Deepak Chopra : Physical Healing, Emotional Wellbeing

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and one of our great pleasure our great delight is to have Deepak coming to speak to us Deepak is my dear friend and also my teacher two things together that's a wonderful combination and Deepak is bringing new awareness a new understanding particularly perhaps I should mention now his new book is war of the world views and it's a science and spirituality science versus spirituality and science and spirituality bringing together and and written this book with the Leonardo not Deneuve and I can't pronounce his name properly Deepak will pronounce properly so this is something that we can look forward to it will be out in October and Deepak is going around the world to bring the science and spirituality together this this idea that these are two different worlds and they cannot meet vaping is challenging has been challenging for many years but this book is going to be a sort of really groundbreaking book so without much ado I would like to invite deeper to speak to us I see afternoon deeper our last session this was not working can you hear me up there clearly okay and how many people were here for the last session so you were here for the last session how many people again and how many people just came for this session okay well the last session was about Tagore in Anna's relevance of Tagore and his interactions with Einstein and why Einstein was wrong even in his science as far as nonlocality was concerned and Tagore was right intuitively and that's I think you'll hear more about it as we explore this level that scientists are discovering called nonlocality but Satish asked me for this session to focus on healing and so that's what I'm going to do in the next 45 minutes or so explain why healing is real why there's a scientific biological basis for it and why we can actually begin to replicate healing once we understand the mechanism it doesn't mean that we're never going to get sick or never going to die because you can die and still be healed which is of course what I was reading about earlier when I was reading the poems on death by Tagore so here we go my background is in medicine in neuro science and neuroendocrinology and I went to the United States after I finished from All India Institute of Medical Sciences I finished my basic medical degree if there were two things that happened in my life well there are many things that happen in my life but two things that are very relevant to what we're going to talk about just now the first is that any physician will tell you anybody who is in the field of medicine value that biological biological organisms particularly human beings do not respond in predictable manner to treatment so it's something that we assumed you know medicine is scientific medicine is based on reductionist science medicine the brain and the body operate according to the laws of classical mechanics or classical physics we assume that but it's not true okay you can have two patients who have exactly the same illness they get the same treatment they see the same position and they can have completely different outcomes one person can die the other person can recover so that's that's a common thing physicians know about it they don't talk about it it's the unexplained phenomenon it's the X Factor it's the white elephant in the room we don't want to acknowledge because once we acknowledge then we have just say what's happening and then sooner or later we have to get into consciousness so so that's the first thing the second thing is my own field neuro science neuroendocrinology this is in the earlier days when radioimmunoassay as a technique had just been developed and radio immunoassays a way in which you can measure molecules in the body okay so when the 70s this had become very popular because two investigators one by the name of Rosalind yellow had won the Nobel Prize now we can measure what's happening in biological systems and we were measuring what are now well known chemicals like serotonin dopamine oxytocin opiates everybody's heard of these I presume and what one of my colleagues at that time named a woman by the name of Candace pert or later on she was a fellow research fellow but we were all kind of hanging out together she later went and became the chief of neuro chemistry at the National Institutes of Health and she coined a next which became relatively popular amongst us molecules of emotion so what her basic thesis was that emotional experiences generate molecules and these molecules are neuro peptides because they are found in the brain and peptides because their protein molecules and that when you feel different emotions you have different body chemistry now that was very interesting to those of us who were interested in consciousness and so we started looking everywhere in the body for receptors to these molecules so you know the first place obviously look what look for was immune cells immune cells which go by different names T cells B cells macrophages etc if you look at the receptor sites of these little cells they have receptors to the molecules of emotion so right now somebody inside you is having a conversation with themselves and this is a very interesting conversation because it has emotional overtones whether you agree with me disagree with me whether I fit into your ideology about what is right wrong etcetera the conversation never shuts up it is happening right now it's happening even in your sleep in your dreams in a moment we are going to try and figure out who's this person who never shuts up but the fact is that the cells of your immune system are responding to this conversation they're eavesdropping they're listening to this conversation what's even more interesting is that the immune cells are not only listening to this conversation but they are participating in this conversation because they make the same peptides that your brain makes when you're feeling or thinking if you ask a good neurobiologist today what's the difference between the immune system and the nervous system they'll say there really isn't any the immune system is a circulating nervous system it has memory so in New Moon cells look at a an