Defeating the Hurt Whisperer | Jimmy Evans

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coming up on the overcoming life with Jimmy Evans people may have told you that you wouldn't be successful you may have been sitting somewhere in a funeral and in the devil said to you if God loved you then why would he allow this to happen listen I don't understand everything about God but I don't want a God so small that I can understand thee but in those times in life that that life is beyond our ability to comprehend we simply have to say blessed be the name of the Lord [Music] the devil uses pain and trauma in our lives is an opportunity to speak and let me say this now I don't believe the worst thing about pain is the pain itself and I think you would agree with that the worst thing about pain is the message that it brings because there's always a message in pain rejection abuse disadvantage disappointment failure sin sickness chronic sickness trauma loss all of those things are an opportunity for the devil to come and to use those to deceive us jesus said the thief does not come except to steal and kill and destroy I have come that they may have life if they may have it more abundantly the devil what makes the devil dangerous is not just that he's evil is that he disguises himself and we're gonna read a story in just a minute about Adam and Eve but when the devil came to Adam and Eve he didn't come as the devil he never does he came as a serpent in serpents are dangerous because they're so stealthy they don't present themselves and so he came not presenting himself but just bringing this argument in Eve's mind about sin and God and the Word of God and all those kinds of things ultimately causing them to fall but let me tell you the devil is perfect disguise this is what makes him so dangerous the perfect that his perfect disguise is us see many times when the devil is introducing thoughts into our minds we don't know it's the devil until you learn to uncover the devil's lies and his deceptions and you know about spiritual warfare which means taking our thoughts captive that I'll talk about and so you're his perfect disguise and I'm gonna say something to you and I want you to listen because in this message I want you to think about what I'm saying right now many of the things that have hurt your life the most that are in your mind we're actually introduced by the devil not you you did not tell yourself those things God certainly in his second favorite disguise is God see he loves just to introduce thoughts into our mind and for us to believe that they came from us because that way we're not going to resist them because they're our thoughts not his thoughts but his second favorite disguise is God and see when the devil is coming to lie to you sometimes he wants you to believe it's God sometimes he wants you to believe that God is speaking to you because his only purpose is to steal kill and destroy what he can't steal he kills and what he can't kill he'll destroy and so Satan is gonna constantly be coming to us introducing thoughts into our minds especially using hurt and trauma as his open door to do that let me give you two bit biblical example as this and the first is Adam and Eve and this is Genesis chapter 3 the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said to the woman has God indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said to the serpent we may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden but the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you shall not eat it nor touch it lest you die then the serpent said to the woman you will not surely die then let's go down to verse 8 it says they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden and the Lord God called to Adam and said to him where are you so he said I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself and he said who told you that you were naked have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded that you should not eat so the devil the devil comes to Adam and Eve especially Eve it begins with Eve and he says to them as God surely said that you can't eat from these trees and she says well the day that we thought of the tree will die he says you won't die was that true well they did die he's a liar he always lies and so he accused God let me say this the devil is really good because he convinced two perfect people in a perfect paradise that the person who put him there was evil you got to be good when you can do that let me say this about God our God is a fabulous God he didn't create us in Hell he didn't create us in a ghetto he didn't create us in a wilderness he created us in a paradise because he's a good god in the Bible begins in a paradise it ends in a paradise because our God is a good God but the devil the devil's always out to accuse God and he'll use any circumstance but he's so good they had no trauma in their past they didn't have a bad daddy or a bad mama they didn't grow up in poverty they had never had a bad day in their life but here comes the devil accusing God to them and convinces them there's something wrong with God so they eat the fruit and the instant they eat the fruits eat they begin to hide from God and God walks up he says why are you hiding from me and he says I was afraid because I was naked the way just a minute who made him naked God made him naked without shame Genesis 2:25 says and they were both naked without shame they had no fear whatsoever of their nakedness but but God says this to Adam that's a question and by the way God never asked a question to get the answer he asked a question to give the answer who told you that you were naked he's trying to get Adam to think how did how did this thought get into my head god made us naked we weren't ashamed of our nakedness ten minutes ago how did this thought get into my head well let me give you the answer the devil came and tempted them and deceived them they ate the fruit and when they ate the fruit they made a mistake they sinned in the instant they opened the door through their sin in failure that opened the door for him to speak this into their spirits you're defective there's something