Deepak Chopra: Where Are Your Thoughts Processed?

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if you can observe your thoughts then you are obviously not your thoughts right if you can observe something you are intrinsically free from your observation so what is that that's consciousness is the knowing element in every experience including the knowing element i have a mind i have thoughts so consciousness ultimately is that in which all experience occurs where's this experience occur occurring in consciousness where is this experience known in consciousness what is this experience made out of consciousness why because the experience is made out of perceptual activities of consciousness cognitive activities of consciousness so all there is is consciousness modulating itself as experience and where is this consciousness it doesn't have a form so it's infinite so it's non-local but it appears as this it appears as this locality but even this locality is being processed non-locally in the infinite mind how does this take us into the realm of psychedelics okay many applications first is with small doses of psychedelics combined with possibly imagery like the kind you do combined with music appropriate it can't be heavy metal okay unless you want to send somebody to help that's another option but take small doses of psychedelics microdoses which is happening now combine it with imagery combine it with music particularly music that releases endorphins and opiates and hope dopamine there's all kinds of studies now music will enhance the release of new neurotransmitters so what you can start to do is with combining meditation music psychedelics and a little bit of explanation that reality is not what you're seeing this is your projection right now and if you expanded it a little bit there are many applications so what are the applications depression anxiety particularly what they call free-floating depression and anxiety person has depression anxiety they don't know why and actually everybody has that at some point in their life they have what is called the dark knight of the soul you know or a minor glimpse of it okay but they don't know what it is but it's existential anxiety so existential anxiety existential depression and now we are seeing low-grade inflammation go together and we are also seeing science is showing us that these things precede chronic illness by decades so by alzheimer's may take three decades of low-grade anxiety low-grade depression and low-grade inflammation to manifest [Music]
Channel: Moving Art
Views: 5,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d2TVrMpML1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 19sec (199 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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