antigen or invader pneumococcus or whatever they remember you know what was my last experience with this fellow should I leave him alone should I go after him I have no experience with him but my grandfather did so you know the memories passed on how to make the precise antibody not only immune cells have memory but they make decisions so they're conscious selves okay they have consciousness if that's my consciousness we mean memory and choices sans Cara and Marcin or whatever word we want Hughes so the immune system is a thinking system no has an expression of consciousness consciousness is a field of potential okay so yeah your immune cells are thinking they just don't think in English with an Indian accent now this happens everywhere you look in the body we started to look it was very exciting you know so we start looking everywhere because you can measure and scientists love to measure so we measured okay today if you say I have a gut feeling about such-and-such you're not speaking metaphorically at all you're speaking literally your gut makes the same chemicals that your brain makes when you have emotions or thought in fact I would say you can trust your gut feelings a little more because your gut cells haven't yet learned how to doubt their own thinking today we know that 80% of our heart cells for example are what some cardiologists of Kharak physiologist called neuro cardio sites neuro they like brain cells neurons and their cardio says they pump blood but they make the molecules of emotion now I'll cut this story very short because it's a 35 year old story in development but your mind is not in your brain okay it's everywhere it's in all the cells of your body and all the cells of your body are relating to all the cells in two ways one is local communication through energy and information local communication so when I communicate with you on your cell phone for example that's a local connect communication or I call you on the phone or through the internet that's local it involves energy and information and there's another kind of communication that occurs is called non-local which I spoke about a little bit earlier which is almost instantaneous it's not communication but it's correlation every cell correlates with every other cell instantly your body has 100 trillion cells which is more than all the stars in the Milky Way galaxy every cell is doing a hundred thousand activities per second and every cell tracks and synchronizes with every other cell instantly without sending messages no signals okay it's what is called non-local correlation and this is a new field it's called quantum biology and that biological organisms don't function linearly they function in an integrated manner my body is an integrated whole my brain is an integrated whole and it's participating with what we call the environment which is a terrible word the it's the biosphere of which we are an activity now we use these words body environment and we think that's different but it's actually one system okay it's an integrated system those trees are your lungs the earth is recycling as your body the rivers and waters are recycling as your circulation this air is your breath so why do we call the environment we have a personal body we have a extended body and they're both equally ours because you can't live with one or the other okay they equally crucial to our sense of I exist so everything functions as an integrated system and this integration is felt to be non-local there's physics to explain this okay but this is how you can explain certain things which were unexplained before how does a human body for example do so many things simultaneously can think thoughts play a piano kill germs remove toxins make a baby all at the same time and at the same time your biological rhythms are the symphony of the whole universe so that's non-local how does a single cell become the hundred trillion cells only in fifty replications only fifty replications to make a whole body now if I had videos I was selling South Asia we make films on this and it's very impressive to see what's really happening and the sense of wonder that's evoked too and you see what's happening in your body okay so that's non-local correlation these are the two kinds of things and the whole thing is being orchestrated through the flow of energy and information but also non-locally beyond the non-local amines outside of space-time okay so that's the first thing to understand the second thing to understand is that your body is not a structure first of all the mind is everywhere but the second is your body is not a structure you know when we think of this we say this is a structure right but even this is not a structure it's a process if you go to the level of subatomic particles this very dynamic process right now but your body is definitely not a structure it's not a noun it's a verb and there's nothing in the universe that's a noun nouns are conventions of language they are not expressions of truth because there is nothing in the universe that stands still even for a second okay so your body is dynamic it's in exchange with all the elements and forces of the universe and this happens through eating breathing digestion metabolism elimination how we experience the world through our five senses sound touch sight taste smell that's where I or Veda comes in because we use these modalities to change biological expression but then there's a whole realm of experience which is subjective which is trance imperii go which means it's not experience to the senses empiricism means experience through the senses and measurable but there's a whole extreme of experience that is subjective okay our thoughts our feelings our desires our imagination insight intuition creativity all of that the deepest level of subjectivity for which science by the way has no explanation how how the brain produces subjective experience we call that the hard problem in science but you know we having you close your eyes you suddenly become aware of all this thing that's happening in your subjectivity and that influences everything that's happening in the body today is possible to do a little bit of mathematical calculations based on what are called radioactive isotope studies