wrong with you there's something wrong with you your bodies are detestable was that was that true they were glorious they lived for over 900 years these people had bodies these people were beautiful these people were glorious they had that they were made in the image of God it was the exact opposite of the truth there's there's something wrong with you so all of a sudden his perfect the devil's perfect desire comes true they divided from each other in God see that's all all the devil ultimately wants to do is just keep you from God in healthy relationships because that's what he hates the most he hates he hates family he hates marriage because it looks like God he hates God he wants to keep you away from God so ultimately all he's trying to do is to keep you separated from God in any healthy relationship by introducing lies into your mind who told you that you were naked who told you that you were worthless who told you you couldn't succeed who told you that you were nobody who told you that God couldn't use you who told you that God didn't love you who told you that because every single one of us at some point in our lives in pain and trauma in failure there's that thought there's that thought Adam didn't understand who gave him that thought but he was afraid he was hiding from his healer he was hiding from his maker and he was divided from his wife that's the mark of the devil the devil's evil he never keeps a promise he never will it's amazing to me that a God who is so faithful could be so mistrusted and a devil who has never kept a promise could be so followed [Music] everyone experiences pain on the journey of life these unresolved hurts impact every relationship in our lives but God desires to heal and redeem us in this inspiring series called The Hurt pocket Jimmy Evans will show you how to identify and resolve life hurts the steps to making peace with your past and how to create positive legacy for generations with your gift of any amount we'll send you the book when life hurts which will show you how to remove and resolve every negative event from your past that is keeping you from your god-given destiny and with your gift of $65 or more you can receive the hurt pocket series on CD or as an audio download plus receive the life-changing book when life hurts if you want to receive access to the hurt pocket series on DVD or a video download as well as when life hurts they're yours for a gift of $90 or more you can experience a new level of freedom and fulfillment today here's another example it's the Apostle Peter this is Matthew 16 from that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and scribes and be killed and be raised the third day but then Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him saying far be it from you lord this shall not happen to you but he turned and said to Peter get behind me Satan you are an offense to me for you are not mindful of the things of God but the things that mean can you imagine being in an argument with Jesus and him calling you Satan I mean you say Jesus why you know knucklehead maybe but not Satan yeah I mean I well he wasn't talking to Peter he was talking to Satan let me tell you this story Peter was a fisherman and there's nothing wrong with fisherman but they were commoners and one day the son of God walked up to the Sea of Galilee and said come follow me and he became somebody he wasn't just a fisherman anymore he was the follower of the Son of God and Jesus raised the dead in Peters presence Peter was known among Israel as a follower of Jesus Christ he was someone he would stand with Jesus in the presence of multitudes when he fed the 5,000 all of the miracles of Jesus I mean Peter was there's an eyewitness he was somebody he was somebody and I don't know what had happened to him earlier in life but maybe he felt like he was nobody so Jesus plainly is telling the disciples I'm gonna go to Jerusalem and I'm gonna be killed he just told him flat out big told of many times I'm dead well Peter is hearing through trauma and the devil uses those those kinds of by the way that's the best news they had ever heard Jesus is going to die become the savior of the world Peter's gonna get filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and become the preeminent apostle of Jesus all it was all good news but when you're hearing through eyes of when you're hearing through ears of pain you hear different and Jesus is telling them all good things but here's what Peter hears I'm gonna go back to being a nobody I'm gonna lose the only person who's ever believed in me I'm gonna be the laughingstock of Israel and here's what he's hearing so in his pain and in his fear that his Satan is there as a serpent Peter doesn't know it jesus knows it as a serpent the devil is there introducing thoughts into Peters mind and Peter says no you know you it will not happen to you and Jesus turns around says you get behind me Satan and Peter's like whoa whoa scuse me Satan's right there things right there he was at the Last Supper Satan was present at the Last Supper because at the Last Supper he entered the body of Judas Iscariot and Jesus knew you was there because he turned to him and said you're the son the devil see we don't get it sometimes we don't get it it's not always Satan himself but it's demonic entities that are there to ruin our lives and in Peters trauma he's hearing Jesus speak it's touching a nerve in him of insecurity a nerve of fear a nerve of previous pain and there's the devil using that opportunity to introduce those thoughts into his mind he's The Hurt whisperer if we have hurts unresolved hurts for life issues we have faulty messages within us and most of us do if you have an unresolved issue in your life of pain I promise I promise you there is a thought is that the pain isn't the worst part the worst part is the thought that the message that came in that pain Karen and I both had these in here we might through the pain of my past I came into adulthood with five main messages the first is I was a freak this was this was a message they had early in life I was taller than my second grade teacher I had a big silver tooth here is I got my