Defending My Warship From A KAMIKAZE PLANE INVASION!

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we're definitely sinking sort of similar to how the titanic did during world war ii in the pacific theater when things were getting desperate for the japanese because their aircraft were simply not modern enough they were drastically outclassed by the american naval air supremacy they used these aircraft as kamikaze excuse me i'm in the middle of a historical lesson i'm getting chill oh well um i was gonna say that they employed the use of kamikaze aircraft tactics aka getting a big plane and running it into the enemy ship now we gotta pick the best aircraft carrier we think there is yorktown only has firepower 1480. consider the lexington which only has firepower of 1 000 but it has a very nice amount of offense then you've got the japanese juno which has almost double the firepower but i think while it has good defense the best offense is a good defense right so no matter if we're the japanese or the americans we should be able to get kamikaze bombers now what we're gonna do is send our fighter groups first are dive bombers second actually we're gonna alternate between dive bombers and torpedo bombers but essentially this twin group of our fighters is tasked with well doing the dang thing shooting down the entirety of the enemy team and look at that that is just what they're doing we stacked it they went torpedo bombers first but they do have some zeros high up in the sky so oh my gosh my fighter cover is almost completely decimated we've only got one left we are going to take some significant losses because i guess they baited us and look i love how the torpedo bombers just kind of like fly next to each other like they're just passing each other in the night i guess definitely in the daytime look at how much any aircraft guns are on this carrier this thing is probably gonna shoot down most of our planes but here we go this plane if it was just a little bit more to the right here oh i love how it's not a true pause you can see the bullet shells moving you can see the bullet shells moving the fire effects going but this plane unfortunately isn't gonna count now these ones on the other hand we've got one two three potentially four dive bombers that are gonna make direct impact with the carrier deck of this japanese carrier oh see look at this they hit and now we've got these fires going now i'm actually pretty terrified to see what's the state oh of our aircraft carrier but all my planes are currently rearming themselves we're having massive frame rate issues and i wonder i'm hoping it's because the enemy ship is on fire oh okay it's i mean technically it is on fire but we missed the critical explosion you know how when you're playing world of warships and like you have all these notifications of what's going on i love how these planes are like we gotta get out of here the ship's sinking and this one's like i don't know how to fly okay somehow we haven't won yet even though the ship is sinking but i i wish essentially that we would get notified no i don't want that i want fighters to go up but we we have fought honorably and so is the enemy what we want now was it a kamikaze aircraft that went in detonated if we recreate that if we do the exact same thing could we have the same experience all right so essentially what we do is maybe we go hellcats then we do dive bombers then we do hellcats again then we do torpedo bombers spd dauntless dive bombers and tbf torpedo bombers so we send out all air groups but this time what we did was we went five fighters and then four fighters after this group of dive bombers so hopefully they're essentially well to be quite frank they're distractions similar to what the enemy is doing we're going to try to have a better chance at achieving air superiority by using some of our fighters as bait but as the planes crash and fall into the sea it's just an absolute spectacle in this game ships at war now only wait two dive bombers may have escaped okay now in the middle we have like what one fighter two fighters that are shooting down most of them but then here's the issue we get to the enemy ship and it's anti-aircraft just chews us up and everything gets destroyed in hindsight but most of the anti-aircraft is distracted by our torpedo bombers that gives our dive bombers look at this one the first one got shot down but the next three should be able to drop their bombs maybe this is what got us the critical hit or maybe it was the fires from the kamikazes because these are indirect kamikazes right here do these fires hit fuel bunkers is that the situation how's our ship doing pretty fine honestly they've got a dive bomber we have almost no anti-aircraft excuse me sir i was like oh i was like are you not gonna hurt me and he's like just just wait fella we're gonna go i guess torpedo bombers as the bait this time oh oh okay whoa whoa look at this so the issue is my kamikaze planes which we didn't tell them hey crash your plane into that ship this is what's causing the detonation it's oh wow wow wow okay this is in real time i'm not doing slow mo there actually isn't slow-mo but there's fast forward look at this something it's like the entire bottom of the ship collapsed oh my god they lost their all their planes and there's the mountain of massive detonation see we need notifications that the ship's on fire and oh yeah we're totally sinking the enemy ship now i don't know what the issue is is it we just got lucky oh i thought this was my ship exploding for a second so once again we have fought honorably the enemy carrier is down i kind of want to hit them while they're down uh but i think it's gonna completely sink and the enemy on this little mini map on the top is no longer red saying that they're a threat they're actually gray and their ship is sinking below the water line oh and you have this beautiful sound effect of like the creaking of the ship as like the water pressure well puts pressure on it right oh wait oh these dive bombs look at this wait i actually think we dropped a bomb on a plane and it hurt it a little bit oh look there's this one lone fighter ace just like hey you know what my ship is sunk but i'm gonna shoot you guys down buddy you better pull oh my god did we drop a torpedo on him some of the craziest stuff is happening our ship is definitely not looking good now we can drain and there's flooding okay yeah there's explosions going on i wish we had a little bit more visualization of the flooding going on like what is the problem and can we actually fix it now can we get under power could we make it back to like say pearl harbor we have negative 300 steam or maybe that's how much okay we're moving we are moving yeah i think what happened is look at this i think our fires hit these liquid fuel bunkers what we're gonna do is i'm gonna control the japanese ship and see if we can see fire starting from their planes getting shot down it's almost like any aircraft is a liability another alternative is for this test i actually don't wait a minute where are my fuel bunkers i have no fuel bunkers how do i not have any fuel bunkers what do we run on this i mean we don't have solar power we don't have cold fusion now the problem is the enemy is launching you see that i think these are eight inch shells because while this carrier doesn't have yep eight inch guns it doesn't have any aircraft but it has a lot relatively speaking for a carrier of deck guns so what we're banking