Amazing Aircraft Carrier Battle Map in Ravenfield - Best Ravenfield Mods

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don't you just love Raven field maps that come out and completely change the way the game is played today we've got another one from one of the greatest there is some call them sofa and look at this I've got an f6f hellcat we're taking off from the carrier deck we left some of our boys by now there's some anti-aircraft guns now what you're gonna see here is actually pretty interesting so here's the map we've got two friendly carriers over here and then two enemy Japanese carriers over there I really don't have to set a plan be like hey maybe we should attack them and look at this I got I got my I got an m1 garand and a colt 1911 but what we're gonna be doing let's see do I have any bombs or ordnance no just some oh my god it even sounds like the 50 calibers oh this is take my bag this is a little bit nostalgic look at this we're covering distance pretty well already and I am just now making out the enemy Japanese carrier so it wouldn't be wise for me to fly low like this but it's Raven field so I could probably get away with it honestly normally I'd want to take to the skies get elevation and maybe boom and zoom Oh Oh God well let's try this again soldier I'm gonna need a gunner which one of you wants this really no you biscuit eaters Oh oh my god I'm I'm superhuman get well that's what you get for stealing my plane you know what you survived you're a brave man come on over here son you're part of my squad I think this is an SBD five Dauntless dive bomber and it's got this little rear machine-gun so it's got twin 30s did someone steal my plane no someone took the Fighter basically that's the fighter this is the dive bomber now I think there's also torpedo bombers but torpedos aren't necessarily working right yet these things are dual purpose cannons they can shoot at surface targets or shoot at air targets and here we go Bobby you ready to get in this thing Oh God someone's gonna take it and there we go I've got my gunner there's the other friendly carrier so sofa is the guy that made some of the best maps I've ever seen and played in Raven field where's my rear gunner fire and I'm at not really in range but it would have been pretty cool to hear I think we need to congratulate him on the job well done he's not as active as he used to be he's a busy man doing epic things but still taking the time to share with us these incredible maps the only thing that I think would make it better I mean I could list off a hundred things of features I'd like added to this to make it even more enjoyable and immersive but remember when I said at the beginning that we're playing it in a way that it's not designed to Raven field isn't stuck designed to I mean well we got a bomb in here somewhere let's go ahead and fire it oh there they are okay I found him and we're gonna reload that we are gonna try to take out the enemy carriers once they're dead we win that's that simple the spawning points you see here are actually destroyable so I guess what we'd want to do is probably get some elevation on these carriers right to avoid those little pesky zeros you can see one flying below me right now from being able to get me and shoot me down oh I can see some zeros on the deck maybe there I think they're called Val's the Japanese the Americans nicknamed all the Japanese aircraft like Val's and zeros and all that stuff I don't I don't know if there's the Japanese version and anyway I was in there guys I'm in World War two but don't worry I've got pop-culture references and and some Wikipedia articles telling me I know what I'm talking about all right so this is gonna be interesting all snap well we're going straight down oh my goodness so apparently oh my god I just wrecked that sucker now the anti-aircraft rounds are finding their mark on my tail section but look at that you can even see my air brakes those little circles on my plane but unfortunately Raven field does not oh my god gunner Bob you had one job Bob your job was to shoot down the enemy plane now we're both gonna die or we're gonna bail out in this ocean and get eaten by I don't know sharks or typhoid fever I think that's an animal or at the very least response so you can come out here and be like get mad at somebody what is that is that Japanese or American looks American to me at cursory glance there we go I pulled out an anti-aircraft gunner because clearly my plane is more important than the vehicle that we're taking off from the giant aircraft carrier which is actually the thing we're supposed to protect you better get it up okay so Bob died and now we got bill and let's hope bill is going to be a little bit better oh my God look don't you love how the landing gear the animation where it just goes up which would decrease my drag and allow me to fly faster so normally