next-door neighbors shot this out to slingshot and when the doctor replaced it he gave me a tooth I could grow into and it was a big big silver tooth and my brother my brother's Damon and Lucifer they called me that joke always works and I'm it it makes me and I just love it because they all they did to me I have the microphone now and but my brother's called me Bucky the silver tooth beaver that's good for your self-esteem in it so that way that was so just through my physical you know features when I was a kid there was a message in me told Ulta that I was a freak something wrong me anything good will be taken away from me anything good I remember I played baseball and I maryland's on the baseball team and I just was having a big time I was maybe ten years old and I came home and from baseball practice one day and my mother said you can't play on the baseball team anymore and I said what's wrong because my birthday was October I was too old and that happened so often that I would get something and lose it and I had this message that anything good I have will be taken away I'm a burden and I'll talk about that more in just a minute that was a message in my spirit if people really knew me they would reject me that's the way I felt and I'll always be disappointed Karen Karen here are the messages that Karen came into adulthood with there's something is wrong with me and it can't be fixed and Anna when I was preparing this message I asked Karen Karen what do you think your message is worth she said that was the big one the big one and it came through pain she's I'm stupid I'm fat and I'm ugly there's something mentally wrong with me and I'm not normal these were the thoughts and I remember when I married Karen that's the way she thought that I've never met a person with more self hate than Karen when we got married other common thoughts that people come into adulthood with I'll never succeed God loves other people more than me people are pretty spiritual talented I've sinned too much for God to forgive me you can't trust people they'll always disappoint you if God loves me why did he allow Blanc to happen where was God you know maybe it was the death of a loved one or something like that I can't change I'll always be this way I'll never be a good Christian something bad is gonna happen to me or my family to pay me back for what I've done or because I don't have enough faith God can't use me it's hopeless I won't go to heaven I've got to take care of myself because nobody else will and those are just some some of the examples of how in our pain the devil comes to lie to us and embed these messages that that we think are normal or we think are just us but they're not there the devil so I want to talk about how to destroy the devil's lies that limit our lives and I'm gonna say this now I think everybody's got it if you've never dealt with this I'm just going to tell you you gotta and especially if you've got unresolved pain in your life and issues in your life these things are in there so how do you get rid of them well the first step is to expose the thought to the light and even ask that you may know the thought as we're sitting here talking you just make yourself a list okay but sometimes we don't ask the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and Jesus said he'll lead you into all truth so I was you know I bet there's been so many things the Lord has set me free from including all those thoughts that I just mentioned I'm free from those I don't know it was maybe 15 years ago or so in and I was having a quiet time one morning and here's here's what the Lord said to me you're a blessing and not a burden and that challenged every message I'd ever received about my life because from day one I felt like wherever I went I was a burden can I taste something I'm a blessing I'm not a burden I couldn't I couldn't tell you the importance that I couldn't receive I couldn't receive if a person if anybody wanted to do anything for me I couldn't receive it because I felt like I can't take that because I'll be a burden but I've learned to receive in a healthy way I'm not a Moochie preacher thank God you know minute but I'm saying I've learned to receive knowing that I'm not a burden I am a blessing and I can go to God and boldly ask him for anything that I need knowing that I'm not a burden to my god and that's an example of a thought being exposed to the light and I honestly did not consciously know that that thought was in me until the Lord spoke to my heart let me say this to them when you get before the Lord in your quiet time you need to enunciate you need to say those things that are in your heart that maybe you feel ashamed of maybe you know before this message you didn't even realize how deadly it was or the origination of that you need to say to God god this is a thought in my head and I bring this into the light but you also need to say the Holy Spirit if there's something in me that I'm not even aware of Holy Spirit speak that to my heart in repair these faulty thoughts that are in there through the disappointments and pain and failures in my life and he will he'll be faithful to it and we tell you about the Holy Spirit he won't overwhelm you he's very patient so he'll do it in his time but he'll begin to do it immediately but when the devil works in darkness but God works in life and when you bring it into the light is now in God's domain the second thing that you do is to expel any thought that doesn't agree with God's Word 2nd Corinthians 10 we though we walk in the flesh we do not war according the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled the weapons of our warfare are taking the Warfare's in our minds this is Golgotha Jesus died on Golgotha this is the place of a skull and Satan attacks us just like Adam and Eve just like he did Peter he attacks us in our mind because whoever controls our mind controls us and if we're not freeing our minds we're not free and these arguments these high things in our minds that exalt themselves these strongholds that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God we have to take them captive we have to take these thoughts into obedience