on is the power of our anti-aircraft batteries we have seven of them facing forward actually eight and then we have these three in the back so 11 total but eight kind of within this area of influence to well shoot down lots of enemy planes and we want to see if the kamikazes are a little bit overpowered as we shoot many of them down none of them are getting shot down by our planes oh torpedoes that's a problem isn't it now remember i don't think we got any torpedo hits for some reason oh that was a dangerous torpedo as they get under as the ship like kicks up we are getting destroyed all right i want to see my aircraft is just shooting down everything eight inch shells are shelling us that is what shells do apparently miami aircraft's fantastic all right this one right here could get shot down and that should oh barely hit the nose but it should create a fire yep we've got a fire below deck i think we're sinking just from yeah we need like better fire controls but what i remember about reading wikipedia about world war ii naval battles instead of studying for organic chemistry 2 back in college was that the japanese carriers were renowned for well not having very good fire control systems all right another flight of any enemy aircraft we've got dive bombers torpedo bombers and then fighters following them up so we could do actually is go 2x speed but that fire stopped interestingly enough these dang torpedos oh these torpedoes are like going in the open maw of our carrier if we don't sink to that oh here we go okay so this plane crashed and created a fire right in the boiler room we have four large boilers this one is lighting up a bunch of planes these planes are carrying like bullets and heavy explosives not to mention just tons of fuel ah so there we go something happened to where all the planes fell out the bottom but we didn't have a critical explosion this time we're definitely sinking sort of similar to how the titanic did interesting how oh there we go yeah those don't really cause fires only crashing planes do weird how that's the case where we couldn't recreate it even if we didn't launch any planes you think more planes getting through would have created more damage this fire has been happening right on one of our main engines this entire time oh torpedoes hitting the bridge that's something you don't see every day my gosh yeah like oh you're here in the creaking this ship is done for there's no any aircraft to shoot down enemy planes there won't be kamikazes we admit defeat well now let's actually use our aircraft on the junior versus the lexington uh oh wait we only have one group of zeros that's not good we've got a lot of dive bombers though all right so who wins the air war our fighters are doing their thing but i think most of them should get taken out however the benefit is that the enemy doesn't have a lot of anti-aircraft batteries we do but is it enough to keep them what just happened a torpedo did a critical hit we're already sinking have we done we haven't even done any damage to the enemy ship i think was it their eight inch shells how is it that wait do you think that they hit us before we got most of our planes going oh there we go now they're doing kamikazes but all of my ant aircraft guns just disappeared they all got destroyed and we're going down exceptionally fast now can i launch these i don't think i can how that that's weird all right let's pick a different ship instead of the lexington let's go with the yorktown it also has deck gun but look at the firepower difference somehow we have so much more firepower oh my gosh those eight inch shells we just launched everything they don't have it well this one actually has anti-aircraft batteries and guns i think we just made the mission even more difficult unfortunately my dive bombers won't engage in air-to-air combat the battle is crazy and honestly none of our ships are getting through i mean none of our aircraft and their torpedoes are just destroying us i'm genuinely curious how this is happening well i think an aircraft crashed and created a fire for some odd reason their ship is untouched and we simply cannot recreate kamikazes is the japanese we can as the americans it's what you call ironic all right i'm launching all air wings again zeros are out first can we win this first air war no they have just they have massive numbers i think what we need to do is send out bait so much gets through oh my goodness yeah in ships at war the americans seem to be better at kamikaze warfare than the japanese uh unironically or is that actually the definition of irony well what we could use is the german carrier of the graph zeppelin versus apparently the weakest carrier in this game it seems the junior similar firepowers similar offense and defense ratios so what do we got we've got stuka dive bombers lots of them measurement fighters two groups and plenty of eight-inch guns so we have no torpedo bombers i don't want to use the shells i just want to test out planes i actually think that like in this current state of the game using any aircraft on your ships is actually bad because it increases the chance that planes are gonna get shot down over your ship crash into it and create uncontrollable fires unless oh my what just oh look at all these magazines because we have all of these eight inch strange that there's no fuel though all right who's winning oh here we go the stukas are flying over so we should start to see like them covering the sky with anti-aircraft just so i don't think any of those stukas are gonna make it this one he should drop like right in front of it yeah uh i'm not i'm not sure if anything's getting through oh wait we got some chances fires are being created now yeah i gotta do is just wait for the right moment now oh okay that's not good launch everything before we you know get destroyed be cool if you could like set your plane's armaments like customize them a bit like what kind of bombs do you want to use maybe it affects like how heavy they are so it affects like you know their uh ability to climb and get to you know what elevation they want to go on a proper attack run i'm gonna have to use my eight inch guns i think oh nevermind you know what i don't think we will oh we've got critical destruction i think it just me the japanese just there we go that's a critical explosion oh the ship is gonna break in half everything is on fire blah blah blah blah blah they are dead i can hear the blood blub sounds going now how are we doing we oh we do not have we're not having a good time man we're gonna sink too actually we sink after them though so that's gotta count for something the enemy fought honorably but you won but at what cost well this is ships at war and honestly kamikaze planes are overpowered but the irony is you can't set your planes to kamikaze they have to get shot down so if you fight a ship that's got a lot of ant aircraft it actually hurts it but if you guys do want to see more ships at war we'll pull the trigger on that like button let me know and i'll see you in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 137,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, ships at war, ships at war gameplay, new ships at war update, siege, attack, defend, infinite army, unstoppable army, plane siege, warship, warship game, battle sim, naval warfare, battle simulator, new ships at war
Id: -NSz0rZOik8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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