in his store like historically anyway you see how those guns are behind the propeller and you may be like well how come the bullets don't destroy the propeller and that's a great question what would happen is they're synchronized to fire through it basically it's pretty cool it's it's called they use this thing called um um math yeah dude imagine Marines hitting that beach Oh that'd be glorious now which of these carriers did I bomb ah I'm pretty sure it was the first one I took out an anti-aircraft gun and I think both aircraft that were remaining on the carrier deck so the carriers are not moving target so it just does make them a little bit easier to hit hello boys now this is a very like not steep angle bombs away now I'm gonna watch this and we're gonna do in slow motion okay you can see my bombs we went midsection and look at that puppy oh yeah we killed clip two I don't know where he was but he is dead so we know where he is now the afterlife if there is one would it be cool to see this Japanese aircraft going back to land to rearm I think it's about okay yeah it's definitely a value see how it's got its landing gear still out so that's the Dare dive bomber well the up deep 3 a1 the valid sir you are dead I don't know what's going on out there we got some crazy stuff but let's just celebrate this glorious kill hey LuAnn there's a Japanese zero in front of me how do we tell his landing gear isn't down and there's only two types of planes in this one what's up bud yeah what's up what's up so we're definitely engaging it what would be known as long range we're getting some hits because he's like oh it's Raven field my AI isn't the best for aerial combat hey do these machine guns while they're probably just thirty caliber I don't remember fifty caliber is bigger than 30 caliber because 50 is larger and this isn't golf this is war son so anyway what we would normally do in a game is you know if this was like if Raven field could go deep and I want it to go deep what's up Bob no his name's bill so what you'd normally want to do is circle around the carrier read you to account for the wind and all that jazz which you know was very popular around this time jazz we come around to this carrier and this is not the best way to do it but it's a video game with a very forgiving flight model then we come down here to drop our landing gear and normally we'd fly but you know what I'm just gonna pop out oh my god oh oh hey Bill don't don't tell anyone I did that well there's only one way to be sure no I can't do it do it what do it bill are you telling me to do it bill bill I'm not gonna do it Oh your name wasn't bill anyway you were living a lie so I'm curious can I these big boys oh my goodness I can oh did you see that was weird we glitched him out how many pistol rounds does it take to destroy a Hellcat is this plane to just get destroyed so what I'm gonna have to do is kick it off the carrier deck see you later it'll sink you'll slowly glide to its demise so we're gonna need the carrier to magically pop up the next aircraft we're gonna get inside of it this is what my viewpoint looks like although it's pretty epic right now did he just perish oh I thought he parachuted out oh there we go okay it was like I can't see them come on boys where they at can I switch places nope let's parachute out oh he parachuted with me oh if we don't land on this carrier we're dead but yeah if this carrier could have invidious attack craft that would be hitting the like beach where there were some bunkers and stuff if phoebius invasions are like one of my favorite things all right you sir have been chosen we still haven't shown off the ultimate feature of this map which is no not getting two Gunners in the same spot that would be kind of cool but we can't do that it's destroying the enemy carrier so this map is on the Steam Workshop by soap it's called flat tops air war over the Pacific is someone shooting at me or is that my gunner did that oh that Inlet is the perfect place for a tiki bar who wants a pina colada I'm gonna go ahead and switch to bomb view and you know what oh there's a there's a plane taking off right now look at that he's just now just left the tip of that carrier all right all right now bombs away that should be about midships oh we killed a guy named Spooner so that's that's pretty funny all right so let's go ahead since we have air security we should have a much better view that is it sinking or am I just really high up Matt all right we're gonna go around for another one I can't tell it's sinking it's definitely sinking you see that the aft of the ship is going down all right so we've destroyed the enemy carrier guys this is glorious hello there goodbye oh yeah look at that oh I love it the way the carrier sinks is epic oh my gosh that just makes me so happy let's try it out from the other angle all right so if I'm gonna be on the