to Christ and that means every thought in my mind I'm gonna compare it to what God says to me and this is the third point here in my final point express your agreement with God's Word confess God's work when God began to speak to me that I was a blessed not a burden I had to begin to say it with my mouth I'm a blessing and not a burden I'm a blessing and not a burden and when I began to agree I had to put faith in what God was saying because I knew it was true but my heart didn't agree with it because of the pain of my past and so express your agreement what does God say about me and here's the issue you may be saying to yourself I'll never succeed well you know I've done too much for God to forgive me and all those kinds of things but what does God say about you here's your in my twenty nine eleven and I love this scripture because the context of it God says I know my thoughts that I think toward you now the reason I love that scripture is have you ever been in an argument with someone trying to tell you what you're thinking a woman excuse me not me no no I didn't mean that I didn't mean that Karen's gone and I feel real both so but but have you ever been an argument so they're just telling you what you think and you see you don't know what I'm thinking don't tell me what I'm thinking Jeremiah 29:11 they're telling God what he's thinking you don't love us you forsaken us what have you done with us and I love the context I know the thoughts that I think toward you don't tell me what I'm thinking thoughts of good and not evil to give you a future and a hope psalm 139 says that the day you were created in your mother's womb that God had so many thoughts about you they couldn't be numbered there more than the sand on the seashore God in detail planned out your life and every thought was a good thought and nothing the devil has done is canceled out God's good plan and regardless of where you are in life God can get you back on the path in a short period of time what does God say about me what does God say and you have to agree with that you had to begin to confess that whatever has been done to you in life God doesn't throw away people you haven't done too much that God can't use you you're gonna be successful if you obey God people may have told you that you wouldn't be successful you may have been sitting somewhere in a funeral and then the devil said to you if God loved you then why would he allow this to happen listen I don't understand everything about God but I don't want a God so small that I can understand thee but in those times in life that that life is beyond our ability to comprehend we simply have to say blessed be the name of the Lord bless if you I don't understand this I don't understand this but blessed be the name of the Lord let me tell you something after living as long as I've lived there were things that I didn't understand thirty years ago and I stand here today and I say blessed be the name of the Lord because he did it and it all worked out for his good blessed be the name of the Lord don't let the devil camp out in your brain don't let the devil use pain as an opportunity to slither up and whisper a lie that's gonna ruin your life and all of us have done it all of us have done it innocently because we just don't know how to deal with these kind of issues people don't typically teach us this kind of stuff and so pain accumulates in our hurt pocket and that hurt in that pain becomes a place of darkness for the devil to come and whisper thoughts and lies that keep us in bondage and jesus said you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free God loves you your life is precious he can use you and regardless of what has happened in your life he can redeem it and he will redeem it but he can only work with true I hope you enjoyed that teaching you know one of the greatest truths is that Jesus came to set us free from sin and all of the consequences of sin all the pain that comes from sin to defeat the devil so that we don't have to live under the influence of his lies and also to free us from the generational bondage the iniquities the inner vows in all the generational bondage that can come with our sin our parents sins somebody else's sin and certainly the devil is always there to try to entrench that pain within our lives in this series is called The Hurt pocket in this series is talking about the fact that we can live totally free from all of the pain from all the grief from all the anguish that has come in our lives previously through rejection through the death of a loved one through loss through failure however it came we can be set totally free to live victorious and to live joyful and that's what I pray for you I pray that God will do a deep work in your life so that you can experience the fullness of God in every area we're going to continue now on this series The Hurt pocket so stay with us I'll see you next time here on the overcoming find hope and healing from the pain you carry with Jimmy's inspiring series The Hurt pocket available on CD DVD or as a digital download will also include Jimmy's companion book when life hurts The Hurt pocket series on CD or audio download and the book are yours for a gift of $65 or more or receive the series on DVD or video download and the book for $90 or more The Hurt pocket series will show you how to identify and resolve the hurts of life God's desire to heal and redeem you and the steps to make you peace with your past let me tell you about the silly thing about hiding from God you're hiding from your healer when he touches paint it doesn't hurt when he touches paint it goes away when you support the overcoming life with an online gift of any amount we'll send you Jimmy's book when life hurts create a positive legacy as you heal from the hurts of life experience The Hurt pocket series today thank you for watching the overcoming life with Jimmy Evans
Channel: Jimmy Evans
Views: 55,878
Rating: 4.9146991 out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Evans, Christian, marriage, Marriage Today, Daystar
Id: -Xw2ZIpEMJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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