Deep Fried FLAMIN' HOT Burger Challenge!

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Thanks Hello Fresh for sponsoring this video. For today's cook I'm going to be making some  incredible burgers. I'll be smoking the patties,   then putting a nice incredible crust made out  of Takis then I'll deep fry the whole thing.   And of course top it up with some buns. Now is this  going to be good or a terrible idea? I know it's   going to be spicy, but I'm curious to find out how  it's going to taste. This is the flaming hot Takis   burger experiment. So let's do it! In order to make  burgers the first thing you need is ground beef. I   like to grind it myself. I have a ratio of 80%  beef and 20% fat. This allows me to have medium   rare burgers, but if you buy your ground beef from  the supermarket it's safer to cook it all the way   through. And if you're wondering about my burger  mix it's 75% brisket and 25% short rib, to me that   is the best combination for burgers. As you can see  once I was done I was left with some nice thick   burgers. That's what I'm talking about! For the  seasoning I did the same thing as I do with regular   steaks, a little bit of salt followed by freshly  ground black pepper and garlic powder. That is good   enough because the next step is the most important  one of them all. And that is to smoke all of them.   I threw it in my smoker and let it smoke.  The temperature was 175 degrees fahrenheit.   I let them chill in there and get a nice smoky  flavor for one hour. Once I was done take a look.   This is what they look like. As you can see there's  not that much of a crust and a lot of the juices   and render fats still on the top, and unfortunately  I must get rid of that. We want them nice and dry   so that we can put our takis crust. Talking about  that this is the second star of the show right   here, Takis Fuego. And if you take a look at the  ingredients, oh yes monosodium glutamate. Now if you   never had takis let me tell you they are spicy, but  they also have a great hint of lime so using this   as a crust on a burger should be incredible. Just  grab a rolling pin or anything else you have and   pound it out because once you are done you should  be left with this. I like to call it takis bread   crumbs. Oh yes! I highly recommend not crushing them  too much. You want some texture on the burger, if   not it's just gonna be way too soft, so I left  them nice and coarse. Then I gotta prepare the   egg wash with four eggs and a little bit of milk.  Mix it all up and it's ready. Now the next step is   extremely easy. First the burgers go into the egg  wash, followed by the Takis breadcrumb and take a   look at this. Come on now! I cannot wait to find  out how it's gonna taste. So I went ahead and   repeat the process to every single one of them.  Once I was done this is what they look like.   Now that is looking fantastic, but at the same time  it needs a little bit of crunchiness, and for that   I'll be deep frying every single one of them. But  of course we also need a sauce and mine is super   simple, I mixed a little bit of ketchup, followed  by mayo, yellow mustard, brazilian hot sauce and   finish it off with worcestershire sauce. Mix it all  together because my sauce was done. Now that should   be really tasty with the burgers. For the cheese  i'm going to be using the good old American cheese.   I know a lot of you are going to say American  cheese is not cheese. But I'll tell you one thing   it is perfect for burgers. For the buns I'm going  to be using brioche and if you need the recipe   make sure you check it out in the description.  Because now we have all of our ingredients   ready. The only thing left to do is to deep fry the  burgers in wagyu fat and assemble the whole thing   together. So now I say it is enough talking and it  is time to make some insane burgers. So let's do it!   Before moving forward I want to thank  the sponsor of today's video Hello Fresh.   With Hello Fresh you get amazing recipes and  fresh pre-measured ingredients delivered right   to you. Now that the kids are back in school, and  you know I have three of them, Hello Fresh makes   the routine much easier. They have a huge variety  of quick meal options and their 20 minute dinners   or oven ready pizza that my kids love. Hello Fresh  recipes are so delicious they have more five-star   recipes than any other meal kit. No need to waste  time in the supermarket, you get your box right   at your door with proportionate ingredients which  by the way means that there's less prep and less   wasted food. Then you follow their step-by-step  recipe in just 30 minutes or even 20 minutes if   you go with their quick and easy options you will  be ready in no time to enjoy your delicious meal.   