and you can prove without a shadow of doubt that right this moment you have a million atoms that were once in the body of Jesus Christ or Buddha or anyone you want to think about in just the last three weeks a quadrillion atoms have gone through your body that have gone through the body of every other living species on this planet so think of a tree in Africa squirrel in Siberia a taxi driver in Calcutta you have stuff in your body that was there only three weeks ago okay in less than one year you're recycle now we used to think it was five seven years in less than one year you recycle 98 percent of all the matter in your body so at the atomic molecular level you have a new liver every six weeks a new stomach lining every five days new skin once a month a new skeleton it seems so hard but a skeleton is a dynamic organ with calcium phosphorus everything coming and going and by the end of one year you replace almost all your body ninety-eight percent few bits of collagen and cartilage which take a little longer turn over so this party that Satish invited is my 2011 model and the last time I came I brought with me the same suitcase but not the same physical body okay I brought my suitcase is a little longer shelf life than my physical body so you know this raises a big question and science today who are you if you think your your physical body then you have a bit of a problem which one are you talking about so my well my physical body has recycled from the ecosystem it's part of the biosphere the unfortunate word environment well it's recycled and you know my personal body from the year 2010 is dead it's gone I haven't died in the meanwhile so I hope you agree this is scientific proof for the existence of life after death because our consciousness is constantly out living the death of the molecules through which it expresses itself is doing it right now you don't need further proof of reincarnation these are reincarnated selves okay these weren't there a month ago but they remember the difference between heart and coal and pleasure and pain is the memory that's reincarnating okay it's the memory it's always reincarnating as this physical body so let's go a little deeper you go look at these molecules that are recycling you see their atoms and then you look at the atoms and their subatomic particles and they all coming from an emptiness and that's where the real action is that emptiness now today scientists call it the quantum vacuum of the universe which isn't disappear it's right there if that wasn't active you and I wouldn't be here okay the quantum vacuum didn't disappear with the Big Bang it just started the whole series of activities that are still going on but the quantum vacuum of physics is the is there right this moment and you and I and everything exists because it's there that's what scientists call it but you know you look at the poetry of Rumi 700 years ago he says we come spinning out of nothingness scattering stars like dust is it look at these words spinning out of nothingness this is within your power who else the Buddhist talk about Shunyata that is beyond subject object split beyond the observer and the observed vedantis they talk about Akash the Akash is not empty but it's full of oh well means consciousness so they go even beyond but any scientists will tell you today that one cubic centimeter of space right here one cubic centimeter of space has tend to the power of thirty seven times more mass energy than the entire universe incomprehensible that includes the Milky Way galaxy Andromeda everything all the Suns the Stars the planet there's more mass energy here of course we don't know how that becomes this at least science doesn't know when antis have a great idea about that but science has yet not figured out how the micro or quantum world becomes the macro or classical physical world they don't know pretty good closer but not there you know the if you've kept up with the literature Unified Field and quantum gravity so on we don't know as I said earlier Sir Arthur Eddington said very elegantly something unknown is doing we don't know what that's the best explanation we have of everything in reality there's no mechanical explanation that will show you why you feel the way you feel and why how you remember how you imagine as I said earlier is called the hard problem in science because it was hard because we don't even have a theory for it so let's go back to so this body is recycling but it's also energy and information and it's constantly in dynamic exchange with the ecosystem of the ecosystem is disease where disease where disease the ecosystem is disease and the supply is not only physically to us but at every level emotional mental and so on because what we call mind and matter are inseparable you know as I said earlier also there are three ways that scientists or philosophers look at the world one is dualism which is out because it violates the laws of conservation of energy so there's no such dualistic Descartes was wrong okay then the second view which is material monism that matter is everything but the problem with that is when you look at matter it becomes non material ultimately and then there's the third view which is monistic idealism that there's only consciousness and it experiences itself as the mind and the body and the physical world so what is the mind what is the mind and where is the mind this is very interesting if you start to think about it the best definition I can give you what mind is is as follows and this is comes after a lot of thought after asking a lot of people consulting with a lot of people the following definition you will find nobody will object to it because it is actually correct okay the the mind the mind is an embodied and relational process the mind is an embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy at information I repeat that the mind is an embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy and information okay so what is energy energy is that which has the capacity to move things is work that's how we define it in physics and what is information information is data and facts but actually physics has a better information theory has a better definition of it information is the