The Worlds Biggest Super Battleships Duel In Ships At War

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welcome back to ships at war it's like ship sinking simulator bow with guns now what's interesting is there's this thing called marathon face an increasingly difficult threat where bigger warships arrive with each wave that's a interesting mode that we could play in the future if you guys want to see it now there's a number of new ships that have been added to the game that i want to check out today first is the german destroyer the kms well actually it's the kms z16 we've also got the japanese battleship the nagato which if you look at the price it's actually more expensive than the yamato could this be the new super battleship and we have the german cruiser zabluka i don't know about you but i'm really excited to see the negato but before we do that let's see just how powerful this german destroyer is oh my gosh we have a fast forward button now and a pause time this is fantastic it allows us basically to just pause and be able to look at anything and everything in detail zooming in without fear of reprisal now what i normally do is just fight a liberty ship because it only has any aircraft defenses and nothing else but this thing looks pretty sweet it actually has a turret in the rear which can fire forward which is sort of new it looks like we've got twin torpedoes and what all of it fires on one thing hold on a second that doesn't make any sense okay that that appears to be a little bit of an issue doesn't it okay well uh let's move forward so that we can at least use our torpedoes and let's try out this new fast forward how much quicker can we get up and moving to speed so that we can close the distance at least in a reasonable time as a spectator to see these torpedoes fire unfortunately everything is in the same fire group which seems like a little bit of an oversight to me regardless i love the fact that every time there's an update or almost every time we get new ships so we've been getting some critical hits here now there's no magazine shots to speak of because there's no magazines if there's no guns there's no real magazines and it looks like we've put a pretty big hole amid ships and you can see that water is filling in right here and it's definitely sinking this puppy is going down was that was that like a little alarm look at this you we get a gold star the enemy fought honorably or well really not at all but we have won so how would the z16 do against say like a fletcher-class destroyer let's find out so it's got a value of a hundred and thirty three thousand dollars versus a fletcher which is 137 this is gonna be an interesting battle so first things first get going control group zero which apparently is the derp derp honestly it looks like the enemy is doing the same thing there must have been some kind of an update here and it looks like the fletcher's also kind of like set up this way man they are moving fast we're not even at 2x speed we're at normal speed if we were to pause it d both of us are moving incredibly fast we had an explosion near one of our boilers it looks like i'm not sure if that was a critical hit or not but holy crap oh god that torpedo was kind of terrifying all right torpedoes in the water torpedoes in the water we should have them now no i guess i can fire them why are we slowing down we haven't reached our destination but i think okay now it's time to fire torpedoes they just exploded they they hit each other torpedoes need a major rework i think oh god oh man that was bad okay and honestly it feels like it's what is what is happening right here i'm pausing it it's not pausing guys we got problems all right stop stop stop there we go twin torpedo hits uh the ship is sinking our ship is sinking they fortunately sank faster guys i think we've got uh is the question is it a bug or is it a feature but we were able to sink the enemy fletcher although unfortunately if you're on this ship you're also going down maybe we need a few lifeboats or something that would be kind of cool to see lifeboats take off i'm getting critical hits can i fire torpedoes downwards there we go i was actually able to do that look guys i'm a u-boat now das u-boat so we've seen the german destroyer it's pretty good but there's a new battleship in town and it is the nagato it has a little bit less offensive power it appears than the yamato but i think we've got a chest just like see this beast now we're gonna go against target practice aka the liberty ship all right so quick look twin 18-inch batteries we have no secondary guns to speak of now if you look at the yamato you've got two secondaries that are 14 inch batteries and then you have the two primers both of which are 18 inchers like at least forward-facing guns i don't really look at the rear-facing ones since you can't really use them furthermore you also have some torpedo bombers available on the yamato so back to the negato here yeah you only have your forward-facing and rear-facing 18-inch gun batteries that is it the smoke stacks are very interesting this one's kind of swept back and this one's a twin intriguing to say the least now does this in theory make us more difficult to crit we were more expensive do we have more armor well after we test out these guns because we are just going to shell this liberty ship quite literally we're going to have a negato versus the yamato and see who's the biggest and baddest out there these shells are i guess the big 18 incher is a little bit more inaccurate like when you look at like where we're firing we're firing at the center of the ship but we're definitely oh those were two critical hits oh my gosh it looks like it's taking on water in the front already you can see the water like when an armor pierce starts feeling blue that's like the game's visual indication hey this thing is uh it's sinking so unfortunately good old liberty ship couldn't those things be like mass produced in a week or something like that that was incredibly fast now it is time for the clash of the proverbial titans now in the past we do know that the yamato seems to just have some critical weaknesses i'm not entirely sure what it is whether it's the game or whether it's properly modeled in the game and it's the ship's design but hey let's find out shells away they've also got torpedo bombers i i don't know i feel like you just have to probably give it to the yamato in terms of sheer firepower although this needs to be fixed armor hit magazine hit do they magazine us or are we magazine them we're getting critical hits torpedoes in the water torpedo bombers i want to pause this thing but it there we go it did pause okay yeah they're still shooting okay uh they're more like guidelines anyway they're not entirely working how are we doing we probably just got hit with torpedoes did the magazine hit here no that's just kind of like the structure of how it worked now we're going to be looking i think by having less guns i guess in theory we have less magazines to explode and i think what we need is like right here it says all these hits it's just doing everything at the same time what we need is different ones like left for the ship on the left and right for the ship on the right okay magazine hits the front most 18 inch battery is kaput no magazine