Japanese side I can't just be operating with American weaponry let's see what we got so I've got the I'll just call this the type 100 because I don't speak Japanese or I could go with an hour Sokka with a bayonet I'm gonna go the submachine gun and oh let's just use this Russian standing pistol because we don't have a Japanese one all right who wants to be my gunner you know the drill we're all gonna die let's just do it a little sooner rather than later Oh what's up you mount of maneuverability we have we don't have very high top speed though which does make sense for this type of aircraft it would be slower than the zeroes you got a smaller engine maybe definitely the drag from the landing gear what kind of bombs we working with oh we got three bombs and a proper bomb site unlike the Hellcat which I guess no not the Hellcat excuse me the dauntless why am I lost a little bit of health okay so those were all drops I'm not sure if it was I clicked a button three times what does it look like boom boom that's our spread right at this angle which we'll probably do more of a diving bomb run what is that is that rocks or a sunken ship maybe some submarines surfacing or a transport ship I can't really make it out very well I'm gonna assume it's rocks but I would like to think it's something cooler oh yeah so one of the things is I don't think the Japanese any aircraft guns we're working uh but the American ones are no I definitely got hit a little bit the big the big Japanese anti-aircraft guns we're not working oh man that was a nasty hit oh snap oh snap alright this is not going well well this is my life Oh drag ass is in the enemy carrier okay rude I like the Japanese carry it feels a lot lighter and more open on the carrier deck oh there we go see there's the there's the Japanese guns for whatever reason they're doing choreographed dancing so I'm not entirely sure that they're gonna be used for fighting so maybe I have to fly lower which is really weird oh my god enemy fighter aircraft already just nipped at me and I've lost oh I don't know fifteen to twenty percent of my health I'd say Hellcat flying overhead circling back trying to get on my old six o'clock cuz you know they love it oh man you see those handy aircraft rounds exploding in front of my face this is not good if we manage to pull out a W on this one as the Japanese I'll be surprised cuz right now it's just me oh well this is why you want a gunner for situations like this alright evasive maneuvers evasive maneuvers alright we'll get the bombs out you know what I'm gonna adopt an old tactic he'll talk about the hi oh I didn't drop the bombs I tried to but I think when your aircraft dies you can't drop the bombs well I guess what we could do is maybe take command in these guns ourself incoming bombs whoa those things flew right over my head that was rude first off I mean we could fly to zero we haven't flown that now look how sleek this is an aerodynamic it looks compared to oh my god alright so let's go ahead and find ourselves a Hellcat that's a Val Japanese aircraft are mostly playing defense right now and I can't see an enemy plane just yet now unfortunately I don't have any bombs arms so I won't be able to go on an offensive run but let's go ahead and try to find ourselves a u.s. naval carrier aircraft aka a [Music] Hellcat where are you where aren't that looks like one is that it no that's the dive bomber yeah I take out the Dauntless boys and my friendly fighter pilot just flew right by my face pulling a maverick I guess he thinks he's the Top Gun and curiosity strikes me right now when I reminisce on isn't Tom Cruise like 87 years old and now he's Top Gun for the third time it's kind of crazy hold on there's a Hellcat he's like blending in with the ocean there we go those are some good hits I'm super sensitive right here I'm feel sensitive no like my the flight model I guess in the controls all of that something's something to get it's the game not me guys oh I have brought honor to my family well guys this has been flat tops air war over the Pacific by sofa formerly known as the fifth smell the maker of projectile Terrace and some of my favorite Maps ever made in Ravin field and once again pushing the envelope creating a game that's different than what you'd see in Raven field so let me know if you'd like to see more what maps what kind of themes would you want how about a Star Wars one for the night for rayvin field video let me know and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 917,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, ravenfield, ravenfield mods, ravenfield pacific war, ravenfield united states vs japan, ravenfield carrier, pacific war, air vs sea, japanese planes, us carrier, aircraft carrier, battle at sea, jan20
Id: b8fWoDSXUV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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