resolution of uncertainty yes so when the quantum field which is uncertain becomes factual that's what we call information the mind once again is an embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy and information so where's my mind well it's entangled with yours because as soon as I say something and right now I'm the one who's speaking but we could be having a dialogue but just responding right so as I'm speaking and you're responding and I'm getting some feedback our minds are dancing and as a result of that mental representation in each of our consciousnesses all our consciousness right now our brains are also entangled because there's no mental event that does not have a neural correlate I repeat there's no mental event that does not have a neural correlate which doesn't mean we understand consciousness it just means that if I ask if you have a mental event let's say I ask you to ask a simple question of yourself Who am I what do I want what's my purpose if you reflect that activates your prefrontal cortex if you have an emotional experience like I love my I love my grandchild or I love my husband or wife or I feel compassion for so-and-so that has another correlate it's near limbic brain if you have fear it has the other correlate it's in your amygdala there is no mental event that does not have a neural correlate and there is no neural correlate that doesn't have a biological correlate why because the brain functions is an integrated whole there's an autonomic system there's a sympathetic nervous system the Bureau peptides I mentioned the chemicals neurotransmitters they are related to these activities so everything in your body that's happening is integrated your thoughts your feelings your emotions your social interactions your environment so-called your extended body your ecosystem it's all one process you know the problem with Cartesian duelist ik thinking is we created divisions that didn't exist so mind and body body and environment and now we're spending hundreds of years to see what the connection is when there was no division in the first place it's a single process your breathing your heart rate your autonomic system your which includes your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system different parts of your brain and your biology your immune system it's all a single process and furthermore it's entangled with other binds and other bodies because if I say something I say to you Satish you know the Board of Trustees just decided that they're broken this place is closed that would raise your blood pressure a little bit okay and your heart would speed up and your platelets would get sticky and all I have said is a sentence right okay so the sentence was in English but it had been in Swahili it wouldn't have made a difference okay so your consciousness processes meaning and by the way there's no computer that can process meaning okay that's the whole reason why the brain is not the source of your consciousness no physical system can either process meaning or imagine or remember or be inspired or have all the things that make us human or biological organisms so it's a single process and it's entangled entangled means that my thoughts and my feelings and my emotions influence yours and that we can see what the mechanism is by the way it's a neural mechanism is called limbic resonance so I influence my mind is right now being monitored by regulated by and regulating by your mind it's inseparable it's totally entangled there is no such thing as a separate mind you know Buddha was right so all humans are free comes from the socially induced hallucination of the separate mind which doesn't exist it doesn't exist okay there's no person inside you that I could call this is you okay there's no person there you're everything that you call yourself depends on the other okay that includes everything you can possibly think of including your biology our minds are entangled our bodies are entangled because the mind is not separate from the body okay so why every physiological process that is occurring in my body is dependent on you every emotional my emotional well-being is dependent on you you know in the yoga Vasishta the great sage Vashisht Isis dear ones we have all created each other in our fancy again and that happens to be a biological truth at this now we say how far does this extend how that far does it extend okay does it extend just to human species are all living species and when you say all living species where do we stop okay we know that dogs can respond to you they share your emotions we know that other life forms are entangled with us and what you are beginning to realize is even the ecosystem because the ecosystem is not a dead system it's an alive biological biosphere the biosphere and you are entangled and this entanglement is instantaneous which leads to an amazing thing you say okay entanglement is all across the ecosystem all across the biosphere but now science because of nonlocality says the entanglement extends outside the planet it's all over the universe we are part of a living cosmos at a ardèche our day in the Christian theologian he had vice-versa the geosphere the biosphere the Astro sphere the theists fear they're all entangled and so this entanglement is horizontal which means you and I are entangled in space but it's also vertical why because my mind is influenced by the mind of my parents who are no longer with me but I have memories of my childhood and their parents and then our culture Nina history it gets pretty complicated your mind exists because of all minds that have ever existed and will exist in the future the entanglement is horizontal it's vertical and now because we have Twitter and Facebook and the Internet the entanglement is increasing right because I just went outside and there's an elephant over there or simulated elephant I took a picture and I sent it on Twitter with my blackberry I said elephant break okay and half a million people are retweeting that right now knowing that there's a conference in Tagore right here a Dartington so we are entangled and that leads to very interesting first of all conceptually but now look at it from a point of view of well-being so one of my other other jobs if