is found armor penetration chance 50 that's interesting class reload bonus 50 reload time 12.3 seconds magazine size of 70. we're getting a lot more information or maybe it's just that this is the first time i've looked at it i think we're definitely doing better despite the fact that they have torpedoes look the front of my ship was absolutely blown off it looks like we our rudder actually has issues but they're not penetrating us and we're definitely doing more against them you can see flooding right here i'm not seeing their torpedo bombers taken off they probably have to reload although i think it's a little unfair like this is supposed to be a scout spotting plane at least historically right but they have a b5 n2 torpedo bomber in its place oh my god they're church just disappeared it just disappeared that should have been like a critical explosion or something how did there's magic going on here uh i believe it is a solo developer there's a magazine hit i think near the rear right there okay uh something's going on here like look at this if you're the yamatos captain you're like hmm well we're missing both of our primary turrets on the front i've only got a 14 inch gun battery i think it's time to put up the white flag or maybe just go as fast as we can in the opposite direction oh big magazine hit structural issues one of their secondary batteries is basically just loosely hanging on by dental floss and fruit roll-ups it looks like but i think sun tzu did have um a saying was like if you ain't got no guns you gonna get wrecked dude oh my gosh more magazine explosions i kind of wish magazine explosions were more dynamic there's a lot of things that a visually i think would make this game like far more entertaining and we might get there one day so now if i speed it up does it actually speed up magazines magazines oh my gosh magazines in the front yeah see like those have to be creating giant holes where water needs to start spilling in right but the flooding looks pretty negligible it seems like this area is red to slowly pink i guess it is filling in i think the way they visually depict the flooding is what could really work look at that turret that turret's gone and now it just disappears yeah some of the ship is like holding on oh that was massive that was also massive do we want to aim a little bit different yeah let's see him a little bit more rear and if you saw like little people scrambling around lifeboats kicking off fires like there's flooding but fires were another big issue on ships and if i remember correctly some of the carrier battles between the americans and japanese the japanese didn't have as good fire prevention systems or fire like dealing with fire fire response was well not as good oh we just destroyed that torpedo bomber that was on the deck the ship just folded let's actually just like fire somewhere else and just watch the chaos as it folds in on itself so we can x that out oh man that structure just deteriorated this is the part where like you get to see the titanic scene you know where it's like the ship just breaks apart and falls into the abyss davey jones is happy because well you know what buddy we just got you a new toy to play with uh well it it's the yamato it's just broken in half and i'm pretty sure i fired okay good we're firing there look at that we made a yamato sandwich okay so if you go to fight there's marathon what kind of ship would i want to take into this the atlanta is a pretty decent cruiser right lots of guns so we're going to be experimenting with this oh it looks like we're fighting the german cruiser i mean the german destroyed the z16 which is brand spanking new torpedoes in the water but they both just detonated on each other i mean our guns are going to be wildly powerful rapid depth charges i want to see this there we go rapid depth charges so we can deal with submarines i love that i love that that's a thing we're gonna need to constantly adjust our fire because this destroyer is going full steam ahead of us and we've got to take it out before it can close the distance and you actually use those torpedoes this looks like a pretty good salvo right here got some critical hits it's riding a little low but i think that it's oh my gosh those were magazine hits it's riding low in the back and we just hit magazines which may have compromised the structural integrity there so hopefully it'll start filling up more really we've got this thing in the bag unless they're able to close the distance and fire a lot of torpedoes but all of our ships are hitting oh never mind we got some really good ones and midships right there and this thing should be slowing down actually i wonder if their steam engines and boilers uh flood definitely got flooding you can see flooding actually in the turret oh that's underwater those guys are gonna need some snorkeling equipment maybe even scuba equipment this thing is dead in the water and we are gonna make that literal so this is kind of cool though like you got to try like to just what fight as long as possible against ever increasing difficulties of waves you guys want to see this in like an upcoming video for ships of war i mean this thing is is turning into a u-boat right now before our very eyes big flooding not enough bilge pumps i mean we've got flooding and mid ships right here some of the sections that are supposed to be above the water are showing that well they're slowly going under oh and you can hear some sound effects it sounded like like bubbling or or like metal creaking under water the sound effects are getting significantly better this thing's going down like this is when you have to sound the abandoned ship order right the battle would have been ended a while ago once you critic critical criticized it once you critically hit it once you criticize and suddenly as soon as you said once you criticize an enemy ship it's gonna have bad time so it looks like we're just going up against the germans here whoa why oh my god okay so this is the german cruiser the coolness one forward-facing battery that's it well i think this is gonna be a lot of fun for a game mode and it looks like we take our damage with us from the last one unfortunately there's no like in between waves being able to repair at least not yet but i think that's definitely how the game could go this guy doesn't seem like he's ideally uh armed to be able to deal with us so anyway guys thank you for watching another episode of ships at war a lot is being done but i think a lot still needs to be done but i am just a huge fan of this game so let me know if you guys do want to see more and i'll see in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 125,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, ships at war, ships at war game, ships at war gameplay, ships at war baron, ship sinking simulator, ship sinking, sinking ship simulator, ship simulator, battle sim, battle simulator, ww2 ships, ww2 ships sinking, sinking ww2, aircraft carrier, aircraft carrier sinking, floating sandbox, sub warfare, world war, forts, forts gameplay, torpedo bomber, torpedo, bomber, torpedos, battleship, yamato, nagato, battleship battles, ship battle, ship duel, ship war
Id: 5usaFxa90GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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