It's a no-brainer you save time and money plus you  get to eat amazing delicious meals every time. Go   to and use my code GugaFoods14  to get 14 free meals including free shipping.   Again that's and use my code FufaFoods14 to get 14 free meals including free   shipping. Thank you Hello Fresh for sponsoring  this video but now let's get right back to it.   All right everybody here we got our beautiful  single burger today Angel. No experiment huh.   -That's okay with me man that just means that if it  if it's bad there's nothing else to eat. -I know right. -So   you gotta put your soul into it. -That's a that's a  good way of seeing it but i'll tell you one thing   everybody I cooked eight burgers and there's  only two left. He just died here right now. I   didn't try it yet, my family members tried it, I  see some crazy faces and I'm excited. You ready?   -What kind of crazy faces? -Good in a good way  yeah yeah yes. Check it out Angel this burger   is a little bit different obviously. I split it for  you so that we can show how juicy it is. You know   a lot of people don't like it when I show them  when it's juicy. -Oh there's like some red stuff   going on here. -What are you, what are you seeing the  red stuff what are you what are you dissecting it   for? Huh? What is that, what is that Angel? We want  to know. -It's good. -What is it? -Is that dorito?   -It's something close to. -I don't know it it has like a little  bit of a like. -Is it good, bad or ugly? -It could be  spicy I don't know. -Good, bad or ugly? -It was good.  -It was good? I think it might do good with the   burger. -All right we're gonna find out right now.  I'll tell you one thing it is weird, I know you   guys saw it already everybody. It is weird to  look at it and the top is red you see that. -Yeah   -That is weird. -It looks like a like an experiment.   -Exactly. Okay enough talking let's try this  out and let you know how good it is. Cheers! -Cheers guys! -I like it! -It's an interesting burger man. It's  like I never had a burger that is so crunchy.   You know what I mean? Look you had a hard  time swallowing because is crunchy. -Yeah. -Here's the thing   the bun is super soft, the middle is nicely  cooked and obviously you guys know exactly   what I did. Very juicy burger! -What do you think  Angel? -You smoked it. -Yeah ah that's my boy.   -And on top of that. -Yeah and then what did I  do? -It's crunchy. That was your funny face bro.   -So what you're trying to tell me here is  that you put in the smoker. -Yes sir. -And   then you fried it. -Exactly, with Takis it's not  doritos. -I was close. -You are very close. -Wow close!  Okay. -Very, very close. -It's like almost like flaming  hot cheeto stuff going on here. -That's exactly what   it is absolutely. --That's the second guess I would  have had I would have got it on the third guess.   -I'll tell you one thing, this is a good experiment  you can do with many other things if you do not   like flaming hot Takis, doritos or whatever it  might be. You can also do it with potato chips.   Imagine with potato chips. A lot of people eat  potato chips and burger together you know what   I'm saying. -I need to let them know because we  didn't say it, you told me it's made with Takis.   -Yes. -It's not spicy. -No, not at all. -It's not  spicy. -No what happens was when you deep fry   it the spiciness goes away. But the flavor of the  takis together with a little bit of hint of lime   stays there. -And the crunch. -Extreme crunch very nice  highly recommend. I would say that if you're going to do this for your entire family do it with  different flavors. I've already done a. -Yeah put some cereal in the mix. -Yeah some cereal no. -Some corn flakes-Oh no man no sweet and sour not good. Anyway guys these are   the results, I hope you enjoyed this video.  If you do enjoy it make sure you give it a   thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber be sure to  subscribe for future videos. Remember if you are   interested in anything I use everything  is always in the description down below.   Thank you so much for watching and we'll see  you guys on the next one. Take care everybody bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 769,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: burger, challenge, spicy, hamburger, cheeseburger, hot, hot challenge, spicy burger, recipe, burger recipe
Id: PImfiUofhYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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