you will is that I'm also a senior scientist at Gallup Organization so I'm sure you've heard of Gallup you know they do polls surveys and so a few years ago we said let's start doing collecting data on well-being okay so we started with very simple things we started we first divided well-being into five categories career well-being social well-being physical and emotional well-being financial well-being and community well-being these are the five categories we started with so and it's very simple we take surveys there are 2,000 people designing these studies and Gallup has perfected the art of taking questions and you know they're the best people as far as designing studies to ask questions so first thing was Korea will be and we asked a very simple question do you love what you do every day do you love your job only 20% of the people in the world said yes 80% dislike what they do every day in the world and there are differences you know the differences between say Chad and Denmark and Sweden but average 20% only 20% people love their jobs the other statistic was that more people died in our civilization on Monday morning at 9 o'clock than any other time no other animal knows the difference between Monday and Tuesday this is an extraordinary accomplishment which only the human species can take credit we died on Monday mornings of our attacks at 9 o'clock and the biggest thickness is time sickness everybody is running out of time ok and they have speeded up biological clocks there were faster heart rates jittery platelets higher blood pressure dropping dead of heart attacks time has run out because they are saying to themselves I have no time to go have a relationship with eternity I have time I would love to read one or two of his poems on the timeless six periods so that's one statistic the other statistic was these are very practical things if you are working in an environment where you're where your supervisor or manager or whatever ignores you your rate of disengagement goes up by 45% and within three or four months you start to get sick because nothing that happens in the mind doesn't have a biological correlate 45% it goes up if your manager or supervisor doesn't ignore you but criticizes you you get better your rate of disengagement goes down to 20% because you would rather be criticized then ignored see when you are ignored you don't exist when you're criticized at least now I'm acknowledging that exist so you get better 20% down if on the other hand your supervisor or manager not only notices you but acknowledges a single strength that you have your rate of disengagement goes down by less than 1% and your physical health improves this is data that is proved now we've done it many times so obviously you know why don't we correct this situation in the US alone the estimate in Gallup the disengage in actively disengaged workers actively disengaged of people who are unhappy but they come to work with the express intention of making other people unhappy between the active and disengaged and disengaged the annual cost in the US alone I don't know the figures from elsewhere is 380 billion dollars okay now all means you know Gallup says you find the right environment to work in and use your strengths and be in your Dharma as we would say and you're all set can we not create those environments and that's another part of our Gallup work that we evaluate people's strengths so you can I can sit down with you for two hours and you can do it on the computer if you want you can go to strength finders on Gallup and you will find out the five things that you're really passionate about then spend your life doing that and create an environment where everybody notices the great strength of each other and actually helps each other and everything improves health improves productivity improves well-being in general improves and there's a lot more to say about this but let me move to the second thing which is social well-being social value if you have a happy friend your happiness will go up by fifteen percent but if your happy friend has a happy friend that you don't know it goes up another ten percent and if your happy friend has a happy friend who has a happy friend that you don't know it keeps going up so and you know it keeps going on third degree of separation fourth degree fifth degree six degree so the first question we asked ourselves when we saw this how does the happiness of people that you don't know affect your happiness if you don't know these people okay so you see somebody in Brighton they're walking on the street their happiness affects your happiness and if it affects your happiness it affects your well-being because your mind is entangled with your body right so how does that happen and there are many ways to explain that one the best explanation which is both pedantic and comes from physics Schrodinger said consciousness is singular that has no plural okay that's the best explanation because of the deepest level consciousness is unified there is no separation what we call pure consciousness Samadhi or whatever so just like electricity is powering my blackberry and this microphone and my computer and my radio and my television set so to consciousness is downloading in everyone from the same source okay so it's a singular that has no plural and something is affected and I was saying nonlocality if you tickle the universe hear it laughs there if you have asked a question here it answers there because consciousness non-locally is correlated everywhere that's the deeper questions there's mathematics to prove that but on a very simplistic level if you are not having a conversation then of course my mind is affected by all the things that are happening in my life you know if I'm concerned about my children about my job so actually when you and I have a conversation it's not just you and me it's all the people in my life and all the people in your life we are entangled and then they have people in their life so okay so we go deeper we see entanglement exists everywhere so the happiness of your perceived end is good for your well-being okay there's no getting out of it okay it's good for your well-being we go to the other areas and we have only five minutes left so I