good good what about the next one what do we have for see how about Elena said video games no article yeah right so you want no article with this one because video games are again their plural and in this case we're just talking about all video games not a specific game right so video games are very popular that is that is true in general good what about D okay Samus has some Tommy called the restaurant to order to order some pizzas to order pizzas yeah I think I would agree with with some on this one and say to order some pizzas right I'm to order pizzas is okay with no article but it it does sound a little strange I mean because it's got that that plural on it if we talk about pizza in general we probably are not going to put the S on it we're just going to talk about it in the general sense like well like that awful picture of this guy remember you said I love pizza you don't have to say I love pizzas we don't usually pluralize it unless we're talking about the actual amount okay a little bit less general terms okay so I would say the best answer is what's AMA said there Tommy called the restaurant to order some pizzas good job all right and Elena got it too near it got it as well good all right so e who's got an answer for e e Rosa says no article so I took vacation last month no not quite you would need an article for that one Rosa because vacation is singular and it's countable okay so that one good try but you'd have to say I took a vacation last month because you can count vacations good all right what about F let me see here with who's got an answer for F F F F F somebody I haven't asked yet Tanya says Latonia says no article my grandparents don't watch movies that's right yeah no article there that's absolutely correct because again movies is plural but speaking in general good just a few more here what about ji ji ji ji ji ji Diana's got G says some what am I looking at oh yeah some lights Lisa saw some lions when she was in Africa Lisa saw lions when she was in Africa yeah this one you could you could argue I would agree with with um Diana and say Lisa saw some lions when she was in Africa if you just say Lisa saw lions when she was in Africa I think that would that would be okay - yeah but because it's a little bit specific I might I might use some there instead good all right what about H what's answers coming in okay yeah so H she bought me an iPhone right because you've got the I the I an iPhone obviously you need that indefinite article with Anne because if that's vowel good yeah have you got it good stuff Luciano yeah all right now what about I I don't like cats because they aren't very friendly no I just kind of gave you the answer I would say no article because cats in general I don't like cats right um yeah and have you got it as well there again yeah Williams saying Sean would like a cup of coffee I would like another cup of coffee actually if anybody could could help me out with that if I if I don't have coffee I end up looking like this cat here really it's it's sad yep okay so this is definitely in very obviously a very unfriendly cat there but cats in general this person is saying they don't like them good or not good but good good answer not good for the cats I guess what about Jay the last one can you bring me glass of water now in this case sergio jumped in there first and got it yeah and said ah right and Amir got it - good job guys can you bring me a glass of right now again just to be just to be clear because I think Austin was asking me this question about water and coffee now this is interesting I don't know why I guess she's asking the doctor for some water yes but can you bring me a glass of water that's that's good that's fine but sometimes you will hear people let me take this off of here and say ah water right sometimes you take this out and say Shawn would like a water or that sentence can you bring me a water let's well let's be polite and say please or the question right there okay so can you bring me a water please now that's that's fine can you bring me a water can you bring me a coffee um some of them maybe not as common can you bring me a milk is not as common but we definitely do say that and what that means again is what we mean is a glass of water or a bottle of water okay so pram is asking the question how can we differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns if we're not sure what they are for example soap paper equipment are uncountable right yes now that's a good question from premise is how do we know what's countable and what isn't because as some of you guys have said money looks like it should be countable and time should be countable but it isn't like furniture is not countable but the the unfortunate kind of the unfortunate answer is it's it's all about just learning them and remembering them there's really no way of knowing exactly all the time what what are going to be countable and what are not going to be okay so Khalid is saying could you please write the rule for no article yeah well I think we did I'll show you one more time here we said no article for plural countable nouns uncountable nouns and when we talk about them in general okay that's that's the rule right there go ahead okay all right so hopefully that answers your question now we didn't get as as far as I wanted to there's so much more to talk about with articles and we have just kind of we've just scratched the surface we've just started with articles there's so much more to know but unfortunately it is time to say goodbye the hour just passes so quickly but let me pop out of here okay so yeah Chateau seven saying please use part two of oh yes there will definitely be a part two of articles absolutely yeah you need more because we really haven't even talked about the article the and I saw I know a bunch of people were asking some questions about about the right when to say the hospital and Hospital and whatnot and we will have an entire lesson on on that maybe next week I guess so for now I'm going to sign off from this from this class it's always a pleasure to teach you guys it's it's a special it's an honor for me and a privilege to be able to teach Shawn's their marks class now Shawn's class I'm Shawn to teach marks class but he's back next week so a lot of people will be happy about that mark will be back in his usual spot and I'll be in my usual spot once once a week on Wednesday afternoons okay so for anybody who's around in five hours I know for some of you it's it's sleepy time already but I will be doing my regular class at 3 o'clock this afternoon I'm going to go and drink a coffee or two all right delicious and and I'll see some of you this afternoon and I'll see some of you next week okay and if I don't see you before next week have a good week and keep keep telling your friends keep telling everybody about this class we have subscribe to our channel like us on Facebook send your questions to the Facebook group learn English on Facebook or even contact Zach and look at look into studying English here with me and Mark in Vancouver at the Canadian College of English language you could do that too yeah we'll be we'll be waiting okay but until then guys it's always fun it's always a pleasure and we will see some of you later today and some of you next week okay or some of you just online okay until next time bye bye you you you you
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 20,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English, English Lesson, Live English, English Class, Articles
Id: -4-F7v0k6nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 37sec (4117 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2016
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