just want to tell you this this is what happens okay if you go from social well-being to physical well-being which requires very good few things like good sleep exercise adequate breathing and food that doesn't come in a can or has a label you're all set that's physical well-being and then there's financial well-being don't spend money that you haven't done to buy things that you haven't that you don't need to impress people that you don't like mister is the cause of the economic crisis and then there's community well-being what in India we say save our satsang some Simran so you combine all this this is well-being okay and it's totally in your control then there's spiritual well-being which addresses bigger questions Who am I what's the meaning of death does God exist etc etc here are the five breakthroughs if you understand the five breakthroughs in science you will understand how to heal the first is the first breakthrough conceptual your body is not a structure it's a process it's a process in consciousness second break through your jeans are not deterministic see that's another big huge when President Clinton in the year 2001 they said we've deciphered the human genome we found the alphabet in which God created life not true you have only 23,000 genes and most of them you share with everybody else like 65% of your genes are the same as a banana 80 percent of your genes are the same as a mouse 98 percent there's unity of life and that includes our genes and our genes are not deterministic you turn them on and off by the way you feel the way you think the way you relate your relationships your environment your food your sleep your exercise and I just met with Elizabeth Blackburn who won the Nobel Prize in 2001 2009 sorry for telomerase an enzyme that influences your lifespan your biological clock people who meditate we passed another you know mantra meditation that telomerase goes up by 30% within four months so your genes are responding to your mental activity okay so that's the second breakthrough your jeans are not deterministic third breakthrough your brain is not a structure the whole field of neuroplasticity you can change your brain structure so if you do you know if you do the Buddhist Vipassana meditation or you cultivate attitudes like compassion like loving-kindness what the Buddhist called the four divine qualities loving kindness compassion joy and equanimity your whole brain starts to change your limbic brain changes your cortical brain changes when you reflect it changes when you override your automatic responses it changes bottom line you don't have a fixed brain that's the third breakthrough fourth breakthroughs you can change your body because you can change your brain and you can change your genes that now there's all this research which is coming out on the biomarkers of aging and there are 15 of them all of them are reversible by at least 10-15 years so you know we're going to see a new expression none of this is technology this whole internal work right so your brain is not fixed your genes are not fixed your body is not fixed it's all a process X breakthrough you can change your relationship to time okay find the timeless within you and that is actually the real breakthrough because time is is how we measure our experiences when you're having a good time but you say time flew right or when you're bored what do you say time dragged when you have 10 deadlines then of course you say I'm running out of time so these are the major breakthroughs but they lead us to a deeper realm of our own soul which is non-local when we are connected with that part of ourselves then of course we experience the time let's try this are you listening to me right now and I'm going to finish the dish as you're listening to me just turn your attention as you're listening to me right now just turn your attention to who's listening so as you're listening to me be aware of the listener that's your soul it's not your mind which might be saying I wish I'd gone to the bathroom for the lecture and then that's a conversation but that part of you is timeless okay and we metabolize the experience of time into what we call a biological clock so I'll end with them and there's more to say but make sense you know the soul is the place of love of compassion of joy of equanimity of grace of synchronicity of everything that makes us alive in human time is endless in your hands my lord there is none to count your minutes days and nights pass and ages bloom and fade like flowers you know how to wait your centuries follow each other perfecting a small wildflower but we we have no time to lose and having no time we must scramble for our chances we are too poor to be late and so it is the time goes by while I give it to every querulous man who claims it and your altar my lord is empty of all offerings to the last at the end of the day I hasten in fear that your gate will be shut but I find that there is yet time thank you thank you I said this morning my mother used to say when God made time he made plenty of it but my wonderful producer Victoria says no time we have next so we have to compromise between my mother and my producer but debug in this eternal hour you have done wonder and every word you have spoken has reached to deepest corner of my soul and mind so thank you for that wonderful one hour of presentation and that one hour really flu-like minutes or seconds it really flew so thank you very much such engaging and enlightening presentation thank you I would have few minutes of questions and I would like in the previous session someone who did not ask question to start with that person so anybody who did not ask free lady there in that corner in purple purple jacket she'll quit disentangle ourselves from mr. poopy who say again sure tangle ourselves from miserable people from disentangle ourselves absolutely not because the more you experience the suffering of another person the more you have the desire even the mental desire to alleviate it you get better your health improves the suffering of other people is what gives birth compassion is what gets gives birth to love and love is what ultimately causes healing so without compassion there is no love and love has to also be think in action love without action is meaningless and action without love is irrelevant so it's all connected Emily no yeah I can you take reflective deep expansive you know the rest of this class do you think do you think social transformation is possible in the absence of personal transformation so right there you know it since we're talking about Mahatma Gandhi said can you be the change you want to see in the world because otherwise we just become angry peace activists or angry environment activists you know and that adds if consciousness is a field every bit of anger of self righteous outrage adds to the anger of the world so outraged by the word word means rage right so find your own sobriety find your own peace and then peace can be created by those who are peaceful love can be created by those who loved so there is urgency but the urgency is take care of yourself errs on the back there and then und thank you we have a aging population can you tell us a little bit about can you keep a bit close I have aging population can you tell us a little bit about dementia and what we can do to dementia dementia yes you know I actually I'm working with the friend of mine Rudi tansy who runs the dementia unit at Harvard Medical School and what he's saying and he's discovered three of the jeans for genes that presumably responsible for Alzheimer's but actually what he's saying is that everything from sensory stimulation to personal relationships to being with other people will actually thwart this will change the behavior of the genes the same thing I was saying earlier the fact is we are going to see more and more people getting into you know the 80s and 90s they say today eight today's 80s yesterday 60 and today 60s yesterday's 40 because as we begin to understand the mechanics of aging and influence it through the way we live we can combine the wisdom of experience with a different kind of biology and all the demographic research shows that in those cultures where the aging are respected where they are venerated where they are made to feel useful where they become the visionaries for society aging has a completely different biological response Thank You Wendy it's okay it's okay just use speak um with this question of entanglement depart can you explain to me why my bank account doesn't get entangled with others rather more what reason your bank account doesn't get entangled with others is that a lot of people do not understand that being extremely rich is also poverty consciousness and there are two pi kinds of people who think about money the extremely poor and the extremely rich and I can show you all the studies that show that your bank account will never make you happy you know in fact if you win the lottery you'll be very excited for a few weeks then you start to Plateau within one year you'll actually be more miserable than you were before you won the lottery this is best data to show that because now all you do is think about money I know so don't even think that the bank account is crucial to your well-being thank you last question here I'm afraid this will be the last question hi there defect I'm making a documentary about people's ability to heal themselves from incurable terminal illnesses because I've seen this and I want to empower people to that possibility and somewhere there's a balance between that getting that across and also remembering that we're mortal we're going to be leaving this planet at some point maybe we've got karma and just like to know your thoughts about that first of all healing is real so what does happen when people heal what's really happening they are returning to homeostasis you know what homelessness is right self regulation our baseline state all the things that keep us in balance blood sugar body temperature regulation hormone levels so anytime somebody has a healing they're returning to homeostasis and if you look at the word healing or the word health or the word holy it's the same word healing is the return of the memory of wholeness now in my experience even with patients who heal you know these remissions that you talk about and there are plenty of them by the way you know and you shouldn't discount a remission because it's rare if it happens it has a mechanism and the scientists it moves us to find out what the mechanism is no matter how rare it is and in the few cases that I have really focused on where somebody had a terminal illness and they recovered and there's a registry for this if you go to noetic dot org you'll find noetic Sciences dot org you'll find all the registry for thousands of remission from terminal cancer brain tumors etc there's some very mysterious shift in consciousness where the person's identity becomes transpersonal and the most significant thing that happens to them is they lose the fear of death like Tabora and when you lose the fear of death then there's nothing else to fear because the ultimate fear isn't it is the fear of the unknown is the fear of leaving aside that which you're attached to and there's a whole different biology that goes with that cortisol levels adrenaline platelet stickiness immune response all is related to this absolutely state of profound equanimity you know so that's the response it's it's equanimity it's what Buddha called forget the Sanskrit word suck do kisame crypt wa la ba la vie jo-jo bhagwad gita yeah this is good community and booth has four qualities how caught you yeah char loving kindness joy mudita compassion and equanimity that's the mechanism of his it has its own biology thank you okay thank you thank you and deeper my commercial defects article about to go and death and healing in the Tagore special if you please buy a copy and if you are not a subscriber subscribe so i subscriber give a gift subscription if you are rich become a life subscriber you are super rich and bank account is too heavy become a patron give donation support resurgence so we can have such events again and again thank you thank you
Channel: Dartington Trust
Views: 1,326,968
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Keywords: 11, 05, 06, Chopra2, web
Id: _gJN7I0a9XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2011
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